Terra Cotta Engineer is Out
on Bail.
Special to the KVKJflXO NJiTVS
Tottenville, March 6.—In the
court of special session at St. George
yesterday with Justice Russell pre
siding Frederick Barker, forty-five
years, a former chief engineer of the
Tottenville plant of the Atlantic
Terra Cotta, pleaded guilty to a
Charge of larceny. Barker was ar
rested laRt Wednesday by Detective
Lewis of the Richmond Detective
Bureau on a warrant, following an
Investigation hj Superintendent
Cecil Fidler ot the plant.
fie was charged with selling brass
and copper belonging to the plant to
John Pike, a Junk dealer of Chest
nut street, Tottenville. Judge Rus
sell with his associates on the bench
postponed sentence on Barker for
one week and released his in $500
bail, to give the probation officer
time to investigate liis previous
i character. The terra cotta officials
^ were willing to let up on Barker,
as they believe he has suffered en
ough. Ball was furnished by a
friend of Barker's from Manhattan
and he was released.
to (he KVF.KING XJ5W8.
\ Tottenville. March 6.—Stephen
Clark, gardener at the country home
of Ernest Flagg, at Dongan Hills,
who ran amuck at the Smith infirm
ary on January 20, slashing a doctor
and an orderly with a razor, was ex
amined by a commission In lunacy
last Friday. The commission were
l)r. William C. Waiser, John Croak
and Annlng S. Prall.
The witnesses examined were Geo.
Johnson, hospital pharmacist; Jamee
Donovan, an orderly and one of
Clark's victims;- Dr. I). C. Ervine, in
terne at the hospital, Miss Ida M.
Goodrich, a nurse; Miss Agnes
Greenshields, nurie; Dr. Devlin ot
Ne Dorp, and Dr. William H. Prltch
ard, the alienist.
All, with the exception of Doctors
Devlin and Pritchard, were of the
opinion that Clark, at the time ol
liis act, was suffering more from bad
temper than anything else. One ol
the nurses said he was drunk at the
time of the slashing.
Clark was allowed to take the
stand and ho stated he could not
remember what occurred. He did
not remember having been taken to
the hospital as a pneumonia patient,
lie said. If he was drunk he ex
plained. it was the first time in twe
| years. "-The first he knew he liari
been a patient at the Infirmary he
concluded, was when he received lilt
bill. This caused a big laugh.
After Doctors Pritchard and Dev
lin had testified that they believed
the man was Insane at the time ol
liis rampage, the commissioners ad
journed to consider the case. Short
ly after they announced that they
found Clark "Insane at the time ot
his act."
It is understood no further pro
ceeding will be had against him ae
he is considered perfectly rational
Special to the EVF.VINO ArKIVS.
Pleasant Plains, March 6:—St
Mark's Methodist church, Pleasani
Plains, was well tilled Tuesday night
at the musical given under the direc
tion of the choir of the church. The
choir of twenty-fivi» voices, uudei
George D. Heck, musical director,
presented the cantata, "The Daugh
. ter of Jarius," in a most pleasing
r" manner. The soloists were Miss
421sie Kaufman, of Richmond Valley;
Walter E. Sharrot, of TottenviUe,
and Albert Slack, of Woodrow. The
affair was a great success, ^here
was 110 admission charged, but a sil
ver offering was taken, which added
a neat sum to the treasury of the
Amicitia I'liins Euchre.
fipeofoJ to thr BWfSKtWQ SEWS.
Tottenville, March 6.-—A euchre
under the auspices of the Amicitia
Association will be held tomorrow
night in Amicitia hall. Pleasant
Plains. Many valuable prizes have
been secured by the committee to be
awarded iu the games. The games
will start at 8:15 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Helmes have
returned to Jers«y City after a visit
here with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Herring
ton, of Newark, were visitors in
Prince Bay yesterday.
f Air. and Mrs. Bert Taylor, of Perth
Amboy, and Miss Mary List, of Tot
tenville, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred List, of Gilbert place, this
f Mrs. William Ostermeyer is recov
<?. ering from a recent Illness.
