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The Greatest and Last Day of Store-Wide ( 7/ f~ L'sf ^ / * &&**&&// t l^yr^.V J-g; fc£*.~-3.'SX;'.'*;.grffe * ~*rU': -£‘5iTCT / jj^j»,5S0<>^^'"^SSiT/ l *«■£•*» *• ° "SS.'JiSK'Ka*. * woo*, tuts* •' \\ j$S 1-sggzz&z l££ ilp&tog l\^;Sfi p ^^^^]^Mgkl»ajlWi.l3» First Floor BAR PINS, 37c Made to sell from 1.00 to 250. Tv. several very pretty styles; set with rhinestones and colored atones. These can be naed (or dress or blouse and (or [ sport sweaters. ! SILVER PLATED BREAD TRAYS, r 1.39 Very beantllul oval tray: hammered effect; applied thread border. Heavily silver-plated on nickel base. I PLATED AND STERLING NOVELTIES, t.00 EACH Regularly 1.25 and 1.50 each. Salt and f'epper shakera, flower holders, sterling emon (orks, cream ladles, sugar shells, olive spoons and many other desirable Items. 1.00 GOGGLES, 50c , Imitation shell goggles or sun glasses. fitted with amber or green lenses, with either straight back bows or over the ears, offering protection against the wind and sun. Not exchangeable. -MEN’S 3.00 LINEN UNION SUITS, 2.55 Pure white linen union Rnits, the acme o( comlort and summer coolness. Sleeve less and knee length. Full cut. 25.00 CHIME TONE MANTEL CLOCK, 17.95 Strikes the hour and hall-hour on chime rode. It la an eight-day clock, fitted In a beautKully designed brown mahogany case. } O.UU I.3U ! Including small automobile clocks I with nickel cases. Small nickel alarm clocks. Mahogany finished bedroom clocks. Polychrome gilt. Desk or dresser clocks. All good timekeepers. i 75c AND 1.00 WEATHER HOUSES, 50c Little Swiss weather barometers, that Indicate the weather by little meq and women. When the man makes bis ap. J pearance it Indicates rain, and vice reran for the woman. While they laat. WOMEN’S ONE-STRAP PUMPS, I; 3.95 :rj Just 200 pairs, made of fine quality (I black kldskin. Have plain toes, welt soles, Cuban heels. Cleverly styled. All sizes. | WOMEN’S WHITE LOW SHOES, J , 5.00 I Regularly 8.00 and 9.00. Popular one strap efTect; trimmed witn patent leather or tan calfskin. Have welted 1 soles and baby French heels. 23c MAVIS TALCUM POWDER. 16c Vlvoudou'a famous talcum powder that la ao delightful and haa such a r« freahlng odor. I 62c WITCH HAZEL. 49c The relfabla Esaex brand, In 1-quart alia bottle. i 50c EPSOM SALTS, 33c Fire-pound boxea: pure white crya tala, for medicinal use or bathing pur poses. VACUUM BOTTLES, 1.49 Retain temperature for several hours. 1-quart alze. Heavy corrugated style. MEN’S SWEATERS, 4.35 } Made to sell for 7.50 and 8.50. Sturdy I aweatera of wool and worsted. The very garments for mountain and seashore. Mostly allp-OTer styles. CHILDREN’S FELT SLIPPERS, I 59c Made to sell for 1.00. The handiest thfngs for the youngsters. Sines « to 2. CHILDREN’S PATENT COLT PUMPS, 1.85 | One-strap pumps, plenty of stylo and comfort to these. Sizes 4 to 8. made to j sell for 2.50. now 1.85. Sizes 8% to H— made to sell for 3.00. now 2.25. Sizes 11^ to 2—made to sell for 4.00, now 2.45. ij MEN’S BELTS, 35c j Made to sell for 75c. An assortment I of leather belts, in one-piece leather ( cowhide; good quality; prong buckles and some with fancy metal buckles. MEN’S MADRAS SHIRTS, 1.39 Woven madras shirts, made to sell for 2.50. Extra wear and extra tubbings to be had In these. New patterns; large assortment: well made. MEN’S SILK SOX, 39c PAIR Made to sell for 65o. Pure Bilk, with double soles and heels. Have lisle ; ribbed cuffs. Black, navy, white