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WOMAN’S INTERESTS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR HOMEMAKERS ADVENTURES OF THE TWINS - - - * I II ■■ imi ** OLIVE ROBERTS »“T"' "Whirligig Valter” Just as the dove had promised, when the Twins had seen all of the wonderful circus in the sixth valley, Fllppety-Klap. a little fairy spoke to them. "You’ve been here a good while, oiy dears," he said kindly. "And the i'airy Queen's work is welting. >o is the dove.” Nancy and Nick seemed to wake sp as though from a dream. "Oh, laid Nancy, "where are we'.”’ And then she remembered. They hurried away then and found the dove waiting for them as he had promised, on a hswtliorne ree . "Como,” hs said kindly. "You're »te, but you couldn't help It. Jest me mors valley and we're there, at lie end nf our journey. Away he flew and the Twins fol lowed along tlie littlp green path that lad over the hill and Into the ■sventh valley, the last valley they were to cross befors reaching the Kingdom of the Korsknotts. They were to get the third peg from the seel of King Verdo's Left boot, you tnow. Again the dove gave them some advice. ”1 snail wall (or vou as tie iors," he cooed. “This seventh val ley la called the Valley of Whirli gigs and in it are all the things that you And in amusement parks; mer ry-go-rounds, loop-the-loopa, roller coasters, ocean-waves, dip-the-dips, ye-old mills, chute-the-chutea. trips to-the-mdon, switch-backs, whirling tables that bounce you' oR, slides that upset you, steeple-chases, mazes that lose you and And you again, mirrors that make you fat, mirrors that make you thin, and ones that make you lumpy. Oh. all sorla of things are here. And there’s no use of me saying to vou to keep out, for In you'll go anyway. There’s magic working. Wicked Twelve Toss will delay you all he can.” It all came true, every word of it. Whirligig Valiev proved to he the most fascinating place of all. The Twins went from one place to another with ahnuts of ,1ov. Never had they had such a delightful time. They stayed and stayed and stayed. Even when the dove called mourn fully from his tree, they did not hear. Twelve Toes was determined to keep then as long as he could. (To Be Continued) (Copyright, 1922, NEA Service) m PARISIAN COMPROMISE In ease you are hesitating whether ' to -wear them just as short or to ncaks them a trifle longer you’ll be glad to know there is a sure way Patent leather Give the hew patent leather shoes a eeat of vaseline before you wear them and then wipe them off with a soft cloth. This softens the leather and renders It less likely to creek. A Substitute If you haven’t an incense burner or rose jar pour spirits of lavender over lumps of bicarbonate of aoda. This gives a pleasant perfume and Is an excellent disinfectant. out. Use the new side drapes. They are the great Parisian compromise. You may have your skirts short and your drapes long or reverse the order. It doesn't matter. rLTu~inrir\rirtr>j~r nr nr^T***-*-*"*-* * * *■■*■* ***■ Did Him More Good Many men and women suffer from backache, rheumatic pains, stiff joints, sore muscles and other re sults of kidney trouble because they neglected the first warning symp toms. Foley's Kidney Pills aid the kidneys to throw out poisonous waste matter that causes pain and misery. Stephen I.ewis, Eldridge, Ky., writes: “Foley Kidney Pills did me more good than all the other medicine I ever took. I had kidney trouble ten years. I don't have any pain like I had before I took them.” Sold every where.—Adv. ", ■- I How Get i To Well SAVE YOUR CHILDREN! When symptoms of weakness, like Colds, bed wetting, indi gestion, underweight, etc., appear, do not be satisfied with that familiar “He will outgrow It.” It is not based upon knowledge of the condition, but upon trust in good luck. The outcome often is just ths opposite. Or when the first symptoms of acute diseases, like diphthe ' ria, influenza, typhoid or scarlet fever, etc., appear, do not wait to Me what develops; It only means waiting until the disease has gained a firm hold on the body. It further produces complications like pneumonia, deafness, heart troublM. etc. Many Uvea can be saved, much life-long misery avoided by removing the cause of all these oonditlon before the further development takes place (as done egeiusively by chiropractic adjustments), instead of trying to bridge it over with medicines, knife, massage, or other artificial means that do not remove the cause, or by polluting the whole body through injecting poi sonous germs. Save your children! C(insulation free. Daily 10 to If. 2 to 4,. 