Newspaper Page Text
^"THE MERIT STORE" PERTH AMBOY. N. J.> Monday Deliveries: Woodbridge, Sewaren, Port Reading Specially Reduced For Saturday Night 6 P. M. TO 9 P. M. TOILET ARTICLES Out of the very many hundred articles that, help to pre serve milady’s good looks, the following standard advertised goods are offered, at a considerable reduction, for three hours only: Menncn's Violet Tale .Powder.*.19c Daggett & Ramsdell’s Cold Cream (large tubes).17c t Sanitol Tooth Powder...23c Packer’s Tar Soap.».,.19c Dandro-Kure ($1.00 Size) .*....59c Melba Greascless Cream.,.37c Pompeian Face Powder...42c Pussy Willow Face Powder...37c Hind’s Honey and Alnuond Cream.39c --— —■ —-- --- “ Athletic UNION SUITS Special at 85c Made of extra good qual ity nainsook, well finished. A very satisfying garment, you will admit. ! * t Balbriggan UNDERWEAR 49c Garment Extra good quality gar> ments, with long and short, sleeves, full length drawer, this is a real good value. * ■ SllK IjlBie SOCKS at 35c each. 3 pair for $1.00 It may be hard to believe but here is the proof. These silk lisle socks, are of Gor don Make, with extra spliced heel and toe, which means that you are getting a good looking sock at a real low price—good reason to double the order. All colors. TOILET PAPER 7 rolls for 2oc _ — - - —.. 4 * CHAS. SEEL & SONS 181 Market St. Est. 18S4 Phone 1*39 Roofing and Metal Work, Portable Garages Hoofing In Slate* Slag, Asbestos. Plastic, t’ln. Iron. V51J0 and Copper Slate and Aabeitos Laid Over Shingle Roofs Meta) Celling and Side Walls. Steel Lockers. Mutl Guards; Pulley and Machine Guards. Metal Cornices. Skylights and Ventilators. Fireproof Doors and Windows. If It's made of metal, we can make It. .. _ Repairing Done Right. 17 years experienco back of this statement. Ws know aow. Ask any ons who knows us. . . -- Are You Eating Food that Really Nourishes? Many people who arc heavy eaters are undernour ished. That sounds like a paradox, but it is true. They arc not eating the right kind of food. Unless loot! contains a goon snare oi vnummes u ■ -> not building health and strength for you. Scientists have proved this by feeding two groups of animals an equal amount of the same food. One group was fed highly vitaraized food while to the other group was fed the same food robbed of its vita mines. The group eating the vitaminized foods grew fat ami vigorous. The group eating the devitaminized food languished and grew sickly. Some died. Yet both had the same food in the same amounts, except for the vitaminc content. Yitamines are the health and growth elements in food. Without them healthy tissue is not rebuilt. CASTLES “HIGH YITAMIXE” IIEATH1ZED ICE CREAM supplies these precious elements in abun dance. It is the cleanest and purest ice cream made. Eat more of it. Let the children have all the Castles lee Cream they want. Their growing bodies need it. If your dealer hasn't' CASTLES, ask him to get it for you. IP IT ISN’T CASTLES IT ISN’T HEATHIZED ICE CREAM JERSEYS PUREST Because It's -HflSiar^flsirJaiite Irvington NEWARK Perth Amboy GAS RANGE i—n-rr: Saves vour Time Let us demonstrate what a Chambers Fireless can do to save your time Kelly and McAlinden Co. 74 Smith St. . EYES EXAMINED Headaches Relieved oy Properly Fitted Glasa Lenses Ground on the Premises L MANN—Optical Specialist S7% Smith Street PEi.iH AMBOY HARDWARE CO. Wholesale Factory, Plumbers’ Contractor*’ Supplied. Largest Supply House In Central Jersey. Phones: 1100—2101—2102; Night Calls: 765W. &20J. 40.M. INMIR. 