Newspaper Page Text
.. . ' ■ ■' ' Next Time, Try “999 Bair Nets” —They’ie Guaianteed— Now, The New Three Piece Suit For Early Fall at $14.98 Serviceable and stylish too, arc these new creations, made in plain tailored and tuxedo effects from all wool jer sey. Young women and women of youthful figure will be delighted with these new garments for the price is equally as attractive as the style; in rich, heather mixtures . .$14.98 And the “High School’’ Dress at $8.98 Designed particularly for high school girls, as the name indicates, and excellently made of all wool jersey, in blue, henna, brown and tan. They are trimmed with white around collars and cuffs and have detachable belts of white kid; economically priced at .$8.98 Another style, the Bramley College Dress, with box and side pleated skirts, is shown at.$9'98 A Special Sale of Waists Broken assortments of dainty voile waists, prettily trimmed with lace and em broidery, are specially re duced for Friday and Satur day. There is a generous collection of various styles in square and V necks; sizes 36 to 46, at.$1.69 SILK WAISTS Georgette aiul crepe de chine, as well as some hand made models of fine French Voile, are also reduced for the week-end selling. They have recently been offered up to $7.98; but because of incomplete assortments they may be had at.$3.19 I Suzanne Langley Dresses I This new style for young women is being accorded un I usual favor. Of fine wool velour, with collar and cuffs ot j washable white kid, handsome belted, and with one pockety j the price is only ... * 1 HANDSOME TWEED SUITS j For general utility and early fall wear; fully line<*''g ' I fancy silk; priced at * CHAS. SEEL & SONS --rer Market St. Est. 1884. Phone 1330 Roofing and Metal Work, Portable Garages Roofing In Slate. Slag. Asbestos. Plastic. Tin, Iron. Zinc and Copper. Slate and Asbestos Laid Over Shingle Roofs , Metal Celling and Side Walls, steel Lookers, Mu<l Guards; Pulley and Machine Guards. Metal Cornices. Skylights and Ventilators. Fireproof lloors and Windows. If it’s made of metal, we can make It. Repairing Done Right. ■il sears experience back of this statement. We know how. Ask any one who knows us. I _ Z=f DO NOT TAKE ANY CHANCES! Th,„ 1. only ONE sure way to forward MONET quickly to auy part of tha WORLD. DO IT THROUGH JACOB GOLDBERGER, BANKER 33 Years Experience 432 State Corner Washington Street PERTH AMBOY, N. J. TET“ 199 V_---- — ■' —■■ -' HOUSES TO RENT j Are very scarce, because there are so many more rent ers than owners. The difference between an owner and a renter is the difference between dependence and indepen dence, extravagance and frugality, certainty and uncer tainty, good business judgment and poor business ability. Yet people go on month after month paying mental anxiety and their good money merely for a placo to live. 1 am offer ing A GREAT OPPORTUNITY To those who want to quit being renters and become owners. By a small deposit and for the same money you are now paying i'or rent, 1 will sell you a house in the best residential section in \Yoodbridge that is beautiful in ap pearance, the last word in convenience and containing every modern improvement. IT WILL PAY YOU To communicate with me now as you will have no taxes for the next five years. Read the law: "No taxes shall bo levied, assessed or collected fc. a period of five vears from October first, nineteen hundred and twenty, on ! any Improvements to real estate which may be erected between October first, nineteen hundred and twenty and October first, nineteen hundred and twenty-two. for dwelling purposes." Chapter 355, Laws of 1920, State of New Jersey. A. H. DUNHAM, 258 ELM ST.. PERTH AMBOY, N. J. t fO . THERE’S A special low rate foi *!h" classified ads that are ordered printed for more than one day f - * 1 v EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO \(a/4it a '^e-corv'D, seY/HouR.'