OCR Interpretation

Perth Amboy evening news. [volume] (Perth Amboy, N.J.) 1903-1959, July 05, 1919, LAST EDITION, Image 1

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1 Perth Aiv ;uy evening news. !
thornier showers
probably tonight _■ ' '
EJ!! 1 ■ . ■- ' ---1!-a-:- ■- . ---L ' --- 1 --- . __
Arrest 2 Here For Selling Beer-Another Lop Suspended
I Chief Burke Confers with May
' or and Alderman Wilson
Before Making Move
Following the complete smashup
of the small police car on a suppos
ed Joyride late yesterday afternoon,
Patrolman Lester Underhill of 343
Market street, for the past ten years
a member of the force, was suspend
ed by Police Chief Patrick J. Burke.
His suspension was recommended
by Mayor Frank Dorsey and Chair
man William Wilson of the alderman
lc police committee, and will be in
force until he has been tried.
According to the story Underhill
told the chief he took the car out for
a little spin and was returning from
South Amboy when two racing cars
passed him on the road near th£
"Hole in the Wall.” In order to avoid
a collision he said that he veered to
the side of the road and got stuck In
the ditch. The appearances of the
ear which is now at the garage of
Holmes and Deegan on the other end
of the Perth Amboy Bridge would in
dicate that the car was going at high
speed when It went into the ditch,
Chief Burke said.
Underhill went off duty at 3 o’clock
yesterday afternoon. He was not in
toxicated at that time. When he re
turned to take the car out he had no
authority from any member of the
police department, but acted solely
on his own responsibility, the chief
This is the second suspension from
the force in two weeks. A few days
ago Patrolman Stanley Kosclelniak
was suspended for sleeping while on
duty. The mayor at that time stated
that he proposed to clean up the weak
-spots in the department and some ac
tion is looked for by the Board of
Aldermen at the meeting Monday
’ night.
Special Officer William Buchan has
' been named as substitute for Under
■ hill.
Officer Christopherson Throws
Himself in Front of Auto
Saving Mother and Babies
Mrs. F. Stets and her three little
children, of 354 .Fayette street, prob
ably owe the fact Chat they are all
; well today to Officer Frank A. Chris
topherson, who risked his own safety
to assist the children out of the way
; of an auto that had gotten out of the
control of its driver.
An automobile driven by Mrs. Hal
lett Sibienski, under license number
166,801, was coming down State
street in a northerly direction just
before 8 o’clock last night at moder
ate speed Just as Mrs. Stets pushed
her baby carriage off the sidewalk to
cross Smith street.
Seeing the baby carriage and the
two small children with Mrs. Stets
about to cross the street Traffic Offi
cer Christopherson signaled the car
to stop and beckoned to the woman
and the children to go ahead.
Through some misunderstanding or
loss of control of her machine Mrs.
Sibienski continued to drive her auto
across the street and in an effort to
stop it swung directly in line for the
children. Officer Christopherson im
mediately threw himself between the
car and the baby carriage, shoving it
out of the way as he did so. Before
Mrs. Sibienski could bring the car to
a standstill Mrs. Stets and the officer
had both been knocked down, but
nope of the children were touched.
Mrs. Stets suffered slightly from
bruises and shock while Officer
Christopherson was injured on the
right kneecap. The attendance of a
physician was not required.
An auto bus, No. 156,964. owned
and driven by Frank Fsdntra, was
slightly damaged when it crashed in
to a telegraph pole after it had re
; fused to stop with the application of
i the brake* going down the ferry
street hill yesterday. No one was in
jured and the car was able to proceed
to a garage under its own power.
Heavy Auto Traffic
Automobile traffic through this city
yesterday for a holiday was heavy,
many taking advantage of the day to
get away from the heat of New York
City to spend the week-end down
along the coast. All day long there
were streams of cars going over the
county bridge, coming down through
the state and those from the ferry
from Staten Island. Although the
rush over the ferry was not as great
as that on Decoration Day, it is esti
mated that over 1,200 passed over
from Tottenville to this city during
the day.
