Newspaper Page Text
I If It’s Something For The House, You Will Find It Under Classification 59____ p . v._ __ THE EVENING NEWS si Peril* Amboy. V ,f. CLASSIFIED advertising Indexed and Standardized and Popular tzed for Quick Reference All ad* are restricted to their prom * classifies! Ion and to the regular Th< Evening News style of tv pe.. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily Rate Per Line Cash Char* ; « days . *»c *G , a days . *G 1 day .10c 12c No ad taken for leas than 2 lines. Charged at the rale earned. * Count six average woriln to the "in f* Ads are allowed the cash rate if paid a f 'The Evening News Office within •» rtav i". ifrom the first day of Insertion. t Charged ads may be given hy telephone i Ails ordered for « days arid stopped b«* 'foie that time will only be charged f"» r . The actual number of times the «d np $ peered, charging at the rate earned. Long term rates given upon request. Telephone 400. Ask for a Want Afl Taker. "CLASSIFICATIOIM ~ ANNOUNCEMENTS . g—Coming Events 9—Persona la 10—Lost and Found AUTOMOBILES J|—Automobllos for Sale ?/ d 2— Motorcycles and Bicycles , !)3— Automobiles for Exchange 14—Auto Accessories 1 ft— Service Stations—Repairing ! jG—Auto Livery—Garages d7—Wanted—Automobiles K BUSINESS SERVICE * ;}g—Business Services Offered JO—Building—Contracting tM>—Heating and Plumbing L*l— Insurance fc2—Millinery—Dressmaking !’it—Moving. Trucking. Storage f4— Painting—Papering i. 5—Patent Attorneys M—Printing—Stationery 27—Professional Services B»— Repairing f f9—Renovating and Dyeing —Tailoring and Pressing m |l—Wanted—Business Service EMPL07MENT J IS—Help Wanted—Pomale /, 13—Help Wanted—Mule i, t4—Help—Male or Female Kraft—Salesmen and Agents •; J3—situations Wanted—Female v 17—Situations Wanted—Male MINAINUAli is—Business Opportunities J9—investments, Stocks. Bonds. i, (0—Money to Loan ' ll—Wanted—To Borrow !W INSTRUCTION .;3—Correspondence Courses 1—Bocal Instruction Classes . it—Musical Dancing. Dramatic fi—Private Instruction 6—Wanted—Instruction fSE LIVE STOCK jj—Dogs. Cats. Pets $—Horses, Cattle. Vehicles fm—Poultry and Supplies ■ '’*9—Wanted—Live Stock Wp, MERCHANDISE i—Articles for Sale .,3—Business and Office Equipment ;E—Boats and Accessories ft—Building Materials —9**— Farms and Dairy Products I V^rlfuel. and Feed * I— Gobf/TPfiTjTgaf to Eat 1—Ilonfs Mario Things )— Hoi'S iold Goods J—Jewelry and Watches r f —Machinery and Tools —Musical Instruments * I—Seeds. Plants. Fertilizers . I—Specials at Stores —Wearing Apparel I—Wanted—To Buy • ROOMS FOR RENT V- F—Rooms With Board i I—Rooms Without Board V I—Rooms for Housekeeping 5 I—Vacation Places (—Where to Eat ,s f—Where to Stop In Town | I—Wanted—Rooms or Board REAL ESTATE FOR RENT v i—Apartments and Flats ?<i f— Business Places for Kent !—Farm for Rent V ’—Houses for Rent 7' Offices and Desk Room % Suburban for Rent jr —Summer Places for Rent K }—Wanted—To Rent v K j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 I—Business Property ff 1—Farina and Land for Sale i—Houses for Sale 6 [-—Lots for Sale g >— Shore Property for Sale fc —Suburban for Sale IV —Real Estate for Exchange ?; r,— Wanted—Real Estate ANNOUNCEMENTS I uneral I lower* _ 8 LARK.THB FLORIST— St.. nex: to Crescent Theatre Flower* for all oc ep«jr>na ‘told Fish. Tel. 296.ft. Si ItUV E. TUB FLORIST—Phone «84 Palms, ferns pot plants, cut flowers floral designs a specialty 85S Laurie St. AUTOMOBILES Automobile Agwwlft_1M » HA YNES^Sftles and Services garage an. I i.-pahs Middlesex Motors Inc. 231 | Madison Ave., coi oer Marki t St Automobile* For_ Hale ________ *1 . «J VVRECKBR—Ozel Moble 6 peel a. full equipped; perfect condition; 4 ex I tra tires, two rims, must sell. Muno/ Storege. 238 Hhei'dan St. CHAN DLER—7 passenger touring. 1921 I model; over size cord tires; excellem I condition; priced for quick sale. Per. 1: ! Amboy Oarage Co. 283 Madison Avenue DODGE D E LI VBR Y—f9 19: “llke^new; | big bargain. Atlantic Garage. 665 Am h-iv Avenue. DODGE SEDAN- Ful Jaoqu< • __ DODGE TOUR ING—New lop; good rub ■ bi-r; being overhauled. 643 Amboy Ave. _ | !•*( »RI» PANEL DELIVERIES, 2—For I quick Halt*. $100 each. Van Syeklf's. 1 VnltD THICK—I ton pneumatic tiro with I covered delivery body; side curtains; a I condition; price $I0»». Oliver B. Ames. "Woodbridge. N. ,1. Phone $22._ JEFFRIES 6 passenger automobilt go • l coridiiion. $300.00. Inquire 631 Rahway Avenue, Carteret.______ OLDS MOBILE—7 passenger (eight) a-1 condition; must be seen to bo appreci ated. A bargain. 168 Smith St. OVER LA NI' T< II RING— Modi In good running condition. Jefferson Motors. Inc. 319 Madison Avenue._ ! .STI UEI’.A KEK Special 6 Touring; ail new cord tires, other extras: priced right. J. Arthur Applegate. 298 Mar ket at Prospect St. _____________ iici It k— • i 'i on; for sale < p to quick ; buyer. High St. Garage, 342 High St.. I Perth A in boy. N'. J. Phone 2283. i I N'ImN GARAGE CO. -Don’t fail to at tend our $1.00 Used Car Sale. 278 King I Street. __ i“ IRS BY USED CARS Stiidebakcr 7 Passenger Touring; nice family car, $300.00. Ford Touring, $125.00. Ford Runabout. $73.00 Ford Sedan, $325.00 Ford Delivery. $100.00 Vim Delivery, $200 00 Dort Touring. $200.00 DORSEY MOTORS. INF.. Authorized Ford Dealers Maple and Fayette Sts. Near P. O Phono 3GG Fcrth Amboy Open Evenings STRIKE CASUALTY .