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HONOR TEAM IT SO. MOT Big Event is Held at Y. M. C. 9 A.--New Home for Asso- “ ciation Discussed SOUTH AM BOV. MaJ 5.—The lo- j» cal P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. laat night ESI honored the -Jr. O. IT. A. M. repre- HI tentative bowling team, that ao euc- gg cessfully won the coveted position n» in the Y. M. C. A. Bowling League 6? of the season of 1921-1922. and in QS addition *et a pace that will lie ex- fig ceptionaily hard for other aggrega- gjj tlons to follow by their remarkable S showing of the season. pH Despite the inclement weather al- S3 ^^nost one hundred members and H I^Hlend* gathered to watch the lion- j§ players receive the tokens S from the hands of Secretary Rev. ESQ A. A. Mell. Rev. Mr. Mell address- S3 ed the members of the victorious ra team in glowing terms, wherein he g9 described the victors as superior in Eg strength and In courage to any of E« the tea^ns that comprised the Y. gs Jd. C. A. league. The prizes awarded this season 5) Were in the form of sweaters, with Eg the letter "Y” in a four inch cut, ^ With S. A. nn either. Those that g9 comprise the team were Donald and Rfl Fletcher Hoffman, H. Anderson, g Kugene Thomas and Milton Fox. The high scorer for the season. J. ESQ Horton Curlew also received a gc tweater. J;' The aecretary, during the presen- gS tatlon speech, described the triangle which is emblamatic of the "Y”, &u stating that the three corners signi- m fled the teaching of the association: RS The body, spirit and the mind. H A musical program previously ar- E» ranged, could not be carried out due Is to the fact that the troupe engaged «j from the Juniors was unable to at- H tend. Mr. Mell, however, carried on gS a lengthy program with the clever gg team of Hoffman and Mason, who gj] succeeded in keeping their listeners in an uproar during the best part RS of twenty minutes. BJ Delightful refreshments were pre rented during the course of the eve- gfl ning, in charge of a very active By committee especially selected for the Rfl occasion. Toward the close of the evening’s gj program, Mr. Mell made a plea for B additional membership, in which he §9 enumerated the many assets the Y. RS C. A. of this city boasts of. The g| j^Bcretary. who is well known for his ^Wratorical ability, pictured the pos- Rj sibilities of a very near future, in J0 which he hinted at a T. M. C. A. gt on Broadway and expressed the hope B cf It being a Chase memorial. The gS property which the secretary had in H mind I* the site now occupied by j§ D. C. Chase, adjoining the I’resby- gj terian manse. This is a coveted site ® and has in the past attracted aulte gfl a numher of real estate men who 3 were anxious to annex this beautiful 9 site as a magnet for the establish- 2? inent of a great theatre. The plan R< it has since become known, has & tailed, and the hopes of the secre- g tary are brightened with the thought & that it some day will become a home S< for the Y. M. ft. A. The evening's program was con- B eluded with a quartet selection, ra composed of Harry Macholl, Frank Sj Goraminger, Harold G. HofTman and S J. Arthur Ingraham. Several side splitting recitations by Frank Gom- £ mlpger, sent the audience home feel- H ing that they had shared the honors B due th,e members of the Junior gj Bowling team. The Y. M. C. A. at the present E£ time is conducting a man to man 0 campaign for additional member- B ship. It has been reported that PS membership to the “Y” of this city gS could only come by being connected g with railroad activities. The sec- 0 retary is anxious to right this im- ® pression and has extended an invl- it tatlon to all the men and boys of 3 the city to join the ranks of what £ is hoped to be one of the largest 3 active bodies of the city. JIM