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Builders* Directory jj ARCHITECTS John Noble Pierson A Sons UCIITMT4 Dealt®* for ail type* of Bulld!*>t* Marita® Buildlnf. Pe-th j vnboy. N. J. _Phone U2i__ LOUIS P. BOOZ CIVIL AND SI RVFYOR _ ISO SMITH STREET_ BOILERMAKERS * F. B. OVERTON Wolder* and Boilermaker* In AM Branch** No Job Too Bit or Too Small hi king raoRi 2#nl * _CARPENTERS_I rUD CHRISTENSEN CONSTRUCTION CO CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS Office and Shop: 21S Madison Avenue Betlmat»e Cheerful! v Furnished_ j RAY Z. LAMBERTSON CARPENTER AND BC1I.DER Jnbblnz Promptly Attended tn n Wnnblnztee St. rnrth Amboy ISIS-K B.GILMAN CARPENTER DCILDRR AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR MS WATSON AVE. _ TEL. !«H-» DIGGING—TRUCKING_ GRAHAM A ItfcKEON GENERAL CONTRACTORS ManllK Orndlnc. Etc.. Sand. Orarel Broken Stone. Cart tag- Etc. SIS OAK STREET MUNOZ WAREHOUSE 00. STORAGE AND TRrCKING SSS-iM SHERIDAN ST. PHONE «AD ELECTRICIANS_ J. B. KUBINAK / ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR \ / M GORDON ST. PHONE 14*4 PERTH AMBOI, N. J. _ ' WIRE ME. AND I I.L WIRE TOC ! 1997 f JOHN MARTIN GBNERAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 48 mOHTON AVE.. PERTH AMBOI “ R. L. SCHCCK Electrical Contractor Motors and Generator* 1n*taM*d and ro palrod. line con»tructlon and Interior wir ing. Shop and Residence. 44t Compton AJA^JToL HIT._ _ FLOOR SURFACING floor scbpacing op all kinds OLD OE NEW (LOOKS J. SUNDQUI8T TefepHnnr 1JM-.I Pnrdc. New Jercey ANDREW DUDICS ■ OLD AND SEW FLOOR SURFACING J Make* Taar Old Finer l ook Like New I All Wzrk rrnmptly Done TEL. SIM-M FORDS. N. I. I __GLASS_ D. DIAMOND GLASS CONTRACTOR 1 Polished. Plate and Window Glaee ttS-.'SO Kate Brunswick Ate. 1‘booe I.V.K PRBTH AMIIOV-Gl. IAS WORKS Pollahed. Piute mill Colored Glaee Mirrors end Tehle Tope Windshields a Specialty MS Mew Brunswick Ate. Opp. City Males Phone *17* HOUSE MOVER_ JOHN H. MILJES j ■OCSE MOVER Eatlmataa Cheerfully Furnlehed CO»crete. Brick A Frame Buildings Moved OS NEVILLE 8T. TEL. 1413 LUMBER _ IRA R. CROUSE LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL j SEWER PIPES j ISS-ftOO DIVISION STREET. PERTH AMBOT. N. J. Phones 2091 and 2095 " ' MASONS * ». pThenderson a son MASON CONTRACTORS Jabbing Promptly Attended to. Cement Work. Sidewalks a Specialty Eatlmataa Furnished 221 STATS ST. PH ON* Ml CARL C. CHRISTENSEN MASON AND CONTRACTOR All Kinds ot Cement Work A Specialty Telephona 442 _Corner State and Paterson Streete_ OREISEN & THOMPSON MASONS AND BUILDERS H. Greiaen. Room 41!. Raritan Bulidlo*. Phone 1»4«. Rea Metuclien. Phone 2S2-W tv. H. Thom peon Lon* Branchy Tel. Iltd A. R. A. OVERGAARD Mason and Ganaral Contractor Tal. 742-M. Forda. eN J. Nast to Poatofflce " *!? ROBERT R. BUZZ A" |i General Bolldla* Contrurtce Maioo and Carpenter—Kepair Work i-gf A Specialty H U BROAD ST. PHONE 345-M I Perth Amboy, N. J. B ; PLUMBING GEORGE W. STILLWELL PLUMBING AND HEATING >*7 KING STHEET Phan* 711 Perth Amboy. N. J. 1=^Rd5FERS—bUPPLlls JA8. A. 8MITH & SON rsi McClellan street Rear Majestic Theatre filial 233A Perth Amboy. N. J. DEALERS AND SHIPPERS OP | ASPHALT HOOFING AND SHINGLE* ONE PROFIT PLAN Factory Direct* to loo 'HOHRISTIAN ANDERSEN ROOriNG CONTRACTOR State. Slag and Tla Roofing ! HI SATRE AVE. PHONE 5ILR PERTH AMBOY. N. J._ | •STONE WORK D. J. WILLIAMS j MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS SOt-311 New Brunswick Ave. I PERTH AMBOY N J ! HEADSTONES • LOT ENCLOSURES EUGENE BOROS MONUMENTAL WORKS Mo an menta. Headetones. Etc. I earner Amboy Ave. and Barclay Street • Telephoae 1IM Perth Amboy. N J._ i Perth Amboy Bluestons Co. OFFICR ST GORDON 8T. OCT STONE. FLAGGING AND CURBING PHONES 544-J AND 550 SHEET METAL A. B. MASON . ■urllght. Met&l Oiling. Ploole** Pumg-.