6 to S, or by ap pointment. DR. ALBERT GOTTSCHALK Telephone 1836 levator Service i Kitchen Hints Tempting Menus Saltsd and smoked meats and fish are always acceptable In the spring and summer months. Many house keepers in the country are wholly dependent on cured meats for use In hot weather. Salt pork has solved the problem for more than one noonday dinner < table. • Crisp Salt Pork Cut the pork as In the preceding rule. Cover with boiling water and let stand five minutes. Drain and dip in flour. Put in a hot frying pan over a slow Are. Cook slowly to a golden brown first on one side and then the other. As the fat frys out in the spider pour it off. This makes the pork very crisp and sweet, salt Pork with Cream Gravy Eight slices salt pork, flour, pep per, 2 cups rich milk, 1 dessertspoon mi’iced parsley. Cut the slices of pork about one fourth of an inch thick. If very sally pour boiling water over meat. Let stand five minutes and drain. Dip In flour and sprinkle with pep per. Frying pan should be very hot. Brown quickly on one side, turn and brown on the other. Then cool: more slowly until the outside is crisp. Drain on brow* paper an l arrange on a hot platter. Pour ail but two tablespoons of .'at from frying pan. Add one .and one-half tableapoons flour, one eighth teaspoon pepper and stir until flour and fat are perfectly blended and the flour is a pale straw color. Add milk slowly, stirring con stantly till the sauce is thick and smooth. Pour Into a gravy boat, sprinkle with minced parsley and serve at once. salt fora wnn neans Two cupa dried beans, Vi tea spoon soda, 1 medium -wised onion. 1 cup diced carrots. % pound salt pork. V4 teaspoon mustard, 2 table spoons molasses, Vi teaspoon pep per. 2 cups canned tomatoes. Wash beans carefully and let stand over night in cold water. Drain and put in kettle with soda and hot water to cover. Being to boiling point and boil 10 minutes. Drain and rinse in cold water. Do not pour the water in which the beans were cooked in the sink. Put tb* onion, peeled but un sliced, in the bottom of the baking dish. Add half the beans and ha.f the carrots. Pour boiling water over salt pork. Scrape the rind and score in inch square? Put pork on beans and carrots. Cover with re maining vegetables. Add mustard, molasses and pep per to tomatoes. Pour over beans and add enough boiling water to cover the whole. Cover and bake three or (our hours in a slow oven or tireless cooker. During the last hour of baking bring the pork to the top of the dish to brown. If the oven is hot when the dish is put in the beans will not loose their shape and become mushy. Reduce the heat as soon as the whole boils all over. (Copyright. 1822, NBA Service) IF YOU ARE WELL BRED You will dispense with the for mality of removing your gloves when shaking hands with a man friend. However, it is a nice cour tesy to remove them when shaking hands with one of vour own sex who is noticeably older than your self. You will not remove your gloves during a formal call, even for bid ding your hostess farewell. You will not wear the cuffs of your glove turned back over your hand. MOOCH—To Blouse or beat it suddenly. NECKER—A Flapper or Flipper given to cheek-to-cheek dancing. NICE GIRL—One who takes fel low in and introduces him to the family. NON-SKID—A girl who can carry liquor. NOT SO GOOD—A comment of dissatisfaction. ONE FLIGHT UP—Reference to the practice of a Cake-Eater saving one dollar. ONE WAT KID—A person who takes everything and gives nothing. OSTRICH—Anyone who thinks he knows it all. OTIS—A young man from the country. OVERDOSE OF OUTSIDE SHEL LAC—Description of a Flapper with too much powder on her face. e • • Tomorrow from “Over There” to “Ru ." LADIES' HAIR DRESSING PARLOR Specialist In Ladles’ Hair Bobbing and Curling. 