LEGiniH DRIVE Contributions to Fund Are Being Made From All Sec tions of Island TOTTKNVILLK, Keb. 11.—Re turns to 'I tie in the drive of the Richmond i unty committee of the American l egion for f2,00U for the camp for tubercular veterans of the wor>d w.tr i.dicat. widespread sup port of tut project among Stater Islanders according to s statement Just issued :>>• Captain A. H. Platt, treasurer of lt.e drive committee. Among the flrs' contributions to come In w-s one from the Rev. Os ■KAr L. Jos. phs, pastor of Bethel M. PIH:. church. 1 nttenvllle, who not only sent his clink but also gave the pro position ids enthusiastic endorse mem and dulsrej that he will urge Its support by his congregation from th» pulpit on Monday. The Ameri can Legion could have done no bet ter work. I'r Joseph said. According to Louis L. Tirelll, the chairman of th committee In charge arrangements have been made to carry the campaign to every Staten lslande”. At a meeting of the com mittee In Its headquarters at Stuy vssant place, last night, additional notices were sent to telephone sub scriber* nut covered by those prev iously mailed out. Anton;,' the oth-r contributors who have sent in 'heir donations were: Charles A. Thrall W. A. Anderson, Stuart L. P‘tz. P. William Bryan and Dr. W. V. Catalano. Captain A. H. Platt. 74 "avis avenue. West New Brighton will acknowledge other contributions as they are received Warren Barton, the representative of (Beauvais Post or. the Staten Is land committee. Is In charge of the drive on this end of the Island. MAGISTRATE HOLDS TWO MEN FOR HEARING TOTTEN VILl.E, Fob. 1t.—Magis trate Fetherston in tiio first district court yesterday held William Hat ton, and William Fields, both col ored in $3,000 bail each for exami nation today. Both wore looked in the county jail at Richmond on a ^^■harge of grand larceny on com ^HLlaint of Mrs. Benjamin Frey, of ^Bl\mhoy road. Prince Bay, who charges that tile two men entered the garago owned by her husband : nd stole one hundred spark plugs Thursday night. The ownership of tile automobile which the two men had is still in doubt despite the fact that Hatton says that be is the own it. The police in examining the ear yesterday declare that the numbers on the-motor and other parts of the • r have been tampered with. (GEORGE HENRY STILES WEDS NORFOLK GIRL TOTTENVILLE, Feb. 11—One of the prettiest weddings of the season took place at 4:30 o'clock Wednes day afternoon at the homo of Mr. i* and Mrs. W. S. McTague, of Nor folk, Va., when their daughter, .Martha Alvira, became the bride of George Henry Stiles, formerly of Tottenvllle, now of Norfolk. Va. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. 3. S. Mcridith, rector of the Church of Ascension, before an im provised altar of palms and the rooms were decorated with ferns and running Ivy. The brido was attired in a. going away suit of tfcupe escotine and ear ned a prayer book and shower bou quet of lilies-of-the-valley. Miss Gladys McTague as her sister's only attendant wore orchid taffeta and earned a bouquet of orchids. Mr. Stiles had as his best man Scott Sykes of Norfolk. After an informal reception Mr. and Mrs. Stiles left for a northern trip. W PLEASANT PLAINS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weldon, of Manhattan, were at Prince Bay this week. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Cairo Walters has been seriously ill With pneumonia this week. Patrolman Charles Halt is home after a visit to Roxbury in tho Cats kills. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Anderson, of Brooklyn were visitors hero yester day. The Reformed church Toadies' Aid Society met with Mrs. William Shaw Wednesday afternoon. Rev. William Burd will preach at both morning and evening servico at St. Marks’ church tomorrow. Raymond Bishop, of 437 Bloom Ingdaie road, a chauffeur, was lined $2 by Magistrate Fetherston in the first district court yesterday for fall ing to have his madge while driving his car. THANKFUL FOR A LITTLE CHILD Mrs.Mertz Tell* How Lydia E. Pinkham’* Vegetable Compound Helped Her Kutztown, Pa.