Newspaper Page Text
"r CLA SSIFI ED A DVE RTISING SSlST* LOST AND FOUND SATURDAY. 9 P. M.. Rlnck and White Bull Dog about :: months old. Reward. Return 72 Got > . LOST—Retweu rerth Amboy and New ark, fur pin . ; liberal reward. Return >58 Smith St._ A. ROWB( • \ i Inq • •' I 1 ton St.. To*tenvllle. HELP WANTED—FEMALE DOMESTIC EM P 1.0 Y M F.NT A(.1 ENC Y — 320 Market St., female help furnished, positions waiting for girls, women by day for private families. WANTED AT ONCE—100 Cigar Rollers and 50 Bunch Makers. Apply Porto Rican Cigar C». 37S Rtrtgfl.y St. CIGAR and Bunch Makers wanted. J Klorfein Cigar Factory. 737 Cortland! St._ GIRL or middle aged worn in for gen eral housework; good home; good Inquire 181 State St. _______ Wanted -Expert au nogi ipht : . i ■ ’ • ' p ly w ith casualty Insurance experi ence; splendid permanent opening with advancement to right girl. Reply In writing, stating salary expected. Ad dress D. W. EL, 87 Smith street._ CIGAR 1 it thi G. H. P. Cigar Co. •i-’:.' Park Avc.___ GIRL for general housework. J33 Kearny Are. _______——_ PRESShRS wanted on men's shirts; ex perience not necessary. Mdtiey Rose ri al ein & Co, 45>» Market St._ 31RL wanted for chrnnh* rmaid work, $50 month; a very good mb. Amboy Em _ ploy no nt Ag« tu 310 Maple St. YOUNG Girl over ii years i" Jtelp with light houst.*w_iirk. 2fif* Oak St. OPERATORS wanted on Mackinaws and boys* clothing; salary t<> experi enced people. Universal Clothing to., Matawan. N. J. __ CROCHET ‘READERS wanted: earn $20 to *?.*> weekly; work given home; cal! nil week. Miss R. Sanders 2"7 Madi son Avenue (ground floor). Inquire un til late in the evening. __ = . ■■ T. ■■■ — REAL ESTATE FOR RENT TO LET—Part of second floor at H5 New Brunswick Ave. for shop use. sign painter or plumber or similar business. F. K. Martin. 145 New Brunswick Ave___ NEW STOKE just off Smith St. on King St. will lease; also manufacturing spare 4.S00 squire feet. Tlieo. S. Brown. 282 King St._____ FIVE ROOMS to let: part Improvements. Inquire 625 State St. __ t ROOMS to let, $50 Inquire A.. Kauf man. 373 Park Ave. _ TWO STORES t'«»r rent on Madison Ave. near Smith St. Inquire Perth Amboy Real Estate Exchange. 317 Madison Avenue.___ 5 ROOM.- with electric; rent reasonable. Zimmerle, Commercial Ave.. Amboy Heights.___ TtOKE To Let Madison Avenue between Smith and Market Streets. Inquire Perth Amboy Garage Co. I*WO STORES For Rent; good business location. Inquire Perth Amboy Real Estate Exchange. 317 Madison Ave._ LARGE Front Office to let. Apply Maple Realty Co. 215 Smith St._ HOUSE to let. all Improvements. In quire Maple Realty Co. 5-ROOM APARTMENT, completely fur nished; every Improvement. Telephone 1576-W.___ 6 NICE Rooms; all improvements: newly decorated. Inquire 1SS Smith St. _ S ROOMS; modern improvements 333 Madison avenue. Inquire Fhone 1735. fo LET—309 Market street upper apart ment. f* rooms and improvements Charles Steuerwald, Inc„ 208 Smith st. BUSINESS garage for rent In traffic sec tion. also five rooms wtth all Improve ments. 646 Amboy avenue. Inquire Ngi" ' 689" F*.rifle street.__ FLAT t o rent. In quire 355 Oak street. TOR RENT part of store on Now White Way; suitable for shoe shining and hat cleaning parlor. Inquire Central Shoe Repair1 •u' Co.. 1*70 Madison avenue._ 6 ROOMS; improvements. Fayette St. Inquire Solomon it:: Hall Ave._ 5 ROOMS TO LET. 26 1 DAVIDSON AVE. INQUIRE AT CITY BAKERY. 66 - SMITH ST._ TWO five-room flats; all Improvement*; first class condition. Inquire Herman Frederick, 496 Amboy avenue._ DOUBLE GARAGE on State street, cen tral location together or singly; reason ble. Charles L. Steuerwald, Inc., 208 _Smith street.___ 5 ROOMS, all Improvements; also garage at 55 Brighton Ave. Inquire 343 State Street. _______ 5 ROOMS; all Improvements. 192 pordon St. Inquire 203 First St._ FOUR Room fiat; nil improvements in cluding heat, $45 per month. C. M. Christensen. 374 New Brunswick_Ave. GARAGE SPACE to let. 133 Gordon St. Phone 1429._ FOUR Room House; all Improvements, in quire Wiener 166 New Brunswick Ave. FIX Rooms and out buildings for poultry; will lease to responsible party for $25 month: convenient for boating nnd battling. Inquire 293 Bayvlew Ave.. Primes Bay. S. L ____ ROOMS TO LET. Inquire 47.9 Compton Avenue._ __ | GARAGE To Let; water and hose con- . nection. 71 Llml.n st. NEW 5 room flat; all Improvements; first class condition. Inquire Upstairs. Miss Jacks. 492 Sayre Ave. PAINTERS, PAPERHANGERS PAINTER and Paper Hanger; Interior decorating a specialty; estimates cheer fully given. Rl. Laursen. 33a Maple St. Phone 765. Re3. 804-M._ HARRY COHEN. Painter. Paper Hanger; Interior decorating a specialty; esti mates furnished. 4 23 Division St. Phone 584-J._Shop 104 So. 1st St. Phone 1936. PAINT Tit Paper tlang. r und He > Interior work a specialty; first class workmanship guaranteed. Viggo O Pe tersen. H9 Madison Ave. Phone 404-J. £ P. BA UN 5 it. Painter. Paper'hanger. Decorating and graining; work guar anteed; reasonable prices. estimates given. 123 So. 1st St. Phone 643-W. &IMPLEMAN BROS.—-Paints and Wall Papers, hardware, house furnishings, window shades, etc. at very reasonable prices. 