The two ferryboats, the Tottenville
and Perth Amboy, were kept going
1 back and forth all day. but even that
did not prevent the cars from piling
up in Tottenville, causing a wait for
some time before the line was clear
P. A. Hdwe. for Razors.
The first arrests for violations ol
the wartime prohibition act in this
city were made yesterday by United
States Marshall Albert Bollschweiler.
Samuel Sibersky, propietor of the
Hotel Central, Smith and State streets,
and George Brosma, bartender of the
Hotel were charged by Roy S. Hall,
special agent of the Department ol
Justice with having offered for sale,
and having sold, two bottles and a
glass of beer.
When the men were arraigned be
fore United States Commissioner John
A. Delaney both waived the formal
ity of hearing and were released un
der $500 bail each. They are under
bail to await the action of the Fed
eral Grand Jury.
The complaint which was sworn to
by the government agent does not
specify what act or section is violated
simply charging a violation of the
statute in- this case is the War time
prohibition act, which went into effect
July 1 without any provision by Con
gress for penalizing violators. It is
possible that prosecutions might be
made under some formal charge cl
violating any law that had beer
passed by Congress, although practic
ally all of the laws ever passed by the
chief legislative body of the United
States have heretofore specified the
penalty for violations.
It is next to impossible to tell wher
the Federal Jury will take up the
case of the men arrested yesterday
It may be that the jury would refuse
to return an Indictment against the
men unless some decision were made
by the courts. There is no mentior
imade in the complaint as teethe in
Itoxicating properties f the beer tha
| was purchased by the governmen
! agent for $0.50 or even as to its alco
holic content. It is probable howevei
that the beer will be analyzed by the
I government and the evidence used be
fore a jury in case the men shoulc
ever be brought, to trial.
The arrest follows repeated warn
ings made by the government.
Few Accidents to Mar Day
While Crime Is at a Low
— With only a very few accidents,
none serious, and with an exception
ally small number of disorderly cases,
Chief of Police Patrick J. Burke de
clared that yesterday was one of the
quietest ‘‘Fourths'’ in the history of
the department. The principal cases
in police court before Recorder Pick
ersgill were automobile speeders.
Seven persons were arrested by Officer
F. Seiboth and fines totalling $16 5
were imposed.
Hugh H. Quinn of 225 Union Hall,
Jamaica, N. Y., and Dr. Max A. Maas,
of 3,296 Clinton avenue, Newark, were
fined $5 each for violation of traffic
S. Malarek, of 489 State street, was
arrested yesterday by Officer John
Kurpiel for violations of the flreworKs
ordinance, restricting the sale of fire
works to "harmless” contrivances.
He was_flned $25 by Recorder Pick
Sentence was suspended on Peter
Nelson, of 531 Smith street, who was
arrested yesterday as drunk and dis
orderly on complaint of his father.
He will have another hearing Monday
Louis Hatacki, a laborer, of Port
Reading, and Jack White, a lineman
of this city, were discharged by the
court after they had stayed in the
"cooler" long enough to become sober
after being arrested as drunk and dis
Event for Polish Boys 8tarts
at Holy Trinity Church and
Ends at Rogan’s
The Welcome Home celebration Is
still continuing only now pn a smaller
scale. The lads are being entertained
freely and royally. Yesterday with
the Holy Trinity church as the host
one hundred and thirty-four soldier
laddies were honored at a picnic at
Rogan's Corner.
Eleven o’clock was the hour set for
the commencement of the parade.
Amidni the hu3tle and hurry of last
minute preparations the laddies who
had just come out of army life acting
as officers formed the guests into pa
rade formation and started upon their
way to Rogan's Corner, where the pic
nic was held. Before departing for
a joyous time a few minutes were
given in memory of three boys who
had made the supreme sacrifice,
namely Michael Krakmali, Louis Ba
lint and Shephen Kailmer.
