Newspaper Page Text
i Aggressive Men and Women Who Want Good Positions Use “Situations Wanted” Ads._OL V. TE._. EVEfuNG NEWS Perth Amboy, N. J. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Itvlex* and Standardized and Popular ised for Quick Reference All ads are restricted to their proper Hassificatlon and to ths regular The Eroding News style of type. CLASSIFIED RATE! Daily Rate Per Line Caah Charge S days .*c .5° S day.20 J?” I day .J0f 120 No ad taken for less than 2 llnea. Charged at the rate earned. Count s'x average words to the line. Ads are allowed the cash rate it paid at The Evening News Office within 6 days from the first day of insertion Charged ads may be given by telephon* Ads ordered for 6 days and stopped b**- | fore that time will only be charged for | the actual number of times the ad ap peared. charging at the rate earned. Long terra rates given upon request. Telephone 400, Ask for n ant A<. Taker. CLASSIFICATION_ ANNOUNCEMENTS g—Coming Events 9—Persona's 10— Lc-t and Found automobiles 11— Automobiles for Sale 12— Motorcycles and Hlcyclss. 13— Automobiles for Exchange 14— Auto Accessories 15_Service Stations—Repairing 16— Auto Livery—Garages 17— Wanted —Automobiles BUSINESS SERVICE 18— Business Services Offered 19— Building—Contracting {0—Healing and Plumbing II —Insurance 22— Millinery—Dressmaking !3—Moving. Trucking. Storage 24——Papering >5—Patent Attorneys 26— Printing—Stationery 27— Professional Services 28— Repairing 23— Renovating ar.d Dyeing 30—Tailoring and Pressing II_Wanted—Business Service EMPLOYMENT 12— Help Wanted—Female 13— Help Wanted—Male 14— Help—Male or Femals —Salesmen and Agents gfi—Situations Wa n ted — Female 17—Situations Wanted—Male FINANCIAL IS—Business Upporiuniiiea IP—Investments. Stock*. Bonds ; ^ 10— Money to Loan 11— Wanted—To Borrow INSTRUCTION 42— Correspondence Courses 43— Local Instruction Classes 4 1—Musical. Dancing, Dramatic 43—Private Instruction 40—Wanted—Instruction LIVE STOCK 47— Dogs, Cats. Pets j 48— Horses. Cattle. Vehicles 49— Poultry and Supplies 50— Wanted—Live Stock MERCHANDISE 61— Articles for Sale 62— Businei i and Office Equipment 53— Boats and Accessories 54— Building Materials 56— Farms ac-1 $alry Products 66—Fuel and 57— Good Th.ujj to Eat 58— Hoine-mads Things >9—Household Goods If— Jewelry and Watches 31— Machtnery and Tools 52—Musical Instruments 13— Seeds. Plants. Fertilzets 14— Specials at Stores 55— Wearing Apparel ••—Wanted—To Buy ROOMS FOR RENT 87— Rooms With Board 88— Rooms Without Board f 89— Rooms for Housekeeping f 70— Vacation Places t 71— Where to Eat f 72— Where to Stop in Town 73— Wanted—Rooms or Board REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 74— -Apartments and Flats 75— Business Places for Rent 76— Farms fo.- Rent J 77— Houses for Rent J 78— Offices and Desk Room 2 79— Suburban for Rent 2 30—Summer Places for Rent 2 II—Wanted—To Rent 3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 3 82— Business Property 4 83— Farms and Land for Sale 4 84— Houses for Sale 4 35—Lots for Sc.le 4 85— Shore Property for Sal# 4 87— Suburban fot Sale 4 88— Rea I Estate ’or Exchange a 89— Wanted-*-Reai Estate 5 _ 5 CITY ADVERTISEMENT The undersigned <’ -mptrolb r of the City ; of Perth Amboy will receive bids until 4 o’clock. P. M . on Monday. September 19. 1 1921. for the salt? and rem >val of two ' sheds now situated on the High School grounds adjoining the City Stables; one [ shed being approximately 19 ft. by 27 ft. j and the ot h> r 19 ft. by SO ft. Buildings to be removed within ten days from re ceipt of bids Inspection of buildings may ’ be had upon Inquiry to the Street Com missioner. Cash or certified check In the amount of the bid most m company each bid. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Signed. ! O. J. MORG ENRON. City Comptroler. < 6372-9-19-12-13-15*17 ANNOUNCEMENTS_ Funeral Flower* BOUQUETS—For Weddings and Pariiei Wreathes and other floral decoration: ■ ■ < LARK THE FLORIST—179 Smith St Flowers for all occasions; floral dealgm bridal bouquets our specialty. Gold Flsl Phone 296-M.__ STRIJVE. THE FLORIST—Phone *8 Palms, ferns, pot plants, cut floweri floral designs a specialty. W. Struve . Sons. 355 Laurie St. ______________ the FLOWER 8HOP—107 Fa> Flowers for every occasion; wedding ’ ou quets. floral pieces, cut flowers, potte plants._L. K Fitzgerald. Tel. H8-J. rER — Florist Phone 1556; funeral designs; bouquet for weddings and parties; wreaths an other floral decorations._58 Smith St THE HOSE SHOP—"Say It with flow ••rs.‘ Bv telegraph or mall: sent any where; cut or potted flowers. SO Smiti St, Phone 1561._ Lost and Found 1 COAT i iv Mixture Cloth R turi Hartford St. Reward. Initials insid "K. If.”_ DUG—Brown and white spot terrier, los on Smith St. Saturday night between • and 10 P. M. Answers to name o “Hrownle.” Reward. Return H. Rose 8$2 Broad St. Newark, N\ J. Tel. Mar ket 9181.___ L»LASSES—Horned rinun-d in black cas< lost Friday near Reynolds. Reward. Re turn 17 9 State Street SUITCASE—Lost between N-w Brunswick and Metuchen Sept. 9th. Finder returr to Geo. Ln'tnan, 90 Smith_Strect._ ^JUJTOM OBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 JODGE—Perfect condition; run 8.00(J miles; new cord tires; new battery; can be seen at Water Dept.. King St._ JUDGE SEDAN—Like new. run 5.000 miles. B. A- M. Service Station, corner N'.w Brunswick Avenue and Jefferson Street. ___ FORD R 6 AD ST E It—1919 with winter top; guaranteed in good condition. The Eagle Garage. 340 Prospect Street. Phone l‘0G6. Distributors Auburn and Gardner Automobiles. _ ___________ i’URD TOURING—A-i condition. In quire_536 Jacques Street. _ (ilil) TOURING—1917. Shock Absorbers and demountable* in good running order, $100. lnuirqe Frank Rock, Mary Ave., Fords. ___ \ISSEL i '.N K — 5 pass* :•* . ► ■' • • >:. 11 - tion._475 Brace Ave._, • AKLA.VD COUPE—3 passenger. $250. Gall after 5 P. M. Straus, corner Man fbester Ave. and Warren St.. Keyport. t A RG TlNS—1918 Dodge Touring. $525.00. 