. qvt to buH&fcG /\R<5 You 0,0 nxr Q. O p (^q 'f so ^ - 1 <^.oc»p= r. (a/H4T Z— AFU5 A OF you ac«_ I LeTte^S To S«G.N, \3uy thJpu^h r==* rcc- <5-<srr fNl T»"« To fGer them int< fop- T«S M(A(t_ pAY ft H oefo»z.«s* we - ^— -1 CAST dOL hurry AcoNCkTHeN !i rr'S Fecujws ciK©i YOU THAT SMMP TH-C: MAM- SeftVTCE. AT T^ej CAST MINT'S AND THCSTN HOC(_&e LIKE A STUCK PIG- U/MC2N Vou G®T A C-tsTTgR ^>/K nrz. e'R-HT HOUX2-S. CftTE {{' \ ---^ ^ FIANCE OF ACTRESS Henry Lehrman, movie producer and fiance of Virginia Rappe, ac tress, who died in a San Francisco hospital following a booze party in the rooms of Roscoe (Fatty) Ar buckle. SO. AMBOYANWINSHIGH AMATEUR IN ANNUAL SHOOT Oscar M. Munday of South Amboy, a member of the Perth Amboy Gun Club, was high amateur in the fif teenth annual trap shooting tourna ment of the Westy Hogans, at Atlan tic City yesterday. Mundy scored 144 out of a possible 150. Five merf tied for second with 143 each. They were Fred Plum. Atlantic City; K. Neal Gillespie. Pittsburgh; A. Elliott Uainev, New York; Dr. G. H. Martin, New York, and J. C. Griffith. Phila delphia. Several local gunners are expected to take part in another shoot scheduled for today. METUCHEN Ground was broken yesterday for preliminary work in connection with the addition to the Franklin school on Middlesex avenue. Bids wore received a week ago for a fom room addition, after which contracts wero awarded, so that an early start could be made on this work. The Metuchen High School Alum ni association recently organized, ex pects to become one of the active organizations in the borough. Ae regular reunion dinner will be served at the Hotel Bines tonight. Next Tuesday night at the League house tho Republicans of the bor ough will hold a mass meeting, a pre-primary affair. Congressman Appleby will be the principal speak er of the evening. Everyone is in vited to attend._ Tjnwton Midgets Deny Claim Thomas Lagonia, manager of the Lawton Midgets baseball team, de nies the claim of the Amboy Midgets that they defeated his combination In a game on Monday afternoon. . ■ . „ i m (• \ if FREE- — 132Pegc 1 I FURNITURE |i I CATALOG I -/ | Write for Catalogue "B” 1 Goods Held Six Months || Free of Charge 3- Room Apartment 4»OAC fl $425 Value at Ill 3-Koora Apartment 1 3 $500 Value, at j 4- Room Apartment $050 Value, at ® i 6-Room Apartment d*7CA $1,000 Value, at V • LIBERAL TERMS OF CREDIT Value Deposit|Week l)A(j; $100 $10.00 $2.00 61/ /© $150 $15.00 $2.25 $200 $20.00 $2.50 Special $.300 $30.00 $3.00 Cask ! $400 $40.00 $4.00 Dls $500 $50.00 I $5.00 count. tarter Amounts Up to $5,000 Terms apply also to New York State, Now Jersey and Connecticut Free Auto Delivery to Your Door Wo pay Rail Road Fare both ways to purchasers 1 j GEORGE H. THOMPSON CARPENTER AND BUILDER 87 LEWIS *8T.Pr°mPt,y *PHoSe U09-TV t T~ For Autumn Coughs and Colds Our Syrup of Tar with Extract of Cod Liver Oil with Menthol Is about the most pleasant and effective rem edy that any child or adult can . -•* e, without fear of any harmful after-effects. Try a bottle of It sometime, when In need of a good, reliable cough remedy; we are sure you will not be disappointed. The r e Is 75c per 8 oz. bottle. City Pharmacy, Inc. “THE HOME DRUM STORE” 885 Smith Street. Corner Oak - . —' ' m ■ :\ j Retreading your old tires when the careass Is good. Is more sen sible than halt soling your shoes and