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I Wild Hotel Parties ■ ' ...T Jk- -7=13-£2 * a.- » » « 8 8-^ ♦ ~ ■■ . — Virginia Rappe. as she looked In one of the pictures in which she ! played a leading role. _ - 1 V a 1 „ ,.1 « „ : nlnnrr ♦ Vl a nnQSt !i*y n. r>. LOS ANQkLkS, Cal.—"High life,” ag It Is lived by some members of !. the flint colony here and in other f cities along the coast, probably will t be bared at the murder trial of Ros eoe (Patty) Arbuckle, the screen j comedian, under arrest in San Fran [ cisco. Arbuckle is held in connection With the death of Miss Virginia Rappe, movie actreHS. who died fol lowing a riotous party In Arbuckle's rooms at a San'Francisco hotel. Possibility that other members of i the film colonies may be drawn into the Arbuckle scandal as witnesses is egpected to bring about several hasty departures from the coast. Any companies planning to 'shoot pictures” on distant locations these days have no difficulty in rounding Up volunteers. Many New Rich Hollywood, the film colony near Los Angeles is typical of the rest. It abounds with those who have sprung Into fame and wealth almost overnight by means of the silver sheet. , , Also it abounds with girls whose visions of fame have burned out, who are without resources, and who i become easy prey to men of much ‘ means and low morals. «, t It is largely because of this type i of screen actor end the sycophants 1— »ygrj£ii^Piem_ym^HoU^von^yTd_ other film colonies along the coast have hecome widely known as places where they "hit only the high spote.” Movies I loom City The movies “made" Los Angeles. When the Aim Influx began here a decade ago, Loa Angeles had a popu lation of only a little more than 300,000. Today it has jumped to nearly 800.000 and la the tenth larg est city in the country and far above the average in wealth. Yet the golden handed movie men always have found opposition among the Los Angeles old residenters. When the mushroom movie mil lionaires applied for cards at the old I.os Angeles clubs, they were turned down. When the wealthy stars tried to pry their way into Pasadena, the exclusive section in which are lo cated the homes of many rich fami lies of secure social standing, they found progress Impossible. So the movie men built their own clubs and formed their own circle of society. They built their homes in smother suburb, Hollywood, which Is today almost an exclusive colony of movie people, and which is as well, if not better, known the world over than I.os Angeles through the work of the film companies. Revels Figure in Suits Certain resorts and roadhouses and hotels within automobile dis tance of Hollywood became noted— or notorious. __ DOINGS OF THE DUFFS OF COURSE I'D LIKE. (THINK MV IDEA IS TO HAVE A FEW THINGS A GOOD ONE! I’LL and live in a uttle spring rr om helen PLACE OF OOR, AND SEE IF SHE'LL OWN SOMETIME! DO it! ,_ tetx nr AB MIGHT AS WELL MAKE IT WORTH WHILE— 5AV, HELEN, WHV DOhTT Vou ALLRIGHT. I'LL (Aft <4 GUESS I’LL MAKE OUT A LIST GIVE A SHOWER FOR GfVE A LINEN j>L'feC OF THE PEOPLE SHE CAN SEND DORIS AND ME? IT WOULD SHOWER FOR •* *** INVITATIONS TO - BUT - — BE A GOOD WAV FOR US TOU! - J. * v/AIT A MINUTE - A UNEW ? TO GET STARTED IN -7T— ' ,Fr. ’ SHOWER - WHV A LINEN 5H0WEE f ^ HOUSE KEEPING, CountS IVE GOT A BETTER , FOR OURSELVES1. lJ DRV^ L— idea! now! —BY AUilUUI f I HELEN. I WAS THINKING OVER. YOUR II V SUGGESTION OF GIVING US A LINEN U SHOWER - WHY WOULDNT IT BE BETTER g TO MAKE IT A FURNITURE SHOWER? | : I J FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ^ A PLAIN, EVERYDAY MAN, POP! -BY “OBSB. ____r—,---nrnrrwii -1 MT-' \ X2, t UTTER THE SAME" DAY t POP.TWEY S (&>} D'DUff ■ . NO" UE WAD JUST A PU1N NOSE, pop! I —— ^•'■"^11 i, -111 i -«c- 1 u—---“ - —BY AHERN THE CRAZY QUILT ___ o / inegot'a r \\ f iVet^eki °ur ^5T ■ XwsBMBKOMlOG-MOMt-UnS^ * ^qE L*CE ACMEUr'] \ \\ ■«*»*«. TOW WM»K^' ^ONW?