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.. . .■ — ^--» ^1»" « Jl- ' ^ ^ jj RE YNOLDS BROS. || THE MERIT STORE A Truly Remarkable Sale of IT omen s Winter Apparel A month or two ago such price* a* these would have been thought impossible. But there have been so many important hap penings that all calculations have been uspset. Here is the big op portunity of the season to buy new Winter Apparel for less than you ever expected to pay. Be Here Early Tomorrow. Coats At ' ' One-Quarter Off the Regular Price Clearance of all ' W inter Suits tor .•A * '» V Women I I ONE-THIRD OFF Every woman who can possibly make use of a now Winter Suit should avail herself of the remarkably low prices now offered here. Virtually our entire stock of Winter Buits is on sale at 1/3 off the reg. price. Included are many of the sea son’s most popular models, all good, desirable garments. Mr. Man, Can You Use a New Sweater? If you ran hero is an opportunity to buy it at a deoided reduction. We have too many sweaters in stock. They are ail good wool sweaters and good styles and we do not want to carry them over to next season. Bo to reduce stocks quiokly, we have reduced prices as follows: Men’s Sweaters at $6.98. Regular $8.98 values | Boys’ Sweaters at $2.08. Regular $4.98 values. OTHER WEEK END SPECIALS THAT ARE VERY INTERESTING TO ECONOMICAL SHOPPERS. A large size 1(1 oz. bottle of KHAKI WOOL YARN A Special Lot of Women’s wvnpnmrw nr PFPOKinF And Gray Wool Yam WARM FABRIC CLOVES 0F PER0XIDB At 19o an ounce. In white, gray and black at At 100, 49c pair. AN ODD LOT OF Pure Linen Huck Initial “ Guest Towels'’ not all initials in the assortment. Reg.75c value, at 45c Each ■1 r_ ■ ■■ •• --^===-- - __i . New New Idea Idea Patlerns Magazines Swartz Sample Shop “TKc Shop known for I^eal *lTalues” 190 Smith St. 190 Smith St. Great Clearance Sale Womens and Misses9 Coats and Dresses all the very latest in Design and Fabric, very exceptional values. Coats k $11.50 If \ - ( Dresses 1 # $7.50 t COME EARLY, THEY WONT LAST LONG We Lead in Styles /'^v r-» and Values Upefl LLVeTUflgS 190 Smith St. Perth Amboy 'V . " r , -» Yes. We’re after your order We are offering yon the choicest eatables ever marketed. We will serve you politely and make you feel perfectly at ease when you visit our store-. "PHONX FOB IT!” Best Butter Pound 75c Butterine Pound 37c SUGAR Pound 10c EGGS Guaranteed Dozen 63c R. & R. Plum Pudding, can.. ,83o Dromidary Dates, pkge.28c Pitted Prunes, pkge.28c Brack's Mince Meat, 8 lb. pail .$1.18 Libby’s Minoe Meat, large jar BOc None Such Mince Meat, pkge. 16c Pumpkin, can .23c ■Pitted Cherries, can .43c | --- Fancy Nuts and Nut Meats i English Walnuts, Pecans, Fil berts, Almonds, Mixed Nuts, Brazils, Pecan Nut eMat, English Walnut Meat. Fancy Fruits Oranges, Apples, Pineapples, Bananas, Grapes, Grape Fruit, Tangerines Figs, Dates, Raisins, Currants. Vegetables Lettuce, String Beans, Cauli-i flower, Carrots, Beets, Oyster Plants, Celery, Turnips, Sweet Potatoes, Cabbage, Parsley. _I . Formal Sown • __ r 33%.-*—\ Lovely combinations of satin anil! lace are most of the new evening frocks, with simplicity of line and lack; of ornamentation as significant feat-' ures. This striking gown Is of black Chantltlly lace over American Beauty satin, with an odd draping of the satin to form the bodice and a draped panel. A Divine Melody. The world’s history Is a divine poem of which the history of every nation Is a canto and of every man a word. Its strains have been pealing along down the centuries, and, though there have been mingled the discords of roaring cannon and dying man, yet to the Christian philosopher and h/storlan —the humble listener—there has been a divine melody running through the eong which speaks of hope and halcyon days to come. History Is but the unrolled scroll of prophecy.