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Defeats Peter Spinelli in Dem ocratic Primaries for As sembly; Curran Wins TUTTEN'VILLE, Sept. 14.—Will iam E. Vaughan, of Fisher avenue, Tottenville, is the nominee in the Democratic primaries for assembly ^ in tlv second assembly district for the borough of Richmond. He won over Peter Spinelli, of Rosebank, the independent candidate for the office. Mr. Spinelli was beaten five to one throughout the second assembly district. He carried but two election districts in the primaries yesterday, onu was by 26 votes and the other by 7 votes. This was the only con test in the Democratic primaries of the borough of 'Richmond. In the eight districts of the fifth ward, Mr. Vaughan received 277 against 18 for Spinelli. The vote by districts in the fifth ward for Vaughan were 26th, Eltingville, 14; 27th, Kossville, 16; 28th, Huguenot, 13; 29th, Pleasant Plains, 59; 30th, Richmond Valley. || 33; 31st, Tottenville, 77; 32d, Tot K tenville, 34, and 33d Tottenville, 31. The vote for Spinelli in the fifth ward w'as 26th, Eltingville, 1; 27th, Kossville, 3; 28th, Huguenot Park, 1; 29th, Pleasant Plains 4; 30th, Rich mond Valley, 1; 31st Tottenville, 1; 32d, Tottenville, 4, and 33d Totten ville, 3. Henry H. Curran carried me uui ough of Richmond in the contest for mayor in the Republican primaries, with P. H. EaGuardia running sec ond on the ticket. Judge Haskell, of Brooklyn, ran third and William M. Bennett, fourth. In the eight dis tricts of the fifth ward. Curran re ceived 26 3 votes; LaGuardia, 125; Haskell, 25, and Bennett, 13. There was no opposition in either the Dem ocratic or Republican primaries for borough or state officers on Staten Island. The borough Democratic nominees are: President of the bor ough, Matthew J. Cahill; member of assembly, first district, Thomas Cos grove; second district, William E. Vaughan; aldermen, Edward J. At well, John J. O’Rourke and Walter Warren; sheriff, Harry Rudolph. The borough Republican nomi nees are: President of the borough, George Crowell; member of assem bly, first district, Rae Egbert; sec ond district, Ernest V. Frerichs; al dermen, Guy Walser; J. Roane and Harry Hooker; sheriff, Spire Pitou. Besides the nomination of candidates the selection of county committee men, delegates to the state conven tion and delegates to the judicial district convention took place. While the voting in both the Democratic and Republican primaries was small in the eight districts of the fifth ward some of the election officers were late in getting their returns in to the police precinct station. It was 2:30 o'clock this morning before ■fc the board registry of the 33d district, U Tottenville, brought their returns in. ^ This board was composed of three women and one man and it was about 12 o’clock, three hours after the polls closed, that the canvassing took place. TALL CEDAR DAY AT MIDLAND BEACH TODAY TOTTENVILLE, Sept. 14.—Tall Cedar Day and Ladies Night will be observed by Staten Island I orest No. 23 o£ Tottenville, and Richmond forest No. Gti of Port Richmond, this afternoon and tonight at Midland Beach. A parade along the board walk will be a feature of the event. This will start at 0 o’clock. Martin L. fisher of Tottenville, dis trict representative of the 14th dis trict will be grand marshal of the parade. Exhibition drills will be given by the royal forests in this vi cinity. A silver loving cup will be awarded by the judges for the best drill. Another silver cup will be awarded to the forest having the largest delegation. There will be a concert by the Midland Beach White and Gold band during the afternoon. Following the parade dancing will he held at the Casino. Large dele gations are expected from New Jer sey. Keen competition is expected for the cup for the best drill. Some of the New Jersey Forests arc com ing over with the expectation of tak ing the cup back. PLEASANT PLAINS »Mr. and Mrs. Charles Samuels of the Bronx, visited at Prince Bay over the week end. Misses Grace and Edna Ambler, of Brooklyn .were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Stinemire, of Woodvail avenue, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weingarten have returned from a wedding tour. Edward Martino and J. Aimee re turned to Poughkeepsie after visit ing relatives in town. Miss Mildred Smith has return ed from a vacation spent at Milford, Conn. Misses Gladys and Helen Geiger have returned to Boston after visit ing their sister at Woodrow. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur F. Wakeman of Eltingville, have been in camp at White Lake. Oneida county. TOTTENVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Abram M. Sprague are home after a week's vacation at Scranton, Fa. Mrs. Frank Fidler, of West Haver straw. has been visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. Cecil Fidler, th > past week. Miss Gertrude DeBoer has been visiting at York, Fa. Miss Mildred MacCallum is home after two months vacation in Penn sylvania. William Bogardus has been visit ing his parents at Middletown. N. »Y . the past several days. Miss Edna Leslie, of Utica, is the new kindergarten teacher at No. 4 school. Kreischerville. Wallace Brown, of the U. S. S. Connecticut, is home for a visit with his parents. Mrs. Daniel Cleveland, formerly Mrs. Marian South Webb, has re turned from Los Angeles, where she has been during vacation and has returned to No. 1 school, Kreischer ville, to teach the term. Her son. Edmund Webb, is with his stepfath er, Daniel Cleveland, and will re main there until the first of October, . when he returns to the Milwaukee College of Engineering. The Parish Guild of St. Stephen’s church met at the home of Mrs. Thrguas McConnell yesterday after noon and made plans for a food sale to be held Friday afternoon. Inspector General Davis of the police department of the city of New York held an inspection of winter uniforms at Borough Hall Monday "or the police of the borough of Richmond. United Council, Jr. O. U. A. M., is icheduled to meet tonight. Miss *\ianp:e Merrill. oi Druumyn was chosen "queen of the New York beaches” in a beauty contest in which hundreds of beauties were en tered. MOTORCYCLE UPSETS AND INJURES THREE TOTTENVILLE. Sept. 14—Three people were injured, one seriously, when a motorcycle with sidecar in which they were riding turned over in Arthur Kill road, Rossville, short ly after 5 o’clock last night. Louise Heins, thirty-seven years old, of 111 12th street. Long Island City, is at the Richmond Memorial Hospital with a fracture of the left collar bone and abrasions of the left side and face. Harry Surder. forty years old, of 28 McCone place, Manhattan, driver of the machine, received abra sions of the right elbow and right knee and Lottie Schule. thirty-six years old. of 310 Union street. Jersey City, received abrasions of the right side of the face. They were attend ed bv Dr. McDonough of the Mem orial Hospital and later left for their homes. The two women were riding in the sidecar, it is said, and when Surder tried to make the turn near the city dock in Arthur Kill road, Rossville, the machine being overloaded, turn ed over on its side, throwing the oc cupants to the road. An ambulance was summoned from the Memorial Hospital and after Dr. McDonough had attended Surder and the Schule woman the Hein woman was rushed to the hospital in the ambulance. DAUGHTERS OF LIBERTY ENTERTAINED GUEST TOTTENVILLE, Sept. 14:—State Councilor Georgia Magner of Brook lyn and staff with District Deputy Grace Hanford, of Manhattan, made an official visit to Washington Coun cil No. 24, Sons and Daughters of Liberty, last night. The occasion being the twenty-seventh anniver sary of the council a reception and social time was held. Resides many members of the council there were visitors present from LaFayette Council, Manhattan, and councils in South and Perth Amboy and Port Richmond. Two out of the twenty-three char ter members that started the council twenty-seven years ago were at the meeting last night. They were Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wood. Mrs. George Leven, the vice council, pre sided at the session and there were remarks by the state councilor, the deputy and other visitors. Refresh ments were served. BREWING CO. STARTS $10,000 COURT SUIT The Oakland Brewing and Malting Company of New Jersey with its principal office in Oakland, has brought suit in the United States Dis trict court, through Senator Thomas Brown, for $10,894.87 damages against the Salem Glass Works. The suit concerns the purchase of bot tles from the defendant by the plain tiff with the understanding that the breakage upon steaming would be but two per cent. The plaintiff al leges that because the breakage was fifteen per cent the bottles could not be used, and are a total loss. Funeral For Jolm J. Kramer TOTTENVILLE, Sept. 14—Fun eral services for John Jacob Kra mer will be held tolnight at 8 o’clock from the homo of his son, Joseph Kramer,. 