OCR Interpretation

Perth Amboy evening news. [volume] (Perth Amboy, N.J.) 1903-1959, February 21, 1922, FINAL EDITION, Image 1

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Hon’e Seizes Liquor Found
In Hotel Rooms; No
Arrests Made At Start
Swoops Down on Hotel at
“Five Corners”--May Visit
Other Places
The Hotel Central was the target
. aimed at this afternoon by three
federal prohibition men, headed by
Sam H. Con’e. state enforcement
officer. Two members of the local
police force joined the raiding party
after the federal men had found
liquor in ttvo of the rooms they
The raid was conducted at 2
n o’clock. Room 29, occupied by
Samuel Siegel, the proprietor of the
hotel in the absence of Sam Siber
«ky, the owner, who is out west in
the oil fields, was the first room en
tered. Here two one-gallon bottles
containing whiskey were discovered
in a traveling bag by the federal
officers. Siegel was not In the hotel,
the raiders being told he was out
of the city. i
Room 28 was next entered. Here
a quart of liquor .said to bo "moon
shine" by one of the federal men,
was discovered. The men were go
ing from room to room in their
search for liquor and the X«et Uytt,
Officer Con’e had ordered a truck
from South Amboy would indicate
that he expected to find a large
amount of liquor.
Officers Frank Burke ami,Pa trick
Dwyer of the local force, yvere as
signed to assist the federal officer
in his search. A black bag and a
suit ease yvere found in the office
by Officer Con’e. He couid not find
t key to unlock them and procecd
td to carry both witli him as he
went from room to room. Consid
erable difficulty was found in get
ting .keys to lit the doors of the va
rious hotel rooms.
■’ LOS ANGELES. Fob. 21:—'The
mystery surrounding the slaying of
William Desmond Tayloi* still re
mains as far from solution as when
the bodv was found in his apart
ment here almost three weeks ago,
investigators working on the case
said today.
With the elimination of Daniel
McShea, a taxicab driver who had
been reported as missing since the
night of February 1, the night of
the murder, from any possible con
nection with the case, the investiga
tors said they again were “facing :i
stone wall” in their efforts to solve
the crime.
McShea yesterday surrendered to
the authorities who released him
after two hours examination in the
office of District Attorney Woolwinc.
The case of the Public Service
Coin pa uv hg linat Axel Falkenstrom.
local Jitney operator, was threshed
out again in the police court this
morning A week ago the first phase
of the action started but the com
plaint charging Falkenstrom with
hi operating a bus on State, street with
out a license was dismissed by Ite
coider Pkkcrsgill on account of an
error in its wording.
k Following the hearing this niorn
lug the recorder found Falkenstrom
r guilty of violation of the city ordin
ance and assessed him the penalty
provided for a firs', offense, which is
$10. Walter Molly, counsel for the
Jltnev man, plans to appeal the case.
He cqntends that his client was
vvi-hin tie law when be carried per
IOI1S to and from Maurer without
■*o’looting fares. The system used is
to soil tick-'a in the various plants
at Main-' r ,.nd for the customers to
■„Uw the tickets on the bus in
stead of l aving cash fares. This sys
i<mi th" d' lends id claims, permits
of open tl'jr, within the law. despite
I: r-do Pickersgill's ruling this
ni >'n?
htmt IntfllT UtHfllt
WASHINGTON. Fob. 21:—A re
cce alien to the four-power treaty
I IcIIiik that no ••adjustments or
a rn b standings” reached under Its
f , i .vision shall be binding without
ih.- onsent of congress was debated
for two hours by the senate foreign
relations committee without action,
but with the majority of the mem
bers indicating their approval.
Waul Conference Postponed.
HKKl.l.N. Feb. 21 (By The Asso
^ko.i:. i I'ri'M)—The French govern
W „m today informed Germany that
requested Italy to postpone the
Oenot conference for the reasons
stated in Premier Poincare's recent
Action on Buckingham Ave.
