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Best Butter Pound 46c •ml — ■> Best Coffee Pound 35c , ■ i Sugar Pound 6c STRICTLY FRESH EGOS Dozen ...... 37c -:-1 BLUEBERRIES Can ..-..30o » CRANBERRY SAUCE Can .. .j,. .j,. .A.30c I ( » BEST EVAPORATED BOLE; Can 10c | PITTED PRUNES Package ......... . o 23c i PEALED PEACHES Package 23c DISH OATS* Package ....w.>t.49c vTv ✓ • • ' PIGS Glass 40c ' SHELLED WALNUTS Jar ....... ...46c CHICKEN BROTH Can. 20c Fancy Fruits Strawberries, Applet, Peart, Oranges, Grapefruit, Bananas, Oates. / ' -'t:;.' Fresh Vegetables Spinach wer, String Beans, Pe aragus. Cu cumbers, rots, rhubarb, Green Onkos, Lettuce, Toma toes, Celery, Parsley, Beets,) New Potatoes, New Cabbage. w PHONE < DR”—The l^mberger Radio Broadcasting station ————■ MERCHANDISE ADVERTISED BELOW ON SALE TOMORROW—SATURDAY Candies Reduced! *W* A \ f "O /> Your Eyes sss^s L;15AMDCIvVjEiv&LU toe. »t Mo; (thin Tinllla chocs- '# ^Bfe^k ” A u«ed In good 'tradition snd ? inin ..r... «hn • M...| hare osc of our expert op tome - I ***• w™ri **• •*■• • ^WBy *» - trti«t•• look them over. It may Taka some home for tka woek' t% ^ .. _ # ^_ . ___ ^n» §m meau a lot In the yeara to com-. -«:*"***.,. NEWARK One op America 5 Orb at Scores NEWARK " r’°r Sale of Boys9 Spring Suits, 10.85 With Extra Pair of Knickers A splendid lot of no less than 300 boys’ suits. Most of them have one pair of golf knickers and bne pair of short trousers. Cleverly designed natty sport and golf models. Fab rics beyond question—sturdy tweeds and cassimeres— ALL WOOL fabrics. Shades of gray, tan and brown mixtures that look good even after long wear. The sizes from 7 to 17. Boys’ New Spring Wash Suits, 2.98 Just arrived—and no less than 600 of them. New, clever models. Some with long sleeves, some with short. Middy, Oliver Twist and other new models. The fabrics are guaranteed absolutely fast color. The sizes range from 2 to 10. _ Boys9 and Youths9 Shirts, 1.00 You know they ere dependable, because they would be fetch ing 1.50 if we sold them in the regular way. These are good, strong percales that you will like. Have box centres; fully cut. Plenty of attractive patterns. Sizes 12'/$ to 14. Boys9 and Youths9 Blouses, 1.00 Made to sell for 1.50. Woven madras and other good ma terials that will stand many trips to the tub. Good-looking blouses —all of them—the kinds that make an instant "hit” with the youngsters and with' mothers as well. New spring colored pat terns and plain whites. Workmanship and fit of the very best. And priced down to 1.00! _._. Boys9 Sport Ties, 60c The "up-to-the-minute" boy will be wearing these natty sport ties this spring and summer. They are good-looking and have an air of style about them that the youngsters will like. Polka dot patterns; soft, wide flowing ends; extra silk knot rings. Buy enough for the season at 60c! botv own shop—second floor Sqs&ngs (.Saturday Only) ta iMhnaokjnfhiMi J«WJ S^T^Ual'that they win MMto, — Ml* «U day, w* atata a* Mm >|IIM af aa«h Hornet “Whll* las* No mall, phono sa C. O, A. •HUn.1* MEN'S TAN SHOES, 2.26. Mahogany color ton shoot, mado to toll for SAO. Blucbtr and lact ■tyto. Two line* from Incomplete stock*. A good aoaortmont of atael on narrow and medium width*. Second door. NATURAL SQUIRREL CHOKERS. 1000. Med* to tell for is. 00. Dork cbokore of soft, fnll fnrrod eklne. While the quantity Mata. Tblrd door. CHILDREN S UNION BUITS, 35c. —3 for 1.00. Mad* to toll for 50c. dnttable for boya. Fin* Joroey cot ton aalu In athletic knee length atyl*. Collaratt* neck. Ft ret floor. TUB BILK PETTICOATS, *.39. Regularly 2.M. Of boat quality tnb ink. la atrulgktlla* modal*, one with daap hamatltchod hem, the other with acallopod embroidered edge. Shadow proof panala. Elaatlc fitted weiatband* In wblto only. Third fleer. CUT GLASS BOWLS. 4 T5. Ragularly 0.00. S footed roe# or fruit bowla ef full S-luch alae. In aCacttea floral and mitre pattern* •n clear blank*. Baeamaot. MINIATURE DOLLT DOTS, 25c. Ragularly Sir. Hard candy. 