•-—L— Dora Doucott, of Dudgeville, K. I., was one of the injured in the Paw tucket cotton mill strik • ,j* bandaged ankle tells the story. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Hale_II GOOD USED CABS—Qarrstson Co., *3! U*gh Street._ _________ ! \jsED CARS—1*20 Touring; 1*19 Buick 5 passenger Touring; St ude baker Coupe Central Garage 225-227 New Brunswick I Avenue. Tel. 714._. ; USED CARS—Open and closed models; Superior Garage Co. Service Stall"* Maxwell. Columbia. Elgin Mot* r Cars Gar ford Trucks. Corner Maple and Fsy ette street:. Tel. 1594 USED CARS 1921 Ford 1 ton truck. $525 1*21 Studebaker Eight 6 touring. $80< I Dodge Bros. Touring. $425 jiulck K-49. Winter Top, $S0O. j Grant Touring. $150 St udebaker 7 Passenger. $200 FRANK VAN SYCKLB Dodge Bros. Motor Vehicles 151 New Rrunswlck Ave. _ » USED CARS Chevrolet Touring, new In June. 1921 excellent condition. 7 passenger Overland Touring Car Prices very reasonable. GILLI3 &. FRIES, i' Smith St. Tel Ha i 1; i * CARD Hudson Touring; excellent tires; spot | light; newly painted; mechanically perfect. $86'». Jeffrey Touring. $400 1 Franklin Touring. Scries 9A, good shape; good paint. $9«0. j one h <■\Under Cadillac Touring; ex cellent shape. SEXT< IN’S G A R AGE 15 SMITH STREET i open Evenings Tel. 181 Auto Accessories M BATTeIuES — Willard Threaded Rubber ! Batteries, unfailing guards against need for reinsu'utlon during the battery’s life. ! Battery & Motor Service Stutlon. 149 New Bt npwlck Ave Tel, 1585_ | UATTEHIES—2 year guarantee; uncon ditional; n new Flay Battery If your old ones goes wrong within 2 years. V\nat other battery dares to tlo this? Chris Johnson. New Rrunswlck Ave. riRBS—For sale; Goodyear. G odricb, Mlchelln. Fisk and United States. F. K. itr, New Brunswick Ave_ Hew lee Station—Repairing_1$ AMBOY AUTO RADIATOR WORKS— Auto radiators, bodies and fenders re paired. auto sheet metal work. 154 New Brunswick Ave Tel 1607. A UTOMUBILK V.X Mali's Ami fl t ted with oversized pistons, pis ton rings and wrist oins restores motor power, saves gas and oil and mak«« old motors os TO"*d as new Garages can .n erease business hy advising Cylinder Grinding. Wri'e for price list. Produc tion Grinding Company. Inc.. 11-15 Hed den Place. Newark. N J. __ AUTO BODY BUILDER^—Bus an I com mercial; onto painting and general blaeksmithing; agent for Goodrich solid truck tires. Toll & Frcycr. 427-33 Bast A vs. TeJ, 2381. ___ v .. i. i: i«* \ N GARAGE—Best equipped re palr shop in town; day and night ser vice. Supplies and accessories. For ser vice ca!l_lB81.__ AUTO PAINTING—John I’. Jack -. Air - mobile. Truck and Wagon Painter 305 Laurie Street. Jitney Bus painting a specialty.__•____ AUTO WRECKERS—And repairing; also towing; night and day service Phone 40. 2161 236 Sheridan St. A. B Stryker. AUTO TOPS—Recovered and repaired; automobile robes, blankets, slip covers. P Guthoff. 134 New Brunswick Ave. Tel. 1630._ . When you glvo Jewelry, select your pre sent through the attractive and eronomt- j t a I offers appearing daily in Classlflcaloin: 60. It's easier to look from nd Vo ad than to1 run from store to store—read the Mer chandise ads in the classified section be foro you start shopping. -■ -- NOTICE The Jersey Central Traction Company has filed with the Board of Public Utility Commissioners, a petition asking permis sion to charge 10c in each fare zone, whore 7c is now collected. The increased (arc to become effective March 17th, 1922. JERSEY CENTRAL TRACTION CO., WM. H. HITCHCOCK. General Manager. 11116 - 1 :: i. SHE 7; SAPPEARS AFTER HER “SUICIDE” Mrs. K. S. Cheatham, wealthy New York widow, disappeared at a New York bathing beach Iasi August. She was given up by poliet a suicide, identical photographs led to her discovery, living in Chi o under the name of "Mrs. Hall.' / / / I s i^3a5**^k I k,.- , . • r ( « EVERY MAN TIES ON HIS OWN PRICE TAG What arc you worth—to yourself—to your present employer—to someone who needs just your type of ability in his business? These are the days when work is scarce, but the right men are getting the right jobs all the same. Get that “right job” for yourself! Take time now to appraise yourself. Your natural ability and experience have fitted you to do some things particularly well. Are you doing what you can do best? Are you getting what you are worth? The sure way to meet opportunity more than half way is to tell all about yourself in a Sit uation Wanted ad that will go directly into the hands of the city’s employers. Stop in at the News office and talk things over with an ad taker today. I - - 1 t I -*---I AUTOMOBILES Service Station—Repairing _ 15 CHEVROLET AND FORD OWNERS— Carbon scraped and valves ground, $1/1. Stop Lamps Installed, tile; Carburetors adjusted. Repairs, 75o per hour. All work guaranteed. Commerce St. Repair Shop, Commerce St. Piione 406-R. COUNTY BRIDGE GARAGE—Motor Cat repairing of all kinds; touring service 400 Market St Phone 1001.