THE DITMAS -Today IN THE THEATRE CONTINUOUS 2:15 to 11 IN THE AIRDOME at 7:45 AND 0:30 JACK PICKFORD, LOUISE HUFF and HOBART BOSWORTH In an Elaborate Picturization of ••Freckles" From the Novel by Gene Stratton Porter Burton Holmes I Best Music in I Victor Moore Travel Series | Town | Comedy FIRST TIME MONDAY MONTAGUE LOVE and GEROA HOLMES —in— ••The Brand of Satan" ADDED ATTRACTION—AN 0. HENRY STORY NEXT THURSDAY AND FRIDAY GEORGE M. COHAN in "Broadway Jones" I Hill iiiimiiH* i The Big Kvent. .'i7t h ANNUAL· PUBLIC For AU the People I EXCURSION of Simpson M. E. Sunday School and associated churches, Tottenville and South Amboy. TO Asbury Park and Ocean Grove THURSDAY, AUG. 23, 1917 Trains leave Perth Amboy (Central R. R. of N. J. Depot) as follows: First Section, 8:30 a. m.; second section, 8:40; third section, 9 o'clock. Returning*, leave Asbury Park at 6:30, 9:30 and 9:40 p. m., giving: a long d?.y for the various attractions at the beach. This excursion will also give all the residents of Perth Amboy and vicinity a splendid opportunity to visit relatives and friends among the This camp la now humming with activity and thousands of the "boys in khaki'· are getting ready for grim warfare. Sea Cllrt Is but half an hnur·. ride by trolley from Asbury Park. The day of tho excursion hap pens on "Governors Day," whiin Governor lSdgo officially visits the camp. NOTE:—The first section will be a through train from this city mak Ing no stops after leaving Perth Amboy. The second and third «ëi-tln™ iT'be'necessary·?th Am"°y· A 'ÛUrth Wl" be '» "adl^."^' on Adults $1.00 Children 50c AMERICA CLASPS HANDS "WITH U.S. AfiW [MISER By MILTON BRONNER. ι Washington, D. C., Aug. 18.—Slow-I ty but surely the Latin-American re public* aro taking step» aimed at Ger-I ftiany, until government officials here! expect soon to boo most of the west-1 ®τη hemisphere in the war against the ι Teutons. In the diplomatic game thero are three etet)». First a country simplyj euspends diplomatic relations. This Vieann it Is still neutral. When its Irritation Increases, it re vokes its neutrality with one of the belligerents. Finally, comcs the step-—a declaration of war. Revocation of neutrality is often quite as useful. For Instance, ne a re sult of this action already taken In Latin-America, the vast Caribbean and South Atlantic coastline is large ly anti-German. Leaving Mexico out of consideration, Rll Caribbean ports except those of Colombia and Venezu ela are open to the Allies. Tills means the territorial waters of Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Cos ta Rica (which is rated neutral but offered her ports to American war ves sels) and Panama. On the Atlantic coast America and her Allies have acress not only to tho ports of British and French Guiana, but also to the tremendous const of 1 Brazil and Uruguay, with their great I cities of Bahla, Rio Janeiro and Monte-', video. , , Singularly, the reverse Is true of the Pacific ooast where all the I.atln-Amer lca.ii republics have stuck seduously to their neutrality. However, only In ι the Houth Atlantic Is there duncer of Qerman sea raiders. Free access to these Atlantic ports means a multiplicity of plares where American and allied patrolling fleets can put In for coal, provisions, mall, messages and repairs. But some of these countries offar other advantages. For Instance, Bra zil has her fleet patrolling the South Atlantic with our warships and her congress Ih now discussing