—“I wish every wo man who wants children would try Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound. It ha3 done so much for me. My baby is almost a year old now and is the pic ture of health. She walked at eleven months and is trying to u'se her little tongue. She can _Isay some words real nice. I am sending you her pic ture. I shall be thankful as long as I live that I found such a wonderful medicine for my troubles.” — Mrs. Cha«tes A. Mertz, Kutztown, fa. Many cases of childlessness are curable. Perhaps yours may be. Why be discouraged until you have given Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound a faithful trial ? Spoken and written recommenda tions from thousands of women who have found health and happiness from use have come to us. We only tell M^ouwhat they say and believe. We believe that Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound is so well adapted to the conditions which migh t cause your trouble that. good will come to you by its use, .... IHMl. ..._ ■-————~ JAMESBURG BOY TO 6ET $500 REWARD FROM COUNTY . - NEW BRUNSWICK. Feb. 11.— Lester Tilton, bf Jamcsburg, the ' fouricer yev.r old boy who discover- ! td the body of Stella Ostroski after | weeks of searching by the authorities j had Tailed, will receive the announc-1 i d reward offered by the Freehold-1 era during the search. County De-! tective Ferd A. David was given a ! check for $500 yesterday and in-1 structed to turn it over to the James- j burg boy. Stella Ostroski was the Rhode j Hall child who disappeared from tile school house one afternoon and wandered into the woods and be came lost. Weeks of searching by police, citizens, and Boy Scouts failed lo locate the child until the dead body was fcund by Tilton when he was out on a gunning trip. HOWARD CRUSE TO SPEAK TO MEN'S BIBLE CLASS TOTTEN VILLE, Feb. 11.—Hon. Howard R. Cruse, a prominent law yer a ml attorney of Jersey City who mud<-/a groat impression when lie addressed the St. Paul Men's Bible ela-s last December, will deliver a Lincoln acid ess o-.i Lincoln's birth day tomorrow at the church. The class extends an invitation to every male ci'izen of Tottenville and vicinity, irrespective of whether ho is a member of the class or not, to come and enjoy this patriotic address in the lecture room of the church at the regular hour of 12 to 1 at noon. Graham Christopher, president, will be in charge. TOTTENVILLE Mrs. T. E. Shell, of Lewiston. Pa., is .visiting her daughter. Mrs. E. J. Kauffman, of Elliott avenue Misses Margaret and Ann Camp bell, of Manhattan, have been vis iting Mrs. Alexander Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. John N. White, of Now Brighton, former residents, visited in town this week. Mrs. Marbiva McCarthy, of Buf falo, has returned home after vis ting friends here. , Mr. and Mrs. William Bogardus, of Middletown, were here this week lire AUv.nder Campbell and daughter Catherine are homo after a few days with friends in Brooklyn. Elton Collins, of Bentley street, is recovering at a Manhattan hos pital, following an operation for the removal of an eye, which has trou bled him for some time. Mrs. Fred Gross entertained the Afternoon Euchre Club yesterday afternoon After the cards refresh ments were served. Mrs Arthur McCallum, Mrs. Wilmot f'bapman. Mrs. Gross and Mrs. Abram M. Sprague were awarded the prises. Rev. Dr. Hugh David Jones, who made such a good impression at St. Stephen’s Episcopal church last Sun day will be there again tomorrow' *n charge of the services. Rev. J. F- Blndenbergor, pastor of St. Paul’a church, will preach in thm morning tomorrow on "ThlngM That Aro Sure,*’ and in tho evening on "The Great Surrender." Mrs. Williard Boyd will sing in the morn ing. # The W. C. T. IT. meeting tomor row will be held at the home of Mrs. Martha Van Name. KEYPORT The Men’s Club of tlie Episcopal church will celebrate its second an niversary on Monday evening when they will hold a social and enter tainment in the parish house. Miss Marion Smith will entertain the Far and Near Society of tho Re formed church Monday