Newspaper Page Text
Get What You Wau. Through The "Articles For Sale" Ads—Classification 51 TL-, eve;: :;g news Perth AmtKiy. N. J. CLASSIFIED ADV ERTISINO Index*' and BiandaMiStd and I'opn'a«* 1*«# for Quirk Refmenct All ad« are res*r»ct«d to their Pr^P*"f claMiHration and to th» -egular Th« Evening N***» «tvi» of type CLASSIFIED RATE* Dally Kale Per Line « day* 3 day* l day Cash Charge ,. *c 80 ,. *c 10c .10c 12c No ad taker for l-as than 2 lines. Charged ai the rat* earned. Count "'3 avéra** wurd» 10 the line. Ada .iH allowed th* cash rule i* paid at The Evei.lng New? Off If»* wir hin f> dav? from the firat day of Insertion Charger) ad» may De given by telepir ; Ada ordered for f» day» and stopped be fore that 'Inie will only be ohareed for the actual number of time» th» ad ap peared. charging at the rate earned Long ten.! rales given upon rer;ue»t Telephone 400. A»k for » Want A. Taker. CLASSIFICATION ANNOUNCEMENTS 3—Coming Event« 9—Persona!« 10—Lc~i and Found AUTOMOBILES 11— Automobile« for Sale J2—Motorcycles and Bicycles. 13—Automobile« for Exchange 14—Auto Accessories 15—8*»rvlce Stations—Repairing ;lö—Auto Livery—Oarages L 7—Wanted— Automobile« i ' BUSINESS? SERVICE t*— Business Service« Offered 19— Building—Contracting 20— Heating and Plumbing 21—Insurance 22—Millinery—Dressmaking 23—Moving. Trucking Stornge 24—Painting—Papering 25—Patent Attorney« 23—Printing—Stationery 27—Professional Service« 28—Repairing 29—Renovating aid Dyeing 20—Tailoring and Pre««lng 31—Wanted—Business Servie« EMPLOYMENT 32—Help Wanted—Ft-mals 33—Help Wanted — Male 34—Help—Male or Female 35—Salesmen and Agent« 31—Situation« Wanted— Ferna1.• *7—Situations Wanted—Male FINANCIAL 33—Business Opportunities 39—Investments Storks. Bonds 40—Money to Loan 41—Wanted—To Borrow INSTRUCTION 42—Correspondence Courses 43—Local Instruction Classes 44—Musical Dancing. Dramatic 45—Private Instruction 46—Wanted—Instruction LIVE STOCK 47—'Doss. Cats. Pet» 48—Horaea, Cattle. Vehicle* 49—Poultry and Supplie» 50—Want*il—Llvi Stock MERCHANDISE tl—Articles fui Sale 42— Bunlnei « and Office Equlpmiot fc'J—Boats and Accessories ! 14—Building Materials 15—Farm* nnd Dairy Product# L »•—Fu el and Feed I W—Oonrt Th;ui;s to Hru L wwHl>|lte-ï Things È >0—Household Goods f. ÂO*—Jewelry and Watch'» I SI—Machinery anil Tools [ 52—Musical Instruments j: 63—Seeds. Plants. Fertilizers t 64—£pec|ala at Stores f 6 5—Wearing Apparel . ff—Wanted—To Buy ROOMS FOR RENT 07—Rooms Wit!'. Board I 6S—Rooms Without Board [■ f«9—Rooms for Housekeeping |, 70—Vacation Places £ 71—Where to Eat I 7 2—Where to Stop In Town fi 73—Wanted—Rooms or Board REAL ESTATE FOR RENT M- -Apartments and Flats 7G—Bust .es» Places for Rent 7 6—Farms fo Rent , 77—Houses tor Rent i 78—Offices and Desk Room ! 79—Suburban for Rent 88—Summer Places for Rent 81—Wanted—To Rent RE AT ESTATE FOR SALE 82—Business Property 83 —Farms and l.and for Sals 84—Houses for Sals 8b—Lota for Sale art—Shore Prope *ty for Sals 87—Suburban fo» fcale 88—Real Es'at»* or Exchange W*n»*d Re* Entât» ANNOUNCEMENTS Funeral Ho«er« 4 CLAKK THE KLOHIST—Smith St.. next to Crescent Theatre Flowers for all oc -h«i n* Jold Fish IV! 2&fi-M si HU VE. THE FLORIST—Phone *S4 i l'a I me ferns, pot plants, cut flowers; j floral designs n IpwCltlty -*?~r. Laurie 81 Hit tod Foand in ' l.iUNCH OF KEYS—Lost January -5th from Compton Avo. to Elizabeth St. He turn 115 f'omplon Ave. I HUNCH OF KE VS—Lost Finder* "pleas. return Evening News Offu-e. ■ GIRL'S SHOEHNw - found. Inquire 186 j South First Street. j GOLD "cl'FF 111N K— I rl i t i al a r' 'IV .1. K " I lost on Smith Street between High and Slate Streets. Reward. Return lu ' Ward's Lunch, 4 Smith Street TO RTOISE~ S H EI, L RI M~ G L A SSËS I>M j let ween Reynolds and 2'1'i Hinh St., re j ward if returned to Sarah Fithian, 2»iG High Street. AUTOMOBILES lufomohile AggPClfl I I \ HAYNES—Sales and Service; garago and repairs. Middlesex Motors, Inc. 47 Smith Street. Automobile» For 811I0 11 CHANDLER—Despatch model, 1 !» -1 i:i ex eel lent condition; has been driven on!y •>5oo miles. A real bargain. P. A. Ga rage Go.. L'83 J" ison Avenue. C l IEVROLET TOUftlNG*—a real car to have. I I'll 5. Union Garage Co., L'78 King 1 Street. I l>0DUB ~ DELIVERY— 10J9; '"lik* "new! , big bargain. Atlantic Garage. 563 Am Itoy A ve n 11 e. : DODGE Toi'KhNG—Good condition; new top. «.Kid tires. 218 Gordon Street. 1 »' • I »< !E SEDAN—Fully equipped. Inquire Jacques St. NOTICE All persons concerned may take notice, 1 that I ho Subscribers, Executors and Trua j tr-i'H, etc. of Peter Nelson, deceased, in 1 tend to exhibit their account to the Or i phari's Court of the County of Middlesex, I on Friday, the third day of March, 1 ;it 10 A. M.. in the Term of December, j 1!»21. for settlement and allowance, the I same being first audited and stated by ! the Surrogate. \ Dated. January 1022. i IIA RR V CON ARD. CA ROL LN R N ELSON, Executors und Trustees. I 101» 19—1-31-2-7-1 4-2I-2X. AUTOMOBILES latomoMlN fur Mil« Il . F«JKD TOURING CAU—Slightly used. Will j .stll very reasonable. Frank M. Van I S.vckle's. _ I FORD TRUCK—1 ton. first class condi , lion. TelL 2278-R. • JAKDMJU TÖIJRINÖ—1U2). slightly ue'ed I il20 Ford Chassis; overhauled and re | painted. 