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FIRST GAME OF AMBOY * WOODBRIDGE SERIES TODAY __— —* Over-Confidence Of Locals' Big Help To Davis Bros. Seitat. 'vliich can be credited as tli- wor.-t of\he year, was registered uv.r tile Berth Amboy Speedways by the Davis Brothers quintet of New V-j'li on til Auditorium court Satur day night. Ovcrcantidence is entire l.v to blame tor the loss of the game. Af. r forty minutes cf play it was found tnat the Davis Brothers were on the long en.1 of a 25 to 23 score. Duriug the opening period of this game the Davi* Brothers were out k played und ther»'were many who be \ Uevcd the New Yorkers did not have a chance to cop the contest. J'or the greater part cf this halt the Speedways ;.eld a comfortable lead, and at half time the locals were lead ing by a i6 to 5 score. It is the opin ion of many that the home players could rvgily have registered a great many more points in this session. With an eleven pcint lead and Judging from the pace the New Yoikers were setting. Captain Char ley Brcwnnilllcr replaced Bay Han derht n. Although anyone can read ily estimate the strength of Bay Handerhen to the Speedway machine the entire local outfit, is responsible for the manner in which the New Yorkers were allowed to creep up in tha second period, finally to win the game. in the opening period the Speed ways outscored their opponents from ths field, seven to two, but in the final session the Davis Brothers drop ped in eight double counters to three for Amboy. Tr baskets by Hymie ■ Spike’’ Davis were entirely respon sible for tho outcome of the game. His first basket was about four min utes to go brought the New Yorkers up to within one point of the Speed way* and a foul later tied the score. With about two minutes to go his field coal was dropped in from the vicinity o£ the foul line. George llavis was the high scor ing star for the visitors in.this game accounting for ten points, while Han sen ied the local team in scoring, i Both the Speedways and ther New Yorkers scored ten field goals. The j defeat on Saturday night made it I three in a row for the local repre sentatives and ten setbacks for the season. The Speedways have now bean defeat?! thiee times on the Au ditor'um court. Gene rark*r was the eleventh man on the floor Saturday night. He call ed siver. foal on the New Yorkers, and Bav Kanderhan made one while Hat sen made two out of six ch.arse. Twelve foil’s were called on the Speedways and the visitors made five. The showing of Harry Davis, the highly touted Harmony club tosser in tl:e game Saturday night, has re sumed in the plai to bring this team to tiic local court being done awuy With. The score: Hnvis Brothers G. K. TI. George, f ...... 2 4 lb Willie, f . - 0 4 Harry, c .... • •. 1 0 - Jack, g . 2 1 ® Hymie, g .. - 0 a 10 5 25 Speedways G. K. Tl. R. HandfTJi'.n f./ 2 1 5 Suttcn, f . 2 0 4 Brownmblller. f . 0 0 0 Hansen, .. 2 2 ? Bredicy, g . 2 0 4 B. Handtrhan, g. 1 b 10 3 23 Rcfetee—Parker. ■mjwuvw’—*** MAY SUCCEED LANDIS i ■ .. V_—— - Francis J. Houlihan of Chicago is mentioned as probable successor to Kenesaw M. Landis, as judge of the federal district court of Chicago. Judge Landis has sent in his resig nation and is awaiting its Approval by President Harding. FIRE ALARM BOXES -1—Gordon and Meade Street* •3—Madlaon Ave. and Patereon St. ■ t_Market and Sheridan Street* 33—Smith Street and Central P it. 36— Market and Firat Street* 37— Raritan Copper Work* » 8—High and Lewie Street* 34_Madlion Avenue and Smith Street. W 33—Smith and High Street* 38— New Brunawlck Ave. and New Street 37—Smith And State Street* 41— StAndard Underground Cable Co. 43—Atlantic Terra Cotta Worke 43—Buckingham Ave. and Hartford St. 46—Commerce and Front Street* 46—State and Washington Street* 47_High and Washington Streets 63—Cortlandt *nd Eaaton Street* 54—State and Buckingham Av*. 