Following the parade and the play
ing somo games, which were conclud
ed with the eating of a prepared
lunch which was quickly devoured by
keen and healthy appetites, Father
Joseph Szuchy made a short address,
in which he mentioned how proud the
church was to have among its mem
bers such heroes as were being hon
ored at that time and presented each
lad with a badge as a token of love
and esteem from the church.
Mayor Frank Dorsey, who also at
tended the function for a short while,
speaking upon his part in welcoming
the boys of Holy Trinity church home
and also stating that he would en
deavor to find wer„ for any of the re
turned men who had none. Mrs.
Dorsey, who accompanied the Mayor,
also spoke and praised the work of
the Slovak Red Cross Auxiliary. B.
M. Gannon concluded the address by
making a few remarks welcoming the
lads back to this city.
See time tables cf all bus lines to
and from Perth Amboy on Classified
If your coal or gas range does not
bake or burn. I will make It or no
charge. F. J. Larkin. 198 Market St.
5629—6-21-1 mo.*
Build now. mortgage money avail
able. Boynton Bros. & Co., 87 Smith St.
P. A. Ildwe. for Sclssorvand Shears.
6028—7-3-6t* ,
Feels That Essex Man’s Candi
dacy Will Materially Aid
His Own Campaign
By Special Correspondent.
SOUTH AMBOY, July 6—Represen
atlve Thomas J. Scully Is fully con
vinced that the candidacy for th.
Democratic nomination for govetnoi
which former State Chairman Jame
R. Nugent announced last week, wil
very materially aid in his own can
vass for the nomination. Mr. Scull:
says the voters of the state will no
in these times stand for any candidab
who bears the stamp of the old re
gime of machine politics and that Ir
the primaries they will support th<
man who bears the least resemblanci
to the type.
"It is colossal cheek for James R
Nugent to seek the high honor o
the governorship of New Jersey," saic
the congressman today, "for Nugen
represents all that is distasteful t(
the independent voters of New Jersey
and it must be the Independent voter:
upon whom the Democrats will havi
to rely for return to power in Novem
ber. They cannot hope to win th<
confidence of the people with any sucl
candidate for it was such men tha
caused the disasters that befell us ii
other years. The people do not si
soon forget where Nugent and hi
crowd have always stood nor wha
they could be expected to do if the;
regained power and control of stab
“The people of New Jersey woul<
never sanction the methods employ
ed by the Nugent machine in Esse:
county and you can depend upon it
the Republicans will make the bes
possible use of the situation to ai(
their campaign. Why, If Nugent ha<
made a compact with some of thi
Republican bosses to help their can
j didate he could have choson no bet
ter method to work out that com
pact than by becoming a candidati
; himself. Some of the men who are li
[close touch with the situation sus
[ pect that that may be the exnlana
[tion of the situation. Mark the boast
I ing of Nugent as he proclaims hi;
achievements as boss of the last Degis
lature! He has the colossal nerve ti
claim that but for him there wouli
have been no legislation in the las
session which could have been con
strued as of any value whatever. Hi
insults the intelligence and self-re
spect of every member of that bod:
when he fin unis his boss-ship witl
such wild abandon. Nor is that all
He hurls into the»teeth of the Hudsoi
men and their leaders the gratuitou
insult that they cannot be trusted
that they broke faith with him am
that if they should win with Senatoi
Edwards they would doublecross i ’
when it came to the distribution ■>
the patronage."
o_i * ■_n__
udpidm ui finny odigc
Denies it Carrie^JrN-l
Considerable excitement was causec
along water-front before noon today
when the U. S. Army barge No. 306
reported to be loaded with TNT
which it was taking from Camp Rari
tan to Newark, yame into the city
dock and tied up. The captain of th<
barge, when questioned, denied tha
any of the high explosive was or
bard, he claiming that It carriec
blankets, guns, helmets, swords anc
toher#>ver seas materials. There were
no red flags on the boat to warn o;
any dangerous substances being car
Hairy English
Harry English, formerly of thii
city, died Thursday at the home o:
his father-in-law, George Fagans
110 Lennington street, Rahway, aftei
a lingering illness. Survived by hit
widow and two children, yunera
services will be held tomorrow after
noon at 2:30 o’clock from his late
residence. Interment at Rahway.