\ ^ES/TT IS QUT^V '/fWSURWCE POLICY-TOUGWT:; |A0\»1 l\,L COURCT j ^ V\ MV POUCYPWSME WM^TOEKTSOUP) U ft STRWN ’. ^nr»Sr“., : fl VS? =5^-7 ‘ ** ‘ T—J r OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT SIEGEL’S BARGAIN STORE , |j SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th With bargains a plenty for the Entire Family in Clothing, Shoes and Furnishings. Come in and Get Acquainted. We solicit your patronage and know our High Quality Merchandise and Low Prices will make you Satisfied and Permanent Customers. FREE SOUVENIRS WITH ALL PURCHASES. JUST A FEW OF QUR MANY OPENING SPECIALS. II l ___ 1 11 1 ""ll 11111111 1 J 1111,1 <" Ml - ■ !'• Men’s Dress Shirts—Special for Grand Opening Sale...85c Men’s Ribbed Shirts—Men’s fine iloece lined ribbed shirts and drawers; special for Grand Opening Sale . 75o Outing Flannel—Apple Swiss Outing Flannel; very heavy; dark and light colors; Opening Special, yard . 15o Fancy Percale—Blue. Pink and Tan checked percale; very beautiful patterns; Opening Special, yard .20c Curtain Scrim—White, Tan, Cream color curtain scrim; Opening Special; yard ....10c Sateens—Plain and flowered Sateen; very newest patterns; Opening Special, yard ... 40c Suitings—A large assort ment of colors suitable for Guimpe Dresses and Skirts; Opening Special, yard.... 18c Dress Gingham—A large va riety of very beautiful pat terns; Opening Special; yard, 15c. Lincloth Suitings—Fall pat terns of suitings; all very new est designs; Opening Special Yard . 23c Pillow Cases—*!fi x 42; good quality; Opening Special ..25c Kimona Goods—A large as sortment oi* all colors in flow ered patterns; flannel kimona goods . Opening Special..23c Ponsheen—Permanent finish high lustre, full mercerized guaranteed fabric for style and service; colors, White, Tan, Black and Old Rose; Opening Special per yard. .45c Serges—Plain and fancy serges; gray checks; fine wool, Opening Special; yard ...,59c Table Damask—Fine quality table linen, 36 inches wide; Opening Speeial; yard ... .65c Drapery—A beautiful assort ment of draperies suitable for .'urniture coverings and cur tains; Opening Special ...25c Krinklette Bed Spreads— Krinklette Bed Spreads, fancy designs, ironing unnecessary, Opening Special; each...$1.95 Towel*—Turkish Towels, 19c Barber Towels . 12t/jO Bowling Brook Ticking Warranted featherproof open ing special; yard . 25c Linen Napkins—Grand Open ing Special . 10c Toweling—Special for Open ing ; per yard . 8c Nainsook— English Nainsook; very fine quality; opening spe oiai . 25c Pillow Tubing—15 Inch Pil low tubing; fine finish; Open ing Special; yard.45c Pearl Sheetings—9-4 Sheet ing; grand Opening; Special per yard . 50c Sheets—Curfew, ready made ilieets; 72 x 90; Opening Spe cial . 89c Muslin — Winchester SeL* finish muslin; also cambric; special for Opening Special; per yard . 12 c Fruit of the Loom Muslin— Special for Opening Special; per yard .17c Hill Muslin—Hill Muslin; Special Opening; per yd.. .16c Indian Head Muslin—Special for Opening; yard . 20o Ladies’ Hosiery — Ladies’ high grade hosiery; special for Opening; pair . 15c Darnless Ladies’ Hosiery— Fine mercerized ladies’ hose; special for Opening, pair. .25c Ladies’ Silk Hosiery—Spe cial spin long fibre Silk Hose; special for Opening ....$1.00 Children’s Hosiery—Ribbed girls’ hosiery; all sizes; special for Opening; pair . 10c Girls’ Hosiery — Darnless Girls’ fine guage ribbed hose; special for Opening.25c Sleeping Garments—Dr. Den ton’s Soft-Knit Sleeping Gar ments for girls and boys; spe cial for Opening . 95c Boys’ Hose—Bovs’ Heavy ribbed hose; special.25c Nazareth Waist Union Suits —Boys’ and Girls’ Buttoned Union Spits; special for Open ing .. 95c Children’s Vests—Ages from 8 to 14 years; special for Open ing . 25c Misses’ Union Suits—Pine white fleece lined misses’ union suits; special for Opening, 96o Interlock Infants’ Wrappers —Pine ribbed silk finish in fants’ shirt; special for Open ing . 50o Children’s Headwear—Baby Silk and White Serge Caps, beautifully trimmed with pink ribbon; Opening Special... 50c Baby Sweater Sets—Baby Sweater Cap and Bootees, all wool; Opening Special, set $1.95. Carriage Covers—Silk Baby Carriage Covers and pillow case, swiss embroidered; open special; set . $3.45 Baby Silk Coats—Pink, Blue and White Silk Baby Coats, beautifully trimmed; Opening Special . $1.96 Baby Bath Robes—Baby’s fine bath robes; Blue, White and Pink; special for Opening Day . 