191J Ton and half Seiden • hassle; n-l shape Eagle Garage. 340 I Prospect Sf. _ MAXWELL TOURING—Good condition; ri"\v ?op. good rubber 643 A m boy Ave. NASH toi king— 1919, rebuilt mod re painted like new. good rubber. Perth J Am boy Garage Co.. 283 Madison Ave. l'ÈERLLSS roLPE-Lkte~ model; fully overhauled, refinished. For the man who I wants a real good cloned car. See this ;it our salesroom. Union Garage Co.. 278 King Street. St ' RI PPS-BOOT 11 COITK-I920 4~~ puss j enger; beautiful rose velour upholstery; i a-1 mechanlenl condition and priced for immediate sale; terms arranged. Perth A m boy Garage C o.. 283 Madison Ave. ~DOKSFY'S USED CARS I 1920 Ford Coupe, nleo equipment. $325. , 1920 Ford Sedan, $325 l!»lî» Furd Runabout. S S. $150. 1 !> 19 Ford Delivery, $125. Vim Delivery, $200 Dodge Touring, $400. I Podgy Delivery. $200. Used cars are lower in price than you [ will ever see them again. Better buy ont» now; everybody Ilk'ü to wait until the spring. But prie»« will be higher and . ears fewer DORSEY MOTORS. INC.. Authorized Ford Dealers Maple and Fayette Sts.. Perth Am boy. N. J. Near Post Office Phone l s BD C A R s Chandler Touring $575 Chandler Touring. $5<>o 1919 Reo Express Rebuilt, $.S76. Reo Panel Delivery, like new, $1.000. Hudson Super »» overhauled and re-1 painted, new tires $700. SEXTON'S GARAGE _15 Smith Street • SED itA PS-11.20 Touring: 1019 Buick 5 passenger Touring; Studebaker Coupe. Central Garage. 225-227 New Brunswick Avenue. USED CARS—Open and closed modela; I Superior Garage Co Service Station j Maxwell. Columbia, Elgin Mot« r Cars. ; Garford Trucks Corner Maple and Fay ette Street Tel. 1694. USED CARS—Hupmobiie Pouring, late1 model; like new; ono ton truck with j panel body; Ford Delivery, $90. Jefferson, Motors, inc.. 319 Madison Ave. J. RABBIT, ESQUIRE AÈ3SWM1HEPT ques:motweo lost utu swrrcw AND CAN'T GET another to match UER V4A1R. WOVJ CAN 5UE FINDÏT?-C.M. I ANS: GET a MAltt «STOBT.^^^^1 ; DO VOU ALWW5 U/\VE MOT WATER TN VOUD APARTMENT S « ^ ^Tv fV D /A05T 1 ALWAYS > v y A WUAX •DO VOU TX> WUEM XT ISA'T GO DOWM AMD tAWL, OUT TU' JANtTOQ ferNat 3 'V * DOESIT DO AMY GOOD? \k /17 ©ORE.- . tuen me makes rr MOT FOR A\E Don't Bother Us Now, We'ra Too Bjsy sssml/r EACH ONE A SMALL RUNG! Those who have reached the top rung of the Ladder of Success, those who have climbed high but have fallen into obscurity, and those who touched only the lowest rungs, are seen at evening on city park benches—thinking. One man, shabby in dress and dejected in countenance, has nothing to review but days of failure—of lost opportunities to take advant age of Ihe little things in life. The other man, opposite in appearance, recalls his success— brought about by an aptitude to snatch small as well as large chances. One of the seemingly small opportunities of fered each day is to read carefully the classi fied section of the News. There you may .find a job you are seeking, a home you want to buy or a chance to sell some article you deem worth less. Get the classified habit and follow the foot steps of the successful man. AUTOMOBILES Auto Acci'mtiiricfi 14 A TT Etc (ES — W.liard Threaded Rubber Batteries. unfailing guards against need for reinstation during the battery's lire. Battery & Motor Service Station. 149 \*. \v Ht nswlek Av.- TH 1885 '•ATT ER I KS—2 year guarantee uneun 1 i t ion a I ; a new Ray Battery if your old ones goes wrong within 2 years. What other battery darns to do this? Chris Johnson. 163, New R runs wick Ave. _ f 1RES—For s;iie; Goodyear. Goodrich. Michelin. I'isk and United Slates. F K. M"r*in 1 l"> Nf-w RrunswcU Ave ■ - - - - • - '» Servier Station—Repairing I ft • 1 OY AUTO RADIATOR WORKS— Auto radiators bodies and fenders re paired. nuto sheet metal work. 154 New wwtck Ave Tel. 1607. AUTOMOBILE CYLINDERS REOROUND And fitted with oversized pistons, pi«- j ton rings and wrist pins restores motor | power saves g ah and oil and tnak"s old j motors H3 *;ov)d as new 'Parages can .n- I crease business by advising Cylinder j Grinding. Wri'e for price list. Produc tion Grinding Company Inc.. 11-15 Hed- I den Place, Newark, N J. . ,i.i. m GARAGE— I lest equipped re pair shop in town; day and night nor Supplies and accessories. For sor- I v'.-o _r«M 15«! . AUTO PAINTING—John P. Jacko, Auto- J mobile. Truck and Wagon Painter. 80."» Laurio Street. Jitney Bus painting a specialty. j AUTQ WRECKERS—And repairing; al»o : towing; night and day service Phone 469. 2181. 23ft Sheridan St. A. B. Stryker. AUTO TOPS-y Recovered, and repaired: automobile robes, blankets, slip covers. P. Guthoff. 184 New Brunswick Ave. Tel. 1080. COUNTY BRIDGE OARAGE—Motor Caï repairing of ail kinds; touring service. 