| AMBOY HIGH SCHOOL NINE DOWNS SOUTH RIVER 7BAN Dougherty Miner’s Hurler Expects To Stop Amboy Judging lrom the manner in which Pitcher Dougherty of the Scranton Coal miners' baseball team held the heavy hitting Meadowbrook team of Newark last Sunday morning, the Perth Amboy Athletic 'Association nine is in for a lacing this Sunday unless the local moundsmen can handle the stickers of the visiting team in a similar manner. The Meadowbrook* won the game 8-1. but the crack Newarkcrs were held away from the plate for the first four Innings. In these sessions. Pitcher Dougherty was called upon to face Marty Cavanaugh, former Detroit balltosser: Itentley and other leading stickers of the Meadowbrook outfit, but the Miners’ twlrlcr lived up to his "rep.” In one session he breezed Cavanaugh with two men on , the sacks.. There are two Jones brothers on the Scranton team, one plays short stop and the other perform* at third base. These players are the stars of the coal mining outfit, both In the held and with the stick. Dougherty and PollacK will comprise the bat tery for the 8cranton team in the game here Sunday afternoon. fee Coal Mining Outfit The Coal Miners play all their games in their mining outfits, and the appearance of the players on ths field In these outfits is an attraction In Itself. This team drew a record crowd in Newark last Sunday morn ing. Messrs. Poulsen and Applegate, of the local team are of the opinion that Pitcher Dougherty of the Scran ton team, will have to twirl 'em up like never before, if he expects to turn back the heavy hitters of the local combination. The local mag nates are of the opinion that Loe ser, Donahue. Stinson. Romer, Hen shaw. Dzurilla. Masurek. Lorenzo. Applegate or Flynn combination has hitting power that must be given ser ious consideration. Applegate showed last Sunday aft ernoon that he already Is able to travel the full route of nine Innings and yet have an easy time. Bill Flynn may be given a chance to ge the entire route almost any time now. MEET TO PUN CASEY LEAGUE Session Will be Held Here Sunday-Six Councils to Attend John Harrington, of San Salvador council 299 Knights of Columbus, an nounced this morning that there would be a meeting at the local club house next Sunday afternoon at 3 • j'elock of representatives of New Brunswick. Woodbrldge, Rahway, ■South Amboy, Sayrevllle and Perth \mboy councils for the purpose of lisciissing the organization of a y" twilight league, e local representative announces e is considerable interest in the nizutlon of such a curcuit, and is likely that the league will be med at Sunday'* meeting. Al ady several councils have declared favor of such a circuit. The Perth Amboy council could lave a strong representative team, especially for twilight games inas much as a number of its best players perform with other teams on Satur day and Sundays. The Woodbrldge ind South Amboy councils also lave strong representative teams, while the strength of Rahway. New Brunswick and Sayreville this year, a not known. With the present industrial league and a “Casey” league, the fans of his section would be given their 'flu” of twilight baseball. GLOVER NINE WILL OPEN AT HUGUENOT THIS SUNDAY The Clover haseball team of this cltv will open the season Sunday af ternoon in a game with Huguenot on the latter's grounds. Manager Stolz will use his strongest lineup to insure a victory for the start of the season. Mike Olsen, star local veteran, will do the hurling and Bill Fowler, former Maurer catcher, will be sta tioned behind the plate. J. Zalari, J'imiani, Pelligrine, Kopko, lUzzi. A. Lovl and Thullcson will occupy the remaining positions on the team. The Clover players will practice to morrow night on the Lumber field daimond at 6 o'clock in preparation for Sunday's game. A Substitute If you haven't an ironing board use a thick pad of newspaperi on