John Eustice has gone to his home
In Brooklyn after a visit with Her
man Oechsli, of Woodrow.
Mr. and Mre. Charles Wagener
have returned to Manhattan after
several days with their daughter,
Mrs. H. Peters, of Great Kills.
Edward Anderson is again confin
ed to his home in Rossville. 111.
Miss Rose Williams, of the Bronx,
visited friends in Little Farms this
Molly Stark Council, Daughters
of America, met last night in Ami
citia hall.
Alfred Holmes Lewis will lecture
on "The Coast of Maine," in public
school No. 3 tonleht in the first of
the series on United States last. It
will be Illustrated by stereopticon
I Successor to
Williams A Pflfr«wi
\ Contractors. Street Oradlne. Concrut
or Ft»« Walks. Curbs. Gutter*. Etc.
"*«l. 1023 W-Totl. Tottenville, S. Y.
Ferth Ajubov Kesereucn
*;.»! ;iol to I he El1 Kir I It a NZW&.
Tottenvllle, March 6—Miss l.oulso
Allen, daughter o£ >Ir. and Mrs.
lyouis Allen, of Riverside avenue,
Kreischerville, In appearing In Harry
La Dell's Cabaret Luncl» Oirl« 111
Proctor's theatre. Perth Amboy the |
later part of this week Minn Allen, |
who is well known in Krelscherville j
and Tottenville is'iuaking quite a hit j
on the stage. She Is a clever dancer
and singer. Hor many friends In j
this seciton will be pleased to hear
that, she is appearing so close to i
home this week, so that thej can 1
have the opportunity to see her on i
the stage. Miss Allen has appearen I
in a number of sketches throughout |
the country during the past few j
years that she lias been an actress
and has made good.
Spceiol to HTKN1KG ,VSTVS.
Tottenvllle, March 6:—Ten of the
oldest members of Huguenot Chap-'
ter No. 88, Order of Eastern Star, |
who were able to be out, received the j
floral degree of the order at the com
munication of the chapter that was |
held last night in the Masonic tem-1
pie, Tottenvllle. Worthy Matron i
Mrs. Elsa Evans, assisted by the j
officers of the chapter, conferred the ;
degree In such a manner as to win
praise from the many members and ■
visitors present. Mrs. A. F. Decker. I
conductress, was highly compliment-:
ed for her part. There were visitors'
from Rarltan Chapter, of Perth Am
boy; Rebecca Chapter, of Stapletou;
Beacon Light Chapter, of Port Rich
mond, and Croton Chapter, of New
burgh Among some of the visitors
were Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Shake,
past patron and past matron of Re
becca Chapter; Mrs. Palmer, of Bea
con Light, and Mr. and Mrs. Haiglit,
of Newburgh.
After the initiation refreshments
were served In the banquet hall un
der the direction of the entertain
ment committee, of which Mrs. Pad
dock is chairman. Ad'lresses were
made at the meeting and one candi
date was elected.
Those who received the floral de
gree were Mrs. Katherlne Hoehn,
Mrs. Adelaide Bedell, Mrs. Elsie
Traub, Mrs. Susie Hall, Mrs. Oeorgle
Belle Latourette, Mrs. Frances Price,
Mrs. Annie DuBoIs, Mrs. Esther La
Forge, Mrs. Florence Rngelbiecht
and Mrs. Katherlne Van Horn.
Special to the EVE NINO NEWS.
Tottenville, March G.—Frank
Stuart Hodge, who was commodore
of the Bentley Yacht Club In 1911
was againt chosen to that office, at
the annual meeting of the yacht
club, at Its club house last night In
Front street, Tottenyllle. Mr.