409 Market St Phone 1631 ELECTRIC REPAIRING—Generator« » 1 starters repaired; all makes of arma tures rewound motor winding our spe j cialty K. & K. Electric Co. 149 New j Rrunawtck Avu, Tel 605, ELLIS BROS.—Garage, for your repair ing. moving arid trucking, car and -axl service. Storage and supplies. Phone 2197 430-432 llmli St FEDERAI Al io RADIATOR WORKS— Auto radiators, bodies and fenders re paired. ai: kinds auto sheet metal work. 190 New^ Brunswick Ave Phone 1360. FORDS GARAOB CO—Expert auto rt> pairing, battery electrical service, night and day; service station Gould Storage Batteries. New Brunswick Ave. and Hornsby St. Phone 205» Perth Amtioy FRANK HI'DA—Commercial automobile body builders and repairers; automobile painting; specializing on touring and commercial cars. 4 .9 Division St. Phone 7 î» :« - J HIGH ST GARAGE—Expert repairing, overhauling, pleasure cars, trucks, carbon burning, automobile supplies 842 Hlgti St Phone 2283. A A. Maurer. JACOB & MORROW —Auto Repair distributor for Middlesex County Seiden Motor Tru 'ks; 1 ty to 5 tons. 340 Pros pect St Phone 206f> MAGNETOS REPAIR ED—Williams Autc Electric Service Station; magnetos, gen erators starters, batteries properly and fully recha.ged 50c. Agent for the With erhee Battery 140 New Brunswick Ave_ PERTH A M BO V AUTO \v RECKING CO. — 1S 4 Fayette St. 183 New Brunswick Ave. Tel. 1394. I . S. MARSH U/S S.M.K I MIKI) STAT KS DISTRICT ( «I RT, IMhtrict ot" New »lerney, ss. CKNTKAL WHARF TOW BOAT CO., vs. MARGE -rr,AK IN A DM1 RA I iT V A KN I > IT JON1 EX PON AS l'y virtu»} « ; i" the above writ to mo «1 i - rocted ami delivered, I shall expose tor sale at Public Auction at Perth A m boy Pry Dock Company. Foot Broad Street, Perth Atnboy, New Jersey, on Thursday, I i i». 9, 1922 :it Twelve o'clock, Noon, the Bargo "LTlaU" as sli<- lies at said place. JAMES II. Mil,HERON. I'. S. Marshal, District ot' New Jersey. 10605—1-31-lt. IN CHANCERY OF MEW JERSEY TO ANNIE KUZMA: By virtue of an order of tho Court oi Chancery of New Jersey, made on the day of the date hereof, in a cause wherein tht Modern Building and Loan Association, ti Corporation, is complainant, and you, Annie Kuzma, are defendant, you are re «iuir«'d to appear plead, answer or demui to the bill of said complainant, on or be fore the third day of March next, or the said bill will bo taken as confessed against you. The said bill is filed to foreclose a mort gage given by William E. McCullough t nd wife to the Modern Building and Loar Association dated February 5th, 1912, or; land in the City of Perth A m boy; and thai you. Annie Kuzma, are made a defendant because you are the wife of Anton Kuzma who at one time was one of the owners in common of the said hinds. Dated, January 12th. 1922. THOMAS L. HANSON. Solicitor for Complainant, mo Smith Street. Perth Am boy, N. J 10207—1-17-24-31-2-7. FIRE ALARM BOXES ?l—Cordon and Meade Street« t'3—Madison Ave. and Paterson St. _4— Ma-ket and Sheridan Street« 2.—Smith Street and Central U R. 26—Market and First Streets "7—Raritan Copper Works -'X—JIiKh and Lewis Street» 34—Madison Avenue and Smith Street. .»5—Smith and High Streets 36—New Brunswick Ave. and New Street 37—Smith and State SJreets 41—Standard Underground Cable Co. 4L'—Atlantic Terra Cotta Works 4 3—Buckingham Ave. and Haitford St. 45—Commerce and Front Streets 4«—State and Washington Streets J? — High and Washington Streets. 52—Cortlandt and Easton Streets I—State and Buckingham Ave. —Parker St and Pulaski Ave. 56—Ha M A-e. and Charles Si. N 57—State and Wayne Streets 58—Near Lead Works .",9—Maurer L"—Washington Street and Park Avenu« 63—N. w Brunswick Ave. and Elm Street «4—Smith.Street and Watson "venue f.5—Commerce and State Streets 73—Front and S nith Streets 73—Water an6 i*ara_>n Streets 74 — Kearny Ave. and Gordon Street SI—Brace and Hanson Avenues 82—Smith and Herbert Streets 53—Amboy Ave and Washington St. 54—Lehigh Ave. and Stanford Street $5—Near City Hospital s»; —Cleveland and Brace Avenues 57—Amboy and Hall Avtnuw *»-—Ambo.- Ave. and Inslee Street U4—Neville tint Johns:oue Streets BUSINESS SERVICE Êiervice Station—Repairing 15 R A KITA N AUTO RADIATOR WORKS— Expert repairing auto radiators, lamp», fenders. *iooda gasoline tanks, etc. 181 New I-î'rk Ave, Phone 2172. RECTOR ST. GARAGE—Your Ford motor completely overhauled for $22.50; all work guaranteed. Carbon burning 59c per cylinder; other repairs equa'ly cheap. Estimates given. LfiQ Rector Street. VULCANIZING—-Steam Vulcanizing and retreading. Billy's Tire Shop. Phone 14•> 148 New Brunswick Ave. WATSON AVE. G AR ACE—Auto repairing marine and gas engines: Ford motors overhauled $20. Tel. Day 2240,.Night 805. Auto Livery—Garage* 10 GARAGES—SI*, and r;ne shop for rent on King Street. Inquire Maple Realty Co.. 215 -smith Street. JOE'S TAXI—Phone «0*0. Day and Night service. Cars to hire for weddings funerals, etc. 426 Division St. SPACE—Suitable for 2 cars in rear of S&S High St. Inquire of Margaretton & Lobel, inc. Karitan Building. Tel. 550. ISusinesM Services Offered 18 liLACKHM ITH—And practical horseshoer Wheelwrlglu and body builder. Chus. J. YonU. -i'.'J New Brunawiek Ave. K. M INDSZENTH Y — Steamship Tickst Agency. 