1310 “P. A. Hardware for Service.” V— t MODERN ' DENTISTRY WATCH YOUR TEETH WE HAVE THE EXPERIENCE and equipment to properly solve your dental problems. Gentle treatment by modern scientific methods. FILLINGS, INLAYS, CROWNS, BRIDGE WORK Sanitary, Stationary, Removable. PLATES Rubber. Gold and Aluminum: (It, comfortablo and look natural EXTRACTIONS only if absolutely necessary, and then with the utmost regard for your comfort. ' Examinations without charge Miss White nurse in attendance}, all languages spoken. DR. D. I. MOSS SURGEON DENTIST. 139 Smith Stieet Over Paris Restaurant. Phone 1778 Hours—U A. M. to 8:80 P. M. LADIES ATTENTION A graduated and registered Lady Doctor of Dental Surpery Is ready to take care of your tooth troubles. Help at Hand! Police — call (he Laundry Man! Dangerous troubles for the housewife are at large. Give us a call and we’ll put an end to you r wash day worries by Laundering your things to your complete sat t isfaction at a very reasonable charge. Our auto will call for your Clothes •and return them fresh and cleau. MldJlesex Sanitary Laundry T. Currie, Prop. 5 GORDON ST. TEL. 1893 Perth Amboy, N. J. i : V» ■ — . Builders’ Directory ARCHITECTS John Noble Pierson & Sons ARfHITBCTS Design* for al tyres of Buildings Raritan Building, Perth / in boy, N. J. I _ Phone 1422 _ ! J. K. JEUSEN ARCHITECT Now Located In Citizen*' Loan Ituildl.ig ; 102 SMITH ST. PHONE IK! LOUIS P. BOOZ CIVIL ENGINEER ANI> SURVEYOR It# SMITH STREET BOILERMAKERS F. B. OVERTON Welder* and Boilermaker* In All Branches No Job Too Big or Too Small » :i KING ST. PHONE 20IT CARPENTERS FRED CHRISTENSEN CONSTRUCTION CO CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS [ Office and Shop: 21 x Madison Avenue _ Estimates Cheerfully Furnished RAY Z. LAMBERTSON CAlirKNTKR AND M'll.DKR Jobbing Promptly Attended to I 88 Washington Street, Perth Amboy, N. J. B. GILMAN CARPENTER HI HAVER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR 209 WATSON AVE. TEL. 2071-K _JHGGI.\G TKIVKING __ GRAHAM & McKEON GENERAL CONTRACTORS Excavating. (iraillnv, Etc.. Sand. Gravel Broken Stone. Cnrttmr. Etc. _819 OAK STREET_ MUNOZ WAREHOUSE GO. STORAGE AND TRUCKING 236-338 SHERIDAN ST. PHONE 409 ELECTRICIANS , J. B. KUBINAK 1 ' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 89 GORDON ST. PHONE 14«4 PERTH AMBOV. N. .1. WIRE ME. AND I’LL WIRE YOU 1997 JOHN MARTIN GENERAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR «« BRIG 1 ITON_AVE.. PERTH AMBOV R. L. SCIILCK Electrical Contractor I Motors and Generators installed and re paired. line construction and interior wlr l ing. Shop and Residence, 449 Compton Ave. Tel. 1617.____ FLOOR SURFACING FLOOR .SURFACING OF ALL KINDS OLD OR NEW FLOORS J. SUNDQUIST Trlriilion*. 