and } cordovan. f MEN’S FULL FASHIONED SILK ! HOSE. 75c Made to sell for 1.00. Good looking and long-wearing. Have double soles and heels; lisle ribbed cuffs. In black i only. MEN’S SILK KNITTED j NECKWEAR, 85c Made to sell for 1.50 and more. A large ;{ assortment. Some taken from regular stock* Many exclusive patterns and weaves. Plain colors, stripes, cross ! stripes, etc. | MEN’S 1.50 NIGHT SHIRTS, 1.15 l Full-cut, roomy, comfortable night I' shirts of a well-known make; good quality cambric; good length. \ 3.68 GILLETTE TUCK-AWAY RAZORS, 2.75 Regular list price is 5.00. The gen uine Gniettes. With flat nickel cases. While lot lasts. 1.00 BOY SCOUT KNIVES, 79c EACH Imported iteel knives; have four blades; punch; cap-lllter and 1 large blade. O. N. T. SPOOL COTTON, I 50c DOZEN Regularly 5b a enool. 150 yards to Merchandise Advertised Below on Sale Thursday Only The opening hours in the Bamberger Store on Wednesday showed that an immense volume of business was being transacted. This naturally follows such a well-known and appreciated event as “Supersavings Days.” Here are over 160 more items which are bound to attract people from far and near to the Bamberger Store on Thursday, and probably you amongst them. No Mail or Telephone Orders Can Be Filled First Floor Continued WOMEN’S GLOVE SILK VESTS, 1.95 Pink only. All made to sell from 2.50 to 3.95. Both lace trimmed and plain. A good, heavy silk. Have bodice tops and ribbon shoulder straps. WOMEN’S COTTON UNION SUITS, 47c Made to sell for 75c. Of fine jersey ribbed cotton; have band tops; built-up shoulders; either shell or tight knee; sizes 36 to 44. WIDE AND NARROW PLEATING, 50c TO 1.00 Made to sell from 75c to 1.50. In choice of white and varied colors. While they last. LACE VESTEES, 79c Made to sell for 1.00. Made of cream net, trimmed with Venice lace. A good "buy" for thrifty purchasers. 2.00 BOOK OF WONDERS, 1.39 A verv handy book which answers all the perplexing questions which the youngsters are bound to ask. The price is seriously cut. BALCONY. THE THREE MUSKETEERS, 49c The ever-popular book which has been selling at 75c. Complete story of this famous classic at this price. BALCONY. 1.50 SANITARY BLOOMERS, 1.10 Kleinert Bloomers, in flesh and white, fine nainsook tops, all sizes. MORE NOTION REDUCTIONS 1.50 rubber sheeting, 90c yard, 1 Vi yards wide. 50c economy hafr nets. 3 doz. for 1.00. 50c sanitary aprons, 35c each. 9 no cit XT MfWPP UANH RAf,^ 1.50 Several attractive pouch styles, mounted on plain and fancy metal frames. Some have lnalde compart ments; others fitted with purse and mir ror. All silk lined. MEN’S 2.50 TO 3.00 WALLETS, 1.95 Also hip-books. Made of genuine pin seal. Have three folds. Mounted with 14-kt. gold. PEARL NECKLACES, 1.59 Made to sell for 2.50. In the fashion able 24-lneh length; rich white color ing; neatly graduated, and finished with a solid gold clasp. 15-JEWEL WRIST WATCHES 12.50 Made to sell for 18.50. Reliable Swiss movement, thoroughly tested by us. Very dependable; three attractive shapes; to be had with ribbon attached. GREEN ONYX DIAMOND RINGS 14.75 Made to sell for 25.00. 18-kt white gold rings of beautiful design and work manship. set with a brilliant diamond. The most popular rings of the day. MEN’S 1.50 SUMMER CAPS, 89c Becoming caps in these very desir able materials—Mohair, Palm Beach and Tweed. CALIFORNIA REDWOOD BOXES, 29c, 39c, 49c, 59c Natural redwood boxes painted green, purple and natural colors; 1, 2. 