Newspaper Page Text
MORRISTOWN MARKETS. - Corrected Weekly- April 13. 1899. Produce and Family Market. Potatoes, per bushel. $1 25 Pea beans, per bushel. $1/70 Eggs, per dozen. 18c Butter, per pound. 26 to 28c Lard, per pound... 10c Hams, per pound. 12c Sugar, 7 pounds. 42c Grain Market. Wheat, per bushel. 75c Rye, per bushel. 45c Gorn,per bushel. 40c Gats, per bushel. 30 to 32c Wheat flour, per bbl. $4 00 to 6 00 Rye flour, per bbl. $3 50 Gorn meal.... 90;to $1 00 Bran, per ton..$18 00 to 20 00 Wheat middlings, per ton....... $19 00 to 20 00 Hay, per ton. $12 00 to 14 00 Straw, per ton. $9 00 to 12 00 Poultry. • Phil. Chicken. 25c Phil. Broilers per lb. $1 60 to 2 00 pr Ghickens. 18 to 20c Fowls. 10 to 18c Turkey. 20c Western Capons. 25c Philadelphia ". 30c Spring Ducks. 20c REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Transfers of real estate for the week ending April 8 were as follows: Jonathan D. and Emllie F. Condlt of Madison *o Edward A. Tuttle of New York, lot on Hillside avenue, Madison; $1. Robert F. Oram and wife of Dover to James f P. Barber of Port Oram, lot In latter place; , $260. George A. Morris to James F. Shannon, both of New York, lot containing one-half acre, situate In Washington township on turnpike road leading from Schooley's Mountain to Hackettstown; $1. Julia B. Sherman of Morristown to Frederick O. Burnham, tract of woodland in Morris town; $1. Sarah S Birchard of Madison to Robert A. Price of Morristown, lot on Morris street, In latter place; $5,000. Guy Minton. Frederick H. Beach and Philan der B. Pierson, executors of James M. Bon sall to William P. Demosey, lot on DeHart street, Morristown; $5,000. Julia H. and Silas N. Smith of Morris town ship to Max Dowell of Hanover township, lot in latter township; $275. Kate Allen George and Nathaniel George of Summit to Evergreen Cemetery Association of Morristown, lot in Section P; $75. John B. and Sarah Peer of Hanover township to Mary L. Smith of Brooklyn, tract of 30 acres in Hanover township; $1. Lewis O. and Virginia Stiles to David F. Bark man and Melvin P. La Tourette, lot on Har rison street: $600. William E. and Olive Derry to Lorenzo D. Tillyer, all of Dover, two lots in Dover; $1. Elmer J. and Margaret Ellen Roberts of Flor ham Park to Leslie D. Ward of Newark, lot in Florham Park;l$l,500. Frank H. and Lydia O’Neal of Mt. Olive town ship to Edward W. Willett of Netcong bor ough, lot in latter place; $200. Sarah J. and Charles A. Pruden of Mendham township to Joseph D. and George L, Bock oven, twenty-three tracts In Morris and Pas saic townships, containing in all about 175 acres; $1,500. Hiram and Mary E. King of Roxbury town ship to Armlnda Wack of Mt. Olive town ship, two lots in Netcong borough; $1,400. 'The Mount Tabor Land Company to Joseph Parker, Jr., of Hudson, county, three lots in Hanover township; $1. Mary Pruden, et al, to William B. and Joseph D. Bockoven of Passaic township, nine tracts in Passaic township; $1. Rose McGarry to Annie M. McGarry, both of Randolph township, lots 15 and 16 on map of “Phillip’s Farm Lots” in said township; $1 500. Jardlne Land Association to Lena M. Thomp son of Morristown, lot on Abbett avenue; 400. John W. and Adah M. Van Duyne to Frank Van Duyne. all of Montvllle township, three tracts in said township containing in all 65 acres; $3,000. James Kellogg and Rachael Kellogg to Wil liam H. and Selena Artt, all of Morristown, lot on Colnmbla street, that place; $1,750. Lewis Van Duyne of Boonton to Mary Ann Moore of Rockaway township, lot in said township; $140. Nancy E. Valentine, et al, to Garret C. Smith, all of Peqnannoc township, tract In said township; $5. Andrew Roderer, Jr., to Edgar G. Rockwell, both of Dover, lot in that place: $2,200. John E. Fennell to Frederick wood, both of Morristown, lot.on.Washlngton street, that place; $1. Samuel Vanoven of Chester township to Wil liam Rockafeller of Essex county, 118 acres of land in Chester township: $200. Daniel E. While, et al. of Florham Park to Walter H. Bruen and John H. Morris of Madison.three lots in the latter place; $1,000. Adelia A. McDevitt to Anna S. Moyer, both of Dover, four lots on Hinchman tract, Dover; $450. Ellen T. and John T. Hanlon of Newark to Molcay M. Burroughs of Madison, lot on Prospect street, Madison; $1,700. Livingston and Mary Petry to Malachie Sharkey, all of Hanover township, lot in said township; $105. Joseph F. McLean, et al. of Brooklyn, to the Chapman-McLean Rubber Co. of New Jer sey, rubber manufactory at Butler; $15,000. NOTICE. Estate of J. William Burns, deceased. PURSUANT to the order of the Surrogate of the County of Morris, made on the Twenty-third day of March, A. D , one thou *and eight hundred and ninety-nine, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of J. William Burns, late of the County of Morris, deceased, to present the same, under oath or affirmation, to the sub scriber, on or before the Twenty-third of De cember next, being Nine Months from the date of said order: and any Creditor neglect ing to bring in and exhibit bis or her claim, un der oath or affirmation, within the time so limited, will be forever barred of his or her action therefor against the Executrix. Dated the Twenty-third day of March, A. D 1899 ANNIE LILIAN BURNS, 1710 Executrix. DANIEL LOSEY, Successor to Charles McCollum. NEW LIVERY STABLES, REAR U. S. HOTEL, MORRISTOWN, N.J First-Class Rigs, Good Horses, Reliable Drivers. Outfits Furnished for Stated Periods. Spec ial Facilities for Receptions, Weddings or Funerals. Best Accommodations for Boarding Horses by the Day. Week or Mouth. DANIEL LOSEY, Telepone call 19b. Proprietor Stupid Maul Mr. Bigguns—So you want $10 with which to go shopping ? What do yon intend to buy? Mrs. Bigguns—I do not know, dear. If I did, there would be no use of my going shopping I could have you stop in somewhere and get it.