Newspaper Page Text
TELEPHONE YOUR ■ ■ m ■ B JB B ■ B ■ TRY THESE COLUMNS -vr5- Classified Advertising awdw= LOST AND FOUND LOST—Pair of glasses, name In case. Reward. Return to Pender, 130 Brighton Ave. LOST—Pocketbook containing 120 blit and change between High and State 8L Reward. Returned News._ LOST—Brown and white water span iel named "Brownie." Reward re turned to 187 McClellan St. HELP WANTED—FEMALE GIRLS wanted, cigar packers, rollers bunch makers and strippers, also learners. Porto Rloan American To bacco Co., 878 Rldgely St. GIRLS WANTED, experienced on ehlrt waists; also learners; paid while learning. Kocb Waist Co.. 880 New Brunswick Are, TOBACCO strippers wanted, also learn ers. Apply Industrial Company or Porto Rico. 378 Rldgeley St. GIRL wanted for housework. Apply 281 Prospect Bt_ EXPERIENCED waitress, rood pay. N. Y Restaurant 111 Smith St. GIRL for general housework. Inquire 880 Park Ave. ___ GIRL for general housework, no wash ing or Ironing. 100 High St. _ GIRL wanted for upstairs work. Ap ply HI Kearny Ave. GIRL for housework, small family. 400 State St. WANTED—Stenographer and type writer. Address 8, care News. WANTED—Girl for general housework, no washing or Ironing Call after 7 P. M. Mrs. A. L. Dubrow. 19 -lew Brunswick Ave., Rahway, N. J. WAITRESS wanted. Presto Lunch, 111 Smith Bt. GIRL wanted for light housework, no washing. IIS Brighton Ave. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUY- NOW A SMALL CASH deposit will MCure any lot on beautiful Grand View; low prices; easy terma FRASER BROTHERS, SAVINGS RANK BU1LD1NO Second Floor_ WE HAVE real estate for sale In all sections of the city; prices and terma to suit the purchaser. If you want to buy real estate see Alnern A Co, Raritan Bldg._ FOR SALE—Central location, house, six rooms, electric light, bath, lot 40 X 135. Price 12,800. Easy tertna B. Williams, Tottenvllle. N. T. FOR SALE lots 8« and 87. 100 X 100, 8rd street, Fords, N. J. Apply Mrs. Chr. Hellegaard, 8rd Street, Fords, _N. JL_ FOR SALE 5 room single house on Groom St. Price 12,700. Can be bought with $700 cash. J. Kreiel shelmer & Son, 133 Smith St, Phone 1814. FOR SALE!—Extraordinary bargain, 20 Ker cent, less than It would coat to ulld. New stx-room house, ateam heat, electric light, gas and all other conveniences, plot 60 x 100. Near R. R. stations and trolleys, 16 min utes from Perth Amboy. Price |3,850; I860 cash; the balance like rent. Maple Realty Co, 215 Smith St. LOT 81x100, 2 family frame house lo cated at 306 Oak St, 126 feet from Smith St. Big bargain. Inquire on Premises. BIG SACRIFICE! 1 I (-room brick new dwelling, all Improvements ex cept heat, complstely furnished, muet be sold, owner leaving town. To quick buyer, price 14,000 complete. Cash needed only 8900. Schoncelt A Blltzer, 179 Smith St, Raritan Bldg, Room 216. •-ROOM stucco house, Tottenvllle, Sta ten Island, modern Improvements; 3 blocks to station and ferry, price •2,760, easy terms. W. C. Reeves & Co, 119 Lexington Ave, New York. PLUMBING AND HEATING WILL Install bath and toilet fixtures, heat your house with steam, hot Water, or plpeleBS heater on month ly payments of 88.00 per month. F. J. Larkin, 208 Market St. A. J. GROTHEN. 48 Smith St.—Plumb ing and heating; lobbing a specialty, personally and promptly attended to Telenbons 1«S» Oe 48-J. HELP WANTED—MALE FIREMAN WANTED. 