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4.J341V _ DETOUR GRADE CROSSING IS CAREFULLY GUARDED MATAWAN, July 12—Due to many narrow escape* from death or serious accident between motor ists and • trains at the Main street grade crossing through Cl iff wood during the past week, the state highway commission has caused the New York and Long Branch Kail •Yoad Company to place two flagmen * at this crossing to protect motor Hsts. The men were first on duty over the week end. Since the main highway through Key port has been closed, and auto mobiles have been forced to use the detour through Cliffwood to Mat awan, all cars cross over this gran* crossing a few feet south of the CLffwood passenger statue;. Many serious accidents have just i.een avoided and in one or two instances trucks have been struck by trains •Rt tl is crossing during the past month. It is impossible to see the -trains as they approach and this I makes the crossing doublv danger •ous. Some of the trains run over this crossing at a rate of .sixty m b s, on It*nr and that a serious accident nas not occurred on the cross ns is ’ c onsidered miraculous. FORDS Tentative arrangements, which in clude the signing of a contract with the amusement company and the appointment of a local committee, were made for the show to be held bv the Fords Fire Company during the week beginning July IX. The Ira Crouse tract on Kin* George's road it Fords Corner has been selected as ' th« site for the show'. Included In the coming attraction are eighteen rxhibits and fifty concessions. This Is not an ordinary carnival, the com pany having the reputation of being rthe best on tho market, and only clean attractions will be brought . here. Mr. Gardner was named as ' chairman of the committee in Y charge. He will choose his own as • eistants. . „ . The Hosary lawn fete closed Pnt .. urday night with the disposal of all cf the articles offered for sale. The committee reports the affair as a r great success financially as well -is i socially, there being a large amount I of merchandise sold and a good so cial time enjoyed by all attending. Newly elected olficers were in | stalled and assumed their duties at I the regular meeting of the recently I organized '>ur Redeemer’s Lutheran church held Thursday night In the chapel. The transfer of the proper tv at Korda from the Perth Amb . Lutheran church to the Fords church was discussed and final disposition of the matter will be made at the regular meeting of Ihe Perth Amboy church on Tuesday night. Contractor Ryan, the successful bidder for the work to be done on Ford avenue, commenced last Thurs day to grade the street preparatory to the setting of Ihe curb aud get ting the street ready for the concrete paving, it is expected that the work, lot paving Ford avenue will require about sixty days. L. Morgensen, L. Griswold. Wil liam Lear, G. Sorensen and F. Zim merman were Fords visitors Friday night. OLD BRIDGE Mrs. William Magee, of Spots wood lias returned home after spend ing the week with relatives- in town. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kossmao entertained relatives from Brooklyn over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hillyer and son, Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rumple, Sr., and son. Paul, Jr., and Berry Slover, motored to Keansburg Sun da.v. ... John Hendrickson of Freehold spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Lillian Hendrickson, in South Old Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnson and son. Edward, of New Brunswick, spent Saturday with the latter’s sis ter, Mrs. David Burkert. i George Tice and Robert Benson were New Brunswick visitors Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Green and son, Ellsworth, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Welsch and daughter, Ida, of New Brunswick, motored to As bury Fnrk Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Slover and Mrs. Clark were Red Bank visitors Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Smith enter tained relatives from Trenton over l the week-end. Keeping, a Grip on Life! Here's where nervous fingers would mean death. Jersey Ringel, ’ aerial daredevil, makes his living by taking thrilling chances. He is shown hanging by one hand, from an airplane 4000 feet above Chatta Inooga. Tenn. WE ARE AGENTS FOR PICTORIAL REVIEW PAT TERNS AND MAGAZINES XKLLXN THE DRESS GOODS STORE SILK, WOOL AND COTTON FABRICS 176 Smith St. Tel. 2258 -——. — ' ' ~ , ■- ~ ■ ■ i .. i — , Special Offerings In High Grade Desirable Materials For Wed nesday’s Selling 33 In. Pure Silk Pongee 7 2c yd. Natural color pongee, pure silk and perfect in every re spect. This desirable fabric can be made up into the fin est garments. Real value $1.00 a yard. 36 Inch Wash able Percales 18c a Yard In light and dark colors; many good designs, suitable for shirts, blouses, shirt ) waists or house dresses. Real value 25c a yard. 40 In. Duplans | Baronette Satin 1 $2.98 Yard I The only genuine Baron- H ette Satin made, warranted R to retain its lustrous finish I after laundering; plenty of B white; also