107 Ilall A vs. Telephone No. JU 2. PI," B LB: STENOGRAPHER—And nn niso graphing. Rarltan Publicity Service. Rarltan Building. Tel. 1856. STOVE REPAIRING—Have an expert re nalr voir stove Miller ">3!* State St Building—Contracting 19 I«'. W. HUFF—Electrical contractor, fin ished bouse and all kinds of interior wir ing. radio equipment and Installations. Wood bridge Ave. and Henley St.. Wood bridge. Tel. 627/ t J J. Y El LEN—-Electrical Contractor; finished house wiring a specialty; fix tures at reasonable prices; estimates cheerfully furnished 161 Llnd St. UOOPINp—H. C. Smith. Jr.. slate, slag , ro-.-flng id tinning; waterproofing 123 125 Madison Ave Tel '6(50 lleatlug and Plumbing tU PLU Mi:iN<; — Damgaard »V: Baote. Heat ing arid gas Citing. Jobbing promptly at tended to; estimates furnished. 308 Elm Sr. Phone 2081 PLBMBING—s. 1.. Bui vaneski*. plumbing" heating, gas fitting and tinning in all Its branches; all work promptly done. 670 Charles 't. Plione 1406 PLUMBING—John Klusendorf, plumbing, heating and gas littlng; lobbing promptly attended to; estimates furnished 408 fîrnr»m St Phone 2221 Millinery—l>res»inakiDg *2 HEMSTITCHING—-W« do all kluds of "aid« ami accordion pleating and machine pleating; very reasonable prices. E. Welas ::17 Maple Si Phone 20 72 Moving, trucking, Storage 83 AUTO TUl'i'K I.N(!—Light and heavy; local and Ion:; distance service when and as yoy want It Otto Dietz. State and Chaifftcey Streets. Al'TO TRUCKING—C. Borup, transfer und auto trucking, .storage, furniture arid pianos moved; city and country. 325 State Street. Phone £176. 1 'AliTlNfi — Walsheeks General Trucking, local and long distance moving, also light and heavy carting. 266 Goodwin St. Phon 11>72 Perth Am boy N J EXPRESS—And trucking; local and long distance J. J Sidenburg. 377 Division Sr Phon» 383»J. __ HAULING—Andrew Anderson. Trucking engines, btilers machinery safes, heavy hauling and rigging of every description. Pierce Arrow and Packard 5 ton trucks. Tel. 178. 77 Fayette Street Perth Am hoy. N. J. MOVING—D Kadin. express and storage, long distance moving with care. 204 New Brunswick Ave. Phone "676. 18S2 Pert h A m boy. _____ .MOVING—Li j'per's Express; transporta tion between Perth Amboy and New York; move In city or coun'ry. 296 Washington St. Phone 2318. MOVING—John Hawrylko & Sun. truck ing and moving; local and long distance; personal attention to all work. 162 Chaijncey St Telephone connection. TRUCKING—Eagle Motor Transportation Co.. heavy trucking. 340 Prospect öt. Tel. 2066. TRUCKING—John Gardell, transfer, auti trucking; storage furniture; pianos niov «à country, city. Market st. Tgl. it: j Painting a né Papering 2-1 DECORATING—A P Barner; Palntei and Paper Hanger; work guaranteed reasonable prices; estimates given. 122 So ist_St_ Phon» Mt-W. l'A PER HANGING—Paper Hanging a ; specialty. Wall paper retail at whole sale prices Paper Hangers furnished at Ipwe8t prices. N. Y Wall Paper Co. 3ft< State St Phone 1722 _ Professional Herr Ices I. I'iANO TUNING—And Repairing; tirs class work C. Steinhauser 325 Staî< Rt I>1 ISS4-M Kepairing AH I NET MAKING—( oh.nial Oabinri I Wivf j; home of expert cabinet ir-ikers upholstering; veneering enameling chaii cane' t; glass table top». shelves. mlrrori choice orienta ruga. Cleaning and r* pairing Phon» 23A-M 388 State St. ÇLA1 SUN a- JOHNSON—If it is mad« Q leather wo have it or make it; also repai suit case«, bags, trunks, basket balls, gu: cases, belts, etc. Phono 41-W. 143 Ne\ Brunswick Ave. SHOB REPAIRING—S, Goldsmith ha moved from 127 Fayette St. to 3t'5 Stan Street. All work guaranteed at the low os- prfcea. SiloR KEPAIRING—First class; best oal leather used; also new shoes a. reason able prices. J. Cherenske. IS I Nav Brunswick ' ve. STELLA S HOB RBPAIR SHOP—-tMkOe repaired and remodeled like new. 12 Fayette St., Perth Amboy, N. J. I t ' I h >l„ST EKING — AND FIIKNITI'KI HEPA I Ft I NCI HARRY FEINBBRU St) SMITH ST PHONE 1571 J r P HOLST EKING—-L. L. BRAIOWOOJ ! 1«* HIGH ST PHONE ttl j f*PHI )LSTERER—Overstuffed Curuitu;-« repaired and recovered, springs reset ! John .1 Qnlvlw HI Park Ava Tel 1147-1 Renovating and Dyeing ~ * CLEANING—Alterations. Dyeing Press ing Pressing; prices moderate S Ep afin. -5 5 Madison Ave Below MaJasM TAILORING—And Cutting, la-lies an gent's garments cleaned, pressed and rt paired. P. Palo. S>1 State Street. FUR COATS—Furs and ladies' doth gar ments remodeled and repaired equal t new. Furs cleaned, dyer*, and glazed. / • Greenhouse. 56 Smith JStr#«f EMPLOYMENT , H Hp Wanted—Female 32 j GIRL—For general housework. 137 j Keamy Ave. GIRLS—Experienced on me i i shirts, steady work; good pay Goodman, Cohen & Company. 