8 and 5 lb, Blzes. Can be used splen didly for candy or sewing boxes. 2.00 MEN’S AND WOMEN’S UMBRELLAS, 1.39 Closely woven ta'pe-edgo cotton taffeta, mounted on sturdy frame*. Women's have long white tips and Btub ends: also variety of hakelite; ring and strap handlea: popular Priuce of Wales handles for men. 5.00 MEN’S AND WOMEN’S UMBRELLAS, 3.69 Made of the beat grade silk gloria, part «11k and part linen. Sturdy para gon frames: fitted with a variety of fancy hakelite handles in the wanted styles for both men and women. ALL LINEN CLUNY LACE, 15c YARD Edges and insertions of cluny lace. Made to sell for 25c yard. These are Imported and come In widths of 2 to 4U Inches. Desirable for fancy work, curtains, underwear, consoles, etc. IMITATION HAND CROCHETED LACE, 5c YARD Mads to sell for 12%c yard. These white and oeru edge and insertions are verv desirable for underwear, fancy work, curtains, etc. While quantity lasts. SILK BRAID, 10c YARD Made to sell for 15c yard. Black ailk, plain and lacquer braid; % Inch wide: a very good quality; popular for trimming guiwpe dresses. COLORED PEARL GIRDLES, 1.25 Regularly 2.75 All the new colors In these pearl girdles. They are made of heavy pearl and disc linked with rings. 2.00 FRENCH KID GLOVES, 1.25 Summer weight white kid gloves, with oversemn. sewn with self or contrasting Parts point embroidery; 2-clasp length; perfect fitting. SILK STRAP WRIST GLOVES, 1.00 Made to sell for 2.00. Novelty silk strap wrist gloves with contrasting em brofderv and pearl buckle; fingers are double-tipped to give extra service. Pongee, gray, beaver and white. Second Floor Continued 2.50 ALL WOOL POIRET TWILL, 1.98 Choice of either navy or black: 50 Inches wide: a wonderful fabric: long wearing: very popular for suits and drasses. WOMEN’S BUNGALOW APRONS 85c Made of cheeks, figured and striped percale: trimmed with rlckrack brnld and sash pocket. Will wash and wear well. WOMEN’S PERCALE APRONS, 29c Splendid at this price. Made of fig ured percale. Bib style and waist line is rlckrack trimmed; have tie strings. MAJESTIC SEWING MACHINE, 24.98 Made to sell for 39.00. A limited num ber of these high grade sewing ma chines sold with a ten-year guarantee on the convenient payment plan (l.w weekly), if desired. Easy running, ball bearing, attractive oak case. SINGER SEWING MACHINE, 55.00 Made to sell for WOO. Latest 66-1, 7-drawer model. Direct from the fac torv, new and perfect running order. Oniy 10 to go at this low price. Sold on the convenient payment plan. If de sired. PATTERN TABLECLOTH, 3.35 EACH 72*72 cloths, made to sell for 0.00. Just 200, all pure linen pattern table cloths of firm, close weave. Snow white bleached. In a number of beau tiful floral patterns. ALL LINEN CRASH TOWEL ING, 16c YARD Made to sell for 25c. All pure linen crash toweling, 17 Inches wide, made of firm yarns, closely woven. Brown with neat colored borders. For hand, dish or roller towels. WASH GOODS, 12^c YARD Formerly sold for 19c to 29c tbe yard. An odd lot of 30-Inch width cotton fabrics, including percales, ginghams, romper suitings, voiles, orgaudies and striped flannels. All of exceptional quality. MEN’S ZERO SUITS, 10.85 Originally selling for 15.00 and 17.50. Men’s and young men's zero suits, only one or two of a pattern, but all sizes in the lot of 150. No alterations. MEN’S WHITE FLANNELS, 6.95 Regularly 9.00. Men’s and young men’s white flannel trousers. Very good at this price. CREPE DE CHINE. 