Newspaper Page Text
» Wednesday, Suburban Day Brings Good Values In Summer Goods - 1 i~1' A One Day Sale of House Dresses & Aprons Pretty aprons and house dresses, made from real AMOSKEAG Ginghams, in a variety of attractive styles. Here arc all sizes, 36 to 46, but a rather limited quantity makes it ad dT» -| ^Q visable that you select iCj "I them early Wednesday. J S__ SUMMER DRESSES OF CHECK VOILE $6.98 With collars, cuffs and vcstec of sheer white organdie, these little frocks offer the utmost in summer comfort for their wear ers. They are in white and colored cheeks, namely: Brown, red, blue, pink, green, or ange and lavender. Choice at. $6.98 OF GINGHAM AND VOILE AT $4.98 Still another collection of mid-summer dresses is shown at. .$4.98 They are of attractive design, well tailor ed. Ginghams and figured voiles are used in their make-up, and we have priced them unusually low at. .$4.98 STYLISH STOUT DRESSES FOR STYLISH STOUT WOMEN “Stylish Stouts’’ have been rightly named, for the models, though they arc from 44 to 50 bust measure possess unusual style and suggest slender lines by their method oi* designing. They are of black tricolette, an ideal material of clinging gracefulness- Priced at.$22.98 WOMEN'S WASH SKIRTS Of fine white gabardine, made well and trimmed with fancy pockets and pearl but tons. Unusual value is offered in these skirts at the remarkable low price of . .$1.98 WOMEN ’S SUMMER VESTS, 29c A fine silk stripe quality, both in bodice and band top styles. Suburban Day only, 29c There are other good values in summer underwear to be found here tomorrow. I ORGANDIE FLOUNU1NG Some tucked and hemstitched and some with dainty ruffles. It requires I so little work to make a dress that it is generally chosen not only for its good looks and quality, but as a matter of economy as well. To be had in Pink Lavender Copen Nile Corn Sand Navy, White A little earlier in the season these flouncings sold up to $3.50 a yard, but for immediate clearance they are now priced at a yard. $1.98 SALE OF BOOKS Books for Boys, Books for Girls and Popular Fiction by the Best Authors Iwill be in a sale, starting to day, at a copy.69c GOOD PILLOW OASES 45 x 36, at.24c Tliis special item is for Wednesday only; each ..24c SEAMLESS BED SHEETS Large size, 81 x 90, made from good muslin. Special for Wednesday only .. $1.10 <9 THE universal confidence of Buick owners in their Buick cars is the best testimonial of Buick worth. It is the result of years of satisfying service. But Buick is more than dependable. It is comfortable and beautiful. Examine a 1922 Buick from the inside. Enjoy its many conveniences, its refinements, its roominess. And test the Buick Valve-in Head motor on the steepest hill. cN^w Series and Prices effective June 1st, 1921 Model 22-44 Three Passenger Roadster - - - $1495 Model 22-45 Five Passenger Touring - - • - 1525 Model 22-46 Three Passenger Coupe - • • • 2135 Model 22-47 Five Passenger Sedan - - • - 2435 Model 22-48 Four Passenger Coupe - - • • 2325 Model 22-49 Seven Passenger Touring • - • 1735 Model 22-50 Seven Passenger Sedan - • - • 2635 T. 0. B, flint, Michigan FRANK VAN SYCKLE New Brunswick Ave., Cor. Jefferson St., Perth Amboy, N. J., Tel. 591-2 WHEN~BETrER~AUTQMOBlLES ARE BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD THEA t jj * ON THE JOB Here’s Charles G. Dawes on the job at Washington as director of the budget. His Job is to cut down the waste and save taxpayers some money. Tho long cigar is ever present. PROPOSALS. Sealed bids and proposal will be re ceived by the Board of Education of the City of Perth Amboy. N. J.f on Fri day. July 15th, 1921, at the High School at 8 P. M„ daylight saving time, for grading, blue stone flagging, concrete sidewalks and concrete retaining walls around School No. 8, on Neville street, the property of the Board of Education of the City of Perth Amboy. Specifications may be secured from the Architect J. K. Jensen, No. 102 Smith street, Perth Amboy, N. J. Certified check for $250 drawn to the order of the Board of Education must accompany bid. The Board of Education reserve the right to reject any or all bids. BOARD OF EDUCATION, PERTH AM BOY. By A. H. CROWELL, Secretary. 