56—Parker St. and Pulaakl Are. 56— Hall A"e. and Charles St. 57— state and Wayne Street* ss—Near Lead Work* B3—Washington Street and Bark Avenue 63—New Brunswick Ave. and Elm Street S4—Smith Street and Wataon ."venue r. ■>—Commerce and State Street* 73 _Front and Smith Street* . 73_Water ami Uoroon Street* 74 _Kearny Av*. and Gordon Street at—Brace and Hanson Avenue* 83—Smith and Herbert Streete 83— Amboy Avo. *nd Washington Sr 84— Lehigh Ave. and Stanford Stmt 86—Near City Ho»plt*l 86— Cleveland and Brace Avenue* 87— Amboy and Hall Avenue* m PHONE 1840 L. Saeith, Prop A U^V ' MEN’S & YOUNG MEN’S Clothing of Quality The right pattern, the right weave and the right style. ^ At the Right Price I. STERN 130 Fayette St. Just Off State Street — -- HAVE YOUR CLOTHING MADE correctly BEN INC ASA BROS. Tailors for Men Who Know > a 163 SMITH ST. “ On* Plight Up lisp SIX VS. MV HIGH Girls Team With Winning Streaks Are to Clash Here Today The Manasquai- girls' basketball tCcfrt reprcs->ntin . Manasquftn Higtx School Will I.lay the Perth Amboy High School Rills' varsity team on the locai court this afternoon. The Manasquun team v ith a record of tw-lvo victories is cut for the state high school championship. In the Crimson and White team, Midd'escx count.' champions, the down-state outfit capable opposition. The local girls under the direction of Coach Miss Marlon Burnr. have copped, si* sVrftlg „ games, one victory over Asbury park, two over Bed Bank, tsvo over Nc-v Bruns viol:, and one over Ro selle Til? Roselle and Asbury Park victories can be checked up as the most important because of the strength of these teams, but the New Brunswick games Clinched the coun ty championship honors. Ii Ir, probable that the Amboy team will take, tt'.e court today with the Misses David an Schultz, forwards, McKenzie, renter; Nickcnig, side rente", and the Bjork sisters, guards The Manasquan team will appeal with its best players and this team like Amboy is desirous of l« through the season without a defeat. The rtreak of one teani^must go to rt a v. Have your windows cleaned In Buildings, Offices, Stores and Private Residences By The Perth Amboy Window Cleaning Company 102 riRO.Ml SI. ' PHONE 100* NEXT! For A Good Hair Cut, Shave, Massage, Etc. Special Department for Ladies Hair Cutting PALACE BARBER SHOP 300 Madison Avo. Next St. Lifers WIRE ME. AND I’LL WIRE *00 1997 «FODN MARTIN GENERAL ELECiTMCAL CONTRACTOR S3 BRIGHTON AVE.. PERTH AMBOT M BOYS IT I WOODBRIDGE Relations Between the Two Schools to be Reopened Today . — For tlio first time in many years sport relations between Woodbridge and Forth Amboy High Schools will be resumed tills afternoon. The lo cal varsity quintet will travel to Woodbridge to stack forces against the fast going representative school team of that place. A hard fought game is anticipated. Woodbridge and Perth Amboy have always been most bitter ri- i vals on tlio court, diamond, track and gridiron. There came a time j when it was necessary" to sever re lations and since that time little of- j. fort has been made to resume nc-; tivities. Manager Ed Fatten of the local varsity team is one party responsible for tlio reopening of the sport chan nels between the two schools. A record crowd is expected out this [ afternoon given though the Perth Amboy team is practically out of the running for county school honors. This fight for supremacy is bound i to be as interesting ns any contest for any championship. It is prob able that the Amboy team will use Grieve and Cohen, forwards: Jim Patten, center, and Hughes and Mar tin, guards. In a short time the two teams will clase in the second game of the series on the local