1.39 YARD Regularly 1.59 yd. 40-inch, all silk crepe de chine of very nice weave, for dresses, lingerie, etc. Splendid assort’ ment of colors from which to choose, in cluding orchid, pink, mohawk, tan, del, turquoise, black and white. TRICOLETTE, 1.39 YARD Regularly 168. 36-Inches wide. A superior quality, light weight, closely knitted weave, used a gread deal for sweaters, dresses and capes. In black, white, navy, brown, tan, gray, henna, orchid and jade. BOYS’ SAILOR HATS, 95c Regularly 1.50. Blue serge sailor hats with U. S. Navy and plain bands. Sizes 6>4 to 7. and all made of a flue quality of all-wool, blue serge. BOYS’ STRAW HATS, 38c Regularly 1.00. Imported straw hats, made of a light weight straw. In black, white, tan, brown and various good looking combinations. All in tbe roll brim style. BLEACHED MUSLIN, 13c YD. Regularly 19<*. 36 inches wide and of excellent quality. Absolutely free from dressing. Suitable for women’s and children’s undergarments. Only 8,000 yards to go at this price! PILLOW CASES, 25c EACH Regularly 35c. Size 45x36. Made of a good grade of muslin and finished with 3-Inch hems. A chance to buy a good pillow case at a very low price. BOYS’ WASH PANTS, 69c Made to sell for 1 00. Just 800 pairs of durable khaki, gray and crash cloth pants: excellent quality, full cut. Sizes 7 to 18. BOYS’ WASH SUITS, 1.00 400 fast color wash suits, taken from regular stocks. They are good looking and will give good service. Broken sizes and broken lots. No mall, phone or C. O. D. orders. BOYS’ CAMP SHOES, 1.95, 2.35, 2.55 Sturdy brown duck lace shoes with heavy vulcanized rubber soles and heels. Sizes 12Va to 2, 1.95; 2^ to 6, 2.35; 6V£ to 9Va, 2.55. Regularly 2.65 to 2.05. MEN’S 7.50 SPORT OXFORDS, 5.65 Tan grain calfskin sport oxfords, with Goodyear stltchpd. rubber sole and wedge heels. Suitable for sports wear. Second Floor Continued • 75c WINDSOR CREPE BLOOM ERS, 58c Choice of flesh or white, made w th reinforcement at seat and finished with ruffle at knee. 2.00 NAINSOOK GOWNS, 1.59 Prettily trimmed in lace and em broidered insertions, medallions and beading. Some trimmed In front and back alike. Gowna In sleeveless or kimono style. WOMEN’S ATHLETIC COMBINA TIONS, 68c Made to Bell for 1.00. White or flesh colored material, buttonless style, with closed or open drawers, and shoulder straps of self-materral. CHILDREN’S 79c COMBINA TIONS, 68c Made of muslin. Have drop seat and are trimmed In lace or embroidery Have ribbon run at neck. Sizes 2 to 1 years. BOYS’ BLOUSES, 35c Made to sell for 75c and 1.00. 450 Mouses In the lot, In alzea 0 to 10 years. All are “aeconda." showing alight Im perfections. White and In color*. CHILDREN’S AND MISSES’ SLIPS. 85c Regularly 1.25. Made of nainsook and elaborated with lace or embrotdery. Ribbon run at neck. In all sizes, 6 to 18 years. An excellent grade for this price. FINE WHITE NAINSOOK. 1 79 Made to sell for 2.75 per 10-yd. piece. Exceptionally fine and made of long, staple yarn. Pure white. 34 inches wide and especially suitable for under things. WHITE VOILE, 19c YARD Regularly 20c. A sheer finish white voile. 30 inches wide, made of combed yarns. Pure white. Firm and fine wearing quality for blouses, dresses and draperies. IM DDIMTCn vr»n FQ YH Regularly 20c. In the newest patterns and colorings, including dainty geomet rical figured effects of lovely color com binations. Sheer, mercerized. For blouses and dresses. IMPORTED COLORED DRESS LINEN, 49c YARD Colored dress linens. Regularly 70c yd. 36 In. wide. All pure linen and of a firm, durable quality adapted to real wear and service. In n good as sortment of the popular colors BOYS* AND YOUTHS’ NECK WEAR. 25c Regularly 50c. Plain colors and fancy patterns. * Four-ln-hnnd ties of full Ipngth. nicely made from good quality silks. Good variety from which to choose. ELASTIC GIRDLES, 3.69 Regularly 5.00 and 6.00. 