25 email dolly dot* In hnttaracotch, lime, lemon, orange, cherry, Ucorlce. Pocked la nareory rhyme bhr. FI rat door. MEN'S SPBING GOLF CAPS, 95c. Naw pattorna. In light weight clothe. Ragularly 1M. at He. Fin* tor spring and summer wear. Sec ond Soar. BRASS UDS. 20.00. Floor aamploa, regularly 40.00 to IB.00. Bom* 44 and 4.0 alaaa.- On* of * kind only. Slightly marred from handling No moll or C. O. D. or dor*. Fifth floor. PICTURES. 1JS Regularly SOS By Bout* r«aa* Gutmaan. Neatly framed In bin*. Subject* lnclndo: Th* Butterfly, Lot* and Cborlsb. Homo Bnllderi. Falroot of Flower*. Llttl* Bit of Has eon. No mall or phono order* Sixth floor. WOR—Bamberger’s Radio Broadcasting Station. Some Remarkable Of ferings in Used Pianos, Players & Grands 50.00 and Up Instruments that have been taken in exchange for our reg ular lines. They have been overhauled and reconditioned in our shops, and are therefore dependable. Included you will find— Stefoway Mason & Hamlin Hardman Knabe Smith & Barnes Gabler New England Terms as Low as 5.00 a Month BAMBERGER'S—SIXTH FLOOR Vudor Porch Shades Are Ventilating! That is what makes them so infinitely more desirable than the usual porch shade. They make possible the use of one's porch from early Spring to late Fall in light, cool, airy seclu sion. Fitted with self-hanging de vice and beautifully finished in permanent oil colors to har monize with any home—olive green, green and dark green, dark brown, mottled brown or natural color. Weather-proof ed not to warp. Made wi«h a 7 ft. 6 in. drop In a four foot width at 3.90 and in 7 other widths of the same drop length up to 12 feet wide at 13.75. Also in eight widths with 10-foot drops at more and with 6-foot drops for bungalows at less the stated prices. BAMBERGER'S—FOURTH FLOOR Extraordinar Sale of Misses’ High-' .'ype Silk Dresses,' 19.75 We could compare them !o dresses selling for almost twice as much in our own stock• There are 189 of then in this most re markable sale of the season. There are all the high Summer shades as well as navy and black. ) In the very types th'r t are the favorites of fashion—the new beaded c. .esses that feature col ored beads and sparkling eads of cut steel. The new draped effects that al. Paris is wearing. The materials are: Canton Crape iatin Faced Canton Crape de Chine toahanan Crape . Georgette Crape Vgr Figured Crapes £ There are such touches as long tassels of silk and * chenille. Narrow strips or pa. d| of self material. Lace dyed to match the material. In gray, tan, periwinkle, cor Upvsr, henna, white, black, navy and “high shades.” Sizes 1 ip IS years. BAMBEBGEB S-T) Jtt> TLOOB Essex Safety Razor Blades, 29c Dozen We have just received a direct shipment of 12,000 double-edged Essex Safety Razor Blades. Each blade is wrapped separately and they come 12 in a package. To introduce this new brand we are offering them at the low price of 29c a dozen. PAMBERGER'O—FIRST FLOOR ‘ - Women’s Colored Silk Umbrellas in an Eventful Sale at 4.95 They are really made to sell for 8.50 Covered with heavy silk showing a striking wide corded satin Ottoman border. There are 200 of them shown here in the modish sun-rain colors, like navy, purple, green, garnet and brown. They are conservatively smart with their long amber claw tips, their heavy amber stub ends, their full length handles of amber colored bakelite or highly polished hardwood amber trimmed. To some are attached the heavy amber rings, to others the con venient leather strap wrist loops. All have neatly fitting cases to match. To say they are wonderful at this price is to put it—mildly, j BAMBERGER'S—FIRST FLOOR Only 50 Royal Axminster Rugs Reduced to 39.75 From their low regular selling figure—49.75 All in size 9x12 and irre placeable at this price! This is a close-out sale. Every pattern and color combination is beautiful in conception, rich in detail. The selection is wide. One can here replace old floor cover ings, or furnish new rooms at a decided saving. But, as we men tioned before, there are but 50 rugs included in the lot. There won’t be any more at this price. BBMBBBOBB'S—FOUBTH FLOOR Children’s 5.00 and 5.50 Pumps, 3.95 But there is much besides the price element 1 to make this a sale of no mean proportions. These pumps are all made of a fine grade of patent colt. Made on the long famed and well. famed Bamberger Foot-Trainer last. Every pair/* small and large, has Goodyear welted soles. £<5 Because the price is so unusually low and the quantity limited to 300 pairs, we shall be unable to fill any mail or phone orders. Sires 81/! to 11, have spring heels; regularly 5.00.....