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• 4 GAME LOSING S7REAK0F WOODBR/DGE QUINT E7 BROKEN Parish House Boys Win From Elizabeth o ^ la a l ard contest on the 4bridge Pariah House court la*l i tght Met a*. . A. DeteFa Pariah >' uaa combination defeated the atron* y as belli T. M. C. A. by a . -om of >1 l* II The four game i.« at.arah of the I'arlah Houae . proarntaufue brohen aa a re , i at the oulr..T»e of Ihto contest and in debating the Kllsaheth team h» »*n «h House boya made up for co,. •( these four defeat*. Tht ouirhoat the ram# the Pariah Hmi* b ,i> played a brilliant brand bun, pom'bly tti’■•ugh the acqulsi • of Freddy Oloehau. one of Perth . i I* dliyt basketball toaaera. •.1 hau, nho featired the Initial defeat of |h* Parian Houae team aa a reaulf of hia fcri'llant work with h.. Sayre. Hie Big Five combination p.ayed at hi* beat ast night. He was s lie I l.ot for the floor work of the B k me team and hia passing In the ■ e.-eoed half »a» mainly responsible ^ ft r the reeu’t of the game. Blit Mart.*. I-orch and Irv Martin * ere hlah a opera for tha home team n this game, tfek trio making twen i nine the points credited to the I’ar'sh House team Miller was high a> erer for the visiting team. During the Brat i rrlod the going was nip and tnck throughout and he eeaaton ended 14 to 14. The l 'Uriah House team used Loreh, W. Martin I. Martin Oloehau and (k hwenae In this period. In tha second half Charley Hughes sent to forward in plane of Lorch, ■ nd later n this period Lorch re* turned to forward, and Hughes re ola ed Bchwenacr at guard. Bril-, i ant work hy the Pariah Houae play- 1 -- —-- - - —— - - - - — -.SAAS.^Si e*Sa I era In this session made them deser vent of victory. The Parish House team, according t,o Manager Deter, can be counted on as a dangerous factor In the coun ty race fr< m now on. Tomorrow night the Woodbridge team will play the second game of a sdrles with the Michelin Tire Company team of Milltown. This team was overwhelm ingly defeated by the Parish House hoys In Wocdbrldgc. but the game at Milltown will be played according to the two-hand -dribbling rule*. Next Tueeday night the strengta of the Palish House team will be given a real test for the Y. M. H. 'A. combination of this city is scheduled. The Y. M. PL..A. team defeated the Parish House boys In this city. Me sick, sta^r guard of the Parish House team, is expected to be back in the lineup for this game. The score: Parl«lt House a. f. ti. I.orch. f . 4 0 S W. Martin, f . 4 5 M Hughes, f and g....i. 0 0 .0 f. Martin, c ..4 0 8 Glochau, g . 1 0 2 Schwenrer. g ...i. 0 0 0 tlS 5 II o. f. ;n. Seles, f . 2 1 5 Miller, f. 3 6 12 Woosey, .. 1 0 2 Peterman, g .... 1 0 2 Weber, g .. 1 0 2 8 7 23 Referee, Buckley. WILinilRG T. ft U HERE Will Play Local Y. M. R. A. Here Tomorrow Night Big Game The Willi maburg T. M. H. A. bas ketball team, rati d as the strongest V. hi. II. A. combination In the Eaat ern diet net. will appear on tile V. M. H. A. court in thl# city tomorrow » night to give battle to Manager I. Levine* local senior T. M. H. A. I earn. Thla la the sixth gam* on tha schedule of the local toaaers who have a rAbord of four wins and one defeat to (late. The visiting team will appear on the court with hhulinait of the East ern district high achool. high point scorer for the P. H. A. I- laat year; Pints. atar of the lie Witt Clinton high achool team In l*i# and 1#17; Kurzm.m. of the Brooklyn Polytech nic Institute team of l»l»l Jlargu lle*. who played with th# Y. M. Ii. A. team last year, and Bchwartg. who waa with the C. C. N. Y. equad •averul yeara ago. Phulman and stuU are expected to Mart In the advanced poaltlona. Hchwartg at center, and Margullea uml Kurwnan at th« guarding poal U.m*. MlUsteIn if th# champion .Newton liiBh achool team of 7*17 1*1 s. and I>r. Weiner, of the