Hodge, succeeds John Preacher, who
has been the commodore for the past
year. The other officers ehosen are
as follows: vice commodore, William
E. Jollne; rear commodore, Bernard
Chrlwtensen: treasurer, Edward Mc
Tlghe; financial secretary, J. W. Rus
sell; recording secretary, B. N. Oke
son; trustees William Rankin. Ab
ram E. Johnson, James Hodge, John
Preacher and Charles Sterling; har
bor master, Charles Sterling; official
treasurer, Pereival Okeson and
chairman of house committee, B. N.
Okeson. The club talked over plans
for many events this coming season,
such as races and other forms of
amusements. It was also decided to
have a railway to haul the boats out
on during the summer to make re
pairs. Some improvements are con
templated to the club house and
grounds and members are looking
forward to a big season. An effort
will be made to secure more new
members to join the club.
Pleasant Plains, March 6:—The
entertainment in the A. M. E. 55ion
church, under the auspices of the
Pleasant Plains Debating Club Tues
day night, was largely attended. A ;
feature of the entertainment was
Einil Closa, of New York, In unique
and original songs, stories, costumed
monologues pnd character Imperson-'
ations. A debate on woman's suff
rage w as held. After the entertain- i
ment refreshments were sold. AI
good sum was realized.
Birthday Party Is Held.
Sprrtnl •: the UVRV1NO NEWS.
Tottenville, March 6.-—A birthday
party as given Ida Mathlsen at her
home in Centre street, Tottenville, j
yesterday afternoon. Games were
played and refreshments served. !
Those present were Gilbert Mathlsen
Ethelen Parsons, Evelyn Vales, j
Ethel Paugh, Myrtle Van Pelt, Eve- i
lyn Van Pelt, and Roselind Fries of
Tottenville, Marlon Nelson and Otoel
Nelson of Perth Amboy, Mrs. Van
Pelt and Mrs. Fries of Tottenville,
and Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Hansen, Mrs.
Mathlsen and C. F. Mathlsen, Jr., of
Perth Amboy.
Harry Bedell is confined to his
home in Amboy avenue ill.
Mrs. J. F. Bedell will entertain
the Whist Club tomorrow night.
United Council, Jr. O. U. A. M.,
meets tonight.
A delegation of members of Hu
guenot Lodge No. 381, F. & A. M.t
were at the reception given District
Deputy Grand Master Joseph Slmon
Fon*by Tompkins Lodge No. 471, at
Masonic temple, Stapleton, last night
on his official visit to the lodge.
The food sale of St. Stephen's
Parish Guild will be held at K. of P.
hall on Friday, March 14, from 2 to
5 o'clock in the afternoon.
Many attended the funeral of John
Pike, In Bethel M. E. church, yester
day afternoon. Rev. Arthur Lucas
officiated and Interment was In
Bethel cemetery.
A business meeting of the W. C. T..
U. was held at the home of Mrs. Kate
Manee, Bentley street, yesterday aX-1
Special lu3ic it All Services
Next Sunday.
' to the EVENING trews.
South Amboy, March 6: — Sunday
will be another great day at the
First Baptist church. Pastor Neal
hag secured the well-known soprano
soloist of Philadelphia, Mrs. Cor
rlnne Wiest-Authony, and Miss Car
rie Rruere, of Collinswood, an eigh
teen year old girl cornetist of ex
ceptional ability and charm.
Auditorium goers at Ocean
Grove last season will remember
these two artists as they were one
of the most successful musical at
tractions during the summer. Mrs.
Anthony has been acclaimed by
leading musicians of New York,
Philadelphia and Boston as a so
prano solist of the highest ability.
Both Mrs. Anthony and Miss
Braere will be at the 10:30 morn
Ing service, 2:30 p. m. Sunday
school and at the 7:30 p. m. evening
service. Factor Neal will preach at
bolh services and will administer
the rite of baptism in the morning.
A class in the Methodist Protes
tant Sunday school will have a clam
chowder and home-made ginger cake
sale In the basement of the church
Friday. This sale will take place be
fore 12 o'clock noon.
