OCR Interpretation

Perth Amboy evening news. [volume] (Perth Amboy, N.J.) 1903-1959, April 09, 1918, LAST EDITION, Image 7

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85035720/1918-04-09/ed-2/seq-7/

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Womtn of France
Respond to All
Patriotic Pleas
After their year* of suffering, grief
and privation the women of France
ar· still able to set a notable ana
pathetic example of courage to the
women of other war-atricken lands.
When the rationing of the import
ant food stuffs was announced re
cently for that country, the following
patriotic appeal was sent out by the
National Council of French Women,
typifying their noble spirit of endur
"These last months of the war will
be the hardest: French women know
It and bravely they will go through
the necessary ordeal. They will ac
cept all restrictions In order to ob
tain victory which will allow their
children to know the joy of life and
bénéficiant peace.
"Each of us must simplify lier
mode of life. Deprive yourselves,
economizo and you are working for
your country. Let those whose mate
rial well-being is assured set an exam
ple to render the hard privations of
the hour legg grievous to their sis
"Workwomen, like u«, you are
weeping for dear ones, like us you
hate war. It Is In order to render
war impossible henceforth, that we
must hold out to the bitter cud."
The undersigned wishes to thank rel
atives and friends for their kind dorv
ices and floral pieces received In their
recent bereavement; also Father ,
j Szuchy for his comforting words and :
I Undertaker Thos. liurke for his sarv
I Ices. Signed,
Mrs. Joseph ICochek and Family,
18271-4-9-lt 430 Hail Ave.

Junior Girls and Boys Win—
Senior Boys and Sopho
more Girls Also Victors.
(By H. S. Correspondent)
The Senior» trounced the "Sophs"
yesterday afternoon in the second set
of class contests by the tune of 18-5. I
The first half ended In a tie, 3-3, but
at tho outset of the last period the
Seniors went In with a fury that
spelled defeat for the "Sophs." An
avalanche of baskets by Paitz, the
Senior forward, turned the tide in the
upper class' favor. I.. Paitz was the
main point-getter, shooting si* field
and two foul goals for fourteen
The Junior boys experienced little !
difficulty in defeating the "Freshies." j
They swamped the Freshmen to tlio
count of 21-2. For the victors Mac
William, Cannon and I. Spitzer con
tributed th· most point-:. The victors
lined up with MacWilliam, Spitzer,
Cannon, Flynn, Benowilz and Fogei,
while the opposing quintet had the
following opposition; Cohen, C.
Hughes, Silver, Jones, Scherling and
The Junior girls defeated the
Freshmen contestants by the closo
score of 7-β. The fray was exciting
throughout, the Juniors nosing their
sister class out by only one point.
Tho Senior girls forfeited their
contest to the "Sophs" on inability to
put a team on the floor.
Tomorrow the last games will be
staged. The Senior and Junior boys
will be brought together for the cru
cial game, the championship being at
stake. The teams will be matched as
Seniors vs. Juniors.
Freshmen vs. Sophomores.
The league now stands as follows:
*V . XJ.
Seniors 2 0
Juniors 2 0
Sophomores 0 2
Freshmen 0 2
Juniors 2 0
Sophomores 1 1
Freshmen 1
Seniors 0 2
A campaign is beins conducted at
No. 1 school and the Barron Avenue
school this week to collect as many
books as possible for the soldiers and
sailors. This is being don· In re
sponse to appeals which have been
received from the library Commis
sion by the Parent-Teacher Associa
tions of the schools.
Work was started yesterday on
Main street to remove the dirt and
rubbish which had accumula'·', in
the gutters. As this thoroughfa: has
as fine a pavement as can be iound
anywhere, » tidy appearance Is most
Mrs. J. B. Huber and MHss Sarah
Huber visited Mr. and Mrs. Bucka
low, of South Araboy, last night. Miss
Florence Buckalew. who was buried
this afternoon, was a classmate of
Miss Huber at the Woodbridge high
Martin Jaeger had sufficiently re
covered from his recent severe attack
of grip to Join the drafted boys at
Camp Dix yesterday.
