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For “One Big Union" Ben Legere, addressing striking textile workers on the common at Iawrence, Mass. He is the leader of the "One Big I'nion" faction which hopes to win the Now England textile strike. Read this Health Massage at ease! Knew what Hatare’s Feed caa da far yea! Ever; man, woman and child ad dicted to pill# and cathartics for con stipation should know that Kellogg's Bran, cooked and krumbled, will give permanent relief naturally if they will eat it regularly t Pill# and cathartics can never do more than give tempo rary relief, and at the same time they aggravate the delicate intestinal path way and pave the way for graver disorders. Kellogg’s Bran, cooked and krum ’ bled, is simply nature's food, and made delieious and appetising by the Kellogg process. Eat it as a very appetising cereal or sprinkle it on your favorite cereal or on other food. Tour physician will indorse the con sistent use of bran for constipation. We guarantee that Kellogg’s Bran Will give permanent relief to every ll sufferer from constipation if at least two tablespoonfuls are eaten etch day. For chronic cases, eat as much aa is necessary. Kellogg’s Bran sweeps and cleanses without discomfort. Its natural me chanical action is wonderful. Nine tenths of all human ailments would I be eliminated and there would be a | new and better race of people if bran was universally eaten daily. Kellogg 'a Bran can be used in many delightful foods sueh as bran bread, pancakes (the best yon ever ata), macaroons, etc. See recipes on each package. Buy it at your grocer’s. P. 8.—Kellogg 'a Bran will clear up a pimply complexion and free the breath from obnoxious intestinal odors 1 ll ROTH & WEISBERG’S _______ ___ _ _• Advance Sale of Summer Needs at a Big Saving Nesco Perfect and New Perfection Kerosene Oil Cook Stoves QC They cook as fast as pas—absolutely reliable. A very large assortment as low as ^ ^ I I ■ ■ ? YOU want something, tell every body by using a classified ad, >— - —1 — t T^HE “Club" that we're making our I “drive” with, is the greatest collection of styles of superior hand-made Clothes in our entire career. AND just imagine Clothes of a Character that you had in mind at $35, $40 or 45, then come to the P&Q Shop j and you'll see the identical patterns, models and color selections at Happiness THERE IS NO MARKET PRICE FOR HAP PINESS. YET TO POSSESS IT IS, TO HAVE ALL THAT IS WORTH WHILE. A SAVINGS ACCOUNT HAS BEEN THE ,Ni B FIRST STEP TOWARDS HAPPINESS FOR | j MANY MEN AND WOMEN. WHY NOT TAKE j THIS STEP TODAY. I 4% PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS j j First National Bank South Amboy, N. J. j E 1,1 1" ' - ^^^piy^^Ml7v>gg (j^yyjynT Eamfi^S^Ko&^rWkSMiMk | ¥0 Flourishing Gotha Shops ^S:^sS^ Direct from Maker to A golf-term that expresses our position exactly—we’re driving for the greatest Spring business in our history. The “Link" one of the thirty P&Q models for Spring 1922 made of the newest j effects in . all-wooll j L tweeds j XJST bear in mind that every garment in the P4Q Shop ia made to build a reputation, that every sale is a P&Q propoganda for another sale, and that every bit of cloth, every stitch, every single detail that | goes into the construction of these Clothes, is as carefully inspected as j " ' human brains and experience can produce — - I l < I || And you have the reaeon for the milhons II of P&Q business, for the steady growth || of this great chain of good Clothes Shops , || The P&Q Way I* the True Way To Clothe* Economy! Guaranteed 2 Burner Gas Range $13.50 Also 3 and 4 Burner Gas Ranges REFRIGERATORS _ | .. VT Kanney Lift- U p $^.50 3 Door White Enameled Side leer $15-98 Porch Rockers $2.98 Whitney Baby Strollers $9.50 For Real Comfort in the Summer Time a PORCH HAMMOCK We'have a large assortment at Very Low Prices Roth & Weisberg’s Furniture House 107 Smith St. Near State St. Perth Amboy, N. J. ATLANTIC BEEF CO. Amboy’s Sanitary Market Tel. 2386 96 Smith Street_Tel. 2386 Special Price Reduction For Friday, Saturday and Monday in Meats of the Highest Quality Fresh Fricassee Chickens Special, pound. Legs Milk Fed Veal 22c lb Top Round Roast Native Beef 29c lb Fresh Jersey Hams 29c lb Calf’s Liver Special 39c lb Boston Roll Pot ROaSt Meat 15c lb Fresh Smoked Cali Hams 16c B. i Rump Milk Fed Veal 28c lb Prime Rib Roast Native Beef 25c lb Fresh Shoulders of Pork 18c lb Legs Lamb O Special .... lb Fqts. Lamb v For Roasting . lb, Phone your order In and we will give it the best attention. Prompt delivery |