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The Hoover Saves You Your Rugs and Your Money HOW THE HOOVER SAVES YOU HOW THE HOOVER SAVES YOUR RUGS HOW THE HOOVER SAVES YOU MONEY By eliminating all back-breaking work and germ-scatter ing that attends the old broom and beating methods. The Hoover saves you worry and fatigue, and the nerve wrecking experience of a disordered house. Only the Hoover can do this, because it is the only cleaner that has a process which replaces the necessary fundametals of all thorough cleaning—beating, sweeping, cleaning. The Hoover lifts the rug from the floor and gent'y beats it, loosening all the fine particles of dirt and grit that sifts down into the nap, thus destroying your rug. The Hoover collects all lint and hair that resist air clean ing and ordinary sweeping, the nap springs upright, col ors are restored. Your rug looks like new. The Hoover puts an end to carpet cleaning bills and wages for extra help. It protects draperies against do struction by dust. Best of all, the Hoover saves great, sums of money paid to replace rugs worn out by nap cutting grit. In this way alone the Hoover pays for itself many times over. $5.40 DOWN $6.70 DOWN FOR THE BABY HOOVER FOR THE HOOVER SPECIAL WOULD YOU INVEST $1.35 A WEEK IN THIS SPLENDID CLEANER? PUBLIC SERVICE - — TUF UT TD Established 1902 J | | | ^ J | J [ Established 1902 276-278 Smith Street, Corner Oak Street . SIDNEY JACOBSON, PROP. Good News For The Public A Lucky Purchase for Spot Casli enables us to sell for Friday and Saturday Only—>j()0 Suits consisting of Men’s and Young Men's; most desirable shades and models; such as one, two and three button; Young Men's Single and Double Breasted; also Conservative and Stouts; one and two pairs pants. Prices ranging as follows: | J # J Above Originally Valued From $18 to $35 Shoe Dept. Get the habit of wearing \V. L. Douglas Shoes. We are their exclusive agent and earry a complete assortment to suit all tastes YOUNG MEN 8 OXFORDS In Tan and Black, French Lasts and all other shapes; prices ranging from *3^ to $5=^ I Haberdashery Dept. No matter how particular you may be about your Neckwear, Shirts, Hosiery or, in fact any article in this department, we are sure our selection will suit your fancy. Men’s Dress Shirts QC at ..,.$1.00 up to .1x?ckw“r..49c “d 98c Silk Hosiery; fiC/* with or without clox; pair .U JC 1 THE HUB 276-278 Smith Street Cor. Oak Street NO CONNECTION WITH ANT OTHER STORE Z CONTINUED use of classified advertising is Iping business advertisers make more money ' THEATRES Crescent Attractions Once again the Crescent thca'rc leads the city in furnishing a ta | Holy entertainment for today %nd tomorrow. So expense has been -pared in order to obtain the bes! I vaudeville acts possible and the f photoplay maintains the standard | j set bv this theatre for Its patron* I some months ago. The vaudevlSic performance today consists of the I following high class acta, all of. w hlch have appeared in some of the j lending theatres of the country. They follow: Diamond Sisters gc Miller. In S| conglomeration of songs and danc- [ es: Homestead Four In "Rubetown': | King & Stone. "Just Two Pals;" Ferguson & Dyer. In "Songology;" Mayo & Glenn, clever colored enter tainers. The photoplay shown in connection with this wonderful pro gram is "Boy Crazy,” featuring Dor ! is May. Miss May hits the high spots in I fast-stepping comedy in this rollick I ing farce written direct for the screen and especially for the star by I Beatrice Van. l.augh follows laugh when Doris, as Jackie Cameron, opens an ultra modern shop for men's apparel to combat the compe tition begun against her father's old fashioned dry goods store hy a mas culine dressmaker who suddenly ar rives in town and captivates all the women folk. Jackie sees her dad dy's store on the verge of ruin from the inroads made by the visitor so she changes It Into an up-to-date shop a la Fifth Avenue. A great favorite with the young men of town she wins them over immediately and her establishment Is swamped