cou rt , ’ I I I Beauvais Post Team Adds Another Victory to String 'J he Beauvais Post American Le gion quintet of Tottenville doubled tilt score of the "O'd Timers” outfit in a same on Amicltia hall court, Picasant Piainr, Saturday. The gaino was somewhat of a grudge affair and a record crowd was in at tendance. The final score was *0 to 15. Numerous statements by the "Old Timet*’ and followers of this team failed t- develo In the game. It is claimed that Art Homer was to es tab'lsh a scoring record against Price while Copeland was to hold Preacher scoreless Homer was held scoreless and Price scored three baskets, while Preacher scored five double counters on Copeland. At half time the- Beauvais' Post outfit was leading by a score of to to 8. Preacher was high score for the legion team, while Van Leycn and LaJune. players from the other end of the island, scored all of the points for the “Girl Timers.” Frey refereed. 'J he score: Tottenville (1. F. Tl. Pr»a?her. f. 5 ’1 11 Cove 11, f.'•.2 0 4 LaForge, c . 1 2 Price, g. 3 n Jj Sher, g .. • 3 1 7 , 14 2 30 Old Timers G. F. Tl. Homer, f . 0 0 J Var. Leyen, f. 1 5 7 La.Tune. o . 3 2 8 Copeland, g . (l h H Lcljifhan, g . 0 0 0 4 7 35 I FORWARDED 1 ■ TO SOVIET I Has Held Title For 10 Years ' WE* > \>- '•MSlftES eMOthcxe.^ t> iU- > VKatt* CHN' > \'SU'E- C130WK »HH *errt£.o jv/\esc. »oo J3MMS/ - _•%bv"V-V- 90KnvCH\WJ« 'l^WJK'b -SOHK \t>'TVSBIMM Winning a championship title In any branch of sport is yjie thing, holding it is another. On February 22, 1912, Johnny Kilbane won the featherweight tltlo from Abe Attell at Vernon, Califor nia. Kilbane has held the title ever since, and on the twenty-second of this month celebrated the tenth anniversary of lifting the crown. No other tighter under the .Marquis of Quecnsbury rules can boast of such a record. A year after winning the title from Abo Attell, Kilbane defended it against Johnny Dundee. The bout went the limit, twenty rounds, and was declared a draw by Rofcree Charlev Eyton. That is the closest Kilbane has come to losing his crown in ton years. The Dundee bout was a very even affair, and Kilbane was fortun ate to be favored by the referee’s decision. In 1916 George Chancy loomed up as the fighter to dethrone Kilbane. Hi* record of knockout* caused fight experts to make him a favorite over the champion. Kilbano knocked Chaney out in three rounds to great surprise of the pugilistic world. On September 17. 1921. Danny Crush met Kilbane for tho title. So confident was Crush of victory that ho took on the bout for merely a guarantee of training expenses. Kil bane received $60,000. Kilbane knocked out Crush In seven rounds. Jn this bout Crush claimed the title on a foul, but Referee Walter Kelley refused lo allow it and made him continue. In 1917, due to a lack of good featherweight material. Kilbane 6s sayed entering the lightweight class ami met Champion llenny Leonard. In that bout Kilbane suffered the only knockout of his career. Leonard stowing him away in the third round. John L. Sullivan, who is credited ! with holding the heavyweight title | wm.-■—lai’wms-viir-- »'-A g -*w.:.,■! i ) Lose Hard Fought Game) on the Rahway Court Saturday SOUTH AMBOY, Feb. Si.—The Independent gir'.o' basketball team of this place lc-. a hard fought contest on the Railway Y. M. C. A. court Saturda night to the Rahway Y. M. C. A. g.'ra’ team. The game was forgot n:p arm tuck throughout and the score at the end of play was 11 to 10. T.ns contest wan llm deciding game of a series. The local girls won one game from Rahway on the local court, and lost the two played in Rahway. The Rahway team lined up in regular fashion for this game, wh'lc South Ambo- used the Misses Doi i. I’nrgotsun and Fdna Bennett, for wards; Katherine Miller, center, and