Boy* hlv!i *cho*l champion* of Brooklyn :lu! Long Island In 1*1* and 1*17, wUi also appear with thl* loam. Manager 1-evtne la dealroua of reg iatcrinK a win 'over the crack Will iamsburg tram, eo aa to go to Woodbridge next Tueaday night with a record of thg£* wlua. A vic tory for the Y. M»l. A. team on Tueaday will practically put the Parts!) House combination out of Hie running, unlea# th* Parish House players defeat some team which In turn defeats the 1 ■ M. H, A. combi nation. HELMETTi BOWLERS BEATEN m HEEMETTA. Dec. 14:—Dupont won over Heltnetta In the Middlesex w county Industrial bowling league match at the Dupont alley*, displac ing Helmetta from the lead in the league race. Petrie was high score of the match and Nehrkorn contin ued In the high scoring with a dou ble century. He still retajna the high srore'honors with a mark of 256. The acotes follow: Kehrkorn . 15® 212 1*® ... 141 171 post . 1«® l»s 211 Dawson . 179 1«5 Wagner . 1*2 _14« _1*« - 828 852 871 Helmet la Club • Rothhar . 154 147 174 McCain . 1*1 1*7 190 Valek . 11* 155 147 Petrie . 213 „1«3 155 Denting . 151 _1S4 _14J 852 78* *09 The neat matches will be rolled Krldav night as follows: Roosevelt at Helmetta. Dupont at Sayrevllle. Hercules at Mirhelln. | MILADY’S BEAUTY PARLOR * A. MIL. PROP HOURS—A A M. to « P. M TUESDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY UNTIL A P M 79 SMITH STREET PHONE HI PERTH AMBOT H J i 1 ■ A -V . — v I Senior Boys and Junior Girls Victorious in Opening Games The Senior boyc anti the Junior girls were victorious in the opening games of the Perth Amboy high school interclass series which were played on the school gym court yMterday afternoon. This after noon the Junior and Freshman boys are scheduled to clash, while the Senior and Sophomore girls will Play. It waa necessary to play an extra period t" order to decide the boys game, the final score being 10-9. At the end of the first half the Sopho more boys led 8-2. During the sec ond period of this game the* five tnan defense featured the work of the two teams. Jerry Nussbaum was rushed into the Senior lineup in the second period In an effort to end the advance of the Sophomore team, and through his brilliant all-around work the upper class team was suc cessful. Seaman wa^ the indlvidral star of the winning team, while I.ybecD featured for the losing team. The Sen <>ra started with Seaman. Slad kue, J. Patten. Shumsky and J. Kass. and Forman. B. Kass. Mahl> Main. Fin Oozdirs and Nussbaum were substituted during the game. Daw sod. I-arson, Mrfahe. I-ybeck and Martin started for the Sophomores, and MarWtlliam. Roth and Olseesky were the suhstilutw. Rufus Allen refereed this game, while Miss Marion Burna refereed the girls game. Junior Girls Win The Junior girl* won an Interest ing game from the Freshman girl*, the final arore being 18-9. and the srore at half time was knotted five all. The Misses Pavlovsky starred for the winners, while the Misses Hoy and Frazer led the Freshman team In scoring Both teams show ed the effect of constant effort by Miss Merlon Rums and her student assistant coaches. . The score: Junto re G. F. T1 rtman. f. # Pavlovaky, .. 1 - 1 - Palmer, c . # ® ® Griffin, sc . ® « ® Conard. g .'* ® ® Spltter, g . # 0 0 S 8 13 Freahmrn O. F. Tl. Hoy. f . 1 3 J Fraaor. .. * Hughes. C . 0 0 0 Falkenstum. sc .0 Perchard, g 0 Mahler, g .. ® ® • ~* * * Bowling at Hrtanetta HEI.MKTTA. P«c. 14:—A tourna ment to choose the high score bowi srs of Factory "V" of the Oeorge W. I to line plant ahowed llltls to rhooas from aa to high score* In a match rolled at the Hslmatta Club alleys Monday night. The acorea and llna. up follow: 1 Clinton %. A. C. Kruger . 1*1 1*1 !*• H. Combs . 11* !•* F. Wltkowskl ..1** 1*« 1«* ft. Mason .14* 117 144 W. Clinton .... 144 11* 111 111 44* 41# Dr* an V A. A. Oromsna ... *1 ••• F. KiUlan. 