95c Baby Cotton Blankets—Blue and Pink Baby Cotton Blan kets; Opening Special .-^89c Children’s Kimonas — Chil dren’s Outing Flannal Kimonas Opening Special . 45c Baby Sweaters — Children’s all wool tuxedo sweaters; beautifully made; Opening Special. $2.44 Ladies’ Ribbed Vests—Ladies’ fine ribbed winter vests, long and short sleeves; Opening Special . 9®° Ladies’ Ribbed Union Suits —Ladies’ fine heavy ribbed union suits; Opening Special, $1.75. Ladies’ Flannel Night Gowns —Ladies’ Pink and Blue Flan nel Night Gowns; special An Opening . 89c Ladies4 Wool Underskirt Ladies’ Wool and flannel Un derskirts ; Opening Special 50c Children’s Flannel Rompers —Beautifully trimmed; well made children’s flannel romp ers; Opening Special .... 79c Ladies’ Taffeta Waists—La dies’ Silk Taffeta and linen Waists, beautifully trimmed; special for Opening-$1.95 Wool Finish Blankets—High grade wool finish blanket; fib x 90; Opening Special.. .$1.98 Comforts—Heavy Bed Quilts Opening Special . $2.50 Boys’ Suits—Boys’ fine wool suits, Blue and Brown; sizes from 8 to 17 years; special for Opening . $4.95 Boys’ Suits—Boys’ Wool Suits with two pair of pants, newest make; special for Open ing .. $6.45 Boys’ Kneo Pants—Boys’ Ine heavy mixed wool and cot- ; ;on pants; sizes 8 to 17; spe dal for Opening . 95c Men’s Pants—Men’s Worsted Pants, well made; opening Special . $2.50 Men’s Wool Pants—Men’s Wool Flannel Dress Pants with cuff on bottom; special for opening.$3.45 Men’s Blue Serge—Men’s Blue and Brown Serge Wool Dress Pants; special for Open ing . $4.45 Men’s Sweaters—Men’s Sweat ers ; sizes from 36 to 44; special for Opening . 95c Working Shirts—Blue and Khaki Work Shirts; Opening Special . 75c Men’s Caps—Men’s Fancy Caps; Opening Special... .95c Men’s Shoes—Endicott John son Men’s Dress Shoes; solid leather; Opening Special $8.50 Shelf Oil '''Cloth—Opening Special, yard . 10c Men’s Overalls—Men’s Heav Blue Denim Overalls, Union made; Opening Special .. 89c Boys’ Caps—Boys’ All Wool Blue and Mixture Caps; Open ing Special ..... 75c Men’s Work Shoes—Men’s Heavy Army Work Shoes; Opening Special . $2.45 Men’s Pajamas—Men’s Two ‘iece Outing Flannel Pajamas tpening Special . $1.00 Boys’ Hats—Boys’ Hats, all ,vool, latest styles; Opening Special . $1.46 Boys’ Shoes—Endioott John son Boys’ Tan Leather Dress Shoes; 2% to 5%; Opening Special . $2.45 Men’s Flannel Shirts—Men’s Blue and Khaki Army Shirts; Opening Special .$1.95 Men’s Hosiery—Men’s Fine Blapk and Tan Hose; Opening Special . 15° Little Gent’s Shoes—Endi sotfc Johnson; sizes 9 to 13%; Opening Special .$1.95 Men’s Fleece Lined Shirts— Men’s Fleece Lined heavy Bhirts and Drawers; Opening Special .. ?Be Canvas Gloves—Well made cotton canvas glpves; Opening Special . 50c Ladies’ Oxfords — Ladies’ newest style Oxfords in Tan and Black; all leathers; open ing Special .$3.46 Men’s Union Suits—Men’s heavy fleece lined Union Suits. Opening Special . 95c Men’s Neckwear — Men’s Fancy Silk Neckwear; Open ing Special . 50c Ladies’ Shoes—Ladies’ Tan ■ Shoes, Solid Leather; Opening | Special. $4.45 Men’s Ribbed Union Suits— Men’s heavy ribbed Union Suits, i^at back seams; improv ed closed crotch; extra quality, Opening Special. $1-95 Suit Oases—Suit Cases and Traveling Bags; Opening Spe cial ... $1.26 Oiris’ Shoes—Girls’ Lace Shoes in Tan all leather Open ing Special .$2.95 Men’s Wool Underwear Men’s Wool Shirts and Draw ers; Opening Special ....$1.75 Ladies’ Umbrellas — Ladies’ Waterproof Umbrellas; Para gon frames and Bakelite han dles; Opening Special ...$1.50 Baby Shoes—Baby Shoes in Black and Tan, all leather; sizes 3 to 8; Opening Special 95c. Boys’ Union Suits—Boys’ heavy weight Fleece lined Union Suits; Opening Special, 95c. Oent’si Umbrellas — Men’s Waterproof Umbrellas: Para-, gon frame with P. W. and Opera shaped handles; Open ing Special . $1.60 Ladies’ Shoes—Ladies’ Laae Shoes, Endicott Johnson in Black, solid leather; Opening Special . $2.75 I cTrr'ri d adt A TXT CTHD TT 226 smith street, opp. c. r. r. J olbbLL O dAKvjA11> MUJaiS station, PERTH AMBOY, N. J. f