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WL.- 1 J--- - -—— “ ... 1 1 National Prohibition Brings Three Problems To Be Solved Fain, of the most earnest and prom jr, •. • men In New York have formed an association for the study of what [v., consider one of the gravest prob lems ;he nation has to solve. That i* a substitute for the saloon. They are not approaching the sub Ie. - v. ith any false notions. They ;r.ov. what a bane and source of deg gs .i’ioi’ the saloon has h/en. They k'.fw also the saloon has been a focal ^nint, a social center, for millions of pci sons. Tiny know that to many men home means little more than a alar.- in which to eat and sleep and (hai the majority of men have not the resources within themselves for ra tional nervation a* amusement. THoy know that llqupi drinking Is a hnhlt h-inderl down through the ages, and 11 j’ n legal enactment a custom so d< rol> rooted through centuries can no he cured unless something takes Its dure th.iT is nearly as satisfactory. f;o\.-romen* officials at Viashinff ton have no doubt that nation-wide prohibition is going to precipitate one of iii- grans' situations this country lies faced. They have no chart to guide their course, for this Is the first grea country to adopt prohibition. Ruisiii excepted, and that does not count. Thn are making provision to meet the situation as best they can but tlieic i xperience thus far serves onlv to imike ihem appreciate the magni- ■ tilde of the job they have to handle. The south — practically all of it—Is officially "dry." >ot never has there been ;o much moonshlning In the south i's since prohibitory laws went Into effect there and whiskey—vile whiskev in sold clandestinely, despite tile law Ucinuse It t ffers profit uti~, dreamt of In former times, moonshin Ini, has lid'ii taken up l>y men who never i uguged In it before. The government found whiskey so plentiful in army camps in the south tbst it was forced to act. It formed, ui. ler t otonel Iiantel I'orter, what is lu own as the "flying squadron," « special force which has cooperated wi i state bodies to roinbat the evll. Ne irly 600 illicit stills have been de stroyed by the raiders within seven mouths. Hundreds of moonshiners ha\. been sent to prison. Other hun dreds await trial. Fcores of men, ainarg them sturiffs and deputies, blur been killed. Many others have been wounded. There lias been a war to miniature (about which little has bc» ii heard) under way. while the big war in Ktirope has been in its last photo To discover and destroy an Illicit still in the mountains is simple com pa.ed with finding It in the city. In the mountains the smoke of the .still can be seen far away end the smell of liquor carries far where the atmos phere Is pure. In a eity a still can send Its smoko out through a tall cb'mney flue, and a eity is a place of a Vioiiraml mingling odors. W hiskey making and beer making do not require complicated machinery. N me Mills are crude and cheap. The Ti e government has raided places ill w liich w hiskey, or what passed for whiskty, was made In an old ice cream ft' rwr. t’sually the paraphernalia is little more than some copper kettles, til.- "worm" or pipes and the cooling vr '.sola. Moonsliining is going to play a large port In the news of ihc country after July 1 next. It is going to be known wi>."it* it never was established before. It ;s going to be widespread In every great city. Drug addiction Is a more Insidious ami grisly evil than liquor drinking. Il is slated on authority of govern ment officials that ili» re are 1,000,000 known drug addicts In America and It Is estimated that there are 600,000 perrons w ho ate secr« t uddlcts. Nearly every criminal is a drug ad d*--i. There is a direct relationship between drug addiction and crime. Tlie drug addict will pemnitt any act tn Order to get money to buy drugs. Of all the "dope”—cocaine, morphine, G| turn, heroin, etc.