11* ** Lmvan .•«....« 1*4 1*4 141 A. Pmlth ...... 1(4 14* M. Smoke.It* 1** K* A. Valek . 1** ... Peter Utkaak. ... 14* 174 41* 4*1 7*4 The IVvan flvs were chosen to represent the factory la future matchs^— - niiOKir HF.vnsc— • AC PROVEN SlCCESS The CALORIC baa made good la over 1*4.444 buildings. It has year* of service back of It Can you afford to experiment with Imitation*? Get a CALORIC And be 8VRB KELLY A Mr.UJIHn COMP INI 74 Smith 84re*t Spec lit Hats la Circulated Heat. I * 4 CLOSE GAMES Terra Cotta and Bakelite Now Tie for Lead-Games Last Night _ Industrial Volley Ball Ix'agtip P. \V. L. P.C. A. T. O. No. 1. 2 2 0 1.000 Bakelite . 2 2 0 1.000 U. S. Cartridge.2 1 1 .500 A. S. & R. 2 1 1 .500 Dry Docks. 2 1 1 .600 S. IT. C. 2 1 1 .500 R. * H. 2 0 2 .000 Lead Works . 2 0 2 .000 In four matches played in the in dustrial volley ball league last night the Atlantic Terra Cotta and Bake lite teams continued undefeated while the A. S. & R. and U. S. Cart ridge teams, both of which won last week, were among the losing teams. The Standard Underground Cable Works team and the Dry Docks combination broke Into the winning column last night also, evening up the standing considerably. In the match between the IT. S. Cartilage and Bakelite teams it was necessary to play three games. The Bakelites won the first 15-8, the Cartridge men the second 15-11 and the Bakelites the third, 15-3. The winning team used Rudders, Kardos, Cornelius, Graiskowik, Holecka and Frederlckson, while the defeated team was composed of Burns, Lar (ombe, Power, Baldwin, Newcomer And Hornsby. The Standard Underground Cable team won two straight games from the R. & H. by scores of 15-5 and 15-4. The Cable workers had A. Gardella, G. Gardella, C. Ryan, Von Daggenhausen, Sullivan, Dover and Taton. The chemists were Karl, Vroom. Gager. Hooner. Tonneson, Fish. The Dry Docks tqgm was given some real opposition by the lead works In the first game, the score ending 15-13, but in the seco.-u game a margin of ten points separated the combinations, the score being 15-5. Playing with the shipyard men were Dawsor> Henan. Marshall. G. Chismadia, Jensen, Kurowsky and J. Chismadia. The Lead Works used Schicker, Pfeiffer, Griffen, Ernst, Muccilll and McCreery. The A. T. C. team defeated the A. S. & R. combination in tv- close games 15-9 and 15-14. The terra cotta team consisted of Anderson, Janderup, Meshrow, Hixon. Halii gan and Jensen. TI)c smelters lined up with Einhorn, Prantle, A. Wii eon. Gloft, Melko, H. Johnson and Sperr. " r Jersey City Y. M. H. A. and So. Amboy Independent - Girls Will Appear - * * \ * - - Two big games have again been scheduled lor the Auditorium court in this city on Saturday night. In the mr.ln game the Jersey City Y. M. H. A., state champions, will be given a chance to break the winning streak of the Perth Ambov Speedway team, while tht preliminary attraction will be between the South Amboy Inde pendent girls and a combination Jcnown as the County Stars. The lat ter team will be made up of three local girls‘and two Roosevelt play ers. The Jersey City Y. M. H. A. team won the state association honors last year, defeating the Trenton team champions of the Central district. The Trenton team defeated the Perth Amboy Y. M. H. A.' team in the de ciding game of the Central district championship. Jersey City also de feated the Pert!. Amboy team last years. According to the management or ths Hudson county team, the Jersey City association team through the acquisition of several new men. is stronger than ever this year. A big crowd from the New Brunswick Y. M. H. A. la expected to be in at tendance at this game because of the fact that several of the Jersey Cl*y players arj particularly well krnMgn to the members of the New Brunswick association. There is a great deal of interest it» the