331 Maple Street; one flight up. jlRLS—Good pay and steady; to operate Singer Sewing machines; examine, pack, e'tc., on camisoles. Neat for m Co., Amboyl Road and Alain St.. Tottenville. i GIRL—For light housework. Apply 180 Main St.. Tottenville. GIRL—Colored or White for general lion so work. 110 Smith St.. upstairs. GIRLS—On Union Special Machines to set in sleeves. Goidsteln-Klrshner Co., 35 Green St., Wood bridge, N. J. i GIRLS—Wanted Inquire Chesebrough ! Manufacturing Co. j Iii RLS—To operate Singer Sewing ma-j chines; steady work. Amboy Waist Co.] 379 Division Street. ;iKJy— Fur light housework. Call 70. State St rent. UOOD WASHWOMAN—Wanted. Inquire 121 Smith Street. LADIES—For local sales work; experience unnecessary to earn $35 weekly. Chance for promotion. Call before 10 and after 4. Room 423. Raritan Building. OPERATORS—OX LADIES' WAISTS AND DRESSES; GOOD PAY, STEADY WORK. SOUTH AMBOY MANUFAC TURING CO.. 163 BROADWAY. SOUTH AMBOY. TEL. ISO. OPERATORS—On singer needle machines Also experienced girls on double needle machines. Brass Buckle Overall Co., 257 New Brunswick Avenue. SALESLADY—Musically inclined, for our phonograph department. Inquire Salter, 357 State Street. SALESLADY—Experienced. Apply 121 Smith Street, STENOGRAPHER—Young lady who is fa miliar with clerical work Write stating qualifications and salary cxpected. Ad dress "44" care Newa. WOMAN—For kitchen work. City Market, 181 Snilt h_ Street. YOUNG WOMAN—To take names for city directory. Write Richmond Directory Co.. Care News. DOMESTIC EMPLOYMENT ~~AGENCY— 320 Market St.. female help furnished Experienced waitress wanted; women by dnv for private families. Phone 1-41^ M Help Wanted—Male 18 AGENT-COLLECTOR—Apply Singer Shop JJ21 M a pie Street. FIRST CLASS BUTCH BR—Call at Mc Louglilin's. 1 Smith Street. AMBOY ! : M PLOY M ENT AGENCY -Li censed Employment Bureau. Supplies men and women for all . type; of work. If you need help of any kind, call upon us and we wfll help you solve labor prob lems P. 10 laple St Phone 1 Itf.2 Salesmen and Agent» 35 RELIABLE MAN—-Sell shrubs, trees, plants; permanent; weekly pay. Write for terms. Guaranty Nursery Co.. Roch ester, N. Y. SALESMEN—Calling on consumers, $4f) to $45 weekly at start. (.'all before 1C and after 4. 423 Raritan Building. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 BUSINESS PROPOSITION1—-Store for sale must sell on account of illness in the family. For full particulars inquire 39* State Street. RESTAURANT—In good business location -Must sell on account of leaving town Inquire 685 State Street. Money to Loan 40 TO LOAN —We liave 13.000, $2.509. $2.000 $1,500 to invest in mortgages on Perth Am boy property. Margaretten & Lobel, Inc., Raritan Building. Tel. 650. üu.ööu, $3,000 and $4,00%)—To place on lirsi mortgage; city property; also othei amounts for Woodbridge and Fords Conatd & Co.. 1 o'J Smith Street. $1.500. $-,000. $2,5<><îT $«.000—To loan or mortgage. Prompt s. rvioe. CAR h JAC< »BS. IT'» Brighton Ave INSTRUCTION ^ Musical. Dancing, Dramatic 44 mNJO—No play, no pay—Banjo, Mando lin. Guitar, ctc. Beginners! Play tunes perfect Hrstu in six lessons or your money back. Ragtime, etc. Instruments sold on easy terms. Wednesday. Friday and Saturday 10 A M.-9 P M. E. Rogers. Ö10 Msplé st.. Perth A m bo y Phone 1962. LIVE STOCK nNigfH._Cats.Pets 4j POODLE—Small. Call after 12 o'clock third floor. 262 McOlellan St Horses. Cattle. Vehicle» 4Î FRESH COWS—And Springers for sale a any lime, extra good milkers; alwayi large stock on hand. J. Xlotkln. Free hold. N_J. Tel. 168-W. PONIES, 2—Cart, harness; I large hors coupe. Inquire 220 Freeman St., Wood bridge. N. J, Poultry and Snppliew ^ CLEME.NSEN'S—Scratching Grain« arn Laying Mash makes hens lay Phone 6S1 Tottenville !»"0 Prompt Deliveries. "CUSTOM HATCHING—In mammoth au tomatlc incubators: best strain whit leghorn hatching eggs and baby chick for sale. Make reservations now Arno! Poultry Farms. 317 Middlesex Avenu« Metuchen, N. J. Phone Metuchen 25' Fresh table eggs supplied. MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 5 ALUMINUM WBAlt—Wear Ever ; will l 15^'. cheaper on every dollar's wort bought here. Gimplcman Bros., 3Ü State St, Phpna 1773, FUR SCARF—A oar gain; men's over coal $5.00. Victor spotlights with mirro $2.98. Big reduction on ice skates, i Perlmuter's. 199 Smith Srteet. ICE SKATES—Very cheap. J. Miller. 34 State 8treet. LEATHER—Oak Soles and Scraps. W carry a full line of cobbler's tools an supplies for home use. P. Barbieri. 404 406 State St. pLD MATRICES—Heavy pressed car board newspaper mats—dimensions sain as this printed page. Best possible lin ing for Inside of poultry houses, garage or for sMeathlng stucco houses. Keep out 1 cold Large supply on ham Price $1 00 a hundred. Call at Evenln News Office, RADIATORS—House, wall and pipe rad ators. corrugated Iron, steam pipes; a kinds of rails, channel Iron. inch ne boller tubes. Harry Goldberg. L. V. 1 R. and New Brunswick Ave. RUBBER ÔOODS — Tbompno • Good yes Rubber Corp.. 315 Maple St. Tel. 21 fi! Everytl !npr in Rubber; wholesale and v< tall. Plumbers. Factory and Househol Sunnllea It il i Id i nu Materials ! ItOlLEKS—J.J Kt-etiin tanks and snioki stacks. sheet iron work of all descriptor Repairing a specially 386 and 390 Div «don St. m'l P. R. R. Perth A m hoy. N. . Phone office Ifl0<: home 2H0-R. If AR] WAI.E—Elizabeth Hardware Cc The Home of Hardware. 