4623- -7-8—7t. " « NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by the Township Committee of Woodbridge Township, Middlesex County, N. J., for the construction of an eight (8) and six (6) inch Water Line in Avenel, Wood bridge Township. The bids will be read in public at the Avenel School, Wood bridge Township, N. J., at 7:00 P. M. (Eastern Standard Time), July 18th, 1921. The work to be done embraces the building of 6,055 lin. feet 8 inch and 2,522 lin. feet 6 Inch, cast iron pipe. Class B. with the necessary specified appurten ances. Specifications and blank forms of proposals can be obtained and detail plans examined at the office of Morgan F. Larson, Township Engineer 175 Smith street, Perth Amboy, N. J. Full sets of plans and specifications will be sent to the contractor on the receipt of ten dollars. The same to be returned on surrender of the plans in good condition within thirty days of the award. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of the Treasurer of Woodbridge Township without any conditional endorsement or cash In the amount of $1,000.00. The suc cessful bidder will be required to furnish a surety company bond In the full amount of the contract price condi tioned for the faithful performance of the work and indemnifying the Township Committee from all proceedings, suits or actions of any name or description. The Township Committee reserves the right to reject any Or all bids If, In their opinion. It Is to the best interest of the Township so to do. ANDREW KEYES, 4589—7-8—12-14. Township Clerk. CITY ADVERTISEMENT. Sealed bids and proposals will be re ceived on July 18. 1921. at 8 P. M.f by the Council of the City of Perth Amboy, N. J., at the Council Chamber, City Hall, for a 750 gallon triple combination pump ing engine, chemical and hose motor car. The Council reserves the right to reject any or a.l bid.. , r ^ RIEDT. Chairman Fire Committee. Dated July 9, 1921. 4639—7-9—12-16 MILADY’S BEAUTY PARLOR electrical Massage and Scalp Treat ment. Shampooing. Manicuring, Hair Goods 10 A. M.-S P. M. Tuesdays, Fridays. Saturdays until 9 P. M. A. SILL 70 Smith St. One flight up 'Phone S62 SCIENTIFIC DENTISTRY Bail teeth are bad for your health. By our modern methods you can have your teeth put in perfect condi tion. Most difficult roots extracted, nerves removed, teeth filled with the least inconvenience and pain to you. Decayed teeth treated and saved, badly diseased gums treated and loose teeth tightened by our in comparable methods. Teeth with and without plates. Salter bridgework stands pre-eminent for quality, ser vice and durability. Consultation and examin ation free. Moderate char ges for all work. Gas administered. Vital ized air where preferred; all languages spoken. Nurse in attendance. Dr. Salter Dentist 119 SMITH STREET Hours, 9 A. M. to 8.30 P. M. Perth Amboy Telephone Your Requirement t Our Classified : Will Do the Rest i FRANK F. WOOLOM NOW LOCATED AT 317 Madison Ave. Will More on or About July let 199 SMITH STREET near McClellan street HORKAY A RESKO NOTART PUBLIC Foreign Exchange and Steamship Ticket Agents Branch Agency American Exprees Co. Oomeetlo and Foreign Money Orders Sold To All Parts of the World 228 SMITH. PHONE INI TEL*. 