10 L U. to ( P. M. 30} Madison Avenue, next St. Lifer*! HISS RETTA DEAT8 electrical Scalp and Face Message Derma Plasta and Boncilla Message iSlee hours Mon. Wot. Frl.. 10.10-0 a » Tuea. Thura. Sat. 10.10-1 a m* Board of Trade Bldg., Room 214 Phone 1444 Perth Amboy. N. J. MILADY’S BEAUTY PARLOR A. SILL, PBOP. HOURS—• a. U. to • P. .1. TURSDAT. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY UNTIL • P. M. M SMITH STREET PHONE *01 PERTH AMBOT. N. J. -m • 1 ROSELAND WILL HOLD THEIR SECOND DANCE Tuesday, May 9 —AT— MORGAN, N. J, This Place Is Under New Management Dance Wednesday and Saturday NigfcU After Decoration Day Coma Meet Your Fnenda and Have a Good Time Mueic Far May • My GLOBS' I PIECE OBCHE8TRA Tickets, Couple $1,00 EXTRA LADT, Me - Itoaasod By S. w. STRAUB M ... ... FOR JUNE BRIDES the very smart outdoor weddings have worn white trousen with a dark coat and waistcoat. An outdoor wedding is always more effective if its background of shrubbery is a natural one. How ever. a florist ran arrange one with quite a natural appearanee. In her wedding gown, selection of materiat end choice of cut, the bride ia quite without limitation. Pabrica range from sheer white or gandie to heavy satins. The be loved tulle is yet the choice of many fashionable brides. Lace la used much. In outer clothings trim suit, three blouses, an afternoon gown, two morning or general-wear (rocks, a dinner dress and a long cloak are quite adequate. There should be at least two hats. • The cult should be of some dark fabric, well tailored and i.uite plain. Leave the ornate suits to women who have many clothes. The best line for the summer bride to seek in her suit is that of the snug hipped jacket, loose at the waistline, but snug at the hip. This is an approved line for fall. Sleeves will be a matter of utmost importance on her afternoon gown. An unusual sleeve, particularly a large one, smacks of what is new and. like the snug hip, will hold over into the fall and winter. One of the two hats must be pur chased with the suit and afternoon gown in mind. The same hat should serve for each. It the bride allows herself only one dinner gown it preferably should be dark, even black, and this gown should be kept In mind with the purchase of the second hat which ahould be In the nature of a restaurant hat. 1W* w CUM BY MARIAN HAI.E June end her wedding d«y. No other day la lnveated with quite the significance of that day. Neither does any other day or ceremony yield the multitude ol petty problems which must bs set tled by the bride and he*- family. Wedding forms have remained practically the same for years. It there has been any change It Is a trend, of late, toward the less formal The order of procession la that used from the very beginning. The ushers lead, two and two. The bridesmaids follow and then the maid or matron of honor. If there are children in the party they should follow the maid of honor and be immediately followed by the bride and her father or the person by whom she Is given away. If the clergyman and bridegroom, with his beat man. can approach the altar from another way than that used by the bride the effect will be better. If this is not practical they may walk down the aisle a moment or two head of the ushers. In grouping about the altar during the ceremony the party should bs quite evenly balanced. The whits ribbons which form the bridal aisle are dropped when the bride reaches the altar. For an outdoor wedding the form Is quite the sgane and the attirs is that used for an Indoor event, though of iate the ushers et some of IN THE SOCIAL WORLD WED AT ST. PAUL’S Miss Josephine Plepenburg, of Hanson avenue, and Frederick Ras mussen. of Amboy avenue, were quietly married Wednesday night In St. Paul’s church In First street. Rev. Jacob Ganss performed the ceremony. Miss