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St. Helena Prepares For Former Kaiser t -o Hi Helena, tale of Napoleon's exile. Is : etting ready to receive William IIoIh nzollern. The Island's 4.000 inhabitant!) - ninltteers, plantation owners, sol dieis. even the Hoer and Zulu politi cal prisoners from Booth Africa- - confidently <xpect the ex-kaiser will soon he brought here to end his days. At tiie St. Helens club, officers in kheh wonder whether the of the hens will oc< upy l-ongwood. which was Napoleon's home from ]»lo to 1821, or, which sheltered Piet i Tonic, the famous beer leader. is li e more spacious and dignified. Klngshouso tl;e more com fortable. KUhei Is too good for him, says tli Hf. Helena Advertiser, while the Guardian, tho other weekly paper, a -erts that, if the people of James town and the hack country are to he Wilhelm's hosts, they must treat him a* politely but ss firmly as possible. Not slnec 1901 has there been so much excitement here. In that year it was reported among Hoer prison ers and thi p.< it-Dutch islanders that . - - . I 1 I Germany, friend of the Boers, was about lo intervene in their war against Great Britain. Secret watch was kept from an inland peak for the German fleet—which never came. i.ongwood. if the kaiser is sent there, will be found a rambling. * tory-and-a-half structure, on the plateau that embrace:' much of the island, about three miles southeast of Jamestown, the only town. The nmnn was originally that of a wood td farm. The house which Napoleon occupied was built in the eighteenth century, and. until Napoleon's arriv al, >vas iho home of the vice gover nor. Nearby is another structure known as "Rongwood New House'' to distin guish It from the "old house” In which Napoleon lived. Napoleon's tomb is in a wooded glen half-a mile away. His body is no longer there, having been re moved to France in 1S<0. Recalling that the savage /ulus Imprisoned lino in the nineteenth century accepted civilization and helped Britain rule their native countrymen after their return to Africa, the St Helena Guardian re — -e» marks: “It Is quits possible that, bearing our experience with the black Zulus in mind, we St. Heienans may suc ceed in civilizing the blacker kaiser!" There is hardly a day in history when the island lias not been the prison of some enemy of Britain. The prosent captives are participants in the pro-Oerman revolt of a Boer faction In South Africa In 191*. Hohenzoliern's chance of escaping, if he Is brought to 8t. Helena, Is very | slight. The nearest land is the British island of Ascension. 700 miles. Africa la 1,200 miles, South America 1,800 | miles away. St. Helena, discovered by the Port uguese in 1002, was settled by the | Dutch in 1*+S, and taken by the Bri tish In 1*57. The Dutch have cap tured it several times. The natives have much Dutch blood. There are also many negroes, descendants of ' slaves. The first of the three pictures | above shows prisoners being landed | at 81. Helena. Tlic lower left hand i picture Is the tomb of Napoleon and the one on the right is a view of Jamestown. UNKNOWN HEROISM ) uitkm'M Mn’rnfl Dofonv do IVrl! rtt* Work I'nhi'whltHl (J '■ •"<*•*«(/ Pres? Cnrr*»fp**'fennc.» I.OX DON*. Nov. 18. Of the many iilqritn o£ lieroUm during tho war on vi l< of'* ial records are silent but vhieh are being brought forth with IV 11 "■ '■■■■ 1 ■ ■ .. | relaxation of the censorship, is that ; of Captain Latvombe of the anti-air craft defenses of the London District. His job for four years has been to ; find and dispose of German aerial , bomba tbul failed to explode when dropped on London. After each air-raid, and in the early part of the war there were many, Larcombe and hi* men would :o about the city seeking the "duds." it was dungorous work extricating hem from wherever they happened lo drop, transporting them out of the •ity and exploding or otherwise de stroying them. Uuriug the excite ment after a raid few people thought of the bombs that failed to “go oft" but all of them have ceased to be a menace to the city. ‘RARITAN' CANAL N. Y.-N. J. Port and Harbor De velopment Commission Will Report on Feasibility The enormous possibilities of Indus trial development and transference of freight routing dependent upon the construction of the New Jersey link of the lntercoagtal canal which la planned to cross the state diagonally from Bari tan bay Just south of Perth Amhoy to the Delaware river south of Trenton, have been tabulated by In vestigators of the N. T.-N. J. Port and Harbor Development Commission and will form an Important Item In the official report which the commis sion Is to make to ths legislatures of the two states. The Delaware and Raritan canal has been carrying an average of 400.000 tons of freight each year for the ten-year period ending Just after the United Htales entered the war. During the past year this tonnage has been largely Increased and would very likely have been more than doubled If Its capacity for big carriers were greater. The Inadequacy of the "Raritan” canal Is due to Its shallowness. An estimated volume of 10.000,000 tons now carried by railroads and 10,000. 