an ordinary table and cover them with an ironing sheet as you would a board. I. KRESSEN, Headquarters for A. G. Spaulding Sporting Goods Baseball Needs That Make a “Hit” You’re absolutely “safe” in making your baseball purchases at our store. For here nothing but the most jreliable, the most durable and only the finest materials have been used in the con structon. Anything you want for baseball—bats, gloves, balls, uniforms, masks, etc., is to be found here in a generous selection — all endorsed through years of experience by big league players. Baseball Catalogue Free 405 STATE STREET Phone 445 ITS IN THE TAILORING There are no Clothes like custom-tailored Clothes. Very few men are built alike; hence it is necessary for per fect fit to have your Clothes made to your individual re quirements. BEN INC AS A BROS. Tailors for Men Who Know 163 SMITH ST. Am rr- ' / 'HIGH SCHOOL 9 REGISTERS WIN South River Team Beaten on Local Field by 6-3 * Score The Perth Amboy high school varsity rine registered its initial vic tory of the season in the first home game on the schedule of Manager James Patten, which was played on the Itaritan Copper Works field yes terday afternoon, The final score of this contest was «-3. Amboy had previously lost two games since the ■tart of the season. Nedswicki twirled in superb fashion for the home team. He al lowed only four scattered hits, struck out ten men and did not Issue a pass. The Amboy players collected twelve hits off the delivery of Barkelew. the South River hurler. With three hits out of four trips to the plate. Seaman, of the locals, carried off batting honors In this came. Rasmussen. Nedswicki and Kochak each collected two safeties, one of the latter's going for a triple. J. Mark made two of South River's four hits, and Scheldt* played in real fashion at shortstop. "Pick” Mullen umpired the game In capable fashion. The box score: South River AB. R. H. E. Stackowski c . 4 0 0 £ Scheidig. as . 4 1 0 f Politika. 3b . 4 111 Barkelew. p . 4 0 0 0 J. Mark. If.4 1 2 0 Lokotas, 2b . -1 0 0 2 Applegate, cf . 3 o 0 1 Smith, lb . 3 0 1 0 B. Mark, rf. 2 0 0 0 Lesh, rf . 1 0 0 0 33 3 4 4 Perth Ainboy A B. R. H. E. I.arson, If . 3 1 1 0 E. Patten, rf . 4 1 1 1 Rasmussan cf . 4 1 2 0 Kochek, lb. 4 0 2 0 Rhodes, ss . 4 0 0 2 Seaman, 3b. 4 2 3 0 Hutton. 2b.-. 4 0 0 0 Annecstein, c ........ 3 o 1 0 Ncizweiko, p.3 1 2 0 33 6 12 3 The score by Innings: So. River H. 8. ..11000000 1—8 P. A. H. S.. 0 1 30 0 0 1 1 X—6 The summary: Two base bit. Neis. weiKi. xnree Due nit, nocnecx. Struck out by Nelzwelkl 10. by Bar kelew 12. Walked by Barkelew 2. Hit by pitched ball, by Barkelew (Annecstein. Neisweiki). Double play. Rassumussan to Hutton. Stolen bases. Politika, Seaman. Umpire. Mullen. The Staten Island Academy nine will play the local high school team on the Raritan Copper Works field this afternoon. _ ST. EMERY NINE SCORES - k DECISIVE VICTORY The St. Emery nine defeated the White Stars. Sunday afternoon to the tune of a 14 to 5 score. Mallet pitched for the St. Emery's and al lowed six hits which were widely scattered. The, offerings of Hydo and Johansen were passed for elev en safeties. Joe Pelllgrene and Chuck clouted out home runs, the former with three men on the sacks and Wilson Tyrrell made a triple, and George Redman, a double when the hits were needed. The box score: St. Emery's AB R H E Pelllgrene, ss.........4 2 2 0 Pastor, rf. • 1 2 0 Gardella, lb . 2 2 11 Tyrrell. 2b . 2 2 1 0 Rcdman,*'8b...... 2 2 2 1 Miltner, If. 5 0 0 1 Smoyak, c............ 4 0 0 1 Chuck, cf.......2 2 1 0 Mallet, ..4 1 2 0 Friedman, cf. 2 0 0 0 25 14 11 « White Stars AB R H E Kosh. rf . S 0 0 0 Jannucci. s» . 3 0 2 1 Johansen, lb p ....... 4 1 0 0 Brooks. 2b. 3 1 0 1 Egmore. 3b .*. 4 0 1 • Buck. If. 3 1 1 0 Barto. cf...... 4 0 0 0 Adams, c . 4,1 1 0 Hydro, p lb.4 1 1 _0 34 6 • 2 Score by Innings: . St. Emeryt .11304220 0—14 Stars . 