—heroin Is the worst and vilest. Of the 600,000 He rret addicts most have become victims through not having the physical or moral strength to stop the use of drugs to w hich they had become accustomed tn a serious or painful illness. It Is betraying no confidence to say the government officials who have studied the questions of liquor ami drugs fear nation-wide prohibition will spread the drug evil. Tlie experiences from partial prohi bition give slight basis for calculation as to the effect of total prohibition. There is a lot of liquor consumed In "dry" slates. One northern state fur nishes an example. To check the flow of liquor into that state, railroad em —inY£Siew-W) iriTpottce pow er. sncT to stir their ardor, they shared 111 the fines imposed or the money oh talned from coaflsrxK d wet goods . In the principal station of the lead ing city of the state the baggage mas ter so that he could open everything, bought every kind aiid variety of key. Ho captured Iota of whiskey and. for a time, profited at the rate of $200 a •ay. A howl want up from the traveling public, for the baggage man waa aa am afduous In hunting whiskey that he could not examine in one day all the baggage that arrived, so he let It pile I up. Travelers appealed to the ratl j road administration. The state au thorities were Inclined to back up the baggage man aa an officer of the law. but when such congestion and delay ! resulted aa to make many persons I threaten suit or physical violence. there waa a compromise. I Now the search Is not so rigid SAYS CZAR IS ALIVE WARSAW. D o. 24. "There is iu> doubt that flio exar and Ills entire family are alive. I am noeit.vo of tins," was Uii declaration made to the ^orrespomlcnt today by Michael do J Tchlhatchcs, a nerhew of (Jcneral | Bkoronadxkl, and who lias just escaped frvtu tlio Ukraln after a recent trip to Potrograii. Dvlnsk, V'lna and Rovno. "1 cannot reveal where the exar is because lie does not wish It.” he said. “I p does not care to be bothered and he wants to be left alone.” "His whereabouts is known to an allied government. It is in a neutral country. Accounts of ills murder at KkateruiKbui g were manufactured by Trotsky and Renlne for propaganda purpescs." lie Juft Ahead for Those Proper ly Prepared. A New Army Must Be Recruited. The ne**ds of Peace are as great as the needs of TVar and we must have young men and young women by' the t\jr* to HU these needs. As during Peace-times. Bookkeepers. Stenographer* and Typists were of In estimable value during war-times They did tbetr part nobly In helping to win the treat conflict. The Government. as everybody knows, has taken tens of thousands of theae office workers away from their Peace-time pursuits and will retain many' thousands of them for years. The ; up thus created must be filled sp.-fcH y as normal conditions adjust them..elves. A rew army of offl< e workers must bo recruited with the least possible delay. Great opportunities He Just ahead for those who have studied conditions and who will start their preparation r.