8TEADT EM PLOYMENT. ANSWER GIVING EX PERIENCE TO M. O., CARE NEWS. TERRA Cotta preesers wanted, steady work, under good working conditions In factory located tn city, none but Srst class men need apply. Address alloway Terra Cotta Company, 12nd and Walnut Sts., Phi la.. Pa WAGON Salesman wanted, establtehed routes, bond required. Address E. 9, News. __ CHAUFFEUR wanted. Apply H. Edel steln, 120 Oak St. PLUMBERS wanted. Apply O. W. Stll well, 287 King St._ WANTED—A young man as elerk. who can operate typewriter, good hours and good pay. Address I. C., Care Evening News. WANTED Boy over 1* years of age to work In cigar factory. Apply G. H. P. Cigar Co , 422 Park Ave. STRONG Boy. Good opportunity for intelligent, ambitious boy. Apply Evening News. _ STOCK Clerk wanted to do heavy work in chemical plant. Apply Mangano Mfg Co., 17 Seminary Ave., Rahway, _N. J.___ CHEMICAL Works operator for evap orator and filter press work, 40-460 fer hour. Apply Mangano Mfg. Co, 7 Seminary Ave., Rahway. N. J. FIREMAN, licensed, wanted. Wages $3G to $40 per week. Apply Mangano Mfg. Co, 1? Seminary Ave., Rahway, N. h._______ HANDY Man to work In lunch wagon, six days a week. Inquire 146 New Brunswick Ave. • __ SITUATIONS WANTED CARPENTER and mason—general re pair work. 632 Watson Ave., Nielsen. HOTET-MAN who can cook and attend bar. wants steady position. Best of references. Address Middle Aged, News. MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE. Are. explosion, accident, workmen'* compensation, automobile, liability, etc. M. H. Madsen. Raritan Bldg.. 175 Smith St. IF YOU WANT to buy or sell real es tate. have rents collected or s mort Sage loan, see D. A. Shirley. 130 mlth St.__ WE Will pay cash for Liberty Bonds. Address J. Box 26. SAVE MONEY. Razor blades sharp ened on electrlo machine. Perth Amboy Hardware. JEWELRY AND WATCHES repaired to your eatlafactlon and a full Una of high grade Jewelry Harry Kohn, Jeweler to particular people. 1(7 Bmlth St., near Madison Ave. MASON and carpenter repair work dore reaeonably. Robt. R. Bozza. 13 Broad St., Tel. 846-M._ MASQUERADE eulte to let. Mre. Rull man 188 Fayette St. r TYPEWRITERS Headquarters for Under woods and Remingtons; other makes. (16.00 up. You pay more elsewhere. Rent $2.00 to 8.00 month. Sums paid on account of rental deducted If you purchase. Guaranteed one year. COMEGYS & BRO., 224 SMITH ST. GIRL, for housework, small family. 400 State St. _ ROOFS and leader pipes, heaters, ranges and all kinds of Jobbing &romptly attended to. Century Sheet fetal Worki. 290 High St._ WOOD Turning done to order. H. J. A. Lund, 878 New St. MONEY TO LOAN r LIBERTY Bonds cashed and we loan money on them. Don't sell them when you can borrow about all they are worth. Come and let ua see what you have. We also cash hooka and recelpta. Money for Chrlatmas. Office open even ln**COMEGYS BROS. CO. PHONE 839-W. 224 SMITH ST. MORTGAGES. LOANS—We can place a few good loana at 6 par cent. In amounts of $2,000 up. Charles I* *Ueuerwald. Inc.. 208 Smith St. HELP WANTED GIRL and Boya wanted, full time or •art time. Cheaebrough Mfg. Co, vaseline Worka. PERMANENT JOBS ' I AT PIG PAT MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS WANTED ON PUBLIC SERVICE CARS MEN AS MOTORMEN OR CONDUCTORS WOMEN AS CONDUCTORS EVERT MOTORMAN OR CONDUCTOR MAN OR WOMAN IS PAID GOOD WAGES WHILE LEARNING AND IS GUARANTEED GOOD WAGES WHILE ON THE EXTRA LIST WOMEN PAID SAME'WAGES AS MEN THIS OCCUPATION