14-incbes In length. Made with closed back, some In one-piece elastic and others with sec tional elastic. Wide front and stripping of brocade and satin. Sizes altogether 24 to 32. BRASSIERES, 98c Regularly 2.00. A popular style bras siere, made of mercerized cloth with wide satin candy stripe. Flesh color. Long waisted, with high back. Elastic at both sides. Sizes 36 to 48. ALL LINEN TOWELS, 39c Made to sell for 59c. All linen huek a-bnck face towels of a good liberal size, made of closely woven yarns and neatly hemmed. Just 600 of these at 39c each. Third Floor EXTRA SIZE SILK JERSEY PETTICOATS, 2.98 Made to sell for 3.98. Of good qual ity tricot jersey In generously cut extra sizes. Pleated flounce. Elastic-fitted waist bands. In plain colors or fancy two-tone effects; black and colors. SILK PETTICOATS FOR LARGE WOMEN, 2.50 Tub silk petticoats that sell In the regular way for 3.50. A straight-line model of best quality tub silk; white only. Made with hemstitched hem or fancy tucking. Shadowproof panels; elastic-fitted waistbands. Full 00-inch hip. WOMEN’S JUMPER DRESSES, 59c Gingham Jumper dresses made to sell for 1.00. Made in checks and plaids with neck and armholes bound with llnene. Patent leather belt. Sizes 34 to 42. WOMEN’S BUNGALOW DRESSES, LOO Made to sell for 1.29. Delightful lit tle frocks of checked ginghams with sheer organdie collars and cuffs, pock ets and sash. Only a limited quantity at this price. 1 hird Floor Continued WOMEN’S SUMMER DRESSES, 5.00 Originally moo. Imported ginghams, voiles, tub silks and printed silkaleens developed in models copied from high er-priced dresses. All the best colors. Sizes 36 to 44. WOMEN’S SUMMER DRESSES, 10.95 Originally 10 00. Tub silks and printed silkaleens developed in models copied from higher-priced dresses. All the best colors. Sizes 36 to 44. MISSES* SPORT COATS, 2.98 Flannel sport coats, braid bound, made with or without sleeves. Jockey fed, green, navy and black from which to choose in sizes 14. 16 and 18 years. MISSES’ TUB DRESSES, 5.00 Ginghams, ratines and voiles in a host'of delightful models of mnnv col ors and sorts of patterning. Sizes 14 to 18 years. Were made to sell for 10.00. GIRLS* DRESSES, 1.98 Made to sell for 5.05. Tissues, ging. hams and voiles of practically every fashionable pattern offered in a num ber of exceedingly smart styles; sizes 6 to 16 in all colors. GIRLS* SERGE DRESSES, 2.98 Made to sell for 5.05. These good looking. fine-wearing serge dresses make wonderful school dresses. They are smartly tailored and come in all sizes, 6 to 12 years. WOMEN’S SPORT SKIRTS, 5.00 White flannel sports skirts that were made to sell for 7.05. Two attractive models developed In a superior quality of white flannel. Both are shirred at the waist and trimmed with pearl but tons. WOMEN’S SATIN SKIRTS, 5.00 Baronette sport satin of excellent quality makes these well-tailored, full cut skirts shown 1n very attractive stvies for regular and larger figures White or black. No mail or phone orders. UNI KImmtu HAI5, l.UU A limited group of untrimmed hat« for women, nnd children’s hats of various fashionable