4,658 Arthur Kill road. Kreischerville. Rev. Dr. Ja cob Ganss .pastor of St. Peter’s church, will officiate. The body will be taken to Harrisburg tomorrow morning .where the interment will be made. To Make Rich Red Blood Revitalize your worn-out ex hausted nerves and increase your strength and endurance take Organic Iron; not metallic Iron which people usually take, but pure orga;>ic iron — Nuxated Iron—which is like the iron in your blood and like the iron in spinach, lentils and apples. One dose of Nuxated Iron is estimated to be approximately equivalent (in organic iron content) to eating one-half quart of spinach, one quart of green vegetables or half a dozen apples. It is like taking extract of beef instead of eating pounds of meat. Nuxated Iron is partially predigested and ready for almost im mediate absorbtion and assimilation by the blood.while metallic iron is iron just as it cornea from the action of strong acids on small pieces of iron filings. Over 4,000,000 people annually are using Nuxated Iron. It will not injure the teeth nor disturb the stomach. A few doses will often commence to enrich your blood. Your money will be refunded by the manufacturers if you do not obtain satisfactory results. Beware of substitutes. Always insist on hav ing genuine organic iron—Nuxated Iron. Look for the letters N. I. on every tablet. Sold by all druggists. For Red Blood.,Stren^th and Endurance THUN 1914 Secretary Davis Points Out 2,000,000 More Are Now Earning Their Wages WASHINGTON, Sept. 14.—1Those who are disturbed over the 5,735,000 unemployed of today overlook that in 1014 there were 7,000,000 out of work, a larger percentage of which were actual bread winners, Secretary Da\is said today. Declaring that the country has just passed through a period when every effort was made to induce women and others who had not worked for salaries before, to work and save starving Europe, he said present wage scales include many upon whose wages there are no de pendants. “While we have our unemployed let us not forget the twelve million still at work,” he said. A lurther interesting fact was made known that $500,000,000 is now available, in the form of funds already issued or appropriated by the states, counties and municipali ties for public works. Discussing efforts to relieve the situation, he said the unemployment service of the department of labor was doing all it could. During the harvest, he said, it sent 55,000 and 60,000 to the farms and kept them moving as the harvest season moved northward. KEYP03T K. A. HAS DRIVE FOR MEMBERS KEYPORT. Sept. 14:—Coronal Council No. 14 56, Royal Arcanum, has begun a campaign for members, live teams of five men each having been appointed, the captains being: Team 1, Richard Coogan; Team 2, Roland C. Dey; Team 3, Ernest Dunham; Team 4, Fred White; Team 5, A. A. Philo. The contest closes March 31, 1922, when a prize will be awarded the team having secured the largest number of candidates. The council will also attend Co-So-To night at Metuchen September 30 and hopes to capture one of the prizes especial ly in the new membership campaign. METUCHEN The State Highway Commission is at work putting two toot shoulders on each side of the Lincoln Highway through this place. The work has been needed for sometime and will greatly improve the highway. The shoulders are of crushed stone which is held in place by a penetrat ing material made for this purpose. Alfred Appleby, Republican can didate for the assembly, visited Me tuchen yesterday seeking supporters here. As Metuchen is considered a dry town and Mr. Appleby is a dry candidate it is expected that he will receive considerable support here. Bennie