Before you forget It. Go at once tc
The Edwina Company; 163 Smith St
If you would chare in a bargain fes
tiva]. All their capes and Coats arc
being sold today only at $6.98 and the
values have been to $60 and more.
Acker’s Boat House at Sewaren wll
be closed until further notice on ac
count of the critical illness of Mr. R. O
Acker. 6059;—7-5-lt*
Conservative Party in Reich
stag “Declares War on the
By Associated Press.
LONDON, July 5:—The German
conservative party has issued a proc
lamation signed by Ernest Von Hey
debrand, the party's leader in the
Reichstag, stating that the party
"declares war on the government and
Intends to use Its whole strength to
reestablish the monarchy,” according
to a Copenhagen dispatch to the Ex
i change Telegraph Company.
! To Comply with Terms
By Associated Press.
PARIS, July 5:—Germany has in
dicated her desire to begin immedi
ately her compliance with the terms
of the peace treaty regarding repara
tion. Her request for oral confer
ences of German economic experts
with allied experts has been granted.
Tile conferences will be begun
early next week, according to pres
. ent indications.
s Hlndcnburg Responsible
, By Associated Press.
5 LONDON, July 6:—Field Hiwshal,
1 Von Hindenburg, former chief of the
■ German staff, declares that he is re
- sponsible for acts of German main
t headquarters since August, 1916, and
' also the proclamation of former Em
peror William concerning the waging
of warfare. He asks President Ebert
of Germany to inform the allies to
i this effect according to a Copenhagen
dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph j
! Says Dr. Thompson of Local
Board of Health Regarding
Swimming Here
- i
Inquiries nave been received during
the recent hot spell at the office of
the Health Board as to whether it is
safe to bathe in the waters of the
i I Raritan River and Staten Island
l Sound near this city.
! Health Officer Thompson stated this
morning that so far as he knew there
was no record of any infecficus or
other diseases being caught by persons
i bathing near the city, cither in the
i Ecund or in the river. He said that
• he had investigated rumors that chil
■ dren had been made sick by bathing
■ here but could find no basis for them,
i "So far as this office is concerned I
- don’t see why the children should not
i go in” Dr. Thompson said. "We have
l . investigated, and while the water may
: ;not be as clear as we would like, still
I do not think there is any real
! danger.”
The health officer issued a special
' request to physicians throughout the
i city to report to him at once any cases
of sickness that might have been
i caused by bathing, except sunburn,
i He said that he would investigate
, even slight cases if they were brought
to his attention. Stomach trouble or
‘ skin rash would be most likely, he,
Three New Incorporations
Bp Staff Correspondent.
New Jersey Inter-Coastal Cana] Asso
ciation filed articles of incorporation
Thursday with offices at 175 Smith'
sociation being at 213 Smith street, >
Perth Amboy. I. T. Madsen is the.
agent. The association is for the pur
pose of encouraging and promoting
measures for the construction of a
canal from Morgen to Bordentown.
i The incorporators are Thomas Brown,
Abel Hansen, George F. Reynolds,
John Pfeiffer, I. T. Madsen, John I..
TenBroeck, Arthur E. Werner, Isaac j
Alpern, Andrew J. Wight, Fred De,
Voe, F. E. Hilton, Louis Rossi and F. |
1 M. Yorston. I
The Fords Investment Company'
filed articles of incorporation here
Thursday with offices at 173 Smith
street, Perth Amboy, and Leo Gold
i berger tho agent in charge. The
. stock of the company consits of 1,000
shares at $100 per share. The incor
porators are Abel Hansen, GO shares
Max Wurtzel, 50 shares, and Leo
Goldbergcr, one share.