1918 Fcrd Sedan. $585.00, 1918 Ford Delivery. $210.00. One Hup Roadster. $175.00. Inquire 332 Smith Street. Amendments Proposed to tno ution of the State of New Jersey by the legislature of 1921. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION, NO. 4 STATE OF NEW JERSEY L Senate Concurrent Resolution propos ing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of New Jersey. Be It Resolved by the Senate (the louse of Assembly concurring): That the following amendment to the Constitution of this State be and the ante is hereby proposed and when the ame shall bo agreed to by a majority of he members elected to the Senate and louse of Assembly the said amendment hall be entered on their journals, with he yeas and nays thereon, and referred r> the Legislature next to be chosen, and ublished for three months previous to ho f'.rst Tuesday after the first Monday f November next. In at least one news iaper of each county, to be designated y the President of the Senate, the tpeaker of the House of Assembly and lie Secretary of State, payment for such mhlication to be made by the Treasurer n the warrant of the Comptroller, nanie ^Strike out paragraph seven of section wo of article seven of the Constitution .f the State of New Jersey and Insert in ieu of said paragraph the following; 7. Sheriffs and coroners of counties ill a 11 he elected by the people of their espective counties, at the annual elec lons for members of the general as emblv. They shall hold their offices for ve years. Sheriffs shall annually renew heir >ond8. 214—8-15-13t oew Mon. FIRE ALARM BOXES l—Gordon and Meade Streets 1—Madison Ave. and Paterson St. i—Market and Sheridan Btreets »—Smith Street and Central R R. i—Market and First Streets 7--Raman Copper Works L-High and Lewis Streets I—Madison Avenue and Smith Street 5—Smith and High Streets New Brunswick Ave. and New Street 1—Smith and 8tate Streets 1— Standard Underground Cable Co. 2 —Atlantic Terra Cotta Works 3—Buckingham Ave. and Hartford St. 3— Commerce and Front Btreets f>—State and Washington Streets 7 —High and Washington Streets 2— Oortlandt and Easton Streets 4— State and Buckingham Ave. 5— Parker St. and Pulaski Ave. fi—Hall Ave. and Charles St. 7—Stale and Wayne Streets S—Near Lead Works 9—Maurer 2— Washington Street and Park Avenue 3— New Brunswick Ave. and Elm Street 4— Smith Street and Watson Avenue 5— Commerce and State Streets 2— Front and Smith Streets 3— Wat«* and Gordon Streets 4— Kearny A\e. and Gordon Street 1— Brace and Hanson Avenues 2— Smith and Herbert Streets 3 A mho. Ave. and Washington St. 4—Lehlgb Ave and Stanford Street *> — Near City Hospital 6— Cleveland and Brace Avenues 7— Amboy and Hall Avenues 2— Amboy Ave and Inslee Street 3— Lawrence and Francis 8reets i *c —i:u lohnston* Streets RMAiCL, "SO/WY, VACATION IS ALMOST OVER, _ Ano x ex peer you )l .1 ill|!j jj,' | IvM-L T3S Cicirsscj. ■ h ; ; ! tVACK To SCHOOL ASAIN IN A Feew i days, <~Ht- cr—T u ii >. Ves, No ■povjGT ne's Ooiwcs. to school, m a FCU/ U^VS, but Cut out Rut ni nig. lvhat utile Timo Ho has Lepx OR You'll <3.0 THG ROPAIR SHOP in a ' M/NOTGS!! __ AUTOMOBILES 4 Automobiles For Sale_It , , USED CARS- Nash Touring, Paige Tour u ' ing Central Garage. 225 New Bruns j wick Ave. Time payments arranged._ . USED CARS—And Trucks at real bargains i. 1920 Lexington Sedan, slightly used as demonstrator at a big bargain. If you | are in the market for a used car or truck, we have them; time payments can he arranged. Oak St. Garage. 319 Oak _[_ USED CARS—Always a good assortment of used cars to select from at Garret* n s ] 39.1-807 New JBrunswlck Avenue._ 1 USED CARS—1919 Power phis Indian ! Twin with side car; a-1 condition. $75. • I Marlon Speedster Six. a-1 running order. 'I 1917 Ford Runabout, $100. Thomas , Wrecking Car, a-1 condition, fully ! equipped. $:00. Stilo's Garage, South - ) Amboy. Tel._884.__ | 1 USED FORD CARS—All models; all ’ j pries $100 ami up; convenient terms; your name is your credit rating. Dorsey I M tors. Inc. Authorized Ford Dealers. 3K3-367 Division St.. Perth Amboy. Phone 366.___ ; i i st;D CAkS—Dodge Roadster, Oldsmobile ; Coupe. Overland Touring and Hudson i Tou.i.ig: all In good running order. Su perlor Garage Co._ . USED CARS—1918 Maxwell Touring in good shape, $400. 6 cylinder Oldsmobile, new paint; runs nice. $600. Overland Touring Car. new paint, $400. Super 6 Limousine Touring. 5 passenger, paint In good condition. mechanically perfect, good rubber. $ 1,7Tb. 1920 Maxwell Tour ing Car. $550. 191 s Hudson Touring Car $500. 1918 Maxw. il Touring Car. $325. n's Garage. 15_Smith St. _ ! USED CARS—1917 Chandler Touring < heap. 1920 8 Cylinder Oldsmobile Chassis rebuilt, good as n< w; cord tires: a bargain. 1920 Maxwell Roadster, wire wheels, new tins, driven 6000 miles, bar gain. Ideal Garage. 643 Amboy Ave. Tel. 238. _ _ Motorcycles and Bicycles_12 EXCELSIOR—3 speed electric with side car; $175.00; fully equipped. 6C75 Amboy Road. Tottenvllle. __ _ _ _ MOTORCYCLE PARTS-—In stock at all times for Harley and Indian, also tires, tubea and accessories. See Motorcycle Leo. 709 Charles St. Phone 204. Auto Accessories_ 14 BATTER IE S— Willard Threaded Rubber Batteries, unfailing guards against need for reins, latlon during the battery's life. Battery Motor Service Station. 149 New Brunswick Ave. Tel. 188S.'_ t BATTERIES—2 year guarantee; uncondi tional; a new Ray Battery if your old one goes wrong within 2 years. What other battery dares to do this? Chris Johnson. 163 New Brunswick Ave. SPEEDOMETERS—Dimond & Dimond; Bearings fir all cars; vulcanizing. Phone 2173. Madison Ave, and Market St. _ TIKES—For sale; Goodyear. Goodrich, Micheltn. Fisk and United States. F. K. Martin. 145 New Brunswick Avenue. T1 RES—Tl righ t < *n Ave. Garage; tires, tubes and accessories. Phone 1422-M. service nmimuit—i\e|minii£ m AMBOY AUTO RADIATOR WORKS — Auto radiators, bodies and fenders re paired, auto sheet metal work. 154 New Brunswick Ave. T eh_16 07._ AMBOY. AUTOMOBILE LAUNDRY CARS NEATLY WASHED AND POL ISHED. CARS CALI.ED FOR. 47 SMITH STREET. TEL. 672 PERTH AMBOY. N. J A MI JOY AUTO PA I -\ T1 N<; CO.