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IN AND ABOUT THE CITY Liberty Council No. 14, Sons am! Daughters of Liberty, met last night in Jacobson's hall. A short busi ness meeting was held in which three applications for membership were received. After the business session the ladies went to Junior hall where they were entertained by the Jr. O. U. A. M. association. The Enighed Club will meet at the hon o of Mrs. N. Kistrup In Fayette street, Monday evening, at 8 o’clock. Moie than three hundred mem bers. tb< lr wiveu and lady friends, enjoyed th« Ladies' Night of Middle sex Conn'd! No. 83 Jr. O. U. A. M.. last night. The affair was one of the best, it Is said, o' 'tie season that has ban, held by the council. The music f i, the dan. ing was furnished by the linger firr.ilv, of Roosevelt, consist ing or father, mother, sons and daaghlorj There were games played and prizes awarded the successful on ei. ltd resiiments were served due'll# ’he evening. Robert Jackson, chairman of the entertainment com mitt e, wa in charge of the arrange ments. The installation of the newly elected officers of Thomas F. Garri son No. 62 Army and Navy Union, took place Thursday night. Major Francis L. Hagedorn, or Metuchen, was in charge and the following were placed in their stations: Com mander, Edward Sorensen: senior vice commander. Edward Wier sbicki: junior voce commander. John ! O'Hara; adjutant, John J Clark; quartermaster. Louis dll Bois Wat son paymaster. James Christensen; chaplain, Howard Patten; officer of the day, Harry Petersen: officer of the guard. Janies F. Anthony; ser geant major, Walter Lozesky. Res olutions were adopted on the Ameri can Legions request of an additiontl compensation and one calling on the state commander of the Army and Navy Union to take action with re gard to the New York Stock Ex change matter. After the meeting refreshments were served. • Marriage licenses have been issued recently to Emma Kramer and Mor ris Mancbach, Catherine Wilk and Methace Wiiesih, Jr. of Fords, Rose Fontano Pete and Rucca Lom bardo. Four candidates were Initiated by Perth Amboy Nest No. 1,027, Order of Owls, last night. Past Worthy President John J. McBrido was in the chair In place of aPtrlck How ard, the president, who la still at the hoapital Resolutions were adopted on favoring the American Legion bonus. The Initiatory degree was conferr ed on a candidate by Lawrence Lodge No. 62, Odd Fellows, last night *t a meeting at Odd Fellows' hall. Noble Grand Fred Knoesel, the new head of the lodge, was In the chair and assisted in the work. Notices have* been sent out for a meeting of the Zoning Commission to be held In city hall at 8 o'clock „ Monday night. It is a question ,'iether the new City Plan Commis sion will meet also Monday night as notices have not been sent out to the tew members and all of them have not been sworr. in as yet. Last year these two boards met together throughout tbo year. These boards will have to decide at their meet ings whethe or not they wish to continue this practice. Former Alderman-at-Large Ira R. Crouse was sworn In this morniag by City Clerk Arthur E. Graham as a member of the City Plan Commis si in. Edwin George, six years old, of Bentley street, Tottenville, while at the monumental works of his uncle, I). J. Williams in New Erunswick avenue, about 3 o'clock yesterday > aught his coat In the shafting of the air compresser and was hurt. The boy was knocked down and received lacerations and cuts on the left side of the face and a large swelling on the side of the l ead. He was Attended by Dr. M. S. Melnzer and was later taken to his home Those who can handle a shotgun will be given an opportunity to win «me poultry in the Perth Amboy Gun Club shoot, which will be held Monday afternoon on the club's range in outer Smith street com mencing at 1:30 o'clock This Lin coln's birthday shoot will offer an unusual apportunlty to trapahooters, everybody being welcome ta partic ipate in the events. The regular shoot, scheduled for this afternoon, lias been postponed until Monday and th,e three club shoots will be conducted Monday afternoon also. Lincoln's birthday will be observed j Monday as a holiday in the schools, i banks, at city hall and by many! merchants and industries. THEATRES