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JJhase Runs as Independent Democratic Contest in Second Ward — f SOUTH AMBOY, Sept. 2.—Wit £te completion of boln llckeia 1< fly offices by tho Uemocnis an hepublicans, everything is set ft ;n. primary election u, 10 I •1.1 Tuesday, .Sep'.ember “it Thci a peculiar eituallon th:« year i '!>«' selection of a mayor, thu fai tat tha Hepublicans nave selccte 'o candidate for mayor, but ipstea >rmer Senator I), ij. Chas' a Derm ,rai. is running Independent. II fill be Opposed oil the Democrat! ticket by Michael J. Stanton. || In tho selection of councilman Xe. It. V. Hue has bee;, name y the Democrats, while I.dwar fee is the Republican candidate. ! ie second ward the Democrats hav {contest on for councilman '.noma »vely and Philip A. Downs are op osing each other for this oihce. Th Republicans have named i'erdinan. pcieeco for tlie ofllce. The thin .aril Democrats have named doh .[hnner and Andrew Jaboskey is [republican candidate. [hny leave cry for j: LABOR DAY H0LIDA1 i Labor Day is being taken for al ti worth by Perth Amboy people ‘id tho usual exodus from here tc •:io various shore resons has already -igun. To those who stay at hornt ;ie Knights of Columbus lawn fett ; Vers many attractions. Tnis ns prac ffaHy the only big social even! [iheduled for tho week-end. A fine ffogram of holiday baseball gan cs is been arranged, and fans may *■('(! ,ieir favorites in action Monday, .or those who are interested in jiftter sports there is a big swim ing meet at New Brunswick this cternoon, in which swimmers of , ternational renown wi’i compete, tf Over tho week-end 'here will also \ a regatta at the Iveyport Yacht ub, and many In« il people aro In rested in the races, some planning I compete, while Others will attend r spectators and iudires. BIG PICNIC TOMORROW -The annual picnic of the Perth mboy Hebrew School will take •e« tomorrow' at Holly Park, South ’ainfield. A delightful and varied •ogram has been arranged, con Iting of Hebrew recitations, etches and songs. There will also > an athletic tournament, with »mes and races, and prizes given the winners. r-The children of the school will ®et at the Hebrew School, Fay and Mechanic streets, promptly 8 in the morning, where auto mobiles and trucks will be waiting I transport them to the park. The lildren will receive all their re eshments and transportation free, jeommodations have also been ade for the parents and friends ho wish to accompany tho ehil en to the picnic. CITY BRIEFS i - .lit1 Middlesex County Anfi-Tu irculosis League Invites all ex ticnts, nurses and people interest in public health work to attend e conference and get together feting to bo held at the Glen irdner Tuberculosis Sanatorium on i .turday. September I), under the rection of Dr. English. Dominic D’Eustaelo, of Water feet, lias received a letter of con alulatlon from the director of Co rrdiia university for the excellent ore he mado in psychological cx • pinatlon. Mr. D’Eustnehlo is 'a t iluate of the local high school. ,-The offices of the Tuberculosis inic in Smith street, will he closed I day, Monday. || - si South Amhoy Girl Wikis ( SOUTH AMBOY, Sept. 2—Thurs Sty morning at 10:30 o'clock Hev. i i J. Allsup united in marriage at jf e First Presbyterian church Miss orence Katherine Leonard, dough r of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Leon 'd, of Church street, to Milton E »x, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W |x, also of this elty. The couple IVe a wide circle of friends in thb fcinity, both being graduates of tin cal high school. Miss Edna Leonard, a sister ol S bride, served as bridesmaid, am1 ibert D. Stivers, a close friend ol t groom, acted as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Fox left shortly af awards on an automobile torn Tough interesting sections of tilt tuntry. Their friends and relatives tve been Informed that they wit * at their home in 240 Church feet after September p. Card Party for Sowareu pEWAREN, Sept. 2.