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PARIS PALACE NOW WILSON’S HOME <g)rtm rgAr»pu TAPIS. l>ec. Jl: — I loyal trappings l.f Napoleon's day surround Presldmt Wllnoii in America's "White Honw" In [’aria Mm. Wllsoiv- sleeps upon a cano pied bed of ptnk brocade, with pink tapestries. The presidential dressing room has closets for fifty suits of clothes (though the President hasn't that many with him) and a hundred pair of shoe*. Mia Wilson lias more changes of costume than the President, natural ly. but even for h r the rloeet space for 100 gowns is more than ample. The Paris residence of the Presi dent while In France for the peace conference Is the home of Prince Joachim Murat, descendant of the Joachim Murat who was one of Na poleon's marshals and later King of Naples and who married Napoleon's younger sister. This early Murat was at one time governor of Paris, and lived in a magnificent palace in the Hue des Citoyennea. in the (w*mo of the present Prince Murat are many of the furnishings of the Murat palace of Napoleon's day. Great drawing rooms open the one info the other. Magnificent saiona fitted with bronzes and marbles, are richly fur nished. An immense dining room, with a ,V! : "v mahogany Inlaid table seating thirty* Dve, is provided with a wonderful gold service, which lias been placed at the disposal of the presidential party. Carpets an Inch thick cover the floors; mirrors in massive. gilded frames line the walla; silk and velvet, gilding and embroidery everywhere embellish the place. The grounds about the house cover two acres, and a system of electric signals lias been arranged between the guards which are stationed there. Though In a fashionable street, the Murat house has, on one side, a school for children; nearby, a tittle corner cafe. and. across the Btreet. a butcher shop and offices and studios. Knights and Daughters Enter tain Wounded Men at Colonia Han Hnlvador Council. Knight* of Columbus and Court Han ttalvadar. Daughters of Isabella, furnished the entertainment for the Christmas cele Kiatton at the Knights of Columbus Hut at Colonia hospital for the wounded and convalescent soldiers D*t night. The member* of too two orgaDiza t>"n iooereved in rereral automo biles to Colonia. The hut was crowded and the en tertainment provided lij the men and women from here was greatly enjoy ed by the four hundred or more that bad gathered there for the affair. Colonel Yates In charge at the hos P 1*1. presided. Cigarettes, cigars, csrdv. chewing gum and fruit w-eie datrlbned by Mrs. Thomas Christo pher. Anna Kenna. Anna Donovan. Ague* Donovan. Had’e Julian. Mrs. Kiel) a Ml K. White. Viola StefTner. Mrs. Htacy Coutt*. Kasie Donovan. Helen N. Seaman. Mrs. Fred O'Brien and Mrs. Han* Miller. The music for the oc i-Hston was furnished by Fred O* Brien's orchestra. that Included Abel Hansen. W. Bollsch seller and I.outs Horner. Those that took part in the program were Mrs Thomas 4’hristopher and Helen hT. 8*:-man. vocal solos; Ratilck White, recitations; Sadie Julian. pi ano selections, and I.«u Ihilton. John Mortenson, William Rovth anti Timo thy Jon.*. song.*. Each number re reived its share of applause and en core* wore frequent throughout the evening. Those who furnished the car* to convey the members to the hospital and return were 11 M. Gannon. John Seaman. Samuel Manger. Stacy M. 'Contis. Johu Burns. John 1*. Desmond, Willfma Elko vita and Dr. .1. V. Smith The committee in charge • unstated of John F. Murray, Ftichard F. White. James Murray, Frank Hurley and i William Fitzpatrick. Tonight the members of Rahwav 4’ouncil, and tomorrow night Elizabeth t'onnei! will entertain at the hospital. | - Daily Thought Btudinus let me sit nod hold high converse with the mighty dead.