Madeline Andersen and John Kattadoek were the only attendants. Upon their return frm their wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Rasmussen will reside in Smith street. PERSONAL ST. PETER’S AUXILIARY COMPLETES BOX St. Peter's Woman's Auxiliary met yesterday afternoon, in thp Parish house, in Rector street. Reports from the different committees on the meeting held In St. Peter's church last week were given. A missionary box was completed and sent to Swanee. Tenn. Plans were made to hold a district meeting sometime during the latter part of May. To Dance at Yacht Club The first Informal dance of the season under the direction of the Raritan Yacht Club will be held in their assembly rooms in Water street tonight. Johnny Johnson's Jasxy Five will play for tho dancing. Tables will be placed around the hall, where salads, sandwiches and coffee will be served during the evening. The committee consists of Frank McCormick. W. E. Larcombe. J. Scott Burns. Donald Kennedy and Lewis Compton. Mr. and Mra. Louis Axelrod and family, of the Bronx. N. Y.. are spending the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Axelrod, of Mad'son ave nue. Mrs. William Testa, of Middletown Is the gueet of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ricef, of Water street, for a few days. Prosecutor and Mrs. Joseph E. Strieker and daughter Isabel are spending the week end st their sum mer home in Deal. Miss Lillian Cleaver, of New York, is vlaitlng her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cleavsr. of McClellan street, for a week. Mrs. Kenneth C. MeComas. of Rector etreet, left today tor Boston, where she will bo the guest of her sister for several days. Miss Florence Brownmiller and Miss Nicolena Peterson, were the guests of Miss Charlotts Ryan, in Prince's Bay. S. I., yesterday. Miss Mitzie Kemeny, of High street, is the week end gueat of friends in Bayonne. Cards nt the Yacht Club At the regular weekly card party of the Ladles' Auxiliary of the Rar itan Yacht Club, held in the club rooms in Water street, yesterday af ternoon. high ecorea were made In bridge by Mrs. Louis Neuberg. of Sewaren. and Mrs. Leighton Eamee In five hundred. Mrs. Arthur Stan ton is chairman of ths cardpartles for the month of May. To Meet With Mrs. Fries The Enlghed Club will meet Mon day night at ( o'clock at the home of Mrs. Helena Fries. In Watson ave nue. To Attend Clipping Social Mohawk Council have received ar invitation from Bright Eye Council In Carteret to attend a Clipping Social Monday night. All members of the council will meet at Red Men’s hall, where they will leave ai 7.30 o’clock. Executive Board to Meet There will be an executive meet ing of the Girl's Club In the audi torium of the public library Monday night at 7:15 o'clock. To Have Mar Party The Barbara Frietche Girls wil hold a May puty in the Community house tonight. Each member of th< club may bring one guest. Dancini will be enjoyed, and the commutes In charge have arranged a delightfu program for the evening. MOTHER’S DAY [ CARDS A FRAMED MOTTOES FRANK P. WOGLOM 197 SMITH STREET TONIC A very pleasant and efficient aid in the treatment of Coughs. Colds and general run-down condition is our Wine Extract of Cod Liver, which is tne com bination of good wine, wild Cherry. Hypophosphites, Mai; and Extract of Cod Liver. Its nutritive property makes It .a splendid tonic, especially at th's time of the year. $1.00 A BOTTLE, nr the City Pharmacy THE HOME DKfJG STORE $$$ SMITH ST. COIL OAK raHMHBHHBnSHpSSMHBHMP'*-*’ FELDMAN’S KOSHER MEAT MARKET 1U Fayette Street BEST FORK KOSHER MEAT A Pound, Me. LOCKSMITH Locksmith sad General Repair Shop Lava ltoworo Rssbsrpsnsd Babr Carrlaaoo Ropalrod and Bslirad D. UEKoFF. M Bio* ST. Caraar Smith W1U ME. AJ1M1.L Kill IOC • Vjfa„ ' ''' . . , - . IhMjp I Your Health (I i (Bj Ur. K. H. Boliu|<t n—, , _ d When In her a Doctor Preventing sickness ia a wnole lot cheaper In every way man in rente-! [dying it. It ia becoming quite the proper | and common thtna in thia <ountr> to visit a physician from time to time for an