night. Tho Men’s Club of the Reformed church held its regular meeting Thursday night in the church house. The speaker of the evening was Professor Norton, a foot specialist, secured for the occasion by Hauser & Thornton. Professor Norton gave an interesting talk on tho human foot. The committee iqp charge in cluded Ernest Dunham, Frank Hauser, Roland J. Thornton. A social hour with refreshments fol lowed the program of the evening, about forty being present. Announcement is made of the marriage of Joseph Judson, son of Mrs. Eugenio Smith, and Miss Naomi Disbrow, of South Amboy, at the Reformed church house Wednesday night. Rev. F. T. B. Reynolds performing the ceremony. The couple are now enjoying a honeymoon trip and upon their re turn will reside with the groom’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Tilton and son Ellsworth, of Brooklyn, are spend ing the week-end and holiday with the former’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Tilton, of Osborn street. Rev. F. T. B. Reynolds has organ ized a Holland study class for the members of bis congregation who are natives of Holland. English is taught by the pastor to these mem bers and the meetings are of inter est. The class will meet on Thurs day evening of next week. The regular meeting of the bor ough council will be held on Mon day evening. At this meeting the bids for the garbage removal will be received. Mrs. Anna L. Osborn has return ed home after haring spent two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Harold P. Collins, of Manasquan. Miss Gladys Birkbeck has return ed to her home on First street after having spent several days in Asbury Park as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William JJryden. The Ladies’ Aid of Calvar M. E. church will tneet Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Josephine Bailey. On Monday night tlie Men’s t'nion of Calvary M. E. church will hold their regular meeting. On Tuesday night the Epworth League of Calvary M. E. church w ill be entertained by the Cliffwood M. E. Epworth League. The Tialois Sunday school class will be entertained Thursday night by Mrs. Harvey S. Bedle. Bethel Church Services TOTTENVILLE , Feb. 11—"What If it Snows?” is the subject of the sermon of Rev. Oscar L. Joseph, pastor of Bethel Methodist church tomorrow morning. “Washington and the Riddle of Peace,” by H. G. Wells will be discussed at the ves per service at 4 o’clock. This is a patriotic service In honor of Lin coln’s birthday and It is a timely opportunity to refer to one of the big questions of the day that beurs directly on the future of Christian ity. Mrs. Williard Boyd will sing at this service and Miss Bertha Hu taf will render a violin solo. Min ute men speeches on the Centenary will be given by .J. H. StauiT at the morning service an3 by Arthur H. Hetman at the vesper service It WESTCOTT v Keyport Church Annual Roll Call Great Success--Sup per Served KEYPORT, i'eb. 11:—Rev. Wil bert Westcott. of Perth Amboy, was the speaker of the afternoon at the roll call held at Calvary M. E. church Thursday afternoon and night. His topic, ‘‘Concentration. Conservation and Consecration.” was most appropriate to the occasion and his discourse was mutt interest ing to all present. Other speakers of Interest were Rev. Mr. Heilen man, of Matawan: Rev. Mr. Hogate, of Beltord; Rev. J. H. Cann, of At lantic Highlands: Rev. Mr. Grim, Rev. Mr. Reeves and Rev. Mr. Smith. Mrs. George M. Collins sang a beautiful solo as did Miss Mildred Calvert and the high school boys’ double quartet rendered several se lections which were much enjoyed. A goodly number answered to roll call at the afternoon session, the roll being called by William S. Brower. The offering of the after noon amounted to $120,94. At 6:30 supper was served in the Sunday school room and more than 500 persons were served, most of whom remained for the eyening ses sion. the speaker of the evening service being Rev. George H. John son. of Ocean Grove, who delivered a timely address on “Christianity.” Several selections were rendered by Calvary M. E. choir