Y. M. H. A, NEWS
There will be a meeting of the Glee
Club Wednesday night. The miustrol
will be held in the Majestic theatre
on May 30.
There will be a meeting1 of the
Young Women's Hebrew Association
The meeting of the senior organi
zation. last night wag a huge success.
Frankfurters, heated discussions,
boxing and games were the features
of the evening. The next meeting
will Up held Monday, April 22.
Marines Hunt Abators
CHARLESTON, S. C„ April 9 —
"Alligator hunting" has become the
popular amusement of the U. S. Ma
lines now In training at Paris Is
land, S. C., near liere.
While doing "police duty" on the
Island a few days ago, a squad of "sea
soldiers" saw what appeared to bu a
gray-green log lying on the edge of
a swamp. Closer investigation
caused the "log' to turn, and with a
mighty splash, a huge alligator lunged
back into tile swauip.
The Marines made a diligent searuh
for the 'gator, but failed to locate
it. After darkness fell, however, they
returned with sticks and clubs of all
sorts and proceeded to "beat up" the
swamp in true alligator hunting style
and finally succeeded in capturing and
killing the alligator.
The Incident caused a great deal
of excitement about camp and now
there Is an "alligator party' 'held most
every night.
So far three of the alligators have
fallen victims to the wily Marines.
Tractor V». Mule.
Ten mules can haul about two toils
of material and tlielr work Is limited
to ten hours, but the tractor hauls 25
tons und covers a distance of 20 miles
at the same time.
ΟζΣ7 or Ae"icyLTUΫ
<S]ROW i
^ Peppers *0 ;
Plant the seeds of peppers in the I
he tbed about six weeks or two month» 1
before time to set them in th». op'.n
yround. They should be transplant-'
ed at lôa<st once and should not be set
in the open until the ground is thor
oughly warm. When grown in the
garden th# large bull-no^ed typo:,
should bo placed in rows three feer
apart with the plante from 15 to 17
Inches apart in the rows. I-'requent
shallow cultivation should bo given,
and the plants will continue to bear
until frost kills· them.—U. t·?. Depart- ,
ment of Agriculture.
—the Ur«t l'art of a Woman'* Life—
W hy Should ft \ anitth So Quickly?
Don't let your youth go! And above
all, don't lose your youthful appear
ance through old-fashioned prejudice.
Women who a few years ago scorned
the use of fact powders or cosmetics,
now depend on them to keep a youth
ful appearance. Aud this is equally true
of the ha'.r color restorer. Constantly,
moro and more women are using Q-ban
Hair Color Restorer to keep their hair
dark and glossy and free from gray.
Q-ban is not a dye. Thie you can
prove by trying it on your combings.
Dyes stain them instantly but Q-ban
has no immediate effect. Q-ban is sim
ply a delightful toilet requisite for re
storing the. natural color of the hair.
Q-ban does not stain the scalp, wash
or rub off or prevent washing or wav
ing the hair. Easily applied by brush
ing or combing through the hair.
Sold by all good druggists every
where on Money-Back Guarantee.
Price 75c.—Adv.
Mr. Trent show- Hei ( oiors. |
We certainly did have "some time '|
ivith Mother Trent, us Dick predicted.
When we arrived at lier room, she
kept us waiting for a half hour.
Think of it, little book, that old
,νοιηαη did not know that anyone but
lier son and daughtei were calling up
>n lier and she kept them waiting a
half hour.
When we at last were admitted to
iier room she seemed to sense that
something serious had happened. She
was all dolled up ij a lace negligee
ind a ribbon and lact cap on her dyed
hair, but the sight of the four of us
jarred her oat of l.er complacency.
Suddenly before our very eyes she
grew old as she came forward and:
.■latched Molly's am..
"What is it, what is it'.'" she asked,
in a ten^e voice. "What ha ν ο you all,
ome here to tell me?"
Molly, put her arms about her and
Ldck answered in tones of compas-1
aion "Mr. Trent—
"Ig he dead?" she intej rupted.
Dick bowed his head
For a moment she looked at us
dumbly and then she began to shriek.
"Where is my husband, wheie is he?
Why did you kill him Y Why did you
not bring him to me?"