__ r. LECTI i1C RE PA I It 3 X G—G e neratore i I starters repaired; all makes of arma tures rewound motor winding our spe cialty K. & K. Electric Co. 149 Nsw Brunswick A vc. Tel. 605._ ELLIS BROS.—Garage, for your repair ing. moving and trucking, ear and taxi service. Storage and supplies. Phor.* 2197 420-432 High St. FEDERAL AUTO RADIATOR WORKS— Auto radiators, bodies and fenders re paired. all kinds auto sheet metal work. 190 Npw Brunswick Av** Phone 13*»0 FRANK HUDA—Commercial automobile body builders and repairers, automobile painting; specializing on touring, com mercial cars. 469 Division St. Tel. 793-1 HIGH ST GARAGE—Expert repairing, overhauling, pleasure cars, trucks, carbon burning, automobile supplies 342 High St Phone 2283. A. A. Maurer. JACOB & MORROW —Auto Repair C distrlbutois for Middlesex County Selden Motor Tru :ks; 1M- to 6 tons. 340 Pros pect St. phone 2066. __ MAGNETOS REPAIRED—Williams Auto Electric Service Station, magnetos, gen erators. starters, batteries properly and fully rccba.ged 60c. Agent for the Wlth erhee Battery 140 New Brunswick Ave. PERTH AMBOY AUTO WRECKING CO. — 184 Fayette St. 1S3 New Brunswick Ave Tel. 1394. RARITAN AUTO RADIATOR WORKS— Expert repairing auto radiators, lamps, fenders, hoods gasoline tanks, etc. 181 New Brunswick Ava Phone 2172. VULCANIZING—Steam Vulcanizing and retreading Billy’s Tire Shop. Phone 2140 148 N*-w Brunswick Ave WATSON AVE. GARAGE—Auto repairing rebuilding and overhauling our specialty. Old motors made like new. Tel. Day 2240. Night 805. . _ . . ... •. 4 Auto Livery—Garages_10 JOE* 8 TAXI—Phone 80X0 Day and Night service. Cara to hire for weddings funerals er • 426 Olvlsion St PRIVATE GARAGES—Inquire 400 Ka:d A v e. or Tel. 161 - M BUSINESS SERVICE lluiineits Services Offered _ 18 AMBOY SIGN—And Advertising Co. signs anywhere and any kind. 81 Smith Street._._ iTlacK SMITH — And practical horseshoer Wheelwright and body builder Chat. J Yenk. 269 New Brunswick Ave. K. M IN DSZF.NTHY — Steamship Ticket Agency. 167 Hall Ave. Telephone No 642.___ PUBLIC ST E N LH5 P. APH KK —And m l m eo - graphing. Raritan Publicity Service. Raritan Building. Tel, 1856._ STOVE REPAIRILG—Have an expert re pair V"iir stove Miller 539 State St wKT WASH—Phone 1941 for gfbod work and prompt delivery. Snow White Wet Wash Laundry. Inc. 361 New Bruns wick A ven ue. Building—Contracting_19 F. W. HUFF—Electrical contractor, fin ished boutm and all kinds of Interior wir ing radio equipment and Installations Woodbrldge Ave. and Henley St.. Wood brhlge_ Tel. 627. _ _ J J. YEl LBN— Electrical Contractor; finished house wiring a specialty; lix tuivs at reasonable prices, estimates cheerfully furnished 161 I.lnd St. ROOFING—H C Smith. Jr., slate. slag roofing id tinning; waterproofing 123 125 Madison Ave Tel '660 _Healing ami Plumbing _ 20 PLU MH1NG—Damgaard & Liuote Heal ing and gas tiling Jobbing promptly at t ended to; estimates furnished. 308 Film St. Phone 2081._ PLUMBING- s l Bulvnnoski. plumbing, b aling, gas fitting and tinning in all Its branches; all work promptly done. 670 Charles Phone 1408 _____________ PLUMBING—John Klusendorf. plumbing, heating and gas fitting; jobbing promptly attended to; estimates furnished 498 Groom St Phone 2221 __ Millinery—I’romu.ak tng_82 HEMSTITCHING—We do all kinds of aids and accordion pleating and machine pleating; very reasonable prices. E. W»iss 817 Maple Si Rhone 8973 Moving, Trucking. Storage_U AUTO TRUCK I NG—Light art) heavy ; local and long distance service when and as you want It Otto Dietz. State and Chauncey Streets.____ A ft) TRUCKING—C. Borup. transfe and auto trucking, storage furniture am pianos moved; city and country. 33i stat.> Street. Phone ‘jit*; _________ CARTING—W&laheck's General Trucking, local and long distance moving, also light and heavy carting. 266 Goodwin St. Phon 1672. Perth Amboy. N. J. I M ■ ■■■■■■ FIRE ALARM BOXES —■ i— M—Gordon and Meade Street* .’3 — Madison Ave. and Paterson St. 24—Market anti Sheridan Street* 2..—Smith Street and Central R * It. 26— Market and First Streets 27— Karitan Copper Works s — High and Lewis Streets 34—Madison Avenue and Smith Street. Sn»;th !>d High Streets 36— New Bruns* 'k Ave. and New Street 37— Smith and State Streets H—Standard Underground Cable Co. 42—Atlantic Terra Cotta Works 13—Buckingham Ave and Hnrtford St. ID—Commerce and Front Streets If.—State and Washington Streets 17—High and Washington Streets. "«2—Cortlandt and Raster. Street# • 4—State and Buckingham Ave. ->5—Parker St and Pulaski Ave. .6— Hall A-e. and Charles Sr. 7—State and Wayne Streets o8—Near Lead Works .3 — Maurer •52—Washington Street and Park Avenut 63—New Brunswick Ave. and Klin Streei [ —Smith Stieet and Watson 'venue 65—Commerce and State Streets 72—Front and Smith Streets 7.3—Water an/« tsoroon Streets 74—Kearny Ave. and Gordon Street SI—Brace and Hanson Avenues 82—Smith and Herbert Streets S3—Amboy Ave. and Washington St. <4—Lehtgh Ave. and Stanford Street s*—Near City Hospital 86—Cleveland and Brace Avenues $7—Amboy and Hall Avenue* BUSINESS SERVICE Moving, Tracking. 8tW»f_til E.\ PRESS—Ami trucking; local and long I distance. J J. Sidenburg. 