The telephone company has men
at work arranging the telephone line
on Broadway so as to enable them to
dispense with a number of poles.
When this matter is adjusted it will
improve the appearance of the street.
Mrs. Louis Dill, Mrs. .John Rue,
Mrs. Augustus Hamilton, Mrs. How
ard Rloodgood and Mrs. Charles
Sprague, Sr.. of Second street, were
out-of-town visitors yesterday after
Miss Hunter, of Perth Amboy, was
a guest of Miss Gladys Emmons, of
First street. Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Cliver, of First
street, are spending a few days at
Atlantic City and will attend the M.
E. conference.
Mrs. Maggie Rehfuss, of Broad
way, visited out of town yesterday
Mrs. Jane Wooten, of Gordon
street, was a Perth Amboy visitor
yesterday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. William Leming, ol
Pine. Beach, were South Amboy visi
tors yesterday.
Miss Eleanor Mason, of First
street, spent yesterday afternoon out
of town.
Mrs. H. C. Perrlne, of Swan Hill,
visited out of towh yesterday after
Edward Beats, of Broadway, whe
has been sojourning for some timt
in Florida, returned home yesterday.
Mrs. George Applegate was a Perth
Amboy visitor yesterday afternoon.
R. P. Mason, Sr., of First street,
had a severe attack of sore throat
on Tuesday and Wednesday, but at
the present time is much better.
Mrs. George Taylor, of Scarsdale,
N. Y., is visiting among friends In
South Amboy.
Mr, and Mrs. .Tames T. Chasey, ol
Second street, were Perth Amboy
visitors yesterday afternoon.
Miss Nellie Sexton of Woodhridgn
avenue, spent Tuesday in Perth Am
Mrs. Russell Miles of Chromo ave
nue, entertained lier mother from
out of town Tuesday.
Mrs. George Brocher and children
of Emerson street, left yesterday,
to take up residence in their new
home In Grand City S. I.
Mrs. Joseph Childs, of Chrome
avenue, Is entertaining her sister.
Miss Rose ShieldB of Philadelphia.
Charles Curtes of New York, was
a local visitor Wednesday.
R. H. Golden of Rockaway, is
spending a few days in town.
Mrs. Frank Scully of Rahway ave
nue, spent Wednesday in New York.
Mrs. J. Storm of Longfellow street
is entertaining a friends from out of
Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay of Perth
Amboy are visiting Mrs, Ramsay's
sister, Mrs. Charles Sears.
Miss Hazel Winchell of Rahway
avenue spent Wednesday in Perth
Mrs. John Adams of Rahway ave
nue, spent Wednesday in Newark.
Steve Van Ness of Rahway ave
nue, spent Wednesday in New York.
S. Hoffman of Rahway avenue, speut
Wednesday in .Newark.
Mrs Dayton Hopper of Bryant
street, spent Wednesday in Newark.
E. Wiess of Woodbridge avenue,
spent Wednesday in New York.
Mrs. J. Calderhead of Atlantic
street, entertained friends from out
of town visitor Wednesday.
Samuel Brown of Rahway avenue,
spent Wednesday in Perth Amboy.
T. Regan, the piano dealer, has
opened a salesroom in the Oonover
building on Front street, four doors
from the Eurf Theatre. Ten new pianos
added to stock this week. Big assort
ment of high quality pianos in stock.
Prices right. 15763-3-6-;4t
C& Fountains & Elsewhere
Ask for
The Original and Genuine
Tho Food-drink for All Ages.
At restaurants, hotels, and foimtains.
Delicious, invigorating and sustaining.
Keep it on your sideboard at home.
Don't travel without it.
A quick lunch prepared in a minute.
Take no imitation. Just say "HORliCKV
Not In Any Milk TrusC
Special tu the EYES ISO SltWt.
Woodbrldge March 6.—Dr. \V. O.
