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LUND DISPUTE IT SO. HI Common Council to Heai Case of Mechanicsville Hose Co.; House in St.? [By Evening News Correspondent.] SOUTH AMBOY, July 12:—The matter of the ownership of property on Karitan street and Alpine street, sold by John J. O’Neal to the Me chanicsville Hose Company, will no doubt be threshed out tonight at the meeting of the common council when the question of the ownership Of the street is raised. Mr. O’Neal claims that the property belongs to him and is not a city street, but on the other hand City Engineer A. T. McMlchael and Attorney Leo J. Coakley, who is representing the hose company, claim it is a street and say that O'Neal did not havp title. The facts of the Case follow: In 1871 Mary J. Roll and Sarah Dey were the owners of all the prop erty now known as Mechanicsville and had the tract laid out into lots and blocks by A. J. Disbrow, civil engineer, and this map they adopted and used in the sale of the lots in the tract and while the map Is not now on record in the county clerk’s office many of the deeds given by Roll & Dey recite the fact that it is Sled there. The property in question was deeded by Roll & Dey to O’Neal in May, 1892 (twenty-one years after the date of the map), by warranty . deed and the description of the prop erty conveyed recites that It is ac cording to the Disbrow map. Refer ence to the map shows the existence of the street at this point and a sur vey of the property conveyed shows conclusively the conveyance of the Westerly end of Alpine street. O’Neal is the owner of the proper ties on both sides of Alpine street. The first deed in his chain of title Is 'from Roll & Dey in August, 1873, and recites that it conveys property lii Block D, according to the Disbrow map. The description states that the property begins at the corner of Alpine and Raritan streets and after running to the Fouratt property, which is in the rear of the property conveyed, the third course of the de scription states that it runs 100 feet to Alpine street, thence along Alpine street 105 feet, more or less, to Rar itan street, the place of beginning. This description is used in all the subsequent transfers of this property and was used by O’Neal himself when he not only sold the property but whan ha bought It All ot the conveyances In question were by warranty deed, and all state that the property conveyed Is according to the Dlsbrow map. 1 The de^d from O’Neal to the hose company also says that he conveys according to the Dlsbrow map. and that the map la on record In the Middlesex county clerk's office. This conveyance was made In January, 1921. The hose company let the contract for the building and after It was erected applied to the Investors & Owners Building Loan for a loan and It was while Mr. Coakley was mak ing the search for the building loan that the discrepancy was discovered. The opinion of Mr. Coakley that this property was a street was borne out by the survey of the city engineer and the matter was then brought to the attention of the common council by Mr. Coakley, with the request that the street be vacated at this point in order to clear up the title. Mr. McMichael claims that every map of the city shows the existence of Alpine street at this point and the heirs of the Rolls and Deys admit that the map does show this street but that it was not Intended to be used as a street at the time they sold it to O’Neal. The Fouratt family (the owners of property in the rear of this piece) claim that It was al ways a street and they insist that it be opened to travel. The action of the common council Is awaited with much interest by the public who are anxious to see the hose company re lieved of their difficulty. MORGAN Mrs. A. Morris and Mrs. F. Blood good were South Amboy visitors Sunday evening. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Hoffman of John street. Mrs. Myron Snyder is entertaining her cousin. Guiseppe Grufflre of Perth Amboy has rented William Ray’s bungalow on the beach for the summer. Thomas Kvist has taken a posi tion at Red Bank, He commutes daily. Eddie Slmonsen of Perth Amboy is camping on the hill. Mrs. K. Mallory of South Amboy visited the Misses Lamb of Jersey jC»ty who have rented a cottage on Morgan Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Newton of Irvington is a Morgan visitor. Miss Etta White and Miss Helen White of New Brunswick spent the week-end at Morgan, Mrs. C. Qrosholtz was a Perth Amboy visitor Saturday. Mrs. F. D. Bloodgood was a New Brunswick visitor Saturday. Mrs. E. C. Bloodgood of George street. South Amboy and Miss Mar ion Brunt of Rahway is visiting in Morgan. Mrs. E. Space and daughter have returned home after spending a week here. Rivals William Tell ___ " Shooting the provedbial apple oft the other fellow’s head was easy compared to tire feat of Sergt. MaJ. Aggleton, of the British Army. Blindfolded .he demonstrated his d cllrate sense of touch by using a sharp bayonet to slice ii potato perched on the gare neck of an heroic lady volunteer. Sweet Dreams Answers Call to Canary Islands Mosquito Remedy Sold by Local Drug gists Roasts Wide Reputation. Other than the fact that a shipment of Sweet Dreams was recently made to the Canary Islands, the matter is o£ little In terest. Upon second thought, however it does look as though a remedy worthy of being shipped this great distance is certainly worthy of consideration at home. It is to be deduced that your own home Is the home referred to, and It is earn estly requested that you give Sweet | Dreams a trial. Sweet Dreams Is offered as the very best mosquito remedy to be had. One application will keep mosquitoes ofT all night long. Liberal sprinkle-top bottles, 85c. At all drug stores everywhere.—Adv. Telephone 400 For.Your Want -- , J • • ■ Fnr*> f w- o wouldn’t hold up a mere golf j -1 ^ game to chat with a golfer who dresses j ! i the part to perfection? j TK t - xApart from their ability as linksmen, | ever notice how smart Jock Hutchison, j Walter Hagen and Cyril Tolley appear j < in their championship matches? (They know that the right togs make win ning easier—insuring comfort, freedom and a certain indispensible sense of con fidence in their appearance. *8? Depend on Bamberger's to appreciate the golfer's need for correct equipment of every kind, and provide a choice to suit the whim of every taste. ’ * Coif Salts—^ Golf Hose—Jr. 50 to fj > Two-piece, £a*.po to $6a Golf Bags—$5 to j TWrfece, *40 to H5 Jtntr Spert ^ ftt {0 Foiu^plece, $50 to $7S ^ ^ «*"7» 'ft® O'**®* Golf Oxford Sport Shlrta, abort decree j j [" j Oxibrdt—fxo —$3*5° | ; | Dunlop or Wilson Golf BaBs, Tweed Cape, and a largo selection of the finest Domestic and Imported Golf Sticks [ a J^Ramherger & Co. NBWA R.K, N. J. ■| - '_X - . -T**'- ' .—.."" .q Ask For Ask For IINSIN6 WEAR HIUNSING WEAR ' Union Suits Union Suits _ ] +■--- ■' ■ ■ -- - -- Specials For Tomorrow MEN’S SPORT SHIRTS $1.50 Neat stripe patterns on white grounds; splendid qual ity-made With short sleeves. BOYS’ BATHING SUITS 89c EACH Fast color cotton, Jersey Cloth; sizes 28 to 34; sell regularly at $1.25 a suit. BOYS' BATHING SUITS $119 Our regular $1.50 grade; splendid quality—and a suit that will give REAL SERVICE to any REAL BOY. WOMEN’S BODICE VESTS "SWISS RIBBED” "GAUZE WEIGHT” PRICED 25c EACH Regular or extra sizes. GIRLS’ RIBBED UNION SUITS SUMMER WEIGHT SPECIAL 39c A SUIT 3 year to 12 year sizes; worth 75c to $1.00 each. CHILDREN'S "TWO-IN-ONE” ROMPER UNION SUITS SPECIAL 79c A SUIT Made with white nainsook waist and Pink or Blue Chambray Bloomer pants; sizes 4 to 12 years; value 98c to $1.25. WOMEN’S “WHITE’’ SATEEN MODESTY SKIRTS Double panel front and back; regular and extra sizes. PRICED EACH . $129 PRICED EACH . $159 PRICED EACH . $1.98 PRICED EACH .. $2.29 BRAND NEW STYLES! DE BEVOISE BRASSIERES PRICED . 75c PRICED .;. 98c PRICED . $149 Regular and extra sizes. LITTLE GIRLS’ “HOT DAY” APRONS PRICED 59c EACH For girls 2 to 6 years; made of quality checked gingham “Jumper Dress” style, neatly trimmed with scalloped stick eri braid edge SPECIAL SALE OF GIRLS’ GINGHAM DRESSES AND OTHER WASH | ' DRESSES 3 REGULAR $2.00 DRESSES..... $1.69 REGULAR $2.25 DRESSES .......................