—Pleasure Cars. Trucks and Wagon painting. 301 Oak St. I’hone 750. AMERICAN GARAGE—Beet equipped re pair shop in town; day and night ser •vico. Supplies and accessories. For ser vice call 1581._. ATLANTIC GARAGE Auto Sales and Service; Eveready Storage Batteries. 665 Ana boy Ave. Phone 1966. ____ AUTO PAINTING—John P. Jacko. Auto mobile, Truck and Wagon Painter. 256 New Brunswick Ave. Jitney Bus paint ing a specialty.__ ____ AUTO T'JPS—Recovered and repaired. Slip Covers for all cars. P. Guthoff. 184 New Brunswick Ave, Phone 1680. CLAUSEN ft JOHNSON—Auto Tops cov ered and repaired. We make new cur tains, cushions, carpets, floor coverings; all kinds of auto top material for sale; wholesale and retail. 143 New Brunswick Avenue. Phone 41-W. ELLIS BROS.—Garage, for your repair ing. moving and trucking, car and taxi service. Storage and supplies. Phone 211)7. 430-432 High St. FEDERAL AUTO RADIATOR WORKS— Auto radiators, bodies and fenders re paired. all kinds auto sheet metal work, 1 !•(> New Brunswick Ave. Phone 1360. _ FORDS GARAGE CO. — Expert auto re pairing. battery electrtcal service; night and day; service station Gould Storage Batteries. New Brunswick Ave. and Hornsby St. Phone 2058 Perth Amboy. FRANK HU DA—Commercial automobile 1 body builders and repairers; automobile painting; specializing on touring and commercial cars. 419 Division St. Phone 793-J. GEORGE SIMON GARAGE—Storage and repairing; New Brunswick Ave., corner Convery Place. Phone 711._ HIGH ST. GARAGE—Expert repairing, overhauling, pleasure cars, trucks, qarbon burning, automobile supplies. 342 "High st Phone 3283. a. a. Maurer. JACOB iNi MORROW—Aqto Repair Co., distributor for Middlesex County Selden Motor Trucks; 1 to 5 tons. 340 Pros 1 e • St. Phone 2066. MAGNETOS REPAIRED—Williams Auto Electric Service Station; magnetos, gen erators. starters, batteries properly and fully rechatged 60c. Agent for the With erin'® Battery 140 New Brunswick Ave. MASTER MECHANIC—Otto Dietz. IS years experience on all makes of cars and marine engines; work guaranteed. Phone 1816. Corner State and Cl.auncey Sis _ PERTH AMBOY AUTO BODY CO.— Builders of aut» delivery and truck bod ies; painting and repairing. 889-893 State st phono 1601._ PETE’S GARAGE Expert auto repairing, electrical and battery service. 870 Am boy Ave. Dbp Hill. Phone 135. P. J. M tg) it. Pi Jp RARITAN AUTO RADIATOR WORKS— Expert repairing auto radiators, lamps, fenders, hoods, gasoline tanks, etc. 181 New Brunswick Ave. IS2 Fayette St. Phone 3173.___ VULCANIZING— Largest. timst complete tire, tube repair shop in state; best ser vice. Satisfaction guaranteed George’s Tire hop. 180 New Brunswick Ave. On the cornei _ _ VULCANIZING—Steam Vulcanizing and retreading. Billy’s Tire Shop. Phone 2140 148 New Brunswick Ave._ WATSON AVE GARAGE -Auto repair ing, marine and stationary engine. H. Kress. T» I. 22 10___ — GARAGES—Six. and one shop for rent on King Street. Inquire Maple Realty Co., 21 r» smith Street. GARAGE—Private and Improved; $5.00. Inquire 458 P rk Ave., upstairs. JOE'S TAXI—Phone 8820. Day and Night service. Cars to hire for weddings funerals, etc. By hour, trip or day. 426 Divieion 8t, T.V XI Rhone ser vice by hour, trip or day. Open and closed cars. _ _ Wanted—Automobiles _ 17 AUTOMOBILES—Penh Amboy Auto Wrecking Co., Raehlin & Feldman; high est prlei a paid for all kinds of autnmbiles All kinds of parts on hand Radiators, carburetors, lamps. magnetos, springs, generators, tires. tubes. etc. for sale. 184 j Fayette Street. 183 New Brunswick Ave. j Perth Amboy, N. J. Tel. 1394. BUSINESS SERVICE ___ Business Services Offered 18 BLACKSMITH — And practical horseshoer Wheelwright and body builder. Chas. J. v<nk. 868 New Brunswick Ave._ CARPENTER—And buildei job bing. C. W. Johnson, Westminster. Room m phone 1808. _ RARITAN PIIG.ICITV si:uvl«'E— Mimeo graphing. public stenographer, adverti sing. 202 Raritan Building. Perth Am boy. N. J Phone 1866._ STEAMSHIP TICKETS — Money ex change. notary. Mindzsenthy & Mirrossay, 167 Hall Ave.. Perth Amboy. N. J. Tel. 642.__ _ SHOES 8HINED—George's Shoe shining Parlor; regular shine 5c. cream shine, 10c. cream dye. 20c. 152 Smith St., Ju lor Hall. , WALL PAPEu—Have your windows, wall 1 paper cleaned in your home, store or of fice; moderate charges. Perth Amboy Window Cleaning Co., 103 Broad St. Phone 1806, itl i . THE AD CATALOG Everybody lias a weakness for some sort of a catalog—at some time or other. In the Spring there’s a great rush for seed, poultry, and those eatalogs that feature soli taire diamond rings. Other people have other fancies—and auto mobile, lingerie, paint and sporting goods cat alogs claim their followers all the time. But the best catalog of all is the classified section of the EVENING NEWS—it’s made on an all-year, all-comer basis that satisfies every body. It’s twelve classifications, with their scores of headings, cover the wants of the whole family—from dad’s touring car to Tommy’s, new pnp! Read this changing catalog every day for profit and satisfaction—and when you want to use an ad, call 400 and ask for an ad taker. _BUSINESS SERVICE _Building—Contracting 19 GUTH ELECTRIC CO.—Electrical con tractors and dealers In electrical sup plies; lighting fixtures of quality. 185 Srr• th St._Phone 22._*___ It. L. SCHIJCK—Motors and generators Installed and repaired, line construction and Interior wiring. Shop and residence 449 Compton Are. Tel. 1917._ I J. YELI.EN — Electrical Contractor; fnished house wiring a specialty; fix tures at reasonable prices; estimates cheerfully furnished. 161 Lind St. ROOFING—H. Cl Smith. Jr.. Roofer; slate, slag roofing and tinning; water proofing. 