&w. - The new term at Trainers Busin*'** College begins next Thursday January 2ud. both, day and evening sessions, nnd the present rates of tuition can still be had. Course.; in Bookkeeping. Shorthand. T>'i>ew**iiing and Secretarial Studies “are offered. If your shorthand speel igto't up to standard join the new L speed ciaasr* to be started and becoma readable quickly for some of the ne » » * -r positions.Ady. . ■■■■■■him ... ^—« Rockville Farm Dairy BUTTER AND EGG MARKET Phone 1957 203 Smith St. Cheese Swiss Cheese. !b. 49e Phil# Cream Cheese, pkg. .. I4c Roquefort Cheese, lb. . Munster Cheese. lb.H9e Kali Cream Cheese. lb.2W« Finest Sharp Cheese, lb.' ... 42c ' Young America Cheese. lb....42c Fresh Milk. Grade A. qt. hot.. I5c Sweet Cream for whipping fresh every day. Fresh Peanut Butter ma lo while you wait. Butter Beat Creamery Butter, quality that can't he best, lb.Wp Fine Table Butter, lb.59c Try our Elgin Butter, best In the • world. Finest Sweet Butter direct from the Rockville Farm. American Creamer*. #lb.47c Butter Best half and half Creamery. lb. 41e High grade Butterlne. lb.S4e Country Rose Butterlne. lb.. 29c Nut Butter, lb.S9c First Prise Nut Butterlne, lb. Sir Troeo Butterlne, lb.S5r Pure Condensed milk, ran...l#i Carnation Kvap Milk. can.’. ..lSe Eggs Strictly fresh eggs produced by hens fed on pure grain and mashes. ONE DAY OLD guaranteed for In fants and Invalids. K?r Guaranteed good eggs. do*.. *'*•' Best Coffee, fresh roasted, lb. 25c ! Best teas of nil kinds, ... j Aluminum coupons with Crfflfee and Tea. Cocoa. Rockville Brand. can..19e i —■ihttmt—■fTTir ROYAL__ i Program Changed Daily. The Best Motion Picture Play# Produced Are Shown Here _ TODAY Mary Pickford “The Little Princess” An Artcraft Production ALSO “Itsa Great Life ”—A Two Part Comedy TOMORROW Wm. S. Hart “THE NARROW TRAIL” A!»o LARRY SEMON in “Hear* and Bad Men" A Two Part Big V Comedy NewYear, J, Cf,a|.|jC Chaptlfl Ifl “SHOULDER ARMS” I W A Few Extra Specials for Saturday Only $6.00 WOOL FINISHED BLANKETS White, grey or plaid, full bed size, double blanket of good heavy weight, a cotton and wool mixture that will give real service. Special at _ AN ODD LOT OF MEN’S $1.25 BIBBED FLEECED UNDERWEAR Nearly every size in the lot and a real bargain for all wise enough to take advan tage of this offer, at a gar GIBL’S OINOHAM DRESSES Regular $1.75 and $1.50. Sizes G to 14 years, all good styles of this season’s pro duction, don’t miss seeing them . Special at CHILDREN’S OUTING FLANNEL SLEEPING GARMENTS Sizes 2, 4 and 6 years ,neat stripe patterns, well made garments at less than you i can buy the material. Spe cial at _ ROOT’S UNDERWEAR FOR MEN Cream white shirts and j drawers in all sizes, a 90% wool garment. Sizes, shirts 36 to 44, drawers 32 to 44. Regular prices $3.00 a gar ment. Priced special for Sat urday only at a garment, r ' \ EXTRA SPECIAL AN ODD LOT OF WOMEN’S FORREST MILLS UNDERWEAR i Short or long sleeves, vests and knee length pants in good quality wool or silk and wool. Just a few, come early. Worth $1.59 to $2.25 a garment. Priced special for Saturday only each |______ ■ - » ■ ■ ■ ■■ DIT AS . TODAY AND TOMORROW Tomorrow—Continuous—2:15 to 11 VIVACIOUS CHARMING Barbara Castleton Claire Anderson WITH JOHNNY HINES WITH BERNARD DOLAN -r-IN —IN— “Just Sylvia” “THE 6BEY PARASOL” j A romantic comedy that A romant:o chariia with a bubbles over with uproaiioiM* delightful heart interest fun. story. “LET’S GO TO THE DITMAS” Pavlovsky Bn ithers SVCCB890ftS TO P. PAVTOYSKY A SONS. HIGH GRADE MEATS--LOW PRICES PHONE 27 _316 STATE ST. __ NEW YEAR’S GREETING SALE Our First Saie Will Be One - Cg Prices W£W YEAR.S £VE HaPPy ”” YW T° "STeive., . fresh lot of fancy Turkey!. The lowest CI”lld^CNS 9QI 1,0 aStej' °r,iCT '>',d f°" ,,lrC Special; Freeh killed frle.