OFFERS CONTIN UOUS LONO 1 ERM EMPLOYMENT TO THE RIGHT MEN AND WOMEN APPLY AT ANT PUBLIC SERVICE OFFICE OR UNITED STATES EM PLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE REAL ESTATE FOR RENT OFFICES to let In the Board of Trade S>d?h *“aple Realty Co., 216 TO LET—(-room apartment, new building, all Improvements at Avenel Park, near P. It. It. station; 12 min utes from Perth Amboy, rent 125.00 Ser month. Maple Realty CdflP 216 mlth 8t FOR RENT house on Lewis St., op posite Rector St. Olesen & Comp ton. 43 Smith St. Tel. 1312. TARD and stable for rent. Herman Ellis, So. Second St. FLAT to let, 6 rooms, all Improve ments, 174 Broad St. Inquire Store keeper or B. WUentz, 98 Lewis St. SUBLET to May 1st. furnished house. References required. Telephone Woodbrldge 216. Address Box 76, Sewaren. FIREPROOF Building, suitable for factory or storehouse. Inquire 227 State St. 7-ROOM apartment, all Improvements. 99 Lewis St. | 7-ROOM apartment, all Improvements, to rent 60 State St. GARAGE for rent, 20 x 25. 533 Sayre Ave. FLAT T® LET, 6 rooms, all Improve ments. 223 Jefferson St. 9 ROOM House to rent with Improve ments, 220 rent Also 6 room house, 212 rent. Inquire In Grocery Store, Corner Ford Ave. and Wildwood Ave., I Fords. 7-ROOM House, all improvements. In cluding electric lights. 274 Market St. Inquire H Edelsteln, 820 Oak St, / or 272 Market St. | '■ '■ JJ ■ . ■ ■ FOR SALE A COMPLETE LINE of posts for fenc ing. grape vines, clotnee poles, red fence: all kinds of lumber, wall boards, roofing and sewer pipe. Bor ensen’s, Bayre Ave. Phone l$t$. STEREOTYPE MATS for sale. 100 for 10 cents: excellent for lining barna poultry houeee, etc. Evening Newa FOR BALE—1 length! 1C x If, 60 ft long Oregon pine; 2 lengths If x If SO ft long. Berman Bills South Second St snd C. R. R. DOLL’S Wigs, switches from tl.OO up, cleansing snd bleaching creams ft. Peterson, Raritan Bldg., Smith * Madison Ave. Tel. 154J. WOOD, cut In stove lengths, by the carload, $9.00 per cord, r. o. b. Cliff wood. Favler Bros., R. F. D. No. 1, Mata wan. GOOD singing canary birds. 422 Brace Ave. SIMMEN’S Wrapped Luxury Bread le but one quality—the beat: th# best bread made; suits the hard-to-pleaae. 100 PER CENT. PURE—What? Slm men's Luxury Bread. Health and strength In every slice. At all stores 10 cents. FRESH Cow, Bedman Brothera. East Grand St., Rahway, N. J. FOR BALE—Oak buffet. Inquire 93 Btate St. FRENCH Poodle, IS months. Apply 415 East Ave. EXCELLENT opportunity to buy Sedan winter top for Dodge touring car. Address Top, care News. UPRIGHT Pianos, slightly used, $40, $60. $60 up. Open 2 to 5, 7 to 9. Amboy Plano Storage Co., 309 Madi son Ave. BEAUTIFUL upright piano, mahog any, need 3 months, cost $450.00. Will sacrifice If sold at once. Amboy Plano Storage Co.. 309 Madison Ave. Open 2 to 5. 7 to 9. BLACKSMITH and horse aimer's shop with tools In Hunterdon County, N. J. Cheap to quick buyer. Inquire 44 State St., Perth Amboy. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE—Seven-room house, ele«trlo light, lot 75 ft. front, price $2,600. $260 cash. Balance monthly payments. B. Williams. Tottenvllle. FOR SALE—Barclay Street; six-room frame dwelling; water, gas and elec tricity. good condition; lot 25 X 100. Price $3,100.00, easy terms. Charles L. Steuerwald, Inc., £08 Smith Street. FOR SALE—Central location; six family apartment house; three story frame, rents $116.00 per month: can bring In $130.00: perfect condition: lot £9 x lOu. Price $12,500.00. Terms can be arranged. Charles L. Steuer wald, Inc., 208 Smith Street. FOR SALE—2 houses on Lower Smith St., 60 foot frontage at a bargain. $7,000 for quick buyer. J. Krelel shelmer A Son, 183 Smith 8t., Phone 1314. BIO selection of well located houses, Rood building lots, very low prices. on't miss this chance. Inquire Carl Jacobs. 