FOUND DEAD ON FLOOR ! • OF ROOM AT KEYPORT g KEYPORT. May 5—George Fos- 3 ter sixty-eight years of age. was s found dead on the floor in his a room at the Sunset Villa, the home g of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Huylar on i First street Thursday morning. Mr. Foster came here from Newark J about two years ago and has made 3 his home greater part of the time 5 at the Sunset Villa. On Wednesday g he complained of not feeling well g though it was not thought he was F seriously ill. He had bees, employ- | rd as a janitor of the Whttall Tatum £ Company. R The body was taken to the morgue K ef Undertaker Harvey S. Bedle, r where County Physician Dr. H. W. | Hartman viewed it and gave a per- S jnit tor burial. The deceased is sur- § vived by his sister, a Mrs. Hurd of S Xeansburg, who will take charge of 3 the funeral arrangements which are rJ not completed at this time. TRIAL FUGHT AT KEYPORT a KEYPORT. May 5.—The “Men- | doza” a superseapiane. constructed w at the Aeromarine plant here, has y been given several test flights this F5J week all of which have been sue- g cessful. When all proper adjust- >] ments are made it is expected that the s plane will carry forty peonle. The •plane is on the type of the large lying hosts used in the Florlda rCey West service, but much more elaborate in design and workman ebip. , I An A. S. machine has been in flight over tho borough on several | occasions this week, this also being 3 built at the local factory. KEYPORT The Decree of Pocahontas will 3 attend the evening service at Cal- g vary M. K. church Sunday night. 3 May 14. which will lie observed as £ Mother’s Day. | Work of remodeling the building 3 recently purchased for the Keyport i Enterprise, Inc., printing establish- ijj ment on Broad street, is progress- a iag rapidly. I Arthur Kreitler. of Jenkintown, 3 ’spent Wednesday in the borough as g the guest of relatives. 0 The annual sale of the Ladies' « Aid and Guild of the Reformed gg 1 church wiU he held this year on ra Thursday. June 29. The meeting of the Keyport Liter- 0 ary club has been postponed from H today until next Friday in order to H allow the delegates who are in at- 51 Re at the convention at At- 9 Hty to be present. Mrs. W. 0 nes will be the hostess and H igram will be in charge of g matic department. G. Zimmernunn was a visitor Pj York Wednesday. 3 ———ieoNS Your I r :-—y _- — ---- A “REAL” CELEBRATION Offering values that are absolutely unsurpassed—the kind that has made this Store the “Buy-Word” in thou sands of homes in Perth Amboy and vicinity. COME IN TOMORROW AND OET YOUR SHARE KEEPING FAITH That’s always been the watch-word. No matter h low the pr'ee may be—the quality must always be of the real ‘‘Leon” kind. OCR EAST CREDIT SYSTEM PROVIDES THE .MEANS Of HAVING A COMFORTABLE HOME WITH OUT THE OUTLAY OF CASH. Come Here Tomorrow Prepared to the Buy Biggest & Best Bargains-You Won't Be Disappointed! Anniversary Special-^Simmons’ Steel Bed ' /^tutirw^- combination Outfit Ay/ Featuring the new 3 Piece ^ •> [)*/ Sanitary “Simmons” Bed U* II II / t I A) and pure Cotton Felt Mat- |T\ I i _ I . I )|| I /(I tress; for tomorrow only ... ™ ™ l w ^ i The new 3 piece “Simmons” Bed (as illustrated tap above) does away with the side rails. The Spring is firmly fitted to the head and foot board, making it of absolutely rigid construction. The design is new. The spring This Outfit Bpocial carries with it a life-time guarantee. The Mattress is filled with Tomor- 0QO 7C 50 pounds of pure Cotton, and felt covered with exceptionally tfg row ... Vfaifci .. I 3 j fine ticking, is well stitched and finished with roll edge. --- ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL— C1 9 7C SLIDING COUCH . 