saves 100 per cent in the Investment. Cord Retreads— guaranteed 5000 miles Fabric Retreads— guaranteed 4000 miles Blowouts. Rimcuts. Guaranteed i for life of tire. Steam Vulcanizing Let George Do It 180 New Brunswick Avenue, Perth Amboy. If. J. 1 Builder’s Directory JAS. A. SMITH & SON ns mcclellan street Phone 51S-.T , r'r?h Amboy. N. J. Rear Majestic Theatre DEALERS AND SHIPPERS OF ASPHALT ROOFING AND SHINGLES ONE PROFIT PLAN Factory Direct to Too IRA R. CROUSE LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL SEWER PIPES 480-500 DIVISION ST. PERTH AMBOY. N. J. Phones 2094 and 2095 FRED CHRISTENSEN CONSTRUCTION CO. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS Office end Shop: 21* Madleon Avenue Estlmatees Cheerfully Furnished John Noble Pierson & Sons ARCHITECTS Designs for all types of buildings Raritan Building. Perth Amboy. N. J. Phone 1422 GEORGE W. STILLWELL PLUMBING AND HEATING 287 KING STREET Phone 771 _Perth Amboy, N. J. GREISEN & THOMPSON MASONS AND BUILDERS H. Grelsen, Room 413. Raritan Building. Phone 1646. Res. Metuchen. Phone 292-W W. H. Thompson. Long Branch Tel. 961-J A. R. A. OVERGAARD Mason and General Contractor Tel. 752-M. Fords. N. J. Next to Poaioffice ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING AND CUTTING In All Its Branches No Job Too Big or Too Small F. B. OVERTON 261 Kin* Street Phone 2017 D. J. WILLIAMS MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS 309-311 New Brunswick Ave. PEIITH AMBOY, N. J. HEADSTONES LOT ENCLOSURES GRAHAM & McKEON GENERAL CONTRACTORS Excavating, Grading. Etc., Sand, Gravel, Broken Stone, Carting, Etc. 319 OAK STREET CARL C. CHRISTENSEN MASON AND CONTRACTOR All Kind, of Cement Work A Specialty Telephone 442 Corner State and Paterson Street, SMITH & OSTERGAARD GENERAL CONTRACTORS Tel. 662 _FORDS. N. J. T. P. HENDERSON A SON MASON CONTRACTORS Jobbing Promptly Attended to. Cement Work. Sidewalks a Specialty Estimates Furnished 226 STATE ST. •_PHONE 661 LOUIS P. BOOZ CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR 130 SMITH STREET_ FLOOR SURFACING OF ALL KINDS OLD OR NEW FLOORS J. SUNDQUIST Telephone 1332-JFord., New Jersey MUNOZ WAREHOUSE CO. STORAGE AND TRUCKING 236-238 SHERIDAN ST. PHONE 469 _ J. K. JENSEN ARCHITECT Now Located In Citizens’ Loan Building 102 SMITH ST._ PHONE 187 JOHN H. MILJES HOUSE MOVER Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Concrete. Brie: & Frame Buildings Moved 458 NEVILLE ST.TEL. 1443 J. B. KUBINAK ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 188 GORDON 8T. PHONE : 4 PERTH AMBOY, N, J. EUGENE BOROS MONUMENTAL WORKS Monuments, Headstones. Etc. Corner Amboy Ave. and Barclay Street Telephone 1523 Perth Amboy. N. J. Perth Amboy Bluestone Co. OFFICE 91 GORDON ST. CUT STONE, FLAGGING & CURBING PHONES 544-J & 359 A. B. MASON Skyllcht. Metal Celling. Plpelesa Furnacea and General Sheet Metal Work 90 JEFFERSON ST.TEL. 815 CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN ROOFING CONTRACTOR Slate. Slag and Tin Roofing 515 SAYRE AVE. PHONE 548-R PERTH AMBOY. N. J. B. GILMAN CARPENTER. BUILDER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR 260 WATSON AVE.TEL, 2011-R LETTAU BROS. CARPENTER CONTRACTORS SPOTSWOOD. N. J. Phone 25-M Jameahurg Estlmatea Promptly Farnlahed ROBERT R. B0ZZA General Building Contractor Mason and Carpenter—Repair Work A Specialty 82 Broad Street M Phone 345-M Perth Amboy. N. J. PTeRTH AMBOY 1 HARDWARE CO. Wholesale Factor/. Plumbers’ Contractors’ SuppbeJ. Largest Supply House In Central Jersey. Phones: 8100—2101—2102; Night Calls: 7fl5W, 520.1. 