179 State St. PIANOS C. STEINHAUSER. Pianos tuned and rrT\rs%W2S giff 3t.„F^hAmboy HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. DELIVERY horse and wagon for sale Call between 8 and 5 o'clock. 192 Madison Ave. AUTOMOBILES,. TIRES, ETC. AUTO RADIATORS, bodies and fenders rep* | red. auto sheet metsl work. Work guaranteed. Amboy Auto Rw dlatrr works, II Smith St Tel. HOT. SECOND HAND AUTOS: good prices Paid; parts, tlrea. fenders. Bodies nought and sold. N. Shsr. 457 Division St. Phone 1851._ AUTO radiators and lamps repaired and rebuilt by expert mechanic* Federal Auto Radiator Works, Board of Trade Bldg., Maple St. Phon* 1U1 ELIZABETH AUTOMOBILE WRECK ING CO—Highest prices paid for all kinds of old automobiles. All kind* of parts on band. SI Rahway Avs Elizabeth. N. J. Writ* or pbon* 1071 Elizabeth._ DIAMOND I! i IU, nonskid. $17; Em £lrs <0 x I, t».60. Fisk $17 50. [echanlk, 365 Stats St FOR your automobile supplies and ac cessories, Mlchelln tire* and tube*, stop at the Amboy Lighting Co., 193-195 Smith St SLIP COVERS and radiator covers made for all kinds of cars. Auto mobile tops inad* and repaired. Cur tains mad* for touring cars and trucks P. Gut! aft. 188 New Bruns wick Are. 1817 FORD Runabout, Ilk* new all new tires. Mslbourn 4k Ritter, 13 Smith JBt. PERTH Amboy Wrecking Co., Abe Korb, Tsl. 1394. Highest prices paid for all kinds of automobiles. All kinds of parts on hand. Radiators, carburetors, lamps, magnetos, springs generators, tires, tub**, etc., for sals 184 Fayette Street and 113 New runswlck Ave.. Perth Amboy. N. J. FORD Touring car, also Ford delivery. Reasonable. 13 Broad St. Tel. 845 M. I-TON Bessemer truck. Three new tires, )475. Bushneli’s, Matawan, N. J. WILL sell Chevrolet, model 490, 1918, practically new $760. Bushneli'a, Matawan, N. J. 1917 MITCHELL Small Six, bargain at $685. Bushneli's, Matawan, N. J, CHANDLER 1917, 7-passengIr] Very good buy at $950. Bushneli’s Mata wan, N. J. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE THIS IS FOR YOU TO KNOW that now Is the best time for you to purchase a used car or pay A deposit on one for future delivery. W* have 60 used cars of all makes You can buy any one on time pay ment, if desired. DE COZEN MOTOR CO. 20 Branford Place Newark, N. J. Tel. Market 484 USED CARS 1918 FORD touring, demountable rims, shock absorbers, etc,, $425.00. 1917 ALLEN roadster, fully equipped, $500.00. 1918 CHANDLER touring, fully equip ped, $1,300.00. 1918 CHANDLER Dispatch, fully equip ped, $1,800.00. 1918 CHANDLER Winter touring, $1,800.00. Limousine bodies, commercial bodies, trucks and Busses. Perth Amboy Garage Co., 283 Madison Ave., Next to Majestic Theatre, Phone 1717, Perth Amboy, N. J. 1946 STUPEBAKER TRUCK, PANEL BODY. APPLY D. SPITZER & SON. 285 McCL^,LAN ST. WILL exchange Ford racer for 1917 Ford touring or Ford roadster. Tel ephone 28. FOR SALE—Two ton Ford trucks, Araea Worm Drive attachment. Ad dress Lock Box 383. WANTED WE PAY excellent prices for household furniture and store fixtures; single Items or complete households. 