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11 ■ ' "■ ■■ ■' N May 1st to 6th '■■■■ ■ — ■■■■■■ PAINT-UP CLEAN-UP REPAIR For Civic Pride, Prosperity, Health and Safety —V -* -- •> ff Let Us Help You With Your Spring House Cleaning ■END VS YOUR Blankets and Quilts THEY WILL BE RETURNED TO YOU FRESH AND CLEAN—'"JUST LIKE NEW” If you have had work done by us in the past, that’s assurance enough for you that they will . come back clean and refreshened for another season of service. All our work is done as carefully and as efficienly as if by, your self. .We’re anxious to relieve you of this burden. Phone 1893 and Our Truck Will Call Middlesex Sanitary Laundry T. CURRIE, PROP. 5 Gordon Street l- j PRESERVE YOUR HOME ___ . .... .. - _ ■ : , ■ ■ 1 .jaera Paint Is Necessary The soft coal that we have been forced to use during the past Winter has left its marks upon our homes. Grimy and sooty is the appearance today. Did you ever con sider that a little “Clean up and Paint up” will give your *home a finer and more prosperous look? YOU SHOULD AL80 INCLUDE IN YOUR SPRING HOUSE CLEANING FRESH NEW WALL PAPER You’ll recognise the force of the idea if you’ll come in here and see the beautiful wall paper ef fects we have to show you now. Wall Papers, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Painters’ Supplies 0 Buy Your Supplies Here; You Will Find Both Quality and Economy S. KOCH 363 State Street Cor. Center Street “Own A House” Let Us Show You Some thing New In Locks — The best asset in the world. You can’t go wrong. When you do build put in the best in “Hardware” Wm H. McCormick & Sons 82 Smith Street Perth Amboy, N. J. PHONX 90 OB 31 WX OAX HXLP YOU - ■ All Nature and mankind are dress ingupwiththenew season. The dull* drab, sombre win ter has passed and it is now time to put on a new front. Themerchantslist ed on these two pages are ready to help you—all offer ing service 100% efficient, as well as materials of the highest quality 0 with prices more attractive than ever. <i 1. 0. LEVINE, Mgr. 0 Factory Supply Dept. R. D. HOWELL, Mgr. Retail Dept. rAlJN I S High Standard Is the best paint your money can buy. It is higher in price than any other, but it is worth every cent. $3.90 per gal. Melotone Same quality as High Standard, but it is flat finish. Beautiful soft color tints that can be washed wth perfect satisfaction. ' $3.45 per gal. Alabastine The most popular water paint made. Leaves your walls clean and beautiful. Does not rub off. 5 lb. package 75c i ^ \ Perth Amboy Hardware Company 1 L T. -‘'AD SEN, President and Treasurer I W. O. K£LMnJUtT, «gr. Plumbing Supply Dept. PAINT and VARNISH For Every Purpose and to Fit Any Pocketbook VAKJNISJti : Valspar Used for all exterior work. Particularly ! good for kitchen floors or any place that comes in contact with water. ' $6.75 per gal. “61” Floor The most popular varnish used today. Makes your floors shine and it wears well too. Made in clear and stains. $5.00 per gal. Parrots Is a floor finish of mighty good quality—of the less advertised line—used frequently on woodwork, too. Clear only. j $3.75 per gal. Accessories JOHNSON’S WAX KLONDIKE BRONZE MONTAUK ENAMELS SCREEN ENAMEL EFFECTO AUTO PORCH FURNITURE FINISH ENAMEL ZINSEER ’S SHELLAC VARNISH REMOV S FURNITURE POLISHES Perth Amboy Hardware Company I r. a. Hardware For Household Hardware W.. i— ■ i — / " “ ou oiaf!' rnuoi onuxti oiafiAi 313 Madison Avenue Tei 2100, 2101, 2102—Private exchange to all Departments. "P. A. HARDWARE FOR SERVICE” The Proclamation For The Week Is “CLEANUP WEEK” - 1 The Spirit of the Age It Conservation Economy and Efficiency Did it ever occur to you how neatly the A. B. C. OSCILLATING ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE fits into this plan—how it saves time and conserves energy! The A. B. C. Oscillator does more than conserve time, en ergy and money. IT SAVES THE CLOTHES. By the elimination of drudgery, your wife’s health is safeguarded. What is your wealth, if you sacrifice HEALTH. REQUEST A DEMONSTRATION—CALL IN OR CALL BT PHONE Guth Electrical Co. 185 , « "■■■ — V •. " - " ' • '