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Lincoln Highway Paving Plans Pushed By State; Freeholders Also Act NEW BRUNSWICK. May Si Very little time Ip being lopt by the State Highway Commission in com pleting the preliminary details In connection with the contemplate 1 reconstruction of the Lincoln high way between Metuchen and Higa tand Park, though the Board of Freeholders who are expected to care for the construction work un der the state reimbursement act disclaim any knowledge of the work being done. The highway commission pervcd notice on the property owners living along the road to make the neces sary connection of service pipes and the mapping out of the detours has been cared for according to the no tice received by the freeholders yas ttrday. 1 his notice was received without comment on the part of the county authorities though it was referred to the road committee. Very llttie haa ever been done In the public sessions of the freeholders in con nection with this question hut on j numerous occasions Chairman Bur ton and District Engineer Koblna of the highway commiaaion have been closeted In the secret sessions of the county body. In view of the fact that the state body le proceeding with the prepar ations for that Improvement while the freeholders remain mum and mysterious when questioned on the ■ubject. the inference is gathered that this question will he settled in tha'star chamber as all other ques diloiu of public Interest are settled instead of In the public meetings of the board. Under the plana of tha state body the roed will be constructed In two sections, keeping one aids of the road open for northbound traffic while the other side is being con structed. South or New Brunswick bound traffic will be diverted from Amboy avenue, Metuohen. at Main street and thence down the new coincrcte pavement to Bonhanttown and then along Woodbridge avenue to Highland Bark where the Bin coin highway will be reached. Five contractor* submitted bid* for the paving of the mile and a half of road fr-vm Cranbury to the Cran bury station and the job was award - i ed to Harry B. Oliver of New Bruns wick on his bid of *46.431.81. At that price a reinforced con crete road eighteen feet wide and eight Inches thick will replace the present macadam surface. The price of the concrete Including foundation and surface will be laid at a coet of *2.47 a square yard. The other bids for the work were: Fords Construction Company, *51. 913; Hast Jersey Bridge Company. $58,274; Biddle & Pfeiffer, *53,212. 20. and H. N. Scott, *54,128.80. The hole-in-the-wall improvement will come up for further discussion between representatives of the Penn sylvania Roalroad Company and the Board of Freeholder* in the office of the latter body next Tuesday afternoon. At that time the plans and esti mates of cost for the work will be considered and efforts will he made to reach an agreeable understanding in the matter so that the present nuisance may he permanantly abated. Under the suggestion of Director Dey, the plans are expected to pro vide for a concrete roadway twenty feet In width, with a five foot side walk and a storm sewer to prevent the future flooding of the place, while the present wooden supports are to he done awsv with and heavy steel girders substituted to carry the weight of the tracks above. A communication from the State ———H» r Anniversary Sale Begins May 6th, Ends May, 13th _ - - Kimonas; long, crepe, flow ered and solid colors .,.$1.00 Bloomers; ladies, full sizes good quality; nainsok and crepe; ruffled and lace bot toms i.......... •i.w.m. ... .1 28c Dresses, sizes 8 to 14; good quality Gingham, checks and plaids • • iSJWWP • w 95c Middies; ladies’ and misses' ’[] 'jPOTgee and good quality || Jean . .i.h»wu«.i. 95c Underwear, men’s, . good quality balbriggan Shirts and Drawers; 3 for... $1.00 Overalls. Men’s; good heavy quality „,.78c Petticoats; ladies’, blaek. and flowered sateen .....50s Cups and Saucers; tea and coffe; pair ,.10c Wash Tubs; heavy galvan ized No. 3 ..60c --- ll LAOS—Heavy quality, 3*4 and 4 Inches Wide; Yard-5c LADIES’ WAISTS—Fine quality Voile and