C different col»'s. 0 Real value $3.50. Lancaster and Amoskeag Apron Gingham 12k Yard The best grade of apron ginghams made; in blue, g brown and green checks. | I Value 15c a yard. p We are carrying a full line of plain and fancy mateii- jjj als for the jumper dress, now so popular; your summer 9 wardrobe will not be complete without one of them. Come 9 in and select while our stock of linen, linene, shantung, jj poplin, ratine and gingham holds all the wanted colors. || -- L - i j - n . . . All Cars and Busses One Block West of Central E. R. Station, 271-273 Smith St., Perth Amboy Pass Our DoorBetween Oak and Elm Streets J _ I Special Economy Offerings For Wednesday Only __2_^ ^ ■■■■ ■ — BEAUTIFUL DRESS VOILES Odd lot; 38 Inches wide; light and dark colors; reg. price 59c; special for Wed. at JQr* a yard ...£*7\~ REMNANTS AT ONE-HALF MARKED PRICE Closing out our entire line of Remnants including Silk, Woolens and Cotton Materials; Cretonnes, Swisses and Linings at One-Half Marked Price. $1.49 Remnants can be bought at 75c and $1.98 piece at 99c. Come early and select the best GINGHAM DRESSES For Misses or Small Women; fast colors; newest pretty styles; sizei 15 to 20 years; reg. price rfb/j Q Q $5.98; special at .7 0 CHILDREN’S GINGHAM DRESSES Checks and plaids; sizes 6 to 12 years only; reg. price -| -< Q $1.89; special at .^irA» Ax CHILDREN’S POLLY PRIM APRONS Sizes 2 to 12 years; neatly trimmed; reg. price 59c; A'Xr* Special for Wed. at . * WOMEN’S WASH DRESSES Sizes 36 to 46; formerly sold from $7.98 to $9.98; closing (t£A QO out the lot at each...... *" • X O , WOMEN’S BUNGALOW HOUSE DRESSES ' Made of fine Blue Chambray; light and dark colors; regular price $1.49; special i'or Wed. OQ at each .. l ■ s WOMEN’S SILK HOSE Black and Brown; pure thread silk; good strong toes, heels and garter top; reg. price $2; special for Wed. at a pair.YK-l* WOMEN S SWEATERS All wool, Tuxedo style, beautiful as sortment of colors; regular price $9.98, r“.$5.98 GALATEA CLOTH MIDDIES Misses’ and Women’s; Navy Blue only; reg-price $2.98. SQ Special at . CHILDREN’S LEE UNIONALLS One piece, made of good heavy Blue Chambray with red trimming; sizes 4 to 12 years; reg. price OQ/-» $1.98; special at a garment ... O 7 CHILDREN’S BATHING SUITS Grey Mixture; -cotton and wool myt cd; reg. price 98c. 4Qc* Special for Wed. at each MEN’S WORK SHIRTS Blue, Black and Khaki; -regular price $1.50; Special at each ..O 7 MEN’S AUTOMOBILE DUSTERS Reg. price $4, $5 and $6; some pure Linen; special for 4Q Wed. at each .' MEN'S? B. V. D. UNDERWEAR Shirts or Drawers; spe- 4Qr* cial for Wed. at a garment... "7t SyiT CASES, HAND BAGS AND TRUNKS AT ONE-HALF MARKED PRICES L- - MEN’S LISLE SOCKS Black, Grey or Brown; regular price 25c; Special n r 6 PAIRS FOR ; / JC MEN’S OVERALLS Or Jumpers; regular price $1.50; Special for Wed- QQ at a garment ..... ^ ^ ^ I I MEN’S STRIPED FLANNEL TROUSERS White with Black stripe; regular price $7.00. O Q C Special at .. BATHING TIGHTS Special at 1 Q each .. .•• • ..• SCOUT SHOES REDUCED Men’s sizes; 6 to 11; <tO Oft Special at .Jpti./ O Boys’ Sizes; 1 to 6; O aQ Special at . OXFORDS FOR GROWING GIRLS Black Vici Kid, Broad toe, low heels; Goodyear Welts; sizes 2^4 to 6; our regular $6.00 values. d» Q C Special at . WOMEN’S WHITE SHOES Fine White Kid or Nubuck; high cut; with French heels; *-1 QC Reg. $8 values; special... »P • S BOYS’ SNEAKS Large sizes; AQ special at .\J J\+ < . -J -——————»• ■ ——■. —-- J Phone 283-284 - ■ • Phone 283-284 I 103-105-SMITH STREET-103-105_ Wednesday Bargain Day—Big Cut In Prices STEAKS A A Porterhouse or ^ % Sirloin; lb. ..^ ^ CHOP BEEF A A Fresli aud pure; ^11 Pound .4* U SKINBACK HAMS A 4 Whole or half; % 1 Pound . . Wl 8SHIN J For soup; Pound . U BEEF mm SUET Pound .;. ^ -— DIXIE BACON A A Genuine; ^11 Pound .fcU — VEAL A r CHOPS M *1 | Pound .■» V veal m STEW HI Pound .*• " ___—^^— VEAL 4 |" Breasts of ^1 Pound . ® CORNED BEEF ■■ Brisket; M Pound . ’ * FRANKFURTERS A A Fr,.!,; , // Pound ."m BOLOGNAS A A Fresh; 9 9 Pound .mm mm LIVERWURST A A Fresh; 9 9 Pound .™ A— SALT PORK 4 A Lean; , |M Pound . “ w __ STEAK A Chuck; J J| Pound . PORK A P CHOPS / *j Pound .fc M NECK SPARE RIBS 4 A Corned; I II Pound . " ^ PEACHES A P Fancy, ripa; § g Box .*.fc W HUCKLEBERRIES ft p Swamp berries; r | Quart ., JERSEY TOMATOES A P 25 2 pounds . ^ BEETS , P Fancy; large bunches. ” • • • | CARROTS A New; llJ 3 bunches . " ^ JERSEY POTATOES "Jj F New* I 3 16 quart basket.;• * w RASPBERRIES <C g% p„ ]H SOUR 'CHERRIES A A Fancy, large; *4 || Quart .^ GREEN A C* BEANS / n 3 quarts .^ CABBAGE |" Heavy, large _ | heads; 10c and . ORANGES A j" Thin skin, juicy; dozen . Ww LEMONS Per Dozen .1.. PEANUTS >/ Fresh roasted; Quart . MELONS Casaba; Each .. EGG PLANT Each . GEM NUT BUTTER Reg. 35c lb. RED SALMON Columbia; Tall can . STAR MTT.K Can . MAYONAISE P Easton’s; § T Large jar .■■ ^ CHERRIES ft Large white; M U No. 3 large can; M J CORN FLAKES rfj tffc Kellogg’s; I 1 S i Package,. ■ “ | HOLLAND 4 P> RUSK I Package . ■ ** i i —— — ■ "" TOMATO SOUP P Health Brand; 3 cans .■■ PRUNES 4 P Fancy; 1 *1 Reg. 20c kind; lb..... * ■ -