137-139-14 ' New Brunswick Ave. Tel. Exctn-ge 12< 121 Perth A m hoy. ! TlARDWÄRE-Tool». Paint». Oila. Va nishes. Wall Paper Palmers Supplik Max Gold fa rb .'ill Btatf Sr Phone 9fi LUMBER—We will have for sale abo April 1st one large frame building. 2 feet long in very good condition. T! , lumber is of very good quality. Figu this material In your Spring building r quiretnents and let us have your b sometime before April 1st for the bull ing as it stands. Nixon Nitration Wor » ^*xon- N. J. ' i l'A I NTS—Atlantic Lead and Atlant Linseed Oil; Plerce'9 Ready Mixed Pair ; S3.25 a gallon; set colora S. Koch. 31 State St. Phone 1316 VA I ; N IS M AND STA tN — lu on» appHr tion. See The Jonles Co. Palm Heat ounrters 1S4 Smith S' Phon#» 19^0 L Farm and Dairy Product« I MILK—Perth A m boy Milk <"o. always i your service. Deliveries everywher I Demand our products from vour deal' • t grocer , When you give jewelry, select your pr ' sent through the attractive and econon 1 cal offers appearing daily in Classiticato * I 60. -I If you like music with your meals. »I after them—you'll want to road the ü . I usual offers under "Musical Instrument in today's classified section. MERCHANDISE ■ Fuel and feed W FIRE WOOD—$1.50 per loud. Sales Cor poration, Morgan Arsenal Office, Morgan, N. J. PERTH AM BUY rLOl R .v ORAfN «'» A two weeks Kale on Old Trail Flour at $4.50. Tel. 1350. Good rhlnys to Kat W UKEAD—liât that so homelike Aunt Mar tha Bread; sold at all grocers. Sim men a MoJql Bakery. ■'OFFEB CAKES—Danish «•offec cakes, pies, layer cak» s. d «ugiinuta. etc., fresh every day a* 2 P M. N. E Bjornson. Jr.. ISO Mew Brunswick Avenue. , KNACEIJROD—Skorpor, Iceland Herring, J Anchovies. Agent Dr Peter's Kuriko E. ; Ohlson. Phone 2045 405 Laurie 8t SALADS—Majestic Delicatessen, ready cooked meats, all home cooking,, cater- ; Ing t» parties and entertainments a spe- | clalty 182 Smith Phone 1634 • Household Good» 99 | AMBOY FURNITURE HOUSE —Furnish es your home right at the tight price 219 Smith St. near Maple. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE—Good condition, cheap. Address Box "Mach ine" Care News. FURNITURE—Dublin f urniture Houie, all kinds of furniture, baby carriages floor coverings a specialty; reasonable pricca; positively^ ''»^^oods. 279 Smith St If ATTRESBE8—'Renovated, i eterlll Ing pr-'teas; cotton $2. hall 53. S,a"',"r(l _bedding Co. 422 Park Ave. T PARLOR SUITE-—4 piece; leather uphol stery; price very reasonable. 257 Borden town- Ave.. South A m bo y. •»cueiry and Watches _ «0 PAWNUKOKKHS SALE STORK —73 j Smith St. Watches and jewelry repaired, also bought, gold; lowest prices in city, j Machinery and Toole 61 MOTOR» AN]' ».1RATORS—All kin I« 1 of A. C. and also rewinding and ! repairing promptly attended to. Perth Amboy Storage Battery & Elestrlc Co., I Madison Av* TeL 1807 Musical Instrumente 68 I NOTICE—Latest Pathc, Actuelle, Emer son, Okelx and Lyric Records reduced to •75c each. .1. Smerllng. 148 Smith St. I PLAYER PIANO—Don't forget to stop and look it over; easy terms; price $25u Brun ton Piano Co. 204 Smith "St. RECORDS—Emerson Records; all t*ie la test songs and dance hits on sale. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, also expert watch repairing. S. Cardon 70 Smith Si Heeds. Plants. Fertiliser* A3 HEDGE—$4.50 per hundred in April, C. O. IX Box 42:5. Fords. N. J. • Speciale »t the 8 ores 64 SPECIAL—Clearance Sale on package goods, 50% off! All perfect; watch for other specials. Hoffman's Art Shop. 230 Smith Street. w.n.rn^ AmomI NOTICE—Men's Hat and Cap M fg. Co.. formerly at -5G Smith St.. now located at 318 ir'mith Street^ Wanted to Btty «0 RLK TRADING STAMP GO. —Buy. sell and exchan^o all kind» of milk labels, soap wrapper« United Profit Sharing Certificates. J rading Stamp. 338 Slate Street. FURNITURE—Second hand highest prices paid; stoves, bedding, floor coverings for sale Sussman. '.'3 Smith St. Tel. 149G-.T. Fl'liN i'Ti: I: ; — Kail- prices for your furni ture. Miller^ 6|9 State St. 793 W. I«' I'UNl TIT It E—We buy all kinds Ncetiml hand furniture. G. Houser. 103 Fayett« St. Phon© 848-W. ROOMS AI\iD BOAKU Rooms With Board 6Ï BARCLAY ST., 407 —Room and bo#Hji In private family; steam Ilea t ; upstates, HOTEL REM INGTON—377 Smith St.. furnished rooms by day or week; rooms steam heated, meals served; also régu la r board. Tel. 494^ JSÂriTH ST., "04—Furnished rooms, with or without board. Apartment Rooms \V IthoutBoard 68 "BRIGHTON AVE., -19—Furnished room for gentleman "only. • - - - . | HIgTi. .ST.. :;•;!» ro-mi ; all improve ments including steam heat. HIGH HT.,. 