Ward, medical advisor of the Natu
ral Benefit Insurance Company, of
Newark, will lecture before the
Men's Club of the Congregational
church Monday evening. March 10,
at 8 p. ill. Dr. Ward's address will
be based on personal observation ot
this the greatest of the modern
SoHth Amboy P»opl# Com
plain About Expense.
Spectot to the aVBNISO NBWS.
South Amboy, March 6.—Some of
the tax paying citizens of the city
| are sending forth a howl ou account
| of keeping a watchman at tho hole
i In-tlie-wall. They claim a watch
| man there Is unnecessary at the
present time and further, if one Is
needed there at any time It is when
there is no man there; that in the
early evening there Is no one there,
while in daylight any one can i<ce for
themselves, and the claim the city
has no right to pay for a man being
stationed at this place.
Mr. Russell Scobey, of Long Is
land City, is visiting hi? grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Scobey, ol
South Old Bridge.
Mrs. Charles Lott, of Spotswood
was the guest of Mrs. John H Rue
of Maple street Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Held enter
tained relatives from Trenton al
their residence in Brunswick ave
nue over the week end,
Mr. Walter Yates, of Maple street
was pleasantly entertained Sundaj
by friends in Perth Amboy.
Benjamin Roller, Jr., of South
Old Bridge, is the latest purchase)
of a 191 ft twin cylinder ludian nio
Miss Lottie Cheeseman. of C'liurcl
street, was the guest of friends It
Perth Amboy Tuesday.
Mrs. Abram Dunham, ot Soutt
Old Bridge, spent Tuesday with hei
daughter, Mrs. Bertram Selover, o
South Amboy.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Squire, of thf
Riverside hotel and daughters Mlsf
Edna, Mrs. Leland De Loach and
Mrs. Harry Lowndes, attended th<
funeral of the late Charles Morse, ol
Prospect Plains Tuesday afternoon
Mrs. Jacob Dinkle, of East Spot*
wood, spent Tuesday with her par
cnts, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Roller
Sr., of South Old Bridge.
Mrs. R. H. Benson and son, Mastei
Alvin, of South Old Bridge, were oul
of town visitors Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Holmes Bennett, of Key
port, is enjoying a brief visit with
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Bennett, of the
Old Bridge hotel.
The manufacturers sale under th£
auspices of the W. W. C. starts to
night In borough hall and continues
nightly the rest of the week. A va
riety of fancy goods will be for sale
each evening.
Mrs. William Hallenhock Is con
fined ot her home through Illness.
Word lias been received here of
the death of Frank Riddle in Texa9,
Mr. Kiddle was well known here as
he has visited his brothers William
and Walter,
Victor C. Burkshot, thirty-two
years of age a well nown barber in
Sayreville died at his home Monday,
The funeral took place this after
John Danger of MerchantsvUle, a
former resident of this place, was In
town yesterday.
Miss Klla Herreld of Highland
Park, was the guest of her sister-in
law, Mrs. James Knot, Wednesday.
Supervising principal of the Say
reville schools, Jesse Selover, of
South River is out a-ain afte" being
confined to his home with an injured
The members of the "Sociability
Club" as entertained at the home of
Mrs. Drumne on Idlewild avenue.
Paul L. Fernster, principal of
i school No. 2, is confined to his home
| In South Amboy with pneumonia.
| Miss DeWald an assistant teachcr is
' doing his work and Miss Viola Price
of South River is substituting for
I Miss DeWald.
Miss Bva'yn and Miss *„da Hahu
have recovered from scarletina.
Mrs. T. B. Wright and mother
of Parlln were Sayreville visitors
Mrs. Fullurn and son, Walter of
Parlin are visiting Mr. Fulluoi's
; mother in Massachusetts.
Mrs. Albert Martin spent Wednes
day in Rahway.
I Mr. and Mrs. Clarenco Weygandt
' and son of Newark are visiting the
wormer'a parents In Barron avenue.
Joseph Barron of New York, who
has been spending several days In
town returned to New York Tues
Mrs. Ivans Brown and Percy
Brown of Rahwav avenue were Perth
Amboy visitor Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Perry are
spending a few weeks In Lakewood.