materials offered at this extremely low price. Shapes are of practically every description large and small. WOMEN’S HATS, 30c Sport and untrimmed hats for wom en made to sell for from 2.00 to 5 00. Most of the straws are fancv and are shown in manv colors besides black; largo nnd small shapes. WOMEN’S BLOUSES, 2.19 FUet trimmed, handmade blouses that were made to sell for 3 00. The nunlitv of the batiste is excellent. It Is embellished with hand embroidery, drawnwork and real filet. Long sleeves, vest effects, Fetcr Tan and Tuxedo collars. WOMEN’S SILK BLOUSES, 5.95 Fxtrn and regular size Mouses that formerly sold for 9.95 to 12.95. Made of georgette, crepe do chine and striped silks in various tuck in and over-blouse models, trimmed with Irish lace, beads, emhroidery. . WOMEN’S TWEED SUITS. 8.95 Sold formerlv for 25.00 to 29.50. .Tust 25 of the better grade tweed suits in various odd sizes nnd colors. Mostly one and two of a kind. While they last—8.95. WOMEN'S COATS, 7.95 Pmart coats fnshioned of a very su perior grade of cloth. They are 42 Inches fn length. Sizes 34 to 44. In shades of tan. Only a limited quantity at. this price. EXTRA SIZE COATS, 25.00 Coats for large women made to sell for 49.50 to 59.50. Plainly tailored 1n tricotine or trimmed with rows of silk stitching. A fpw of the more dressy models are embroidered. Navy and black. Sizes 401;a to 52%. CHILDREN’S SWEATERS, 2.00 Formerly selling for 5.00. Blip on with sailor collars. They are made of all-wool worsted in sizes 28 to 34, in navy, peacock, coral, green and rose. WOMEN’S FIBRE SILK SWEATERS, 5.95 Regularly 7.90. Beautifully knitted of fibre silk in a variety of fancy weaves. Tuxedo model with narrow tie sash. The assortment of colors is very lovely—and varied. Fourth Floor TAPESTRY CARPET, 1.59 Regularly 2.25. 27-ineh, ten- wire car pet for halls, stairs and living rooms. Neat figure effects. WOOL AND FIBRE RUGS Heavy and closely interwoven. Plain and figured effects. 9x12. regularly 19.75, 13.95. 8.0x10.0, regularly, 1S.50. 12.95. 6x9, regularly 11.00, 8.95. Fourth Floor Continued 1.00 TOWELS. 67c 18x36 show towels, stamped on fine quality linen huck. Pretty designs for easy daisy and eyelet work. SEAMLESS WILTON RUGS Fine quality, splendid wearing. Pat terns resembling fine Persian rugs. 0x12, regularly 70.00 at 67.50. 8.3x10.0, regularly 76.00 at 65.50. 41.00 FLOOR LAMPS, 23.75 Electric floor lamps, chair size. Wrought iron standard with two light fixtures. Decorated with leaf on base. Silver or bronze finish. 24 in. silk shade, dome shape, heavy silk fringe. 15.50 BRIDGE LAMP, 12.00 Mahogany finish. Nicely turned col umn, adjustable arm. Cone shape silk shade, with ruching top and bottom. Several colors. 14.00 TABLE LAMP, 10.00 Cast metal standard with art glass panel shade. Electric or gas. Brown or green finish with color tinting. Gas lamp complete with burner, mantle, chimney and tubing. Electric lamp with two light fixture. VOILE AND MARQUISETTE, 22c YARD Regularly 30c. Voile of fine quality with pretty hemstitched hem. Good quality marquisette in white, cream and ecru. 30 in. wide. 85c WINDOW SHADES, 65c Albert Holland with slight imperfec tions. Strong rollers, complete with fixtures. Green and white. 1.25 CRETONNE, 75c YARD Beautiful patterns—flow* rs. stripes and allover patterns in all the desired colors. For draperies, hangings, cush ions, 6lip covers, etc. 75c WINDOW SHADES, 65c Good quality American Holland. Ecru, green and white. Strong reliable roll ers, complete with fixtures. CEDAR CHESTS, 10 percent reductions. High polished surface with the reddish cedar grain. Moth and dust proof. Sizes .10. 