Schiff, who drives a vege table wagon in the borough, was ar rested some time ago for allowing his horse to wander about the streets. Recorder C. C. Weber at the time fined him $5.50, which Schiff claimed he could not pay. but would pay within a few days. Yes terday he was taken before the re corder for not having paid his fine. Recorder Weber gave him the pre ference of going to the workhouse or paying the fine. Schiff paid the fine. Alfred D. Hyde has sold to B. II. Hill of Perth Amboy, the Milton A. Edgar house. Mr Hill will take possession at once. Mr. Edgar has moved to Plainfield. Mr. Hyde has sold to F. M. Potter a plot on Hill side avenue 60x300, on which Mr. Potter will erect a residence. Mr. Hyde reports a big demand for rent and sale in this borough, which he is unable to supply. The New Star Company of New ark recently purchased through Mr. Hyde 395 acres at Iselin. This land was divided up into lots of which 1,500 have already been sold. Five new houses are now in course of construction on the property. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposal* will be received by the Council of 1 he City of Perth Amboy. N. J. at a regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber. City Hall. Perth Am boy. N. J.. September 19th, 1921, at 7:30 P. M. (Standard Time). 8:30 P. M. (Day light Saving Time), and then publicly opened and read, for furnishing one hun dred thousand (100.000) gallons of fuel oil or distillate. 28-31 degree Beaume or better, in tank car lots f. o. b. Municipal Lighting Plant Siding. Perth Amboy. N. J.. deliveries to be made during a period of one year from October 1. 1921 when and os required by the purchaser. Bidders to specify heat value and contents of sul phur. All proposals must be enclosed In a sealed envelope directed to Martin .1. Olsen, Purchasing Agent. Perth Amboy. N. J. and must be endorsed on the outside with the name of the bidder and must be handed to him on or before September 19th. 1921. 7:30 P. M.. Standard Time; 8:30 r. M., Daylight Saving Time. The Council reserves the right to award the contract to the lowest responsible bid- ; dor. or to reject any or all bids. Dated, September 8, 1921. MARTIN J. OLSEN, Purchasing Agent. ♦::: 11 -9 '.*-11 17. Animal Went to Church After Roaming About the Brainy Borough METUCHEN, Sept. 14—Nick Sa lerno, a barber of this place, lost his goat yesterday and before it was found nearly all of Metuchen was on the hunt for it. A period of fifteen minutes was consumed in the hunt for the animal and it would proba bly have taken longer than this to find it had not the goat been of the opinion that the safest place in Me tuchen was at church and wandered to within a few feet of the Methodist church, where it was captured. Salerno is used to having people get his goat, but when he thought that something had happened to the goat he intended to send to friends in New York, he was a very much disappointed man. He spread the alarm about the business section and business was dirupted for the time being. The hunt took the peo ple up and down Main and Middle sex streets before the goat was lo cated near the Methodist church. The goat escaped when some chil dren opened the door of the house in which it was kept. COUNTr VOCATIONAL SCHOOL FILLED TODAV — The County Vocational School on Bertrand avenue, of which John M. Shoe is principal, opened this morn ing with an enrollment of eighty eight boys. Of this number sixty-six are pupils who attended the school last term and twenty-two are new. The popularity of the institution proved itself before the doors of the building opened at 8:30 when besides the number of boys who were al ready enrolled, fully 100 others who had not made application flocked to the building in hope of a tardy ac ceptance. Because of the lack of facilities the majority of the crowd was necessarily turned away after registering in case of future vacan cies. Up until today there had been ninety-eight applications for admit tance, ten more than the number it had been decided to take, and the eighty-eight who are now regular comfortably. Because of tlie industrial depres sion the number of applications has been greater this year than ever be fore but the