and Mrs. Fred L. Scliildknocht rendered a solo. Rev. Mr. Heilenman made a brief address and the benediction was pronounced by Rev. A. L. Iszard, pastor of St. John’s M. E. church. The offering of the evening amounted to $97.49, making a total for the day of $221.43. Delegations were present from Keansburg, Hel l'ord, New Monmouth. Port Mon mouth, Atlantic Highlands. High lands, Leonardo. Red Bank, South Amboy. Perth Amboy and from all the local churches. SOUTH AMBOY The f liberal of Mrs. Catherine T. I.ar.sen, wife of Martin Larsen, of 731 Bordentown avenue, who died Monday night after a lingering ill ness. was held from St. Mary’s R. C. church yesterday at 9 o’clock where a solemn high mass was cele brated by the Rev. Dr. Edward C. Griffon, pastor, assisted by tlie Rev. William Lannery, sub-deaccn, and Rev. William Campbell, deacon. Burial was made in the fanlily plot in Holy Cross cemetery. Brooklyn. The committee in charge of tlie supper and dance to be held in the Me< hanicsville Hose Company hall under the auspices of St. Martha’s Guild of Christ church home, re port everything in readiness for the affair. Supper will be served at r»:30 o’clock and will continue until x o’clock, when music for the entire evening will bo in readiness to en tertain the dancers. Mrs. W. J. Masterson is chairman of the com mittee. Series No. 6 of the Investors and owners Building Loan Association «*f this city is rapidly being subscrib ed to although this series has been open for subscription only several days. , “One of tlie Great Men of Ameri can History” will be the subject of the evening service at tlie First Baptist church tomorrow night by the pastor, Rev. George W. Mc Combe. The Rev. Herbert- Allsup, pastor of the Presbyterian church, will lake for his subject at the morning service “The Passport into Heaven.” In tlie evening a short address ap propriate for the day, Lincoln’s Birthday, will be “Lincoln’s Mother.” Two reels of motion pictures, en titled “My Mother,” and one reel entitled “The Reunion of the Blue and the Grey.” On Monday night, February 20, the ladies of the church will hold a social. Robert Dobson motored to the home of friends at Brooklyn yester day. The Woman's Auxiliary to Luke A. Lovely Post No. 02 will within a short time launch a drive for mem bers to their rapidly growing organ ization. The ladies are anxiously endeavoring to sign up e\ery eligi ble member to their ranks. The. drive will last two weeks, during v. iii« li time members will take it upon themselves to sufficiently in terest those outside the circle to join at this time. The auxiliary will meet with the local post Tuesday w nni a g* i-iugn net program i c i ♦ ntly arranged will help while away the evening. Mrs. Mary Ingraham h'.s returned to her home on Second street after spending several weeks at the home of friends at Orange. Frank and Miss Sarah Hackett motored with friends to Brooklyn yesterday. Edward Spencer and Emmett O’Toole are confined to their re spective homes ill. The weekly pinochle tournament held at the American Legion head quarters on David street proved a great success last night. The com mittee in charge under the direction of John Connors were busily en caged during the week preparing foil last night's affair. The Holy Name Society of St. Mary's church will receive at the 7 o’clock mass Holy Cohnmunion. Tho second Sunday of each month is known as Holy Name Society in this city. A special evening service will be held at which time the Rev. Francis McCallion, a brilliant speak er of the Trenton diocese, will ad dress the men. He will take for his subject "The Struggle Sublime," il lustrating his theme with moving pictures. Other entertaining num bers will be added to the program filready prepared. "Long Live the Cope,” a special hymn, will be sung it the mottling masses, and also at the evening services. Local Churches of All Denominations Pulpit Topics Simpson M. E, . Kev Wilbert Weatcott, pastor Sunday Services 9:30 a m. Morning devotional1 meeting, led by Miss Esther Wider strom. 