123-125 Madison Ave. Tel. 1*69._ Heating and Plumbing ______ 20 FIXTURES INSTALLED—Will Install Bath and Toilet Fixtures; heat your house with steam, hot water or plpeless furnace on monthly payments. F. J. Larkin._267 McClellan St. Tel. 665-R. PLUMBING—Damgaard Buote. Heat ing and gas fltting. Jobbing promptly at tended to; estimates furnished. 308 Elm St. Phone 2081.____ •LUMBING—S. L. Bulvanuskl. plumbing, heating, gas fltting and tinning in all Its branches; all work promptly done. 670 Charles St. Phone 1406. _ ‘LUMBING—John Kluscndorf. plumbing, heating and gas fltting: Jobbing promptly attended to; estimates furnished. 40S Groom St. Phone 2221, _ Millinery—Dressmaking _ 22 DRESSMAKING — Ladies; latest fashions; hemstitching and buttons covered. A. Kalmnn. 2S3 Elm ^>t._ _' HEMSTITCHING—We do all kinds of side and accordion pleating and machine pleating; very reasonable prices. E. Weiss. 317 Maple St. Phone 2072. _Moving. Trucking, Storage_23 AUTO TRUCKING—Long distance and moving at railroad rates; also storage. A. B._Stryker._233 Grant St. Tel. 21C1 .___ AKTI.Ni;—Walsherk's General Trucking, local and long distance moving; also light and heavy carting. 266 Goodwin SL F’h<>ne 1672. Perth Amboy. N. J. I A i: LING—Andrew Anderson. Trucking engines, boilers, machinery, safes, heavy hauling and rigging of every description. Pierce Arrow and Packard 5 ton trucks. Tel. 178. 77 Fayette Street. Perth Am boy, N. J. _s_. IOVING—D. Kadln. express and storage, long distance moving with care. 204 New Brunswick Ave. Phone 1676. 1882. Perth Amboy. ___ .IOVING— Raritan Express, carting and trucking and moving, local and long dis tance. Phone 353-J. J. Slendenburg. 377 Division St. . IOVING—Hmlelskl Bros.. light and heavy trucking; local and long distance, careful drivers, al work given our per sonal attention. Phone 406 Perth Am boy.__ • IOVING—John llawrylko & Son. truck ing and moving; local and long distance; personal attention to all work. 162 Chauncey St. Telephone Connection. vIOVING—Lepper’a Express, transporta tion beivveen Perth Amboy and New York; move in city or country. 296 Washington_St._Phone 896-J._( rRUCKING—John Garden. transfer and auto trucking; storage furniture and pianos moved, country and city. 205 Market St._Phone 478. _ __ TRUCKING—With brand new ton Pierce Arrow trucks. Do all kinds, heavy and shipping to Boston. Atlantic City. Philadelphia. Only moderate, trucking. Phone 1964-M. Bodnar. 728 Cortlandt St.___ TRUCKING—C. Borup. transfer and auto trucking, storage, furniture and pianos moved; city and country. 335 State St. Phone 2176. __ Painting and Papering_24 DECORATING—A. P. Barner; Painter and Paper Hanger; work guaranteed; reasonal le prices; estimates given. 123 So. 1st St. Phone 643-W,__ FAINTING—Harry Cohen, Paper Hanger; Interior decorating a specialty; estimates furnished. 178 Broad St. Shop 164 So. 1st St. Phone 547-J.__ PAPER HANGING—Paper Hanging a specialty. Wall Paper retail at whole sale prices. Paper Hangers furnished at lowest prices. N. Y. Wall Paper Co. 360 St ate St. Phone 1722.__ _Professional Services_27 PIANO TUNING—C. Stelnhauser. 326 State St. Tel. 1354-M. Repairing _28 CABINET MAKING—Colonial Oabinrt Works; home of expert cabinet makers; upholstering; veneering, enameling, chair cane! t; glass table tops, shelves, mirrors choice oriental rugs Cleaning and re pairing. l'h"tn 886-M 888 State St. ELECTRIC REPAIRING—Generator* a d starters repaired; all makes of arma tures rewound: motor winding our spe cialty. K. & K. Electric Co. 149 New Hrnnswlck Ave. Te1. 605._ LEGION SHOE REPAIR CO.—With our new method we repair all types of shoes In the most satisfactory way at the low est possible cost. We use the best oak leather. 888 Hobart St. Phone 488, SHOE REPAIRING—Frit class: best oak leather used; also new shoes at reason able prees. J. Cherensky. 181 New Brunswick Ave._ SHOE REPAIRING—First class; all work guaranteed and promptly done; also new shop? of best qualities, standard makes. S Goldsmith. 127 Fayette 8t.__ mOE REPAIRING—Joe Lupo, Paris Shoe Repairing Shop. 286 State St., announces that beginning Monday. Sept. 12. a re duction of 25% In all kind of shoe re pair! ng^___ 'HOE REPAIRING—Central Shoe Repair ing Co. will save your shoes We restore them to their original newness: moder ate prices. 279 Madison Ave. Opposite Majestic. __ JPHOLSTERING — AND FURNITURE REPAIRING. HARRY FEINBERG. 80 SMITH ST. PHONE 1571. JPHOLSTERING—U L. BRAIDWOOD. 362 HIGH ST. PHONE 253. It wll pay any merchant to use a sep rate classified ad for each article that te sells. Classified Ads quickly bring what's ranted. Nted More sales-people? Telephone our classified ad, ^ 5 BUSINESS SERVICE_ Renovating and Dyeing_29 CLEANING—Alterations. Cleaning, Dye ing, Pressing. Orders called for and de livered; p.lces moderate. S. Epstein. 255 Madison Ave.. Below Majestic Theatre. Tel. 1479. __ _ CLEANING—Tailoring and Cutting; la dles’ and Gents' garments cleaned, pressed pnd repaired; reasonable price. P. Palo. 291 State St. Perth Amboy. N. J. DYEING—To match your sample; clean ing. repairing men’s and women's cloth ing. Phone 1658. Fishkin Bros.. 309 State St. 136 New Brunswick Ave._ FPKS REMODELED—Furs stored free while having them remodeled or repaired at very low prices during the summer months. Insured against Are and bur glary. a. Greenhouse. 56 Smith St. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted—Female 32 CLOSERS AND SLBEVERS 2. experi enced on men's shirts. Goodman, Cohen A <'8l M a pie St., 1 flight up._ COOK—No. 1 , Lewis Street, corner of Water Street._ GIRL—For general housework. Mrs. Meyers. Fords Corner, Fords, N. J. 7IRL—Or woman for general housework wanted nt once. 232 State Street.__ 31RL—-For general housework. Inquire 267 Oak Street._. 3IRL—For general housework. Inquire 21 t Watt r Street. _ 31RL—To assist with housework; may sleep at home; light work; good pay. App 1 y 156 Paterson St.