Defined-Much Business
Last Night
All matters pertaining to an cel
paving ami improvements were
dropped for the time being l>y the
aldermen last night in order that
all could come up for discussion
at an adjourned meeting to be held
tonight. The ordinance authoris
ing the paving of Buckingham ave
nue with warrentte. did not come up
for second or third readings, but it
is believed action will be taken on
this tonight. Several petitions for
astreet paving were in the hands of
tne aldermen last night, but they
were not read, being held over Un
til tonight.
The effort of Alderman-at-l-arge
Richard .1. Galvin to have the In
dustries in the maurer section of
Perth Amboy change their letter
heads so as to read “Maurer, Perth
Amboy," instead of "Maurer, Jf. J."
is not meeting entirely with suc
cess, communications received by
aldermen last night, showed. The
American Smelting and Refining
company has notified the aldermen
that it lias found it impossible to
accede to the request. The Barber
Asphalt Paving Company and the
United States Cartridge Company
have both referred the matter to
their head offices.
A communication from ...
attorney was placed on the minutes,
it stating that an appropriation
made by tile city for the paving of
Amboy avenue would work against
tlie city's debt limit, it being nec
essary to include it under tlio pres
ent law. A bill is now in Hie legis
lature, the communication states, ex
empting sucli apprdpriatlons from
being Included in tho debt limit, but
it has not as yet been passed.
The judiciary oommltteo lias re
ferred to It a letter from tho Public
Utility Commission with reference to
a hearing on March 1 on the matter
of the Lehigh Valley railroad laying
four sidings across Washington
street to tlie property of tho Perth
Amboy Dry Docks Company.
A report from the Board of School
r.sunwiie nuunmu
the 11*22-28 school budget figures
have been placed at $300,200.
A copy of the resolution passed
by the freeholders stating that thi t
body Is willing to turn over Amboy
avenue from Koch’s hill to the city
line to the city was received and re
ferred to the street committee.
An ordinance amending the bus
| ordinance, introduced by Alderman
| Robert A. McGuire, was passed on
first reading. It stipulates that evciy
bus shall have a rear door, opening
from inside, oach bus shall have an
automatic red stop light and a fan
register and that all South Amboy
buses carry two red lights in front,
Metuchen and New Brunswick bus
es two blue lights and Woodbridge
and Roosevelt buses two green
Alderman McGuire’s suggestion
that a white way be established in
Smith street from the Central rail
road tracks to the Lehigh Valley
tracks met with opposition from
both Alderman John Sofleld and
Alderman John J. Clark. The lat
ter said there were other parts of
the city desiring a lightway and he
•lid not approve of authorizing the
Smith street work until the other
sections had been considered. Al
dermr/i McGuire consented to let
the matter lay over for the time,
declaring lie had not attempted to
"put over anything" on the rest of
the hoard. City Electrician Jay U.
Franke, he said, had told him that
the present equipment is capable of
handling the additional lights need
ed for outer Smith street.
The committee on building re
ported a conference will be held on
March 3 with the Board of Harbor
Commissioners for the purpose of
considering repairs to the building
now on the city dock property.
Tlie collector was authorized to
bill the Public Service Railway
Company for $2,305.78 as its share
of the $6,107.35 paid by the city for
snow removal on Smith and State
streets. •
A supplementary debt statement
from the city treasurer showed the
city’s debt now to be 5.96.
An ordinance to repeal the ordi
nance giving the Lehigh Valley rail
road permission to lay four tracks
across Washington street was pass
4 Continued on page 2)
Work to be Done to Raise
$20,000 Here Discussed \
at Banquet
Speakers Tell of Suffering in
Eastern Russia
Success is Assured
A moat vivid and effective word
picture if the disparate condition*
prevailing among the Jowl* of fam
ine-stricken. disease-ridden and
wrar-vreary Kastern Kin ope w*ss pre
sented at the New Packer Hons, last
night by Miss Irma May. of New j
York, when she addressed the ban
quet held to atari off the local drive
for $20.00U being conducted during |
the week of February tf» In own nee- J
tion with the ne lion-wide cam
paign for the relief of the Jewish ,
war sufferers.