Idarlon Thofn and Frances Hance. The point* for the visiting team weir made by the Mieses Forgotson ana Bennett. It us probable that the Itcttas girls of Berth Amboy will clash with the Independent girls in a lirsl gutio of a series of three to decide the Middlesex county cham pionship, on the local court next Thursday night in a preliminary gan o to the Speedway-Junior Me chanic contest. J BANQUET SET FOR TONIGHT City Bowling League Affair to be Held at the Elks Club The first annual banquef ot the Perth Amboy City Bowling league will be held In the Elks club to night. Members and representatives ot the different times, city officials and a great many others will be In attendance at tills affair expected to be one of the biggest of its kind ever held In this city. Recorder Harold E. PickersgiU has been chosen to act In the capac ity ot toastmaster. Sixteen acts of vaudeville entertainment have been carded and the award of prizes will also occupy an important place on the program for the evening. The Forester bowling team nosed out the American Smelting & Re fining company entry for the cham pionship of this league, the first city bowling league successfully carried out in a number of years. In addi tion to the prize for first Place made during the course of the playing schedule. Anyone desiring tickets can secure same from tho members of the dif ferent teams. l for twelve years under the l.ondon nrlzo ring unit Marquis of Queens ttury rules, la the only fighter to ipproach the record set by Kllbane. st. maryThigTschool DOWNS W00DBRID6E HIGH SOUTH AMBOY, Feb. 27—The Pt. Mary's High School basketball loam of this placo defeated Wood bridge High School by an eleven point margin. 43-32, In a game on the local court Friday night. The score: SI. Mary’s O. F. Tl. Connors, f . 2 a 4 McDonnell, t.? » 4 Delaney, f .« o 12 (- .4 0 8 Fltzmorris. ..2 i> 4 Zaduniewlcz, g . 0 11 11 1« 11 42 Wood bridge Cl. F. Tl Drummond, f.*..3 3 f Hoagland. t’.7 1 1! Walling, c. 2 a 4 Voorhees, g ..0 n C Peterson, .. 2 o 4 14 4 32 Bayonne Y. M. H. A. Bows To Roosevelt Quintet After trailing a: the end of the first naif bv a four point margin, 15 to 11. tte Roosevelt Separates staged a cjmeback and downed the Bayonne Y. M. H. A. oulntet on Coughlin’s auditorium cour. In Roosevelt last night by a 41 to l'7 tally. It was the Separates sixth consecutive victory on tho Roosevelt court. In the opening period tho Bay onne players succeeded In breaking through the defense of the Separate outfit fo. sir double counters, while tho home courtsters netted five bas kets from the field in this session. The visitors also made three foul goals to one fat the Separates this half. The Separates showed old time spaed i;i the second half and had an easy time passing their oppon ent*. After the first few minutes of Play 111 tills period the outcome of the gamo was never In doubt. The Separates registered fourteen double counters In thi* session and also two fool goal*, while the Bayonne tossers were belt, to three two pointers. 1 Tho latter team scored six times from tho fifteen foot line in the last period. I’d Regan and Pete Hansen led the home team In scoring in this game, while Welso'y carried oft high scor ing boners for the visiting quintet. All of the players on the two trains took part in the scoring in this game. On Thursday night of this week the Separates will play the Normal* of Newark Normal School on the Itousevelt court, and In a preliminary game tie Ontcr girls will play a Newark team. Next Sunday night there is a possibility that the Beau vais Post quintet of Tottenvllle will furnish the opposition to the Sep arate*. The score: Separates - G. F. Tl. Hibbard, f . 1 0 2 Cutter, f . 4 » s Hansen, c ... 5 fl 1<* Regan, g . « 2 1 + Glochau, g . 