00120000 1— 5 Summary—Two base bits, Red man, Gardella and Mallet Three base hit. Tyrrell. Home run. Pelli grene. Chuck. 8truck out by Mal let. (: Hydo, 4, Johansen, 2. Bases EMERALD NINE DOWNS COLORS OF HUGUENOT 9 The Emerald nine of this city traveled to Huguenot on Sunday af ternoon and defeated the Huguenot A. C. nine of that place by a 10-6 score. Keeler and Mansfle'd were in the points for the Emerald team. Levine played a great game In the field for the visiting team. A week ago Sunday the Huguenot nine de feated the Eagles of Pleasant Plains. The box score: Emeralds AB R. H. Hallfko. lb . 4 2 1 T. Anderson, rf.( 1 1 Thomas. If .. 3 0 0 Mansfield, c . 5 2 3 J. Miller. 2b. 3 0 0 L. Miller. 3b . 4 2 2 Lerlne, as . 3 1 0 Kennedy, cf . 4 1 0 Keeler, ..4 1 1 E. Anderson, rf . 2 0 0 37 10 8 Huguenot AB. R. H. James. It ... .r. 4 2 1 Costello, cf. 3 1 3 Moran, 2b . 5 0 0 Telst, rf. 5 0 1 Wott, lb . 4 10 jLsoian, ss . ■» * w Beybl, lb . 4 0 0 Throlesen, P ... 4 1 0 Sloekson, c .4 0 0 35 6 5 The summary" Struck out by Keeler S. Throlesen 14. Two base hits. T. Anderson, Mansfield and L. Miller. Three base hit, Hallfko. IS DEFEATED Nationals of Staten Island Score an 8-7 Win on Local Field The Maurer Athletic Association nine suffered its first defeat of the season Sunday afternoon at the hands of the National nine of Llno ieumville, S. I. The final score of this contest, was 1-7. The Nationals scored their first run In the second, six more in the third and won the game with a counter in the ninth. The home team scored three in the sixth and four In the eighth, the lat ter runs tielng the score. Manager Urbanskl's boys, however, could not hold the visitors in the ninth and the game was lost. The home team outhit its opposi tion, twelve to eight. Lewis was the main sticker for the visitors, while A. Dametsch, Zalari, Urbanski and Oldenboom featured at the bat for the Maurer nine. Next Sunday the Camp Raritan soldiers will play the Maurer team on the Maurer field. The box score: Nationals A.B. R. H. E. Martin, .. 5 J J ® Miller, 2b . 4 1 1 1 Abraham, cf. 2 - 0 0 Lewis, lb . 5 2 3 0 T nziAiv n . 3 1 1 0 Mielcarack, 3b. 4 « o u Dennis, .. * 0 } ® Dolan, rf. * ® \ J O'Donal, If.J_ J. J. 32 8 8 3 Maurer A B It. H. E. J. Dameuch. ss . 4 1 1 J A. Dametsch. 3b.4 1 - « Smith, lb . 4 0 0 0 Urbanskl. 2b . S J 2 ® I Faltisco, rf . J J J ® Christensen, cf. • o l 1 Lovl. c .4 1 1 1 Oldenboom, .. 4 0- ia Amhnv Junior* defeated th* a score of 11-4. Kennedy pitched for the Amboy Juniors and is man ager of the team. Challenges should be addressed to 334 Rector street. The T. M. H. A. basketball team may not play another game on their i Smith and McClellan street court, so that the association team and the Speedways are credited with playing - thd-laet real game on this court. The Pershing Juniors defeated the Keystone Juniors on Haney’s dia mond recently by a score of 3-2. The Pershings are managed by Stanley Gab of 410 Charles street. Art Romer’s Aquehonga baseball team of Tottenvllle will open the season on 8unday afternoon. The strong Allendales of New York will furnish the opposition In this game. Flivvering about is a real sport for Ichabod and Veasler, local speed merchants. Ths Amboy Dodgers would like to book games with teams averaging from 15 to It years of ace. A. Skovboe. 