138 State Street. Phone 798 W. HIGH PRICES paid for second hand furniture, also all kinds of furniture Steves, bedding, floor covering for sale. Sussms"., 23 Smith St. HIGHEST prices paid for old gold, ell ver, platinum, diamonds and falsa teeth. Lubtr s Exchange. 188 Market St.. J^ewark Drop postal. BUY Liberty Bonds and keep them. If you must sell I will pay you spot cash for them. B. Perlmuter, 199 Smith St. Perth Amboy. N. J. • DO You need men or women? W* supply Arms and publlo places with help free of charge. Evans Agency, Phone 1018. Red Bank, N. J. SEE PAGE 4 FOR ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED ADS. BUSINESS PERSONALS DTEING to match yoor oanpU; clean Ing, repairing men gn<l women* clothing. Phone 1458. Flsnkln Bros. I0» State St lit N. Brjnswlck Ava MASONS' MATERIAL* C * S. Co. Maaona' Material ^ .... Prompt Service Telephone 144# Seaman Street__ SECOND itAND FURNITURE ~ FURNITURE second hand bought and Bold. J. Scher, 4-8 and 141 Smith St. WALL PAPER and PAINTS BIO VARIBTT of wall paper, palnta oils and varntshea fe havewhat you want In theae llnaa Koch. 174 State St.____ P. A. AUTO BODT CO, 8I1-8I StateSL Ta/. 1141. Auto truck and delivery bodies built. Ford delivery bodies In stock. Painting, repairing._ HARNESS AND LEATHER GOODS WINTER BLANKETS; also full line of harneaa traveling bags, valleee and leather gooda Clausen A Johnson, 148 New Brunswick Ava___ WALL PAPER and PAINTING WE CARRT the largest stock In town, of 1111 wall paper We also do paint ing and papering at reasonable prloea A. Kass. Ill State 8t. or 111 New Brunswick Ava _ __ FULL line of harneee and stable sup plies. Alio full line of Winter Blan •kets and Automobile Robea. P. Gut hoff. 188 New Bruniw I ck Ava._ PAINTING, papering, decorating and plasterlnr done. Estimate* oheer fully given. Work guaranteed. J. Roeerberjr. 14« Pin* Av*.. South Am boy, N. J7, Tel. 18b. > PAINTING end decorating dona Jacob StepacofF. 138 Lewis St. __ PLASTERING and cementing done by expert, reasonable. 69A Smith St. FURNISHED ROOMS_ NO. 162 NEW Brunswick Ave.. Perth Amboy Tel. #90, furnished rooms, ■team heat, electric lights, bath, hot water, handy to car* The Ernst House. SIMGLE ROOM, $2; double room. |3l all Improvements. 267 McClellan St. DESIRABLE room for two In private family. Best location. Phone 562JW. 2 FURNISHED rooms, all Improve ments. Inquire 107 Brighton A/e. LARGE front ropm for two, twin beds. 1C 6 Gordon St. FURNISHED rooms, single or double. 265 Rector St. LARGE furnished front room, house keeping privilege. 218 High St. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen, all conveniences. 135 State St._ FURNISHED rooms. 279 High St near Smith St HOBART ST.. 266. Furnished room, all Improvements. PLEASANT steam heated room, suit able 2 or 3. 37 Water St,_ FURNISHED ROOMS. 22 Smith _St___ TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping, all Improvements. 141 Fayette St. FURNISHED Roor, couple or gentle man, private family. 818 Rector St TWO light housekeeping rooms. Im provements, heat. Central location. 94 Fayette St_ FURNISHED room, suitable for one or two. 159 Kearny Ave. FURNISHED room, all Improvements. 