331 State St. Phone 1772._ PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY Wall Paper retail at wholesale prices. Paper Hangers furnished at lowest prices. N. Y. Wall Paper Co. 3f>0 State St. Phone 1722. ELECTRICAL SERVICE H. BECK, Electrical Contractor; fix- j tures. motors, wiring; estimates fur nished. 168 New Brunswick Ave. Phone | 1S18. Night Phone 1329-M._j AMlh LIGHTING CO. Full line of ! lighting fixtures, electricnl supplies and household appliances. 193-95 Smith St. j Phone 631.! R. L. SCHUCK. motors and generators In stalled and repaired, line construction and Interior wiring. Shop and residence 449 Compton Ave. Tel. 1617. GUTH ELECTRIC CO.. electrical con tractors and dealers In electrical sup plies; lighting fixtures of quality. 185 Smith St. Phone 22._ PERTH A'lBOY Storage Battery & Elec tric Co. We repair anything electrical; motors, generators, starters, etc., ar matures rewound: motors bought and sold, 2C> f» Madison Ave. Phone is<i7._ J." J. YELLEN: Electrical Contractor; finished hoHse wiring a specialty; fix tures at reasonable prices; estimates cheerfully furnished. HU Lind St. BUSINESS PERSONALS FURNTIUKR, second hand; bought and sold. I. Scher. »-8 Smith St. HORKAY KESKO—Notary P’ublic, real estate anl farms '»ough* and sold; also foreign n »ney and Liberty Bonds. 22S Smith S* Phone 1SX7_ THE RARITAN Publicity Service an nounces Its succession to Will M. Mena ker. public stenographer, advertising and and office supplies. Room 202 Raritan Ttldi?. Tel. 18 At. HELP WANTED—MALE vMBOY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, au thorizerl by th* Depart rnmi of Labor of New Jersey. Men and women fur ! nlslied for all types ot work and work furnished for all types of men and ' v\ mien 310 Maple St. Phone 1952 I Perth Am buy, N, J.___ ’WANTED—Men and women to have their ho* s shined at George's Shoe Shin In Parlor. 154 Smith St. Junior I Hall.___ I A-l MECHANICS wanted only. Frank V in Syckle. j SALESMAN -An aggressive producer for I th* distribution of a popular-priced au tomotive specialty; attractive proposi tion and opportunity for right man. lie ply in detail. •'SaUsinanger," It ox 213. N. Jj___ POLISHER for pidno store; part time i piano tu.ier; must understand players. | I i run ton Piano Co. 21H Smith St. ' YOUNG Man. Intelligent, well educated wanted hy large sales organization; must have his own car. Call after 7 P. M.. -u.j |t*‘ci' i St. Perth Amboy, N. J. YOUNG MEN of neat appearance with selling ability to Join our field force; good pay to start; permanent position, i aII 217 Smith St. Room 206 between 4-5 P. M. SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNG LADY wishes position under stands bookkeeping, typist and clerical work. Call Telephone Perth Amboy 2267 MARRIED MAN, good education, experi enced at pipe fitting and plumbing; wish's position at anything. E. S., cure News. _ __ RELIABLE Man, 25; married, desires em ployment of any nature; clean cut and has executive ability. "A. C." Care News. _ GOOD Girl desires housework in good family. Inquire 155 Statw 8t. _ COMPOSITOR - Deaf, good two thirder on reprints and distribution desires steady position with advancement. Julius Win grad. 150 Lewis rit., Perth Amboy. FURNISHED ROOMS 1 SINGE ROOM; 1 double room; all Ira provements. 267 McClellan St. HOTEL REMINGTON. 377 Smith St., furnisher’ room* by daj or week; rooms steam heated; inea . served; also regu lar board. Tel. 494. TWO Large cozy rooms; electric light with piano; all conveniences; reason nhle. 339 High St. FURNISHED Rooms for light housekeep Ing, Ml Main St., Tel. 1022-M, Tott. nice Rooi for gentleman; private fa - 1' choice location._Phone 125-W. <AHGE Front Room f. light housekeep ing Corner Market and Water Sts >1 R NISH ED ROOMS, all conveniences. Telephone 443-J, 296 Market street. ONE LARGE light housekeeping room overlooking bay; all improvements. 47 Watar street. Phone 606-R. _ iAEGE front room and kitchenette; pri vate family. 129 Market street._ -AKGE airy furnished room; all conven iences, Including shower; private resi dence; desirable location; references. Phone 889-M. __ FURNISHED front room. 100 Lewis stre< •. Tel. 1792-R. BURNISHED room with or without board. gentleman preferred. 355 Prespect st. FURNISHED room. 238 Brighton ave. FURNISHED room with laundry done; 82 pqg week. 312 Elm street._ IOOMS tor light housekeeping. 262 Mc Clellan street. _ _ FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman; im provements. 216 First St. FURNISHED ROOM; private family. 155 Keary Ave. ONE large r*om; sleeping or llglu house keeping. 94 Fayette_Street._ ROOM and I' end in private family. In _quire 181 State St._ THREE Room furnished apartment to let for summer; all Improvements. 188 Water St._ TWO Furnished rooms for light house keeping; all improvements. 216 Mar ket St. TWO large front furnished rooms for light housekeeping, 4 25 HiglI St. BEAUTIFUL Located furnished rooms in Tottenville; light housekeeping; 7 minutes walk to station. **S. P. V.” Care News.__ ROOMS; also kitchenette overlooking bay. 37 Water St. Phone 506-J._ NICE, Bright furnished room; suit cou ple or friends; all conveniences; hoard if required. Mrs. Sanders. 20 7 Madi son Avenue near Smith. Phone 2154 or call.