377 Washington street is manager. The Pastimes of this city Sanded a 11-5 lacing to the South River* Pacers at South River last Sundad afternoon. Kotsun was on the mound for the visitors. A county basketball league for next season is already being discussed. Woodbrldge. Roosevelt. Milltown. New Brunswick. South Amboy and this city city may be Interested eonugh in such an undertaking to entar a representative team. Judging from the program an nounced to date, a good card of fights will be presented at the Au ditorium on May If. The Sheridan nine of South Am boy was defeated by the Holy Trin ity combination of Helmetta on the Utter’s grounds Sunday afternoon by a score of 7-3. Valik of Trenton, pitched for ths Holy Trinity nine, while Prlmka was on the mound for the \isitora. Tne Melrose nine defeated the Rarlians of South Amboy in a game Sunday afternoon by a score of 7-4. The Tesreau Bear midgets recent ly defeated the St. Dominick midgets by a score of *-3. Pero and I-a komski made up the battery for the Winners. ' One of these days the St. Louis Browns will bs talked of as one of the teams to . participate in the world's chamnionshin series this M Local Team Closes Season Here Tomorrow Night Play Bayway The Y. M. C. A. bowling team will roll Ita last match of the season to morrow night. The contest will be rtaged on the local alleys, the op posing team being the Standard Oil Company pinmen of Hayway. cham pions of the Standard Oil Company’s inter-plant League and runners-up in the Elisabeth City League. The visiting team is considered as strong as any combination that the local bowlers have gone up against dur ing the past season and high scores are anticipated. The local association team hae established a record of winning every match during the past season rolled on Its home alleys and the members feel confident that this record will ■tot be broken In their last match Last Saturday night at New Bruns wick the Amboy team members were presented with medals for finishing second In the state Y. M. C. A. league after which they bowled one game against Bayonne. Elisabeth and New Brunswick. Each Seam howled every other one game, '.he Perth Amboy 'combination hav .ng the highest pinfall for the night. BLUE AND GREYS REGISTER WIN AT PLEASANT PLAINS The Blue and Greys of this city traveled to Pleasant Plains on Sun day afternoon, where they met and defeated the Eagles, a colored team of that place, by a score of 10-5. Sunday pitched for the visitors, while Evans occupied the mound for the home team. This Saturday afternoon the Blue and Greys will play the Metuchen A. C. on the lat ter’s grounds. The box score. Blue and Greys AB. R. H. E Zalick. 2b . 5 i 2 1 Mikula. as. 5 1 2 1 Ziggy. 3b . 4 0 0 0 Walicky. If.4 1 1 0 Tiroko. lb . 4 2 2 0 Damit*. rf .4 0 1 0 Kwiatkowski, cf.4 2 1 0 Rush c . 4 1 1 0 Sunday, p . 4 1 1 0 SS 10 12 2 Eagles AB. R. H. E J. Higgins, If.4 1 1 0 E. Higgins, rf. 4 0 0 1 Copper, cf . 3 1 0 0 H. Higgins, 3b.3 0 1 0 Evans, p . 3 1 1 0 Roach, c . S 0 1 2 Haney, ss . 3 1 0 0 Bulunt, 2b.3 0 0 0 Joroe. 3b . 3 1 1 2 Dili missioner K. M. Landis. President | Ban Johnson of the American , League and President J. A. Heydler Of the National League. Baseball’s part in National Hos pital Day is in the role at league games on May 12 in parks near hos pitals where service men are re ceiving treatment. Last year thou sands of veterans were conveyed to the park, where in addition to the j games a special program of music and flag raising had been arranged. This year, under Commissioner Lan- | dis’ direction, the minor league also | will participate. Lead Works Wins Opener; Bakelite 8. A. T. C. Tonigh After two were down in the sixth . inning of the contest last night be- | tween the I'nited Lead Works and the Perth Amboy Dry Docks, the ] first game in the recently organ-1 ued industrial league. Johnny Me- . Creery lined the pill hack at Buck j Stratton, the Dry Docks' pitcher, and the Lead Works' second base- j man reached first in safety. Bunt) Pfeiffer, the next Lead Works bat ter. drove the pill to left for what usually would be an easy out. but the approach of night prevented Left-fielder Crowell from seeing the pill coming his way and McCreery crossed the pan with the winning run a fraction of a second before Pfeiffer was thrown out st third. The Lead Works won. 8 to 7. for the game was immediately called on account of