Miss May lias lived in the dts- j
triels the condition of whose people
she des* ribcd. 8h« lias herself pa**
ed through tne horrors of msssacre
and suffering and she was able to 1
sketch an oifMtnO Of fhs plight oi
her brethren that visibly moveo Hie
entire gathering last night. Quietly,
gently, and with indescribable pathos
in Iter voice, she drew a picture of
overseas misery and anguish that
brought*tears to the eyes of men and (
women alike, snd effectively ini- i
pressed upon them the need for im-1
mediate action by the more fortunate
Jews of this country if the extermi
nation of a race is to be averted.
tt’ihb! Cantor hilled
Miug May Is the former fiancee of
ItaoLi Punier member of an Amer
ican. nfission sen to Ituseia to make
a survey of vniul ! urn there. The ,
rabbi was I y bandits in the in
terior of th*. country when he was ,
held i<:> am! r« bbe i. When his death
an I the r u .mr of it became known.
MlJt May J. <•!<!« '2 to devote the r«
nmmd r of l.c-r I i• u• Jewish relief
and At present she h taking an active
part in the nati >m I campaign aoon
to start 8be stated last night that
there "«i« 300.0'< orphaned chil
dren and clooe to half a million adult
refugees lit the stricken portions of
Ituicd . OaMca. Poland. Austria and
parts of Hungary end that without
lpsiant nid tluueaiidr of them would
peii?h before* tb end of this winter.
Mi.cn money has s!i»ady been des- 1
patched for tin cork but more is
needed. Mis.- May said, and she * ailed
upon the Jews of Perth Ainb..y t*»
come to the atsislur ce «•( their b '
fortunate brother- abroad.
(Continued in poke 2)
Motorcycle Officer William lfcich
man ih confined to Ills home by pain
ful injuries received in an a* • id* ut
|yesterday afternoon when In w •
thrown from his machli
jug along State street. I.a'hinm
sustained severe abrasion* al»oitt hi
face stid ;
ti the city hospital for treatin' "»*.
and later removed to his hotn* Hi'
|rendition was reported us improved
this morning.
t An investigation into tin eir* nm
F.ances surrounding the o ' kl« m
I was conducted yest rd.i- afternoon
by Mounted Officer Joseph Hurtling
who k.i l rod t lt;i t tin fell was
! result of an attempt by Bachman i«*
get his machine out of a trolley
track in which he was rolling along
State street. An approaching troll*
ear caused him to give Ills liundl*
bars a twist to swerve tin motor
cycle out of the way but til© f ar
wheel skidded on the track and
threw Bachman off beneath the ma
j “Bachie” i%ceived a blow on tin
head before man and machine final ;
j ly came to rest and he was knock' d
i unconscious. At the hospital, how
i ever, his condition was not thougl t
serious and he was allowed to I*.
■ taken home by Officer Hartung win
Iliad escorted him to the hospital in
the machine of Joseph Patrick* of
198 Hall avenue.
The injured officer remained in a
daze all last night and only fully
recovered consciousness this morn
ing at his home. He was able to
walk tut was unable to do anything
of his own accord. Since early this
morning bis condition has improved
and a rapid recovery is now antici
pated. Bachman is under the care
j of Hr. B. F. Slobodlen.
----- *
Blu« Serge SultH made to your measure -
at the special price of |45.
I This offer good until March 1st only. .
I We have secured by special purchase th*»|
lot of specially good quality Sergo and
advise you to investigate this offer.