by an avalanche of trade. At tlie Majestic The show at the Majestic today and tomorrow is a really great one from start to finish and offers plenty of entertainment. The hill opens with Mills and Miller, two boys who are doing one of the fastest and most difficult tumbling acts seen here. Their act is a hair raiser. Lynne Cantor and Company wore some beautiful gowns and scored heavily with her comedy numbers. Iteno and Return, a comedy sketch, with the most novel story imagina ble, one that will keep you guessing from start to finish. It consists of two men and one woman who play the piece cleverly. Arthur Terry, the western rope fool, pulled some local jokes that had the audience laughing continually and also per formed some difficult lariat tricks. The Melody Revue, consisting of s'nging, dancing, music and gor geous settings, proved a big hit. The people all arc clever and will please you. Hoyt. Harris and Winters, two men and ono woman, were very good in a comedy skit and proved a hit all the way through the act. Zita and Company will please you greatly with her novelty posing act and beautiful colorings. You will also see Charlie .Chaplin in his greatest picture “The Jazz Waiter." All in all this is a very good novelty show that is bound to please you. _ At tiie Dltnias It Is like making a sight seeing tour of London to see "Three Live Ghosts.” which delighted large and appreciative audiences at the Dit xnas Theatre yesterday. The story which is quite captivating, takes one through the Limehouse district. Whitechapel, and Clerkenwell, and gives one a glimpse of Trafalgar Square. Piccadily Circus, the Abbey, Whitehall and Downing street. Anna Q. Nilsson and Norman Kerry, the featured players, are excellent and the supporting cast is exception ally clever. A wave of excitement agitated the busiest thoroughfare of London when a hurley policeman held lip the traffic to allow the passage of an aristocratic looking gentleman, immaculately tailored wheeling the latest thing in expensive baby car riages, to which was attached a sheep which showed an obvious dis inclination to cross the road. Absorbed and quite unperturbed by the amazement caused by his un heralded arrival, the gentleman steered his charge to the opposite side walk and from its astonishment, had apparently vanished into thin air. At the same moment two cameras which had been taking a record of this unusual scene from the inside of a covered motor lorry ceased to grind, and George Fltzmaurice, famous Paramount producer, con gratulated himself an having suc cessfully secured a particularly ef fective and difficult "shot.” The episode showed Cyril Chad wick in his impersonation of "Spoo fy” in "Three Live Ghosts.” Will Entered For Probate NEW BRUNSWICK, May 5—The will of David Van Dusen. of South Amboy, who died April 7, has been entered for probate. A eon, Alden T.t is named as executor and the estate of the deceased is divided ih equal shares between the son and the widow. The will was drawn February 3, 1902, and witnessed by Howard Berrien and William Sex ton. FIJo Building Contract NEW BRUNSWICK, May 5—A building contract has been filed in the county clerk’s office between James V. Burns of Perth Amboy, as owner, and Hans Krogh builder, of Perth Amboy, for alteration to the building at 9 4 Jefferson street, Perth Amboy, at a cost of $1,S36. A building contract has also been filed in the county clerk's office ebtween John F. Smith owner, and Smith Bros., Inc., both of New Brunswick, for the erection of a two story frame dwelling on College avenue at a cost of $5,500. QTRANn LAST FEW TIMES Today and Tomorrow The First Real Million Dollar Picture “Foolish Wives” WITH VON STROHEIM k Being Shown at Popular Prices 3—Shows Daily—3 2:00—7:00—9:00 --- Counihan and Shannon STRAND NEXT WEEK—MONDAY—TUESDAY—WEDNESDAY BIG DOUBLE FEATURE Elaine Hammerstein — IN — “Reckless Youth” * A Photoplay That Brings Back the Best Years of Life. 1AND Conway Tearle “Shadows of the Sea” A powerful drama of the Pacific where romance rides on the wings of a hurricane EVERYBODY KNOWS GORDON AND FOX SEES THAT YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR The Sheridan Thrift Stores MAIN STORE 224 SHERIDAN STREET TEL. 1480 FREE DELIVERIES Weinstein & Fox, Proprietors GROCERIES AND VEGETABLES Not only do we sell reasonable but we deliver for the same price, making it a very important point to look at. FLOUR Pure White, Gold Medal Brand. There are five kinds of Flour; we deliver it; 241/? lb. bag.