__ TWO Furnished Rooms with Improve ments, 34S Elliott Ave., TottenvlUe. LARGE Furnished front room; for 1 or 2 gentlemen; all conveniences. 1S7 Smith St.__ FURNISHED ROOMS. 149 Kearny Avenue. TRUCKING JOHN GARDELL, transfer and auto trucking; storage furniture and p s moved, city and countrv 205 Market St. Phone 478._ i> KAD1N, express and storage, long dis tance moving with care. 204 New 'Bruns wick AVA. IPhone 1676. 1882 Perth Am tioy. ______ ANDREW ANDERSOr. Trucking. en gines. boilers, machinery, safes, heavy hauling and rigging of every descrip tion. Pierce Arrow and Packard 6 ton trucks. Tel. 178. 77 Fayette Stt t. Perth /.mhoy, N J._ S BO UUP. transfer and auto trucking; storage, furniture and pianos moved; city and country. 835 State St. Phone 2176._____ S S1T1N1TSKY. Trucking and moving and carting, local and long distance; no Job too large oi too small. Florida Grove Road Phone 499-M.______ RARITAN EX PR ESfJ. carting and truck* tng and moving l< and long dlst i Phone 353-J. J. Slendenhurg. 377 s<»n St. _ . 11 MlELSKl BROS.. light ami heavy trucking; local and long "«tance. caie ful drivers; all work given our personal attention. Pho u 4T* Perth Amboy. W A LS HECK’S General Trucking. local and long distance moving; also light and heav carting. 266 Goodwin St Phone 1672 Perth Amboy. N. J. i JOHN HAWRYLKO & SON. trucking and moving; I cal and long distance; per sonal attention to all work. 162 r hnun ce.v ^t. Telephone Connection._ i REPUBLIC TRUCKING CO.. Motor and »ss Service. Perth Amboy-New Dnilv. Perth Amboy Phone 2145. Fayette St N Y Phone Canal 4516 LEI’,-'FITS EXPRESS; transportation be tween erth Amboy and New York: mo- in city or country. 296 Washing ton St Phone 896-.T ___ WANTED—L1 ght loads, parcels and ex press for Mctuchen anil New Bruns wick. Address Box 17, care News. FLORIST_ CLARK THE FLORIST 179 Smith St. Flowers for all occasions; floral de signs; bridal bouquets our specialty; Gold Fislk_Phone 296-M.__ TUI-;'” KlTiTlENMElSTER. Florist; Phone 1556; funeral designs; bouquets for weddings and parties; wreaths and other floral decoraj lomc 58 Stytlth St. tFiEHOSE SHOP. ‘Say It with flowers." By telegraph or mall; sent anywhere; cut or potted flowers. SO Smith St. Phone 1561. _ STRUVE THE FLORIST. Phone «S4 Palms, ferns, pot plants, cut flowers, rloral designs a specialty. W. Sturve r Sons 355 Laurie Sl_ THE FLOWER SHOP. 107 Fayette St. Flowers for every occasion; wedding bouquets, floral pieces, cut flowers pot ted plants. L. E. Fitzgerald. Tel. 14S-J. PIANOS C. STEINHAUSER. Pianos tuned and re paired. 325 State St.. Perth Amboy. Tel. 1364-M. First class work. BRUNTON—Pianos and Player P nos. Kranloh & Bach. Hardman Pianos. Son ora Phonographs. Columbia Orafonolaa. rteorcrA Post. Manager. 207 Smith St. 1 FOR SALE S“EKEOTYPE MATS; 11.00 a hundred; make excellent lining tor barns, poflltry houses, etc. Size IS Vi x 22. Evening News _ FP >'H Cows and Springers for sale or exchange for Beef Cows. Prices rea sonable. Call or write. Levine A: Kap lowitz. lf»3 Lewis St. Tel 2097. A COMPLETE LINE of lumber, mason's materials, wall boards, roofing, sewer pipes, hardware and paints of all kinds. Sorensen's. 6<>1 Sayre Ave. Phone 1569. DUBLIN ^FURNITURE HOUSE, all kinds of furniture, baby carriages, floor cov erings a specialty; reasonable prices; positively new goods. 279 Smith 8t. LEATHER—Oak soles and scraps. VVe carry a full line of cobbler's tools and supplies for home use. P. Barbierl. 404 ♦04 8tats St._ MOTORCYCLE parts In stock at all times j fo Harley and Indian, also tires, tubes I and accessories. See Motorcycle Leo. 709 Charles St. Phone 204 F SALE—New and second hand stoves 1 and ranges; parts for all makes of stoves: also repairing. John Molnar. 481 A State St._ VVE BUY ill kinds second hand furniture. O Houser. 103 Fayette St. Phone 848-W _ CHICK Feed. Growing Mash, Blanch ford's Milk Mash and developing feeds. Pratt’s Regulators anu Remedies. \7m. Clemensen. Market and Second Streets. Phone P. A. BS2 Tottenville Phone 920. tfr'" Our Pric es on rubbtr. asphalt s’lln g leg. roof coatings and cements. VVe ran make delivery at once New Jer sey Roofing Co. 313 New Brunswick Ave, Phone 21fl.____ FLOC/R and Wall Cases; suitable for or cloak store. F. & F. Shop. _ 3 2_M a pie St._ AUi’O TOPS recovered and repaired; au tomobile robes, blankets, slip covers. Eveready Flashlights, Batteries. Icy Hot * >ttbs and Lunch Boxes. P. Guthoff. _184 Ne\ Brunswick Ave. Phone 1CS0. CHICKEN Coop; lined with windows; to be removed at once: bargain. 139 Lewis St. THOMPSON-GOODYEAR RUBBER Corp. 315 Map St. Tel. 2169. Everything In Rubber, wholesale and retail. Plumbers, Factory and Household Supplies._ OHIO VACCUUM CLBANBR8 for hire; $ 1.f > day. VVe repair anything electri cal. K ut K. Electric Co.. New Bruns wick Ave and Jefferson St. Phone fitifi. CHI2K FEED; Sjratch, Whole Corn, Mash. Also agent for Dr. Peter's Kuri ko. E. Ohlson. Phone 2045. 405 Lau rle St._ Auto Strop, Eagle; 6 for 29c; Gillette, 35c. 7 Gem, 35c 3 Durham Duplex. 24c. Eveready. Gem Razors. 