219 Staple Street >
Iii i s .ii'iiunt iiiaili' public toda>
'ounty I'lrrk Bernard M. Gannon
i imminent Democratic leader It
Middlesex eounty. makes an nttac!
epon the policies of Governor Kd
card I. Kdwarda and gives his rea
• 'ii for not supporting him as a can
uidate for.the t'nlted States senate
•My reasons for publishing tin
Mr. Gnnnon laid, "i
a list’d from the fact that Ihe See
i ml Ward Ileinoeratle Club of Pertl
kniboy reei ally at a dinner endorse)
llovernor Kdwards as their eandl
■late for t'nlted Slates senator am
i .i: ;■ l 'lull ef Wnodbrldg'
did likewise Sinre that lime I hav
been asked by at least one t.undrei
lieium rata from various parts of tin
eounty where I stood on the matter
They weru all surprised when I toll
lln in of inv experience with the gov
ernor and most of them advised tm
t . publish the facts so that all m:
mends would know of It."
The statement in full follows:
tine evening during the session o
the legislature in 1«19 I came Ii
contact with Mayor Hague at th
state house Trenton. He urged m
to boost Kdwards for the nomlnn
Hon for governor. 1 t plied that
could not do so. as Congrcssma:
Scully had tipped off some of lii
friends that lie was going lo throt
his hat in the ring. In which ease
would have to support him. Hagu
said he had reason to believe tha
t|ie coitgi essniHii would not elite
ihe ngtyt. and if he did not. then 1
that >■)“' hi' urged my support fo
Kdwarda. which I sah! I wotll
gladly give. At that time Hagm
Nugent and all hands were for Kd
wards Kventually Kdwards an
gently entered the tight. Kdward
could not he Induced to make « wi
light, ami Nugent entered the ra •
himself, and was causing the Hague
Kdwarda combination comdderabl
I think it was in August. previou
to the primaries, that Mayor Hagu
requested me to call at Ills office i
Jersey City. When 1 did call It
urged mo to g» t "Tom" Hctilly on
of the race, us he was very mu*!
afraid that Kdward* and H<ull
would split a vote that would all g
to one if either would pull out. nn<
he figured that Kd wards would be
sure winner on election day on n<
count of his enormous \«»te in llinl
son county.
It was a long confen nee and bow
ing tq Hague's Miperior politics
judgment ami iiaturally wishing t
see a hcmocrat elected, and figure
Kdwards the strongest of the thr« •
I told him that I would see Scull
Nnd try to induce hint to get mi
llagin was delighted and asked i
he could mini for "Teddy," l. eanin
Kd wards. I told him that it w*
unnecessary but that if he wislie
to du so to go ahead
In about five minutes Kdwards am
Mr. Illakeslee entered. Hague glee
fully told them that Y was going t
try ami get M«tilly out of the rac«
Police Fire on Rhode Islam
Strikers--Stalc Militia
Called Out
PAWTCCKKT. I! I let* :i
Joseph Aaninrati, at Valley I • II
one of a group of strike syrapa
thlmers was killed today when polo
discharged a riot gun after a too
refuaed to dlspesee. Two othet
were at riouel. woundtd. Mayo
Kenyon had read the riot aet to th
crowd. The shooting occurred n< >
the Jriigke* Hpluuing Company'
plant, where a strike is • n.
stab Troupers tun
1‘UOVIItKNCIS, It. I tel. :t
Two troop* of state cavalry l<si >
patrolled ttie llftie village' o.‘ I'on
tlac. ten miles south of here, w her
striking cotton operatives yeslerda
besieged the mills and office of t n
B .B. & It. Knight Company Th
soldiers dispatched last natt at th
order of Governor Emery Han H. i<
was to he augmented lode hy a de
tarliment with machine guna an
possibly by one of four coast artll
lery companies that slept laa| nigh
In the Cranston street armory hen
Pontiac cut off from telephoto com
munlcation. when strike sympathu
era severed the wires was <tuiet si
night, gcconlln* to reports fror
elghtmriivg town* ■ ' v
kew Members
CHfllFTMAH Chill luli l»:j
Open until February Skih
Join NOW
• > -
A '• tfl
| All three were jubilant and in a
I burst of enthusiasm, Hague said,
! "Barney, we know that things are
in bad shape in Middlesex on ac
count of a divided leadership, and if
Teddy is elected you are the man
to dispense all patronage going to
Middlesex,” and turning to Teddy
said, "How about it?” to which Ted
dy readily agreed. Remember when
I said that I would see Scully. I j
! made no condition, however, accept
I ed their proposition as to patron
I age.
