Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY BARGAINS (“THE HERTt STORE" PERTH AMBOY. N. J. J CREPE DOWNS, $1.25 j Made of Pink or White fine grade Plisse Crepe, stitched with blue thread, short sleev es, low neck. UMBRELLAS, $1.49 In either men’s or ladies, fast J black rainproof, steel rod, seven ribs, guaranteed for one year, assorted shaped handles BARONETTE SATIN, $2.25 Beautiful finish, genuine Du plan grade in several wanted shades, 40 inches wide; will make beautiful sport skirts. PILLOW SLIPS, 22c Good strong quality muslin, full bleached, size 4 5x36, free from starch; will give good | service. 1 FANCY TURKISH TOWELS, 39c Good size and heavy quality, double thread in Pink, Lav ender. Yellow and Blue on White grounds. TRUNKS, $7.25 Strongly made lined with tin with corners re-enforced with steel plates top and bottom; heavily reinforced; 4 sizes. WASH BOARDS, 80c I With heavy strong wooden frame, strong glass scrub board; regulation jize. CLOTHES BASKETS, 89c Good strong willow clothes baskets, hand made with two handles; a good size. Extra Special In BLOUSES Ladles' Blouses in a large range at pretty patterns In both the lace and strictly tailored; made of fine quality voiles, lawns, dimities, cotton pon gees nnd madras; all sizes from 36 to 52. We have among this lot waists and styles that will suit the most cri tical buyer. Value $1.98 $1.69 each LADIES’ HOUSE DRESSES, $1.98 In White, Grey or Checks, the "Dix Make." Made of Ging hams, White Jean and Lin ine; sizes 36 to 42, trimmed with white pearl buttons, val ue to $3.98. SPORT SKIRTS, $1.98 Made of White Ocean Satin and Gabardine, all sizes with wide belt and side pockets; values, up to $3.98. SUMMER COMFORTERS, $5.25 Made of all pure white cot ton filling with pink and blue fancy Seco silk covering with wide plain border to match; bed size. WOMEN’S BATISTE DRESSES, $1.09 An odd lot of Dresses, good quality Batiste in light pat terns; sizes 36 to 42; collar lace trimmed; value $2.49. —-— ; GIRLS’ PURE WOOL BATHING SUITS, $3.40 Made in the two in one styles All wool in a wonderful as sortment of pretty color com binations; sizes 28, 30, 32, 34. Value 36.98. LADIES’ ATHLETIC UNION SUITS, 95c In Flesh and White, good fine duality striped voile with wide step-in legs, shoulder straps; cool and comfortable. LEATHER HAND BAGS, 98c A good assortment to choose from In genuine leather, as sorted shapes in black and i brown with good sice mirror. ODD LOT PICTURES, 99c In a good variety of subjects, good large size, the frames are in gold, oak and mahog any; the picture and the glass is worth more than what we ask. Values to 32.49. Boys’ Oliver Twist Wash Suits, 98c In assorted colors, made of fast color Kid dy Cloth; all sizes up to 10 years; well made Children’s Rompers 69c Made of fast color Kiddy Cloth in sizes 2 to 6 years; white madras waist, peg top pants with two pockets in Green, Grey, Pink Blue and Yellow; value 98c. i *■» -- August Clearance Sale of Gas and Combination Ranges We offer the following at great sacrifice while they last: Keg. value Sale All white enamel cabinet gas range ..$139.00 $126.60, All white enamel cabinet gas range ..$ 95.00 $79.00 Semi white enamel cabinet gas range. .$ 79.00 $67.50 Semi white enamel cabinet gas range..$ 65.00 $56.50 ; Semi white enamel cabinet gas range.. $ 47.00 $39.50 I Grey and white cabinet range ..$ 89.00 $69.00 I 3 Burner gas range ,.$ 23.50 $18.75 i Combination All Grey Enameled I Finished | Coal and Gas | Ranges | Jed Cross, regular $215; ii at.$165.00 i; Shirley; reg. value $200.00; j| at.t.