„. ..NOW 3.95 Sires 11 /i to 2, have low heels; regularly 5.50. .„. .. NOW 3.95 BAMBERGER'S—SECOND FLOOR Great Sale of Girls’ New Silk Dresses 5.95 A We cleared a manufacturer s racks of refreshingly new and crisp pongee and iaffela dresses for this sale—437 of them —designed to sell for dollars more than their tomorrow’s sale price We emphasize their newness — they are Spring’s latest and loveliest styles. We emphasize their quality—the taffeta is beautifully fine and rich — the pongee is the natural color pure silk. They are made with ail the exquisite care that is accorded high-type dresses. Most of them are embroidered in bright colored wools and silks. Fruit clusters, embroidered flat to the fabric. Long embroidered panels. Some with dainty lace collars and cuffs. The pongee frocks are in the true pongee color. The taffeta in brown and all the good blues from copen to deepest navy. Sizes 6 to 14 years. SHOP EARLY IN THE SALE. No Mail, Phone or C. O. D. Orders. BAMBERGER S—THIRD FLOOR Young Women! Collegiate Sandals of Tan Russia Calf or Patent Leather, 4.95 Pair Made With Two Sandal Straps and the Popular Low, Flat Heel j 400 pairs of these finely made sandals featuring the two most popular leathers of this spring, i. e., tan Russia calf and patent leather. Both are of excellent quality. The sandals are stoutly made with Goodyear welted soles and come in sizes 2y2 to 8, widths A, B and C. BAMBERGER'S—2D FLOOR After a Glove Has Been Washed Then—It’s Quality Tells—So With These 1.00 Gloves After they have been washed you will appreciate their very fine fabric that keeps right on looking like-suede, and very fine fit that loses not an iota in the process. To be worn with the tailored costuir.e, with short or wide flow ing sleeves, they come in elbow length, a smart strap wrist model, and the tailored two-clasp length. Others of extra quality silk with double-tipped-for-double-service fingers come in 16-button length or 2-clasp style. Colors include beige, pongee, mode, mastic and white and black. BAMBEBGEBB—FIBST FLOOR t 0 * f Sale of Men9s Shirts, 1,00 They are the new shirts that are having such a popular appeal this spring. We refer particularly to the bright new patterns; the neat colorings and the unusual designs. The lot includes per* cales, corded madras and fancy crepe weaves, all materials that you would never expect to find in a dollar sale. They will wear and wash WELL. Cut fully, with plenty of attention to the de . tails that make for comfort and long wearing. While they last. ^ Lots of men will be stocking up a whole summer’s and win* Tier's supply at this price—LOO! 1 - I Sale of Men's Union Suits, 1.15 The sale is popular because the union suits sold for 1.50 and 1 2.00 in the first place. That means that they are better from every ; atandpoint than you usually find in union suits at 1.50. Made of fine quality madras—plain and fancy weaves. They are as comfortable as any man could desire, and long wearing, too, for union suits like these will resist many repeated 1 tubbings. _ BAMBERGER S—MEN S SHOP—FIRST FLOOR •» * Smart Sport Neckwear for Men 1.00 This la the neckwear that has such a popular demand with well dressed men today. The Spring idea in men’s apparel is the “sports idea,'* and the necktie must be in keeping with the rest of attire. These are in coltege, regimental, club, speed and yacht stripes—enough varieties for any man, regardless of his taste. They are made of the very beat repp silks of the quality that has a reputation for their shapes. You can buy a lib eral supply at 1.0*. BAMBERGER'S—MEN’S SHOP—FIRST FLOOR