I then left Hague's oflice to call
j on Mr. Scully, who did not take
kindly to the proposition, but after
some persuasion reluctantly agreed
to got out of the race, he warned
me, however, not to trust toj much
in Hague and Edwards, and asked
when 1 was to inform Hague of his
I (Scully) action in the matter, and I
I replied that Hague was wulting in
1 his oflice for a telephone call as to
I the result of my visit. Scully said, j
f! "Allright you telephone from this
t I office and I will get on the wire and
• I have him repeat to you that you will
1 handle Middlesex patronage, as per
• his (Hague’s) offer." I did so.
t Hague told how much he appreciat
> ed my work and that ho never would
< forget It and a few days later I re
ceived the following letter from Ed
1 wards, which spoke for Itself:
t "The Senate of New Jersey.
r * Jrtiy ’Sitlb Hint*
i Hen. Bernard M. Gannon,
r County Clerk.
I New Brunswick. N. I.
My Dear Barney:—I am writing
~ you to say that T am genuinely
i grateful for the part you played In
- making doubly sure my chances for
1 success at the primaries.
j Now that Tom lias retired i snouiu
' like to have your good offices in
' i I romotlng ft meeting of the Demo
cratic County Committee of your
' county. I an. anxious to have an
opportunity' to speak before the
’Committee. This privilege I did not
ask for during the period Tom’s
M active candidacy for the nomination.
1 f realize that if would make friction
• in Middlesex were I to engage nc
lively ill campaign work there, and
1 nit second thought i felt that it would
' In- .1 hopeless task lighting one who
[ enjoys the popularity of our friend
I Tom in his homo country'. T have
written Mr. Ihu gerty. your county
king for *hii m< eting.
He no doubt will take the matter up
I with you and I am presuming to
ask that you give the proposal your
! I cordial concurrence.
Volt cannot measure the depth of
i ii.a- appreciation for what you have
: dom in tIn* matter of having your
v favohrlle withdraw* as an . spirant
I for tiie gubernatorial nomination. T
am a beggar in thanks, but he as
I I am rich in appreciation.
Sincerely yours,
K. 11. I.PWAItPS.
fCoi.ttnued on Page Five)
' -
I Barber of Highland Park Held
for Having Dynamite in
J •
K" 1511 \»W|| h I i ll. - I.- «
i. 1 new ai r «» .as been n.ade in eiuinec
- lion with |lii mysterious explosion of
. ' MUi.'l iy iilrM nhleli Completely
• wre.-kcl a dwelling liouae and dam
s'ag d til- • !.•■» of smther residence.
,dal alo e Von i’h<:il. twenty-seven
p ,\*ars old. a.i Italian tun her ol Hlgb
rjisud I’aik *.’li* r the explosion OC
.. . hi . d, s In lug held on a charge of
hainig n>»i mote l‘i his possession.
I'a.pli Hia.lnough Whsf reolded In
lh hnusP tiur'i vti« spread ahoul
I It snriou^id na .oeailty as i result
i of tha ixn o'ion and who was at
.'u»d p* ndlii.' an Investigalion. hus
br*i ills'hau'id fra.tn custody. It
i | ha . been parnei that Von t'herrl
■ had itynan-.l t atom! In a shed In tlie
• real of hi* p line lr the same bufld
> ling nr hr r • lie sept Ilia chlitkena. Hev
, | rr»i nigh'a uyo. It Is alleged, his dy
■ [ na.iilt* diaappeand and so did the
t ! . h i kens
Tl.t M'gt.lui.d I’urk authorities
t all »uui atOi t • learn what Von
. <T.trrl tan *• 11 shout the storage of
. ' the dynamite In Ids ebP-ken coni*
■ ' and the disappearance of same.