1332-J Ford., Now .lerney ANDREW DUDICS OLD AND NEW FLOOR SURFACING Makes Your Old Floor Look Like New All Work Promptly Done TEL. S108-M FORDS, N. J. GLASS_ D. DIAMOND CLAM CONTRACTOR Polished. Plate and Window Glass 226-230 New Brunswick Ave. Phone 153ft PERTH AMBOY GLASS WORKS Polished, Plate and Colored Glass Mirrors and Table Tops Windshields a Specialty 186 New Brunswick Ave.. Opp. City Scales _ Phone 2173_ HOUSf MOVER JOHN H. MIL.1ES HOUSE .MOVER Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Concrete. Brick A* Frame Buildings Move.] 456 NEVILLE ST. TEL. 1443 LUMBER IRA R. CROUSE LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL SEWER PIPES .80-500 DIVISION STREET. I'KRTII AMBOY, N. J. Phones 2094 and 2095 ^MASONS T. 1’. « Bun MASON CONTRACTORS Jobbing Promptly Attended to. Cement Work. Sidewalks a Specialty Estimates Furnished 226 STATE ST. PHONE 661 CARL C, CHRISTENSEN MAHON AND CONTRACTOR All Kinds of Cement Work A Specialty Telephone 442 Corner State and Paterson Streets_. GREISEN & THOMPSON MASONS AND BUIT.DERS H. Grclsen, Room 413, Raritan Building. Phone 1646. Res. Metuchen. Phone 292-W W. H. Thompson, Long Branch, Tel. 961-.T A. R. A OVERGAARD Mason and General Contractor Tel. 752-M. Fords. N. J. Next to Postoffice ROBERT li. BOZZA General Building Contracted Mason and Carpenter—Repair Work A Specialty 82 BROAD ST. PHONE 345-M Perth Amboy. N. »l._ PLUMBING GEORGE W. STILLWELL PLUMBING AND HEATING 287 KING STREET Phono 771 Perth Amboy, N. J. ~ K(>OKKRS—SUpHJES" JAS. A. SMITH & SON S;> McCf.ELI.AN STREET Rear Majestic Theatre Phone 518-J Perth Amboy. N. .1. DEALERS AND SHIPPERS OF ASPHALT ROOFING AND SHINGLES ONE PROFIT PLAN Factory Direct o You CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN HOOFING CONTRACTOR State. Hate anil Tin Hooftair 675 SAYRE AVE. PHONE 346-11 PERTH AMBOY. N. .1. STONE WORK D. J. WILLIAMS - MARBLE AN1> GRANITE MONUMENTS 309-311 New Brunswick Ave. PERTH AMBOY. N. .1. HEADSTONES I " l’ BNCL08PBM EUGENE BOROS MONUMENTAL WORKS Monument*, lleadfttonew. Etc. Corner Amboy Ave. ami Barclay Strict Telephone 1523 Perth Amboy. N. J. Perth Amboy Bluestone Co. OFFICE 97 GORDON ST. CUT STONE. FLAGGING AND CURDING PHONES 544-J AND 359 SHEET METAL A. B. MASON Skylight. Metal Celling. Pipeless Futnart anti General Sheet Metal Work 90 JEFFERSON ST. TEL. •!.' A. H. KOYEN —Dealer lo All Klnda of— Mason Materials. Sewer Pipes. Unsnl LEHIGH COAL 581-87 SAYRE AVE.. Mom. AU Shape*. _ t PHONE UK EES. 1SS-J (Continued from page 8) James A. Mullen . 10'J.SO Thomas J. onnor* . 100>0 Public Service Elec. Co... .26 A. E. Graham (Petty ash) . •>" Andrew’ Re pa K .. 270.00 Jens P. Westergaard . 65.00 Louls PuBcis Watson .. #o.O*> ! La Roe Tress . ‘ t Fred L. Bromann . 39.0*: Oliver F. Mitchell . *0.00 W. F. Buchanan . 70.00 Lamps and Lights Sun Co. dS/M Sharp A- Hanson .. 2.*° Lehigh Valley R. R. Co. 120.2't P. A. Pry Dock Co. 3.40; Amboy Lighting Co. •«•*} A. E. Graham. Petty Cash . .7J{ Public Service EI*e. Co. ..'j i Amboy Lighting Co. \ 4"’i Jacob apear . 9.1.4 11 Win. H. Fraser . 267.So Farmers' Market Chris Rasmussen . 19.1" j M. J. Pinesen . 3.25} \V. A I.. E. Gurley . 4.21 j R. J. Dorsey A Son . 4.20 j M. J. Donovan . 10.0v! Printing and Stationery I LaRoe Tress . 69.25| p. A. Evening ews . 201.11 Wales Adding Machine Co. The Mosquito . 1M.00 A. K. Graham. Petty Cash . 20.00 R. F. White, P. M. 371.92 LaRoe Press . 79.70 Auto Busses Public Service Elec.. 1.40 City Hospital P. A. City Hospital . 1,000.60 Garbage Graham A McReon . 3,500.00 warrants were ordered drawn for the sev eral amounts by the following vote: Ye.i —Sofield. Waters, Patton. McGuire, Clark. Galvin. Nay—None. The following report of the Street Com I mlaaioner: Terth Amboy. N. J. B>b. 6. 1922. tfon. Mayor and Common Council of the City of Perth Amboy. N. J. I herewith respectfully submit report of snow removal at Smith and State Streets January 11th 12th, 13th, 14th and 16th; all dates inclusive. Teams $ 360 00 I Labor B88.hO Trucks 270.00 Foremen 66.V) Total $1276.60 charged to the Public Service Rail wav One-third of the above amount to ba Comnanv. S425.20. A. F. MUNOZ, Respectfully submitted, Street Commissioner. was presented, and referred to the ollec tor of Revenue for collection. The following report of the Comptroller: Feb. 6, 1922 Comptroller’s Report of Disbursements Account of "Snow Removal” Feb. 2, 1922, Check cashed .$7,000.00 Paid off as follows: On Feb. 2 492 men $6,492.82 $ On Feb. 3 10 men 145 58 On Feb. 4 3 men 27.60 On Feb. 6 1 man 12.43 6,678.42 Feb. 6. Cash Balance on hand....$ 321.58 As soon as report is received from the Street Commissioner, the vouchers cover ing the above disbursements will be checked back against his record, and if there are no further vouchers to be paid, out of this fund, the cash balance on hand $321.58 will be turned over to the City Treasurer for redeposit to the credit o' the Current Account. O. J. MORGENSOX. City Comptroller. was ordered entered in the minutes. Financial reports of the City Officers for the month of January, as follows: City of Perth Amboy, N. J. Statement of Collections Made by the CoN letor of Revenue During the Month of January, 1922 To Sinking Fund: Assessments .. 270.89 Pavements Con very Place . 30.00 Sewers Alpine St. 85.39 Grove St. 90.0') Keerie St. 25i»9 Lawrence St. 70.W'* Int. on taxes and Assd. I.lens.. 12.68 Int. on Bank Deposit . 12.68 v -- 283.46 To General Account Miscellaneous Licenses ........ 104.09 Recorder’s Fines . 290.00 Building Fees . 32.00 Electrician Fees . 81 75 Harbor Board Fees . 241.94 Scale Fees . 67.60 Market Fees . 149.50 Board of Health Account .... 400.0) Park Account . 15.00 Tax earches . 68.00 Revolvnig Fund No. 2 . 240.73 Cert, of Sales S. F. 0.83 Miscellaneous Incomes Auto Bus Receipts . 374.99 Auto Bus Drivers Permits .... 7.50 Poll Tax 1921 . 15.00 Tax Control Taxes 1921 38.937.82 Taxes 1918 . 39.67 Taxes 1919 . 213.28 Taxes 1920 . 3,063.59 Assessments Control Broad St. Pavt. 55.0.) •Brace Ave. Pavt. 55.00 Brace Ave. Pavt. 259.50 High St. Pavt.*. 363 87 Smith St. Pavt. 269 88 Con very Place Pavt. 330.00 Lawrle St. Pavt. 690.85 Cleveland Ave. Sewer . 10.00 Arnold Ave. Sewer . 1,188.00 Jeffries -St. Sewer Ext. 300.00 Pacific Ave. Sewer Ext. 60.00 Pearl and Mechanic St. Sewer.. 25-00 Seaman St. Sewer . 48.75 Amboy Ave. C. and G. 185.°>G Cortlandt St. C. and G. 9.00 Lewis St. C. and G. 51.30 First St. C. and G. 105.60 Barclay St. Grade . 597.38 Arnold Ave. Grade . 1,080.00 Neville St. Grade .. 120.00 Intereet Receivable Taxes . 662.27 Assessments .. 93.GO 177.53 Gen. Account Total Collections. 61,037.35 Sink. Fd. Total Collections - 5283.48 By paid to City Treasurer. 61.320.33 Berth Amboy, N. J., Feb. I. 1922. JOSEPH K. HORNSBY, Collector of Revenue. City of Perth Amboy. N. J. Statement of Collections Made by the City Clerk During the Month of Janu ry, 1922 Licenses 1 Billiard License (1 table).... 10.00 l Billiard License (0 tables) .. 35.00 45.00 A. E. GRAHAM. City Clerk. Ferth Amboy. X. J.. Jan. 31. 1922. City of Perth Amboy. N. J. Statement of the City Treasurer, for the SINKING FUND Month of January, 1922 Bal. Dec. 31, 1921 . 4.S8S.5S Assessments Control (319.55) Surplus', Def.i 270.80 Jrit. on [Taxes and Asad. Liens.. 12.6S Total Received from Collector.. 332.23 Int. on Bank Dep. belonging to Sinking Fund . 73. to Acc. S. F. Investments . 6,377.64 6.450.74 Investments Cancelled . 34,010.39 44,633.19 j Bal. Jan. SI, 1922 in Treasury.. 44.633.19 FERD GARRET80N, ity Treasurer. City of Perth Amboy. X. J. Statement of the City Treasurer for the GENERAL ACCOUNT s Month of January. 1922 Bal. Dec. SI 1921 .154,994.34 Received of tlie City Clerk Billiard Licensee . 45.00, Fees . 41.50 Received of the Clerk District Court Fees collected during Jan. 446.70 Received of the Collector of Revertbe Miscellaneous Licenses ........ 104.00 Recorder’s Fines . 290.09 Building Fees . 33.00 Electrician Fees . 81.75 Harbor Board Fees . 241.94 Market Fees . 14 9.50 Scale Fees . 67.00 Board of Health Account. 400.0'i Gross Rocelpts Taxes . 15.n0 Auto Bus Receipts . 374.99 Tax ontrol (42,254.36) Taxes 1918 . 38.67 Taxes 1919 . 213 2$ Taxes 1920 . 3,063.63 Taxes 1921 . 36,937.82 Poll Tax 1921 . 1500 Auto Bus Permits and Bdg*... 7.*9 Tax Searches . *>*-00 Revolvitng Fund No. 2 . 240.73 Cert. Sale Sink. Fd. 6.83 Assessments Accounts Broad St. Pavt. 66.00 Brace Ave. Pavt. 259.50 Convery PI. Pavt. 330.00 High St. Pavt. 356.87 La wi le St. Pavt. 690.85 Smith St. Pavt. 269.68 Cleveland Ave. Sewer . 1J Arnold Ave. Sewer . M!? « Carson Ave. Sewer . 110 o > Cortlandt St. Sewer . Jeffries St. Sewer . *00.00 Pacific St. Sswer . Fearl and Mechanic St. Sewer.. -e jn Seaman St. Sewer Amboy Ave. r. ana G. j Cortluudt St. C. and G. 9.6" First St. C and G. 105.0-) Lewis St. C. * 0. 61.3" Arnold Ave. Grade . 1.0*0.00 Barclay St. Grade .697.3A Neville St. Grade . 120.00 Telephone Tolls . 11.53 Revenue Not Anticipated Sale old sheds (Harbor) . 62.R1' Treasurer—Int. Bank L>ep. 10C.61 Collector— Int. Taxes and Assd. Liens. 63*.87 Int. Bank Deposit . 177.53 Interest Receivable . 912.9" apital Bond Fur. Land . 1, Cash . . 53,341.1 1 Total . 20S,335.48 Paid Warrants on Account of Salaries . 4,816.57 Police . 10,029 82 District Court . 695.06 Streets and Sewers . 8.291.62 Poor . 1.378.72 Fire Department . . . 3,750.97 Fubllc G. and B. Exp. 264.0 > Lamps and Lights . 2,270.>V Contingent .. 2,444.4 5 Harbor . 1,147.74 Public Library . Farmers’ Market . 78.42 Printing . 690.09 Parks . 687.51 Health .. 2.12*.47 Garbage . 3,50000 Fire Alarm . 78.69 Auto Bus Account . 420.Ro City Plan . 70.0" Police Pen. Fd. Appropriation.'. 1,700.00 44,990.59 St. Improvement Control Trust Fd. Jeffries St. Sewer 60.00 Cortlandt St C. and G. 60.00 Capital Fund Control Purchase of Land . 1,525.00 Emergency Bond Control lot. Def. Bond . 16.292.50 Streets and Sewers . 5.000.00 Police . 3,000.00 Health . 1,500.00 District Court . 617.89 Police Pen. Fund . 1,400.0ft Sheridan St. Sewer . 1,200.00 Firemen’s Relief Fund . 1,000.00 Serial Bond Control Fire Rfdg. Bonds . 1,500.00 Sewer Rfdg. Bonds . 1,000.00 Oonvery PI. Rfdg. 1,000-00 Riparian Rights Rfdg. 600.00 Interest Payable Control Temp. Imp. Bonds . 4,563.44 City Hall Bonds . 787.50 Park Bonds . 855.00 Sewer Bonds . 866. fto School Bonds .. 687.b0 Street Improvement Bonds .... 3,667.75 Rfdg. City Hall Bonds . 225.00 Rfdg. Fire Bonds . 655.00 Rfdg. Sewer Bonds . 240.00 Rfdg. School Bonds . 315.00 Rfdg. Convery PI. Bonds. 135.00 Rfdg. Riparian Rights .,. 49.20 Cash .. 92,626.37 Bal. in Treasury Jan. 31, 1923.. 115.709.11 Total .I208.335.4S FKRD GARRETSON City Treasurer. were presented and ordered entered in the minutes. The Clerk rported that the Mayor had returned approved: Resolution to advertise for bide to paint interior of Almshouse; Resolution to designate depositories; patlon Bonds; r. Resolution to issue $150,000 Tax Antlcl Resolution to erect Police Booths; Resolution to erect Police Booth at La high Valley Bridges; Re solution to appropriate $7,000 for snow removal; which were ordered filed. The following resolution offered by Mr. Patten: Resolved that the Street Committee be and hereby is authorized to purchase one Ford Runabout at a cost of Four Hundred and Seventy-two ($472) Dollars and one slip-on body at a cost not exceeding twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, was adopted by the following vote: Yea— Sofield, Waters, Patten. McGuire, Clark, Galvin. Nay—None. The following resolution offered by Mr. Patten: Resolved that the Street Committee bo and hereby Is authorized to purchase u set of tires for the Elgin Street Sweeper at a cost not to exceed Three Hundred and Fifty ($360) Dollars. was adopted by the following vote: Yea— Sofield Waters Patten, McGuire, Clark, Galvin. Nay—None. The following resolution offered by Mr. Patten: Resolved, that the Street Committee be and hereby is authorized to purchase Three Thousand (3,000) pounds of Stand ard 24 Inch Bamboo, broom tilling fibre at a cost not exceeding approximately three hundred and seventy-five ($375.00) dollars. wa adopted by the following vote: Yea— Sofield. Waters, Patten, McGuire, Clark, Galvin. Nny—None. The following resolution offered by Mr. Patten: * Resolved, that the Street Committee be and hereby authorized to purchase for the Elgin Street Sweeper, new parts to re place the worn-out parts at a cost not exceeding Three Hundred and fifty ($350) Dollars was adopted by the following vote: Yea— Hofiekl, Waters. Patten, McGuire, Clark, Galvin. Nay—None. The following resolution offered by Mr. Clark: Be it resolved that Daniel .T. Dwyer be and hereby is appointed constable to fill a vacancy now existing in the Fifth Ward. The following resolution offered by Mr. Clark: Be it resolved, that the Committee on Fire be and hereby is authorized to have the heating apparatus in the McClellan Engine House extended, said work to be done at a cost not exceeding $160.00. was adopted by the following vote: Yea— .Sofield, Waters. Patten, McGuire, Clark, Galvin. Nay—None. Tho following resolution offered by Mr. Clark; Fire be and is hereby directed to adver Be it resolved, that the Committee on tise for bids for the purchase of 3,000 feet of Regulation Fire Hose, bids to be received, by Arthur E. Graham, City Clerk not later than February 20th, 1922, at 3 P. M. was adopted by the following vote: Yea— Sofield, Waters. Patten. McGuire, lark, Galvin. Nay—None. The following resolution offered by Mr. McGuire: Be it resolved that $1.50 be refunded lo Joseph Levendoskl, for auto bus badge No. 276 returned. was adopted by the following vote: Yea— Sofield, Waters. Patten, McGuire, Clark, Galvin. Nay—None. The following resolution offered by Mr. Whereas, bids were heretofore requested for painting of the interior of the Alms house. and Whereas, Julius Scibienaki having bid the sum of Two Hundred forty eight do’ laia for the painting of walls aiul wood work combined, as per specifications, and being the lowest bidder. Be it resolved, that Julius Seibienski be and hereby Is awarded the contract for the said work. was adopted by the following vote: Yea— Sofleld, Waters. Patten, McGuire, Clark, Galvin. Nay—None. The following resolution offered by Mr. Waters: Resolved that Theo. Antonio of 79 Smith Street be appointed constable of the Sec ond Ward. was adopted by the following vote: Yea — Sofleld. Waters. Patten. McGuire, Cla-k. Galvin. Nay—None. The following resolution offered by Mr. Tatten: Resolved, that John Klzides of *21 State Street bo reappointed constablo of the Third Ward. was adopted by the following vote: Yea— Sofleld, Waters. Patten, McGuire, Clark. Galvin. Nay—None. The following resolution offered by Mr. Galvin: , . _ Whereas, the industries situated m the northern part of the city have been using the words Maurer, N. J. on their letter heads, etc. and whereas they are really located In the limits of tho City of Perth Amboy. Now. therefore, be It resolved, that *he City Clerk be and hereby is directed to communicate with the said industries to request them to use the name of Perth Amboy instead of Maurers. Be it further resolved, that the City Clerk also communicate with the railroad companies requesting that their time table designate Maurer as follows: "Perth Am boy. Maurer Station.” was adopted by the following vote: \ea— Sofleld. Waters. Patten, McGuire, lark, Galvin. Nay—None. Motion prevailed, that Overseer of the Poor. Math Hanson, act as Inspector of painting of interior of Almshouse. Motion prevailed that the City Clerjt communicate with the New York Tele phone Company. Public Service Electric Company and Public Service Railway Company requesting them to have repre sentatives meet with the Council at Com mittee meeting to be held February 17th, 1922. in relation to elmination of overhead wries and poles, if possible. President Galvin reported progress ir relation to gas rates of the Perth Amuoj Gas Company , „ ,, , * Motion prevailed, that when Council ad journ It be to meet Wednesday, February 8th. 1922. at 8 P. M. i Council adjourned. A. E. GRAHAM J [ 11262—3-18-lt Clerk. Again Tonightl 1,000 Pieces I Musiin Uderweat CONSISTING OF GOWNS ; CHEMISE | BLOOMERS CORSET COVERS STEP-INS WE REPEAT THIS SALE TO GIVE THOSE WHO WERE UNABLE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE LAST WEEK OWING TO THE STORM | Sale Starts 7 O’clock | Tonight at 7 O’clock I 200 Records 10 inch double disc AP OLLO Records, vocal and instrumental numbe r s . Special. 200 Vacuum . Bottles Pint size, black Japan A ed case, aluminum cap with handle while they last 59c MONDAY I Door Opening Special I 2,000 Yards I LIK A-TWEED SUITINGS ■ Hew spring suiting, “Lika Tweed,’’ 36 in. wide; wonderful quality and easily worth 59c a yard. One look and you’ll buy it. Colors are green, rose, tan, and lavender. Quantity won’t last long at thisprice, so be on time. See window display. • Special, yard » t- fa LUMBER GOOD PEOPLE TO DEAL WITH TREATj » .* '-£i~ YOU RIGHT VO TRANSACTION is CONSIDERED COMPLETE UNTIL EX TIRE SATISFACTION HAS BEEN GIVEN BOYNTON! LUMBER CO. I SEW AREN, N. J. PHONE 2fi0 WOODBRIDGE I i——^4 Queenstown Glasgow Liverpool Make your Steamship reservation* now. JACOB GOLDBERGER, Banker Established J88S State. Corner Washington St. Perth Amboy, S. I. -- - . ..