appropriat ing $50,000,000 for war purposes. Guatemala has a railroad line from Tuerto Barries on the Atlantic to San Jose to the Pacific, uffordlng the United States quick transportation of men, supplies and ammunition from ocean to ocean in rase of emergency. Finally It gratifies tho administra tion that both kinds of Latln-Amer lcans have Joined hands with us. Brazil Is the groatest Portuguese coun try, and all the other South and Cen tral American nations that have Join ed aro Spanish-American. KDBŒSŒSfflB There's KclU'f in Tolling Secrets. I had a letter from Elaine this morn lng, little book, that has caused me much disquiet. It concerns Mollie, dear darling Mollie. If anything hap rencd to Mollie I think I could not ear It. I feel toward her almost u.i tftough sho were my child, and she tells me I have been mother, sister, conlklunt and friend to her. "You have given me almost all my pleasures, Margie," she said to me Just before we started, "and you are the only person In ail the world that I can talk to freely." Of course, I could never be as con fidential with Mollie as I have been •with you, and that Is the reason why I think every woman should keep κ diary. It Is a great safety value. It keeps us from telling other people things that ofttimes we regret after ward. "I don't want to be sad or sorry," aald a woaiuui of great poise to mo once. "I never tell my most exciting experience*, nor my most interesting thoughts to anyone, for you are to get thom back some day In a way that will bring you great sadness and make you very sorry yo*u told." But very few women, Mttle book, are sufficient unto themselves. I ex pect In over thousands of years of more or less dependence we have learned to tell someone our troubles and others joys. I said this to Jim Edlo once and he said, "Perhaps the primitive worn an told these little tales of her dally existence to make conversation for her lord and master when he came home from the battle or the chase. The modern woman, If she be clever, does not do this. She tells her husband as little as he does her," he added cyn ically. "I notice while husbands and Avives tell their soorcts to wives and husbands they ere usually somebody else's wives and husbands." I wonder if Jim meant that or did he just say it to be funny. Goodness, if I were talking to any one but you, Mttle book, the poreon would be euro to thing I did not real ly have much interest in Mollie after «11. KJl-eSS-W rlte»l J y ' distraught over the approaching birth of a child as Is Chad Hatton. Some times 1 think he dreads Its coming to such an extent he hopes It will be born dead. "He seems to be quite as much In love with Mollle as aver, In fact at llrst I thought he was jealous of the baby, but 1 have como to the conclus ion there Is some other reason. Per haps It la an unreasonable fear that something will happen to hor." (Isn't It strange, little book, that we almost always say "something will happen" when we mean only one thing will happen—death?) "I think," the lettor continues, "It Mollle should die Chad would kill himself and the ohlld. Poor chap, hS has had a rather sad life, has he not? I am sure Mollle Is the only woman who could and would understand him. "He Is so moody at times I could not possibly stand him around, bul even now when he seems to be worse than usual Mollle goes on hor way with a poise of which I never thought her capable. "She Is perfectly calm to the outside «ye although 1 