« gait Oanersl 8h*«t Mklkl Work at tarruaoNiT._teu m.i A. H. KOYEN S, HW _131-SMITH STREET-131_ Bargain Days, Friday, Saturday and Monday We have collected for this occasion some mighty interesting items in first quality pure foods, for you people thriftly inclined. Every item is an “Ace” and we don't want you to forget the fact that our service is excellent. An improvement wc have just made in our Market allows us more room in our Fruit and Vegetables—by the way which is the finest in this section—and which ads to the comfort of patrons and increases our service. Read carefully our Sale List. GROCERIES I Brookfield; fancy; £f i I Creamery; lb. * * DUTCH ^ — CLEANSER; j j j Special; can . ■ W HEINZ - SPAOHETTI 1 J Can . PORK & BEANS . Ileiuz; Special; j | ’ ! Special; can . ■ TOMATOES AA I Large No. 3 can; l|j I 2 Cans . ■■ ^ 1 MUSSELS u p Special; I | A jar .. * ^ FRUIT SALAD « . Raspberries or J J Blueberries; QQ Special; can . wW MAYONNAISE | Easton’s; Large jar.mtwm PREMIER PRUNES 40-50; In rcg. 25c pkg Jll ! Special . fcw 7Tb - Special to wash deli- | if cate fabrics; pkg. * • BLACKENESTOVE * j POLISH I 2 Can . * * NOODLES j j Mueller’s; Fine or | I wide; pkg. " I MACARONI A Quaker's Milk; U Special; pkg. ^ TOMATO PUREE a Regular 12c; U Special: can . ^ EVAPORATED MILK Libby's Tall Cans; 3 cans.• w ; CAMPBELL'S aa TOMATO SOUP Jll 3 cans.fcW I AUNT JEMIMA’S j a SELF RAISING ! FLOUR; Reg. 17c pkg. ■“ WASHING POWDER * p Grandma’s or Swift's In Arrow; etc.; pkg. ■ W POT CHEESE j a !: Fresh; ' Special; lb. ■ w CHEESE v I Swiss; Mnenster; Jll Limburger or Loaf; M| Pound .w w ;»• I I r Fruits and Vegetables ASPARAGUS Large bunches; green; .. Bunch .. .1 CELERY m mm Special; 1 K Large stalk.. ■ “ WAX OR GREEN 7T BEANS 1 K Quart .... * ** GREEN PEAS a. Special; / *1 2 quarts. fc w ONIONS a a T.n.r, lh 4 quart bas. ww TOMATOES aa Fancy; Ripe; /II Pound . CUCUMBERS a a ] Fancy; \ 3 for . ■ KAUianco Fancy; | 6 bunches. LETTUCE wm Fancy; Jj Head; 10c and. ** Alto full line Epinaah, Green Onions, Peppers, Carrots, Beets and all other Vegetables at Cut Prices. j STRAWBERRIES Extra fancy; Box . APPLES ** | F“'r' hH 4 quart basket. w w BANANAS ** Nice and Ripe; *(| | Dozen . ““ — NAVEL ORANGES F“Wi Oil Dozen ... PINEAPPLES f* . Extra large; 4 *1 Each . ms--SF Fancy; Pulled; M *1 | Pound .. PEANUTS j ja Fresh Roasted; I a I | Quart .. * ^ MIXED a. New Goods; Pound .fcW DROMEDARY *. DATES JH Package . Alan a full line of Fancy Ta ble Apples, Red Bananas, Lem ons and all other fruit in sea son. Coffee - Ofc Mocava Brand; Special; Pound ...... 5 pounds, $1.19; j liMMHaaaMaaMaHHr tea on Fancy Mixed; Gunpowder, Oolong, ^ M Ceylon; lb.• ■! Gold decorated bread and butter plate free Cocoa' 1Q Runkel’s; with each can one R Bar Chocolate Free; Special; can. — \ Potatoes I Fancy Cookers; I 16 Quart Basket. 1 Boneless Roasts Ml Boston; all Solid Meat; Pound ." " £d V '■■■■' ■ — Sweet Potatoes I I - ■" II Ducks Fresh Killed Long Island Ducks; Worth 45c; Special; lb. -. -_ # " ,l" ' (Oranges Thin~Skin and Juicy; 15 for . (Grapefruit 01* Fancy; Thin Skin and Juicy; 6 for ... ^ MEATSI BREAST 07 Milk Fed Veal; Pound ... . ■ ■ CHOP BEEF . _ Fresh and Pure; | •% Pound . I w ! OHUOK STEAK jw Prime Beef; M I Pound .™ * IP ABE BIB* ~"7 | Corned flat; | ^ Special; lb.S * BEEF LIVES j Fresh; i j 1 M '' Pound ■... ^ ■ --■»- I PORK CHOPS I Fresh; Special; | Pound ....; I BEEF TONGUES | Fresh; large; H'l l ■ Each.....4..^!^ § I VEAL CHOPS am I I Milk Fed Veal; , M\j* * Special; lb. .* ® VEAL STEW ^ H I Special; III I Pound . ■ ™ ^ BEEF HEABTS [ IT 1 Fresh; U; 1 I Pound . M PIG *8 HEAD * —i C Corned; ' 'Wk i I Special; lb.** ( AA Our own make; MmL: All pure pork; lb.. .1. BOLOGNA v LIVER WTJRBT H*] FRANKFURTERS / / Special; lb. .. SHIN FOR SOUP Z Special; - J ' Pound .. * PIG’S FEET Z Fresh; . Ifc Pound ............ « SPARE BIBS ^ n Fresh; Necl^ Bones; 1 II Pound .. I w _ FRESH PLATE Z Special; .. M*, Pound . y *'>' 1 PORK KIDNEYS ZZ~ t Special; • 3 lbs. mm%M ROASTING CHICKS ZZ Fresh Killed; *|| Special; lb. All Legs of Lamb, Rib Roast, Porte chouse Steaks, Turkeys, at Cut Prices. l—— PROFIT SHARING COUPONS WITH ALL r UKliHAo L-o