__ GIRL—For general housework. Apply 161 State Street. __ 3IRLS—25 more; experienced on men's shirts ’ and pajamas. Goodman. Cohen & Co. 331 Maple St., one flight up. 31RL—For general housework. Apply Rarit;«n Inn. Keyport, N. J. _ SALESLADY—Experienced, fo.r infants and children’s wear. Apply Little Prln <•> ss Shop. 121 Smith St.__ HSR Va N't' GIRL—B*or general housework fereigner preferred. 61 Madison Ave. SERVANT GIRL—Inquire 102 Broad’ Street._. SLiKuyuits—Ana uiosera on union spe cial Machines; also buttonhole makers ami examiners wanted on men's shirts. Sidney Rosensteln & Co._450 Market St. ■STENOGRAPHER And typist; one who can play piano preferred. Perth Amboy Real Estate Exchange._317 Madison Ave. J PST A IRS GIRL—Or woman. Apply Raritan Inn. 1\eyport. N. J._ DOMESTIC EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 320 Market St., female help furnished, positions waiting for girls; women by day for private families. Phone 1418-M. _Help Wan ted—Male_83 BOY'—Inquire Fishkin Bros., 309 State Street.__ iOY—Bright boy in office of manufactur ing concern; must be personally neat. L . erlence not neccessary. Address "S. E.”_Care _News.__ CABINET MAKER—Good, wanted. h7 Felnberg. 30 Smith St. Phone 1571. WAN —Tiic man we want seldom reads these columns. He Is not a job hunter but a hustling, ambitious man between 25 and 40 who is not making the pro gress In business that he knows he is Capable of making. He is highly re garded as a man by his associates. He Is willing to do any kind of clean, honest work if the doing of it will lead to the position of executive independence In life that is his heart’s desire. If the reader knows this man have him call Longacre 2771 or call In person at 9 A. M. Suite 1415, No. 401 Eighth Avenue, New Y'ork City, Trustees System. YOUNG MAN—To wash dishes. Apply Raritan Inn, Keyport. N. J. Help Wanted—Male and Female 84 BOOKKEEPER—Experienced; must be well recommended; steady position; good salary. Address ”X. Y. Z.“ Care News. .w.\.\ AND WIFE- To keep house end take care of an old gentleman. Apply 1S9 High Street between 10 A. M. and P. M. Tuesday. AMBO Y EMPLOYM ENT AGENCY—Li censed Employment Bureau. Supplies men and women for all types of work. If you need help of any kind, call upon us and we will help you solve labor prob lems._310_Maple St. _Phone 1952. _Salesmen and Agents_85 GENERAL AGENT—For Perth Amboy and vicinity for Monthly Premium Acci dent and Health Department of the old est company writing all forms Accident, Health and Life Insurance. Requires a man capable handling business in every particular. Commission contract only. Part time service considered. Address C. H. Boyer, Manager Casualty Depart ment. National Life Insurance Company of the IT. S. A., 29 S. LaSalle St., Chl cago,_111/^_ OVERALLS—Salesman for New Jersey State to sell overalls, shirts and pants. Inquire Brass Buckle Overall Co. 257 Now Brunswick Avenue. SALESMAN AND CANVASSER—An ex perienced outside; salary and commission call evening. 8 to 9 P. M. Lauter Piano Co._21 l_Smith St.___ SALESMAN1—With sewing machine, in surance or vacuum cleaner experience to act as local representative. Apply 7 P. M.. Monday. Mr. Guerin, Room 8. 57 Broad St., Elizabeth. N. J. _SituatIona Wanted—Female_ 86 BOOKKEEPER—Bright beginner wants position ns cashier or assistant book keejper._"A. B.M_190 Broad St._ RELIABLE GIRL—Desires position in of fice. Address Miss Mary Smith, E. Main St., Sayreville, N. J._ Sitaationa Wanted—Male87 BOOKKEEPER—Experienced double en try. costs, start and keep accounts for merchants and small business in spare time, reasonable rate. Box 93-A, Care News._ BOY—Wishes position as plumber’s helper or garage assistant. 550 New Brunswick Avenue._ ifOUNG MAN—Capable, desires position as electrician’s helper. Address Box 3S5, Sayreville, N. J._ _Real Estate for Exchange_88 PARTNER—With some cash and wide ac quaintance. Inquire Geza Kish, Fords, N. J. Telephoned Classified ads cost less if you all at the office and pay for them within i week. Ask about the special rate offered to ‘usiness men who use classified advertis ng. .Classified Ada offer goad /lot*. INSTRUCTION_ !_Musical, Dancing, Dramatic 44 ! BANJO—No play, no pay—Banjo, Mando lin, Guitar, etc. Beginners! Play tunes perfect firsts In six lessons or your money back. Ragtime, etc. Instruments sold on easy terms. Music. Friday and Sa turday 10 A. M.-9 P. M. E. Rogers. 310 Maple St., Perth Amboy._Phone 1952. LIVESTOCK " _Dogs, Cats, Pets_47 AIRDALE PUPPY—Pedigreed female. In quire C. H. Nielsen, Kreischerville S. I. Tel, Tott. 1077-J.___ Horaea, Cattle, Vehicles48 i COWS—Fresh Cows and Springers for sale , or exchange for Beef Cows. Prices rea sonable. Call or write. Levine & Kap- : lowlts, 168 Lewis St. TeL >097._| COWS—And Springers for sale at any time, extra good milkers; always large stock on hand. J. Ziotkln. Freehold, N. J. Tel. 168-W._ _Poultry and Supplies_ 49 CHICK FEED—Scratch, Whole Corn. Mash. Also agent for Dr. Peter*a Kurt ko. E. Ohlson. Phone 2045. 405 Lau-le St._ CHICKEN COOP—Lined with windows; to be removed at once; bargain. 139 Lewis St. POULTRY—Wholesale and Retail Pc try Market; live chickens, ducks, etc., at lowest prices. 257 New Brunswick Ave. D. Schaffer. Prop._ _MERCHANDISE _Articles fore Me_61 IKON—Kails, reinforcing Iron, I beams, channel Iron, wrought Iron rods, shaft ings, hangers, pulleys, steam pipes, cor rugated sheets. Harry Goldberg. L. V. R. R. and New Brunswick Avenue._ LEATHER—Oak Soles and scraps. We carry a ful! line of cobbler's tools and supplies for home use. P. Barblerl. 404 406 State St. _ LUNCH COUNTER—Or cafe fixtures; chairs and tables; offer what you have. Inquire Ossa Kish, Fords, N. J. _ OLD MATRICES—Heavy pressed card board newspaper mats—dimensions same as this printed page. Best possible lin ing for inside of poultry houses, garages or for sheathing stucco houses. Keeps out the cold. ‘Large supply on hand. Price $1.00 a hundred. Call at Evening Nows Office._ POOL TABLES—Inquirs Oeia Kith, Fords, N. J. __ RUBBER 00008—Thompson - Goodyear Rubber Corp.. 315 Maple St. Tel. 2169. Everything In Rubber; wholesale and re tail. Plumbers. Factory and Household Supplies._ SAFE GUARD—Check writer; very cheap, bargains m shot guns, rifles and shells, hunting con's, safety razors and blades. 