829 Amboy’s Shade and Awning Co. AWNINGS Window Shades, Flags and Decorations 287 Prospect Si.. Perth Amboy- N. J. POISON LOTION A valuable treatment that we make for irritations of the skin and poisoning from Poison Oak, Ivy, Shumach and all nox ious weeds. 35c A BOTTLE 0/Pharmacy, Inc. ‘‘The Home Drug Store” .285 Smith St. Corner Oak 8t.. For Auto Repairs Either Commercial or Pleasure Cars and Trucks RECTOR STREET OARAGE PHONE—DAT 08 NIGHT—252-R WOODBRIDGE i. 9. LOMAX Prop. Corner Market and Rector Btt. Residence. Burnet Rt.. Aeenel City Motoi Cat Co., Inc. 204-298 Market St. Phone 1848 PERTH AMBOY, N. J. The home of Ulg Jim, who Is a paslnmster in the repairing of automobiles. Bring your au tomobile troubles to him. you will find our service and prices both to your liking. Automobile Storage. Car Wash ing, Polishing and Greasing. Cars chlled for and delivered. BLOWOUTS. RIMCIJTS, SAND BLISTERS, LOOSE THREADS, REPAIRER AND GUARANTEED FOR LIFE OF TUIE. RETREADS GUARANTEED FABRICS, 4,000 MILES, CORDS. 5.000 MILES. Let George Do It 180 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE. C. & S. Co. SEAMAN STREET Dealers in all Kinds of Mason’s Materials Cement, Bricks, Blocks, White Sand, Gravel, Plaster Lime, Plaster Boards, Sheet Rock Wall Boards, Water ‘Proof-Paints, Sewer Pipes. Prices Right Prompt Service Tel. 1440 $1,000 CASH Buys New 6 Room House Bath, Oas, Electric, Hot Air Heat Harry Miller 345 State Street ■_H Eyestrain Causes Headaches. Watery Eyes. Nervousness, Eta Proper Glasses Will Afford Immediate Relief Consult DR. F. J. MONAGHAN OPTOMETRIST lOt Smith Street Office closed till July 14 Telephone 2170 Rr mended by Leading Physicians FOB ANYTHING THAT A MODERN DRUG STORE SHOULD HAVE JUST CALL THE CITY PHABMACY, INC. "THE HOME DBUfl STORE'* tU Smith Stmt, Oormer Oak BuilJer't Directory JAS. A. SMITH A SON *72 McClellan street Phono 018-J Perth Amboy. N. J. Rear Majestic Theatre DEALERS AND 8H1PPERS OF ASPHALT ROOFING AND SHINGLES O B PROFIT PLAN Factory Direct to Yon IBA £. CROUSE LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL SEWER PIPES 480-500 DIVISION 8T. PERTH AMBOY. V. J. Phone* *094 and 1095 FRED CHRISTENSEN CONSTRUCTION CO. CARPENTERS AN BUILDERS Office and Shop: 218 Madison Avenue Estimate Cheerful) Furnished John Noble Pierson & Sons ARCHITECTS Designs for all types of uulldlngs Raritan Building. Perth Amboy, N. J. Phone 1422 GEORGE W: STILWELL a LUMBING AND HEATING 2S7 KING STREET Phone 771 Perth Amboy, N. J. GREISEN & THOMPSON MASONS AND BUILDERS H. Grelsen. Room 413, Raritan Building, Phone 164f. Res. Metuchen. Phone 202-W W. Tl. Thompson, Long Branch Tel. 961-J A. R. A. OVERGAARD Mason and General Contradtor Tel. 752-M, Fords, N. J. Next to Postoffice ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING AND CUTTING I * t All Its Branches No . b Too Big or Too Small .. I. B. OVERTON 261 King Street Phone 2017 D. J. WILLIAMS MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS 309*311 New Brunswick Ava, ERTH AMBOY. N. J. HEADSTONES LO"? ENCLOSURES GRAHAM & McKEON GENERAL CONTRACTORS Excavating, Grading. Etc., Sand, Gravel. Broken Stone, Carting, Etc. 4 *lb OAK STREET CARL C. CHRISTENSEN MASON ANJ CONTRACTOR All Kinds of Cement Work A Specialty Telephone 442 Corner State and Paterson Streets SMITH & OSTERGAARD GENERAL CONTRACTORS Tel. 662 FORDS. N. J. GILMAN & BOZZA, Inc B. Gilman, '69 Watson Ave., Tel. 2071-R •“* R. Bozza, 83 Broad Sr., Tel. 345-M GENERAL CONTRACTORS Mason and Carpenter Repair Work A Specialty PERTH AMBOY. N. J. T. P. HENDERSON A SON MASON CONTRACTORS Jobbing Promptly Attended to. Cement Work, Sidewalks a Specialty Estimates Furnished 226 STATE ST. PHONE 661 