. t AH kinds of Cost sue flaw Ranges .in
Mol. i lily pavilion!* I J. tanStli. 8*.i
Pilose Hl-R
' is»js—: »-tf T T *•
■ "■ - »
I ' •
Council Amends Original
Grade Crossing Expert
Measure Last Night
Two Resolutions Passed Over
Mayor’s Veto by Alder -
men--Reasons Given
After amending the original res
olution which Mayor William C.
Wilson had vetoed naming Louis P.
Booz, Jr., resident engineer in tilt
grade crossing elimination matter
and delegating to iiim certain pow
ers, the aldermen last night passed
the resolution over the mayor's
veto by a vote of live to one. The
appointment of William Hallalian as
clerk in the police department was
also passed over the mayor's veto by
a like vote.
The amended resolution in the
Bcoz case does not state the salary
to he paid the engineer, although
City Attorney Leo Cloldbevger'i
opinion on the matter was to tin
effect that, it Is illegal to make sued
appointment without designating tin
[salary to be paid. Two other import
ant changes are made in tiro amend
ed resolution, however. The won
••resident" engineer is discarded ami
in its place is used "expert” engi
neer. The power originally given li
Mr. Booz to engage expert advice is
withdrawn, although a clause is
added authorizing him lo prepan
plans and specifications and such
other engineering data for the prop
-or presentation of the case."
The amended r -solution. as passed
by die aldermen with the "aye" votes
of all the JJumoivatic members and
the "nay” vote of the only Ilopub
lican present, John fcloiield, reads as
"Owing to the necessity of imme
diate and careful consideration ol
(lie nla". of elevating the grade
crossing.'* as presented by the Cen
tra, Railroad of New Jersey, be It
and it is hoieby
“resolved. That Louis 1*. Booz. Jr.,
be engaged -is oxpev. engineer and a>
such engineer to prepare plans and
specifications and such other engi
net ring data for the proper presen
tation of tit" case of the city o
1 *or! n Amboy at tlie bearing before
tlic Boa "! of Bub'ic Utility Commis
sioners nr the Stale of New Jersey
on the application for til" elimination
of aiid grade crossings.”
When a veto wa.t taken on emend
ing the i.riRii.ai resolution Alderman
Sofi ■ d parsed an 1 the others vote"
in tnvor of I he amendment.
t VV'II > IIIU V.U VII J'llCIS " '
( IIICA.GO, Keli. tU.— That sixteen
! year-t hi Mathilde McCormick ha:
obtained tipptvva of lo-r proposet
' marriage to Max u.'t, Zurich, Iron
the. grandfather, John I». ltoekefel
let, Kr., was stated today by famllj
I friends.
I- wa1- reports« ]-.is one conditio'
iliaI Us'T should '.■■ nine tin Ameri
rlti, tlti/en. but tlime was no run
| lirioathie of tltis 1 rom the McCor
I ml. k family.
User's age sti'l was a subject'
fur debate T;uinet 11 as persons lien
I ,md at Milwaukee profess lo Ir
| e.n.dn* < jr,tended that the Swis:
eq tri. n > fifty-seven years old
,v|.,.e III.ward A. t'o'by. friend of tin
| Mei oi'inirks. initlr.tEined he is onl:
folly, a gains i first report of forty
| eight.
Ki.ille Pnrvy. Chicago Interior dee
i orator, tie liist cousin to make him
, se..’ knot n, tislted the MeCormiui
horv sterduy lint was inforntet
i iteit 'I r McCormick and Miss Mil
tin d • were not receiving.
"It is the custom in the old couiv
j trv. when a toiiiile become engagec
j(1| ;i11 hci r« lath a to call upon hln
um! all hi* •• «tiv's lo <”ill upon hei
i'igi• t away ‘ 15u*g\ told ncwspapei
M;h. M< r’o! uilr-k. who recently or»
taii-ed i di\ »!*» *• maintained yester
dav her previous statement that she
had nothing u> say regarding the en
i:vmtvW>i>y \vi-momt:
T** t'i« Anneal Dance of
.lit. O. U. A. M.