Dick and Chad looked perfectly
helpless while Molly and I tried to
explaint matters and calm her. but
she would not listen. She tore oft' her
foolish little cap and clutched at the
laces at her throat, as she shrieked
"You all of you have killed him."
What have you done with him?"
It was a lonjr time befor* we could
calm her enough to make hei listen
to any explanation, aud when she ft
nally realized that Mr. Trent had
practically died under the knife, she
went Into another paroxysm of hys
"I knew it, I knew it," she exclaim
ed. "I told him over a year ago that
he would not live through au opera
Λ\'β gazed at each other in conster
nation. Was it possible that foolish
old woman had persuaded her hus
band not to have the knife used ovei
jfiiy?^. ΐί-ÎV1 W „ r 7l" - '
a yeai ago when it might have saved
hi* life?
Ju.st then it seemed to dawn upon
Uer at the first time that she had been
kept in ti»e dark about it all, and
agKin she began to ghriek and moan.
"Why did you not tell me that my
deat liunhand v.a.» going to the hos
pital? You have murdered him. I
v>ould not ha-.e let him go had I
known it."
"That is just the reason why yoti
were not told," cut in Jjick's voice, as
cold and crisp as a steel edge.
".Mother, for heaven s sake, stop this
tl.inking of yourself for a moment
and listen to what I ha\e to tell you."
This only made matters worse and sfce
began to c ail upon heaven to witness
how her children had always treated
"If your father were alive. Rich
ard," she exclaimed, "you would not
be allowed to talK to me like this.
Even Chad, who had been looking
on with horror and disgust, smiled at
this, as l>hk answered: "it is very
probable that had my father been
alive, you would not have been Mrs.
Trent "
(To be Continued.)
First and Last Thoughts.
In matters of conscience first
thoufbts ure best ; in matters of piu
den ce lust thoughts are best.—Robert
ζϊ Calcium compound that will briny re*
ilief in many acute and chronic cases.
(Provides in handi««t form, a baaic rem
•dv higiily recommended by science. Con
tains no harmful dri g a. Try them today.
,50 cent· a box, including war tar
For hale by all drucgtoU
£ckm^a Laboratory, l'hiladeiphi®
Meat is as Necessary
as Steel and Ships
Food is the first essential of the fight
ing forces.
The American farmer and the packer
have met every war emergency, and have
promptly furnished an adequate supply
of wholesome meat
No other industry can claim a better
record of war time efficiency.
Swift & Company has shipped to the
United States Government and the Allied
Over 12,000,000 Pounds (400 carloads)
per week, of beef, pork, and lard, since
January 1,1918.
In one week recently we shipped
24,000,000 Pounds (800 carloads),
and the demand is increasing.
Our profits are limited by the Food Adminis
tration to 9 per cent on investment in the meat
departments. (This means about 2 cents on each
dollar of sales.) No profit is guaranteed.
We are co-operating with the Government to
the best of our ability.
Swift & Company 1918 Year Book, containing many
interesting and instructive facts, sent on request.
Address, Swift & Company,
Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois
Swift & Company
U. S. A.
Ύ(*νh 11 η 145 SM,TH STRCET
JL XX UllC Near Hobart St. Perth Amboy
"Whe| e Low Prices Lead"
W ednesday's (Suburban Day) Specials
Buttons; large and small, in
bunches that have 6 to 12 in a
bunch. Worth up to 20c a
dozen. On Wednesday at
le a bunch
Worsted Skirt Braids; 3
yards in a piece. On Wednes
day at
le a piece
Attachable Corset Steels ;
frey; worth 10c a pair. On
Wednesday at
le a pair
Embroidery Silks, not all
colors; Hemimvay & Bichard
son's makes; perfect goods;
worth 4c a skein. On Wednes
day at
.le a skein
Hooks and Eyes; black and
white; worth 5c a card. Spe
cial on Wednesday at
le a card
Lace Insertions, narrow and
wide; worth up to 10c a yard.
Special on Wednesday at
le a yard
Turn-over embroidered col
lars; pretty patterns; worth
15c each. Special on Wednes
day at
lc each
Crepe Lisee Rucliing; white
and black; worth 15c a yard.