girl*' game *s the South Am boy girls team ts rated a* one of the strongest female quintets in the flght for county honors. \ ■ ■■ — I BALLADS OF BASEBALL BY GEORGE MORI ART* The football rooter'a noise lias passed, and now while it is freezin’, tint baseball nut shoots off hia blast about the coming season. Today I met a baseball hound, and by the stars above me, lie surely covered sit the ground before he Let go of me. Queer stories fell out of his mouth. Joy In hia heart was reigning. He told me when learns would go South to start their spring-time training. He babbled onward like a brook with bin delineations: he talked enough to fill a book with baseball situations. He said the spitter should be can ned. so pitchers coul<h not work it. He said the draft resumed in every minor circuit. He spoke about ths case of Mays that led to the Injunction: he said such action never pays, and magnates should this bunk shun. 1 tried tq stop his lengthy squeals, hut I could not molest him; he niled me up with trades and deals while I stood there and yeesed him. I listened to him boast and brag; such gab' how could pour it! t know now who will win each flag If I take hia word tor It. The football rooster* noise has passed, and now while it la freezin'. the baseball nut shoots off his blast about the coming season. « LOUIS DUBOIS WAT80N til BETTOR ftTRKET Irl. tW I Peril %«ubsy ft. J. » notary Pt*m-tr A. * ll-Stlonv for BoUller Rums. Civil Rtf 4p«n •»*• American Yetarao ud WI4* Pensions s specialty. Oyrs Every Ewalas ,r®« 7 Is I P. M. BIKE MARVEL I i • r Alfred Goullot, hero of the six-day race at Madison Square Garden. He won thirteen out of the last eighteen sprints and with his partner. Maurice Broceo. won the six-day event. Bowlers of Local Lodge Ex pect to Win Match at . Union Hill The Perth Au>Jooy ■‘Bills" are hopeful of stepping into first posi tion in the Elks state league by tak ing the measure of the Union Hill team in a match on the Union Hill alleys tomorrow night. At the pres ent time tho Hoboken team is lead ing the league by a one game mar gin, while the Perth Amboy, Passaic, Paterson and Newark Elks are tied for second place. Other matches scheduled 'for to morrow night are as follows: Jersey City at Bayonne, Kahway at Pater son, Hoboken at Elizabeth. Newark at Plainfield, and Rutherford at Passaic. Perth Amboy missed a good chance last week to step Into the lead when they lost two out of three games to the Bayonne "Bills" in a match on the local alleys. The Bayonne team has been traveling at a poor pace in the league games to date. If the local “Bills" continue tlfeir present gait they should be at the top of the ladder when the final match 'of the season is rolled on Thursday night. April 6. WIELDS Two Big Games for So. Am boy Fans Tomorrow Night SOUTH AMBOY, Dec. 13.—The Associated Club basketball team of Plainfield will play the South Am boy Junior Mechanic quintet on the South Amboy High School Auditor ium court tomorrow nigl)t. The Plainfield team has been going at a rapid pace in Union county and ex pects to carry off honors in this game. The South Amboy represen tatives have been defeated four times this season, on all occasions by Perth Amboy teams. A big crowd is expected to turn out for this game, as South Amboy fans aro again taking interest in the great court games as a result of the excellent showing being made by Manager Samuelson's team on the court this year. Manager Samuel son's players declare they are still in the fight for the county champion ship, their real opponents for this title being the Speedways of Perth Amboy, and this team will play a return game with the Mechanics on January 19 on the high school court. The work of the Speedways will be constantly watched by local fans up to that date. The regular team of the Junior Mechanics will take the court in to morrow night's game, Bennet and Perkins, forwards; Furman, center, and Anderson and Wilber, guards. Preliminary Gum*’. In a preliminary game the strong South Amboy Independent girls’ team is scheduled to play a strong county team, possibly one of the leading teams from Perth Amboy. FIRE ALARM BOXES 21—Gordon snd Meade Streets 23— Madison Ave. and Paterson St. 24— Market and Sheridan Streets 23—Smith Street and Central R R. 26— Market and First Streets 27— Raritan Copper Works »S— High and Lewis Streets M—Madison Avenue and Smith Street. 