377 Division i st. Phone 853-J._ HACI.INC—Andrew Anderson. Trucking engines, tnilern. machinery, safes, heavy hauling and rigging of every description. Pierce Arrow and Packard 5 ton trucks. Tel. 1 78. 77 Fayette Street. Perth Am hoy. N. J.____ .MOV ING — D Kudin, express and storage, long distance moving with care. 204 New Brunswick Ave. Phone ■''•76. 1882 Perth Amboy. j MOVING—Lepjier’s Express; transporta- i tion between Perth Amboy and New York; move In city or coun*ry. 236 Washington St._Phone 2318. TRUCK INli—Eagle Motor Transportation Co., heavy trucking. 340 Prospect St. Tel 2066. _ _____ TRUCKING—John Gardell. transfer, auto trucking; storage furniture; pianos mov ed country, city 205 Market St. Tel. 478 Painting and Papering 14 DECORATING—A P Earner; Painter ami Paper Hanger; work guaranteed: reasonable prices, estimates given. 123 So 1st St. Phono Y.43-W.__ PAPER HANGING—Paper Hanging a specialty. Wall paper retail at whole sale prices. Paper Hangers furnished at lowest prices. N. Y. Wall Paper Co. 360 State St. Phone 1722 Professional Services_II PIANO TUNING—And Repairing; first class work. C. Steinhauser 325 State St Tel t854-M_ Repairing_tfi CLAUSEN & JOHNSON—If it is made of leather we have It or make it; also repair suit cases, bags trunks, basket balls, gun cases, belts, etc. Phone 41-W. 143 New Brunswick Ave. COLONl~AL CABINET—WORKS—-For cab inet making, upholstering and carpet cleaning. 388 State St. Tel. 23G-M._ SHOE' REPAIRING—S. Goldsmith has moved from 127 Fayette St. to 3fo State Street All work guaranteed at the low es; prices.__ HOE REPAIRING—First .class; best oak leather used; also new shoes a. reason able prices J. Oherenskv 181 Nsw Brunswick *^e.__ __ _ i PHOLSTEKING — AND FURNITURE REPAIRING HARRY FEINBQRG. S» SMITH ST I'HUNfi I n « 1 ______ UPHOLSTERING—U L B RAID WOO*-* 3«y HIGH ST PHONE 253 l PHOL8TERER—OverstufTed furniture repaired and recovered, springs reset. John J Galvin 39fi Park Ave Tel 1347-M _ Renovating and Dyeing _ *9 CLEANING—Alterations. Dyeing Press ing Pressing, prices moderate S Ep stein 255 Madison Ave. Below Majestic TAILORING—Dyeing and cutting ladles and gent's garments cleaned, pressed and repaired. P Palo_201 State Street._ FUR COATS—Purs and ladies’ cloth gar ments remodeled and repaired equal to new. Purs cleaned, dyed and glazed. A. Greenhouse sk Smith Street. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted—Female 82 CIGAR PACKERS—Wanted. Julius Klor fein. 737 Cortlnndt St. ^_ CROCHET HEADERS. 25—Experienced or learners; steady work all year round, high price paid. Apply 173 Smith St. Room 31*1. 3n\ floor. H. TarzJan. GIRLS—Wanted! Inquire Chesebrough Manufacturing Co. GIRLS. 60—WANTED TO LEARN TRIM ; MING ON MEN'S HATS; SALARY PAID | WHILE LEARNING. EXPERIENCED GIRLS MAY APPLY. TOTTEN VILLE HAT WORKS. INC., 67 JOHNSON AVE. TOTTEN VILLE. S. I.. FORMERLY SrEAR HAT MFG. CO. j GIRL—For general housework. Apply Lesslauer. 76 Smith Street, j GIRL—To assist with general housework 1 Appi^ 179 Brighton Ave.. upstairs. GIRL—For general housework; good pea. , U Brighton Ave., upstair*. GIRL -To assist with housework. 2i».: | High Street._ ] GIRLS—25 more to work on men’s shirts. few learners taken. Goodman Cohen & ! Co. 331 Maple St., 1 flight up._ I GIRLS—EXPERIENCED ON ALL CLASSES OF SEWING MACHINES. AI* ; PLY GOLDSTEIN-KIRSHNER CO., 35 | GREEN ST.. WOODBRIDGE. N. J. GIRL—For light housework. M. Horn. I 42 Smith Street. \ GIRL—For light housework; sleep ut home. 133 Lewis Street._ GIRL—For housework. Apply 68A Stfttl I Street. __ HOUSEKEEPER For family of 8; Dan ish preferred. Address “Housekeeper," Care News. ___ _ i i • WHEK E EPER ■ man prefei r< <i, middle aged. Apply Chas. Ilerpeck. Box "9 Old Bridge. N. J._ _ LEARNERS—Preparers and Copiers. French MllUnery. :’.nt ,stat« Street MAID—For general housework. t>8 High St reet.___„ MIDDLE A'iKD WOMAN I’o inter view and canvas established trade; salary and commission paid. Address *'381'* N«-wh, OPERATORS—Experienced, learners also taken; steady work and real good pay to the right girls. Plain Singer machine* used. Neatfonn Camisole and Brassier* Factory. Amboy Road and Main St., Tot tenvllle. Ferriuge money paid to Amboy • and neighboring towns I YOUNG GIRL—For general house wo . ' and to help out with meals; no washing, no ironing. Mrs. John Slpp, foot Page Vvenue, Tottenvllle YOUNG LA Dll :s —To t..; e up yeai s ti ing for nursing. One years course with j operating room experience; malnten j ance and allowance given during course. : Apply H. Sorenson. Richmond Memoriul • Hospital, Prince^Bay. Staten Island._ WOMAN—Or mil ter housework; small family. 274 Davidson Ave„ downstairs. DOMESTIC EMPLOYMENT AGENCY— 120 Market St. female helo furnished Experienced waitress wanted. Position! . waiting for girls. Pbopg lilV-M jA . V •' V ‘ » EMPLOYMENT ilelp Wanted—Male_M EXPERfEN EI» BOY—For Madison Bak ery. ::ii Madison Avenue._ AMBOY EM FLO YM ENT AOLNC Y —Li - censed Employment Bureau. Supplies men and women for all typ«» of work. If you need help of any kind, rail upon us and we will help you solve labor prob Jenrs 310 laple St Phone 18R 2 . Salesmen and Agents_8ft 8ALE3MAN—For Para Rubber Patch. $74 to $20 per day; wonderful seller. Ad dress Para Rubber Patch. 