know she must have some of the terrible moments that como to a woman before hor first child is born." I am sure, little book, Chad has a secret dread he Is not telling even to Mollle. Surely he is not so foolish as to think Mollle may go mad as his first wife did. It is something even Pat does not know about for before I came away Pat and Alice told me Jiow happy Chad was and how he was surely coming out of his moods. "Aft or all, Margie, whatever Is right. Alice suits me better than even dear Molllo could and Mollle Is much bet ter suited to Chad. It Isn't such a. bad world after all, Is It?" The world is all right, tlttl· book, It Is only what we make of It. (To be Continued.) Estimates Cbeerrully Purnlehed. G. R. GENGAR & CO., All Types ot Electrical Machinery .. _ Rewound end Repaired II Tear»" Itrperlene·. 1ST La un* St, . . P«U Aaiku C I Τ Υ ι PERTH AMBOY'S FINEST PHOTOPLAY THEATRE-f Last Times Today w < m » 0 mm* Norma Talmadge —IN— "The Law of Compensation'9 AN INTENSELY EMOTIONAL DRAMA » ■ ■ .. . .. - .. ■ 164 MEN ACCEPTED IN THIRD DISTRICT DRAFT (Continued from page 1) Men Rejected. Rejected for physical deficiency: C. B. Ely, Cranbury; W. F. Brown ing, Sayrevllle; J. Pardanl, Jameeburg; W, C. Hoffman, Cranbury; C. YVitczak South Àmboy; R. O. Mathta, Socutti Amboy; W. Starkey, Old Bridge; P. F Render, South Amboy; J. Hchuck Cranbury; M. Schoirk, R. F. R., Nen Brunswick; O. Jos. Wantzel, Soutl Amboy; C. J. Woyce, Spotswood; A. Hinze, Parlin; C. Q. Spires, Clilïwood; C. W. Butterflelld, Joinesburg; R. J. Conway, South Amboy; J. A. Novak, South Amboy; F. Martin Krwln, Mill town; G. J. Pope, South River; Θ. C, L. Baetedo, R. F. D., Cranbury; 1). M. Clark, Jameeburg; W. K. Rozel, R. I'". D., Cranbury; W. B. Shreve, James burg; A. Mathews, Cranbury; R. G, Spratford, R. F. D., Cranbury; D. A, Barbour, South Amboy; T. Wojcisc.k owski, South Amboy; R. Combs, Jajmesburg; D. A. MacDonald, South Amboy; L. Herplsh, R. F. D., OH Bridge; M. Skmn, Jr., Sayreville; H. C. Conoll, Cranbury; C. H. Neleon, South Amboy; H. Math tee Nelson Sayreville; Ο. H. Gamble, South Am boy; J. P. Lowth, South Amboy; W. A. O'Connor, South Amboy. Claim Exempt Ion. Paaaed but claimed exemption: D. E. Dobeon, Old Bridge; S. Grab owskle, Sayreville; E. Zach, Sayreville; W. I·'. Petty, Jamesburg; L·. l'olowcyk, South Amboy; J. Archllle Besner, Sauth Amboy; J. Thompson, James burg; J. G. ïoung, l'arlin; C. F. Arleth, Sayiewille; M. OrgUennkle, Cranbury; A. A. Wilson, Jamesburg; J. Itog, Say reville; F. W. Powell, Crainbury; U. C. Hlgglecon, Purlin; Α. V. Uanser, South Amboy; S. Oatrek, Hayreville; S. Olen ider, Sayreville; F. J. Kelly, South Am . boy; W. J. Farrell, South Amboy; R. Harrle, Bayrevllle; Ε. H. Icker, Old Bridge; J. J. O'Brien, Sooith Amboy; F. C. Rehfuas, South Ainboy; R. Bey, Cranbury; R. F. Davison, Cranbury: Harry Perrlnf»; C. A Conover, Jamee burg; R. M-oJtes, Sayreville; O. New man, South Amboy; J. L. Berlew, South Amboy; J." Cleslairezyk, South Amboy; E. F. Spatford, South Ainboy; Β. H. Disbrow, Jr., South Aimhoy; S. Ben nett, South Amboy; D. Dutka, R. IT. D., Now Brunswick. Enlisted prior to fall: W. S. Relet», Plalnsboro; E. J. Crane, Soutîi Aimboy; D. H. Van Buren, Spots wood. To Appear Monday. The following mem have been noti fied to appear before the local draft board Monday for examtnnrtlon: 167 N. S. Folsom, South Amboy. 2 307 J. P. Krlba, Old Bridge. . 2SG Oustav Nickolaus, So. Amboy. 174B C. Mr»Tnuson, Sayrevlllo. 