darkness. Stratton pitched for the Dry Docks and although he got >ff to a poor start, succeeded in keeping hla opponents' nine hits wtU scattered. McNulty, the Lead Works pitcher, allowed seven passe*, and hla de livery was touched for six safeties. The Lead Works scored one run in the opening session after the Dry Docks had passed up a real chance to score. The Dry Docks scored two in the second, but the Leaders came back with three counters. The Front street outfit scored another counter in the third and again the Leaders sent three men serose the pan. . ^ Neither side scored again until the Dry Docks nine made a rally in the fifth stanza which netted them four runs and tied the score. Then came the Leaders' winning run in the sixth. Dave Halbert. George Mitruska and Wally Mazurek laced out hom ers In this contest. Halbert's clout went almost to the ticket office. Mit ruska’s ball sailed to deep left, while Kazurek’s smack cleared the center field fence. McCreery and Mitrus ka. collected five of the winning team's runs. Campbell made two of SALEMS BEJLEN BY 1 RUN III CHARLESTON 6AME The Salem baseball team of this city traveled to Charleston. S. I.. Sunday afternoon and met defeat in a game which terminated 716. The visitors outhit their opponents, eleven to nine. The box score: Charleston AB. R. H. E. Pelzer. If . * 1 1 ® Cenr. lb . 5 « 0 ® Copeland, c . 5 2 2 ® Straunas. .. 3 2 1 1 J. Solomon, cf. 5 F. Solomon, 2b. 3 0 1 # Scholer. 3b . 2 1 « ® Huth. rf . * ® 2 ® Brown, p . 2 ® " 0 31 7 » 2 Salems AB. R. H. E. Kennedy, rf . 5 1 1 o Dietz, se . 5 « 1 * Crowe, lb. If . 2 2 1 ® Stockel. p. lb.4 « 3 o M. Wosh. cf. p. 4 i» o ti Mansfield, c . 4 1 G. Wosh. 3b. 4 a 2- 0 Zehrer. 2b . 4 1 Bath, c. 4 1 -1 1 3« 6 11 3 The score by innings: Salems . 00012111 0—« Charleston . 50001001 X—7 the six safeties credited to the D Docks team. Another Game Tonight The Bakelite and Terra Col teams will clash tonight. The Bah llte team will be picked from C< nellus. Kozusko. Dennis, Hollc Major, Frederlckson. Jeroff, Kt shenski. Andre. Herman. Andn Martin. Palmer. Jercmlaaoeu a Parker. The Atlantic Terra Co' nine will take the held with Pel grlne. ss; Flmlani. 2b; Samaoe, I Janderup. ef; Dlederson. If: JSela rf: Coddington. lb; Panconl. c, a Klrmer. p. The box score: r. k w. A3 R Maloney, lb.2 2 McCreery. 2b . 4 1 Pfeiffer, as . 2 1 McNulty, p. 2 1 Halbert. If...2 1 Mitruska. rf. 2 1 Dickson cf. 2 • Springer, c. 2 0 Dtinton. 3b. 2 1 24 I P. A. D. D. Crowell. If.3 0 Campbell, rf C.4 « Tague, Sb. 2 0 Kane, ss. 2 9 Hippinetill. 2b.4 1 Mazurek. cf. 2 1 Brownmiller, lb.2 1 Loeser, c rf. 2 t Stratton, p. 1 2 24 7 Score by Innings: P.A.D.D. 0 2 1 0 4 0 U.L.W. 1 2 2 0 0 1 Summary—Home runs. Mi trad Halbert and Maxurek. Two hi hits. Maloney and Pfeiffer. Strl out. by Stratton. 4; by McNulty, Bases on balls, off McNulty. 7; Stn ton. 2. Game called end of ah Inning on account of darkness. TJ pire—Warner. KEASBEY SCHOOL WE TO PUY HOKUM KEASBEV. May *.—The baseb team of the local school will ba si In action on their home srmn here Friday afternoon when tl meet the baseball team represent the Hopelawn school. In their first same several we< aso. the locals showed up «XO lionally strons and overwhelm!* defeated the Clara Barton ach team. They hope to make It t Straisht this week at the expanse the Hopelawn team. This will the first home came this season I also the first same for the vtall Keasbey will probably take field with the followln* men «* team. able: Yeneskv. Sebesky. Sts Toth. Sxaris. Pochick. Sharkey, k Katransky, Romer. Lund and hi lam Toth. The same will start at * o'clec New York Teams 1 ceding The New York Giants and Yi keea are leadlns the National I American Leasue races asain at result of the fact that the Bt. Lo Browns lost yesterday while Yankees were defeating the Bo* Rod Sox. The Giants defeated Boston Braves asain yesterday.