— Thomson. Joint Committee Meet and Plan to Establish Hebrew School At a Jolut committee session of Knei Zion I'amp. Order Bnei Zion, and the Congregation Shaary Ttlloh yesterday afternoon at the Enel Zion Institute in Fayette street it was de cided to combine and form a city Hebrew school. i After » general discussion of the I school question it was decided to call | a mass meeting for next Sunday af- j ] ternoon at 2 o'clock st the Shaary ' Tfiloh synagogue in Madison Rvenne. ■ Prominent speakers will be secured to address the meeting. The election of ollicers for the school as also a board of education will take place at this time. Nathan Both, Max Scott, B. Av chen and P. Pavlovsky rep resented Shaary Tfiloh, and Sol Brodv, A. f BeckhofT. Philip Siskind anil Maxwell |Sosin were representatives of Beni I Zion Camp at the Join session held yesterday. Grand Rapids Furniture STERN & CO. 168-170 Smith St, Perth Amboy, iV. j. Grmf Clean-up Sale of All Holiday Goods Today and 1 uesday-20perct. Discount | on odd pieces and Christmas Goods. StiU a large assortment to select from. : Our store will he open Monday and Tuesday night. STERN & CO. 168-170 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY, N. J. f=_l Timely Arrival of Workmen Probably Saves Life of Plant Employe When John Wyravi, of *34 Amboy avenue, waa arraigned before Recor der Plckersgill yesterday on a charge of atrocious assault made by Selcl Walshlk. of 3f2 Wagner avenue. De tectives Long and Qutowskl told the recorder that the accused had badly beaten up the complainsnt and that only for the tlmly arrtvel of others he would have killed him As a result the recorder held Wyravi In 3500 ball for the grand Jury. If the boll Is not forthcoming today he will be taken to the county workhouse by City Mar shal Moore. According to the evidence which the detectives secured in the case, both men were employed at the plant of the Barber Asphalt Works and Wyravi picked a quarrel with Walshlk and when they left the plant he attack ed him and beat him so badly that his noee was broken and his face a mass of cuts and bruises. It was nec essary for him to be taken to a doctor for medical attendance. As soon as he was able he reported the matter to the police and Chief Burke assigned Long and Qutowskl to the case with the result that they placed Wyravi under arrest. Icid Poured on lot Said to Hare Killed Many Chickens Samuel Cotlos of Oak street hailed Samuel Halpern of High and Fayette streets before Recorder Plckersgill on a rather peculiar charge this morning. He accused him of killing forty-five chickens, but as the evidence was not conclusive, the recorder told Cotlos he would have to allow Halpern to go free. According to Cotlos, who was rep resented by Jacob B. Joselson. Hal pern, who was represented by H. K. Qolenbock. had hired a vacant lot front his mother on which he had etored a number of barrels containing acid and when he was about to re move the barrels he had emptied them c-n the lot with the result that, the contents had run Into a shed where Cotlos had many chickens. The fowls, forty-five In number had died from the effect of the acid, ac cording to the story told by Cotlos and his witness, but they could not prove whether or not this was so and as a result Recorder Plckersgill de cided that he could not hold Halpern The case It Is understood will now be made a civil instead of a criminal one and tuken to the local district court. Leaders h Monthly League of Boys’ Department et Y. M.C.k The December League which ha# been running IB the be ye* dopsrfmon, of the T. M. C. A. daring the preaent month la nearing completion and the league leader* in the v«r1ou* cla*e#» are: Hughe*. In th* Intermediate class: Hoagland. in the Junior em ployed class: AWstrott. In the Junior class: and Coddlngton, in the inter mediate employed class. These league* are started every month and are known by the name or the month dnrtng which they are held. This plan has been adopted because In previous years when a league extended over a period of several months, one team would secure sttch a lead that the tall-enders always give up, but under the new plan, the time Is long enough for good competition and short enough to keep the teams well bunched. The standing of the league and the point scores are as follows: Inter mediate*—Hughes 78, So field 6*. Intermediate employed — Coddington 117, Frischknccht 102. Juniors- -AA est cott 10S. Oil Its 98. Junior employed— Hoagland 98, Fttxgerald 7*. Famous Women Quern Alexandrine. Queen Alexandrine of Denmark, will tomorrow celebrate her thirty-ninth j birthday. Se was born the day before. Christmas tn 1*79. the daughter of the : Grand Duke of Mecklenburg Scliwer- j In. and la about nine years younger; than her