75c. Gillettes. $2.5o. y Perl mutter, 199 Smith St. KEGS For Wine. Cider, etc. Gluck Bros. 190 Meade street. Phone 1735. FLEMINGTON Butter and Egg Market, 232 Smith St. Strictly fresh eggs, fresh churned butter daily; direct from Flemlngton Farms to you. SPECIAL—Men's Straw Hats; regular $4 value. $1.79. Men’s Hat Store. 256 Smith St., corner Elm Street. LARGE mirror. Inlaid linoleum, l»aby carriage; cheap._3S0 Park avenue. UPRIGHT PIANO; oheap._ 437 Laurie at, MUSIC ROLLS for six roll Wurllfzer Electric Plano. The Ernst House, New Brunswick avenue, Perth Amboy._ WOODEN BOX and wood for sale. J. Smelling, 143 Smith street._ HORSTS, wagons and harness will be sold at public auction every Monday and Thursday; outside horses sold on com mission. L. Jaffe. Auctioneer._ FOR SALE—Large refrigerator. S x 12; 11 high; reasonable* also show case, * ft. Baler's Market, Albany St., New Bru nis wic k, N. J._ FOR SALE—Three piece Mahogany parlor suite; also reed baby carriage. 430 Mattano Place. __ TWIN Bab. Carriage. 663 Rahway Ave., W oodb r i d ge._ SADDLE Horse for sale; genuine Ken tucky thoroughbred and also can be used in buggy. Inquire 119 Green St., _Woodbrldge. __ MORRIS CANOE. equipped with sail, oars and paddles. Inquire Emmons & Merrill’s Boat House, Front St._ HORSE, Wagon and Harness for sale rheap. 539 State St._ NATIONAL Cash Register for sale; brand new. Inquire Lorraine Sweets Co. 323 j Maple St. _SHOE REPAIRING FIRST CL'.SS Shoe Repairing; best oak leather used; also new shoes at reason able prlc s. J. Cherensky. 1S1 New Brunswick Ave. FIRST CLASS Shoe Repairing; all work guaranteed and promptly done; also new sh es of best qualities, standard makes. S. Goldsmith. 127 Fayette St. GOOD Shoe repairing guaranteed; any one having 5 pairs shoes soled and heeled; one pair fixed Gennari. 225 Wash Ington St. CENTRAL SHOE Repairing Co. will save your shoes. We restore them to their original newness; moderate prices. 270 Madison Ave._Opposite Majestic._ UNITED SHOE Repairing Co., orly one in city using Goodyear Welt System; saves shoes; best oak leather used; moderate prices. 242 Smith St., opposite C. R. R. MISCELLANEOUS STAMPING and Hemstitching to ordsr; all kinds of wool In all colors; sweaters, underwear and hosiery J. Hoffman. 230 Smith Street.__ IF YOU V.'ANT to buy or sell real es tate. have rents collected or a mi V gage l*' n see D. A. Shirley. 130 Smltn Stn t. _ HAVE your windows, wall paper cleaned in *ur home, store or office* moder ate charges. Perth Amboy Window Cleaning Co.. H2 Broad St.. Phone, 1906._ hAjH PRICES paid for second hand tur- j nlture; also all kinds of furniture, stoves, bedding, floor covering for sale. Sussman. 23 Smith St. Tel. 1496-J. | LAUNDRY—Wet Wash and Flat Work done by the oldest, largest operating plant In the city. Middlesex Sanitary Laundry, No. 5 Gordon St., Pejtb Am boy. N. J. Tel. 1893_T. f urrie. Prop" SIT BOND HAND Furniture bought and sold. Also new and second nand bicycles W. Claudette. 242 New Brunswick Ave. UPHOLSTERING AND FURNITURE REPAIRING. HARRY FEINBERO. 33 35 SMITH ST._PIIQNE 1571. COLONIAL CABINET WORKS; home of expert cabinet makers; upholstering; veneering, enameling, chair caneing; glass table tops, shelves, mlri »rs, choice one..* il rugs. Cleaning and repairing. Phone 236-M. 388 State St._ UPHOLSTERING L L. BRAIDWOOD. 362 HI .H ST PHONE 253._ CARPETS and Rugs cleaned, washed; with our 30 years’ experience we guar antee vour satisfaction. Armenian Rug Co. 2SS Hobart St. Phone 423. TALKING MACHINES. ETC. COLUMBIA Grafonolaa. records, clocks, watches, lewelry. Catholic prayer books repairing all makes talking machines; watehe®. B. Dzielak. 312 Smith St. EMERSON RECORDS, all the latest songs and dance hits on sale. Watches. Clocks and Jewelry; also expert watch repalr Ing. S. Cardon. 70 Smith St. COLUMBIA Grafonolas. all the latest records; sewing machines and baby carriages on easy terms at Salter's. 357 State St. Phone 860.__ HITS — Fits; and best; on Pathe and Ac tuelle Steel Needle Records. Special offer with each Pathe Machine from Model No. 7 to Model 'No. 18; $25.00 worth of records free. Easiest kinds of easy terms. We have all the latest music rolls. J. Smerlng. 148 Smith St. Open Evenings. T^l. 1730. WHERE TO DINE VICTORY RESTAURANT. Oyster and Chop Housw. 8ea Food Special. Popular pri 322 State Street, near JefTerson St., Perth Amboy Tel_3234._ PRESTO LUNCH and Bakery; home made pastries; popular prices; open t - rtav and night. 113 Smith Street. [ REAL estate for sale B ILDING LOTS at Fords, $55 each an< at Woodridge $55 each, small farm at $400 each and upwards IIANS NKILSEN CO., 106 Smith St., Perth Amboy, N. J. SMITH STREET property for sale; alsi a number of desirable residence prop erties. Fraser Bros., Savings Ban! Puildin Second Floor. 9 $2 A MONTH buys a 25x100 't. lot a Ford's Park; price $100; no interest lot 10 minutes walk from Bogan's Cor n»-r be John Hanson. 130 Smith St. FOB SALE—100 lots. 25x100 ft. each a Ideal Park at Fords, opposite Rogan'i Corner, terms to suit purchaser. Se« J din Hanson. 130 Smith 8t._ 250 LOT.- for sale at Reservoir Pjitrlt, city of Pelth Amboy; t*-n minutes' walk from Barber Asphalt Plant; $100 n piece; terms to sup. John Hanson owner. 