—The regular 'lb card party of the Land and iter Club will be held tonight for a members and their guests. Mon y. September 4. is Vice Commo res' Day, and it is rumored that •ec Commodore Pemarest lias Jtny pleasing surprises in store for > members and their guests. ■ ■ i Telephone JYour Requirements j Our Classified Will Do the Rest £=—===: DISTRIBUTORS AND DEALERS WANTED Big Territory Good Discount —For— , The Kelsey Friction Drive MOTOR CARS 4 and 6 Cylinder Cars The Hit of the Season GEBAUER MOTOR CO., Eastern Distributor Kelsey Motor Cars 4360 Hudson Boulevard West Hoboken, N. J. fi *' ■ He’s George, King of England, in case you don't recognize him with his bare knees, sporty cap and nifty cane. This was the way ho dressed on his most recent visit to Scotland. Entries for Baby Parade to be Held Monday Are Being ' Received The opening of tin* annual lawn fete of the Knights of Columbus on the clubhouse grounds in High street was attended by a large crowd and the event Hint H to be extended over Labor Day has a promise of being one of the most successful ever undertaken by tHo organization. There* were* no ceremonies at the opening but instead every one Join ed in and enjoyed the first night’s events from start to finish. The various stands and tables that in eluded the doll stand, fruit, ice cream, refreshments, blankets, trav eling bags, umbrellas and other places were well patronized and from the result the financial part of the event is going to bo a huge Success. There was dancing during the evening to music furnished by Pro fessor O’Hrien’s orchestra. Another large crowd is expected to be seen on the grounds tonight. Miss Hose K. O’Leary, of Wash ington street, was awarded the lucky number prize for the first nlghL This prize was $3 in gold. There will be one each night given out and the holder of tire lucky* ticket must be on the grounds at 11 o’clock when it is given out. The baby parade which is attract ing considerable attention will be held Labor Day. Monday, afternoon in connection with the fete. A num ber of entries have been received by Mrs. Thomas Christopher, the chair man of the arrangements of that part of the affair, some of whom took part in the recent baby parade held at Anbury Park. The parade will start at 2:30 o’clock from in front of the club house in High street and twelve prizes will be awarded in the three divisions that will form the parade. The judges selected for the parade are Mrs. Muriel Haney, of the Perth Ambry livening News staff; former Mayor Prank Dorsey and Albert Leon. There Is expected to be some other attractions for the holiday ami because of the postponement Thurs day night it has been decided to con tinue next Saturday. Life Saver - .\ \ a — John' Landau of the Brooklyn ftavy yard experiments with a breathing apparatus recently per fected by the Bureau of Mines. An oxygen tank permits the wearer to stay under- water 15 minutes and to tetss through thick smoka. i [ IN THE SOCIAL WORLD — KITCHEN SHOWER FOR MISS LA VERNE DE HAMN A kitchen shower was given Mis La Verne De i lam in at her home ii Water street, yesterday afternoon The affair was entirely arranged «•: her three little nieces. Misses Lil lian and Virginia Faith, of Chester Pa. and Miss Joyce J>ayden, oi 'ni: city. The decorations were in p:>il and yellow, and an urx)brella sms pended from the ceiling held ih< many useful gifts. Guests wen present from Chester, Pa., Wood bridge. and this city. CLUB PLANS EVENTS The Metro Social Club held their regular meeting last night in tnt Western Improvement Association hall. In Brace avenue. Plans were made for a frankfurter roast to he held some time in the near future Arrangements were also made for the bazar to be held some time in October. After the business session, tables were arranged for cards. Miss Bertha Sandbeek and Peter Olson were awarded the prizes. Dr. and Mrs. Warner Peterson of Mast Orange, were the guests of the club PERSONAL Mrs. William Testa, of Middle town, spent yesterday with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. K. Ricci, of Wat er street. A daughter was horn to Mr. and Mis Bernard Goldberger. of Le»/ls street yesterday. Mrs. Goldberger was formerly Miss Dora Goldman. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell MacMichaei. ' of Harrison place, have returned home after a months stay in Phila delphia. Mr. MacMichaei will re sume his musical instruction imme diately. Miss Dorothy Goldberger, of Waf er street, has returned homo after an extended stay with relatives in Cold Springs. N. Y. A daughter wan born to Mr. and Mis. Jess Goldberger. of New York, recently. Mrs. Goldberger was for merly Miss Dorothy Greenebaum. Miss Emma Meshow. of Gordon street, is spending sometime with friends in Monticello, N. Y. Mrs. Anthony La Guttata and son. of Bound Brqok. is spending several days with her mother, Mrs. Eliza - octh Oliver, of Catalpa avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Herron, of Washington street, are spending the week-end and holiday in Connecti cut. Miss Bosella Goldberger. of Water street, was the guest of friends in I New’ York. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hoffsomer. Edwin Hoffsomer and Miss Berger, of FJackville, Pa., have returned after spending some time with Mr and Mrs. George Hoffsomer. of Mar ket street. Adrian Lyon has returned' to his home in Gordon street, after a week S5SB5S . in im i» mi ■———^ ■ in Pluckamln. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gunderson, I of Lewis street, are spending the week-end and holiday in Kegalsvii.e. Miss Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, of Kearny avenue, has returned alter spending the summer at Rosedale Manor Camp, Fleischmanns. N. Y. Louis and Harold Witteberg, of Brighton avenue, are spending ihe week-end and holiday at Atlantic City. Miss Kathryn McNamara, of East avenue, and Miss Dorothy Gleim, of Park avenue, are spending the week end and holiday at Hudson, N. Y. Ralph Conare and Louis Seaman, of High street, will arrive home on Vonday from Texas, where they have been spending the summer. Miss Helen Sarokin, of Park , nue, is spending the week-end and Ik liday at Camp Crailo, in Connecti cut. Misses Ada Wilentz of Lewis stieet. have returned home after spending the summer at Camp Wi Co Su Ta in Bebron. N. H. Charles Dieker of South Amboy. Alexander Halagan and Joseph Hanson, of this city, motored to Pennsylvania where they will re main for several days. --—— rESIIVAL rLANNEU FOR SIMPSON CHURCH' Everything is in readiness for the peach ice cream festival to be hei-1 in the lecture room of Simpson M. E. church Thursday, September 7, under the direction of the Ladles’ Auxiliary of the church. The room will be decorated in a yellow and white color scheme. A delightful musical program has been arranged by the committee in connection with the festival. The program follows: Part t Piano duet—Prof. Ricci and Mrs. Samuel Dover Vocal solos—Mrs. Thomas Christo pher Mandolin selection—Miss Grace Mc Murtrec accompanied by Miss Miriam Hart Reading—Mrs. W. D. Ferrisch Trio—Mrs. Angus Maclachlan, Miss Alma Parsons and Miss Marina Graae Part 2 Piano solo—Miss Miriam Hart Trio—Mrs. Angus Maclachlan. Miss es Alma Parsons and Marina Graae Piano solos—Gladys Peck and Frank Foye Mrs. William VanPelt is chairman of the musical program and is as sisted by Mrs. P. J. Ryan, Mrs. R H. Ebener, Mrs. F. W. Richards and Mrs. Tyrus Peck. Dentil Mst Grows CUMBERLAND. B. C.. Sept. 2.— The death list in an explosion in a mine of the Canadian-Colllery. , Dunsmuir. Ltd., here yesterday, rose to seventeen, with the finding of the j body of a Chinese in the debris. A coroner’s jury has begun an inquiry into the disaster. Eleven men who were injured by I tho blast are recovering. -—-- I — I I.I II ————————1t ■- ■ 1 Counihan and Shannon’s STRAND i COOLEST HOUSE IN TOWN __ 1 Always the Biggest and Best in Filmdom ] TODAY—CONTINUOUS j LAST TIMES TO SEE j NORMA TALMADGE ✓ —IN— “Loves Redemption” —ALSO— Pa the News, Topics and Others j GRAND HOLIDAY BILL Monday, Labor Day CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE 2 UNTIL 11 P. M. MONDAY MONDAY “Do You Remember— —that night when you thought you killed me? —and ran away like a felon?" —and you married in the hope you’d forget fear? Well, You Can’t Do It—Nor Forget Me Either.’’ And the rest runs with a thrill. LOUIS B. MAYER PRESENTS Anita Stewart In Her Most Sumptuous Production of All— “The Invisible Fear” —ALSO— 6th Round Of The “LEATHER PUSHERS” WITH REGINOLD DENNY Pathe News and Comedy __ j ~ 3 SHOWS DAILY MATINEE AT 2—15c, 10c EVENING—7-9, 27c, 13c | CONCERT ORGAN AND AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA 1 03 < 2 % s !B 1° 2 3 s H ►n Q 03 < s g ►1 Q GO w Q 03 «< S H Q H (-H Q 03 3 s H 8| 03 3 E H -t a a S H i 3 a 8 ■4 -4 Q H -I ■ 3 DITMAS DITMAS DITMAS DITMAS DITMAS MATINEE—2:00 NIGHTS 7 00 AND 9 0r CONTINUOUS SATURDAYS AND HOLIDAYS, 2 TO 11 If There Were Better Pictures They Would Be at the Ditm« ■ — TODAY LAST TIME TO SEE Zane Grey’s GREAT PHOTOPLAY “Golden Dreams” Also Comedy and News MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY BIG HOLIDAY PROGRAM ^ A gay romantic drama in \ which dashing Wally wins a revolution and loses , heart. Packed with thrills XV and fun and warm romance. Wally’s swiftest-moving pic ^ WALLACE REID SUPPORTED BY V* LILA LEE <7 Gkim mount G>idur» REID S NEWEST AND GREATEST PRODUCTION Also Comedy and News rvwxiq svwxia svwxia svwxia svwxia America Leads v Home Comforts i THE average American home has more comforts and conveniences than the palaces of Europe, Home for home, the American household has a well-kept look, an atmosphere of prosperity and contentment you cannot find in the homes of any other country in the world. , In foreign lands, the modernized dwelling, as we know it, is found only in limited numbers and then only in the larger cities. In America even in remote rural districts, you find pianos, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, up-to-date heating systems, telephones and numberless appliances that go far to make life easier, happier and more worth while. You may not realize it, but America’s high standard of home life is due largely to advertising. For the devel opment of advertising is distinctly American. It has taken its place as a leading force in bringing together the in terests and wants of a great, united people. And a large share of the credit for this development is due to the newspapers. Stop and think how many of the appliances you use, the foods and other articles ycu eat. you wear the clothes entering into your every-day life, were popularized by newspaper advertising. Then you will realize what a vital part advertising has played and is playing m your daily life. You owe it to yourself to read the advertisements. They mean a lot to you. I--*n-! Counihan & Shannon’s MAJESTIC GRAND OPENING SEASON 1992-1923 MONDAY—TUESDAY—WEDNESDAY Monday, Labor Day 2 Matinee Performances at 1.30 and 3 P. M. 2 Evening Performances at 6.30 and 9 P. M. THE STAB YOU LIKE ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN IN HER LATEST SCREEN SUCCESS “Under Oath” —AND— 5 BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS Annsell, Smith & Co. Sensational European Novelty Alexander A Hardy 1 Juvenile Entertainers 1 ADA LUM AND COMPANY —PESENTING— ‘THE MAN AND THE LAW” NOTICE—The Only Chinese Actress in the Country WINEFRED AND BROWN—Comedians RAINBOW REVIEW A NOVELTY IN SONG 6—PEOPLE—6 Matinees—10c and 20c Nights—10c, 20c, 30c, 40c Holidays—Night Prices Sat. Mat.—15c and 30c Sat. Nights—Orches' -r;0c COMING THURSDAY—FRIDAY—SATURDAY “Conquering Power” —FEATURING— RUDOLPH VALENTINO AND A GREAT CAST Shakespeare Had The Right Idea When he wrote: “Who steals my purse steals trash ... but he who filches from me my good name robs me of that which makes me poor indeed.” We value our reputation for Quality and Service more than we do the profit from any sale. We sell the best quality goods we can obtain. But should anything you buy from us fail to deliver satisfactory service, we want an opportunity to make good. Our reputation for satisfacV>ry dealings is worth too much to us to have even one customer dissatisfied. Jersey 1 ire Co. Exclusive Agents of Middlesex County for Hood Tires and Tubes MAIN STORE—146 NEW BRUNSWICK AVENUE TEL. 2218 PERTH AMBOY BRANCH STORE—114-116 CHURCH ST NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.—TEL. 2326 In-a Where To Dine 1HE H01EL MADISON Sunday Dinner $1.00 Offers an exceptionally fine meal for people of parti cular taste. We take unusual care in having vou well serve,I IN OUR DELICATESSEN SHOP AND LUNCH ROOM We offer Special FINE CREAM POTATO i i SALAD; the lb... . .. J5C Hotel Madison Restaurant and Delicatessen Shop PHONE 1990