10:30 a. nf. Morning worship with sermon by the pastor upon "Why Go to Church?" The choifs will sing 12 o’clock noon. The regular ses sion of the Sabbath school The of fering for missions last Sunday was $55. Miss Anna Hanson’s class was. the banner class. 7:30 p. m. Evening worship. A j series of song by choir and congre gation The pa.*tor will preach the second in the present series of ser mons upon "Flaming Messages From Forgotten Men," the subject being i ‘ Demetrius." who was he and what did he do? Strangers always wei-j come. Notices Meeting at Home for tne Aged Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Wednesday evening the mid-week fellowship service conducted by the pastor. Thursday the Ladies’ Auxiliary , will hold an all day quilting party I in the Junior room. All ladies are requested and asked to br.ng some article of lood for the noon-day I luncheon. . Friday afternoon the weekly re hearsal of the Junior choir. Sunday, February 19, the pastor will preach morning and evening The evening subject being “Bezaleel" who was he ? Last Sunday Mrs. Frederick Cana united wit a the church by letter from the First M. E. church. South, of Decautur, Ala. The following united on profession of faith: Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sofleld, Mr. Wal lace Reid, Mrs. R. Hosking. Jasper Johnson, Chester Geske, William Megguson Ralph Dennis, Professor Chevy Hall Chase and two others. The Sunday school is planning a "Victory Supper" to be held in the near future u: honor of the boys who won the Sunday School Athletic .simp,-.on M. K. Music—n. m. Organ Prelude—"Andante Religi ose" . Lemargn Processional—“ O Master, Let Me Walk” . Gladden Anthem—"Shepherd With Thy Ten derest Love” . Federlein Scripture Lesson Offertory Anthem—"In a Manger Lowly” . Ritter By Junior Choir, with solos by Har riet Anderson and Jeanne tie Giles Sermon—"Why Go to Church?" Pastor, Recessional—"O Zion, Haste" Smith Organ Postlude — "Recessional March” .Batiste 7:80 p. in. Organ Prelude—"Prayer and Ber ceuse” .‘. Woodman Processional—"Kvery Hay I Need Thee” . Ackley Anthem—"Love Divine" .... Marks ..Soprano solo by Mrs. Hosking. . Offertory—Selection by Hpworth Choir. Sermon—“DemeU-ius." Pastor. Recessional—"Jesus is Calling” Crosby Organ Postlude — "Recession il March” .. Du Hois First Baptist Madison avenue and Market street. Rev. H. K. Dutchman, pas tor. Morning worship at 10:30. “Faith better than Might" is tile subject of the pastor’s discourse. Sunday school at 13 o'clock. "Consecration" will bo the theme in the evening gospel service at 7:30. Kverybody welcome. The church prayer meeting at S o'clock Wednesday night. The monthly business meeting follows at a. .i iiu r, <1111 irn 11 iii iuimi another of their celebrated cafeteria suppers at the church on Friday night from 8 to 8 o’clock. The public is invited. First Danish M. K. Corner of Madison avenue and Jefferson street. C\ J. Conrad, pastor. Sunday morning services at 10:30 with sermon by the pastor. {Sunday school in church at 13 o'clock and in the mission at 3:30. Kp worth league meeting led by Mr. John E. Christiffferseii at 7 o’clock; tlicme: An International opportunity and obligation. Evening service,.7:45 o’clock, led by the pastor; theme: Here is a boy. The lloy Scout Troop 13 will at tend in a body and the sermon will be one fitting for the occasion, this week being the Scout anniversary week. Class an I praye- meeting in the church Tuesday night at S o’clock. Weekly pleaching service in the Scandinavian 'Mission Thursday eve ning at 8 o’clock. Christian Science The Christian Science Society holds services in the church build ing, West avenue, corner of Marsn street, Sewaren. every Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock and testimony meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. All are invited. First Presbyterian Morning worship. 