Monday at the Ditmas Harold Lloyd is said to be a Grand Gob of Joy in "A Sailor-Made Man," his new comedy coming in four reels to the Ditmas Theatre, Monday. In troduced as a gilded youth bored by his own society, he becomes one of 1 'nele Sam's sons ar.d wears a middy. Happy trousers and a peanut bat. For tho first time he learns the meaning of discipline and rules. Tne U. S. S. Frederick was used ror the battleship scenes, and it is there that much of the action and the funny stunts take place. But, whin they land at Kuirpura-Bhan danna and ho meets again his sweet heart, and she is kidnapped by a bold and wicked Maharajah—oh, hoy, but tilings get lively! An all-star cast will be seen in the '•The Nigh; Rose,” by Leroy Scott, which will r.!so bo shown at the Dit mas Theatre, for six days, beginning Monday. A list of their names vouches for one of the best acted pictures that has been seen at the Ditmas The ater in some time Lon Chaney, as a king of the underworld; Betty Sehade as his discarded sweetheart; Beatrice Joy, the new object of his affection, who is in love with an in nocent henchman, played by Cullen Landis. The climax of the picture takea p!ac*». in a magnificent ballroom, where tl-.e underworld Ciar is about to cane. will, his row ••girl." But In ord.r to get her fiance out of the wav. he haa had him shot. Though tins turns out nor to he fatal, it nerves the girl to the point of ap oeai’lng at the bail with the tin ten’ion of taking the gangster's life. How. her aim is thwarted but her in tentien carricc otr by another, forms yrie of the most exciting moments lit a. picture rep.ete with thrills. All of the incidents In the slory are founded on actual happenings thai have come to the attention~»f Ifcte' * Vi OV a u f hor . .kvHil Q jll O There has been in improvement made in tho condition of the pave ment between the trolley tracks on trmith street west of the Central railroad tracks. Improvement of the pavement between the tracks on Smith street was started and com plet'd up to the railroad tracks but j not on the western side. i The sale of tickets for the even ing performance of the Knights of Columbus minstrel show to be staged in the Majestic theatre on Monday, February 20. will take place [it the. theatre tomorrow morn ing at 10 o'clock. Rehearsal of the participants in this show is sched I uled for tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock. A private car ha3 been engaged by the party of ten local people who leave tomorrow to spend several weeks in Florida and the south. The party will consist of Mr. and Mrs. Ford Garrctson, Mr. and Mrs. Ira R. Crouse, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leon and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Conard. The condition of the Smith stre< pavement, particularly between M< i'Jlellan street and Madison avenui : is very bad. There are several ba ! mis in the road in this block whic I affect occHpants of vehicles passin over same. Auditorium hall on New Briftw wick avenue will be a busy cente ! with the return of roller skatini Holler skating will start on Monda afternoon. I’o Ambo I.oft No. 65%. Hay makers, will have a convocation to morrow afternoon at Red Men hall. Says Police Need Clerk That the I'omocratic aldermen in tend to fight to a finish the appoint incut cf William M. Hallahan a: clerk of the police, was indicated to day In a shor* interview granted bj Alderman-at-large Richard J. Gal vin. What Mr. Galvin said on th( matter follows: "We made the appointment and think it is a good one and are going through with it. We are of the opin ion that the police department needs the clerk or w ewould not have made the appointment." To Act on Merchant Marine WASHINGTON Feb. 11.