1309 T. Suchowleckl, SayrevlMe. 1168 J. Kwlklakeakl, Sayreville. 214 F. H. Chapman, South Amboy. 2010 B. Mc.Cumscy, R. ϊ\ V. 3, Hew Brunswick. 6 29 O. R. Bao.kman, South Amboy. 2747 H. L. EmçaQna,„ JtftmeaiDure. t 647 J. Bryant, South Amboy. 2679 F. Wolinski, Holmetta. 56 4 C. Ambpy, 11492 H. R. ByerJM^Uvllle. i.s: ; i A. T>1I>ella. Μ*»*ρ*Ι11β. J. T. Button, Cranbury. F. Pleclelllo, Jamesburg. D. J. Flsher, Sayrevllle. O. Snyder, South Amboy. W. Kohler, Sayrevllle. O. F. Trous, Jr., Sayrevill·. 2G2t O. W. Tllton, Jamesburg. 1870 A. T'urhalskl, Sayrevill». 1397 J. Muak, Gillespie. 114 J. Kind, South Amboy. 151 O. Domke, South Amboy. 2851 H. Shlppe. Cranbury. 1338 A. Schmttt, Sayreville. 1984 A. Bukowsky, Sayrevllle. 1487 J. W. Auer, Sayrevllle. 1359 J. Angel l'olanco. Sayrevlle. 61 C. R. Stolte, South Amboy. 2243 H. Boyce, R. F. i>. No. 1 Mat awan. 1834 W. S. Logan, Parlln. G03 W. Morgan Lambertson, South Amboy. 2298 P. Hedltzsch, Morrlstown. «18 A. 8. Dzlekan, South Amboy. 2130 T. De Lucla, South River. 1684 J. A. N. Pedoreon, Parlln. 1829 H. O. Llchtenwalter, Parlln. 14 63 T. Doulon, Sayrevllle. 986 R. Droeger, Sayrevllle. 1505 M. Barbara, Sayrevllle. 2447 M. J. Welsh, Cranbury. 209 O. Cross, South Amboy. 1110 T. Godas, Sayrevllle. 777 E. F. Jozlack, South Amboy. 33 P. A. Reilly, South Amboy. 1480 F. Domenlck, Sayreville. 2823 D. P. Delaney, Jamesburg. 2 808 J. D. Pietro, Jamesburg. 1935 J. R. Cunia, Sayreville. 1671 E. Strucinskl, Sayreville. 2759 L. C. Haye», Jamesburg. 32 H. Reese, South Amboy. 2223 W. Schulmeister, Old Bridg·. 1 9 54 G. Burza, Sayreville. 1533 L. Favlo, Parlin. 1071 M. Soriano, Sayreville. 1348 C. T. Norman, Sayrevllle. 2104 H. Bennet, Spotswood. Iife4 M. Holswak, Sayrevllle. 63 L. B. Stratton, South Amboy. 2174 C. H. Nichols, Old Bridge. 994 J. Unek, Sayreville. 758 P. Saultes, South Amboy. 1278 A. J. Thompson, Goodyear, Conn. 2 39 8 R. P. Sattertlwalt, Plainsboro. 2614 D. Smith, Cranbury. 2250 W. Brown, Jr., Matawan R. F. D. 36 2 W. F. Hayes, South Amboy. 2020 J. N. Oche, East Brunswick j Township. 1842 S. Orlowski, Sayrevllle. 2670 R. M. Soden, Helmetta. 2074 J. A. Ertelthaler, R. F. D. No. 3, New Brunswick. 1170 C. Lehman, Sayreville. 2542 H. A. Punfee, Jamesburg. 816 J. J. Moçan, South Amboy. 371 F. Brown Hoffman, South Am boy. 26 42 M. Weisberg, Englishtown. 2774 E. Kietzlng, Jnmesliure, 2676 F. W. Heidlnger, Prospect Plains. J. B. Hart, Jr.. Sayrevllle. Saul Sklarin, South Amboy. J. A. Wlllson, Cranbury. J. Balley, Sayrevllle. F. W. Schultz, South Amboy. L. H. Crowshaw, Cranbury. P. M. A. Jorgenson, South Am boy. 224 S. Anthony Welsh, South Am boy. 1835 M. Lycyk, Sayreville. 818 E. H. Muldoon, South Amboy. 1534 R. D. Faller, Gillespie. 762 B. Shapiro, South Amboy. 9 31 A. Tony, Sayreville. 1998 A. Blaszha, Sayrevllle. 2260 L. Contl, Cliffwood. 1013 E. Tetreanlt, Sayrevllle 1042 S. Sadusky, Sayreville. 2219 M O. Rose, R. F. D. No. 1, Mat awan. 2368 H. Barlow, Plainsboro. 4 49 H. E. Dowdell, South Amboy. 1241 A. Macliinst, Sayrevllle. 41 M. E. liugg, South Amboy. 2146 J. Rusch, South River. S. Govern, Sayrevllle. F. IJinkel, Jr., Spotswood. " jxt, Jr., South Amboy. 3H J. W. Rea, 742 B. Polinsky, South Amboy. 640 J. Bolansky, South Amboy. 1950 P. DuPont, Sayrevllle. 2249 L. H. Brown, R. F. D. No. 1, Matawan. 127 M. Kotlk, South Amboy. 1481 L. Deboskie, Sayreville. 164 3 J. F. Schultz. Sayrevllle. 668 W. E. WUUamsr-Seuth Amboy. 88 F. Nebus, South Ainboy. 2518 L. Breslow, Jamesburg. 