40M. 1S50R. 1310 •‘P. A. Hardware for Service.” V--- -' The C. & S. Co. Carl C. Christensen & Sons SEAMAN STREET Wholesale and retail dealers in all kinds of Mason’s Materials Cement, Bricks, Blocks, White Sand, Gravel, Plaster, Lime, Plaster Boards, Sheet Rock, Wall Boards, Water Proof-Paints, Sewer Pipe. Prices Right, Prompt Service. Tel. 1440 1 ssaissasssasss Perth Amboy Hardware Company If L T. MADSEN, President and Treasurer \ S. G. LEVINE, Mgr. R. D. HOWELL, Mgr. W. 0. REINHART, Mgr. Factory Supply Dept. Retail Dept. Plumbing Supply Dept. j SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Bath Room Fixtures Of the better kind, although you wouldn’t think so by the price. They sell regularly up to $1.50. Your choice of any piece for these 2 days WHITE ENAMEL • ^||| 18 in. x 24 in. Towel Bars YOUT ChOlCe 3 Different Soap Dishes Sponge Baskets ^Z \ B > Tooth Brush Holders X^ NICKEL PLATED 18 in. x 24 in. Towel Bars Your Choice \L * 2 Different Soap Dishes ** Tumbler Holder Cl ' Tooth Brush Holder J X/ # -!--——-—— WHEN THE EVENINGS START TO CHILL—SEE US ABOUT AN OIL HEATER Vacuum Bottles The time is fast approaching when that man will have to have his coffee hot at noon. It’s nice to have it hot any time. $2.25 to $5.00 Lemon Oil "We think so much of this furniture polish that we we put our name on the bottle and wrapper, too. It’s good auto polish, too. Regular 35c. i 23c OUR “VOLLRATH” STOCK IS COMPLETE. IT HAS JUST BEEN REDUCED, TOO. 1 High Standard Paint It’s the best paint that money can buy or man can mix, and we are prepared to prove it. That’s pret ty broad — but we . mean it. $3.90 per gal. i ___ Alabastine [ is a cold water paint that does not rub off. It can be had in alltints of the rainbow. Alabastine is a graduate of the kalsomine class 75c 'rssssi the package WE HAVE A FINE ASSORTMENT OF GIFT S FOR THE BIRTHDAY, WEDDING ANNI- I VERSARY, ETC. I P. A. Hardware For Household Hardware 60 STEPS FROM SMITH STREET 313 Madison Avenue Tei. 2100, 2101, 2102—Private exchange to all Departments. "P. A. HARDWARE FOR SERVICE" P. A. Hardware For Household Hardware CANADIAN FUR CO. 198 SMITH STREET • " '■ — " i HERE ARE FURS OF BEAUTY AT SEPTEMBER ' SALE PRICE. 1 Such values as these in furs are almost past believing. But seeing is believing and one has only to see them! Every piece of fur is sold with our guarantee of satisfaction, k This fur sale covers 1 COATS ranging in price from $45.00 and up Specially priced Coats of Hudson Seal, Near Seal, French Seal, Sealyn, Marmot, Raccoon, Nutria, French Coney, with collars and cuffs of Beaver, Skunk, Squirrel, etc., and a large selection of Scarfs, Muffs and chokers; all latest styles at exceptional values. ! A REASONABLE DEPOSIT WILL HOLD THESE SPLENDID FUR GARMENTS J ” UNTIL WANTED Remodeling and Repairing Our Specialty CANADIAN FUR CO. 198 Smith Street Perth Amboy, N. J. ’« FORMERLY M’CLUNG DRUG STORE BRANCH STORE, 84 CHURCH STREET, NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. J. M. SORENSEN LUMBER AND MASON MATERIALS Wall Boards. Rooflna. Sewer Pipes, Hardware and Paints 601 SAYRE AVE. PHONE 1569 NORWALK TIRES AND TUBES “High Pressure” Casings and Tubes JERSEY TIRE 00. US New Brunswick Ares Xel. til* LOCKSMITH Locksmith and General Repair Shop Lawn Mowers Resharpened. Baby Carriages Repaired and Retired D. DBKOFF, 306 HIGH ST. Corner Smith. Phone 2222 Perth Amboy. N. J. FRANK P. W0GL0M STATIONER NOW LOCATED AT 197 SMITH STREET NEAR M’CLELLAN ST. Eyestrain Causes Headaches, Waterjj Eyes, Nervousness, Etc. Proper Glasses Will Afford Immediate Relief Consult DR. F. J. MONAGHAN OPTOMETRIST lOt Smith Street Dally 9.30 to 12; 1:30 to Monday. Friday, Saturday Till Telephone 2170 ——-i