—Presi dent Harding plans to turn his at tention toward quick action on re lease legislation for the mercantile marine Chairman Lasker, of the shipping beard said at the White House today after a conference with the president. GEO. GLASSER, MGR. GRAND House of High Class Photoplays Continuous Performance—2 to IIP. M... TODAY ONLY 5X 7-STAR ACTS OP HIGH CLASST ^ Vod-viL d —AND— “Rose of the West” A THRILLING DRAMA OF NORTHERN WILDS Also A Comedy__ Latest Pox News r==== MONDAY OUR GREAT HOLIDAY BILL ACTS VOD-VIL AC5TS —AND— THE VALLEY OP DOUBT” A Stirring Tale of the Timberlands ALSO THE THIRD PART OF “THE YELLOW ARM” _uinnua 11 ^VAUDEVILLE PERFORMANCE—4, 7 AND 9 P. M. || SCounihan & Shannon's tranD “Always the Best in Filmdom’^_ TODAY, CONTINUOUS Katherine MacDonald IN “Her Social Value” Pathe News, Topics, Comedies MONDAY, CONTINUOUS, 2 TO 11 Grand Holiday Program Marshall o. Neilan PRESENTS Bits of Life 14 BIG FILM FOLK WESLEY BARRY LON CHANEY . NOAH BEERY JOHN POWERSS TEDDY SAMPSON HARRIET HAMMOND ANNA MAY WONG DOROTHY MACKAIL EDYTHE CHAPMAN ROCKLIFFE FELLOWES ■n 1‘ KtiJJrixCiUft. JSUKTUM ms JAMES BRADBURY, Jr. JAMES NEIL DltS OK LUe TAMMANY YOUNG You'll find action, drama, romance, laughter, thrill, mystery — everything a Marshall Neilan production has meant to you in the past—and still more—in this unpre cedented surprise— Pathe Weekly and Comedies Augmented Orchestra and Concert Organ MAT AT 2 P.M. ' NIGHT—7 AND 9 P. M. Fl l ^ 1 fl ■ I n I J 4 MAJESTIC THEATRE EI^73pj97mw-l||S TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 11 j GJBaiMMHMAMHMMMM , and Night It ! ; i.. f _^ - One by Lyons Overlooked— 3 Another Ousts Bridge-Tun nel Body ✓ TilENTON, Feb. 11.—Discovery of a bill introduced in the assembly 1 Tuesday or.d overlooked in the as sembly was made public today pro viding for a permanent board for the New Jersey members.of the New York-New Jersey Vehicular Tunnel and the Camden-Philadelphia Bridge commission has been announced. It previously had been announced that the measure had not been presented, although Republican leaders had contemplated its introduction. The Mil designates the tive mem bers of the board and provides that they shall stive until 1925. Its ef fect is to taite control of the board from Ooverroi Edwards, a Democrat and lodfre it with tho legislature, which is Republican. Members of tho commission as proposed in the measure, are: Pal mer Campbell, Hoboken, a former member of the commission; W. H. Noyes. Tcnafiy, and Theodore IJoett per, Hackensack, both members of the present commission; Isaac Fer- , ris Jr., and A'beVt C. Middleton, both of Camden. The first three named are Republicans and tho Camden men ar Democrats. Majority Header Evans is author of *he bill which has been referred to the judiciary committee. Tutsuav was the last day for the Introduction of bills. One of the other measures presented in this •‘mysterious” way was one by Assem blyman Lyons of Middlesex, which compels life Insurance companies after Ju'v 1 to invest in first mort gage loans, fifty per cent of the amount of the moneys held as re serve on life Insurance policies writ ten or. the lives of residents of the state. . . .._i late horn- building. The other is by Mr. Hirschfield. of Passaic, increas ing the salaries of constables. Bills Introduced A-475—Mr. Lyons—Compels Life Insurance companies after July 1 next to Invest In first-mortgage loans. Fifty per cent of the amount of moneys held as reserve on life insurance policies, written of the lives of residents of the state of New Jersey. (B. & I.) A-476—Mr. Hcrshfiold—Increases tlic salary of constables In second class counties. Makes an Increase of *300 on their yearly salary for con tables holding office for one year and like Increase up to eight years. ( JA^47 7 — Mr. Evans — Removes from office the Commissioners of the New Jersey Inter-State Bridge and Tunnel Commissioners. It appoints Palmer Campbell, Weller H. Noyes, Isaac Ferris, Jr., Theodore Bottger, and Albert C. Middleton, as the new commissioners. They shall hold office until Julv 1. 1925, after the latter date the governor has the right to make appointments. (Jud.) At the Crescent on Monday On Monday Manager Louis M Granat of the Crescent theatre of fers a big hdliday program conSiat in" of five big vaudeville acts and the feature picture. “A Man There Was.” The program ts one of the best offered at this popular photo play and vaudevillo theatre. Some idea of the big show may be obtained from a glance at the vaudeville pro gram which follows: A Musical Satire, eight pe°P'e, five men and three women, in wno s the Gitl;” Rubevllle, comedy skit, five people; Bill Browning, n an ori ginal offering; Ward & Barton, com edy musical act; The Bruces, comedy barrel jumpers. The picture in con nection with this program is one of the great pictures of the year. "Here is a picture play which not only preserves the stvere profouncl ]y earnest character of Ibsen, but ati the same time establishes a new point of departure in the b^tory of the filmed drama. No Vam-* piros,” no insipid or unhealthy love affairs no clowning, and yet a drama' which holds the audience nailed to their seats and does not relax its grip on them until all is OVO". _ r . n»ny* u^gjQfggg nAvu MATINEE 2.M?i? NIGHTS 7 AND 9 ^ CONTINUOUS SATURDAYS AND HOLIDAYS, 2 TO 11 fWe Cannot Show All the Pictures That Aare Made U) So We Show the Best, Why Go Elsewhere?