71 Fayette St_ FURNISHED Room, all conveniences. Steam heat. Apply 291 High St DAIRY PRODUCTS PURE Elgin butter and fresh laid eggs at the Rockville -Farm Dairy, 208 Smith St GOBEL’S Pork Sausage in links, lb. 42c. Tho most modern store In town. Ma jestic Delicatessen, 182 Smith St., opp. Raritan Bldg. The Name Gutta Percha. Gotta percha derives Its name from the Malayan words gueta, a gum, and percha, a cloth. It was Introduced :o the civilized world In 1842 by Doctor Montgomery, a Scottish surgeon. HIS COSTiy DERBY Abundant Reasons Why Owner Clings to Headpiece. Merely at an Investment It Muet Ba Conceded ae Deserving Care, and la Worthy of Respect ao Thing of Value. It Is omy a plain derby, beglnninf to have the permanent duskiness of a peach. In eplte of frequent trips to tha hat specialist for rehabilitation. It has no claim whatever to any Individ* nallsm, outside of the Initials, which are Inside and don't show anyway. It does not do me Justice, either. And at any angle I place It, It gives me a tophoavy appearance. So why do I cling to It? Why? Because anything that costs as much money as that derby, deserves not only care as an Investment, but respect as a thing of value. People don’t laugh at the Kohlnoor diamond, do they? They never poke fun at the Great Ruby? Then why should they ba amused at my derby? It cost a great deal of money. Tha first time I bought It, I mean when I selected It In the hat shop and paid for It. supposing that It was wholly mine, the price was four dollars. The pay ing over of four of my dollars to the hat man gave me, at least to my sim ple. one-track mind, sole right and ti tle against all pretenders until the end r of the world. But only a simple mind could believe a thing like thnt. Alas, like many other things In this surprising worm, u was not uiy ueruy. It never has been and probably never will be. For I have been buying It ever since the first sale In the shop, almost like one does on the Instalment plan. Only the Instalment plan entails a set expenditure each week or month { you know Just what It Is going to bs and can be prepared for It. But when you get your derby from a hat boy or hat girl In hotel, restau rant. theater or wherever the grafters are permitted, you do not know what It will cost you. It all depends on the hauteur of the hat boy or girl la charge. Some of them have the ap pearance that anything tendered less than fifty cents would be faux pas be yond thought. Then the surroundings play such an Important part In gaug Ing the amount of blood money, or hat money. Just as you desire to designate It. A mass of towering palms, much marble and occasional rugs, means a ransom. Less marble and only on# or two palms mean less Indemnity. And simple mahogany and no palm mean ten cents. Why do men ever select such 8 piece of headgear In the first place! I know why they hang onto It after they get It, but what can be the rea son for wanting one In the beginning! They are not 'beautiful on or off ths head. They are hard to keep clean. Also they dent very easily and grow shabby without an effort It Is a mys tery. There Is no sentiment In my case toward my derby. I respect It, ths same ns I respect anything that cost* a lot of money, but I don't love It. I don’t gaze at It with the tenderness I bestow on my tulln bed. nor do I look at It with the fondness which my old briar pipe Inspires. These I would not part with. But anyone who will advance to me one-tenth the sum which I have paid out may become the owner of one black derby, a trifle fuzzy perhaps, but still capable of exciting the envious eyes of hat boys and hat girls.