42 Romson N< w Brunswick, N. J. SALESMAN WANTED—No trifler. Fonis Art Stone Works, Fords. N. J. Phone 1378-R._ SALESMEN CANVASSERS—For tea an I coffee. Call Monday and Tuesday. Jer- j \ Coffee cp, 30 Smith Street._ SALESMEN—-Liberal commission contract with - advance commissions paid; big money to right man; experience not *** aential. but must be worker and furnish security bond. Address Box 10, Cart News. ! YOUNG MEN Neat appearing for sales work. Experience unnecessary. Wc train you and pay you $24 to $28 weekly while, learning. Call before 9 and after 4. Room 4tt, Raritan Bldg._ YOUNG man—Wanted !i represent large concern; position permanent; ex-, elusive territory. Pallor Martin Corp . 823 Broad Street. Room 3. Newark. N. L Situation* Wanted—Female_M TYPIST—Wishes homework; addressing, copying, etc. “Typist/* Care News FINANCIAL _Business Opportunities_38 CENTRAL POOL PARLOR—For sale I lira |>. Impure 224 , if li St reel. GROCERY AND BRANCH BAKERY— Very cheap. Address ••u." Caro News Money to Loan _ *• MONEY—y/e have money lo invest on Bonds anti Mortgages on Perth Amboy Property. Margaret ten & Lobel. Jne. Raritan Building. Tel. 550.__ *2.51)6, $T00u and $F.0U0 —To place on II rat mortgage; city property; .also other amounts for Woodbridge and Fords. Conan.! & Co.. 102 Smith Street._ $l..'.oo. $2,000. $2...00. $;:,ooo—To loan un mortgage. Prompt service. CARL JACOBS. 179 Brighten Ave. INSTRUCTION Musical. Dancing. Dramatic 44 No pjay, no pay—Banjo, Mando lin, 3ultar. etc. Beginners! Play tunes perfect firsts In six lessons or your money : back. Ragtime, etc. Instruments sold on easy terms. Wednesday. Friday and Saturday 10 A. M.-9 P. M. E. Rogers. 310 Mm!>l*'* Sr.. Perth Amboy Phone 1952. GILL SLIB.'UL OF M l 'SIC — Violin ii - si met ions a specialty; instruments fur nished free. 5 L Smith St., Perth Am i>«.i v r LIVE STOCK Pop, Cats. Pets 47 CANARIES—Roller in full song, guaran teed. $6.00. Also good females for breed ing. $3.50. Seed. 15c lb. Borschcl. op posite Homo for Aged. Port Reading. FRENCH POODLES* i Genuine 8 weeks • old. Carl's Sanitary Barber Shop, 556 Roosevelt Ave.. Carteret. Horses, Cattle. Vehicle#_49 FRESH COWS—And Springer# for sale at any time, extra good milkers; always large stock on hand. J. Zlotkln. Free hold. N J. Tel 168-VV. Poultry anti Supplies 4i> BABY CHICKS—For delivery Wednesday. Rhode Island Reds, Minorca s. Haired Rocks, Leghorns, Amonns. Kelly & Mc Alinden Co.. 74 Smith St. BABY CHICKS—S. C. White and Brown Leghorns, S. C. R. Rhode Island Red . Barred and White Rocks, Minorca*. An conas. etc. Prices reasonable, 97% safe delivery guaranteed; write for price list. John Bedner, Box 829, Wood bridge. N. J. BABY CHICKS AND llATCiUNG EGGS Single Comb. Whito and Buff Leghorns. Visitors welcome. Write for prjee list Monmouth Poultry Farms, Freneau. N. J. Box 5. CHICK feed— And butter milk chi-m mash. Cleniensen’s. Tel. C82. prompt deliveries. CUSTOM HATCHING—In Mammoth au tomatic incubators, best strain white leg horn hatchiug eggs and baby chicks for sale. Make reservations now. Arnold Poultry Farms, 847 Middlesex Ave., Me tuchen, N. J. Phono Metuchen 25.’, Fresh table eggs supplied. _*_ MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale_#1 'ALUMINUM WEAR—Wear Ever, will bo 16% cheaper on every dollar’s worth bought here. Gimplemau Bros., 331 State St. Phone 1772. *__ Ice SKATES—Very cheap. J. Miller. 345 State Street, y, _ . LEATHER—Oak Sole# and Scraps. W# carry a full line of cobbler's tools and supplies for home use. P. Barbierl 404 406 State St.___ OILSKIN CLOTHING—We carry oilskins of all kinds. Thompson-Goodyear Rub ber Corp. 315 Maple St,_Tel. 2169. OLD MATRICES—Heavy pressed card board newspaper mats—dimensions same as this printed page. Best possible lin ing for inside of poultry houses, garages or for sheathing stucco houses. Keeps out I. » cold Large supply on hand. Price $1.00 a hundred. Call at Evening News Office._ SOLAR ELECTRIC—Hot and cold hair drier, alarm clocks. 98c; Big Ben, $2.69; Gillette's. Brownies. Auto Strop Valet, Ever Ready and Gem Safety Razors, 85c. S. Perlmutter. 199 Smith Street.__ TANKS—Large and small; steam pipes, corrugated sheets, galvanized sheets, etc. Harry Goldberg. L. V. R. R. and New Brunswick Avenue. __ IfiisincMH Equipment W BARBER’S FIXTURES—Very cheap. In quire 438 State Street._ CLOAK ~ MANUFACTURING EQUIP MENTS—Inquire 166 Lewis St. Tel 892-H TYPEWRITERS—For sale, rent exchange and repaired. Buy a Corona; terms to suit. Comegys Ai Bro.. 287 Elm St. _ Building Materials_64 BOILERS—J. J K**enen. tanks and smoke stacks. sheet iron work of all descriptions Repairing a specialty. 386 and 390 Dlvl | sion St. and P. R. R. Perth Amboy. N. J. I phone office 1608; horns 140-R._ I IIARI WALE—Elizabeth Hardware Co., i The Home of Hardware. 137-139-141 j New Brunswick A vs. Tel. Exchi-ge 120 I2i Perth_Amboy._ HARDWARE—Tools. Paints. Oils. Var nishes. Wall Paper Painters Supplies. Max Onldfarb 311 State Sr Phone 861 PAINTS—Atlantic I.cad and Atlantic Linseed Dll; Pierce's Ready Mixed Paint. 