Special on Wednesday at
le a yard
Carpenters' Striped Ticking
Aprons; veil made; with pock
et; worth 29c each. On Wed
nesday at
15c each
Extra -Iwavy Turkish Towels,
size 21 inches wide and 42
inches long \vith pink, light
blue and orange colored bor
ders ; run of the mill ; worth
59c. Special on Wednesday at
39c each
Boudoir Caps ; a dandy lot of
many styles with lace and silk
backs ; lace edged, with elastic ;
large size; worth 21c each. Spe
cial on Wednesday at
10c each
îleu 's W h i t e Laundered
Shirts; mostly closed fronts;
linen bosoms; also some boys'
sizes; soiled. Worth 75c each.
Special at
29c each
S&li Green Trading Stamps With All Purchases
Our 50th Year
W. H. McGormick
& Sons, SMITtfsT.
Pcith Am boy, Κ J.
Sharp <& Hansom McCatrs
"Where Quality Rules"
158-160 Smith Street Perth Araboy, N. J ; Patterns
McCall'i Patterns 'Pho·· 14» McCall's Pattern,
Long Cloth at $2.00
a Piece
10 Full Yards in Every Piece
The same ilGood Quality" as always abso
lutely free from stareli or dressing of any kind.
Non· as good lees than 25c a yard.
Ready-made Mar
quisette Curtains
at $1.98 a Pair
Made of excellent quality marquisette with
beautiful lace edge. Comes in ecru or white;
made to retail at $2.50 a pair.
A Real Handsome Curtain at a Very Low Price
"Bear Brand" Shet
land Floss
For the making of
Summer Sweaters
Just the handsomest showing of New 1918
shades to be seen in Middlesex County.
Seeing Is Believing—' ' Come See ! ' '
I Colored Turkish 1
Towels 15c Each
A special purchase ; white grounds with pink,
blue or gold stripes aud plaid borders.
A good towel, "face size," at the price of
a wash cloth. Don't miss seeing and buying
es mauy as you need.
Just for Wednesday—
Elsie Modesty
Drawers at 53c Pair
The best two-in-one ( drawers and skirt gar
ment made. Has a patented self-adjusting
waist-band; lends comfort and assures a per
fect fît.
Use them once and you will always use them
New 40 in. Colored
Voiles at 25c yd.
Dozens and dozens of pretty pieees to choose
from. Fancy floral aud plaid effects or pretty
shades in plaiu colors.
Women's Black
Stockings at 19c Pair
Another lot of the same brand offered about
two weeks ago. Black only: worth 29c a pair.
Special on Wednesday at 19o
Women's Silk Cami
soles at 59c
Beautiful lace trimmed, flesh colored wash
able silk camisoles in all sizes 36 to 44.
Better buy tliein now aud plenty, no you will
have them for this summer-!» wear.
Boys' "Cadet"
Blouses at 63<
Cadet Blouses" — one of the very best
brands of boys' blouses made. Your choice—
attached collar or plaiu neckband style in
plain white, blue or light and dark colored
stripe designs. Sizes 6 to 16 years.
Yard-wide Un
bleached Muslin ν -
at 17c a yard
This is an opportunity every woman should
take advantage of Wednesday. The price is
for one day only aud we have abundant supply
so every customer can have all desired.
Dozens of Pretty
White Waists at 98c
λ oiles. fiaxons, seed voiles and novelty white
goods; made in unusually pretty styles and
styles enough to meet the requirements of
most every individual taste. Select your sum
mer waists -\vldle the assortment is fresh and
new. ι
Good House Dresses
at $1.98
So çood you will not be satisfied with just
buying one. but will want two or three.
Several styles to choose from : all neat ap
pearing; fast color and serviceable.
Lace Trimmed
Scarfs at 59c
You will wonder how sueh \alues are pos
sible in this day of "High Prices.''
We were "lucky"—got a bargain ourselves
and for this reason we offer this bargain to
you on "Wednesday.
Yard-wide Silk
Poplin 98c a yard
An excellent quality; rich coloring, lustrous
finish. An ideal fabric for spring and summer
A splendid assortment of colors iu the sea
son's newest shades to chooee from.

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