13) Smith Street Perth Amboy 7 BOOM HOUSE on Woodruff Place; a I modern Improvement#; driveway; ga rage for 2 automobiles; price reasonable. Alexander Kosene. Raritan Building. BIG BARGAIN; must be sold at once; 2 family building on Oak near Smith St., ail improvements with big driveway; price $7200. easy terms. Schoncet; & Blltzer. Raritan Building. Tel. 1558. BIG SACRIFICE—Own* r leaving town; 2 family house on Division near Wash ington direct; 9 rooms; electric and gas with driveway; price only $4,300; cash needed $1500; terms’easy. Schonceit & Blltzer. Raritan Building. Tel. 1558. REAL ESTATE and Farms bought and sold. Notary Public. Mortgages. in surance. N. A. Nielsen. 176 New Brunswick Ave, Phone 882-W._ FORDS—On Fords Avenue; 5 room bunga low; ren< $40.00; $4650.00; only $850.00 cash; no taxes for 5 years. Charles L*. Steuerwald. Inc. 208 Smith St. ______ PERTH AMBOY'TRUST COMPANY Real Estate Department Property in all sections of the city for sale at fair prices, good terms. If you wish to buy or sell it will be to your advantage to call on us. "Superior Service"_ _ FARMERS—if you hav' farms for sale or to rent In the vicinity of Perth Amboy, N. J., write or call pprsonally to Min dszenth’* and Mirossay 167 Hall Ave., Perth Amboy. N. J. Mr. Stephen Uod nar. Ma iagt r. 5 TO 15 ACRES, beautiful building site at Fords. Main road, only $175.00 an acre. Small cash payment, easy terms. Ideal for country home, right In town, diaries L. Steuerwald, Inc.. 203 Smith St._ uuu f'—At i orns; o roo n oungaiow, $4,800. t; rooir hoi e $5,000 fi room house $5,500. Can be purchased on easy terms. Pierce Johnsoi. Co. 217 Smith St._ FOR SALE—On the south shore, dwelling in course of construction; lot 60 x about 300, including water front; price _$7,500. B, Williams, Tottenvllle, N. Y, FOP SALE—6 Room frame stucco build ing, lot 50 x 115, situated at No 528 Convery Place. Street paving Is now under construction; splendid location. Price $3500.00. Inquire Maasopust Bros. & Company. 602 State Street. FOR SALE—5 room one family frame building; 2 lots; building practically new; situated at No. 6S5 Raritan Ave. Price $3300.00. Inquire Massopust Bros. & Company. ' 692 State Street. FOP SALE—Paterson Street; two family frame house; 9 rooms; improvements; $60 0.00 or more cash required; act quick if you want a bargain; rent $50 per mon t h. Conard <fc Company. FOR SALE—2 family on Paterson Street, 8 rooms; 4 up anti 4 down; baths, toi l< sinks; rents $44.00; only $5200.00. Easy terms. Charles L. Steuerwald, Inc. 108 Smith Street. SMALL FARMS For Sale at Fords, $5.00 a month; no Interest. John Hanson. 130 Smith Street. STATE STREET; 2 family brick; 18 rooms; every modern improvement. 37Vi by 100; rents $130.00; price and terms very attractive. Charles L. Steuerwald, Inc. 208 Sm 1 th St._ FOR SALE AT FORDS Best sectlqn, new 6 room house; all modern improvements; driveway for ga rage. FOR SALE AT METUCHEN $10.00 down will buy a well located Bui Id in; lot a few minutes from trolley and bus line. Have a number of houses ai. I building lots in Perth Amboy. Prices and terms to suit. Don’t miss these bargains. PARTICULARS CARL JACOBS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 179 BRIGHTON AVE. EST. 1889 _TEL, 561 lo ROOM House, electric, 6 lots and ga rage, low price, reason for selling old age. Inquire H. Zimmerle Commercial Ave., Amboy IIeights. CORNER Lot 100 x 100, Raritan Manor, restricted property; will sacrifice. In qulfe A. W. Lafson..170 Brighton Ave. BARGAIN To (Julck Buyer; a one fam ily house on Cataipa Ave. Inquire Philip Levine, Raritan Bldg._ 3-KOOM stucco; lot 75 x 1 50, city water; first class building; house held furniture also for sale. Inquire. John Duros, Fords Park, Woodhridge. BRIGHTON AVE., near Market 7 rooms, all Improvements, driveway; $S.750; terms to suit. Madison avenue, near Lewis, deep lot, driveway, 6 rooms, all Improvements; $4,600.00; $1,500.00 cash. Charles L. Steuerwald. Inc., 208 Smith street. LOT in Fords on Hamilton avenue. 25 x 125, for sale; cheap. Inquire 144 N. Brunswick avenue._ __ NEW 2- family, 11-room brick house, with all improvements, driveway and garage, located 547 Neville St. Inquire 417 Brace avenue._ STATE ST. store. 3 story brick with flat, all improvements; lot 25 x 160, garages —showing handsome income; price right; terms attractive. Charles L. Steuerwald, Inc,, 208 Smith St._ FOR SA 1.1 ’ — Very desirable building l»ts on easy terms; $250 and up. M. H. Madsen 175 Smith St. or 470 Rra^e Ave._ FARMS—See our Poultry, Fruit, Truck ami Dairy Farms. Consult our Agricul turist before you buy. Eastern Farm Development Co., Raritan Bldg._ 10 ROOM House and store, 448 Keene St. New; just finished; bargain. Inquire 4 48 Keene St. at any time._ THREE Room house In vicinity of Me tuclien; lot 100 x 185: some fruit, poul try house. For appointment phone Me tuchen 139-R-b TIRES, AND ACCESSORIES PERTH AMBOY Auto Wrecking Co. Korb S’ Feldman; highest prices paid for all kinds of automobiles. All kinds of p irts on hand. Radiators, carburetors, lamps, magnetos. springs. generators. tires, tubes, etc. fo? sale 184 Fayette Street, 1S3 New Brunswick Ave.. Perth Amboy. N J. Tel. 1394. TIRES for sale; Goodyear. Goodrich. Michelln. Fisk and United States. F K.. Martin 145 New Brunswick Ave. NATIONAL AUTO SUPPLY CO., complete line, accessories. tlr« tubes, oils gas oline and vulcanizing. Ford parts a spe cialty. 