Certificate of incorporation was filed
here Thursday by the Cohen & Kass
Manufacturing Company, with its
plant at 319, 321 Madison avenue,
Perth Amboy. Meyer Cohen is the
agent in charge of the concern, which
will manufacture men’s shirts and
other apparel. There are 500 shares
of stock at $100 each, the incorpora
tors being Adolph^ Kass, 120 State
street. Perth Amboy, nine shares;
Meyer Cohen, 180 Brighton avenue,
Perth Amboy, nine shares; Ella Kass,
120 State street, one share, and Celia
Cohen, 180 Brighton avenue, one
By Associated Press.
HATJFAX, N. S., July 5:—A wire
less message received by admiralty
officials here at 12:30 o’clock stated
that the R-34 was Id distress at the
south end of the Bay of Fundy be
tween Yarmouth and the Grand
Asks for Destroyer
By Associated Press.
BOSTON, July 5:—The R-34 is In
distress and has asked for an Ameri
can destroyer to take her in tow.
The Boston navy yard today an
nounced receipt of the following
message from the British dirigible
addressed to the navy department,
"Could destroyer proceed to south
end Bay of Fundy and take hla ma
jesty’s airship R-34 in tow?"
Asks for Aid
By Associated rress.
WASHINGTON, July 5:—The Bri
tish dirigible R-34 has asked the
navy department if an American de
stroyer could meet her at the Bay of
Fundy and tako her in tow if re
The message was received at the
department at 11 A. M., five minutes /
after one addressed to the British
admiralty reporting that the R-S4’s
fuel supply was getting low. The
ship was then flying across Nova Sco
tia against a strong head wind.
, The message to the air ministry.
Intercepted at the Otter
I Clift naval staf1ofrT5Wr“’“—^*"*}!Sv^l!^S
"Flying across' Nova Scotia. Strong
head winds. Petrol beginning to get
short. Signed “Commanding Officer.”
The message to the navy depart
ment signed Commander Zachary
hansdowne U. S. N., for the comman
der of the dirigible follows:
“To Navy Department, Washing
ton, and commandant second naval
district, Boston: Could destroyer pro
ceed if required to southern end of
Bay of Fundy and take his majesty’s
airship R-34 in tow?”
Big Biplane Falls
By Associated Press.
HAJLIB'AX, N. S., July B:—The
giant Hand ley-Page biplane Atlantic,
under the command of Vice Admiral
Kerr, which left Harbour Grace, N.
B\, yesterday, enroute to New York
or Atlantic City, landed in the streets
of l’arrsboro, thirty-five miles west
of here, at 5:30 o’clock this morning.
Engine trouble forced the machine
to descend and in landing it was bad
ly damaged. The crew was unin
The Atlantic left Harbour Grace at
4:15 p. M. yesterday on its 1,200 mile
Soldiers and Sailors In His
Audience—Will Land at
N. Y. on Tuesday
By Associated Press.
WASHINGTON, July 4 (By wireless
to the A. P.):—“This is the most
tremendous Fourth of July ever
imagined, for we have opened its
franchise to the whole world" said
President Wilson in a stirring speech
to soldiers and sailors massed on the
decks of the Presidential steamer
this afternoon.
The men gave Mr. Wilson three
cheers as he appeared among them
and began his address by greeting ,'
them as "mv fellow citizens." It was
a striking picture with several thou
sand ktiaki clad doughboys and blue
jacketed sailors crowding the decks,
lifeboats and rigging and with the
President, bareheaded and earnest in
their midst.
The President’s theme was “The
new and enlarged meaning of the
Fourth of July,” as the war has
borne America’s message of liberty
and Independence to the remotest
corners of the earth. He spoke of
the future of America and said:
"You cannot earn a reputation like
that and not live up to it.”
To TjoiuI Tuesday
By Associated Press.