1890 W. Garyonskl. 2127 M. Leves, South River. ι j 1494 N. Blssett, Sayrevllle. 1797 F. E. Lang, Parlln. 1074 P. Splrldes, Sayrevllle. 1518 S. R. Clark, Parlin. 21GA D. Miller, Madison Township. 743 G. Posach, South Amboy. 827 T. Ocaranza, South Amboy. 1242 W. Mackim, Sayrevllle. 1903 J. Farley, Sayrevllle. 2252 W. Burkctt, Jr., Old Bridge. 1038 C. Rudwig, Sayreville. 138G J. Laplnsky, Sayrevllle. 9 76 F. A. Eberle, 8ayrevllle. 47 3 A. Bogdanovitz, South Amboy. 16S3 P. Pearlman, Sayrevllle. 1614 A. Jrocki. 287 C. E. Quigley, South Amboy. 68G H. G. Hoffman, South Amboy. 260 F. Taylor. South Amboy. 2 Β 21 R. J. Brltton, Prospect Plains. 527 J. J. Shultz, South Amboy. 26 29 G. H. Thomas, Cranbury. 264 F. F. Strasser, South Amboy. 2735 J. Rlchiuso, Jamesburg. 2211 C. R. Quackenbush, Madison Township, Old Bridge, 2451 R. L. Dey, Cranbury. 446 A. J. Ponovan, South Amboy. 1888 E. Gatchell, Parlln. 89 A. G. Nebus, South Amboy. 2S54 S. Conover Wilson, SpoUwood. 1726 C. Nlohlt, Parlln. 1197 A. Mohak, Sayrevllle. 2282 W. H. Fowler, Old Bridge. 932 A. Casneekl, Sayrevllle. 1204 C. Morena, Sayrevllle. 1377 M. Robbing, Sayrevllle. 8 6S A. L. Barkelew, South Amboy. 8 58 A. Harthrone, South Amboy. 451 G. W. Allcott, South Amboy. 745 E. Prznoskle, South Amboy. 2287 G. Gordon, Madison Township, 573 A. F. Gelsinon, South Amboy, 1789 T. Kudluk, Sayrevllle. 174Î T. Asher McNlchols, Parlln. 1137 P. Julacka, Sayreville. 1106 P. B. Grinley, Sayrevllle. 2526 G. Brotzman, R. F. D., Eng lish town. 308 E. M un sell, South Amboy. 429 3. A. Conway, South Amboy. 1833 B. Lock. Sayreville. 170* M. da Costa Relrs, Sayrevllle. 1451 J. Lehman, Bavreville. 18S8 3, P. Rogers, Sayreville. 3 21 OS F. Henry Boehr, Old Bridge. 2050 P. Schark, R. F. D. No. 4, New Brunswick. 2164 Ε. M. Menzcl, Jr., Matawan, It. F. D. No. 1. 2709 John Kokoszka, Helmetta. 2041 G. H. Warnedorfer, H. F. L>, No. 3, New Brunswick. 2320 W. 1'. Brown, Spotewood. 2341 A. Meyers, Spotswood. 2114 H. Lester Eldridge, Old Bridge. 1608 A. Zyskowskl, Sayreville. 1459 J. Camacho, Padn. 2291 E. R. Oreen, Old Bridge. 2257 R. Campbell, R. F. D. No. 1, Old Bridge. 2095 J. F. Horturlck, R. F. D., No. 8, New Brunswick. 1814 G. Kaswlco, Sayreville. 279 7 A. H. Applegate, Jaraesburg. 1085 A. Singer, Sayreville. 1225 I. Pollock, Sayreville. 894 V. Gramaa, South Amboy, 1025 G. Van Wickle, Sayreville. 417 F. Clehowskl, South Amboy» 854 T. J. Lyons, South Amboy. 19 31 E. W. Cordos, Sayreville. 446 S. J. Domzal, South Amboy, 1497 J. H. Beekman, Sayreville. , ï The Better Flfihter. "De man who admits dot he kla b· scared," said Oncle Eben "generally puts tip a better flght dan de man dat's alius bluffia' 'bout what a here , be ta," _ A nnouncement ! I wish to announce to tho public that I am ready to serve them in my new homo as in the past. Why We ShoiM Do Your Laundry 1. Wo have the best delivery system in Perth Amboy. 2. Wc have the most up-to date sanitary system in Middle sex county. 3. The only and best hand laundry in Perth Amboy. Thanking my patrons for tlioir past patronage, I remain HAND LAUNDRY M. WEISS, Prop. 321 MAPLE STREET PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Tel 1696 Tel. 1696 Tel. 1696 STEAM VULCANIZING Let Qenrgc Do It Phono 1478. Corner Smith and Hljrh, ANNOUNCEMENT! We have recently Installed a set of «ens grinding machine» of the lateat ana moit improved type, which will ©i,. able us to furnish a quicker service, with guaranteed accuracy at our οία reasonable