4 4 6 Amboy Ave Phone 65-M BRIGHTON ave garage. Tires, tubes and accessories. Phone 1122-M. ^TVOND Sc DIMOND—Tires. Tuhes and accessories; oils and gasoline; Stewart Speedometers and parts. Phone 2173 Mad I son Ave-. a nrt Market_St._ AMERICAN Hammered and "No Leak O'* Plsto- Rings; Raybestos Brake lin ing; rlin bolts, nuts and clamps; Utility Protected Heaters. Mel bourn Sc Ritter. 77 SmIth St._ RECOVER Your own auto top for less than $5 00. Leatherette 75c yard. Tires at Vi list. 30 x 3. $10.00. Cut Price Auto Supply. 100-102 Fayette St. PLUMBING AND HEATING WILL Install Bath and Toilet Fixtures; heat your house with steam, hot water or plpelt furnace on monthly pay ments. F. J Larkin. 267 McClellan St. Til. 565-R.__ DAMGAARD & BL’OTE. plumbing, heat ing and gas fitting; Jobbing promptly attended to: estimates furnished. 308 Elm St. Phone 2081.__ JOHN KLUSENDORF. Plumbing, heat ing. Tinning and Gas Fitting; Jobbing promptly attended to: estimates fur nlshed._498 Groom J8t._Phone 2221. S. L. BULVANOSKI. Plumbing. Heating. Gas Fitting and Tinning in all its branches; all work promptly done, $70 L Charles SL Ph me 140$. Sport Spoilers AS YOU can't" do \ i .SWIMMING UNTIL- \ You Hoe rue ENlioe ) GACoem 1 1 - .'■■■ '"q AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE ONE DODGE Touring, $300. 332 Smith Street. USED CAR ’ and Trucks at real Bargains. 1020 Lexington Sedan, slightly used as demonstrator at a big bargain. If you are In the market for a used car or truck, we have them; time payments can be arranged. Oak St. Garage. 319 Oak St. Phone 216. ALWAYS u good assortment of used cars to select from at OARRETSON'S. 305 307 .New Brunswick Ave. Buy now pad save from $150 to $300 on second ’ and cars. W* have the follow ing cars on hand. Paige 5 passenger Sedan 101 *» Chalmers Touring Paige 7 passenger Touring 3Vz ton Hurlburt truck with tup Dodge Roadster CENTRAL OARAGE 225 New Brunswick Ave. Time payments artanged. Open even Ings and 8undays__ 4 CYLINDER 5 passenger Reo; summer and winter tops; just overhauled and re painted; beautiful car; fully equipped; many extras; low price to quick buyer. .Hessir. 179 Rector St. Phone 577-R. PAIGE ROADSTER 1920, Excellent condition SUPERIOR GARAGE CO., Corner Maple and Fayette Streets Phone 1C94 1 Dodge Delivery, $300. 1 Runabout, $300. Used cars bought and sold. » County Bridge Garage. 409 Market St. REO—0 cylinder 7 passenger with open and closed tops; good running order and good paint. Can be seen at Kills Bros. Garage. .430 High St. Tel. 2197. 19L’t0 DODGE sedan; many extras. H. C. Nanner Jr.. 62iT Linden avenue. Wood bridge. Phone 12S-M.___ DODGE Roadster In perfect condition; small amount cash, balance monthly If preferred; sold at a bargain. Call 2R3 Smith Amboy. FORD Sedan body. Fisher’s Garage, Jameshurg, N. J._ REO Truck, in perfectly good condition. Inquire at Scibienski, cor. Smith and Oak street._' r unu oeuan 101 s.ue. _Call 1782-W. Good Used Cars For Sale. Franklin Touring. Oldsmobile Touring. Bulck Touring. Studebaker Roadster. Hudson Sport Model. Mete Touring. Overland Panel Delivery. Franklin Brougham. Oakland Sedan, like new. New Cli -liners Touring, real bargain. Convenient time payment arranged., SEXTON’S GARAGE. 15 Smith St.. Pertfl Amboy, 127 Raritan Ave., New Brunswick, N. J. 1919 MODEL Dodge Delivery in a-1 condi tion; mechanically overhauled: very cheap. Inqulro • Steven Kozusko. 4fi9 Hall Ave,_ FOR SALE—Light Ford delivery; i od rubber; excellent running order. Frank B a ns», Snowhlll St., Spotswood, N. J. HUDSON RACER: cheap to quick buyer. 45.2 New Brunswick Ave._ MACK 1 Vo Ton Panel Body: 1921 model; reasonable. P h o no 1964-W.__ 1919 FORD Touring Call Ferth Amboy. 354 after 6.30 P. M._1 FORD Touring Car for sale cheap. Call liny time: open evenings. Ideal Gar age. Market and Sherman Sts. Phone / 2 58.___ &EVEN Passenger Reo Touring with sum mer and winter top? mechanically per fect; tires and paint good. Any demon stration. Buyer need not have all cash. Teh 16.87-M after 6 Pi JM._ FOR SALE—3Vs-4 ton D. E. Worm drive truck with cab and stake body; run less than 3.000 miles. Equipped with 10 inch Giant solid tires; mechanically per fect. Time payments arranged. Van Syckle’s. Tel. 591-2. FOR SALE Studebaker 4 passenger Club Roadster Studebaker 5 passenger Touring Studebaker 7 passenger Sedan Jordan 7 passenger Touring Buick 5 passenger touring Dodge Brothers 4 Door Sedan Dodge Brothers Touring Ford Roadster Cole Roadster Reo Roadster Trade-ins considered. Time Payments Arranged. VAN SYCKLE’S Tel. 591-2, 1920 FORD Touring Car, self starter. In qulre 371 Elm St.____ TltTs FORD Touring; a-1 condition. In quire D. J. Williams Monumental Works. 311 New Brunswick Ave. TAILORING—DRESSMAKING DYEING to match your sample, cleaning, repairing men and women's clothing. Phone 1658. Fishkln Bros., 309 State St. 136 New Brunswick Ave. BENIN CAS.” BROS., Merchant tailors; 2 stores. 491 State St. Phone 18* J. 16S Smith St., 1 flight up. Perth Amboy. WE V'r* T KINDS of side and accord ion pleating and machine pleating; also hemstitching; very reasonable prices. E. Weiss. 