authorities see no way of taking on a larger enrollment than has been already decided upon. The courses at the vocational school this year will be practically the same as last, and ealeulated to give the boys a practical understand ing of the work that will fit them for a future. Machine shop prac tice, mechanical draughting and in dustrial chemistry as well as related academic subjects are taught. The graduates of this school arc now working in many of the plants of the city where their diplomat from the vocational school have gained them access to responsible positions. HELMETTA IS CANVASSED IN LESS THAN ONE HOUF HELMETTA, Sept. 14:—The flrsl day of registration for the comint primary election probably establish td a record for a borough in botl the rapidity and expense of canvass ing a town with over 800 Inhabitants The canvass was started at 10 o’clocl and before 11 the tabulations hat been completed, showing that ever: home in the borough had been visit ed and the entire enrollment of vot ers showed 202 voters. The cost also is quite an item Allowing each of the four canvasser! $18.75 for the day’s work this wouli mean that the taxpayers will paj 3714 cents per voter registered. Ai interpreter was also employed h translating the names. Report of tlie fond it ion of JACOB OOLDBKRGER, Private Banker Of Perth A in hoy. N. J. At the done of huHlnesM, kept. «, RESOURCES United States bonds .$ 4.991.6: Stocks, securities, etc.14,261.3: Furniture and fixtures . 1,075.0' Other real estate . 32,890.0' Mortgages . 3.000.0* Duo from other banks, etc. 6,626.84 Checks and cash items . 130.5: Cash on hand, U. S. and Foreign 2,698.79 Other assets . 500.00 $66,174.03 LIABILITIES Surplus fund .$49,681.46 Individual deposits, payable on demand . 12,670.5? Other liabilities . 3,822.0 $66,174.0? Slate of New Jersey, County of Middlesex, as.: Jacob Goldberger. Private Banker, be ing duly sworn, desposes and says that the foregoing statement is true, to t lie best of his knowledge and belief. JACOB GOLDBERGER. Private Banker. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of September. A. I>. 1921. MORRIS L. GOLDBERGER, Notary Public of N. J. 6453—9-14-11. f HOW TO GET WELL! Tlie belief, tha*. in order to get well, you have to put something into your body or cut something out. is deeply rooted in the human mind. Attempts 'to replace this method by something more natural and less harmful in its consequences, have not been very successful, because they were built upon the same foundation as medical science, i. e. fighting the disease instead of removing its cause. They could not do different, for the cause was not known. No discovery on that foundation has been able to reduce the number of diseases, and remedies, no matter how widely and effectively heralded, have at times consequences worse than the disease they were to f.ght. \ grave suspicion has already been expressed by medical men with re gard to a possible connection between vaccination and the spread of can cer. Chiropractic is a science built upon an absolutely different foundation. It PROVES that we have WITHIN us everythin*? necessary to restore our health, and that disease is merely the EFFECT of an obstruction to natural forces, namely to the flow of life impulses from the brain to bod ily organs. Fighting a diease, therefore is fighting an effect without touch ing the cause When Chiropractic adjustments remov • the cause, nature restores health. Like all ideas upsetting accepted t aehlngs. Chiropractic is met with Incredulity by the general public, and with ridicule by established science. So was for instance. Harvey’s discovery of a blood circulation in the arteries.’ Science taught the presence of air (artery—airpipej, yet the blood always was circulating. But no ridicule has ever prevented the final victory of an idea that was right and in the meantime. Chiropractic will continue to benefit those that have the courage of discarding their prejudice. Consultation Free. DR. ALBERT GOTTSCHALK Palmer Chiropractor Second Floor. Raritan Building Tel,ePAone 175 Smith Street, corner Madison Avenue 1836 - ■— 1 1 " 1 1 \ Hull Honors ZR-2 Dead rrn l —sr;zrza Thousands of residents of Hull, England, lino tho stroets to pay honor to the British and American aviators who died in the ZIt-2 dis aster. - - - . ___ . _____ KEYPORT The Tuesday afternoon card club will hold a card party at the home of Mrs. P. A. Sondergaard on Thurs day afternoon of next week for the benefit of the visiting nurse fund. Millard Brown will enter Stevens Institute for a course in electrical engineering next week. On Monday evening an organiza tion meeting of the visiting nurse committee was held at the public library and plans were discussed for the raising of funds for the carrying on of this work. It will be necessary to raise the sum of one thousand dollars to complete the work for a year and tlie various clubs of the borough will be asked to hold an event for this purpose. Thomas Brown will enter the New York University to take a continued course in expert accounting. Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Holmes and daughter of Red Bank are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith. Miss Annie L. Tilton and guest, Miss J. Louise Covert, spent Monday at Long Branch, the guests of Mrs. E. S. Tilton. The first meeting of the Keyport Improvement Association for the season held on Monday afternoon at the public library was well attended and plans for the coming season’s activities were made. A brief pro gram was given and a social hour was followed by the serving of re freshments. The Tuesday afternoon card club will begin its meetings on Tuesday, September 27. Mrs. James T. Walling being the hostess. Calvary M. E. choir will hold its first rehearsal under the direetior of Prof. J. P. West of Long Branch on Friday night. Local Club Incorporates NEW BRCNSWICK, Sept. 14: — Articles of incorporation have beer filed by the Slovak Citizens Inde pendent. Political Club of Perth Am boy. Five trustees are named: Johr Hospodar, Steve Kozusko, Andrew Muska, Rudolph Kish and Josepl Mary. The organization is formoi for civic interests. No Roof Like Slag j We recommend OUR FIVE-PLY BUILT-UP SLAG ROOFS for all flat roofed buildings, especi all factories. J They take the base rate of fire insurance. Their average life is 20 years or more. Their upkeep cost is nothing. Their initial cost is comparatively low. They give maximum value per dollar invested. NEW JERSEY ROOFING CO. 313 New Brunswick Ave., Perth Amboy Telephone 216 I Election Hoard Meets NEW BRUNSWICK, Sept. 14.— The Middlesex County Board of Elections is sitting here today for the purpose of receiving primary regis tration books from the three cities 1 In the county. New Brunswick. Perth Amboy and South Amboy. Club Incorporates NEW BRUNSWICK, Sept. 14:—-A 1 certificate of incorporation has been filed by the Hollywood Social Club ; of South Plainfield. This organiza tion is formed for social purposes only, the three trustees being Patsy Uafrano, Antonio Barone and Nich olas Balicenti. _| | A Really SensationalI Ofleroi i»en ,| I Three Piece Duofold Suites, Compie | || Pure FeBt Pattress, ^p |3 § * i ^ 1 Special.. -~ ' In announcing this sale of “Krochler” Duofold Suites, we are just adding another master stroke to the many mer chandise movements which we have inaugurated for many years past. It seems almost unbelievable that yoil e an now mW 8 | handsome rich looking Duofold Suite like this at a price that is usually charged for the Duofolds alone. I HIvSlv lHKJihi- ■ PIECES consist of one massive Duo,’old Bed, which cpn be readily converted from a handsome parlor piece to a comtort- | | able sanitary Bed, one large upholstery seat and back Arm Chair, and one comfortable large size Rocker. Each piece is covered with finest quality Imperial Fabricoid in a rich brown Spanish effect. Hie Sofa contains sani- || tary spring, which is easily removed. The pure felt mattress which is included in this price, contains IS pounds of fluay ^ 1 white cotton felt, and folds right in the bed. With a “ Krochler" Duofold Suite like this you virtually Live an extra room s | in your home and you are always prepared for company. sjl When closed it has the appearance of a real Library Suite, as the Bed is entirely invisible. p | FOR THIS ONLY SPECIAL $67.75| If “On the Comer” JjE&Tl^ “On the Comer” [ j | Smith & Slate Sts.Smith & State Sts, I ; .J