13—Smith and High Streets 3«—New Brunswick Ave. snd New Street 37—Smith and State Streets 41— Standard Underground Cable Co. 42— Atlantic Terra Cotta Works • 43— Buckingham Ave and Hartford St. 46—Commerce and Front Streets 4«—State and Washington Streets 47 —High and Washington Streets. 52—Cortlsndt and Easton Streets 54— State and Buckingham Ave. 55— Parker St and Pulaski Ave. 54 —H«II A**e. and Charles St. 37—Siats and Wayns Streets 54—Near Lead Works '•—Maurer 2—Washington Street and Park Avenue 13—New Brunswick Ave. ana Elm Street *4—Smith Street and Watson .‘venue 16—Commerce and State Streets ’j—Front and Smith Streets :j—Water tmk isoraon Streets r4—Kearny Ave. and Gordon Street II—Brace and Hanson Avenues 1?—Smith and Herbert Streets 15— Atr.b**y Ave. and Washington St >4—Lehigh Ave. and Stanford Street 13—Near City Hospital 16— Cleveland sod Brace A Tenues 17— Amboy and Hall Avtnuee ij-AmU'.' Ave. and Inalee Street IS—Uwr*nct and Fraiwl* .Street* • i—Neville anti Johnstone Streets , x ^ ' • ___ Registers Second Victory in Eighth Grade League by Defeating Room 20 Standing Eighth Grade League W. L. P.C. Room 1 . 2 0 1.000 | Room 3 ...j. 2 1 .607 ■Room 20 . 1 2 .333 Room 23 . 0 2 .000 I Miss Id;. Miller’s Room 3 repre sentative basketball team in the Eighth Grade League at the local Grammar School, climbed inis sec ond place as a raault of defeating i the Room 20 representatives in a ! game on th- local V. M. C. A. court , yesterday afternoon by a score of 24 to 17. The Room 1 representatives are leading the circuit with two wins | and j>ary adefeat. Jlurke. Fhicci and Paris featured for the wintiing team in the game yesterday, the former scoring sixteen of his team's twenty-four points, while the work of the Room 3 guards was responsible fo- the outcome of the game. Room 20 led at half time, 10 to 3, and at the end of the second half the two teams were tired, 17 to 17. The Room 3 players scored seven points , in the extra five minute period. The score: Room S. G. F. Tl. Burke, f . 6 4 16 Sladkus. f . 1 0 2 Jensen, .. 1 0 2 Pucci, g. O 0 0 Paris, g. 2 0 24 10 4 24 Room 20 G. F. Tl. Sorenson, f . 2 0 4 Siens, f . 1 2 Roth, c . 4 3 11 Glaus, g . o o 0 Katz, g . 0 0 0 7 3 17 Referee. Waddell. CASEYS PHY • SEPARATE FIVE, — Woodbridge and Roosevelt Teams Will Clash on High School Court — There is great interest in the game scheduled to be played in Woodbridge tomorrow night be tween the strong Roosevelt Separate quintet and the Knights of Colum bus team of Woodbridge. This game will be played on tlio high school court, and will start promptly at 9:15 o’clock. Manager Trainer's Knights of Columbus team has met defeat in the two games "played to date, the Orange Knights of CAdumbus an! Perth Amboy Dry Dock quintets registering victories over the Wood-I bridge ulfit. The Roosevelt Separ ates went down to defeat after a bitter battle in a game with the Dupont Big Five at Parlin a week ago last night. Manager Jacobowitz of the Roose velt team is well satisfied with the showing of his players in this game, and expects better results as the season grows older. The Roosevelt players have held several practice sessions in preparation for this game. Girls Game A girls' preliminary game between two leading teams is also scheduled to be played, and this game will start promptly at 8 o'clock. V If A la Iwl a V a n a _ Standing in Monday-Thnrsday Busl- ! ness Men's Y«lley Hnll Ix-ague. P. W. L. P C.1 Peakes . 