317 I.'apie St. Phone 2072. LADIES F SHIONABLr Dressmaking; cleaning, pressing and dyeing. We also do hemstitching, moderate prices. Kal man. 293 Smith St._ ALTERATIONS. Cleaning. Dyeing. Press ing. Orders called for and delivered; prices moderate. S. Epstein. 266 Madison Ave. Below Majestic Theatre. Tel. 1479. TAILORING and Cutting; Ladies* and Gents* garments cleaned, pressed and repaired; reasonable price. P. Palo. 291 State St.Perjb Amboy N. J._ FURS Stored free white having them re modeled or repaired at very low prices during the summer months. Insured against Are and burglary A. Green house. 66 Smith St. BATTERY SERVICE EVER-READY Storage Batteries. Auto Electric service and supplies; all makes of batteries recharged and repaired; sales and service station. Atlantic Ga rage. 566 Amboy Ave. Tel. 1966. WILLIAMS AUTO Electric Service Station Magnetos. Generators. Starters. Batter ies repaired. Batteries properly and fully recharged 60c. Agent for the Wltherbee Battery. 140 New Brunswick_Ave._ WILLARD THREADED Rubber Batteries, unfailing guards against need for raln sulatlon during the battery's life. Bat tery & Motor Service Station. 149 New Brunswick Ave. Tel. 1885. GOODS NEWS; all U. 8. L. Storage bat teries reduced to pre-war prices; get our prices on repairs and new batteries and save money. Wurgler Starter and - BaUer/ Co. 154 J offer so# SU TAXI SERVICE, ETC. OLDEST TAXI Service Id the city. Phone 46; also motorcycles and accessories Chris Johnson. 163 New Brunswick Ave. JOE'S "'AXI. Phone 2020. Day and Night Service. Cars to hire for weddings, fu nerals. etc. By. hour, trip or day. 426 rnvfcilnn Rf _ VICTORY TAXL Cars furnished for weddings funerals and regular taxi ser vice. Hudson Limousine Service, day or night. Phone 445, 403 State street. - AUTO, ETC., REPAIRING AUTO Radiators, bodies and fenders re paired. auto sheet metal work; work guaranteed. Amboy Auto Radiator Works 154 New Brunswick Ave. Tel. 1607. AUTO Radiators, bodies and fenders re paired, all kinds auto sheet metal‘work. Federal Auto Radiator Works. 190 New Brunswick Ave Phone 1360. >i AMDAHL) GARAGE. 362 New Brune w'ck ive.. general repairing and bat tery ch-trging; all work guaranteed: tires, tubes and accessories. Frit* .lufinite. Prop. Phone 1941._ VULCANIZING Largest, most complete tire, tube re pair shop In state; best service. Satis faction guaranteed. George's Tire Shop, iso N’.-w Brunswick Ave < >n the corner. F At W. GARAGE, automobile mechan ics and machinists, expert repairing; day and night service. 189 State St. Phones 231-W. Night Woodbrldge 222-R GEORGE SIMON GARAGE, storage and repairing; New Brunswick Ave.. corner Con very Place Phone 711. _ PERTH AMBOY AUTO Body Co., builders of auto delivery and truck bodies; painting and repairing. 889-893 State _St, Thone 1501.__ FORDS GARAGE CO. expert auto repair ing. batter* electrical service; night and day; service station Gould Storage Rat teries. New Brunswick Ave. and Horns hy SI Phone 2058 Perth Amboy. RARITAN AUTO Radiator Works; expert repairing au>.o radiators, lamps, fenders, hoods, ,asollne tanks, etc. 181 New Brunswick Ave. 182 Fayette. Phone 2172 HIGH St! GARAGE, expert repairing, overhauling, pleasure cars, trucks, car bon burning; automobile supplies. 342 High Ft Phone 2283. A. A. Maurer. JENSEN € ANDERSEN; General Blac' - smithing and auto body building In all branches. 269 New Brunswick Ave. Perth Amboy. N. J.I JACOB & MORROW Auto Repair Co., distributors for Middlesex County Sel den Motor Trucks; 1 % to 5 tons. 340 Prospect St. Phone 2066._ AMBOY AUTOMOBILE LAUNDRY. Cars neatly washed and polished. Cars called for. 47 Smith S'xeet. Tel. C72. Perth Amboy. N. J. , 9 FRANK HUDA, commercial automobile body builders an<i repairers; automobile painting; specializing on Touring ind Commercial Cars. 4(59 Division St. Phone ■ )3-J. JOHN P. JACKO. Automobile, Truck and Wagon Painter. Y55 New Brunswick Ave. J11ney Bus painting a specialty. OTTO DIETZ; Master Mechanic; 18 years experience on all makes of cars and marine engines; work guaranteed. Phone 1818, Cor. State and Chauneey St. AMERICAN GARAGE—Best equipped re pair shop In town: day and night ser vice. Supplies and accessories. For service rail 1581_ STEAM VULCANIZING & RETREADING Billy's Tire Shop. Phone 2140. 148 New Brunswick Ave._ AUTO TOPS covered and repaired. We make nev curtains, cushions, carpets, floor coverings; all kinds of auto top material for sale; wholesale and retail Clausen & Johnson. 143 New Brunswick Avenue. Phone 41 -W1__ PETE'S GARAGE: expert auto rcpalrin:, electrical and battery service. 870 Am boy Ave. Top Hill Phone 135. P. J. Magyar. Prop.______________ AMBOY AUTO PAINTING CO. Pleasure Cars, Trucks and Wagon Painting. 301 Oak St. Phone 730. BUILDING TRADES J. H. SMITH. Carpentsr and General jobbing; store fixtures and alterations; screen doors, windows; screens made to I ofder. 189 Paterson 8t. Phone 869-R. / j. KEENEN. Boilers, tanks and smoke stacks, sheet iron work of all descrip tions. Repairing a specialty. 386 and 390 Division St. and P. R. R. Perth Amboy, N. J. pflhne office 1608; residence 260-R. CARPENTER Work and lobbing promptly attended to. Screens made to order. Geo. H. Thompson. 