10:50 o’clock Organ—Prayer, from The Jewels of the Madonna. Wolf-Ferrari Polonaise in D, Webbe Processional hymn No. 67, "When morning gilds the skies" Invocation and Lord’s Prayer Doxology Psalter Selection No. 2S Gloria Announcements Scripture Lesson Anthem—"I will lift up nine eyes," James H. Rogers Prayer Offertory, soprano solo, "Save me. O God!" Randegger, Mrs. J. A. Brlmlow* Hymn No. 114. “Pome, dearest Lord" Sermon by the pastor, "A Prophetic Command" Hymn No. 20, "Saviour, again to Thy dear Name we raise" Benediction Sevenfold Amen, John Stainer Organ—Toccata. from the Fifth Symphony. Widor Vesper Service. 4:15 o'clock. The prelude will begin at 4:00 Organ—Largo, from the New World Symphony. Dvorak; Capriceio in A. Faulkes; En Bateau, DeBussy; Prelude to the third act of Lohen grin, Wagner; Transcription of the Hymn, Holy, Holy, Holy, Dykei-WeH Hymn No. 33, "Hc’y, Holy, Holy" Service of Song Announcements Scripture Lesson Prayer Offertory anthem—"Lift up Your Heads," James H. Rogers Hymn No. 251, "A charge to keep I have" Sermon by the pastor, "The Great est American and the Greatest Jew" (commemorating Lincoln’s Birthday) Benediction Choir response—Vesper hymn Organ—Cujus Animan. from the Stabat Mater, Rossini St. Pcter’si The church of the Colonial Pro prietors of the Province of EUst Jersey hilt the church with a mes sage for men of today. Sunday, February 10: 7:4 5, Holy Eucharist. 9:30, church school. 10:30, morning prayer and ser mon by the rector. 7:30, evening choral service. The extra music takes the place of a ser mon. Short organ recital; solos, in strumental and vocal. Monday, 7:30, Hector’s Guild. Tuesday, 7:30, Girls Club. Thursday, S o’clock, smoker of the Men’s Club of the parish. Dr. Sturgis, educational secretary of the Council, will give an address on liis trip around the world. Friday, 7:30 P. M., evening pray er. Music, 10:30 A. M.: Organ prelude. Processional, Fight the Good Fight, PoySl. To Deum, Williams. Ponedietus, Anon. Hymn, Gracious Spirit. Holy Ghost. choir and congregation, Stainer. Kyric. Tallis. Gloria, Tours. Hymn, My Soul, he on Thy Guard, choir and congregation. Sermon by the rector. Anthem, Comes at Times, Wood ward. Benediction. Recessional. Breast the Wave,! Christian, Filby. 7:30 P. M., evening prayer and extra music. Processional, Jesus shall reign, Hatton. Magnificat, Terry. Nunc Dimittis, Terry. ' Prayers. elmir and congregation, Gauntlett Anthem, The day is past and over, Marks. Organ, Second Sonata, Mendels sohn. Solo. Miss Evelyn Kemmicko. Organ, Meditation, Cadman; Scherzo, G nil merit. Recessional, Savior again to Thy dear Name we raise, Hopkins. St Raul's Notices St. Paul’s Evangelical church, lo cated in First street near Market. Rev. J)r. Jacob Gauss Sunday school at 9:30 English and German preaching services in German at 10:30. Confirmation class meets every Saturday from 9 to 10 Grace English I vu the ran Jefferson street, opposite tin* Pub lic Library. Pastor, Robert Schlot ter. Morning service, 10:30. Sunday school, 2:3ft. Vesper service, 7:30. Church Council meeting Monda\ at 8 P. M. The Bible class will meet everj Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock during this month. Choir practice Thursday at 7 and 8 P. M. Catechetical class Friday* at 7 P. M. CAR STOLEN IN RAHWAY FOUND IN NEW BRUNSWICK N13 W urn NS WICK, Feb. 11.—A ! car stolon from Railway was recov ered in tl’Js city yesterday after hav ing been abandoned by its driver when lie was halted by the police when they received notice from Rahway that the machine was be lieved to be headed this way. The car was Hie properly of Julius Hor ne rk cf St. George avenue, Rahway, and was seen by Ofticer Curran after he had been detailed with other ofli cers to look for it. Curran oLserved a machine ans wering to his description of the Rah way cai and signalled for the driver to stop, but instead of obeying im mediately the machine turned a cor ner here and the driver ran away. Curran was able tc give a fairly com plete description of the driver and .later in the day George Arns, of Bound Brook was taken into custody under suspicion of having stolen the machine He is held pending a fur ther investigation. It Went to tile Spot Lingering colds and coughs that hang on and wear one out are dilfi eut to get rid of, but Henry E. Camp bell, R. P. D. No. 