291—Large furriisljed room; very convenient location. Inquire 2S5 High .Street. McCLELLAN ST., 207-^1 single room; 1 double rooms; all improvements. MA1M-PÎ ST.. -7ti—Rooms for roupie, also single room: all improveni'ntw. _ MARKET ST., 1-5'—1 single and 1 doublo furnish ed room : all Improvements. MARKET ST.. ,".lö—Nice furnished rooms, all improvements. • • RECTOR ST.. 100—Large, sunny room with alcove, facing water. Tel. 125-W SMITH ST., J 7 —One or two furnisher rooms; steam heat. Third floor. STATE ST.. 181—Furnished room; ai conveniences; upstairs. STATE ST., 1N11—Furnished room; gooi , liome for right party. STATE ST.. ii 3 5—Furnished room; 1 od ; gentlenn n. all conveniences. FRONT ROOM—Furnished; all convent en ces. Tel. 898. FURNISHED ROOM— For gentleman; pri' I vat.« family. Tel 64".. I Rooms for Housekeeping 61 FAYETTE ST., 97——2 rooms and kitchen' etto fpr light housekeeping. , "first ST.. 'JHi — layhl houseke. pim; loom: _ improvements, steam beat ! adulté. I HIGH ST.. 279—Furnished light house' keerincf ana rt ment. JEFFERSON ST., 7U—Large. furnishei room for light housekeeping; tfll iin provements. __ KEARNY AVE.. 149—Furnished roomi juif a hie for licht housekeeping I WATER ST., 07—1 or - rooms; with o 3 without kitchenette; steam heat. j W here to Eat 71 r.non.llOâWn' A MT* 8 CÔVf'EE HOUSE • Our best advertisement is. that those who try our homa cooking always 5 come in again. Ileal food at rea-' sonable prices. 194 Smith Street. PRESTO LUNCH—And Bakery; hom pastries; popular prices; open day an( night. 113 Smith Street. Victory restaurant—Oyster «m Chop House, sea food special; po .u!a prices. 322 Stat Street, nea Jeffersoi St.. Perth A m bo> Tal 8284. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Real _ Instate Dealer«* 74' CARL JACOBS—Real Estate. Mortgages Insurance Agents Life. Fire. Automobil« Liability, et#. 179 Brighton Ave. Tel 5 61. / ''ONARD & COMPANY —Real Estate an« General Insurance. 102 Smith Street Perth A m boy N J Phone 210 FRASER BROS.—Real Batata and lusur ance Savings Bank Building Phon C. 53. HANS NIELSEN CO.—Real BaTlê an< Mortgages 190 Smith Street. Rt-a Estate Exchange Building. Telephon 88. t A COB SON .V GOLDFARB—Real Bft4l and In st. ranee. Raritan Building. Phon 185«. , "i.M'Lfci IKALTV CO Real Entai. Smith Rt Phon» 1710. M A *A RETTEN <& LOB EL—Successor to Alpern & Co.. Real Estate, Mortgage and Insurance. Raritan Building Pert] A m boy. n .T PhAne 550 max i. SGÖTT —Real Estate and Gauert Insurance. 30!' Madison Ave. Tel. E10 PERTH AMBOY "TRUST COMPANY Real Estate Department Property in all sections of the city fo sale at fair prices, good terms. If you wish to buy or sell it will be your advantage io call us. "Superior Service" AMBOY RBAI ESTATE EX CH.' NOE and General Insuranc« SI7 Madison Avenue, Phone Hfift SHIRLEY & SORE^st)N—Successors t l> .\ Shtrley. Re?.l Esiate and Insur ance. 130 Sm'th St. Perth Amboy. OfTi. ■'I'Hl even IIV-y Tel 190. __ THEO. S BROWN—Real estate broker general insurance agent: fire automobil« liability etc 283 King St _Tel. VV. A. DROST—Let me rent your apart -ments: no vacantes. Tel. 2347. HAVE several desirable ntv; seel ers .see me. W. A. Drost. Tel. 2347. ADHrtmrntB and Flats 7 BRIGHTON AVE.-—6 rooms; all iinprov« ments.. Inquire 80 Gordon St.. upstairs, All sorts oC office supplies are offere at tho most reasonable pi ices in Classiii cation 52 tpdav REAL ESTATE FOR HENT_ Apnrtnieui« anii Fiat* 74 CATALPA AVE.. 9»—5 rooms and bath; improvements. Inquire Phone 1735. JlVlSlON ST.. 428—5 rooms and bath. Inquire _A rc h en. 36 Gordon St. fXvKTTB ST., 222—Plat for rent. In <1 uire 185 Now Brunswick Ave. Ï It ANT ST.—Near Market; 7 rooms; all improvements except lieat, $35. Inquire H. Lewis. 3 43 Smith Street. JACgUES HT., 5 60—5 rooms; all improve ments. rent $25.00. KEARNY AVE.. I75—-6 rooms; all im pro ventent s includl n g steam heat. MADISON AVE.. 121—6 rooms, all im provements. Inquire 119 Madison Ave. MADISON AVE.. 235—7 rooms; all im provements. inquire 214 Madison Ave. MADISON AVE., -63—6 room apartment; all Improvements with steam heat. In quire 133 Water St. Tel 581-M. MARKET ST., 301—5 rooms; all Improve^ monts, reasonable. Comegys & Bro. 287 Elm Street^ N E\V BRUNSWICK AVE.. 193—8 room flat; all improvements; steam heat fur nished.^ SMITH ST^r 176—4 rooms, steam heat. In quire'Geo. J. Miller. 3U9^Madison Ave. STATE ST., 83—Six rooms and sun parlor, new building, all improvements. Inquire 321 Rarltan Building. STATE ST., 48«—5 room fiat, electric. Iff quire 382 State Street. WATER ST.. 47—2 room apartment; all Im proyera en ta i reasonable. Tel. 508-R. APARTMENT—Finest location, heat and janitor service supplied to responsible tenants. Carl Jacobs, 179 Brighton Ave. Te I e n hone 561. FLAT—7 rooms, inquire Graham's Batt ery. 315 State Street. FLAT—7 rooms; «til improvements, except heat; ready for occupancy. 92 Washing ton Street. ROOMS—To let. Inquire 217 Washing ton Street. ' Business riaoei for Kent im NEW BRUNSWICK AVE.. 110—Store t» jet. Inquire I'hillp Levtne. Rarltan Bldg. STORE—Un Madison Avenue near Smith Street. Inquire P. A. Garage Co., 2S3 Madison ■ Avenue. House* for Rent 77 BROAD ST.. Ii«—Near High St.. 5 room house; all improvements except steam heat. Inquire GS Broad St. or 426 High Street. Tel. 1973. ' MADISON AVE., 234.