8. Perl mutter. 166 Smith Street./_ WALL PAPER—25% reduction on all grades. Prices from 10 cents a roll up. Large variety. Gimpleman Bros. 331 State St. Phone 1772. mmiiiriM r.i|uiiMMnu ■>* BUTCHER SC A LBS—X Horbatt. 641 Penn St. Phone 778-W._ CARBON PAPERS—And Typewriter Sup plies for a l machines; first class ribbons. Stationery and supplies. E. M. Glueck. 75 Smith 3t. Phone 2177._ TYPEWRITERS — Headquarters. Sold, rented, repaired, parts. Ribbons, 65c. Carbon Paper, 15c dozen: bargains. Comegys & Bro., corner Smith and Elm St reets._ WAX FIGURES—A number of wax fig ures and hat stands on hand. F. & F. Shop. J25 Maple St. _ Building Materials_54 BOILERS—J. J. Keentn, tanks and smoke stacks, sheet Iron work of all descriptions Repairing a specialty. 386 and 390 Divi sion St. and P. R. R. Perth Amboy, N. J. Phone office 160S; home 260-R. HARDWARE—Elizabeth Hardware Co., The Home of Hardware. 137-139-141 New Brunswick Ave. Tel. Exchange 120 121 Perth Amboy.__ OLD BRICK—Steam Piping and Steam Boiler in good condition; remains of a fire. Apply Ravine Farm, Matawan. Phone 44-R. Matawan._ PAINTS—Atlantic Lead and Atlantic Linseed Oil; Pierce’s Ready Mixed Paint, $3.25 a gallon; set colors. S. Koch. 363 State St. Phone 1315._ WALL PAPER—Max Goldfarb. whole sale and retail; builders’ hardware, tools, cutlery, paints oils, varnishes, brushes. glass. Tel. 861. 311 S»ato St._ _Farm and Dairy Products_55 MILK—Perth Amboy Milk Co. always at your service. Deliveries everywhere. Delnand our products from your dealer or grocer.__ Good Things to Eat_57 BREAD—Eat that so homelike Aunt Mar tha Bread; sold at all grocers. Slm men’s Model Bakery_ COFFEE CAKES—Danish coffee cakes, pies, layer cakes, doughnuts, etc., fresh every day at 2 P. M. N. E. Bjornson, Jr.. 189 New Brunswick Avenue. POP CORN CRISPS—Dixie Mix; you miss a treat if you fail to eat this excellent pop corn confection. Dixie Products Co. 253 Madison Ave., Perth Amboy. N. J. SALADS—Majestic Delicatessen. ready cook*'', meats; all home cooking; cater ing to parties and entertainments a spe cialty. 182 Smith St. Phone 1634. Household Goods59 COOK STOVE—For $30; large; in good condition; worth $150. Apply 452 Me chanic St,, downstairs._ COUCH—Sliding; in fine condition. 279 Water, St reet._ FURNITURE—Parlor, dining room and bedroom suite; also piano; furniture only 2 months old; reason for selling leaving country._Larsen. 540 Neville St. FUR'HTURE—7 pieces of Antique; per fect condition. Tel. 1542 Perth Amboy. FURNITURE—Dublin Furniture House, all kinds of furniture, baby carriages, floor coverings a specialty; reasonable prices; positively new goods. 279 Smith Street. _Machinery and.Tools_61 motors and generators—ah kinds of A. C. and D. C.. also rewinding and repairing promptly attended to. Perth Amboy Storage Battery & Electric Co.. 266 Madison Ave, Tel. 1807. _Musical Instruments_ft MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS—Full line of small instruments, banjos, mandolins, guitars and musical accessories. Brun ton Piano Store. 204 Smith St. RECORDS—Emerson Records; all the la test songs and dance hits on sale. Watches. Clocks and Jewelry; also expert watch repairing._S._Cardon. 70 Smith _Specials at the Stores _64 ENAMELWARE—Special sale; closing out our entire stock at less than coat. John Molnar. 481A 8tate 8t. FLASHLIGHTS—See your way clear for only 49c. All sizes: batteries and bulbs. J. Smerling. 148 Smith St._ _Wearing Apparel_65 CAPS—Men's Caps and Cloth Hats made to order in any wanted style. Men's Hat Store. 256 Smith St,, Corner Elm, _Wanted—To Buy_66 EXCELLENT—Prices paid for your furni ture by largest used furniture dealer In city. Call us f.rst. it will pay. Miller's. 539 State St Phone ?93-W. FURNITURE—Second hand; bought and sold._I. Scher fi-8 Smith St._ FURNITURE—We buy all kinds second hand furniture. G. Houser. 103 Fayette St. Phone 848-W._ FURNITURE—High Prices paid for aec ond iand furniture; also all kinds of stoves, bedding, floor covering for sale. Sussman. 23 Smith St. Tel. 1496-J. Telephone Your Requirement Our Classified Will Do the Rest ROOMS AND BOARD | Rooms With ■'oard _ 67 j HOTEL REMINGTON—*77 8mlth St., furnished rooms by day or week; rooms steam heated, meals served; also regu lar board. TeL 4*4. _ MADISON AVE.. 207—Near Smith; nice, light furnished room; suit couple or friends; all conveniences; board If re quired. Mrs. Sanders. Phon« 2154 or call.__ STATE ST., 181—Room and board; In prl vate family.____ Rooms W'lthout Board_66 BRIGHTON AVE., 236—Furnished room for gentleman._ FAYETTE ST., 71—Furnished room; all Improvements._ GORDON ST.. 181—Single room; nicely furnished; electric light; steam; private house. _ GORDON ST., 158—Large front room for teacher or gentleman with privileges. GORDON ST., 80—Furnished room; for lady._t_ HIGH ST.. 214—Furnished room; desir able location. __ LEWIS ST.. 100—Nicely furnished rooms; Private family. Tel. 1792-R. LOWER RECTOR ST.. 106—Nice room with private family. Tel. 125-W. McCLELLAN ST., 267—1 singlo room; 1 double rooms; all improvements. MARKET STREET, 292—Furnished room. RECTOR ST., 262—Furnished room; all conveniences;_private family._ >M itII ST., 30—Two unfurnished rooms; Improvements; electric light furnished. m 1TII ST.. 7o—Large, airy, steam heated room; young lady preferred. Mrs. Kauf mnn. __ WATER ST., 163—Large beautiful mod ern furnished room; best location In town,_ Rooms fop Housekeeping_69 FAYETTE ST., 97—Bedroom, Dining room and kitchenette for light house keeping._______ JORDON ST., 65—2 housekeeping rooms; also large furnished room for couple. HIGH ST., 339—Rooms for light house keeping._ MAR’: ET ST., 131—Light housekeeping apartment; also furnished rooms. MARKET ST., 26—Two furnished rooms for_ligji^ housekeeping. WATER ST., 37—Entire upper floor, fur nlshcd, 2 rooms, kltchenc11e, facing bay. _Where to Eat_71 HOME RESTAURANT AND COFFEE HOUSE Our best advertisement is, that those who try our home cooking always come in again. Real food at rea sonable prices. 