2 2 0 1.000, Rankin .. ' 2 2 0 1.000; Parker . 2 0 2 .000 Oliver . 2 0 2 .000 The new Monday-Thursday busi ness men's volley ball teams were chosen Monday afternoon by the captains and the first games played. Peakes defeating Parker in two straight, while Rapkin won from Oliver twice. The new teams are, as follows: Parker: Johnson. Major. Strem lau, Pierson Kasprzak Bowman. Tat ton Reilly. Mosher. Counihan, Kate. | Peakes. Sharp, Schrimpe. Weit zen, B lac If. Slobodien. Toolan. For man. Farris, Treene, Bernard, { Hooper. F. Oliver: Dover, Warter, Frank I Comings, French, Bartlett, Bedell, | Massopust. J. Karkus, Margaretten. Atkinson, RawTtipre Oliver, Coogan Rankin: Prantle, Goldberger. W. Oliver, Piekersgill, Reimers^Cl. Mil ler. Gager, Holm, Clausen. Ferris. Suit, Dill. Following are the new junior em ployed boys' competitive gymnasium teams: Capt. Kid, Sians, ft. Torrell, Kohler. V. Palo. Griffin. Arnstein. Miller. Richer. McCabe. Montanla. A. Goran. Capt. Karl, Thullesen, G. Meggison. R. Peterson, Sorenson. Sneath, Gueria. S. Palo. Spevack. Miller. Eike. Dzubay. Capt. Ford, Stevenson. Cluney. Ratajczak. John son. Rasmussen, Kaufman, A. Meis {ueh. Truelson, Kubinak, Joansen, Wood. Capt. McCallen. Seaman, Breslow. Anderson. Reppert, Bow man. Preacher, Goldberg, Woit seberk T. Snev'ack. Puhin. ETES EXAMINED Heartaches Relieved of pruperly Fitted Gla««. Oroun^l oe ita» Pr«mi«M L MANN-Optica? SperlalUt 87 U Smith Slrset GEORGE H. THOMPSON C IRPENTUR AND Bt'lIKKR Julihlua l-ruineth Attended I* It LEWIS ST. FHONB lie* U F1F. ““ ; NEARERl )| Forman & Fullerton Win 3 Straight-Are Now in Second Place _ i Standing in Two-Man Tourney w. u p.c. I Pemberton & Comings 29 13 .6*0 Forman & Fullerton .14 12 .66? Payne 4k Raymond ..25 14 .641 Johnson & Johnson.. 21 13 .583 Olsen & Wiberalske .. 20 16 .555 Ramsav ic Golden ... 20 16 .555 Mallet & Nielsen _ 21 18 .538 Coughlin & Sampson .19 17 .326 Art Bagger & Benish. 22 20 .523 I.arsen & Tilp. 22 20 .523 Andersen & Greisen .. 19 20 .487 A1 Bagger & Parker.. IS 21 .461 Hope & Smith . 14 22 .389 Harding & Sinclair .. 8 31 .205 SCneath & Nebel .... 7 32 .177 j SPTS TAKE 2 F ANP F.| The Forman & Fullerton combi- ; nation increased their chances ot! winning the two man bowling tourne ament at the "Y” last night when t they won three straight games trim Sneath & Nebel. As a result oi these games ’-'orman & Fullerton now go into second place. In order to win the league they must win all six ot their remaining games. Nebel & Sncath hit no high scores last night the highest score made by e.ther In any game being 158. Forman made three high scores, all over the ioubla century mark. 221, 206. and 210. for an average of 212. Fullerton made 216 in the first game and averaged 13C. The scores: Avs. Nebel . 124 138 143—142 Sneath . 146 158 129—144 270 316 272—286 Ave. Fullerton .... 216 152 190—186 Forman . 221 206 210—212 437 335 400—395 Bib UN ItS I FOR SO. RIVER % Sterlings Will Have Michelins as Their Opponents in Game Tonight * j m_ The biggest crowd of the season ; for a basketball game in South I Itiver is expected out tonight to wit ness the contest between the Sterl ings of South River and the Miche lins of Milltown. This game, the tlrst of a series of firrT will be played on the South River high school au ditorium court, and will start promptly at 9 o'clock. The pfobable lineup of the con tending teams; Sterlings MicbelUis Meury . Dickinson Fitzpatrick .. Sohl forwards Maleski.Janicker center Kppnger . Crabiel Anderson . Haeft'ner guards Savrevilie, New Brunswick and South River fans are expected to turn out in large nuubers to root against their Milltown rivals. It is