$1.79 Sizes 8 to 14 years. GIRLS’ $5.00 WHITE MIDDY DRESSES SPECIAL AT $3 08 Made o? good quality Middy Cloth—sizes 8 to 14 years. SKIRT—All white and pleated with cambric body waist. MIDDY—White with gold trimming. ODD LOT OP CHILDREN’S ROMPERS PRICED $1.19 Were $1.49; one lot made of white madras; another of fast color Amoskeag Gingham. SEE THEM A WONDERFUL LOT OF “CHECKED GINGHAMS’’ JUST ARRIVED! Domestic Ginghams in neat cheeks; 32 inches wide. PRICED 39c AND 49c A YARD IMPORTED FRENCH GINGHAMS 32 inches wide; neat checks PRICED 75c YARD Red, Green, Brown, Black, Blue, Pink and Lavender Checks. SEE THEM. “VAN RAALTE’’ SILK HOSE FOR WOMEN WHO ARE PARTICULAR Black, White, Cordovan and Castor. PRICED $2.50, $3.00 AND $3.98 MEN’S MUSLIN NIGHT SHIRTS i PRICED $1.00 EACH All sizes up to the great big size of 20. Good quality, cut full and made right. MEN’S GAUZE UNION SUITS SPECIAL $1.00 SUIT WORTH $2.00 Short sleeves, knee length; no sleeves, knee length; all made with the new patented Drop-Seat. ^ MORE MIDDY BLOUSES AT $1.00 , Co-ed styles with cuff bottom; sizes 8 years on up to a Women’s 44. Pure white with black tie. -...... GIRLS’ JERSEY BATHING SUITS AT $1.49 A SUIT Good quality fast color Black Cotton Jersey Cloth with White and Black stripe trim; sizes 10 to 14 years. One piece with tights attached. \ GIRLS’ NAVY BLUE MOHAIR BATHING SUIT ' PRICED $2.98 Good quality wool mohair, sash and pocket; Navy trim-, med with White. _________________________ __ ‘i ODD LOT OP WOMEN’S AND GIRLS’ SLIGHTLY SOILED MIDDY BLOUSES SPECIAL AT $1.69 Middies that sold for $2.00 and up to $2.98; all go intfli this sale at the same price. < .., ! __ WOMEN’S STRIPE SEERSUCKER GINGHAM SKIRTS - REGULAR SIZES—59e, 73c AND 98c EXTRA SIZE—98o A good handy skirt for house wear in Hot Weather - ___M WOMEN’S $5.00 WAISTS OP GEORGETTE AND CREPE DE CHINE SPECIAL $3.98 EACH f j£ Our entire stock goes into this sale, **•' DON’T MISS SEEING THEM SPECIAL LOT OF WOMEN’S STAMPED NIGHT GOWNS i All “MADE-UP’’ ready to wear except for embroid ery work. ROYAL SOCIETY PATTERNS. SPECIAL 69c EACH l • CHILDREN’S STAMPED “MADE-UP” DRESSES Discontinued Numbers for Girls, 2 years to 12 years; all go at HALF PRICE Come get your share. - ‘ DISCONTINUED NUMBERS OF ' ROYAL SOCIETY EMBROIDERY PACKAGES Are being closed out AT HALF PRICE ^ ^ DON’T MISS THEM ■-=-* J STAMPED 36 IN. CENTER PIECES, STAMPED SCARFS .White or Tan; worth $1.25. NOW 89o EACH , YARD WIDE SILK POPLIN 89c YARD Tan, Green, Brown, Grey, Black, Navy, Rose and White; a splendid quality with a rich lustrous finish. 40 INCH ALL SILK CREPE DE CHINE SPECIAL $1.39 YARD White, Pink, Black, Navy and Grey; pur regular $1.98 quality. j __ ■ t f IMPORTED DOTTED ORGANDIE 45 INCHES WIDE SPECIAL $1.29 YARD Colors: Rose, Maize, Brown and Navy with White Dot* Navy with red dot I J White with white dot Orchid with orchid dot Sky Blue with sky blue dot A permanent finished quality that is really “beautiful” < COLORED VOILES 40 INCHES WIDE ■ With “GINGHAM CHECK” Pattern PRICED 49c A YARD Red and White; Green and White; Black and White; ' Grey and White; Pink and White; Maize and White. All Absolutely Fast Color. ' - T MORE “SHARP & HANSON” LONG CLOTH Full yard wide; 10 yards in every piece; none as good less than 20c a yard. PRICED $1.50 A PIECE 40 INCH PLAIN COLOR VOILES SPECIAL 29c YARD Every piece “Fast Color” Tan, Navy, Copen, Light Blue, Grey, Pink, Orchid and Rose. 36 INCH COLORED DRESS SWISSES SPECIAL 59c YARD With Woven colored dots on white Cross-Bar grounds. With Printed floral patterns on White Dotted grounds. Make up very pretty and attractive—and wash and wear splendidly. Real value 75e. GOOD QUALITY SHEETS SPECIAL AT EACH j These same sheets are worth $1.49 each today. One piece and full size. A quality that gives excellent service and stands REAL i HARD WEAR. WHITE VOILE WAISTS SPECIAL AT $1.00 EACH Waists that many stores sell for $1.50- Several attrac tive styles to choose from. • 5