$1.25 SCRATCH FEED j The best brands on the market. The kind that sold so fast last week; 110 lb. bag; no grit; per bag... .$2.05 Babv Chick Feed, 100 lb. bag.$2.90 POTATOES Finest grade Green Mountain stock: white as snow: Finest cookers; peck 38c; half bushel.70c WHITE WASH Now is the time to white wash; Large cans; 2 cans for.25c SUGAR Best white made; no limit; We still sell our stock for lb.5VoO PEACHES The Colton Brand and Health Brands; Sliced; can.17c Large cans; half size peaches; can.25c & 29c | CORN A very good brand; 2 cans for..25c COFFEES 5 lbs. for.95c Other grades at 25, 27, 29 and 35c Our verv best, 3 lbs. for $1 B. & 0. MOLASSES 2 cans for.25c SAUER KRAUT Extra large size cans. .18c PURE VINEGAR White or cider; 2 Sottles for.25c CONFECTIONERY OR POWDERED SUGARS Brown, the old fashioned kind: box .9c HEINZ SPAGHETTI Large cans; can.14c CREAM Bess Brand; can.9c TOMATO SAUCE | Del monte; II large cans for.26c TEAS Any flavor.. Pound.25c, 35c, 45c Money back if not satisfied TOMATOES 2 cans best for.25c JAMS j Welch’s Grapelade, jar 25c WAX BEANS ! OR STRING BEANS Best Brands; 2 cans for 25c SWISS CHEESE Real good tasting kind ; pound .32c TOILET PAPER 1 7 big rolls Blue Ribbon: for. .25c » H| CRESCENT CRESCENT CRESCENT CRESCENT | ' 1 I O H g CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE, 2 TO 11 Ig Perth Amboy’a Greatest Variety Theatre ! k <9 ■■ - - ■ —- -. ta ~ TODAY AND TOMORROW ° DORIS MAY H IN THE GREAT PHOTOPLAY ‘Voy Crazy” 2 The zippiest, peppiest, speediest comedy drama you eve1 3 giggled chuckled and roared at. y ° AND « g 5-Acts of Vaudeville—5 § Headlined by M DIAMOND 8I8TER8 & MILLER o (a jjj In a congloceration of songs and dances & ^ Homestead Four Jn “Rubetown.” g KINO A STONE H “Just Two Pals” Ferguson ft Dyer In Songology Mayo ft Olenn w Clever Colored Entertainers E H News—Novelties—Comedies ° INXDBXXO INZ08XH0 £11X08X710 1NX0SX7K) R DITMAB DITMAB DITMAB DITMA8 DITMAB i i 5 CONTINUOUS SATURDAYS AND HOLIDAYS, 2 to 11 S We Oannot Show All the Pictures That Are Made, So We ■< Show the Best. Why Go Elsewhere? E TODAY AND TOMORROW g P A GREAT PHOTOPLAY 3 M If ye have tears of laughter, prepare to shed them now £ 23 v w . OQ Oi ! GHOSTS ! S — wra Anna Q.Nilsson** Norman Kern/ g tCEOROE.FITZMAURICE 6 gj From the play by Frederic S. Isham... Scenario by Oulda Bcrgcre ^ 2j Sure, they’re back! No more dead than you are! The S ' E Great War casualty list exaggerated their taking off and— S t g Holy Moses! what kinks it put in these three “ghosts” and g the folks they’d left behind them! oq Chuckles! Laughs!! SOAKS!!! c i —ALSO— a £ Comedy News Novelties r Q ----- - ,. .. .— i- ... so svwxia svwxia svwxia sywxia sviuia Remington Butter and < Egg Market 2S2 SMITH STREET OPPOSITE C. R. R. STATION j The Home of Pure Dairy Products EGOS, FRESH | TABLE BUTTER -3 Q . Special; lb. .. «33fC - STRICTLY FRESH EGGS OA Dozen.*,.... CREAMERY BUTTER lb.45c IMP. SWISS CHEESE j lb. 69c STAR MILK 2 cans for.25c EVAP. CREAM Borden’s and Pet; can 9VjC PHILA. CREAM CHEESE 2 for.25c PURE LARD lb.16c GOOD LUCK lb. 29c POT CHEESE Pound, 10c; 3 lbs.23c COFFEE Fresh roasted; lb.21n 5 lbs.05c MUEN8TER CHEESE Pound . 29c STORE CHEESE Pound.25c BREAD , All large loaves.11c EVAPORATED MILK 3 cans for.25c CALIFORNIA FIGS Pound.9o RAISINS Bleached; lb. 28c RAISINS Extra fancy; lb.12c PRUNES Special; lb..9c CURRANTS lb.13c AT.T. kinds of teas Pound . 35c LUNA SOAP 6 for .25c I Big Sale on Our New Allotment of French Roquefort Cheese I Pound . I Big Reduction on White Leghorn Eggs. Received Daily I g From Our Flemington Farm I