the tirst time in many years that a Milltown team played at South River. The second game of the series will be played at Milltown In the near future and the deciding fifth game if necessary will be play ed on the court decided by the toss of a coin. The Sterlings have not played away from hume this season, while tha Michelins have played a number of traveling games. Both teams have good records to date this year. Father McCluskey will be the elev enth man on the floor. WHEELER GIRLS ARE BEATE IN NEWARK The Wheeler gir'.s basketball team of Roosevelt met defeat at the hands of the Central Sramping Girls’ team ,,f Newark on the Newark court last night. The contest was hai J fought throughout, the Aral score ueing 14 to 1C. At the er.d of the Arst half the visiting team led, 7 to 5. Miss A. Rielly. regular of the Wheeler team, starred for the Newark combination in the game last night. Miss Rielly made ten of the points scored by the home .ossers The visitors lined up with the Misses Alincor. Duncan, Me Gettigan, Burk. and Nannen. All Communications Musi be Signed A communication was received recently from Roosevelt in regard to a sporting proposition. This commu nication is signed "A Fan!” In order to publish'same it will be necessary for the writer to send his or her name to the News oAice signed to a statement that the communication was written by that person. Standing in Industrial Baskeihull League. P. W. L. P.C. Dry Docks . 2 2 0 .1.000 T. C. 2 1 1 .500 i S. L'. C. 1 0 1 .000 A. S. & R. 1 0 1 .000 Two more games in the industrial basketball league were played Sat urday night in the "Y" gym. the Perth Amboy Dry Docks quintet continuing their winning streak When they defeated the Standard ' Underground Cable Works team, while the Atlantic Terra Cotta combination, which the two weeks before lost to the ship yard workers, | won from the American Smelting V Relining team. Games ir. this league i are played every other Saturday night. New intermediate teams have be< selected for competition, the cap tains and their teams being as fol low-st Mullen, captain. R. Mat-Will iam, Morrison. Rhodes. Stark. J Mac William: Nielsen, capt., R. Shari Belikove. Burke. London. Gade; Grant, captain. Burbank. Glochau. Martin, Forman, Shihar; St. An drassv. captain, H. Larson, Koch, Roth Eveuer, Klein. -1 Collegians Register Victory Over Parlin The All Collegian basketball team' of this city showed at its best in a game with the Dupont B.g Five of 1‘arlin on the latter’s court last night. The Amboy team stopped the winning rush of Manager Kew mark's team, dishing out a *0-27 de feat after being in the rear at the termination of the first period by a score of 21-10. Sterling defensive work by the Collegians in the second period re sulted in the Dupont team being held to three double counters as against eight deuces in the first ses sion. The visiting team, held to three field goals in the opening half, scored ten double counters in the last half. A field goal and a foul goal separated the two teams at the termination of the game. While Bob Handerhan. Bradley and Hibbard led the Collegians in field goal scoring, and the first two players featured in defensive play, holding the opposing forwards to ore basket, the passing and all around floor work of Waddell and Wissner also played a prominent part in the victory of the Amboy team. In the opening session Epplnger and Furman each made three bas kets for the home team, Anderson made two and Cathcart made one, and Newmark made three foul goals. For the visiting team in this half Waddell scored three foul goals, and Hibbard. Handerhan and Bradley each made a field goal. At the start of the second period the Collegians made fast time in overcoming the eleven point lead of their opponents, and soon had same in their possession. During the final period Eppingtr scored two field goals and Anderson one for the home team, for the visitor* Wad dell scored one field goal, Hibbard. Wissner and Bradley two deuces each, and Mob Handerhan three double counter* The Coll'-gians played a much better brand of ball than they ex hibited against the V. M. H. A. team in this city last Thursday night. Fitzpatrick again refereed lasr night. The score All 1 ollegian* o. v. t; Waddell, f. 1 4 « Hibbard, f .3 0 c Wissner. c. 2 0 4 R. Handerhan. g. 4 11 * Bradley, g. 3 0 «. 