87 Lewis St.. Perth Amboy, N. J. Tel. 14Q9-W.__ H. C. SMITH. JR.. Roofer; slate,'.slag roofing and tinning; waterproofing. *23 125 Mad Urn A ve, Tel. 1660,_ D. DIAMOND—Glass contractor, polished plate and window glass. 186 New Brunswick Ave. Tel. 1539 Perth Am boy, N. J. MAX GOLDFARB. Wholesale and Retail i Wall Paper, Builders* Hardware, Tools, 1 Cutlery. Paints, Oils. Varnishes. Brushes. Hass._Tel. 861. 311 State St S. KOCH. Wall Paper and Painters Sup plies; Oils, Varnishes; Ready Mixed Paints and House Furnishings. 363 State St. Phon 1315. LOCKSMITHS, ETC. D. DEKOFF—Locksmith and General Re pair Shop; lawn mowers sharpened; baby carriages repaired, retired. 306 High St., Corner Smith. Tel. No. 2222. DAIRY PRODUCTS ROCKVILLE FARM DAIRY. 203 Smith St., pure Elgin creamery butter, the best In town. Strictly fresh white leg horn eggs received every day. PERTH AMBOY MILK & CREAM CO., always at your service. Deliveries every where. Demand our products from your dealer or grocer. MAJESTIC DELICATESSEN, ready cook ed moats and salads, all home cooking; catering to parties and entertainments a specialty. 183 Smith St. Phone 1634. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $25,000 CA'TH buys an a-1 property net ting 22%% on the above Investment. For particulars write Max L. Scott. 309 Madison Ave. Tel. 210. $450.00 BUYS established business: even ings. Room 217 Board of Trade. \ MONEY TO LOAN WE HAVE $3,000 to Invest on bond and mortgage; local property only. Mar garetten & Lobel. Raritan Building. Phc^ne 550. TYPEWRITERS & SUPPLIES HEADQUARTERS—Coronas. $37.50 to y50 Royals, $27 to $65; Underwoods. $35 to $70; Sn.ith Premiers, $10 to $35. Comegy Bro Smith and Elm Streets. TYPEWRITER supplies for all machines; first class ribbons, carbon papers, sta tionery and supplies. E. M. Glueck, 75 Smith St., Phone 2177. RIBBONS—Best grades 55 cents; 3 for $1.50; Carbon Papers, best, 15 cents doz. 100 for $1.25, guaranteed; postage pre paid. 25 years in Amboy. Comegys & Bro. 287 Elm St. BAKERY, PASTRY, ETC. EAT THAT So homelike Aunt Martha Bread; sold at all grocers. Slmmen’a Model Bakery. PIERKARSKI BAKE SHOP, specializes In doughnuts and crullers or at your grocers; delivered hot every afternoon; Just like mother's Shop, 231 Hall Ave. MAZOLA CRULLER SHOP. 253 Madiron Ave., now under new ownership; better service; sanitary condition; lower prices. Crullers. 25c dozen. # HARDWARE AND SUPPLIES ELIZABETH HARDWARE O. The Home of Hardware 137-139-141 New Brunswick Ave. Tel. Exchange 120-121 Perth Amboy KELLY A McALINDEN CO.. Hardware, hous fvrnlshlngs, Eden Electric wash ing machine*- Calerlc pipeless f *ace« 74 Smith 8. Tel. I960 Perth Amouy. , PERTH AMBOY HARDWARE CO., re tail—tools, cutlery. house furnlshlni goods. Wholesale—factory, plumbers’ and contractors’ supplies: largest stock In Central Jersey. 31J Madison 've. Phone 2100._’__ THE JONLEE COMPANY, headquarter! for palms, varnishes and supplies; wholesa’ and retail. 18C Smith St., Phone 1980. Perth Amboy. N. J. INSTRUCTIONS NO PLAY, NO PAY—Ban Jo". Mandolin, Guitar, etc. Beginners! Play tunes perfect firsts In six lessons or your money back. Ragtime, etc. Instru ments sold on easy terms. Music. Friday and Saturday 10 A. M.-9 P. M. E. Roger-. 310 Maple St. Perth Amboy. Phone -?5f. BLACKSMITHING GENERAL Blacksmlthlng: specializing automobile springs and automobile blacksmlthlng of any description. Toft and Freyer. 373 New St. POULTRY _ WHOLESALE and Retail Poultry Market, live chickens, ducks, etc., at lowest mar ket prices. 257 New Brunswick Ave. Di SchafTer, Prop. * [ . WANTED EXCELLENT prices paid for jour furni ture by largest used furniture dealer in city. Call us first. It will pay. Miller** 539 State St. Phone 793-W. FIRE ALARM BOXES 1—Gordon and Meade Streets :3—Madison Ave. and Paterson St. :4—Market and Sheridan Streets 25— Smith Street and Central R R. 26— Market and First Streets j 27- —Rat itan Capper Works 28—High and Lewis Streets 34—Madison Avenue and Smith Street ::5—Smith and High Streets 36— New Brunswick Ave. and New Street 37— Smith and State Streets 41— Standard Underground Cable Co. 42— Atlantic Terra Cotta Works 43— Buckingham Ave. and Hartford 8t. 45— Commerce and Front Streets 46— State and Washington Streets 47— High and Washington Streets 52—Cortland! and Easton Streets 54— State and Buckingham Ave. 55— Parker St. and Pulaski Ave. 56— Hall Ave. and Charles St. 57— State and Wayne Streets aS—Near Lead Works —Maurer 62— Washington Street and Park Aventufll 63— New Brunswick Ave. and Elm Stre^r 64— Smith Street and Watson Avenue 65— Commerce and State Streets 72— Front and Smith Streets 73— Watc and Gordon Streets 74— Kearny Ave. and Gordon Street 81— Brace and Hanson Avenues 82— Smith and Herbert Streets 83 Amboy Ave. and Washington St. 84— Lehigh Ave. and Stanford Street 85— Near City Hospital. 86— Cleveland and Brace Avenues 87— Amboy and Hall Avenues 92— Amboy Ave. and Inslee Street 93— Lawrence and Francis Street* 91 —Neville and Johnstone Street* BrcwO NRW ! AE ! L K THE OLD HOME TOWN . « ' ^kio-ncT1 THAT SOAKING } WA&A beaut! . - •—> ^ £• \£R>UN0’ _