42, 45. 48 and 54 inch. Regularly 18.00 to 49.50 at 16.20 to 44.55. 5.50 PILLOWS, 3.69 22 In. Couch pillows. Tinsel tapestry centre, velour puff and back, trimmed with tinsel braid. Mulberry, rose, blue, brown, black and green. 5.50 SCARFS, 3.69 50 Library or Buffet Scarfs of tinsel tapestry and velour, trimmed with tin sel braid. All scarfs lined. Pillows to match. 35.00 GATELEG TABLE, 22.50 Reautifully finished In antique mahog any. Mesaures 36x48. Solid mahogany top. 25.00 CHAIR OR ROCKER, 17.50 Splendid finish In antique mahogany. Cane sent and back. Very comfortnble. 49.50 ARMCHAIR, 39.50 Choice of tapestry and velour cover ings. Spring seats and back, also web bottoms. Well made. Fifth Floor 7.50 COMFORTABLES, 5.95 Lambs wool. One lot covered with good grnde of sateen both sides, an other lot with fine figured cambric. Both lots have borders of plain sateen to match colors in centre. Bose, pink, dark and light blue In the borders. Cen tres are of serviceable colorings. 8.50 BLANKETS, 6.95 100 percent wool, for three quarter and full size beds. Park plaid effect with overplaid In blue and red stripes. Warm and durable. Also 00 pink and white all wool plaid blankets. 6.50 SPREADS, 2.98 Hand stencilled, on heavy unbleached sheeting Single ami double sizes, mostly blue. A manufacturer's over stock. 395.00 BEDROOM SUITE, 269 50 Four pieces 48 In. dresser, gentle man’s wardrobe, full vanity dressing table, bedstead. American walnut, beautifully finished. 656.00 DINING ROOM SUITE, 395.00 Ten pieces—buffet, silver cabinet, en closed serving table, oblong extension table, five side chairs, one armchair. Italian Renaissance reproduction, in American walnut, trimmed with poly oh rome. 10.75 SEWING TABLE, 7.50 Mayflower sewing cabinet of solid mahogany, antique finish. Very useful as well as ornamental. BUNGALOW BED, 15.95 Regularly 25.00. Tomes in the 3 feet width. A dependable and handy bed that comes in all finishes. 6.75 PILLOWS, 4.75 Pure live goose feathers. Size 22x28. Covered with Gold Medal ticking. Weight 3*4 lbs. 34.00 MATTRESSES, 21.50 Silk floss filled, Roll edge style. Cov ered with a good grade of art ticking. SLIDING COUCH, 15.50 Regularly 22.00. Complete with mat tress, covered with a nice grade of cre tonne, mattress finished with valance. Sixth Floor Continued fi.50 PICTURES, 3.85 Framed pastels. Landscapes and marines In a neat antique gilt frame. Size 17x31 inches. BRADLEY CUT-OUTS, 39c Regularly 65c. Bradley’s Straight-line Cut-outs make a good rainy day occu pation for children. To be colored, cut out and put together. Various sub jects. 25c BRISTOL BOARD, 15c Ralnbridge brand. 2 ply. Size 22x20. For pen and ink, wash or water color. 7.50 TENNIS RACKETS, 5.00 The product of one of the best makers. Reinforced with fibre and wood. Wrapped shoulders. Five models. 2.50 CANOE PADDLES, 1.75 Varnished chestnut., 5 ft. 6 In to 6 ft. 4 in. long. Strong and free from knots. 6 in. blades. i o u n\ i o, crv/Vtf Of Wright’s fleeced jersey. Pull fashioned shirts with fine elastic Jer sey cuffs, neck and bottoms. Cream, blue mixture and tan mixture. 11.95 DRESS TRUNKS, 7.6J Fibre trunks in 6izes 32 liff. Well made, strong. One deep Givlded tray. Steel trimmed. 7.95 SUIT CASES, 5.95 Well made of brown cowhide leather, with strong leather corners. Strong lock and handles. For men or women. 