194 Smith Street. MEALS—Served. Homo cooking. 198 High Street. PRESTO LUNCH—And Bakery; home pastries; popular prices; open day and night. 713 Smith Street. VICTORY RESTAURANT—Oyster and Chop House; sea food special; popular prices. 322 State Street, near Jefferson St.. Perth Amboy._Tel. 2234._ REAL ESTATE FOR RENT _Real Estate Dealers 74A CONARD & COMPANTf—Real Estate and General Insurance. 102 Smith Street, Perth Amboy. N. J. Phone 210._ FRASER BROS.—Real Estate and Insur ance. Savings Bank Building. Phone 653. HANS NIELSEN CO.—'Real Estate and Mortgages. 196 Smith Street. Real Estao Exchange Building. Telephone 88. __ J ACOBSON & GOLDFARB—Real Estate and Insurance. Raritan Building. Phone 1856. __ MAPLE REALTY CO.—Real Estate. 215 Smith St. Phone 1710. _ M. L. SCOTT—Real Estate and general insurance._309 Madison Ave. Phene 210. MARGARETTEN & LOBEL—Successors to Alpern & Co., Real Estate. Mortgages and Insurance. Raritan Building. Perth Amboy. N. J, Phone 650._ PERTH AMBOY REAL ESTATE EX CHANGE and General Insurance. 317 Madison Avenue. Phone 1465._ PERTH AMBOY TRUST COMPANY Real Estate Department Property In all sections of the city for sale at fair prices, good terms. If you wish to buy or sell It will be to your advantage to call on us. •‘Superior Service** PHILIP LEVINE—Real Estate and all kinds of insurance; money to loan; rents collected, etc. Raritan Building, Phone. PIERCE-JOHNSON & CO.— Real Estate, Insurance. Mortgage Loans. 217 Smith St. Telephone 551. Apartments and Flats_W BRIGHTON AVE., 156—6 rooms; all im provements._ JEKALB AVE.—Six rooms; all im provements, 425. Inquire 147 Madison Avenue.__ ELM ST.—Opposite C. R. R. Station; 7 room flat, bath. gas. electricity and cel lar. Comegys & Bro. 287 Elm St. HIGH ST., 314—Small five room flat. In qulre W. E. McCullough. 219 First St. rACQUES STREET—536—Four rooms to le t.___ JEFFERSON ST.—6 rooms; all improve ments; heat furnished. Inquire 188 Smith McCLELLAN ST., 271—Five rooms; im provements. Inquire 53 Smith St. SEW BRUNSWICK AVE.. 214—5 rooms for rent at once; rental $20._ 3GDEN PLACE, 395—4 rooms, part im provements. Inquire B. Gilman. 269 Watson Avenue._ PATERSON STREET, 182—Three rooms for rent. _ . SMITH ST.—6 rooms and bath. Inquire 135 Rector Street. __ Improvements except heat, rent $35.00. Inquire C. Segal, 440 Amboy Avenue; telephone 2179-M.___ . STATE ST.. 362—Six rooms and bath; all improvements. Inquire Phone 1735. STATE ST., 365—Flat; all improvements. Genser Bros. _ STOCKTON ST.i 365-367—Rooms. Ed. Guto-ski. Tel. 1476-W.". WILLIAM ST.—4 rooms; all improve ments except heat. Pierce Johnson Co. 217 Smith Street._ WOODRUFF PL., 43—4 rooms: all Im provements._Inquire Boynton Bros._ PLAT—7 rooms; all improvements. In qulre 106 Madison Ave. _ FLAT—4 rooms; $18.00 month. 451 Me chanic Street.___ PLAT—5 rooms; all improvements. In quire 68 Brighton Avenue.__ Business Places For Bent_W ELM ST~ NEAR SMITH—Small store. Louls Isenberg 258 Smlth St._ KINO ST.—New store just off Smith St. on King St. will lease; also manufactur ing space 4.800 square feet. Theo. S. Brown. 282 King St.__ MADISON AVE.—For rent part of store on new White Way; suitable for shoe shining and hat cleaning parlor. Inquire Central Shoe Repairing Co.. 270 Madison Avenue.__ MADISON AVE.—Store to let between Smith and Market Streets. Inquire Perth Amboy Garage Co._. MADISON AVE. AND GORDON STS.— 2 stores next to Chain Grocery Store; suitable for market and tailoring. In qulre 186 South First Street. PREMISES—At 284 State Street. Larned, Carter & Company are moving to their Washington Street Building. Inquire Premises <ft Frasor Brothers._ STATE ST., 515—Store, willing to rent half. Inquire 129 State Street._ STATE ST., 365—Store to let. Genser Bros.__ _Hoases for Bent_TJ 3RICK BUILDING—Three story; lot 25 x 145, in a good location near shipping point. For terms apply Box 56, Perth Amboy, N. J. iIGH ST., 216—9 room house, bath; all improvements. Inquire Room 321 Rarl tan Building. iVOODRUFF PL., 43—House. Inquire Boynton Bros. 87 8mlth Street. IOUSE—Modern; 8 rooms. Inquire 419 High Street._ _Offices and Desk Boom_78 OFFICE—Large front office to let. Apply 1 Maple Realty Co. 216 Smith St._ ' ~G°S>djT«»d claused ad«. r REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Soborban_For^ Bent\ FORDS—Bungalow with 4 lots to let « for sale, no Improvements except wats* Inquire Room 303 Raritan Building. MATAWAN. S. J.—Three unfurnished rooms. Atlantic Ave. corner Church St Box 187A._ __ SOUTH AMBOY—7 room flat; all lm provements; near station; including steam heat. M. Kaufman. 110 Soutl Broadway.___ SOUTH AMBOY—Seven room house, al Improvements, County Road. Inquire L Forman. 532 Raritan St., South Amboy, ^OODBRIDGE—Four rooms and bath. P. B. Coddlngton, Woodbrldge Junction. I WOODBRIDGE—One family in best set! tion of Woodbrldge; 6 rooms, all in* provements. driveway and garage; musP sell quick; will sacrifice, small amount o* cash needed. Mrs. Vreeland. 274 Sec'1 ond Ave., Newark. N. J._ d WOODBRIDGE—7 room house on P’i>*t man Street, all Improvements and ga% rage. Phone Woodbrldge 42-R._? Wanted—To R^nt81 APARTMENT—5 or 6 rooms; all improve-, ments or small house; southern sectiot of Smith Street; willing to pay $50.00 t( $60.00 month. Box 98B, Care News, HOUSE—With 7 or 8 rooms; all Improve ments In Metuchen, P, O. Box 367, City; HOUSE—Would like to exchange my fun nished house in New Brunswick for onj furnished In Perth Amboy; or will pa? 6 months rent In advance for a suitabll rent. Address Box 97. News Office. ? REAL ESTATE FOR SPgj _Joanns and Land_ for Sale_■ FIRST STREET—2 family house, II ^ rooms; lot 25 x 100; price $4,500. Han Nielsen Co. 196 Smith St._ 80 ACRE—Farm on main stone road, Fas Line passes door; 6 room house and out buildings; all crops; price $5,500; hal cash. Perduk Bros., 115 Albany St.. Ne\ Brunswick, N. J.