$150.00 !j Glenwood, reg. value $250.00; SI at. $208.50 I ^. Servis Black finish; reg. $135; ; at. $129.00 Kelly & McAlinden Co. 74 Smith Street 1 '■ . ' MARK-DOWN SHOE SALE Slater’s Big Shoe Store JSJSJ Shoes Almost Given Away r —— ' I doors Over $50,000 Worth brtll, j «°wlk of Seasonable Footwear p™eof Promnt For Men, Women and Children vWlC rruinpi None nold to deni friday | At Give A way Prices »• Tomorrow t^is remarkable SALE will pack this spacious store to the sidewalks, for never before was there such a money-saving shoe-buying opportunity in the history EVERY PAIR OF SHOES IN THIS HIGH-GRADE STOCK SIMPLY MUST GO! We are compelled to take a big loss to insure a complete clearance. Surely, YOU CAN NOT AFFORD TO PASS UP THIS WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO DOUBLE YOUR DOLLARS and supply your shoe needs not only for the present, but for many months to come. Our advice is BE EARLY! We Are Forced to bacritice Thousands of pairs of women’s, men’s, growing girls’, boys’, misses’ and children’s low and high shoes, oxfords and pumps. AH new and up-to-date footwear. Former prices $4, $5, $6 to $10. MARK DOWN SALE PRICES Over 100 Everything styles to se- must be sold, lectfrom. All Come early styles, all and buy lib sizes and all erally. There fitting jb is no longer newest any thought shapes, m vici I^^H k 1 d patent rjHj, »f 80 8 ‘ « coltskin, gun IWWl Pr('bI' ®**8 metal, white only thought kid and nu- ■ Ul ™°'e buck, white 18 canvas, satin, It8t£U,g\X" elk and all u8>.,.bu‘ “* the new p“bl,cli | leathers and flt?„ b/ ™r S-3.*- SSTCTE iLp?JL f®f Wends and _ ““ pnce of _ neighbors -S , ax 0ne- Bring thet** ififtiSK »(M&chiklren' I I I 1 < ] I ] Buy now Men*. $10 and save Rubbor ^_■ Boots _ —-- 2 and 3 SLATER'S mi smithst._g| WANTED MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS CAR REPAIRMEN SKILLED IN RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT STANDARD WAGES AU THORIZED BY UNITED STATES RAILROAD LABOR BOARD APPLY TO CENRAL RAIL ROAD COMPANY OP NEW JERSEY S. GARIS, AGENT PERTH AMBOY, N. J. OR C. E. CHAMBERS SUPT. MOTIVE POWER & EQUIPT., JERSEY CITY, N. J. 11 —— Poison 1 Lotion A valuable external treat ment for irritations of the skin and poisoning from *oison Oak, Ivy, Sumacn and all noxious weeds. 35c and 60c a bottle at the City Pharmacy, Inc. THE HOME DRUG STORE 985 SMITH STREET Comer Oak f MSS RETTA OEATS Electrical Scalp and Face Massage Derma Plasta and Boncllla Massage Offlc. hoar. lion.. Wod_ PrL. 10.10-1 p. r Tuoo.. Thnro. Sot.. 1(10-1 p m. Board of Trade Bldg.. Room 214 Phone 1444 Perth Amboy, N. J. -- - 1 WE ANNOUNCE Ring Gears and Pinions IN STOCK. Special and Obsolete Numbers 24 Hour Service Melbourn & Ritter Auto Supplies The Line Complete 77 SMITH STREET ■ THE BEAUTY OP YOUR CAR Can be easily marred by the slightest accident to the body. A dented door or a bruised body has the effect of reducing the entire car to a shabby level of apparent neglect. There is no need for you to allow such a condition to re main Inasmuch as we can restore or replace the damaged metal at a small cost. Amboy Auto Radiator Work* Philip Kramer, Prep. 164 New Brunswick Ave. Telephone 1(07 Perth Amboy Hardware Company L T. MADSEN, President and Treaaurer fl. 0. LEVINE, Mgr. R. D. HOWELL, Mgr. W. 0. REINHART, Mgr. Factory Supply Dept. Retail Dept. Plumbing Supply Dept Special Friday and Saturday “No-Rub” Silver Polish Just what the name implies. It cleans and polishes your silver without rubbing. No-Rub looks like a piece of tin, but it’sreally a composition solluble in water. All you have to do is put a spoonful of salt in a quart of water, put “No-Rub” in, then put your sil ver in on top of it, let it stand a minute—take silver out, wipe it dry and the job is finished. “No-Rub” comes in two size pieces, 50c. and $1.00. 2 days only. 39c and 79c The Good Housekeeping Seal on every piece. MARKET BASKETS—DIFFERENT QUALIT Y AND SIZES, 16c UP. 1 i “Renol” The new furniture polish. Made by the makers of Stafford’s Inks. “Renol” re stores the original finish. Clean and easy to use. Highly recommended for pianos, phon ographs and all highly polished surfaces. | 25c, 50c and 75c Scissors Our line of Compton Scissors apd Shears is complete. Comptons are best because they are made of one piece forged steel. Where some other makes just have a steel edge laid on soft metal. Each pair is finely ground and in spected and fully guaranteed. All sizes and shapes. ' $1.00 to $3.50 I USE A REGULAR REFRIGERATOR PAN THAT YOU HAVE TO EMPTY BUT ONOE A DAY. Bath Room Mirrors ex Blue Ribbon Set j ,, , . , - „ . . . Contains four pieces of genuine Pyrex. A Made of heavy plate glass, evenly finished Casserole, a Bread Pan. a Utility Dish and — no waves or scratches -• frame in half- a pie platC; aU packed in a neat box. We round white enameled moulding. In sizes will ship it anywhere in the United States. 