At Junior Hall.
Tuesday. Kelt. 21st.
Prize Dances
Music by Victor fUcci’a Six
Dixieland Uoanicrs
Four Arrested For Assault
On Man, Who Is Badly
Beaten; Grand Jury Probe
One man is jailed in default of bail, three are released
on bail ranging from $500 to $1,000 each, and another
is suffering from Ihe effects of a severe “beating up” re
ceived as Ihe result of a vicious rumpus occurring last night
in the rooming house and cafe conducted at 434 High street
by Stephen Tarloski. This establishment was the scene of i
|it raid Saturday night by the combined forces of the national
(prohibition men, a detective from the prosecutor’s office,
land flic local police, and it is believed that last night s af
Iray is the direct result of Ihe raid and the circumstances,
surrounding it.
-- lc i' rtnmne ftveufv.ninA vear>
Herman Reder Held Up in
Alley of Home at 68 State
Herman Keder, of 68 State street, i
one of the proprietors of the Ditmas
and Crescent theatres, was held up I
by two armed men last night short-,
ly before midnight and robbed of
$49u. Tho men perpetrating the j
holdup escaped immediately in an ;
automobile standing at a nearby !
corner and no trace of them lias
been discovered since.
The robbery took place near
Lewis street and Kearny avenue as
Keder was walking toward the back
of his home through an alleyway.
The men attacked their victim, hur
riedly searched him, and then ran
out of the yard, disappearing along
Lewis street in the direction of
: Kearny avenue. An automobile
seen standing near the corner all
through the evening was later found
I to be missing and it is established
that the bandits escaped by this
The occurrence was brought to
the attention of the police depart
ment when a telephone wall from
Stacey Coutts informed Sergeant
George Kozusko that shots were be
I ing fired in that vicinity and that
! a holdup' had been pulled.
! Chauffeur William Clooney was
! sent down with the atrol wagon
and he 'ound an excited knot of peo
' pie gathered at Kewis street and
! Kearny avenue, one of whom told
j him of the holdup. It was found
' that a Kuick car had been standing
'! at tlie loot of Kearny avenue since
last night and it had disappeared a
few minutes after the roidup. The
supposition is that the machine was
; left there by tho bandits as a means
of escape and that they lay in wait
for Mr. Keder as ho came home
from the theatres with the money
taken through tho box others.
Officer Clooney made tour of the
patrolmen on post and told them
to look for tho. automobile bearing
the holdup men. The ferry ap
proach was covered ami then a
search of the southern section of
tii r city ensued, »’looney Mid Officer
j Kra.uk Gene.ski making the search.
• No sign of any machine was found.
,Mr. K'-.h r describes the bandits
las young men of medium build. They
wore caps and overcoat*, one gray
■ and the other brown, ho said, but
. further than that he is unable to
identify them.
TltliNTO.V. Kcb. 21:- V '.'idiot
of $;,.i)00 against the Anti-Saloon
i League, obtained foi libel liy Janies
A. O'Connell, brothel* of the chief
„j police of New Brunswick, was
upheld today by the supreme court.
Tho court said in Us opinion that
"there is no doubt of the libel. Tile
damaging article was published on
December 4, 1<J20. in the official or
I gall of the Anti-Saloon League and
involved, it appears, not only refer
ence to O’Connell, hut to his wile.
Dana tn*:i.r::r' soitktv
Notice is hereby given to the mem
bers of tii© Dana Relit f Society th.«t
! tiie meeting of February 22 Is pent
I poned on account of legal holiday
I The next regular meeting will be held
; on March *. 1922.
i Carpenter wrorR and Jobbing promptly
1 attended to. »'eo H. Thom peon. 87 Lewis
, i sv Phone 1 409 W.
j 5476—K-25-W«d. Sat. tf*
! Jf your coal or gas range docs not bako
I or burn. I will make it do so or no charge,
i 1 F. J. Larklp. 287 Mci ^Qft Tel. 66S-R
l I 10873-2-a-tf M W F»
• * «
old is the man held In default ol
hail, while those temporarily treed
are Patrolman Frank Tonghitti.