__ 3 ACRE—Farm, fronting on Lincol Highway in Metuchen; 7 rooms; bath all improvements; garage; a variety o fruit and shade trees; price $7500. Ham Nielsen Co. 196 Smith Street._ __Houses for Sale_$i AMBOY AVE.—Near Washington Street 6 room dwelling, steam heat, bath, elec trie and gas; lot 27 x 100; reasonable I sold at once. Conard & Company. 1 o; Smith Street._ ASHLEY ST—Bargain, one family, franv dwelling and three family brick dwelu Ing, on 437 and 441 Ashley St.; ploM 100x80, connecting with Wagner AvenuA Massopust Bros. & Company. 692 StatB Street.___■ - COMPTON AVE.—2 family, Tl rooms! good condition; all Improvements; sepf arate steam heaters. Only $1500 casi required. C. L. Steuerwald. Inc. 20| Smith_Street. _ _ ■ FIRST STREET—Near Paterson, 8 roo^H dwelling with bath, steam heat and moA ern improvements, lot 25 x 100. ConarW & Company. 102 Smith Street. H LEWIS ST., NEAR STATE ST.—Read deuce containing 5 rooms and electriciijH gas. improvements. 2 car garage; pricH $5,500. Hans Nielsen Co. 196 SmitH Street. _ H LOWER PRICES—For homes and rcsi^B dences; six room house; all improv<fl ments; lot 47 x 112; nice location Woodbridge near school was $6500; no\B only $5350; other bargains. NlelseiA Notary Public. _176 New Brunswick AveB MADISON AVE., 171—2 family house; « rooms, all improvements; big driveway* price $7,000._J MADISON AVE.—6 room frame housil with all improvements; price $9500. Jj Kreielsheimer & Son. 133 Smith Street! Phone 1314. ! MARKET ST.—2 family house; 11 r<j^n«A refined neighborhood. A bargain oxd S own terms. Chas. L. Steuerwald!^ /A 208 Smith Street.__^ OAK ST.—Big bargain; must be sold at once; 2 family building on Oak near Smith St., all Improvements with big driveway; price $7200; easy terma. Schoncelt & Blitzer. Raritan Building. Tel. 1558. RESIDENTIAL SECTIONS—Large selec tion of houses; all modern improventa. $10.00 down will start your home. Car1 Jaco.a. Real Estate and Insurance. 179 Brighton Ave. Tel. $61. ' STATE ST.—1 family, 8 rooms and every thing modern; large lot; garage; price right and terms easy. Charles L. Steu erwald. Inc., 208 Smith St. _ i WATER STREET—Two story frame dwelling; lot 78 x 145 feet; near Yacht Club, also lot on Rector Street. Inquire Ole N. Olesen. 43 Smith Street. Hol/SE.S — 77 and 29 Smith St. Nos. 73 and 75 Broad St. Inquire 135 Rec tor Street.. _Lots for Sale_8f FORDS—Building lots. $55 each and at Woodbridge. $55 each; small farms at $400 each and upwards. Hans Nielsen Co. 196 Smith St., Perth Amboy, N. J. R A KIT A N M ANOR—Corn er lot 100* 10q restricted property; will sacrifice. In quire A. W. Larson._170 Brighton Ave. BE SATISFIED—Building your own home —we have desirable lots on Water St. in Perth Amboy, Barron Avenue, Wood bridge and in Metuchen. See Boynton Bros. & Co., 87 Smith St. _. _Suburban for Sale _ FORDS—5 room and bath bungalow, no$H under construction, electric, gas and wa-V ter, 8 minutes from trolley and bus; 150 V feet from Fords Ave.. only $800.00 re- V quired; balance monthly to suit pur- f chaser. Conard & Company. 102 Smith Street._ FORDS—6 rooms; all improvements; bar gain for quick buyer; easy terms. In quire “J. R.” owner leaving town; next to last house on Evergreen Avenue. ^ FORDS— New frame and shingle bungalo% rooms and bath; slate roof, fumjrtfe, electricity, sanitary tubs In basement, range with hot water attachment Install ed In kitchen; large lot, close to carji and bus line. A chance to own your own home; pay like rent. Pierce-Johnson 217 Smith St., Perth Amboy. METUCHEN—Residence containing 1 rooms, lot 50 x 100; one block from trol ley; price $1,800. Hans Nielsen Co. 196 Smith St. METUCHEN—Residence on Woodbridge Ave. About two blocks from P. R. R. Station on main line; ten room house; electric, bath; all improvements; lot 120 x 200; garage; beautiful shade and va riety of fruit trees. Price $7,000. Hang Nielsen Co. 196 Smith Street. t METUCHEN—Residence fronting on Lin coln Highway; 7 rooms, bath, all Im provements; garage; 3 acres of fine land; beautiful trees; a variety of fruit, $7500, Hans Nielsen Co. 196 Smith St. SEWAREN—Beautiful 12 room bungalow, 2 baths and every Improvement; garage; choicest location facing water; price and terms attractive. Charles L. Steuerwald, Inc., 208 Smith Street. SEWAREN—Beautiful 7 room house; all Improvements; lot 100 x 200; best price over $6900 takes* It. J. H. Conoannon, 89 Main St.. Woodbridge. Tel. 299. J SOUTH AMBOY—6 room house; all im provements; newly decorated; central lo cation; sacrifice at $3,800. Leo A Monaghan._218 David Street. Tel. 253. TOTTENVILLE. S. I.—Two five room stucco; all improvements; $4,000 each. Mike Flllmon, 227 Yetman A venue._ TOTTENVILLE—For safe residence five minutes from ferry; fine location; stx rooms; Improvements; price $6.00#r ~1 cash $3,000. B. Williams. Tottenvlll^ A TOTTENVILLE—For sale. house. ^' rooms, improvements; let 40 x 215; good location; price $5,000; cash $2,500. B. Williams, Tottenvllle, N. Y. WOODBRIDGE—4 room bungalow, bath, cement cellar; Just completed; near Green and Rahway Ave. Reasonable priced. $2000 cash required. Conard & Company. 102 Sm 1th Street._ WOODBRIDGE—Large corner plot, with 7 room house; all improvements; a bar gain and only $750.00 cash required; price $4850.00. Charles L. Steuerwald, , Inc„ 208_Smith Street. 1 SPORTS » ___ P?lf_91A BOLF-Player, Cards giving privilege, of Middlesex Golf Club Course until April 1st 1922. are being Issued by the Board of Governors; fee $20.00. Cards may be obtained from C. C. Hommann, Presi dent. Raritan Building or C. L. Steuer wald, Secretary 208 Smith St.. Perth Amboy, New Jersey. •“ Today's Wants and offers are all ls a complete. Indexed catalog i lassifled ad section. .Tou Cm telephone jrqir elJM*ifisd ltd, J j