2.00 INDIAN SUITS, 79c In sizes from 4 to 12 years. Trousers, jacket and head gear. While 96 last. 12.00 COASTER WAGONS, 0.95 Very strong, roller bearing, steel disc wheels, rubber tires. While 00 last only. 8.00 HEAD SETS, 4.95 For wireless. 2000 ohm. Imported. Very sensitive. Metal parts nickel plated, hard rubber caps, six feet of green cord. UNIVERSAL PLUG, 75c Regularly 1.25. “Parent" make, for wireless. Fits all standard jacks. Bpring contractor members grip phone cord tips very tightly. BOY SCOUT SUN WATCHES, 69c Regularly 1.00. Every Boy Scout should have one. Each consists of sun watch, compass and notebook. 10.50 BANJO UKELELE OUTFITS, 7.00 Built exactly like banjo mandolins with wooden rims and brackets. Un surpassed tone and appearance. Felt cover and chart of instructions. PLAYER ROLL CABINETS, 31.95 Beautifully finished in mahogany with grille door. Holds 100 rolls, can bo conveniently Dlnced most anywhere. While quantity lasts. Seventh Floor 2.59 ROASTERS, 2.00 Well-known ‘Savory" double roaster, ovnl shape, blue enamel finish. Small size. While lot lasts. GARMENT BAGS, 98c SET Regular 1.31). Set of 3 ‘Roy" Garment Bags. Of heavy, dust-proof pnper. Will protect clothes from moths and dust. Small, medium and large sizes in the set. 1.50 WATER SETS, 1.19 T ight cut glass. 1 tall tankard tub and d water tumblers. Popular grap# pattern on good, clear blanks. Strict ly perfect. 9.00 WATER SETS, 6.00 Cut glass, t tall tankard lug and • water tumblers. Effective flora! pat tern on good, clear, heavy bu**ka. Strictly perfect. 3.98 FRUIT BOWL, 2.98 Cut glass fruit nr salsd bowl, full 8-inch size. Effective floral and mttr# pattern on good clear blanks. Strictly perfect. 8.23 LUNCHEON SET, 6.50 35 pieces, light-weight American por celain. Pink spray design. Open stock. For family of six. UTILITY CHINA ARTICLES, 1.00 Regularly ! 50 Milk Jars, condiment sets, sugar and cream sets, syrup jugs, dresser trays, celery trays. Japanese china; various decorations. 6.50 CHOCOLATE SET, 4.00 Japanese china, several attractive de signs. 75 only. Consists of chocolate pot and 0 cups and saucers. CHINA PLATES, 25c Regularly 35c to 50c. While 25 dozen last Varied assortment with fancy borders, scenic designs and fruit. For lee cream, fruit, cake. etc. 2100 DINNER SET, 12.75 52 pieces. light-weight American porcelain. Two gold lines at edge, col or lines between. Blue or green. Bright gold handles. 6 person service. 50.78 DINNER SET, 39.50 T.Ight-welght American porcelain. Blue border, pink rose buds. Coin gold bandies. Full service fncluding 3 large dishes. 2 covered dishes and sugar and creamer. AT TTMIMTTHA mnif PHT 70c Regularly 1.00. Covered style, with two side handles. Outside highly pol ished. Sun-ray finish inside. Good grade sheet aluminum; 6-quart sire. TABLE OILCLOTH, 32c YARD Regularly 4."*o. Well-known “Merit as*’ brand. First quality; lVi yards wide. White or colored. KNIFE AND FORK SET. 6.75 Regularly S.2S. Good duality stain less steel, white celluloid bandies. Reg. ular shape table fork and knife with steak shape blade 6 knives and 6 forks to set. CARDEN HOSE WITH REEL, 6.29 Regularly 8.2S. 25 foot length, gar der rubber hose with coupling-' aid nozzle. Complete with strong Iron bc.*» 26.00 REFRIGERATORS. 21.00 Family sire, oak finish. Lift-top style Tee eapaelly 100 lbs. Well* kimirn 'North Pole" brand. While lot i si -■ “ ; g ’ L. BAMBERGER &- CO “Otte±efiAmericas GreaitStores"' NEWARK, N. J.