3, Adrian, Mich., writes: ‘‘I had a bad cough for three years. Tried several cough medi cines. Got little relief. I tried Fol ey’s Iloney and Tar. It went to the spot. There is no better remedy on the market.” Good for coughs, colds, crop and whooping cough— clears the passages; soothes irrita ted membranes: stops tickling in the throat. Contains no opiates. SoW , everywhere,—Adv. A I 4 PERTH AMBOY MEN ARE FINED IN METUGHEN M ETFCHEN. Feb. 1 I — Ion Ferth Amboy men wen* lined '* Kecorder Charles C. Webber 'i lie police court session yestcruuy. Th* penlaties ranged from $1 t » 170. Livio Normandia. of 311 Law street, Ferth Amboy, was fim 1 $•' on a reckless driving change. Tli man was accused of having no r* istration card and no dnwr’s h reuse, complaint being made t>\ George Lamparder, of Metuchcn v. hose car was rammed by Norma i dia, near Highland Park, .loh* \ ngelo, of 266 £ Pertl Amboy, was fined $50 to bavin loaned the car to Nvrmanoi.*, w!i< was given 10 days in the workhous* in the event that he failed to pay hi fi ne. M. Lyons, of 137 New Frunswi I; avenue, Perth Amboy, paid $1 a costs on a disorderly conduct charg preferred by the local authorities, while Josef)h Seaman, of duo Smi*h street, was arraigned for rcckl* - drlvlng. This case was d:smiss»*.l. however, when the recorder derided it was a civil matter for settlement between the parties concerned. Sea man’s arrest resulted from an auto mobile accident at Main street and Amboy avenue, when his machine collided with that of Carl Carlisle. Busy Programs for Different Denominations in the Su burban Towns __ _______ KEYPORT Reformed Rev. F. T. It. Reynolds, pastor. At 9:15 A. M.. Sunday school. Morning service and sermon at j 10:45 A M Herr.ion to the juniors At 7:30 P. M. evening services and serincn by the Rev. Charles L. Pal mer of Marlboro, v iio is exchanging pulmts with the liev Mr. Reynolds. St. Mary’s Episcopal Rev. O. M. Brewin, rector. Holy communion at 7:30 A. 51. Church echcol at. 10 A. M. Matins and sermon by the rector at 11 A. M. Evensong and sermon by the roc- | tor at 7:30 P. M. First Baptist Bev, Frank S. Harwood, pastor. Sunday school at 0:30 A. M. Morning service and sermon at 10:45 A. M.. topic “The Cost of Dis . cipkship." Evening setvico and sermon by, the pastor at 7:30 P. M.. illustrated ad dress, topic, “Life of Adornine Jud sQn.“ First Presbyterian Bcv. W. A. Service, pastor. ■ Morning service at 10:45 A. M. i Sunday school at 12 o’clock. Evening service and sermon at I 7:30 P. M. St. John s M. I Rev. A. L. Tszard. pastor. Morning class meeting at 9:45 A. M. M riling service and sermon at 1 10:30 A. M. Sunday school at 2:30 r. M. KpwortU X.eagui meeting at G:30 P. M. Kverine worship and sermon at 7:30 I*. M. Calvary M. M. Rev. A. C. Brady, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M■ Morning service at 11 A. M., topic to the .iunieis. “Yoi. and I," general discourse. “Royalty." At (1:30 r. if., Epworth League meetin~. 7:30 p. evening service and sor- i mon by the parlor, illustrated ad- | dress. "Abraham Lincoln." At tills fourteen gir.s will present an exer- , else on “V. hat Lincoln Said.” RAILROAD MEN TR MEET WITH MINERS FED. 21 INDIANA TO LIS, Inch, Feb. 11 — The first meeting of the representa tives of the railroad men .: organ izations ami the united urine work ers of America will he lie: 1 in Chi li‘ago Feb. 21, according to an an nouncement made today by John L. Lewis, president of the mine work • ers, who called the meeting. Mr. Lewis said the acceptance by the railroad organizations of Ui** miners invitation to enter a joint meeting was practically unanimous, and "especially gratifying." BIRTHS A daughter. Sofia, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hides. of Mechanic street, on February G. A son. fever, to Air. and Mrs. Frank Toth, in February. A son. John Andy to Mr. and Mrs. John Trnnko, of State street, on February :L A daughter, tVeeiin, to Mr. and Mrs. Ooaxom Kodilguez, of Park avenue, on February 1. A daughter (Mara to Mr. and Airs. Frank Joirs, of Bioad street, Feb ruary 2. A daughter, Samp