examination even when' in the heat of phyaicial condition. Parents, too. are learning how much less expensive it is to send or take their children periodically to the doctor, juat to be looked over. Thia Is a very wise precaution, for often something slightly wrong may1 oaesily he corrected which, if allow-1 ed to run on. might be bevond hu man power to cure. Kxaci rulee prescribing juat when to call a doctor in illness or injury cannot be made to cover all cases, but some help mav perhaps be given. If an illness cornea on suddenly with high fever, considerable pros tration and headache, a doctor ia needed, fie ia also needed in caae of severe headache or pain in the abdomen, especially if these are present after an injury. All injuries of the head and abdomen have very serious possibilities. Croup is so terrifying that a doctor ia usually summoned at once hy the frighten ed mother. Severe sore throat may be diphtheria, and you need the doctor at once. An eruption with fever, often means a contagious disease. Some diseases which come on slowly should not be neglected. Mouth breathing means adenoids.' Loss of considerable weight means; something wrong. Persistent cough ing is a danger signal. Anv deform ity should be shown to a doctor. Deafness may often be Improved or cured if given early attention. Run ning from the ear is a bad business and should be attended to. :■ ftiaaaMaMcarB n ■■ mi i i ■ ■■ i -= T-ag.aaac OUR FIRST YEAR I'- - .. , ---mi a Hunt- - « Imp 8.V— Hill« aimI Budget I'm tired of trying to live by that old hudad. 1 gueaa we didn’t make it out properly. Anyway. I aeem to have aome net esaary eapenaea with no fund to draw on. For in stance. when I make candv to give to the girli, starting off their sum mer travels, some of the cost la for sugar and helonrs in my food Mil. but what am I to do with the price of the lovely boxes 1 pack the candy In? When Mrs Herrod went away, for Jack's sake. I made her a wonderful gift. 1 packed aome marvelous can died fruits in an alasani box. it cost me >4.85! Fortunately. I had It charged so I can take my time to decide where It ought to be credited in mv accounts- Or i« it debited? Not yet have 1 had tha heart to elSw my bills to Jack, and the pH* growa higher the first and fifteenth of every month. The dear boy has just finished paying for tha over stuffed pieces I asked him whom he had insured to get a percentage big enough to pay that bill. And then he owned up that ha had had to draw on hta savings account! He told me so sweetly, didn't seem to be sorry, although I know he hated to disturb his savings. Hs said ones more that he ought to be earn ing double hla present salary, of course 1 must have things llks oth er people, and it's up to him to provide them. I did my bast to comfort him. told him not to worry evan if soma of his friends are already In the llva flgure class, with no battsr start than he had. I mads him laugh by saying I’d be content with a "two hander” car this summer Instead of a new one. | And because I do want a liltl car so vary much. 1 hat* dendmi u let the Mila remain In my deau i while longer. A small car will .iot cost much more than my furniture and it Jack managed that. 1 gu-« he can manage the car somehow His credit la so good, any inerchar in town will trust him tor any thing. So I should worry! Things usually turn out for tilt beat with me. Only thia afternoon seem to have discovered a way l< get rid of those miserable bills with out ever letting Jack know ahou them. But It’s part of a secret, i most astonishing secret, one 1 nevet must 1st Jack know about. it’s Mr. Tearle s! He came to set me thia morning full of trouble about Bonny, it was plain that the poor old dear didnt know which way to turn. He has found out that George Bradshaw la trping to bet Bonny t< elope! Just aa I suspected! Mr Tearle paced up and down my livial room like an enraged lion In a cage Of course he ran go to Bradshaw, ha says, and tall him to keep away from Bonny. But If he does. If ha Interferes with her. she'll do some thing else equally scandalous, like