3 1 7 19 3 41 Bayonne G. F. Tl. Welsoly, f . .1 4 jo Topper, f .,...., 1 1 3 Lippman r .-.el 1 3 Horwah, g ..,2 1 3 Dicksteln, g .. 2 2 fi 9 » ,27 ' . I Teams Clash at South Am boy Again Thursday Night , SOUTH AMBOY, Feb. 27.—At the request of ft largo following of fans in this city and vicinity, Manager Samuelson of Die Junior Order of United American Mechanic basket ball team has booked the Perth Am boy Speedways for another game on tho local court this Thursday night. The Speedways defeated the Junior Mechanics on the local court in a hard fought game before a record crowd several weeks ago. Tiie rehookiiiB of the Perth Am boy team is not alone what Is in teresting to fans of this vicinity. There are tumors in the air that Eddie Sc helling, who starred for the Hive!sides in the Pertli Amboy Au ditorium series of two seasons ago, and several other Newarkers may don tho uniform of the Junior Me chanic quintet for this game. J,ocal fans would glory over a Speedway defeat no matter what tlie expense Fans from nil over the county wit nessed the first meeting of these twe teams but ft much larger crowd li expected this week for it will be tin last chance given the local represen tative team to register a victory ov er their Perth, Amboy rivals this year. A bitterly fought contest is ^anticipated^ John M. Urbanski to Pilot AN fairs-A. Dametsch Captain At the regular meeting of tliw Maurer Ath.etic Association held re cently. decision was reached to re organize a representative trasebul. team nnd to entertain senior circle*. Tho Maurer combination made * wonderful record on the diamond laa- year ana members of the asso ciation look rorward to greater suc cess this season. John !M. Urbanski. was re-elected ari manager of the team, whilo An ton Dametsch was elected captain. I Manager Urbanski has not made any announcement aa yet regarding the mateiiai for his-deam this year but it is rumored about thjt several new players will wear the Maurer uni form this season. It Is probabl' that tho Maurer outfit will pluy or! their home grounds at Maurer every > Sunday afterdoom The Maurer pilot is ready to ar-'J range games with leading senior . teams in tnls section. All, egg mumcations should ho addf ObbS| ifl Manage! Urbansk’. Maureri MR , Pei th Amboy 28. :-Jp1''' i Wf GEORGE H. THOMPSON CARPENTER AMD BUnLDBB gobbing Promptly **»™lj*d to ST UWW BP PHONF »<0»OtT Battle of Supermen on Wrestling Mat / VOH/CT IF -DEMP5E4 AND ZBSSZKO voerae-'TOisNED loose, ih a rough AND TUMBLE BATTLE 7* Who wgulti Witt iti Uie jny^wed aialch between the t«o siijieiNuien. Demise} and Zbysko,- <*n the "resiling mal • Automobile 00 Sale I. A Good Used Car For One Dollar P A Bona Fide Sale By The Union Garage Co. 1 Of Perth Amboy NO DEALERS CONSIDERED. ONLY ONE SALE PER PERSON ' * g WITH ANY CAR IN THIS LIST, PUR CHASER MAY PROCURE ONE CAR FROM OPPOSITE LIST ON PAYMENT OF $1.00. Oldsmobile G Touring—New Oldsmobile 4 Touring Oldsmobile 4 Touring Oldsmobile 6 Sedan Oldsmobile 6 Roadster Oldsmobile 6 Touring Scripps-Booth Touring MacFarlan Touring Reo Roadster American Touring Buick 4 Roadster Maxwell Touring All These Cars Are Re conditioned No Over Valuation Prices from $495 up ANY CAR IN THIS JjIBX niAX Jox. raw CURED FOR $1.00 BY PURCHASING ONE OAR FROM OPPOSITE LIST. Grant Touring Ford Sedan Maxwell Touring Hudson 6-54 Touring Chevrolet Touring Liberty Touring Overland Touring Hupraobile Touring Reo Touring 1 Dodge Touring Ovcrluud 4 Roadster Overland Touring All These Cars Are in Good Running Condition Prices up to $395 All Prices In Plain Figures ft j | » “ Sale Begins Tuesday, February 28, 9 a. m. Ends Saturday, March 4, 9 p. m. B Union Garage Co. I 278 King St. Perth Amboy, N. J. ft PeerleSS Open Evenings Until 9 P. M. HupHlObile -!s | - jjr/f