—House. Inquire Perth Amboy Garage Co. WATER ST.. 160-8—House ; all improvfh merits. Inquire 287 King Street. HOUSE—6 rooms, all up to date improvj* ment3,* fine section; rent $45.00. Inquire B. Streiff. tin Smith Street. . HOUSE—With six rooms, all improve mmt.3 Maple Realty Co.. 217 Smith **6. HOUSE—7 rooms; all improvements. In qulre 281 Washington Street. Office« and l>enk Room 78 OFFICE—Large front office to let. Apply, Ms pie Realty Co 216 smith St._ Suburban for Rent 10 FORDS—5 rooms; all improvements. Airs Moe, Wintfem st.. Ford«. Tel 3219-U. SE WAREN—Near school; h oU8ekeepifi| apartment; all conveniences. Inquire V| 240 Brighton Ave.. City. ^ SOUTH AMBOY—Apartments for rent; each having live rooms and bath with all improvements. 147 aud 149 David St. Inquire 14t» Henry Street. TOTTENVI LLE—Double home, ill! - 31 Arthur Kill Road; nil improvements; i minutes' wall« from ferry. Inquire Vogel'» Hotel. 51.11 Arthur Kill Rond. T«d. 90*;. I*'l.AT—5 rooms and bath; strain heat, $28 center of town. Inquire E. Dabbs, 182 Fisher A \ jot tern file. Tel. 1225, ROOMS. 4—And bath, Rahway Ave. Wood bridge Junction. Inquire E. If. Coddington. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE" Business Property 88 BUILDING—For sale; 2 story; suitable for factory or store house; centrally lo cated. Inquire 429 East Ave.. Perth Amboy, N. .T. ' / I'nrmN and Land for Sale 83 IS ACRE—Farm; J 1 j miles to station good land, fruil. truck and chickens; as paragus Held, 900 apple and pear trees: grapes; 9 room house, bath, steam heat all improvements; good farm buildings sacrifice, $S000; $2000 cash. Charles L Steuerwald, Ine., 208 Smith St. House* I'or Sale 84 BRIGHTON AYE. AND LEWIS ST.— House, 1 lot; house, 2 lots; Brighton and <*atalpa Ave. M. J. Nielsen, 111 Lewis Street. • r—> CATALPA' AVE. 102—2 family house, price $7,000; easy terms. Margarêtten Ä Lobol, In'-. Rarllan Building. Tel. 550 HAZE I. AYE.-—House for sale or rent; 5 rooms and bath; all improvements. In quire L. C. Madscn. 271 Smith St. Tel. *38-J. _ ^ . ___■ ' MARKET ST.- Big two-family house; worth $9500; price $850'». or best offer; easy term«--. Nielsen. 17C New Bruns wick Aver.ue. ______ SOUTH OF~SMITH ST.—ö family; all lm provements; ne\\k porcelain plumbing throughout; rents $92.00; plot 10x150; ga A tage; low price and easy term». Charles M L. Steuerwal«!. Inc. 208-Smith St. _____ ^ STATE NEAR MARKET STREET—Seven room dwelling with bath, steam heat; gas and water; about $5000.00 cash in quired. Conard & Company, 103 Smith Street. West SIDE AYE.. £53—Two family, seven room frarno dwelling; garage, stable and one family dwelling In rear. Masaopust Bros & Co., C92 State Street WILLIAM ST.—2 family house; ail Im provements except heat. The Johnson Company, 217 smith st. Tel 551 Loto For Hale 88 WOODBRIDGE—On High St.. one 50 ft. lot. terms can be arranged The John son Company. 217 Smith St_ Tel. 551. WOODBRIDGB, X. J.—$700 to $1900 Wtü buy rlioice building lots, ccntrally located See us about building. Boynton Bros. A Co.. 87 Smith St.. Perth Auiboy, Is'. J. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS.-3—-Ôn King Georges Road. Fairfield Terrace. Fords. .T KreleI»helmer & Son. 133 Smith St. LOTS—We have lota for sale in tin northwestern section of this city on vers easy terms. Margaretten & LobeL Inc., Raritan Buildhig. Tel. 550. _ LOTS—Desirable building lots on eaey. terms. $250.00 and up. M. II. Madsea. IT". Smith Street and 470 Brace Ave. VERY DESIRABLE LOTS—In Soul6555 section of the city. Inquire of Margnr etten & Lobel. Inc., Raritan Building Tel. 550. Suburban For Sal** 5? KURDS—Muw 7 room house, corner, por , ches; all improveniens; gas range; ont block from Main Street: price low; small amount cash, balance like rent.. Char let L. Steuerwald, Inc.. 208 Smith St. RARITAN MANOR—-New 8 room houoe, !* lot 50 x 100; 7 rooms and reception hall, every improvement, steam heat chest nut trim, white upstairs. Price low. cash required $4.000. Charles L. Steuerwald, Inc.. 208 Stnith »t. TUTTENVILLE—Kino residence. S) rooms Ê all improvements; lot 50 x 147. Prie« U I 500 B \. am« Tottenvllle. N. Y. » , TÔTTEN VILLE—8 room double dwelling near Railroad und Ferry: rents for $40.00 per month. Bargain to quick purchaser, $4500. B. Williams. Tottenvllle. N. Y. I'TENVILLE—7 r< tage; part im provements; l^t 60 x.. ' 5 $3.000; part ' <"vsh. P.»;prs Y i Avenue. ; WOODBrIdGE PROPERTY—And insur ance. Sen J. H. Concannon. 8i) Main St., ! Wood brH ec. Tel. 299.^ WOODBRIDGE—New house; 7 room«, hot ", water heat. 4 bed rooms, sleeping por'h, tile bathroom; open fl rep'ace. unfinished attic; garage. Owner leaving town. Tel. Woodbridge 21"J-M or 112 MI - ' i Street. WÖOD^RIDGE-New 5 room bouse with ail improvements; charming neighbor hood; large plot; large closets; best fit tings: price low and terms very easy. Charles L. Steuerwald. Inc.. 208 Smith Street : Telephone Your Requirements Our Classified ^ Will Do the Rest