Krnest Tonghlni. twenty-six. of JD4 |
l.awrie street, and Julius Tonghlni
twenty-four, of the same address
Stephen Tarloski is the complainant
against the three Tonghitti brothers*’
while l.nuis Tonghlni, a foui'i
brother, charges Owens with
and battery. Owens was a»v
by onicer Frank TonghtnUAl
tho-Tunglunts were taken"'
tody by Officer Bernard Toolart.
According to Tarloski’s account
of the sorry affair, shortly after !t<
was released from jail ILst night m
connection with his part in the rai l
oil his place, lie was visited by one
or the Tonghlni brothers who, Tar
loskl claims, was looking for a fight.
Owens, who was standing nearby n.t
tlie lime, suddenly struck Loui
Tonghlni below tile eye and knocked - ■
It 1 in down. Tarloski says Toitghin. ,
left tlie place and nothing more wa.< i
done in tlie affair until just bero. ■
4 o’clock litis morning, when n<
was awakened by being struck tit 1
the eye. He charges that he wa j
held by Patrolman Frank Tonghi: • a
who was off duty, while other mi n j
hers of the family gave hipt a thoi J
Tarloski says he was knock' .
unconscious for a time ami when 1
recovered ids senses lie heard tie }
Tonghlnls go toward Owens' room
Tarloski then jumped out ot tin.
second story window and made In-*
way to the police station, where he
told Ills story and asked Lo he lock
ed up for protection. Jn court thl>
morning he displayed a beaten face
and his shirt covered with blood.
The Tonghlnls. however, deny
that J.ouls appeared in the saloon
to look for a tight and declare that
they were summoned to talk over
business matters, l.oiiis being as
saulted when he arrived.
Ollleer .Frank Tonghlnl maintains
too, that 'Owens was trying to shoot
ills brother Louis.and that lie inter- -
fared for that reason.- The attitude
of the police department toward the
policeman's part in the affair has I
not been determined vet, hut Alder- -
man Albert Waters, chairman of the .$
police committee, said this morning i
that tlie portion of the incident in
volving the patrolman would he |
thoroughly aired by the chief, the.
mayor and the police committee. He
did not say that Tonghlnl would he
suspended in the meantime, eon- v
ti tiding that, tile suspension was up ‘i
to Mayor Wilson.
In court this morning .Tulius Ton
gliini admitted that ho had beaten
Tarloski in the course of the fracas
early this morning and his hail was
fixed at $t,00<) which he furnished.
Hail in I lie other eases was lixed a' 1
$500 each and was offered by all hut
Owens. '
The police received notification of d
the iracns at the saloon when Tarlon- J
ki appealed following hts jump from i
tin, second story, and also when " J
telephone e-nil from neighbors living
in the building adjoining the -ale j
said that a murder was in progress. 3
Acting Sergeant .larn-s MdUoUflin.
Wi.lium Cooney, Hugh Steed. Bi -
naid Tcolan and Lester Seaman.
Here the Officer detailed to the J
s. iie ..I tl>- "battle." The building 3
is o.n Tm '.eas in at and lie urres'- * $
ed and appeared against Kriust Ton- ,<j
iigi.ii io court Uiis nioiniiig. No J
(Continued on page 21 * 3
Tutor ’ tax reports piepared. n'"
Stlveralein. C. P. A. IN Y.) ArcOun-'H*’ ;:'. J
an.l Tax specialist. 133 Smith St. I'll" •* a
UMI—W S-H-St. At 5-t(Mt. j
A. Iturinlpli. Prop.
We Save Bolli Yot.r Shoes and ,1
I'ull Xeolin Soles and Rubber liet-l? Jj
Women's and Mens Soles and Uob-^'Jj.
her heels, $l.3a.
O'Sullivan's Rubber Heels, 50e. ‘
all. work c;i akanteeo J

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