prices. BYES EXAMINED and all corrections n.HmntnPd for one year. I IIillII OPTICAL· Aa to my 1 m AH Π SFKCIALiaT itandiof, 1 Ask your eoctor 87 % Smith St. Opp. Woolwortb'i g and 10ο 8tor«. ▲mboy'n Oldest ICiclnelve Optical fltorOi THE STORY OF GREAT RUSSIA TODAY BY CHARLES EDWARD RUSSELL The EVENING NEWS today announces to its readers the return to active work of Charles Edward Russell, who went to Russia on the Root commission by appointment of President Wilson. Mr. Russell is now writing for the Newspaper Enterpriso Association the story, in a series of articles, of what he saw and heard in great Russia, and his impressions. He will tell the truth about the revolution, the government and the thou sand and one things of interest in that huge land—the truth as revealed to him in his double capacity as an American official and a conscientious reporter. His articles will appear EX LUSIVELY in the EVENING NEWS and its associate mem bers of The Newspaper Enter prise Association. They will be by far the most important and interesting news paper articles on the war, to date. They will reveal the inner workings of the Russian de mocracy, its hopes and aspira tions, its plans and fears, as ,SUS£EL& they could by no one less than the trained observer that Rus sell is. They will peer behind the mystery of that sudden revolu tion, pierce the obscurity that shrouds recent history, and bring into the light of publicity the motives behind the present revolts against the new author ity and the hidden strings that seek to wreck the newest re public. THEY WILL EXPLAIN KE RENSKY, the "New Napo leon," not as he hag been pic tured, but AS HE IS ; and they will detail the wonderful stories of Siberia's prison camps when they heard the word of free dom. They will answer all the questions that anxious Amer icans are asking about Russia. They will be full of human in terest and description of man ners, customs and people. Russell's First Article Answers the Query: WILL RUSSIA FIGHT? Read it TUESDA Y In the Evening News — Majestic PERTH AMBOY'S THEATRE OF VARIETIES Counihan & Shannon, Props. John Bullwinkel, Mgr. Today ALL STAR VAUDEVILLE 6 Acts and Photo Plays Monday and Wednesday BIG VAUDEVILLE BILL 6 BIG TIME ACTS 6 AND PHOTO PLAYS MONDAY—2d EPISODE OF "THE FATAL RING" with PEARL WHITE Also the Latest Pathe News COMING NEXT WEEK Tuesday, August 21st Stone and Pillard ' IN THE NEW 'SOCIAL MAIDS' The World's Greatest Grotesque Eccentrics. And the Beauty Show of Burlesque Presenting the Most Stupendous Round-up of Melody and Comedy Ever Offered EVERYTHING NEW BUT THE NAME TICKETS ON SALE NOW I GEORGE V.HOBART WILLIAM ELLIOTT, F. RAY COMSTOCK| and MORRIS GEST, Present THE" MOST WONDERFUL ^ÛiP^PLAY IN AMERICA DIRECT FROM 9 MONTHS IN N Y?. \7 MONTHS JN CHICAGO 5 MONTHS IN BOSTON AND 5 MONTHS IN PHILADELPHIA MAJESTIC rr F1» *»5· M A Love Story of Youth, His Trials and Temptations TEN BIG SCENES — COMPANY OF 82 PEOPLE SEATS ON SALE TODAY Evening Prices: 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. Bargain Matinee, Best Sea te $1.00 ENTIRE ORIGINAL COMPANY AND PRODUCTION Make Reservations at once or Yon May Miss Seeing This, the Greatest Play of This Day or Generation. WMAT MAKES SUCCESS? Our 24-page journal, "Does a Business Training Pay?" will explain to you this mysterious problem. It will tell you how to be a success—do not be a failure. Positions secured. Do it today. 151-153-155 MARKET STREET, NEWARK, N. J. LEADING LARGEST BEST