13 4 1U Dupont G. F. Tl. Cathoart. f . 1 0 2 Newmark. f . 0 s 2 Furman, c . 3 0 t Anderson g . 3 Cl * Eppinger, g . 5 <* 10 12 3 27 Referee—Fitzpatrick. CENTER EIRES ' VICTORS,29-0 ■ ■ #■ Seventh Straight Win Regis tered Over Newark Team Last Night The Roosevelt Center girls' in reg istering the r seventh consecutive victory last night, also obtained the success of the lifetime of any bas ketball organization inasmuch as 1 they shut out the crack Heller Merc team of Newark on the latter'a court. The final score of this game ! was 29-0. The Heller Merc team was recently defeated by the Wheeler girls of Newark by a score of 5-2. Good floor work and passing fea tured the work of the Centers in this contest, the Misses G. Ellis. M. King and U. Ellis playing a promi nent part in this work. All the scor ing in this game was divided be tween the Misses Eva Sliechtman, 1. Schwartz and K. Robertson. Fotir I teen goals, several of the spectacu lar class, were made by the Rooae ! velt team in this game. ^ At the end of the first half tho visitors were leading 12-0. The home team used T. Carroll. E. Zacp fel. A. Mac-hefty, I* Taneberger and I T. PJesnik. The Centers will endeavor to reg- ^ istor '.heir eighth straight win Of-tMlH season they play the girls on the Milltown court j row night. The score: dfJH Roosevelt Centers. G. F. n G. Ellis, f. o 0 « M. King, f. 0 0 ft i U Ellis f . 0 0 I' E. Shechtman, c. 8 0 12 1 I. Schwartz, g . 5 1 11 K. Robertson g. 3 ft ft 14 1 29 MEET SATURDAY Bedford Branch ‘Y’ of Brook lyn to Compete With Locals Here The second track meet of the sea son with an out of town team will be held in the Y. M. C. A. Satur day night, the strong team from the Bedford Branch of the Brooklyn "Y" being the visiting combination at that time. It is likely that the Perth Amb'.y team will be composed of the same men who defeated the Prudential team of Newark two weeks ago. with possibly one or two additions. I.eo Lowenkopf. one o'f the test high jumrtrs in the asso ciation siveral years ago, was prac ticing last night for the first time this year and he will likely be on hand Saturday night. The evert“ as arranged by Track Manager Hooper are the 20-yard dash. 220-yard run 440-.vard run. one-half mile run and one-mile rum together with the standing broad jump, the runnin- high jump and shot put. A one mile relay may also be arranged. In the meet with the Prudentials, the standing broad jump and 440-yard run were not among the events. As the local association has plenty i f good material for both of these events. Saturday night's pro gram will be more attractive than the one with the Newarkers. The contests will get under way at (?:13 oVlock^^Jdg^row^Ms^ujtlripate^ I THE UNIVERSAL CAR For Your Christmas A nicely equipped Ford Sedan w ith shock absorbers, bumper. Klaxon horn. 17-in. lock steering wheel, a good C ; dependable foot rail tvpe of heater, motometer. extra tire tube and tire cover, complete even to your registration plates, at a cost to you of*$4o.00 F 0. B. your Christmas 41 tree. Deliveries up to 12:00 o'clock midnight Christmas Eve. I Dorsey Motors, Inc. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS Phone 366 Perth Amboy. PERTH AMBOY. N. J. We are now in our new home at MAPLE AND PAYETTE STREETS j One block from Post Office fjj Time Payment* Open, Evening*