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f'RS. BOYNTON ATTENDS , ANTI-MOSQUITO SESSION WOODB RIDGE. Feb. 10—Mr*. E. M. Boynton attended her first meet- 1 ing as a member of the Middlesex [ County Mosquito Commission at the ^ Entomological building at the State ' College, New Brunswick, Tuesday 1 night Mrs. Boynton, has the honor ot being the first woman in the state c to be appointed on a Mosquito d Commission. It is understood that li Bergen county contemplates a sim ilar step. f Mr*. Boynton will attend the Mos- t qutto Extermination convention at » I t!r>nf • - f'lty during the first week 1 March. SOUTHAMBOY Preparations are under way for le Coming of the ferry by severs.1 regressive business men of this lly, who are preparing business laces on Henry street, near the fer y landing, and it is understood sveral small statfds will ba erected long the route of the tourists. William B. Ryan, one oT the lo »1 letter curriers, injured While on uty several weeks ago lias resumed is duties at the local postofhee. The hall of the Mechanlcsvllle ose Company will present an at ■actlve appearance tomorrow night hen St. Martha's Guild unit No. 10, will under the supervision ot Mrs. William Masterson, hold a supper and dance. D. C. Chase, who Is spending the winter with his wife at Miami, Fla, is sending as remem bounces to his many friends boxes of choice fruit, products of a plantation he is in terested in. The Ladies’ Auxiliary to Luke A. Lovely Post No. 62, American Le gion, are busily engaged in complet ing plans for their euchre to be held in the city hall Thursday night. Members of the auxiliary report a great sale of tickets for the affair. Tonight the regular weekly pin ochle tournament will be held In the rooms of the American Legion. Much Interest thus far has been manifested by the men of the city In regard to weekly games. The games are open to all the men of the city. A large delegation of local Legion* alres are plannnlng to be present at the dinner tomorrow night i*. the Madison hotel. Harry A. Leonard chairman of the affair, has complet ed the large program, which will surpass anything held recently by the Legion. Wilfred Johnstone visited with friends in this city last night. Mr. Johnstone will have charge of the music for the Legion dance on Washington's birthday at the High School auditorium. AVENEL The newly elected officers of the Avent'l Progressive Association were Installed at the regular meeting of the association held last night. Three new members were admitted to membership. The committee on the masque dance to be held February 18, re ported that there wilt be several nov elty surprises and those attending will ha e a good time. The Avene. Jr. basketball team has been given the use of the basketball court to hold games with visiting t teams. The Parent-Teachers Association held their regular meeting at the i school on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs W. J>. Krug, president, presided. Mrs. S. Gieenhalgh rendered two selec tions on the piano The Fifth and Fourth grades sang two valentine songs. Suggestion was made to pro vide cloak rooms for the better pro Lection of the children’s clothing. Mrs. S. Greenhalgh and daughter May were New York visitors yester day. A prayer meeting was held at the home of Mm George Leonard on Wednesday evening led by Joseph Robins Tbe next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. L. B. Van Siyke. KEYPORT The Hook find Ladder Company Jf the borough will hold a benefit performance In the Surf theatre on Lhe afternoon and night of March 13, when a feature picture, “The Man's Home’’ will be shown, the r-roceeds to ho devoted towards the fund being raised toward the ex ponse Incurred with the purchase of the new Mack truck. Miss Allie Pearce of Bound Brook, a former resident of this borough, Is spending several days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Bedle, if Broad street. Miss Violet G Templeton of Ar lington, Is spending several weeks with her aunt. Mrs John Templeton. An interesting congregational meeting of the Reformed church1 was held on Wednesday evening. I when the building committee pre-| Bented facts and figures regarding the building of a new church house. Mrs. John J. Van Kirk, of Brad- | lek Beach, has returned after hav ing spent several days with her sis ter. Mrs. M. Lester Terry. TR? THE NEW GRAY HA1B REMEDY j Permanently banisnes Gray Bair In 15 mlnutea at MISS PETERSON’S HAIR DRESS* ING & MANICURING PARI/OR 175 Smith St.. I tart tun RalMIni For Auto Repairs j Either Commercial or Fleaaar* Cara and Track* RECTOR STREET OJJtAO* * PHONE—DA? M MOOT—2.12-R WOOnBRIDOl J I. LOMAX Prop. rorner Marker and Roctor Bt». R«otd«ncA Burnet St.. Aven«i rnone 283-284 Phone 283-284 PERTH AMBOY CITY MARKET 131-SMITH STREET-131 — 1 ■ ■' 1 ■ .. ■■ ' .