—Harry Irving Shumway, In Judge. 8nalla In Aquariums. A large glass tank Is not necessary for a house aquarium, says Boys’ Life. Small. Inexpensive glass boxes that make desirable Indoor aquaria, as well as glass tubs and Jars, may be ob tained from dealers. Do not buy a glass globe for an aquarium. These give a distorted view of the contents and are evidently un comfortable for their animal Inmates. Goldfish are pretty and Interesting, but they are common In such globe* and not enough can be learned from them by the average student of na ture'. Fit up the aquarium as If yon Intended It for goldfish, then get some thing else. Ton can catch many things, but do not put too many Into one aquarium. One of the most Interesting aquatlO animals Is the comraop water snail. These are ordinarily kept In gold fish aquaria as scavengers, to clean up the debris and take off the green material that grows on the sides of the glass. Moat people think of snails as aids In keeping the aquarium clean, but they are In themselves real objects of Interest. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSET To Mrs. Fany Wslss. wlfs of Mas Weiss. By vlrtus of an order of ths Court ro! Chancery ef New Jereey. made on the day of the date hereof, in a cause wherein Frederick Lupton Is com plainant, and Hugo Goldstein and you and others are defendants, you are re quired to appear and answer the Bill of said Complainant, on or before the Thirtieth day of January, 1919. or the said bill will ha taken as confessed against you. The said bill Is filed to foreclose a mortgage given by Hugo Goldstein and wife to Frederick Lupton, dated April 1 ISIS on lands In the City of Perth Amboy, New Jereey, and you, Fany Weles, and others are made de fendants because you own said land* or some part thereof. Dated. November 29th, 1918. _ , JOHN P. LLOYD. Solicitor for Complainant, ,, , ..**• O. Bldg.. Matawan. N. J. 274-12-2-5t 0«w Mon. Give Him a Red Wonder Pump For Christmas Melboum & Ritter 53 Smith Street DOINGS OF THE DUFFS. - THAT’S TAKING THE JOY OUT OF LIFE BY ALLMAN. I’LL GET 425^ A MONTH RAISE Ol TMK FICOT OP THE. SfcAE- WHILE TUAT ISN'T A WHOLB Lot it was ppettw decent op THE Doss JOST The same - | caN HARDL.S WAIT UNTIL I SHOW THE S LeTfCft.To HblbN . Eospor* Woo so mh j FORTHbr. urr mb Tea. I -i Woo WHB»e i was i—1 LET Tb OAW - |-1 M OW WoO ---*7r-> nr»R i i JpHf omUw. ^ ot>AW I was cwea To see MRS NeWrkh in her Nbw Howe - Too know He MADe A FonrruMe oor <?P TUe war - Tom Sol) should see “HAT Wcvse WITH it’s ITALIAN 6AHDEWS -TwE TAPESTRIES/U»B./ TURKISH RUBS-TUE WoNOBBFul V=4f CHINA- SHB HAS POOR POR . COATS - “TWO NEW ="f a dozen gorgeous hays SHE CAN'T CLOSE HER HANDS —JL __ POR the diamomO Klf5AT-s-«- J I IT WAS simple Womoerfol^om- _ f i’ll tellSoo More about rr after OmweR.- WHAT WAS THAT LETTER. 1 ABOUT VoO <Stff FROM “ THE BOSS f pJ >^ --J 1 = OH, IT WASN'T IMPORTANT 4= L^—r FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS. THAT WAS THE EASIEST QUARTER HE EVER GOT I . „ BY BLOSSER. __ ______ if SEOC6E, WON'T FRECKLED | l W tickled wueN UE SEES \ tuis* Bine train i o-ot / FOR m? CUfclSTMAS — ( WELL CAN 1 REMEMEER V tue First one \i-X (EOT-. MB SMOULDMT BREAK I ' TMAT Foft A GOOD WUOEJ n*. ci. ft* f Pot>-» K\N I V.] S UAViB k PENNY V It setsomf ^ ^ (^UWRlffU?) j THERE'? A QUARTER - GET ALL TUB LltORlCF YOU WANT — WORRY l.»