LOUIS P. BOOZ CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR UP SMITH STREET FLOOR SURFACING OF ALL KINDS OLD OR NEW FLOORS J. SUNDQUIST Telephone 1332-J . . Fords, New Jersey MUNOZ WAREHOUSE CO STORAGE AND TRUCKING 238-238 SHERIDAN ST. Phone 460 J. K. JENSEN ARCHITECT Now Located In Citizens’ Loan Building 102 SMITH ST. PHONE 187 JOHN H. MILJES HOUSE MOVER Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Concrete, Brick & Frame Buildings Moved 458 NEV T -t'j ST. TEL. 1443 J. B. KUBINAK ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 188 GORDON ST PHONE 1484 PERTH AMBOY, N. J, ’ EUGENE BOROS MO,rUMENTAL WORKS Monuments, Headstones, Ete. Corner Amboy Ave. and Barclay Street Telephone 1623 Perth Amboy, N. J. Perth Amboy Bluestone Co. OFFICE 97 GORGON ST. CUT STONE. FLAGGING £ CURBING PHONES 544-J, 359 A. B. MASON Skylight, Metal Celling, Pipeless Furnace* and General Sheet Metal Work 90 JEFFERSON ST. TEL. SIS THE CRAZY QUILT , L ft S'e PLACE MOTH IN BOX AMD TAKE IT TO A VAUDEVILLE SHOW * RELEASE MOTH WHEN COMEDIAN CRACKS TORE AMD MOTH WILL MEET IT% END AMID APPLAUDING AUDIENCE' TAKE MOTH AMD FOLLOW FIRE EMGIME To 5Sc FIRE* MOTH IS NATURALLY ATTRACTED TO FLAME AMD VlILL RUSH HEADLOMG INTO BURMlMG BUILDING = 6 BISCUIT SFVME Klrnr CHES & WftL* .. pUEVCLWm I FISH *RE j \ DEfcF! / 0F\ " .HERRING,) \ EW2 J 1 SUSPEND MOTH OH STRulG OUT / I or SHfcPPlHG RMlGE OF CUCKOO BIRD*p J •» 7. hours time moth w»u expire ; FRIGHT FWoH CUCKpdS CHlRPlUQ » SPECIAL VALUES WEDNESDAY DAMASK PATTERN CLOTHS Extra "quality mercerized damask, four good designs; regular $2.25 value; each $1.59 DAMASK Good heavy quality with a fine mercerized finish; sev eral neat patterns to select from; regular 79c value; per yard 59c TURKISH TOWELS Bleached, large size, heavy and absorbent quality, with plenty of weight and body; regular 59c value; each 39c RAMIE SUITING 36 inches wide; best ma terial made for suits or sep arate skirts, in a full line of all the wanted colors; regu lar 49c value. Special for Wednesday, yard 39c LADIES' BLOOMERS Of Windsor crepe, full size, regular 98c value. Special for Wednesday at 79c HEMSTITCHED TABLE CLOTHS Made from a good quality mercerized damask; regular $1.75 value; each BED SPREADS For full size beds, closely woven crochet spreads; with ' neat marceilles patterns; ea. $2.25, $2.49 $2.98, $3.25 I I ALL LINEN CRASH Heavy, bleaehed with red or blue border; good wear ing quality; regular 39c val ue ; yard 29c MUSLIN SKIRTS Full size, deep lace flounc ing; extra values at $1.98 and $2.49 BOYS’ UNDERWEAR Balbriggan shirts and drawers; regular 59c value. Special for Wednesday at each 49c < Telephone Your Requirement Our Classified Will Do the Rest STot Medicine .Not Surgery Not Osteopathy Hours 4-' P. M. and By Appointment Tel. 1688-M DR. 0. H. BUCHANAN CHIROPRACTOR 309 Madison Ave. Room 8 PERTH AMBOY. N. J. LOUIS CSIPO Host Reliable Money Forwarding and Steamship Ticket Office 477 STATE STREET. Perth Amboy. N. J. Steamship Tickets For Sale on AH Lines To and From Europe Honey Sent By Cable and By Foreign Money Order Established 1905 Lowest Rates Best Service PERTH AMBOY HARDWARE CO. Wholesale Factory, Plumbers’ Contractors’ Supplies. Largest Supply House lu Central Jersey. Phones: 1100—2101—2102; Night Calls: 765W, 520J. 40M. 1H50R, 131* , “P. A. Hardware for Service.” i L___i Look!—Read!—and Buy We are here to save you money. Buy your next lot of house fixtures direct from the manufacturer. We use nothing but brass, the best of workman ship. and all guaranteed. Call, write or phone and let us convince you. Middlesex Chandelier Maunfacturing Company 870 DAVIDSON AVE. Tel. 065 Perth Amboy, Nt J. WE DO POLISHING AND ELECTRO-PLATING. -li