eloping with the chauffeur. He asyt he can see that she a bound to slaps with somebody, and ha far rather It would be the chauffeur than Brad shaw, but neither la the maa he'd pick: "Certainly I haven’t used am brains to make money for s msh like G. B. to spend," ha stormed. "And I couldn’t disinherit the eMMI I couldn’t! So Bradshaw savants la win!” fTo be ■ 'T! (Copyright .1921. NBA gervtasT WOMEN NEED LICENSE TO HUNT BUT NOT TO FISH Women can enjoy Ashing in this state without the necessity of tak-j inn out s license, but thee do re quire n license to hunt, accordiai to a ruling of tha attorney general. Much publio confusion regarding thla subject has arisen over tha at tempt by membera of e former leg islature to amend the licenae act to require women to tako out a licenae to fish. Because of an error iw tha amendment, it has since been de clared inoperative. The state Ash and gams commis sion. in correcting misunderstand ings regsrdlng the present status of that portion of the law relating to licenses for women, cites tha at torney general's decision that wom en must hsve a license to hunt bnt do not require a license to Ash In this state. THANKFUL FOR A LITTLE CHIU MnMerixTeibHaw L|it E. Pinkham’* V—Hbh Compound Helpad Har Roosevelt Girl Bride ROOSEVELT. May 6—Mr. and Mrs. William Donnelly, Sr., of Roose velt, announce the marriage of their daughter Mary, to J. C. Fisher, of Elizabeth, in St. John's church in 8ewaren. R«v. Mr. Puleifer and Kev. Mr. Easton performed the cere, mcny. Miss Ruth Dlnsmore and H. Fischer were the only attendants. A reception followed at the home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Fishsr left for a trip to Washington. D. C. I'mbrrllas If you would improve the appeat ance of a shabby ailk umbrella sponge it with a atrong solution of sweetened tea. The tea revive* the color. Beating It is wiser to use silk thread when basting on velvet. Thia pulls out and leaves no traces while cot ton thread leaves a mark. Rusty Needles V hen needles become ruatv thread them with a double thread and run them up and down In the soil of the pot or in the ground. PLAN AVENEL EVENTS AVENEL, Msy (—Arrangements were made to hold an apron and necktie social during the latter part of May, also a May wale for the children, at the regular meeting of the Woman's Club of Woodbrldge Township Avenel Branch, held in the Progressive Club Wednesday. Plans to build a library under th* administration of the club were dis cussed. The chairman of the Par ent-Teachers Association urged that others attend their meetings which are held every second Wed nesday afternoon at S:I0 o'clock. At the close of the business session, a delightful musical program was given. Mrs. W. B. Krug played sev eral piano selections, and Mrs. 8. Qreenhalgh gave a vocal solo. rad nice. I em sending yon W pic ture. I ahall be thankful aa lire that I found such a imdirmn for toy troQbltt CunBAJUnvl' Many eaaea of'shill curable. Perhaps voura may be discouraged until Lydia E. Pmkham’s . pound a faithful trial ? Spoken and written - turns from thousands of bare found health and ha its use hare come to us. -- — Pat asiissjassssasa cause your trouble that flood >■ come to you by its use. Preserve Color Add a little tea to the starch when laundering the brown linen frock* and it will preserve the color. Letters of Administration NEW BRUNSWICK, May «—Let ters of administration were granted by the surrogate this morning to Benjamin Paterson, of South River, cn the estate of his mother, Re becca Peterson, who died recently, j leaving a personal estate of $50. FORD W Commercial Car Show 9 Street Parade Starts at 1.00 P. X. Saturday through V principal streets of Perth Amhoy, South Amboy, Fords, 9 Woodbridge, Chrome and Carteret Dollar Balloons will 9 be let loose at principal corners in each town. 9 Be sure and grab the balloons with the dollar bills m attached. I May 6th to May 13th 1 Dorsey Motors J Incorporated Maple and Fayette Streets Perth Amboy 8:00 A. X to 10:00 F. X DuBy DOLLAB BALLOONS Mifflinburg Bodies Exclusively