— i 1 — These Items Reach the Pinacle of Quality and Price Lowemess J I ™ni3 F0R F00D BUYING. ASIDE FROM SERVICE EXTENDED AND SANITARY CONDITIONS, THE BIG STORE FEATURES, BETTER QUALITY AND MORE ( ] FOR YOUR MONEY. OUR OFFERINGS THIS WEEK ARE EXCEPTIONS IN VALUE. A GOOD INVESTMENT, SHOP AT THE PERTH AMBOY CITY MARKET. SALE ENDS MONDAY NIGHT. 1 1 MEi CHOP BEEF ^ n Fresh and pure; I U Pound . " ^ SAUSAGE Our own make; all M a pure pork; lb. SCRAPPLE 4 A Phil*; 1 / Pound . LAMB CHOPS AA Special; 1 Pound . VEAL CHOPS ma Special; M M Pound . --- I LAMB f STEW I Jj PjHriid . 1 V BEEF LIVER ^ ft Special; I ■§ Pound . VEAL STEW j A Special; | 11 Pound . RUMP CORNED BEEF Special; m % Pound . fcw PLAT SPARE RIBS * m Special;-. I U Pound . I w vrs NECK SPARE ^ RIBS ||| Pound . I w PORK CHOPS . Special; I U Pound . ■ V PORK KIDNEYS _ Special; Mwk 3 Pounds. .. «• w OX TAILS - Special; M Pound . ^ x FRESH PIG g* - FEET /K 4 Pounds..j “ | - PIGS p HEAD K Pound .s..;... ^ BOLOGNA, LIVERWURST FRANKFURTERS 11 Pound .j... FRESH RUMP OF ^ p BEEF FOR ROAST 1 K Pound . fcw DUCKS A A Fresh killed; mil Pound .. SALT PORK . p Lean or fat back; I A pound . /■ ^ I FRUITS_ BANANAS Aft Large, nice and ripe; ml| Dozen .*. ww GRAPES Ar California red; m Pound . GRAPEFRUIT A p Think skin and juicy; J8% Special; M al 9 for . . ! a STRAWBERRIES f* a Fancy Florida; % U Box . NAVEL AA ORANGES J(l . .Thin skin; juicy; al^ Dozen .. j TOMATOES «p Ripe, fancy; B *1 Pound . ^ TANGERINES ^ p Fancy; 4 *1 Dozen .. “ “ MIXED NUTS (Jr All new; B Pound . ^ FIGS ^ p Pull in boxes; B i*| 14 oz. box.. PEANUTS - Fresh roasted; . * . Quart. ® ^ Pork Loin 101 Fancy; whole or I ^^B 3 half; lb." ^ 4 Leaf Lard 101 Fresh; 1^9 Special; lb. M I v_ Apples AQ Fancy cookers or eating; 4 quart basket . Oranges 0 (% Thin skin, juicy; Fancy Floridas; dozen . Sauer Kraut Premier; loose; 3 pounds . Boulion Cubes Hytest; Dozen . E^gs cq Strictly fresh laid Flcmington Farm Eggs; dozen . i Fowl OC Golden West; fancy, ^^P ^^P fresh killed; lb.r. Chicken 0 C Roasting; fancy, ^^P fresh killed; lb. ^ ^ Cocoa 1H Loose; I BB Special; lb. ■ j SOMETHING NEW | Maxwell House Coffee JL A Fut up in 1 lb. cans to be sold to the MW. 1 I trade at 45c; to introduce it to our ®^PB j® customers we offer a pound can at 40c. B The special price, lb. Pork ShouldenlCl Fresh; nice and lean; fl |^B well trimmed; lb. mmA Cauliflower 0 C Very fancy; head 35c and. Lettuce 1C Fancy; I U head . Pet or Bess Milk 1 I Asparagus Tips OjT Special 2 cans ..*. Beef Tongues 7Q Large; fresh M or corned; each . Rib Roast 0 C Extra tine beef; lb. "m ^ Turkeys AO Fancy, fresh ^^B killed; lb. — Chickens 0 71 Fricassee or soup; ■ fancy, fresh killed; lb. ■ Cottage Cheese 1H Fresh from farm; special, lb. I limit, 3 lbs. to a customer. Steaks OQ. Porterhouse or sirloin; lb. Breast of Veal IQ; Milk fed I j veal; lb. GROCERIES CORN AP Sweet; 3 cans . MINUTE fa mm TAPIOCA J 2 packages. Abw DRIED APPLES yl Sliced; pound . ™ LOOSE RAISINS * mm Large size; I f Pound . ■ " CURRANTS - _ Loose; I ^ Pound .. ■ W WHITE CORN - _ MEAL ijL Special; § J 7 lbs. MARROW BEANS « _» Special; M A 4 lbs. .. FINE a r BARLEY /A 4 lbs.*• W YELLOW PEAS ^ Whole; J A 6 lbs. DOMINO GOLDEN . . SYRUP 1 | Reg. 15c.; can . * ■ CATSUP Large bottle; Special. MAZOLA OIL 3/2 gal. can. • SERVE IT RITE STRING BEANS 2 cans . HECKER’S FLAP JACK Large box. LOOSE COCOANUT Pound . CAMPBELL'S «4 A-ll BAKED BEANS 1 J | | 1 0ATS 101 Quaker s or Mother’s; I # WOm Package . * fl| SARDINES AC I Imported; mWigm B Pure olive oil; BB 2 cans . S PEARS AA II In heavy syrup; M V »■ No. o cans; * V'Uv?! jams nr II Century Brand; # 1, 'f 9 Tall jars. VEGETABLES l CELERY . Fancy; 1 Jl Stalk, luc and. * ^ KALE H. Fresh; E ■l| Peck .. SPINACH ^. ¥j Peck. J J NEW CABBAGE ^ Pound . 5WEET POTATOES — Fancy; E•1 3 lbs . POTATOES Fine Cookers; 16 qt. basket .. RED CABBAGE Special; Found . MUSHROOMS Fancy, fresh Pound ... GEEN PEPPERS Large ; 2 for . RED BEETS 4 quarts for. —