8 x 10 10 x 14 12x18 Complete. $1.00 $1-60 $3.25 $4.30 WHY DOES A HOUSE PAINTED WITH LOWE BROS. PAINT IN THE PALL OP THE YEAR LOOK BETTER AND LAST LONGER? WE KNOW, ASK US ABOUT IT. ! P.A. 60 STEPS PROM SMITH STREET P.A. ? H"rd<rr‘ 313 Madison Avenue ^dw“ Honaehold Tel 2100, 2101, 2102—Private exchange to all Departments. Honaehold Hardware d<P. A. HARDWARE FOR SERVICE” Hardware NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids and proposals will be re elved Oh August 7th. 1922, at 8:00 P. M. >ayllght Saving Time, by the Council in he Council Chambers at the City Hall, *erth Amboy, N. J.. for the repaving of Itate Street between Smith and Market Street with bituminous material over the ] iresent asphalt pavement on a concrete ind atone base; Fayette Street from New , Brunswick Avenue to Madison Avenue i vith Bituminous Material over the present >rick pavement covering a concrete base, j •tate Street from lands of the Lehigh /alley Railroad Company running north o the end of brick pavement with bitu- | nlnous material over the present brick >avement covering a concrete base. Plans, specifications and proposal sheets nay be examined at the office of Morgan r. Larson, City Engineer. 175 Smith ; Street, Perth Amboy. N. J.. any week day rom 8:30 A. M.. to 5:00 P. M. Bids must >e made on the proposal form furnished i ly the Engineer, enclosed in sealed en elopes and addressed to the Council of ( he City of Perth Amboy, bearing the^ tame and address of the bidder on the lUtslde. Each bid must be accompanied by a ertlfled check or cash in the amount of , 1.000.00 payable to the order of the J Mty Treasurer of Perth Amboy, without my conditional endorsement. The success ul bidder will be required to furnish a urety oompany bond in the amount of he contract price, conditioned for the althful performance of the work and in lemnlfylng the city of Perth Amboy from ill proceedings, suits or actions of any tame or description. The Council reserves the right to reject my or all bids, if in their opinion it is o the best Interset of the City so to do. Dated July 25, 1922. A. F. MUNOZ. Street Commissioner. 5978-7-26—8-1-3 WANTED ,0n account of the action of some of our shop employes, who eft the service in defiance of the United States Labor Board, the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway is in need of Machinists Soilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pipefitters, Tinsmiths and Car Re >airers. The United States Labor Board Directs that all men taking he places of Strikers are to understand they will not be consid ered strikebreakers and will be protected in their positions and considered as doing a public good. Wages—Standard, as directed by the United States Labor ioard. Apply—Master Mechanic, Clifton, S. I. =—■g™—;^rc?r-l-.,j CABLE CHARGES ONLY BO CENTS On money remittances to Hungary and Czecbo-Slovakia. Orders guaranteed to be executed In th.'ee days. We Also Make Gash U. S. Dollar Payments. In Hungary, Czecho-Slovakla. Jugo-Slavls. Rou mania, Austria and P - sand. LOUIS OSIPO, BANKER _477 State St.. City._ ^ HUDSON v MOST BEAUTIFUL OF THE. HUDSONS The New Sedan is Here The De Luxe Car of the Year, $2295 It excels even those beautiful blends richness and luxury with a Hudsons which were counted simplicity that is the hall-mark of matchless values at above $4,000 Hudson enclosed car charm. -Limousines,Town Carsand Lan- It scats seyen An<J f . h daulets,famed for their d.stinct.on. the new Hudson motor> which hag No other Hudson so completely won such instantaneous admira sums the body-builder’s art. It tion everywhere. Speedster - - $1645 7-Paas. Phaeton - - 81695 Coach - - $1745 Sedan,- - 8*495 Freijkt end Tax Extra Sexton’s Garage ,T2”mSt