13.25 a gallon; set color a 8. Koch. 363 State St. Phone 1316. VARNISH AND STAIN — lu one applica tion See The Jonlee Co. Palm IlcHd i nuarrers 184 Smith At Phone 1990 Farm and Dairy Prodarts_65 MILK — Perth Amlny Milk Co. always at j your servlcs. Deliveries everywhere. Demand our products from your dealer t grocer Fuel and Fred _54 i I'HHTIl A Milov Kl.liliK * OUAIN <•<>.— I Help your hens lay. Feed Pratt’s Butter* mll Laying Mash Tel 1360._ ..1 111 lugs to Fat 67 i BREAD —Eat that so homelike Aunt Mar tha Bread; sold at all groccra Slm me n'a Mo,1*1 Bakery • I COFFEE CAKES—Danish eofTse cakes. 1 pies, layer csk*s doughnuts, etc., fresh ! every day a* 2 P. M N. E RJornaon. Jr iftt New Brunswick Avenue ! PKKKIi BREAD < . > ••* and rolls. DxnUl Black Bread. 6 o'clock morning at 32c Washington and 39 Smith Streets. F I Knud sen _ _ k NA< EiiRoD- sum poi. Iceland Herring Anchovies. Agent Dr Peter’s Kurlko. E I Ohlson Phone 2046 405 Laurle St SALADS—Majestic Delicatessen. ready I conked meuts; all home cooking; cster ! trig t* psrtie« ami entertainments a spe cialty, 183 Smith Phone 1634__ Save on prices without saving on ap pearances by buying your household good: through the a<1s in Classification 59. if you like music with your meals, ot after them—you'll want to read the un usual offers under "Munic&l Instruments' in today's classified section. Add a Dash of variety to your wlntei menus—look through the "Good Things tf Eat" ads in tbs clauiUed section today. MERCHANDISE Household Goods_ AMBOY FURNITURE HOUSE—Furnish es your horns right at the light price, i m Smith St„ near Maple._I COAL HEATER—Cheap. Inquire William Pucker. 471 Division St. __ j EASY WASHING MACHINES—Good con dttion; cheap. Kelly & McAllnden Co.. 74 Smith Street. _| *M A TTRESSES—Re novated; latest sterlliA_ ing process; cotton $2; hair $3. Stanaaid j , . ■ . ' . . 1 ’.i . i: A l’’ . - Jewelry and Watches _ BO PAWNBROKERS SALE STORE—7.' Smith St. Watches and Jewelry repaired, also bought. Hold, lowest pu<"H in city Machinery and Toole_|L MOTORS AND GENERATORS—All kln*»s of A. C. and D. 0... uleo rewinding and repairing promptly attended to. Perth Amboy Storage Battery & Electric Co.. •Jti'i Madison A v<> Teb 1887._ Musical Instrumente_f* PIANO—Knabe. Practically new, will Hell cheap. Phone 1640._ PLAYER PIANO—Don't forget to stop and look it over; easy terms; price $250. Hninton Piano Co. 104 Smith 8t_ RECORDS—Emerson Records, all t’te la test songs and dance hits on sale. Watches. Clocks and Jewelry, also expert watch repairing. S. Cardon 70 8mith St. timed*. Plant*. Fertilisers _«S GUARANTY NURSERY STOCK—Fruit, .shade trees, roses. ramblers. shrubs, evergreen hedges. Agent. William Foul son. 290 Davidson Ave._. Special* at the S ores_ flt SPECIAL—Clearance Sale on package goods. 50% off! All perfect; watch for other specials. Hoffman’s Art Shop. 230 Smith Street.___ Wearing Apparel_W CAP MAKERS—Quality Hat and Cap Shop. Capa made to order: reasonable price*. 318 Smith Street.__ Wanted ta Boy_dd FURNITURE—Second hand highest prices paid; stoves, bedding, floor coverings for sale Sussman. 23 Smith_St._Tel. 1490-J. FURNITUR 3—Fair prices for your furni ture. Miller. 639 State 8t. 798 W. FURNITURE—We buy all kinds second hand furniture. G. Houser. 103 Fayette St. Phone 848-W. ROOMS AND BOARD Booms With Board_B7 BOARDERS—Board children all yea*, school, mother’s rare; reliable. Box 121. Huguenot Park, S. J.__ HOTEL REMINGTON—377 • Smith St., furnished rooms by day or week; rooms steam heated, meals served: also regu lar board. Tel. 494.___ Rooms W it bout Hoard_on BRIGHTON AVE.. 240—Furnished room; all Improvements.__ east AVE., 401—Furnished room, 2 gen tlemen, $i week'; private family._ HIGH ST./ 369—One single and double room; all Improvements._ HIGH ST., 198—Very nicely famished room for gentleman or two. Good accom modations; private family._ KEARNY AVE.. 1411 — Furnished looms; suitable lor light housekeeping._ MeCLELLAN ST.. 267—1 single room: i double rooms; all Improvementa_ McCLELLAN ST. 266—Warm, single room running water; all improvements. Me - Clcllan House. ‘ < __ MARKET ST., 125. NEAR STATE—Fur nished room; one double and single. MARKET ST;, 12'J—Large front ioo.u with kitchenette; private family._ MARKET ST.710U— Furnished room; pti vate family.___ _ RECTOR ST., 22XA—Futinshed room, steam heated; private family. RECTOR ST.7 173—Furnished room foi gentleman. Tel. X482-J.__ SMITH ST.7~2U4—Furnished room; private family for gentleman. Apartment No. L WATER ST., 163—Completely furnished; Kitchenette, 2 rooms, $7.50. FURNISHED "APARTMENT—All im provements. steam heat; best location Tel. 534-R or address “A.” Care News. Rooms for Housekeeping_69 FAYETTE ST./ 94—3 front light house keeping rooms: central location. first st.. 216—Housekeeping rooms; Im prove men is; steam heat; adulti._ HIGH ST. 425—L or 2 front furnished rooms for housekeeping. McCLELLAN ST., 266—Two connecting front rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping; running water; all im provements. McClellan House; adults MADISON AVE., 116—2 furnished rooms for housekeeping; all improvements. MARKET ST.. 129—Large front room with kitchenette; private family^_ MARKET ST./ 296—Light housekeeping rooms. Tel. 443-J.