NEW YORK, July 5—The wireless
message received here today from
the transport George Washington,
bearing President Wilson, said the
vessel would reach Ambrose channel
lightship at noon Tuesday and dock
at Hoboken at about 3 P. M.
p A Hdwe. for Kitchen Knives.
6028—7-3-«t* ___
Auto tops recovered end repaired.
Clausen 4 Johnson, 148 New Bru„,. gjjgj
wick Ave._—*-**-«*
p A. Hdwe. for Pocket Knives.
19tt Dodge Touring Car, A-l
tion, time payment arranged.
Garage. 225 New Brunswig
Leonard Garcia Dies on Way to Perth Amboy Hospital—Says
He Was Shot Without Provocation by Italian's—County
and Roosevelt Police Are Investigating Peculiar Cir
County detectives and the Roosevelt police are investigating the
peculiar circumstances of the murder last night of Leonard Garcia
a discharged soldier, of 25 Houston street, Chrome. Garcia is oi
Mexican birth and told the police before his death that he and tvcc
Mexican friends had been attacked without provocation by foui
Italians. He died on the way to the City Hospital, Perth Amboy
where he was being rushed by the Roosevelt police. There was one
bullet wound over the left breast.
The story that Garcia was able to tell on his way to the hospital
was unique in local police annals in that he was killed by a man
whom he had never seen before and who had apparently no cause
for the shooting. His story is corroborated throughout by Juan
Riviera, 7 Hoffman street, Roosevelt who notified the Roosevelt po
lice and is being held as a material witness.
At about 1:30 o’clock last night Garcia, Riviera and anothei
companion walked out the Port Reading Road and sat down undei
c tree nsar the borough line to rest. Five minutes later, according
to the men’s account of the affair, four Italians came up and asked
in English, “Are you Italians or Mexicans.”
>1 QIC -A.VJL CAiCWlUJf WU« W* WUV v»»» ;
With that one of the Italians pull
ed out a long knife and looking at
Riveria asked him insulting ques
tions. Riveria fled down the road
toward Roosevelt, he told the police.
•— T After he had gone about fifty feet he
heard a revolver shot and his friend’s
cry for help. The shot added to Ri
veria’s speed and when he arrived at
police headquarters Officer Townley
returned to the scene in a patrol.
Garcia was found half conscious
by the roadside, his other companion
having fled. On the way to the hos
pital he revived and was able to talk
ciearlj' the officer said.
■v Searching parties were immediately
sent out by the Roosevelt police and
Woodbridge and Perth Amboy police
stations notified. Owing to the thick
ness of the woods and underbrush,
and the timp that had elapsed while
Riveria was making his way to the
police station, no trace of the men
could be found. It is also believed
that the usual racket that is made on
the Fourth assisted the men to make
their getarWay the noise of the shot be
ing undistinguishable amid the other
reports of fireworks.
Garcia who is about twenty-two,
had been working at the factory of
the United States Metal Refining Com
pany at Chrome for about two years
before he entered the service and had
had an excellent reputation, accord
ing to the police. The police have
notified a friend in Rahway who is
expected to be able to give the au
thorities the address of the man’s
mother in Mexico. Garcia was among
the Perth Amboy draftees. The body
is now at Coroner Flynn’s.
Chief of County Detectives Richard
Peltier has assigned Detectives Fur
guson and Fitzpatrick to the case.
The men, who are described as the
dead man’s assailants, were not more
than five feet six inches in height.
Two wore coats and two were in their
shirtsleeves. So far there is "nothing
to show that there was any quarrel
Between the men, who are supposed
to be strangers. Roosevelt police say
that there has been absolutely no ra
cial trouble between Italians and Mex
icans that has been reported to them.