—. James A. Garfield. Of Latin Derivation. Corps Is a French word derived j from the Latin corpus, a body, either , civil or military, aa a police corps, raa- j rlue corps, etc. It does not signify, any particular number, but an organ- j lied body. In the United States army , a corps consists of two or more dlvl-! slons, each containing threo brigades and each brigade three regiments. The term first came into use In this country during the Civil war period. Il SPECIAL VALUES FOR SATURDAY SPECIAL VALUES IN HOSIERY Ladies’ fine cotton hose, double welt top and sole, high spliced heel and toe at pair LADIES’ BLACK COTTON HOSE Winter weight, an .extra good wearing quality at pair 3 PAIRS FOR $1.00 EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE In Infants’ Silk and Cash mere Hose, in black only; ac tually worth 59c, for Satur day only, pair MEN’S WINTER UNDERWEAR Men’s Wool Shirts and Drawers, reliable make, cor rectly made and finished, ac tually worth $1.98. This is a splendid value at per gar ment. - *— MEN’S UNION SUITS Heavy ribbed cotton fleeee lined, an extra good value at suit . # _ — STAMPED GOODS At One-IIalf Price. Special - lot of Bucilla Packages, with materials ready to embroid er, to close out at Half Price $4.00 CROCHET BED SPREADS Scalloped edge with cut corners, for full size bedB; good firm heavy quality. A spread that will give the best of wear, each $3.69 $1.89 TABLE CLOTHS. Size 66 x 81r hemmed ready for use, with a good mercerized finish and bord er all around. A cloth that will launder well, each $1.69 29c GLASS AND DISH TOWELS. All hemmed, ready for use some have fine red stripe running through center, others have pink and blue borders, each 25c 49c SCARFS AND SQUARES Full size, wide lace edge and plain center, excellent quality and will give excel lent wear, each 39c BO RAK’Cl MARKET Phones 103-104 The Leading Butcher* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 269 - Smith Street - 269 happy New Year Sale! Make the first big drive of the New Year a success; also start the saving habit, These items offer the opportunity. SALE TODAY AND TOMORROW! i » % -: Legs or Hind quarters of Yearling Lamb or Mutton; lb. Fresh Hams 0C1 Very flue, lb. Round Roast HQ1 All Meat; Special; lb.. Fresh Pork Loins Oil All weights; J | 4 whole or half .. ?. Fresh Sausage OQ Loose or link; g^ Home made . “ 245 Rumps and loins. ® ^ Chopped Beet • 0^1 Fresh; lb. . Legs of Veal; Short cut; lb. | Chuck Pot Roast QQ 5 pounds. SIRLOIN OR AAi PORTERHOUSE "J J | Steaks or Roasts £ ^ 'J lb. ^ • Veal l<)| Shoulders and I ^ breasts; milk fed.. ® & SPECIAL Beef Liver, Beef . . Kidneys, Pork 1 H | Kidneys, Fresh I % Tripe, Corned | ||4 Neck Ribs. " Stewing Lamb . 14y2o Frankfurters ..22% Flat Spare Ribs.. .17 Pig’s Feet..,10c Stewing Veal ..14% Lamb Chops ■ ” | Veal Chops 1 f _ ib. BONELESS O A 1 ROAST ' Jit 1 lb. ™ "2 CHICKENS OQ1 Strictly Fresh Killed £ ^ For Fricassee, lb. ** ' Roasting Chickens Very fancy; Fresh killed, lb... Smoked Call Hams All weights; Special, lb. Yearling Lamb or Mutton Forequarters; SPEci I Hams, sugar cured Roasting Pork Fresh meat; j Saturday only ... I BACON Clover Brand; Usually sold at 88c; Special, lbr. FRESH LOT OF TURKEYS, DUCKS, 6EESE AND CHICKENS ..""I ■ —