31£ f3 % Full size fitted with Cretonne covered Mattress, Steel Spring, perfectlv level when open to full size bed. I__1-- > r ; ^ Anniversary Special—' ‘ Ches terfield" all np- A «yr bolstered Rocker vl«/.l J Anniversary Special — “Cold I Storage" Side 7C leer Refrigerator »faD. IJ * Solid Oak throughout, plank top, lined Silver Drawer, fin ished in highly polished Golden Oak, 42 inches long. Full size, extra deep seat and high back, covered with finest quality Muleskin in a rich Spanish, grained leather effect. s»— — —— i ^ to pound lea rapacity, all whlta to tarlor. 3 door compartmanta. guarantaat pura dry air circulator. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Extraordinary Offering of 15 Solid Walnut Pining Room Suites, Consisting of 10 Pieces . -—-*1 ANNIVERSAL SPECIAL— (1 £Q COLONIAL RAO RUGS.91 .09 We want you to see these Dining Room Suites—we want you to examine every piece thoroughly If! and you will agree that this is the best value ever offered—60 Inch Buffet, 48 Inch China Closet, Pull fc Enclosed Serving Table, Oblong Extension Table, 45 in. by 60; 5 Genuine Leather Seat Dining Room J Chairs and one genuine Leather-Seat Arm Chair to match. Cl QC All ■! “Queen Anne" period; 15 Suites to go on sale. SPECIL PRICE OP ... vl vw«lw ■ jajj Firmly woven ot new rags in pretty color i effects—size 27 by 54 inches. Guaranteed fas: colors—worth $3.00. d»| Special Anniversary Sale . ___ ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL—GENUINE REED 3 PIECE CRETONNE *CQ 7C UPHOLSTERED “SUN ROOM * SUITE .J - IJ ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL—‘‘LLOYD frOQ 7C LOOM WOVEN CARRIAGE . $LU. l O - — This special Car r i a g e combines every “Lloyd' feature—has full shell shape, close ly woven body, with large size ad justable reed woven Hood, fully interlined and up holstered, Natural - or fancy colors. SEE THE “LLOYD” SPECIAL ' STROLLER AT . 1 Reclining back, adjustable folding hood. _ ___ ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL VIC- I tor victrola ^ i 99 rn - COMBINATION . JIlL.JV $5 Cash, Balance $5 Per Month ^ This special combination offer presents the newest type of Vic tor Victrolas. Siis.oo And 10 New Victor Records (80 Selections) This new Console Machine and the records of your own selection will be delivered to your home on the payment of $5.00. No Interest Charged—No Extras of Any Kind Leon's Repair Service An expert Talking Machine j specialist will attend to yonr Talking Machine troubles. Charges reasonable—telephone 307, write or call—we’re al ways at your service. 1 1,11 ■ Anniversary Special Divanette Complete With~Felt Mattress « mere is ooining so cneeriui as a ureioune covereu xveeu ouuc m jour umug xwom i Room. This Special Suite is built of finest quality Reed, firmly woven of extra heavy Maple wood frames. Each suite is fitted with spring bottom; back and loose seat cushions. Finished in Natural or Burronial Brown. Reed Lamps, Tables, Bird Cages, Ferneries, Rockers and Chairs at Special AN NIVERSARY PRICES this week. • __ # _ - -—^ ---- ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 5 PIECE TAPESTRY COVERED LIVING *1 OQ 7C ROOM SUITE—VERY SPECIAL . j)l JJJ J The “Rex” Divanettes are the last word in Duofold construction— frames are built of solid Birch and finished in a rich shade of Mahogauv. The Spring interior construction gives absolute comfort; the Mattress is fitted with 18 pounds of pure Cotton Felt, firmly stitched and bound. The covering is of finest quality Muleskin, guaranteed not to crack or split. Your choice of Oak or Mahogany Finish. £QA TC Special During ANNIVERSARY SALE Only ..I J j, i* im u zBWHaa— aaMBsaBB r*** ■ ■ I !j Large size. Spring Seat ami Back—each piece fitted with loose cushion*. 5 covered with exceptionally fine quality Tapeatry. consisting of Sofa, Low Back Arm Chair and High Back Throne Arm Chair. I • >• ■ ■ V** ■ .