Hebecca to Air. and Mrs Daniel Skelton, of Fayette street, February 1. RADIO PROGRAMS; 1 WIRELESS NEWS | I The radio craze lias even struck tlie White House in Washington and i according to a recent dispatch from tiie capital a wireless telcpnonc re ceiving outfit has been installed i 1 President Harding's study, on the j second floor of the building by j Commander Stanford C. Hooper ot ( the Bureau of Engineering of the! Navy at Secretary Benby’s request. | Hereafter the President will be able > to listen to the latest news of the ! day whenever he likes It is said that i a similar receiving instrument will tie installed in the White House j press room where the newspaper I correspondents may listen to the drains of music, concerts and gos tiip flying through the air. It is reported that local cdectrical stores have found it impossible t » obtain enough radio equipment to supply the demand, and that orders are stacking up waiting to l»<* filled The craze has hit this city, and ea* n i day one sees new evidence of the j thirst for the news of the day and concerts |iy radio, by the number <»f j aerials that make their appearance almost over night, on the tops ol j buildingy. In view of the fact that tomorrow 1 IS Lincoln's birthday, a feature of the pronram is the ne tinder th« direction of Rev. Kdgar Swan Wiers, 1>. n. The program t«» be broadcasted tomorrow follows: 3:00—Rado* chapel service* by the Rev. fcdgar Swan Wiers, 1). Di -j assisted by the quartet and or** Knnist of tbo Cniturian Church, Montclair. 1:oo--•'Abraham Lincoln.** an ad* dress by the Roy. Robert Scott InKlis of Newark. Arlington time signal?, l(i:'» 1 - -(Invernmcnt weather fore* $ cast. Telephone 888 JOSEPH W. McCALLUM Funeral Director 63 Be 'tley Street Tottenville, N. 7. a WARNING! So careful what you take for a cold >r cough. Remember that Father lohn's Medicine is absolutely free rom dangerous drugs, and has had nore than sixty-five years’ success V.r colds and throat troubles. DA. M. HULSART CHIROPODIST Successor to l>r. J. Morrorr R^ TITAN BI.DG. ROOM SOI PHONE 1541 Office hours Mon., Kri. 10-6 P. M. Tues, Thurs.. Sat., 10-'J P. M. Not open on Wednesday Stained Glass VRT LEADED GLASS FOR CHURCHES* AND DWELLINGS Memorial Window* Repairing S. D. WALSH 68 BAY VIEW AVK., PRINCE BAY staten Island Tel. Tottenvllle 110D-R I HERE'8 on.* ilihtt? you uu»t line » ' —I about a bank account, "'bile it ■ »jr not pay 20 per cent dividends it will never b*>* 100 per cent, of your principal. And it i> a mighty uood inol mi for .. . u ring •* investment capital. -J Perth Amboy I Savings ! , l institution 1 1 IN*rib Amboy, N. J. SICK WATCIIFS j fltOMITI/Y ci:un> I at the I RELIABLE JEWELRY 8H0P I . “All Tliat's In tb* Nan»«" ifl 190A SMITH NT. T«L I8MI J§ Treat Year Liver Fairly A disordered liver throws the whole-^-^ Help system wrong and affects the health \ your generally. Beecham’s Pills act di liver rectly on the liver, cleanse and gc2 strengthen the stomach, regulate the . , bowels, remove all impurities from r^nt the system, and make you fit and well. You can have a healthy body, strong nervous system, bright eyes and clear 1complexion if you i s Sold 10c—12 pills everywhere 25c—40 pills in boxes 4idy 50c—90 pills I cjSlew gModel 691 The GREATER NASH SIX New Straight-Line Body Delco Electrical Equipment Perfected Valve-in-Head Motor Wonderful New-Type Springs Other important features of comfort, convenience and efficiency: New top. sot low, with one large rectangular Outside door handles of bright silver finish window m rear Pocket in left front door for tool case and tools Accurate gasoline gauge on dash New curtains perfectly fitted Low front teat with unusually broad Low tilted windshield cushions New and doubly powerful emergency Parking lights on cowl brake on transmission Rear doors of extra width Cord tires — 33x4 PRICES AT TIIE FACTORY Five I’a wilder Touring.*1390 Seven Passenger Sedan. Sewn Passenger Tourug .$1540 Four Passenger Coupe . Two Passenger Roadster .$1360 Pour Passenger Sport. 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