___ _ WATER ST., 47—2-3 room housekeeping apartment. Teh 506-R. _ W here to Eat_71 HOME RESTAURANT AND COFFEE HOUSE Our best advertisement Is. that those who try our home cooking always come in again. Real food at rea sonable prices. 194 Smith Street. PRESTO LUNCH—And Bakery; home pastries; popular prices; open day and nighu 113 Smith Street._ VnTORY RESTAURANT—Oyster and Chop House; Sea Food a specialty; popu lar prices. 322 State St. Tyl. 2234. Wanted—Rooms, Hoard _78 HOME—Wanted with respectable private Jewish family for high school boy, 16. P. O. Box 85.____ REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Real Estate Dealers _74A CARL JACOBS—Real Estate. Mortgages. Insurance Agent; Life. Fire. Automobile. Liability, etc. 179 Brighton Ave. Tel. 561 i.'uNAKU & COMPANY—Real Estate and General Insurance. 102 Smith Street, Pert!) Amhov_ N. J. Phone 210.__ FRASER BROS.—Real Estate and Insur anre Savings Bank Building. Phone 633.___%. HANS NIELSEN CO.—Real Eat te t.nd Mortgages 196 Smith Street. Real Estate Exchange Building. Telephone RR._ — jACOHSON & GOLDFARB—Real Estate and I-si ranee. Raritan Building. Phone ivr,fi. _ ______ ttiAPLB REALTY CO.—Real Estate. 2*3 Smith St. Phnna 1710. _ M ARC.ARETTEN .V: LOHEL—Successors to Alpern & Co.. Real Estate. Mortgages and Insurance. Raritan Building. Perth Amhny. N. J Phone S50. _• MAX L. SCOTT—Real Estate and General Insurance. 30B Madison Ave. Tol. 2H» n a NI B I isBN—Property bought, sold Insurance, bills of sale, reasonable. No tnr.v Public. 176 New Brunswick Ave. I* ERTH AM BOY TRUST COM PA NY Real Estate Department Property In all sections of the city for sale at fair prices, good terms. If you wish to buy or sell it will be » your advantage to call us. •‘Superior Service'*__ PEl.T I AMBOY REAL ESTATE EX CHANGE and General Insurance. 317 Madison Avenue. Phone 1465._ SC HON CE iff & BLITZER—For quick suits list your property for sale or ex change. Raritan Bldg. Phone 1568. sSTHLEY A 80RENSON—Successors to 1» A. Shirley. Real Estate and Insur ance. 130 Sm'th St.. Perth Amboy. OfTI pvenlnre Tel. 1941 \V\ A. DROST—Notary Public; Flats rent ed; rents collected; reasonable. Tel. 2347, Apartments and Flat*__74 BRIGHTON AVE.. 3 Cl—5 roords; pari improvements. Inquire D. Kaden. 204 New Brunswick Avenue._ BRIGHTON AVE.. 164—Flat; all improve ments. Inquire 166 Lewis Street._ BROAD ST.. 102—Four rooms., all im provement^___ BRIGHTON AVE.. 170—6 rooms; all im provements._ Auto owners may rely on the repair men whose ads are In classification 15 ot the Classified Ad Section. Use the Merchandise columns in tb« Evening News’ classified section as yoi: would your phone book—and you’ll get th« •'right number” every timet Buy while the buying's good—follow th» •‘Specials at the Stores” ads in the classi fied section and learn when to buy what you need. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments and S lat*_ DIVISION ST.. 428—4 and 6 rooms ant bath Inquire Avchen. 36 Gordon St. HARRISON PLACET 101—7 rooms; ai improvements. D. Wilentz. Tel. 70._ Jefferson ST.. 81—4 rooms; a 11 im provements; steam heat._ KEARNY AVE., 170—6 rooms and bait, all improvements Including steam hea KIRKLAND PLACE. 3 70—5 rooms, ai improvements._ LAWRIE ST., 263-6—2 fluts; 4 root.:-* each; Improvements; reasonable. Injure Room 419. Raritan Building. MADISON AVE., 388—Six rooms; all Im provements except heat. Inquire Tel 1736.__A__ M\ DISON AVE.. 261—Beautiful Apart ment; 8 rooms; all Impiovetnenls. In quire 133 Water St. Tel. 58PM. MADISON AVE., 71—4 rooms, all Im provetnents._ MEADE ST.. 200—4 rooms and bati.. modern Improvements. Inquire Tol. 173* NEW BRUNSWICK AVE.. 192—3 beauti ful rooms; part Improvements._ RECTOR ST.. 287—Beautiful 6 room fla all Improvements; artistically decorate Ring lower bell._ STATE ST.. 63—six rooms and sun purloi new building; all Improvements. Inquire J321 Raritan Building. __ STATE ST., 466—5 rooms, all Improve ments except heat. Inquire 382 State S' STATE ST.. 862—6 nice rooms and ball:, all improvements except heat. Jnqui Tel. 1735._ APARTMENT—7 rooms; all Improvement except heat, reasonable; good location. Inquire 92 Washington Street. _ FLAT—6 rooms; heat supplied. Inquiia 820 State Street. _________ 1_ FLATS—Several; line location; ncwi • renovated; reasonable._Droat. Tel. 23(7 ROOMS, 6—All Improvements; lincst i . cation._282 State St. Tel, 231-R. ROOMS, 4—All improvements except he*. Inquire 899 Barclay Street. ROOMS, 4—Par$ improvements; 220.00 pi month. Inquire 163 Water St. Room? at 181 Broad Street.__ _ ROOMS, 6—Improvements. Inquire P. A Real Estate. 317 Madison Ave. Business Places for Rent 7» STORE—To let, lease if desired. T. Brown. 282 King St. Tol. 1669. STORE—On Madison Avenue near Smii Street. Inquire P. A. Oarage Co.. 288 Iftadison Avenue._ STi »RK—Largo. light, for harbor shop, ta lor; good location; reasonable. 145 Mrtd' son Avenue.__ _Houses for Rent_77 HOLME—With six rooms, all improve ments._Maple Realty Co.. 217 8mlth HOUSE—For rent. Inquire J. Brack. 14' Smith Street. HOUSE—7 mums: lmmovcmcnts. 