Mrs. Clifford Maurer of New York
Is a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. F. F. Anness in Green street,
Mrs. Joseph Huber spent Wed
nesday afternoon In Rahway.
A meeting of the Kingwood A. C.
will be held at it o'clock Sunday af
Justine's Rest Hour.
"If I throw a plate down every Are
minutes that will be enough to make
madame think 1 am working all the
time."—Pele Mele.
ltead uk ci=.»«.;nrr >Js. on page S
$1,000 BLAZE
Honn of John Xaspa--Orte
Fir® Company.
Special to the HVRNIVO NSW8.
Roosevelt, March fi.—The Chroma
fire company lost Its way when it
started to a fire in C street, which
<H<1 approximately $1,000 damage to
the home of John Kaspa, about #
o'clock Wednesday morniug. The
roof of the building was badly dam
aged. No. 1 company responded to
the alarm, which was from Are box
32. and extinguished the blaze.
Chief Oleckner, of the Chrome com
pany was in Washington and will he
surprised to learn his company miss
ed the fire.
Mrs. Matthew Schaub spent Mon
day evening in Perth Amboy.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schmidt
were Perth Amboy visitors Monday
Misses Olga and Julia Meyer at
tended a surprise party at Perth
Amboy Monday evening.
Mrs. Harry Schoenbrun spent
Tuesday evening in Perth Amboy.
Charles Schuster, of Perth Amboy,
visited at the home of his grand
mother, Mrs. M. Merkle, Monday.
Mrs. William Jamtra Fullertou
was entertained In Metuchen by rel
atives Wednesday.
Miss Katharine Fee was a Perth
Amboy visitor Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Oloff, ol
Wood bridge; Miss Mary Brikson, of
Fords, and Mr. and Mrs. Charlee
Henry, of Perth Amboy, attended the
meeting of the K. R. C. Wednesday
Miss Ida Fullerton led the regular
weekly meeting of the K. R. C. which
was held In the chapel Wednesday
evening. The topic for the evening
was "Salvation." A large attend
ance was present.
Miss Florence Fits and Miss Lena
(tloff were visiting Miss Pauline
Hoettschel, Wednesday evening, whe
Is 111 at the Perih Amboy hospital.
Miss Daisy Haucock, of Perth Am
boy, was a Keasbey visitor Wednes
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Holzmau
spent Wednesday evening In Perth
Ellis and Carlton Ayera sailed for
Bermuda Tuesday, to be absent one
About fifty men, member) and
friends of the Brotherhood of the
Presbyterian church, were pre»ent ai
Dr. LIpraan'a lecture Monday eVCh
Rev. Theodore Butler, of Haddor
Heights, will preach in St. Luke's
church this evening
Mrs. Prances Adams, widow of the
late Joseph Adams, a one time pas
tor of the Methodist church of this
place, died at the Metuchen Home
Sunday. The funeral services were
held at the Home Wednesday after
The "white luncheon" given by
the ladles of the W. C. T. U. was a
great success In every way. A dainty
menu of four courses was served tc
about two hundred guests.
Auction was played at the club
house Tursday afternoon. Mrs.
Jones was hostess and the prize was
won by Mrs. MrClave.
Miss Bmilie Clarlison has returned
from Bound Brook.
Mrs. H. L. Westfall, of the Vine
yard road, has cards out for a whist
party at her home Saturday after
noon, March 15.
Drags ! orself painfully through her
daily tasks suffering from backache,
headache, nervousness, an, loss .of
slucp, not knowing lie ills nre due to
kidney and bladder troubles. Foley
Kidney Pills will help any form of kid
ney or bladder trouble, any backache,
rheumatism, urie acid poisoning or ir
regular kidney actior. They are
strengthening, tonic and curative, and
contain no habit forming drugs. N'o one
who suffers from kidney anc! bladder
trouble can afford to overlook Foley
Kidney Pills.