husband. King Christian X- j Queen Alexandrine has two children. ; The eldest. Frederick, will be twenty next March, and the second. Prince ! Knud, is eighteen. The Danish queen la the sister-in-law of the exiled Crown ; I Prince of Germany, who married her I 1 sister. Cecilie, In 1905. The Danish ! Queen has been tn poor health forj | years and spanda the winter months in 1 the south of Kurope. Throckmorton In EiEbteenh Harold Throckmorton of Sewaren, was rated eighteen In the ranking of I th* tennis players of this country for the season Just closed. R. Llndley Mur ray. the Californian, was given the place of honor while AAr. P. Tllden, Jr., wns numbered two. Miss Molla BJurstadt was selected as the best in the woman's class, with Mrs. George Wightman second. Give Him a Pair Of Gloves For Christmas .- -- Melboum & Hitter 53 Smith Street Special For Christmas Shoppers Jmum?&NtWVQRKSTORES1"^*^^^ m Appreciation and Remembrance is h] S|J a Good HAT. Especially a I | Igj King’s Lafayette, $2.50 ||j Y Extra Quality, $3.75 A || Imported Velours $5 & $7.50 ||| I King’s . ^ Y 1 |p Hat Store I |ij 166 Smith Street ||| ||| Perth Amboy New Jersey |$| XXH£NCCTA0f^Jlll^^2LlMll— j pu<r~ (HRCTMAS BANKING flUE fin>^ *' IT IS NOT HARD TO GET THAT $63.75 OR $127.50. BRING IN THE 5 CENTS OR 10 CENTS NOW AND EACH WEEK INCREASE YOUR PAYMENTS THE SAME AMOUNT, OR YOU CAN JOIN OUR 50 CENT, $1.00 OR $5.00 CLUB, WHERE YOU PAY IN THE SAME AMOUNT EACH WEEK. IN 60 WEEKS: 10-CENT CLUB PAYS $127.50 . 5-CENT CLUB PAYS 63.75 2 CENT CLUB PAYS 25.50 1-CENT CLUB PAYS 12.75 ALL THE MONEY YOU PAY INTO THE CHRISTMAS BANK ING CLUB IS YOURS. THERE ARE NO DUES OF ANY KIND. COME IN AND JOIN TODAY. Perth Amboy Trust Co. 147 SMITH STREET Perth Amboy New Jersey PERTH AMBOY'S THEATRE OP VARIETIES OOUNIHAN A SHANNON'S flAJESTIC TODAY Monday, Dec. 23rd ROSE SYDELL’S “London Belles” With Geo. F. Hayes And a host ot other Performers SCATS NOW ON SALC Tomorrow and Wednesday Biff All Star Vaudeville “PALS FIRST** And 4—ACTS—4 Next Week, Monday, December 30th The 20th Century Maids Tuesday, December, 31st, Matinee and Night SELWYN & CO., PRESENTS “NAUGHTY WIFE” A Rip Roaring Farce Comedy After a Six Months Run On Broadway ROYAI__ Program Changed Daily. The Best Motion Picture Playa Produced Are Shown Here TODAY Dorothy Dalton IN “The Price Mark” A PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION KING BAGGOT AND MARGUERITE SNOW IN “THE REIGN OF TERROR” EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION SURRENDER OF THE ENTIRE GERMAN FLEET Absolutely authentic and complete official pictures of the greatest event in world’s history. TOMORROW WEDNESDAY EDITH ROBERTS IN Grand Holiday Bill •' SET FREE ’ DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IN Also ANTONIO MORENO “Reaching for the Moon” In “THE IRON TEST” AND OTHERS ITMAS TODAY AND TOMORROW THREE POPULAR STARS PAULINE STARKE HARRY MESTAYER and BELLE BENNETT In A Story of a Theatrical Boarding House “THE ATOM” Also Two Other Big Surprise Features Big Holiday Program On Wednesday and Thursday The Screen's Greatest Dramatic Star NORMA TALMADGE With EUGENE O BRIEN and a Superb Cast In “Her Only Way” An Absorbing Story With a Climax That Surprises Rebuilding Broken Liras” 0,flci*lFldCr°“ “LET'S GO TO THJS DiTMAS.” Perth Amboyi Most Popular Picture House COUNfflAN & SHAMMON’S STRAND House Beautiful The Temple of First Run Photo Plays TODAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY j “SELFISH YATES” Starring WILLIAM S. HART “A selfish man redeemed by Love”—Primitive self-love yields to innocence and purity of soul”—“Brutal man is trans formed in Love’s crucible,” Etc. - CONTINUOUS—WEDNESDAY, CHRISTMAS DAY THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY The U. S. Government Presents the Second Official War Picture “AMERICA'S ANSWER” The Visualized story of America’s First Year in the World War “FOLLOWING THE FLAG TO FRANCK” Offered by the Division of Films Committee on Public Information, George Creel, Chairman Taken by the U. S. Signal Corps, A. E. F., by order of General John J. Pershing It is your duty as well as your privilege, to see “AMERICA’S ANSWER” Usual Prices for Both Above Big Shows This Week COMING “THEDA BARA In “Why Women Sin" and ‘‘Under Four Flags”