Pongee; l| Worth $1.50 and $2.00; Price.95c ! WM. DUBROW || 5, 10 AND 25c STORE AND UP 191 HALL AVE. PERSONAL LOANS PROMPTLY MADE In Perth Amboy and vicinity on houeehold goodplanoe and all pereonal property without removal at the intereet rate provided by "N. J. Egan Law of 1914" and no other charge I 38 OK Ten Monthly Paymente of I 5.50 and Three Per Cent. Intereet 60 00 Ten Monthly Payment, of 6.00 and Three Per Cent. Internal 15 00 Ten Monthly Payment, of 7.60 and Three Per Cent. Intere.t 100 00 Ten Monthly Payment, of 10.00 and Three Per Cent. Internet 150 00 Ten Monthly Payment, of 16.00 ind Three Per Cent. Intereet Other amounte up to 1800.00 with privilege of eettltng principal any time and paying Intereet only tor period money le kept. Loane alao taken np from ether concerne without co.t bv a reliable company that tranaacte buelneea eon (ldentlally and la eupervleed by the New Jeraey Banking Department MUTUAL FINANCE COMPANY, INC. MAMTAV BUILDING. 3rd Floor. 175 SMITH ST.» PERTH AMBOI, S. 9, F. G. BLANCHE, Manager Board of Health notlfled tha free holders that the arrangements mad< for the puhllc hearing In connec tton with the approval or rejectlor of the site for tha tuberculosis hos pital were satisfactory. The free holders were further requested t< meet the board of health member at Metuchen next Wednesday at 11 o'clock in the morning arter which an inspection of the site will he madi and followed by the public hearins in Metuchen borough hall at l:Jt o'clock in the afternoon. A delegation of ladies from th« River road were again before thf freeholders insisting that the resi dents ^long that road be given som relief from the dust clouds created by passing traAlc. As a temporary relief they advocated the oiling o( the road but at the same time re qrested that a start be made In lay ing a permanent road for which con crete only is desired. They Insisted on immediate action and endeavored to get the freehold | ers to commit themselves on the question, but the matter was refer red to the road committee for at tention. Over three thousand weights and measures were inspected by the countv sealers during the past month according to the reports submitted. Nathan Robins, the inspector, re porting 1847. while Joseph Fertlg. his assistant made 1819. The following explosive materials were In storage at the Raritan arse nal on April 30. as reported by Ma jor George F. Lemon. High ex plosive shell*. 474.052: low explos ive shells. 1.104,475. and 2,942.918 pounds of smokeless powder. Resolutions were adopted author izing the issuance of notes in the amount of $100,000 of which |2o.000 is in anticipation of taxes while the remainder is a temporary borrowing against the *337.000 bond issue au thorized last week. , Ninety per cent of the cost oi building the Ash -Brook bridge at Potters station was ordered paid to the contractor on the work. We job having been accepted as com plete. , .. Permission was granted the Charles Henry post of %he American Legion to use the court house ana grounds for the reception to Nation al Commander MacNider tomorrow. At the Strand It was right. , In hia cutting room. Krich von Stroheim was busy reducing "Fool : ish Wives," the feature now at the Strand theatre, to screen propor tions. . , , His assistants silently worked on their various tasks and only the tick ing of a French clock punctured the stillness. Suddenly there arpeared in the doorway, the bent figure of a little old man enveloped in the loose folds of an overcoat much too large for He peered about him uncertainly, his sharp black eyes gradually grow ing accustomed to the light. “Are you the feller thev call von Stroheim?" he inquired. "That's the name to which I an swer.” agreed the star-director. “Well, then you're the man I’m looking for,” said the old man. I’ve come down here from Monterey to see that play of yours called 'Foolish Wives.' and I can't find It at the theatres nowhere. I asked some folks about it and they said It wasn't done yet.” "That's right,” agreed von Stro heim. "it doesn't come to Los An geles until later—perhaps some time in January." "Yes. but I can't wait