An autopsy will be performed on
the body today by County Psysician
Newark Resident Jumps from
Boat Into Water and Does
Not Come Up Again
&u Associated rrcss. __ ,,
WOODBRIBGE, July 5—While
swimming from a boat near the Port
Reading flats in Staten Island sound
this morning, Thomas Cortjett, about
(nineteen years old, of Newark, was
drowned. Young Corbett was camp
ing with a party along the shore at
Sewaren. Early this morning he, an
other fellow camper and two young
women went put in a rowboat which
they secured At Acker’s They rowed
f to the flats where Corbett dove over
' board. He swam around the boat a
short time and then disappeared from
Word of the accident was immedi
ately spread and parties, searching for
the body were soon at work in boats.
The body had not been discovered up
until shortly before noon.
Boy Drowns at Great Kills
Bu Special "oreespondent.
TOTTEN VIHEE, July 5:—Vincent
Beck, fifteen years old, of 52 Hill-,
crest avenue, Great Kills, while at
tempting to swim from a small island
to the mainland at Great Kills beach
yesterday afternoon, was drowned.
His body had not been recovered up
until late last night. Beck with sev
eral other boys of his age had bee»
crabbing during the afternoon and
becoming tired of the sport started
, to swim ashore from the small boat
' that they were in. When a short
way from the point of the mainland |
he was seen to be struggling in the
1 a water. His cries for help were heard
by many on the beach, but none
could get near him to save him.
Letters from Interested Work*
ers and Railroad Adminis
tration Are Published
Interest in the proposed new ferr:
line between this city and Totten
ville continues to b« manifested b;
those interested in securing better con
ditions for traffic between Perth Am
boy and Staten Island, the matte:
having recently been taken up witl
Edward C. Niles, assistant to the di
rector, of the United States Railroai
Administration, by Mr. Fulton, of thi
Standard Underground Cable Com
A letter from F. W. Fisher to thi
I beg to inclose you herewith !
copy of a letter which our Mr. Ful
ton received from Mr. Edward C
Niles, Assistant to Director, Unttei
States Railroad Administration.
"Evidently Mr. Geo. G. Reynolds
who came here with Mr. Brown o:
the Staten Island Rapid Transit Rwy
Co., has been very well instructed b;
the latter because the tone of the let
ter is in close accord with Mr
Brown’s usual manner of answering
complaints of this sort.
"It is up to the residents of Stater
Island, especially Tottenville, to uniti
whole heartedly with Perth Amboi
with a view to aiding In every wa;
possible so that a charter may bi
granted to the Perth Amboy-Totten
ville Ferry Company so that we wil
not have to wait long before we navi
the-very much needed additional fern
system here. It is my opinion tha
the Staten Island Rapid Transit- Co
has been doing some propagand;
work on Staten Island as it is theii
usual custom in their endeavor t<
bring about a conflict of interests s<
that the Tottenville people will no
come to an agreement with reference
to the location of a new ferry.
"So long as the demand is being
made that the ferry be at Mail
street Tottenville, there is going t<
be conflict because a good many pep
pie living on Staten Island, including
myself, feel that transportation wil
be much delayed due to the blocking
of Main street by trains coming t<
and from the present stations of th<
Staten Island Rapid Transit Railwaj
at Tottenville.
"If the new ferry ended at Mair
street and if people using it were de
layed a great deal, due to the block
ing of the street, the service renderec
by the new ferry Company certainlj
.could not be as acceptable as if there
was no restriction to free travel anc
"Moreover, I feel confident that th<
Staten Island Rapid Transit Rwy
might have an unusual amount oi
shifting to do around the busy hour!
of the day so as to try to bring th<
new ferry into disrepute.
«. "If the town of Tottenville want!
to draw traffic through Main street, ii
should improve the paving of Mair
street and the cross street near th<
foot of Main street should be nicelj
paved and should go directly frorr
Main street to the new ferry, Witt
signs which would induce travelers tr
take the Main street route' to anf
from the ferry.”
“Yours very truly.
(Continued on page 2.)
South Amboyan Killed in Action
Word has been received by the wai
department that Ignatius Olencak
whose emergency address is Martii
Olencak, 261 John street, South Am
boy, was killed in action. He waj
previously reported wounded se
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