„ee or eoupt Ih. up.... LQl CALIFORNIA HAMS 0C3 Special!—Sirloin Steak 241 Special! Sugar cured; nice and lean; limit 4,m r Untrimmed: Saturday only; lb. ™9C i to a customer; Saturday only, lb .. . • . ™ I ' _. SPECIAL LARD O C 1 Best compound ; white as B 1 _ snow. Saturday only; lb. .. CHOP MEAT A J J Fresh made; ~ B£K _ lb. !." BZ SPECIAL—SHOULDERS 4 1 | OF VEAL M' I Milk fed. B BZ SHIN BEE7 101 Special for Soups ; I B Saturday only -, lb. " "Z PORK CHOPS 0 Cl Ready Cats, nice and lean. Saturday only, lb.Cp V, ■ ■ " -- 1 a? CHUCK FOR ROASTING QQ 5 pounds for. SPECIAL A #11 LEGS OF LAMB. if Q Yearling; just as good as yfc Spring Lamb; lb. ... . FRESH PLATE BEEF 4 J | 10 lb. lota; l/L Saturday only; lb. | # BEEF LIVER M #11 Fresh; 4-*? i <' lb.x. ■ V2 BACON QQ1 Felin's Brand; ^ "* MM J^ Just like Dixie. £ -!=? = •: / special nni Rib Roast / / * Blade Cuts .... I MUTTON CHOPS 001 Rib or shoulder, very Mm" fancy; Special; lb. ...r.... MmwmJ LEGS OP VEAL 1 C 1 Short cut; I lb...■ 'pork 0C3 SHOULDERS M lb. and up.fcU4 SPECIAL 4 A STEWING VEAL 1 f | OR LAMB, PMtnd . . IV .■ >' r- -v* c-i -r' ' ‘ - ** V. v - ,9 Perth Am boys Most Popular Picture House OOUNTHAN A SHANNON’S _ I 1 STRAND House Beautiful The Temple of First Ren Photo Plays ? TODAY AND TOMORROW The D. 8. Government Presents the Second Official War Picture “AMERICA’S ANSWER” The Visualised story of America's First Year in the World War “FOLLOWING THE FLAG TO FRANCE ’ It is your duty as well ae your privilege, to see “AMERICA’S ANSWER” Matinee Prices 13c war tex 2c, total 15c. Evening Prices, Orchestra 18c, war tax 2c, total 20c. Balcony, 13c, war tax 2c. Total 15c NEXT WEEK—MONDAY, TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY “Theda Bara” in “WHEN A WOMAN SINS” The Regeneration of a Modern Vampire. - COMING “Under Four Flags” See Foch and Pershing at historic Versailles. See the Yan kee flier bring down a German Plane! Sec the fighters at Chateau -Thierry and on the Piave. w _ PERTH AMBOY S THEATRE OF VARIETIES COUNIHAN & SHANNON'S riAJESTIC TODAY AND TOMORROW IN THE CITY OF SEALED WIVES Here Hidden in the Utah wilderness Shefford finds the Sago \ Lily of his dreams See The Mysterious Adamless Eden SEE WILLIAM FARNUM IN ! “THE RAINBOW TRAIL” The Greatest Western Story of the Greatest Modern Novelist ZANE GREY And Our 4 Big Holiday Vaude ville Acts PRICES—Matinee, orchestra 22c, war tax 3c, total 23c. Hal cony. 18c. war tax 2c, total 20c. Gallery 10c, war tax le, total | 11c. Evening, orchestra 31c war tax 4c, total 35e. Halcony 22e, war tax, 3c, total 25c. Gallery 10c, war tax le, total 11c. MONDAY—DEC. 30TH—MATINEE AND NIOHT j ‘The 20 * Century Maids’ 1 —WITH— JIM BARTON Box Car Bennie” GIRLS, COMEDY, LAUGHTER, SONGS AND DANCES -50 BEAUTIFUL LASSIES, GRACEFUL MAIDENS AND SMIL ING DAMSELS SEATS NOW ON SALE p-- -4 " Ml i'< I 4 f HRISTMAS pANKING flJJg DO YOU WANT $127.60? IP SO, BRING IN THE 10 CENTS NOW; THE SECOND WEEK 20 CENTS; THE THIRD WEEK 30 CENTS AND SO ON—YOU INCREASE YOUR PAYMENTS 10 CENTS EACH WEEK. OR YOU CAN BEGIN WITH 5 CENTS, 2 CENTS OR 1 CENT AND INCREASE YOUR PAYMENTS THE SAME AMOUNT EACH WEEK. IN FIFTY WEEKS: 10-GENT CLUB PAYS $127.60 . 6-CENT CLUB PAYS 63.76 2-CENT CLUB PAYS 26.50 1-CENT CLUB PAYS 12.75 IN OUR 80 CENT, $1.00 OR $5.00 CLUB YOU PAY IN THE SAME AMOUNT EACH WEEK. WE HAVE A CLUB TO FIT YOU. COME IN AND JOIN. PUT YOUR CHILDREN INTO THE CLUB. Perth Amboy Trust Co. 147 SMITH STREET Perth Amboy ~ New Jereey