2''] Washington Street. PRIVATE HOME'—All latent improv* 1111*111s. Inquire Newark Hardware Stor* 299 State Street. Offices ami I leak Koom_W Desirable front office^-to i$* In suite or single. Maplo Realty Co., 21 Smith Street. __ OFFICE—Large front office to leL Apply Maple Realty Co. 216 Smith St. Suburban for_ Rent _70 BIrB&R SHOP—With living rooms ai Inched, situated in prominent lo'-atio ut Keyport. N. J. Inquire at D. K Mahoney's Stores. _____ FORDS—House; ti rooms with Improve ments. $20.00. Inquire 206 Main Slice \\ mill tu nic-. Tel. I s It FORDS—5 rooms; all improvements! Mrs. Moo, William St„ Fords. Tel. 2279-M, SOUTH AMBOY—Apartments for rent, each having live rooms and bath with all Improvements. 147 ami 143 David St. Inqutro 140 Henry Street. FLAT—6 rooms ami bath; all Improve ments, $28.00. Apply Dabbs, 182 Fislisi Ave., Tottenyllle. Tel. 1226. FLAT—$ rooms ftnd bath; ait improve ments. Inquire J. Sher. 180 Main St., Tottenvllle. Tel. inns Tottenvillr. Wonted—I*** Rent " 81 FURNISHED OFFICE—vjanted with te ephone and service. MN. D." Care News. REAL ESTATE FOR SALEf II on sea For bale 84 CATALPA AVE.—Brick Building; 2 fam ily, at a bargain. Inquire Philip Levine Raritan Building. ♦ CATHERINE AND HUNTINGTON STS Northeast corner; two family frarn* building and stable; lot 50 x 100 Massn pust Bros. Company >■!'_• State Strec HAZEL AVE.—House for Sale or nut. f rooms and bath; all improvements. In quire L. C. Madsen. 271 Smith St. Tel K38-.I. _ high st.—Near Lewlb st., modern Jarirs eleven room house; all improvements, at tractive grounds; lot 101 feeY on High Street by 104 feet deep. See Boynton Bros. & Co., 87 Smith St., Perth Amboy. N. J.__. KENNEDY ST.. 616—6 room house; mod ern improvements; hot water heat; ga rage; 60x100; price reasonable._ LEWIS 8T.—2 family; 17 rooms; all im provements, high grade finish, plumbing, mahogany trim; plot 37*£xl00; liollo.v tile garage; price much below value and terms attractive. Charles L. Steuepw’ald. Inc., 208 Smith Streep._ ’ MADISON AVE.—Two family; 12 room* and all improvements; separate steam heaters; fine condition; plot 60x150; rent* $100.00; cash required $2500.00; balance mortgage. Charles L. Steuerwald, Inc., 208 Smith Street. ,_ NEAR MARKET ST.—$1,000 cash requir ed for 3 family: all but heat; plot 40x 160; garage; rentals $92.00. Charles L. Steuerwald. Inc., 208 Smith St. STATE NEAR MARKET STREET—Seven room dwelling with bath, steam heat: gas and water; about $5000.00 cash le qulred. Conard & Company. 102 Smith Street.^_ __' WILLIAM ST.—2 family house; all Im provements except heat. The Johnson Company, 217 Smith St. Tel 551.__ BEAUTIFUL HOUSE—C rooms: steam heat; electric light; modern improve ments; price very reasonable. 451 Comp ton Avenue. _ Khimucsixc'ju—urigmon Ave., uear Market Street; 6 rooms and bath; all improvements; lot 35 ft. frontage. $2000 cash; balance on mortgage. Hans Niel WH Co., 196 Smith St rcot._. _Lots For Sale_86. FORI}S—4 lots; Fairfield Terrace, cheap. •T. Jacobsen. 194 Sherman St. SEWAREN—4 corner lots, Sewaren Ave., 1 block from R. R. Station, $300 each. P. O. Box 216. Sewaren.__ WOODBRIDGE—On High St., one 60 ft. lot. terms can be arranged. The John son Company. 217 Smith 3t. Tel. 661. LOTS. 2—On Hamilton Av6., Fairfield Terraco. Fords, at a bargain. .T. Kreiel Bheimer & Son. 13& Smith Street __ _Suburban For 8ala_91 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE., FORDS—Tax ' exempt; 5 room house; stucco and frame construction; $1,000 cash, balance on monthly payments; like rent. Max Gold* berger, 338 State StreeL_ . SOUTH AMBOY—House with all Improve ments Including six lots;' price $6,000. B. Williams, Tottenville. N. Y.__ TOTTENVILLE—Fine residence. 9 rooms, all improvements; lot 60 x 147 Price $6500 _ B Williams. Tottenville. 1^. Y. WOODBRIDGE:—$800 cash buys tile six room house: improvements: balance $3700 on mortgage; 50x100 corner lot; tax exempt. J. H. Concannon, 89 Main St., /flYood bridge. Tel. 289.__ WOODBRIDGE—New house, 7 rooms, hot water heat 4 bed rooms, sleeping porch, tile bathroom; open fireplace, unfinished attic; garage. Owner leaving town. Tel. Woodbrtilge 217-6! or 112 Hutu Street. WOODBRIDGE. N. J.—New 7 room dwelling already started on Freeman St., near Barron Ave.. 40 ft. lot; sale price $5700. Plans at office of Boynton Bros. & Co., 87 Smith St., Perth Amboy, N. J. WOODBRIDGE. GREEN ST—7 room hollow tile stucco with all improvements lot 50x125. Price and terms very attrac tive. Charles L. Kteuerwald. Inc.. 208 •Smith St._Tel. 1528-7._ GENERAL STORE—For sale or exchange. Jamesburg. N. J. Box 19C. ‘NEW HOUSE—8 rooms; all improvements and enclosed porch: tax exempt, near ferry and train. Inquire 137 Yetman Avenue. Tottenville. N. Y. "wmiwkrwT emu 99 HOUSE:—Ono family; improvements; un der $5,000; no dealers. “R. W,** News. An sorts of office supplies are offered at the most reasonable prices in ClassHI cation 62 today. J. RABBIT, ESQUIRE % ,. -■■ ■ ■ .. — ■ ■■■ i— -■ ' ■ ■■ ques: is tuere any wav I CAW KEEP AAY l LITTLE BOV IW CLOTUES?-A.G. AMS: DOESM'T WluTER DO IT ? ft KNOW Ut- A I CbOOD JOB/y i ITUOUGUT ) I VOL) UA.D As ©oodsJob ) A I WAVE ( BUT X'AA V LOSIMG ^MOMEV wow \ COME. ) C l WELLV'SEE, A I'M SETTiM' “BSAWEEK AMD MEALS FOQ WORK IM'AT ( MBS STORK'S V. RASUUOUSE I __ I BUT I'VE GOT-x TMDIGE<5TlOM ) AMD CAW'T