For sale by all druggists.
Itch! Itch! Itch!
Cnn8t*ni IteH. fntoUrfthU »gor\T
A, f««r drop# of * mU4, timplt, wash—*
Instant —all •kin dlvtres* GONE.
D. D. D. PrcscrlpUon for Fczema
Sound* too fooj to b® trtia* V't graw*
•JXf* It
Tho first fol! «ts#> bottl« fr»# If D.D.D.
«nno» reofrh your e*«* Tor your com
fo*-t'« take tl Is worth a trial. Cornt
in and 1st u« tell you About It Alco
about n.D.D. ?o«p—ii help.*
H:ir..' V ■■ v ■" ?->y r \>
tiperitti to the EVENING SEWS.
Keyport. March 6:—Hidden treas
ures were the cause of great excite
ment h few days ago at the Schanck
building on Front street, occupied by
Ihe. clothing firm of W. S. Wallace &
Company, where extensive Interior
alterations are being carried ont.
It. appears that George Carter, u
carpenter, while tearing away Home
structure, suddenly brought to light
from a dark recess a dust covced
but genuine twenty-dollar bill; then
followed examinations of the lucky
strike, excitement, and everybody
was on the watch for a landslide.
Shortly after this the fortunate me
chanic landed a roll of largo size and
quickly running through it, an
nounced "one hundred."
The proprietor, who had not
doubted the authenticity of the twen
ty, could not believe the hundred
and soon was aware of the practical
Sprrial to the KrEVINa JVKWfT.
Sayreville, March 6.—The Karl
tan Club which met In the Sayre and
Fisher hall last night received sever
al new members. Two committees
were appointed by the president,
Mrs. Fullum: House committee:
Miss Emiua Way, Miss Delia Smith,
Miss Lillian Fox, T'lss May Letts,
Miss May Dahlgren and Miss Anna
tStortz. whoso duty It is to see that
I the hall 1b properly taken care ol
ready for meetings. Social commit
j tee consisting of Miss Estelle Way,
Miss Josephine Frier, Miss Agatha
Quald, Miss Susie Baumann, Mlsa
Mary Meyer and Miss Margaret Cal
| lahau They adopted as their motto
! the motto of the International So
lelety of Girls Clubs: "To Have and
to Share." Next week Miss Stebbins
and Miss Smith of New York will be
Mrs. James Cvavenj^j^a a
Amboy visitor .MMluesday.
•Salaries H. Wardell spent Wednes
day In New York.
Miss Matilda Llnzmoyer was a
Perth Amboy visitor Wednesday.
Mr. Ale*. Gaston and M^ss Brown
intended the Wilson inaugural at
Washington this week.
Mrs. Frederick Leben was a Perth
Amboy visitor Wednesday.
Miss Lillian White returned to the
State Normal school ut Trenton Wed
Mrs. B. Tice was a Perth Amboy
visitor Wednesday.
Jr. O. U. A. M. has placed an
emblem bearing the words Jr. O. IT
A. M.. No. 77, meets every Friday
Miss Doris Brooks was a Perth
Amboy visitor Wednesday.
The horse belonging to "Butts"
Holmes was relieved of its suffering
by being shot Wednesday morning.
Charles Oeran aud Elmer H. de
rail returned from their Washington
| trip yesterday afternoon.
' Enough for Twelve—or Twenty-Four.
The casual brother says there will
be one or two dozen people at lunch
con. He will telepbouo us 15 minutes
before they arrive. Yes, really, that's
the best he can do. So we prepare
for one or two dozen people, and they
must Bit down to luncheon because
men hate a buffet meal We struggle
with the problem, how many chickens
are required for 12 or 24 people? The
answer, however, Is really obvious.
Enough for 24 will be enough for 12.
—Katharine Buker, in the Atlantic.
Miscrtants Put Obstructions
on Rails--lwo Arrests.
tperici I.. ti> krEttrya sewp.