that long— It ain't safe.” replied the little man "My heart ain’t what it used to be and I’m goin* on to eighty. I want to see that picture.” "And why are vou so interested In •Foolish Wives?' ” questioned von Stroheim. “Because I’m in it." declared the old man with a little grin. “I'm the old feller that you stopped on the road that day up near Carmel and told one of your men to make up for atmosphere. "In the picture, you can’t miss me. I've got on a bandanna handkerchief around my head and I’m out in front of the pigeon shoot on your set at Point Lobos. It was a lot of trou ble for me to get neighbors to look after my chickens and horaes and cows, while I stayed up there and worked In the movies—but It was good fun and if I wasn't so old, Id be an actor vet. • "I can't wait 'til January to see the picture—it ain't safe—so there ought to be something you could do about It." There was. Mr. von Stroheim made arrange ments for the man to see the pre view of “Foolish Wlve^l shown for the censors on their visit as the guests of Carl Laemmle to Universal City and Los Angeles, after which the old fellow went back to his cows and chickens, satisfied with his fling at high life in Monte Carlo. SOUTH AMBOY This Sunday afternoon tile Wood bridge Caseys will cross bats with the strong South Amboy Field Club. This aggregation is the strongest learn In South Amboy, and a good game Is anticipated. The Caseys have not lost a game so far this s<ason. although some of the strongest teams In this section have been played. The Woodbridge representatives still have a few open dates and Manager Henry Dunham would like to hear from all fast senior teams in Perth Amboy and vicinity. GAmes can be arranged hy writing to Booking Manager William Fen ton. Woodbridge. The recently organized Alumni Association of the South Amboy high school will meet tonight at 7 o'clock. At this time the newly drawn up by-laws will be consider ed. Harold G. Hoffman has asked that as many of the members that ran attend this meeting, while he also urged that every graduate of the South Amboy high school Join the ranks of what he predicts to be one of the liveliest organlshtlons socially that the city can boast of. The improvements to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred T. Kerr, of Church street, are nearing comple tion. A sun parlor of large capa city with other improvements have added to the beauty of this resi dence. Complaints from property owners who lire In the vicinities where baseball Is In dally practice on the streets are being heard throughout the city. Despite the danger of be ing run over by business trucks or pleasure cars the practice is still kept up. Several narrow escapes of being hit with the ball have been noticed, and needless to say win dows on several occasions have suf fered much. Kdward McKenna is enjoying sev eral days vacation at his home in Fourth street. The Progressive Fire Company will entertain May IT with a big minstrel program now being com pleted by the Jr. O. V. A. M. min strel troupe. This company has been organised but a short time, and in thst spare they have distinguished th»mselves to no mean extent. The members that comprise the Progres sive company have purchased a new Are truck, which they placed into service Immediately, without a cent of cost to the taxpayers of the city. It le the Intention of the company to use the funds obtainable from this program to help clear the debt thst still exists on the truck. Work on the recently started Im provements to the grounds of S% Mary's parish are well under way. The academy building at the corner of Stevens avenue and Augus'a street was razed yesterday. It *s on this corner that the new convent will be erected. The reinforced con crete foundation for the addition to the school wa* started yesterdav. John Wortley, one of the active members of Luke A. Lovely Post, American Legion, has accepted •• position with a firm at Toms River, where he expects to remain for an indefinite period. The High School Athletic Associa tion will play host to a number of thler friends at an Informal dance to be held in the auditorium