000 tons carried by coastwise carriers over the outside route can be eonfl denly looked for when the "Raritan" cana I Is deepened and widened and made a part of the Intercoastal canal system. The economic Importance repre sented by the transfer of this large freight tonnage from rail to water Is due to the fact that water transpor tation costs lese than ona-half the amount by rail baaing the difference upon freight charges under pre-war ratings. Under the plana completed and now awaiting federal action. It Is provided that the canal shall have a uniform <w Ural draft of twenty-tve feet and ] ba widened euffldentty to permit largo coastwise carriers pass without dan -1 **Aslde from ths Industrial and com;! merclal advantages of the "Raritsn I intercoastal canel the report of the In-1 \ estimators shows by official records the great value It will have from « purely military or naval standpoint. With the "Raritan" link In commis sion, warships of all but the largest battleship type could travel from Bos ton to Delaware bay without going outside Wbst this would mean In the cast of a war brought to our own coast 11ns can only be estimated In billions Dlamsnd Not Most Valuable. It Is a popular error to suppose that the diamond Is the moat valuable of the precious atones. The relative valua of the finer gems places the ruby at the head of the list; the diamond sec ond, and. following tbta. the sapphire. It Is a vary common occurrence to find a perfect diamond, bnt a perfect ruby Is rare. * if One of the Very Funny Scene3 in Selwyn & Co.’s Laugh-Compelling Farces at the Majestic Theatre New Year’s Eve.’ Dec. 31St I I PERTH AMBOY'S THEATRE OF VARIETIES OOUNIHAN & SHANNON’S HAJESTIC TODAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY IN THE CITY OF SEALED WIVES Here Hidden in the Utah wilderness Shefford finds the Sago I Lily of his dreams See The Mysterious Adamless Eden SEE WILLIAM FARNUM IN I “THE RAINBOW TRAIL” The Greatest Western Story of the Greatest Modern Novelist I ZANE GREY And Our 4 Big Holiday Vaude ville Acts MONDAY—DEC. 30TH—MATINEE AND NIGHT 'The 20'* Century Maids’ —WITH— JIM BARTON ‘ ‘ Box Oarrie Bennie' ’ GIRLS, COMEDY, LAUGHTER, SONGS AND DANCES -50 BEAUTIFUL LASSIES, GRACEFUL MAIDENS AND SMIL ING DAMSELS SEATS NOW ON SALE DO YOU WANT $127.60? .IF SO, BRING IN THE 10 CENTS NOW; THE SECOND WEEK 20 CENTS; THE THIRD WEEK 30 CENTS AND SO ON—YOU INCREASE YOUR PAYMENTS 10 CENTS BACH WEEK. OR YOU CAN BEGIN WITH 6 CENTS, 2 CENTS OR 1 CENT AND INCREASE YOUR PAYMENTS THE SAME AMOUNT EACH WEEK. IN FIFTY WEEKS: 10-CENT CLUB PAYS $127.50 .5 CENT CLUB PAYS 63.75 2-OENT CLUB PAYS 25.50 1-CENT CLUB PAYS 12.76 IN OUR 60 CENT, $1.00 OR $5.00 CLUB YOU PAY IN THE SAME AMOUNT EACH WEEK. WE HAVE A CLUB TO FIT YOU. COME IN AND JOIN. PUT YOUR CHILDREN INTO THE CLUB. Perth Amboy Trust Co. 147 SMITH STREET Perth Araboy. New Jersey ' ditmas last times today Norma Talmadge WITH EUGENE O’BRIEN IN “Her Only Way” • Rebuilding Broken Lives” ’ Mammon and the Archer ’ A wonderful story of the A delightful two-part 0. Red- Cross Activities. Henry comedy romance, --- TOMORROW AND SATURDAY VIVACIOUS CHARMING Barbara Castleton CLAIRE ANOERSON WITH JOHNNY HINES WITH BERNARD DOLAN | —IN— —IN— “JUST SYLVIA” “The Grey Parasol * A romantic comedy that A romantic drama with a bubbles over with uproarious delightful heart interest fun. _storr- __ ‘ • LET’S GO TO THE DITMAS _ ————————— * Perth Amboya Most Popular Picture Houaa COUNIHAN & SHANNON’S STRAND House BeautifulThe Temple of First Bun Photo Play TODAY, TOMORROW AND SATURDAY The U S Government Presents the Second Official War Picture “AMERICA’S ANSWER” The Visualized story of America's First Year in the World War “FOLLOWING THE FLAG TO FRANCE’’ Offered by the Division of Films Committee on Public Information, George Creel, Chairman Taken by the U. S. Signal Corps, A. E. F., by order of General John J. Pershing It is your duty as well as your privilege, to see “AMERICA’S ANSWER* Usual Prices for This Big Film Picture I’ATHE WEEKLY AND COMEDIES NEXT WEEK—MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY THEDA BARA IN 1 WHEN A WOMAN SINS’’ DOMING UNDER FOUR FLAGS” Majestic Theatre! Matinee & Night December 31st i New Year's Eve SELWYN & CO.’S LAUGH FESTIVAL k “The Naughty Wife” BY FEED JACKSON I The Funniest Play of the Century. Six Months in New York PRICES—MATINEE, 25c, 50c, 75c, a few seats at $1.00 NIGHTS—25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 AND $1.50. SECURE YOUR SEATS NOW FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE ROYAL_* Program Changed Daily. The Bast Motion Picture Plays Produced Are Shown Here TODAY ClaralKimball Y oung “The Reason Why” Also Current Events and a Big V Comedy TOMORROW MARY PICKFORD “THE LITTLE PRINCESS” AND OTHERS SATURDAY WM. S. HART in "THE NARROW TRAIL" Also LARRY SEMON in “Bears and Bad Men” A Two Part Big V Comedy .. ' ■■V —- — -1_ ' R Nnu Uirtorw lintrl new y°rk I AX. XIM E B SQUARE AND BROADWAY t4« TO m WOOT «Tth ITmiT “TIN Vary Heart of New York" 30O|ROOMS — AbsoluuiyFireproof — 200 PRIVATE BATHS roo"l,*» *•* “O «»W water...01.00 oL^S! J»ri’,*ta bath. . 01.00 amt up •otta, parlor, 0 toodrooma and batti .OO.OO amt up European Plan Kaclualvely. Popular riload Waataurant, C A. H02.UMOOWOOTH, PlwUtataad General Manner