_Q ALL NEXT WEEK - ""' S Continuous Performance on Monday X BIG HOLIDAY BILL X Two Big Features 8 FEATURE ONE ' FEATURE TWO W ^^MB The King of Comedy A I)f Fear made her a creature of £ the night, innocence hid her f face yet love drove away the f phantoms. ' \ ’ / i An amazing story of a big L city today, a battle of good i f with the forces of evil. UEROT SOJTff 1 § __ HAROLDS t Lloyd | ,ASaildr-8 MADE MAN® © | JOBS OF JOY M Now you’ll howl. A , It will shiver your jibs si and rattle your ribs and i make you do the jelly-jj1 roll laugh all over the( f deck. 111 Sail the merry waves of n laughter with this grand' Q fleet of fun. ( K Phis is Lloyd’s First 4 Reel1 K Picture (K If YOU want something, tell every body by using a classified ad. i UNDER MANAGEMENT OF LOUIS M, GRANAT ' , , , .. , - ■-• ' ■' i | | CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE—2 TO 11 ___ The Place To See Wonderful Shows TODAY 5-BIG AtTS-5 OP HEADLINE VAUDEVILLE LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! RUSSELL’S MINSTRELS Five (5) Men A Wonderful Act SHANNON ST. GLAIR A CO j Comedy Sketch “We Will Dine at 7” ’ DANCING BROWNS Dancing Novelty CARL ROBERTS TRIO singing Dancing Comedy ) DOROTHY KENTON \ Queen of the Banjo * - , - ■ * ■ Aud the Big Feature Picture l “THE FREEZE OUT’’ —Starring— HARRY CAREY I Jomedy New* ^ Noveltie* I _ ■■ , M.-TT MONDAY—TUESUAY LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! BIO HOLIDAY PROGRAM A MUSICAL SATIRE IN “WHO’S THE GIRL’’ Eight People—Mostly Girls RUBEVILLE Comedy Skit bill browning Original Offering ,_/____ WARD & BARTON Comedy Musical Act THE BRUCES • Comedy Barrell Jumpers _ 1 , And The Feature Piotare “A MAN THERE WAS” —Featuring— VICTOR 8EASTR0M A powerful story o£ the sea, keeps ihe spectator completely fascinated. ' lomedy News Novelties m MATINEE 2.00 P. M. NIGHTS 7 AND 9 J) W CONTINUOUS SATURDAYS AND HOLIDAYS, 2 TO 11 fl 5 We Cannot Show All the Pictures That Are Made, |J O' So We show the Boat. Why Go Elsewhere? $ i TODAY AND TOMORROW Jf{ EDWARDE MILAR $ NEW YORK’S FAMOUS BARITONE JSj , In a Wonderful Prologue, in Connection With a Big TWO FEATURE SHOW v W w Budyard Kipling’s Story W "WITHOUT BENEFIT OF ^ CLEBOY" w Incomparable in story, su W preme in its appeal to the yf heart. SILENT YEARS IK All Star Cast m A romance of the Canadian jl Woods and St. Lawrence Xf Country. Xt Counihan & Shannon’s MAJESTIC ANNIVERSARY WEEK ANNIVERSARY WEEK IrODAY-SATURDAY Tonight—2 Complete Shows, at 0.30 and 9 P. M. ZANE GREY’S POPULAR STORY “The Man of the Forest” < A Massive Tale of Love and Adventure With An All Star Cast Including ! ROBERT McKIM, CLAIRE ADAMS, CARL GANTVOORT , AND 6—Big Acts—6 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12—GREAT HOLIDAY BILL 4 Complete Shows MATINEE at 1.30 and 3.15 NIGHT at 6.30 and 9 P. M FEATURE PHOTO PLAY AND VAUDEVILLE VAUDEVILLE PROGRAM MINIATURE MUSICAL COMEDY ‘The Candy Shop’ 8 PEOPLE 8 i AND OTQER STAR ACTS ./i New Auditorium ' I • I New Brunswick Avenue Perth Amboy ROLLER SKATING Grand Opening t MONDAY, FEB. 13 AFTERNOON and EVENING The Rink will be open for skating every afternoon in the week from 2 to 5 P. M, balance of season and the follow ing Night Sessions: MON. FEB. 13TH MON. FEB. 20TH TUBS., FEB. 14TH WED. FEB. 22TH FRI, FEB. 17TH FBI., FEB. 24TH After Feb. 24th Skating Every Night Except Advertised Dancing and Basket Ball Events 500 Pair Latest Model Ball Bearing Skates—Good Music Perfect Floor Free Skating Lessons ONLY FIRST CLASS PATRONAGE SOLICITED f Under Management of Alfred Painter and Jay Eaton Assur- ' ing Perfect Order and Courteous Attention JOIN THE MERRY CROWD AND ENJOY THIS HEALTHFUL AND EXHILARATING SPORT H - _ J'