of the school tonight. An active commu tes of the members have been busl'y engaged during the past week com pleting the extensive arrangements connected with the affair. Invita tions to a large number were foi warded to many of the association's friends some time ago. Miss Mary Haley, of New Tork I City. Is spending several days at the home of friends on Pine avenue. The Presbyterian church directory Is being compiled by the Rev. Her bert Justin Allsup. pastor of the church, who has advised that every thing pertaining to the directory Is strictly local. The minister has said that the advertising scheme is made up entirety of local merchants. Arrangements for the third an nual reception of the Phi Alpha Sigma Fraternity to be held on May 24 are being completed at this time. This affair attracts each year tlic greatest number of people of any social enterprise. ' TO WHOM THIS MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, certain individual* in South Amboy have quoted the undersigned a*! making alanderoua remarka about Miss Catherine Xetlue. and WHEREAS, the aubacrlher haa never I made any alanderoua atatementa about or concerning Mlsa Neilua. THEREFORE, the aubacrlher desires to deny moat emphatically that he ever mad# any statements in regard to or concerning Miaa Neilua. and asserts that the quota tion la absolutely false and malicious 13*55—5-5—It. FRANK LAYTON. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE LAUNDRY CAM WASHED AND POLISHED By Experienced Washers Called For and Delivered 147 .Tefferscm Street Tj. freeman, prop ] PERTH AMBOY. N. J. “Better Lighting-Better Sales” FLOUR Daniel Webster: 98 lb. sack . $5.25 241/2 lbs.$1.35 EGOS Fresh Jersey: dozen. 37c BUTTER Best Creamery, lb. .. 49c MTT.TT Bess brand; can A ... 10c CAMPBELL’S SOUPS Can ........ 10c BAKED BEAMS Heinz’s; small can ... 10c Medium can . 14c SUGAR Pound . 6c Joseph A. Seaman ' Pure Food Market 475-77 PENN STREET Corner Lawrie Street Phone 1372 POTATOES Fancy, 16 qt. basket. .75e ORANGES Dozen.40c -C BANANAS Dozen . 30c CELERY Stalk, 12c and ....... 10c CUCUMBERS Each .8c LETTUCE Head.10c and 15c RADISHES Bunch . 4c ONIONS 2 quarts ............. 25e V MERCHANTS whose WIN DOWS and STORES are well lighted can sell more goods and faster. There is a particular lamp for every purpose. An inviting win dow brings customers. We have a large assort ment of REFLECTORS for the windows and UNITS for the store. Come in and get them suitable for your purpose. In the home what is more comfortable for reading or sewing than a beautiAil table or floor lamp. Come in and look over our large assortment. LIGHTING FIXTURES ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES “We Brighten Where the Sun Ain’t Lightin' ” AMBOY LIGHTING CO. ^ 193-195 SMITH ST., PERTH AMBOY, N. J. if'O/e TriUk* INFANTS * INVALIDS ASK FOR Horlick’s tf* Original Avoid Imitation* ad Substitute* Var Infanta, lnraBda and Oravfal CUdran i Tbr OHffnal Food-Drink Far All Air* | Meb milk, miked grata ulmt in Powder No Caafctag - Nouri Jiing — Plgaatikta I. rTHE MODERN CREDIT STORE J. Christ Jr. & Co. FAMILY CLOTHIERS “2 he Old Reliable ” * Superior Clothing On Credit at Prices as Low as Exclusive Cash A c*lr The newest styles in Men’s, /xofv Women’s and Children’s Clothing are here in a profusion of models. The quality is up to our usual high standard. We will' gladly outfit you and your entire family and you can Pay the “E-Z” Way Men’s All-Wool Hand Tailored «Ullo TWEED 1 SPORTS »3UllO $?e;.oo As an example of value-giving these suits stand unparalleled. Every new fabric, color and model is represented. Tailored with the greatest care. Smart suits for the young fellow and conservative styles for the older men. ' Pay $1 a Week ' $-|Q.98 Cleverly styled and masterfully tailored. These suits represent the very latest modes. We have all the new models. Come and get yours tomorrow. I Chrildren’s, Coats $ J 2-98 Sport models; va rious shades and styles. i-1 -1 4 Ladies’ Six Dresses _ _ $ j q.98 Months In every new material tO and color in the newest T% .. ’ . models. ray ii J. Christ Jr. & Co. |^_^_^^^mith Street Perth Amboy, N. J. ^