Malawan, March fi.—Considerable
annoyance has been occasioned the
past week by bricks auii stones being
j placed on the tracks of the Freehold
; division of the New York and Long
' Branch railroad. The railroad corn
! nan.v has hud detectives on the look
On Wednesday a 150 pound
weight was placed on the truck and
! had the engineer of the early morn
ing train not seen the obstacle In
j time to bring the train to a stop and
i reiuovo the stone, a serious accident
j might have been the result.
In the afternoon a railroad detec
I tlve saw two boys, Walter Goos and
Frederick Veary playing on the
tracks and had thorn arrested. A
hearing was held before Justice
Lowe, who had them placed in the
i village lockup until today, when
: they will be tried before Judge Fo»
i ter at Freehold. Both boys are of
! foreign birth and are in the fourth
I grade In the Matawan school.
Mrs. Thomas Dawson has returned
to her home in Cross street after a
(Southern trip of four weeks. Mrs.
Dawson spent some time visiting
•relatives at Ttlchman'a Islands, off
1 the eastern shore of Maryland, her
'former home, and at Oxford.
Remsen Beers Is substituting as
driver on the K. D. route No. 1 dur
ing the absence of Charles Covert,
who Is taking a forced vacation for
a few days due to a heavy cold,
P. J. Carhart, who has been con
fined to his homo on Osborn street
by an attack of grip. Is about again
One of the best musicals ever ren
dered at this place and the flneBt of
recent years was enjoyed In the high
school auditorium by a large audi
ence on Tuesday night. The enter
j tiilnment was furnished by the Red
j Bank Glee Club.
S. l^evy, who baa conducted a
clothing store in Front street in the
j Charles Lehn building, opposite the
| post otflce, for the last twenty years,
j has closed Ills shop and moved to
j New Y'ork City.
Clarence It. Templeton who has
been spending a month as the guest
of his iiister, Mrs. J. Walter Brice
at Humacas, Porto Rica, sailed tor
home yesterday. He is expected to ar
rive here Saturday night.
Miss Hannah Morris of Long
Branch visited relatives on Green
jUrove avenue yesterday.
' i *aYi85""."v r,T-¥;rnmiT^
I was a New Y'ork city visitor Wednes
I day.
I T. Regan, has opened a piano
j salesroom in the Conover building
on Front street, four doors from the
Surf theatre. Mr. Regan had a num
I ber of new pianos to arrive this
' week.
j It is thought that someone was
1 trying to enter the West residence
on Main street a few nights ago.
j The house is occupied by C. E. Walk
ley and family. The occupants of
| the placed were awakened by the
tumbling over of some empty milk
bottles, which evidently frightened
the thieves off.
I Miss Lola Wood of First street
will lease this week for Cumber
I land. Md., where she will spend a
; month.
! The steamboat Keansburg, which
lias been lying at the Keyport com
pany's dock during th • winter was
taken away on Tuesday. It will
I go on the drydock and get a
j thorough overhauling.
Th too oftei the fatal sequence. La
1 Grippe coughs hang on, weaken the syg
| tern, ami lower the vital resistance.
! R. O. Collins, Postmaster, Barnegat,
N. J., says: "T was troubled with a se
| vere La Grippe cough and was com
pletely exhausted after each fit. of vio
I lent coughing. Before 1 had taken one
half of a bottle of Foley's Honey and
i Tar Compound, the coughing spells had
entirely ceased. I wish to say It can't
bo beat. All others are imitation.:.
For sale by all dru sts.
3-1 ood
7 W ft
Shivery Mornings
When the wind blows
something hot tastes cracking good.
The New Hot Porridge
Post Tavern Special
Is just the thin?.
This pleasing blend of the rich food flavours of wheat, corn and rice
makes a fetching breakfast dish that the home folks quickly appreciate.
Sold by Grocers everywhere
"Tomorrow's Breakfast"
Made by the Pure Food Factories of Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich.