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PERTH AMBOY EVENING NEWS »utin»l D*Ur ..cot S.D'Ia* ai aimn Strm carn.r of MoSloon* Fwtl Amboy N J.. by ha PERTH AMBOY EVENING NEWS COMPANT Talc phone 40<>-4<>l 401 J LOO AN CLEVENGER Editor X> P OI.M8TEAKX Oanarai Manager •uhacrlpuon Prlca by mail, including postage and war tax. 1 month. Cl eegtail aar. fY it Baaered at Pool Offlcw at Forth Amboy. N J.. aa aacond elaaa maU maltar. Branch Office#— New Tar*. P. IL Northrup. S03 IMfth Avenua; Chicago. 3uiU C1C Aaaacfation F.uINtta#. ^_ ^ — i—a — Cbtamuakmtlnaa Tha leaning Nawa la aiwaya glad t* receive commanlcatlaaa .rani tta read ere but letter* Intended for publication mutt ha reasonable in length and moat he eigne4 by tha aame and addraaa of tha writ or. If requaatad tha nama will not be /bbllahad • nlaae personal! tlae are Indulged In. _ Tha Aaaoelated Preaa la axeiu»i«*iy entitled to tha uaa far jubltenttan at al! eawi d la pa tehee creditad to It or not othorwiaa credltod In thla papar and site tta local wt| published herein. a Tha Bvenlng Nee* la also a mem bar of tho Amartcaa Nawapapora publlahara' Cdl>P4C^WgMand_th^AqdIMBqreaq of . . rs- x j-- " ■ ■■ -1--:- ■ " 1 a .1 .n., . j. i.r n.-i a,, i .1 — , = ★ Bible Thought For Today LET LS GIVE THANKS:—Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever.—Revelation 7:12. PERTH AMBOY’S OPPORTUNITY Elisabeth feels that Perth Amboy has "put one over” in the matter of grade crossings. It will be remembered when Perth Amboy first began an agitation for the elimina ation of grade crossings during Mayor Garrelson’s adminis tration, the Public Utility Commission gave Elisabeth the prefarence over this city, declaring that the Central rail road should abolish the grade crossings in the Union county metropolis before taking up Perth Amboy’s claim. Today Elizabeth sees Perth Amboy in a fair way to get the grade crossings here eliminated first. On the supposi tion that the fire truck tragedy brought the matter to a head in this oily, the Elizabeth Journal says: "Elizabeth is not waiting for such a tragedy to point the way to what should he and must be done. Tho Chamber of Commerce, hacked by oilier civic associations, is moving to «ct an order from the Public Utility Commission lo the cud that local grade crossings shall be abolished. A campaign )f education has been started.” It is quite evident Hint Elizabeth would not be disap pointed if the conferences now on between Perth Amboy ind tho railroad companies should become deadlocked, or if court action should result tying up indefinitely the move ment now so well under way. Elizabeth would probably jump in and press her claim and the Central railroad, held up in this city, might proceed with the Elizabeth problem with the result that it would be eight or ten years before anything further is done here lo give the relief that is so es sential to the progress of (he city. Perth Amboy wants the best bargain possible for the city, but it wants, most of all, the elimination of the grade crossings. The public Utility Commission is supposed to look into all such problems from a disinterested point of view and decide with justice for all. If Perth Amboy puts up the best fight possible for the plans that she feels are the most advantageous to her it is the best policy to accept u’Knl finally’ aunPiiVAi'l hv I ho lililifv hnArrl *•> ----- V I*- V V If the present attempt to secure the abolition of the grade crossings here fails it may be a long time before such in opportunity comes again. When it is realized that it takes several years to complete the job once the actual work is started it can be seen what the chances are for getting the crossing here abolished if Elizabeth, for instance, should get in ahead. The officials or body of citizens who taka steps to prevent the final plans being adopted will assume a grave responsibility. The continuation of the grade crossings here indefin • itelv will mean a constant menace and an ever increasing death roll. Perth Amboy can afford to put up with muoh that is undesirable rather than have these grade crossings continued. CONCRETE IN OTHER COUNTIES The attention of the Board of Freeholders is called to ihe fact that the State Highway Commission has just ap proved the paving of three roads, one in Ocean, one in Soin erset and one in Gloucester county, with concrete. The total cost of these roads will be about $380,000. This is just a little more than the Middlesex freeholders are going to spend on the roads of this county this year.' But here there is not a mention of concrete. The product of the patent pavement people only is considered. With such excellent examples of concrete roads in this immediate vicinity and realizing that they can be built cheaper than the patent pavement variety, it is significant that it takes ttie hardest kind of work on the part of the property owners to get a concrete road laid. Melucben has had experience along that line. While there may be a question as to the desirability of all concrete for city streets, there can be no doubt as to the superiority or concrete tor country uiguways. uuuurem once properly laid never rolls up into little hills and hollows with a wave-like formation. Concrete, in wet weather, has just sufficient roughness to give the driver confidence in regard to skidding. It seems a pity that with the county tax rate so high and with the need of economy go urgent that the freeholders do not make use of this opportunity to save the taxpayers money and at the same time give (he county high class im proved highways. GET BUSY EARLY It is a g toy to muke every week clean-yp week, but it is not week that one can put the rubbish and debric at tht and have it carted away. This is one particular week in the year when it is possible to i ae the clean-up worth while. Mayor Wilson hag proclaimed this as “Gie&n-up Week” and city wagons will assist the regular garbage collectors in going about the city collecting anything and everything that may be placed at the curb. It behooves every resident to get busy early in order that the heavy work may not come during the last day or two. As long as the city authorities are co-operating with the people the least that is to be expected is that the people will eo-operate with the authorities. “Clean-up week” properly observed will make Perth y a better and more delightful place to live in. f * j The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All the Train*—By Fontaine Fox. --. , ! —---- ““I •ft** o ^ CiYY' n SU*6 IS wT |-* 0SUYKn^^>^ . 9 >-JXAW ,4 -cXlAJLS ynxJ&f AKkaX' "to l>v A+**&S MX.WtW*W*/ -Cki- C^i K^"° -UavJWx^ Sa4L-a^K> Ww*<| *'vCV 5ectioH OF TH* 1KACK 4^t og tiu> fXw. __^g^saa——bb^sspt 1 GOLDEN AGE OF NATIONAL SONGS IS DESCRIBED Dally Delter by Frederic J. Haskm WASHINGTON. I>. C., April 28.— Abundant evidence that a practical ly lost art had its golden age in America la available in the collection of colonial muaic exhibited at the Library of Congress. The declining art is the writing of patriotic and national songs. \Ve have song writers to extol in light vein the flapper, Broadway, prohibi tion. and other modern topics. But the serious, poet laureate type that scents from afar an event of his toric importance and produces an ode in time for the occasion is lack ing. So also is the composer to aet the lyric to appropriate music. Occasionally, as at the burial of the unknown soldier, poetic talent flames up in a blase of sonnets, odes and blank verse. But most historic events proceed unaccompanied by poetic and musical compositions es pecially written for them. it was otherwise in the early days of the republic. B-very second piece of music in the Library of Congress exhibit preserved from colonial Am erica is patriotic, political, or na tional In character. There must have been a large set of unofficial pests laureate busily scribbling in the attics of Boston, New York and Philadelphia, for no event of im portance from the inauguration of Jefferson to the death of Alexander Hamilton went unsung. The lyrics produesd were set to music by equal ly Industrious composers and these topical songs were sung at the occa sion for which they were written, or sung on the stage, or, sometimes, thev were used only as popular par lor songs They took the place, In a way. of the current events reels at the modern moving picture show. One of the most interesting of the historic pieces exhibited by the Music Division of the Library of Congress Is a copy of ‘'Hall, Colum bia.” The music of this famous song first appeared under the title. "Ths* President's March," and the Music Division displays a copy which was printed in "The Gentleman's Amusement” in 1794. Hopkitunn Writes Classic The stirring march became “Hall. Columbia” when Joseph Hopkinson wrote the words four years later. A r.ote accompanying the first edition of the song says that the words were written for the use of Hopkin son’s friend. Gilbert Fox, an actor who wished to sing a patriotic song to the well known air. Before the vogue of "The Presi dent’s March.” Philadelphia, New York and Boston nodded their heads and tapped their feet in time to the now forgotten "Federal March.” Thi* composition, according to the cover of an old copy, was performed in the grand procession in Phila NEW CREATIONS In men’s summer underwear Union Suits with Poros knit top and nainsook trunks the most comfortable and serviceable underwear made special at a suit.$1.60 “Cooper’s” make nainsook union underwear, knee length drawers; reg. price $1.50; special at a suit $1.00 Otis Balbriggan two piece suits; speeial at a suit, $1.50 ■ % Gannon & Sheehy 92 SMITH 8T. «< delphia, the tourth ot July, 17** " It was written for this independence Day anniversary because a great pa rade was being held in honor of tne ratification of the Federal Constitu tion by ten of the states. The composer of this march. Alex- | ander Heinagle. was honored by hav ing George Washington attend one of his benefit concerts. Washing- | ton in his diary of attending the i concert, and it is thought that this prominent musician of Philadelphia was engaged by Washington to tOOj! Nellie Custls to play the harpsichord. One of the piece* that Nelli* Cur tis played and sang for the general in the drawing room at Mt. Vernor is in the Music Division exhibit. George Washington is mentioned frequently in the exhibit. Since he was the most prominent man of the time. Washington s opinions on mu >!/. u«imint<■<] and remembered. The comic op^ra “The Poor Sol dier,” a copy of which l» lit the ex hibit. is interesting today chiefly be cause it was performed a number of time* "at the President's desire when he visited the theatre." The deduction drawn is that "The Poor Soldier" 'must have been a particu lar favorite of Washington. One exhibit, a book of handwrit ten compositions, is open to a page entitled, diary fashion. "Fancy Men uet Dance before Oen'l, Washing ton. 17#:." The composer of this dance tunc was Pierre l.andrin Du* port, who is said to have been the accredited dancing master Qf society in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond and Georgetown. Murtha Washington Figures There is evidence that Mrs. Wash ington shared her husband's fsme as a patron of music. Another page of Duport's music book bears the head ing, “Fancy Menuit with Figure Dance by two young ladies in the presence of Mrs. Washington in 1792, Philadelphia.” Mrs. Washington, like her hus band. had songs indited to her. One pathetic, and yet amusing, specimen of the Revolutionary period is en titled “Lady Washington." It begins with flamboyant rhetoric, "Saw you my hero? Saw you my hero George " According to the song, Mrs. Wash ington goes on to say that she has been out looking for her hero. She has “Inquired of every swain" only to be told that the missing General waa in the van of the battle. The song ends with a dramatic line in which l.ady Washington implores the swains to return “my hero George." The conception of this emotional song was certainly lofty enough, and sincere. But it is a little difficult for us to picture the dignified Xfrs. Washington of Mt. Vernon going about the countryside to inquire of the swains if they have wen George. Whether this simple ditty wag ever performed before Mrs. Washington or what she may have thought of It unfortunately, not recorded. One of the oldest looking manu scripts In the exhibit Is “A Collection of the best psalm tunes engravsd by Paul Revere and sold by him and Josiah Flag. Boston. 1864.” The preface of the little old vol ume closes with the quaint remark: “It Is hoped, it will not diminish the Value of this Book in the Fsttmation of any, but may in some degree rec ommend it even to those v.-ho have no particular Reliah for the Muaick. that however we are obliged to the other Side of the Atlantick chiefly lor our Tunes, the Taper on which they are printed is the Manufacture of our own Country." In spite of the intensely patriotic character of the early music of the republic, almost all of the composers were foreign born. The first native bcrn American eompoaor, Francis Hopkinson is represented in the ex hibit by one of Ms manuscript song books and a letter written by him to Thomas Jefferson. It was ths son of this Ffencis Hopkinson who wrote the words of “Hail, Colum bia.” Composer a Statesman. Too The fit at American composer was ore of the signers of the Declara tion of Independence, and his por trait hangs today in Declaration Chamber of Independence Hall. Philadelphia. It shows a man with a mild, idealist ip face, holding a quill pea. 'Much of the music of the eoloaiat composers has passed into historic collections and- mueb into oblivion. Tha march written for Jefferson’s inauguration and ths national song commemorating the Louisiana Pur chase are forgotten. But a few of ! V New tariff Increases the duty or sardines, rood fish. Numerous pocket* In sprint dresses are a result of rolled stock' IOCS. Russia wanted to borrow enough money to put bar out of debt. It is easier to give advice than II is to lend a hand. Sometimes ws think Ananias wsj a fisherman or a golfer or the editoi of the first seed catalog. If variety is the spice of life, the weather man's life is all spice. About the smallest thinr on earth is a knot hole during a home run. Health hint: Wearing a diamond pin Improves the chest expansion One fly doesn't make a summer; but a billion make It pretty bad. "Egg crop last year worth 639 millions."—news item. It will be worth more than that when sold. Every Saturday night the barbel wants a law for daylight shaving. Nowadays you can’t tell the mother chicken from the daughter If wraith was health bootlegger! would live a million years. This country has four-nlntha ol the world's gold; but then we need 1( for golf trophies. Only thing green about some gar dens are the men who make them. If absence made the heart grow fonder, nearly every woman would iova her husband to death. Lady Astor's saying It with dowers. Time hangs heavily on your hands when you have nothing else on •hem. There is no society for prevention of cruelty to politicians, because rhey are not dumb animals. Every air castle has a cook. Tou seldom notice a woman’s new shoes until she starts limping. Life may sometimes be a pretty hard problem; but don't give it up. If Cupid is the god of love; /then Stupid is the god of divorce. j **<>^A***,|‘ - - - - - ■^^ranrinnrunjvvxnj'tArtnjnj those exalted outbursts of patriot ism are still depended upon to in spire patriotic emotion today. The words to ‘‘The 8tar Spangled Ban ner," written during the War ol lfcI2, place thia famous song in a later period than that covered by a colonial music collection. The tune, however, was known and widely used long before. The melody had been first called “Anacreon in Hea ven." and a song called "Adama and Liberty” had been sung to It before Francis Scott Key wrote his set ol verses. ’’Hall. Columbia,” both words and music, survived this colonial era, and is now an American classic. “Amer ica" came later, but ita tune of “God Save the King." borrowed from Eng land. was a Drominent feature of a number of popular songs In colonia America. Our most inspiring national songi are souvenirs of this golden age ot patriotic music. Today, composer: and poets seem to have lost th< knack of producing national songs There is more demand for song: about home, mother, and the girl and the law of supply and demand works just a» surely now as it did It 17»0. But some Americans believt that the Great American nattona anthem le not among these colonia Jliecee, that It is still to be wriiter n another golden age of patriots 137^,1840 j ELLEN YOUNG II OUtlDII UK H.ll.L.*' By Itulti Ix'lgb Author of -The Human S1<1« of He- ll tall Sulllns." "The A U C ul Ratail l»«.” Ole. "Yuu complain about the- careless ne*o of your traveling salesmen in writing orders,** said Eihit Young, doctor of ealis. tu the sales mana ger o. the Uothum Willow iurmiuro uompaiiy. "Do you know Air t)pn. s I be.leve moot salesmen don't know that there is a right and a wrong way to send In orders to icelr firms, or to Handle ihelr own clerical work that Is a necessary part ol sel ing." ' They don't,” g. Imly. "I know that oniy too well. W'ouid you ad vise me to send out a t ullelin to them about it. Miss Young?” "Yea. I'll suggest some things that should go in it. Then, at heir next tonvenlion. i would advise your holding an informal discussion about it, too. The first thing I would point out,” began Ellen Young, "is -.hat a large proportion cf the misunder stnndtngs which arise between tbe home firm and tbe customers are dua to ihe failure or oversight of the salesman to state things plainly in his orders. I think every salesman should He that all articles nn his ci ders sbonld have proper numbers and description* snould be exactly Ihe same xs those used In the cata logue from which the salesman sells Ms goods. A salesman forgets, as * rule, that orders are often prepared by stock e'erks who have not n thorough knowledge of the goods, who H,c not laminar witn the ... llous local or coloquial names of the goods and who consequently do not recognise these names. Numbers are the thing to uae.” "Gosh, that's ]ust the trouble, we have. We can't get 'em to specify by , numbers." '■Well, refuse to accept orders un leas your men make them cut tn that way. iteturn them to the man. Then, there's another thing that of ten makes salesmen careless In fill Inir mi* th/>> nrilthov rot rsr» lent. They usually write lo long hand because stenographers are not always available on the road. They Tarry over work from one day to an other. and then, in their hurry to clean up ragged ends the ends get all the rrsofe fraxxled. I would rec ommend t» salesmen that they never go to bed a single night without Bret cleaning up each day's work of writ ing letters. AVork of this kiud should never accumulate.” The sales manager nodded agree ment. "Then there are several short cuts and direct routes that salesmen can employ In handling the clerical part of selling. They can answer on the same letter sheet that needs a reply (this often obviates explanations); they can use a pencil in place of a pen, If more convenient; they can make their letters as brief as possi ble: they need never wr)te unneces sary letters; they can make carbon copies of letters written to custom ers on which they think the firm should be kept posted. Any number of short cuts will make the clerical work of selling easier.” "The Important thing is to get the work done carefully and accurately If these men on the road would only realise that we, at the oAee, are not mind-readers, that we can do and understand only what we see writ ten down, they would take more care in putting in instructions as to shipping, packing, billing and so on.” "IF—that's the point." agreed El len Young. "AVhat's your opinion. Miss Young,” asked a young accountant, "about asking for salaries or fees? I never know what to charge. I’m afraid of losing the work if I ask too much, yet I don't want to get any less than Is due me.” . This is a problem that many peo ple lo business often face, and Mon day’s paper will contain a practical solution by Ellen Young. ness questions on buying, selling, ad vertising. employment, etc. Ask your questions clearly and give all the facts. Questions requiring technical answers will be sent by mail. Oth ers will be answered in this calumn. BUSINESS QUESTIONS AN SWERED Have you ever found any practical solution to the problem of address ing large mailing lists that lessens the work of writing names and ad dresses on the envelopes? I know there are machines that do this, but we cannot afford one just now, and our list is not big enough to warfant this expense. I know thgt some merchants have the newspapers set up In slugs the names and addresses on their mail ing list, and run off sheets which dealers, in turn, paste on the envel opes or wrappers of their circular matter. This makes the work of ad dressing easier, if a proper arrange ment can be made with the news paper. The problem is often solved in the case of personally addressed letters, by the use of window envel opes (transparent faces),>*ut this, of course, necessitates writing the name and address on the letter and fold ing it rroperly. Copyright, 1922, by Public Ledger Company. L. KEMENY Jeweler Oor. SMITH AMD STATE STB. Exclusive Agency for the Famous QRUEN WATCHES JERSEY TIRE 00. Agents for Kelly Sprinfleld Truck Tires Day end Hight Service 146 New Brans. Ave. Tel. 3218 THE COMMERCIAL PRESS PBINTBM Itl Mar Brinrlrk Arc. Phoao IIN Path Amboy. N. t. LOCKSMITH locksmith m4 General Bepslr Shop Lawn Mowers Resharpened Baby Carriages Repaired and Retired D. DEKOrF. IM UGH ST. Corner Smith Rave your windows cleaned In Building* Offices Store* and Private Residence* - By The . Perth Amboy Window Gleaning Company IM BROAD SI. non MM TRY THE NEW GRAY HAIR RBMBDY Grav Hair parmaoontly dyad la II mla olao at Mira Pataraon'a Hair Draaaing and > Manicuring Parlor. Hair Bobbod and I Carted. IM Salih M. Sarltaa BaBdlag. CaL U42 YOUR PRISON WALLS |! Man, by mechanically stimulating his senses, is steadily shoving away the walls with which nature originally impri soned him. The first men on earth could sec only as far as their eyes would carry. When the sun went down and darkness descended, or when they entered a cave, their power of sight was almost obliterated. To overcome this, man extended the sense of sight by inventing portable fire—first firebrands, later candles, kerosene lamps and now the electric light. The power of sight has further been extended by the in vcntion,of speetaeles, field glasses, telescopes, magnifying glasses, camera and moving picture. Tonight, for instance, you go to a movie and, in a news reel, as good as see something that may have happened 12,000 or more miles away. A telescope is being built, which, it is claimed, will bring the moon within 20 miles of the earth. Extending the weak hearing powers of the human ear. we have ear trumpets, megaphones, telegraph, telephone—and finally, the wireless. Stand on a corner in dead of night and you cannot hear a man talking two blocks away. Yet, using a peculiar artange ment of metals and chemicals (radiophone), yon heat pkople thousands of miles away as clearly as if they war* in the same room with yon. Man’s sense of feeling is being intensified by the strain • of civilization, especially in factories and cities. The bedlam of modem life is making us more susceptible to pain, by putting onr nerves on edge. That’s one reason we are not as “brave” aa the ancient Spartans. Nerve strain frequently leads to Beard’s disease—neurasthenia, a highly strung condition in which the patient is conscious of nearly every nerve in his body. in South American ports, it is said natives can tell, by sense of smell, whether it’s an European, Negro or Chinese that has alighted from a boat. All men once were like that. Now most of us have lost the sense of smell except for violent odors like limburger. The sense of taste, too, is less powerful than of old. Prospect is that man, when his civilization matures, will almost entirely have lost his senses of taste and smell, with the three other senses developed artificially t6 an uncanny degree. ■ • ■ ■ ■ ... ■■■■-. -- | Questions-Answers | Any reader can get me answer to | eny qoeetlon by writ leg The Perl*. I Amboy Evsning News information ' Bureau. Frsdarts J. Basal n. Director. Waebingtoo, D. C. This offer ap plies strictly to Information. The bureau cannot give advice .n legal, i medicinal aad flneedel 'roeblee It «oee net attempt to cattle domestic troubles eor to andertelte eabaas tlve reseercb cm any eobject. Write your q n—floD plainly aad briefly. Give fall aaau aad iddroae aad ea- i cloee twe cents la stampe for ret am postage. All repllee are seat direm I to tke taaelrer. r, ■ '..-a- ... ■ -..-avi -a-- j Q. How tall lg Walter Johnson and ! how much does he weigh?—J. F. A. Walter Jcbnaon, pitcher on the Washington baseball team, is < feet 1 inch tall and weighs 206 pounds. Q. Hss Alaska a flag of its own? —G. K. O. A. Alaska is the only territory of j the United States without a flag. Q. How far can a man see from I the deck of a battleship at sea?— E. W. A. A. A mar. with normal vision can see an object at aea level at a dis tance of seven miles In any direc tion. Q. How do the farm wages of 1876 and 1620 compare?—O. E. F. A. In 1876 faros wages with board averaged (12.72 per month, without board, (19.87, as compared to $48 (9 with and (84.95 without board ia 920. Q. What la iodine made of?—D. a. A. Iodine la prepared from kelp tnd from crude Chill saltpeter. Io dine is a non-metallic element, iso lated as a crytailine solid. Q Suggest some good way to poi son or trap crows.—W. Q. T. A. The Bureau of Biological Sur- j vey does not advocate the poisoning ! of crows for the reason that the placing of such poison is apt to de story birds that are more useful to ; agriculture thun the crow is harm ful. The same applies to trapping. Crows should be shot. To protect young chicks from being attacked by crows, plenty of bushes should be 1 placed in the poultry yard so that i Lhe young chickens can run quickly to cover. Q. Who will be the executive offl eer at the National Rifle matches? —J. F. E. A. Col M. C. Mumma has been se lected for the post of executive of Dcer for the National matches. f' ’ an I. O. r. collectible in law? , —T I. '.n I. O. U. is prima facie evi dence of a debt due the bolder of the document. In this country It has been declared negotiable by the de cisions of some courta and It can anywhere be sued upon as an ac count stated without proof of the or igin of the debt. Q. Wha‘ 1* a "miner's inch" of water?—E W. G. A. One miner's Inch will irrigate from 5 to 16 acres, the miner's Rich equaling 12.960 gallons tn 24 hours or almost exsctly 0 62 second-foot. Q. In what quota are natives of the Island ot Cyprus included for immigration purposes?—8 D. A. The Immigration So'vice says that the Island of Cyprus is lnclud* ed In "other Asia" In the quota for the different countries. This quota is exhausted. Q. Do Americans eat more su gar now than they used to?—J. M S. A. The per capita consumption sugar yearly in the United States in 1 colonial times was about 26 P**(?s At the time of the Civil War the amount had risen to (0 pounds! and at present the annual consumption la nearly 100 pounds. Q. What Is the largest island la the world?—I. P. "i A. If Australia Is designated a* I continental Island. Green'and In the I largest of the islands strlc’ly so called. with an estimated area of 826000 square miles. New dimes ranks next with an area of 301,000 square mllen. ■■ „• I I j l J • Subbubs—Ytrur new Cook talk isn't she. Neighbor—Yes, but ly to stay long. JACOB WOK i Administrator. SICK WATCHES PROMPTLY CURED at ths j RELIABLE JEWELRY SHOP "All That's to ths Name" ' iMA wm st. nb>«B4K| AMBOY TAXI SERVICE Tho Cheapest Taxi Service in the State I PHONE 1485 1 to S Passengers EOe. Main offlce and station corner State and 8m!th Sts. *. . ‘"Y l Deposits Made In Our Special fl Interest Department On Or Be- a fore May Third Will Draw Interest From the First At ——' ■ ' ' - ■ - — ) ■ ■* 4% ' II One Dollar Opens An Account Path Amboy Trust Company “A Good Bank to Be Wittf ’ I Smith and Hobart Streets ■ I ■ I — ■ ■ !■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ T . ' ^ .