—Chicago News. Refuting a Humor. “They tell me that you are a Philis tine, Mr. Snaggs," said Mrs. Bellefleld. “Nothing of the sort, I assure you,’ replied Mr. Snaggs; “lam an Ameri can, born and bred. ”—Pittsburg Chron icle-Telegraph. SHERIFF’S SALE. In Chancery of New Jersey. Between Dorastua L. Bryant, complainant, and the Westmoreland Hotel Company, Theodore F. King, William E. King ana Caroline 8. Bryant, defendants. Fi. fa. for sale of mortgaged premises. Returnable to May term, A. D , 1899 J. H. Neighbour, Solicitor. BY virtue of the above stated writ of Fieri Facias in my hands, I shall expose for sale at Public Vendue on the premises at Landing, Morris County, N. J., on Wednesday, the 19th day of April next, A. D., 1699, between the hours of 12 M. and 5 o'clock p. m., that is to say at 2 o'clock j in the afternoon of said day, all those tracts or parcels of land and premises, situate, lying j and being in the Township of Roxbury. in the ; County of Morris and Mtate of New Jersey, bounced and described as follows : The First Tract: Beginning at the third cor- | ner of a tract of land conveyed by Axel W. j ' Nibelius to the Lauding Hotel Company by deed dated September 26. 1889, and recorded in ! Morris County Clerk’s office in BookU-12of Deeds,pages89 <fcc.; thence north twelve degrees fifteen minutes west, being a continuation of the second line of said tract of land seventy five feet to a corner marked by a stake and heap of stones; thence (2) north eighty-six de grees thirty minutes west one hundred and twenty-three feet eight inches to a corner marked by a stake and heap of stones; thence (3) south six degrees forty-five minutes east one hundred and fourteeu feet two inches to a corner marked by a large stone with a drill hole; thence (.4) north sixty-five degrees east sixty-one feet four inches to a corner marked by a large stone with drill hole; thence (6) south thirty eight degrees east one hundred ana fifty-two feet seven Inches to a corner on the second line of said tract marked by a stone artificially Bet in the ground; it hence (6) along said second line north twelve degrees fifteen minutes west one hundred and twenty-nine feet four inches to the place of beginning; con taining thirty-six one hundredths, more or less. The Second Tract: Beginning at a stake and stones one hundred and eighty-eight feet on a course south thirty-seven degrees fifteen minutes west from the southwest corner of the south abutment of the road-bridge of the, canal and Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern Railroad at Landing. New Jersey; thence i Cl) south fifty-three degrees west two hundred ] and twenty-five feet to a stake; thence (2) north twelve degrees west three hundred feet to a stake and stones; thence (3) north fifty three degrees east two hundred and twenty five feet to a stake and stones in the south right of way line of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad; thence (4) foliowing the same about three hundred feet to the place of beginning, which, after deducting twenty seven hundred and fifty square feet for wagon road, there remains one acre and forty-eight hundredths acres; being the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed from Axel W. Nibelius dated September 26. 1889, and recorded in Morris County Clerk’s office in Book U-12 on page 89, <fec. The said party of the first part further grants, assigns and conveys to the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, the right and privilege of laying a one-inch pipe from the above described premises to a small lake about fifty fret south of the same for the pur Sose’of conveying water to the hotel or other welling and barn or stable wnich may be erected thereon for use therein, the pip© to be laid under ground and said privilege to be re I stricted to one dwelling house and one barn or stable. The Third Tract, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the third corner of a tract of land as conveyed by Nancy Riggs to Landing Hotel Company by deed dated De cember 17,1889, and recorded in Morris County Record of Deeds in Book X-12, pages 18. &c.; thence (1) north two degrees and sixteen minutes east one hundred and seventy feet to centre of proposed new road as now laid out leading from Landing to Port Morris on south west side of Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Railroad; thence (31 south seventy live degrees and twenty-two minutes east, fol lowing the centre of said proposed road t» o hundred and twenty-four and eight-tenths feet to a point In the centre of said road; thence (3) still following the centre of the same south forty-one degrees and forty-nine minutes east one hundred and three and seven-tenths feet to intersection with the third line of a tract r j conveyed by A. W. Nibelius to the Landing Hotel Company by deed dated September 26, 1889, and recorded in Morris County Record of Deeds, Book U-12, pages 89, &o.; tbence (41 south flfty-twofdegrees and thirty minutes west along third line of last mentioned lot one hundred and ninety-six and three-tenths feet to third corner of same, and also the first cor ner, as in deed from Nancy Riggs to Landing Hotel Company, the first above mentioned; thence (5) north twelve degrees fifteen minutes west seventy-five feet along the first line of last mentioned tract to second corner of same; thence (6) north elghty-slx degrees and thirty minutes west one hundred and twenty-three and six-tenths feet, following the second line of the same to the place of beginning, contain ing ninety-six hundredths of an acre, more or less; but, after deducting sixteen hundredths of an acre, part of the area of said proposed new road as along lines numbers two and three, there remains eighty-hundredths of an acre, more or less. Being the same premises conveyed to the Westmoreland Hotel Company by the Land ing Hotel Company by deed March 29, 1897, and not yet recorded. Dated March 13, 1899. EDGAR L. DURLING. Sheriff. Chronicle and Era. P. F. $23.40 1688 SHERIFF’S SALE. In Chancery or New Jersey. Wherein James Lawless was comDlalnant and Daniel W. Woodruff, Laura C. WoodrufT and Henry P. Witte were defendants. FI. fa. for sale of mortgaged premises. Re turnable to May term, A. D., 1899. C. Ado. Muir, Solicitor. BY VIRTUE of the above stated writ of Fieri Facias In my hands, I shall expose for sale at Public Vendue at the Court Houbo In Morristown. N. J.. on Monday, the 8th day of May next, A. I)., 1899, between the hours of 12 m. and 5 o'clock p. m.. that Is to say at 2 o’clock In the afternoon of said day, all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land and premises situate, lying and being In the Town of Morristown, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey: Being a part of Lot No. 31 laid down on a map filed in the Morris County Clerk’s office entitled “Map of Building Lots Belonging to Martin O'Brien and James Lawless. Surveyed November. 1889,’’ S. F. Pierson, surveyor; and the part hereby intended to be conveyed is described as follows: Beginning at a point in the side line of a new street laid down on said map (now called Abbett avenue), being also a corner of Lot No. 30 on said map. and runs thence (1) along the side line of Lot No. 30 south forty-six degrees and fifty minutes west one hundred and fifty feet, more or less, to a corner in the side line of Lot No. 46 on said map; thence (3) along said side line south forty-thrtfe degrees and ten minutes east, about thirty five feet to another corner in said side line; thence (3) parallel with the first line hereof north forty-six degrees and fifty minutes east one hundred and fifty feet, more or less, to the side line of said new street; thence (4) along the same north forty-three degrees and ten minutes west, about thirty five feet to the place of beginning; also all the right, title and interest of the party of the first part in and to the one-half of said new street lying immediately in front of the above described lot. Subject to the condition contained in a deed from said Lawless to said Woodruff concern ing the erection of a building within twenty feet of the side line of said street. Being the same premises conveyed to the said Daniel W. Woodruff by the said James Lawless by deed dated April 18,1895. EDGAR L. DURLING, Sheriff. Dated March 81,1899. Chronicle and Express. P. F. $10,80 im NOTICE. Estate of Byron Sherman, deceased. PURSUANT to the order of the Surrogate of the County of Morris, made on the Fif teenth day of March, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, notice Is here by given to all persons having claims against the estate of Byron Sherman, late of the County of Morris, deceased, to present the same, under oath or affirmation, to the sub scribers, on or before Ihe Fifteenth day of De cember next, being Nine Months from the date of said order, and any Creditor neglect ing to bring in and exhibit his or her claim, under oath or affirmation, within the time so llmiten, will be forever barred of bis or her action therefor against the Executors. Dated the 16th dav of March, A. D., 1898. GORDON EDWARD SHERMAN. OHARLE8 GORDON KNOX. JULIA FRANCES SHERMAN. 1696 Executors. SHERIFF’S SALE. In Chancery or New Jersey. Wherein Jacob H. Bartles. Louisa Bartles Brown, Helena Bartles and Gertrude Bartles Galer, were comolainants, and Ellsworth Childs, Ida I. Childs, Frederick Childs, Charles DeHart Brower, trustee, and the New York Building and Improvement Com pany, were defendants. Fi. fa. for sale of mortgaged premises. Returnable to May term, A. D., 1899. J. M. Dickinson, Solicitor. BY VIRTUE of the above stated writ of Fieri Facias in my hands, I shall expose for sale at Public Vendue at the Court House in Morristown, N. J., on Monday, the 1st day of May next, A. D., 1899, between the hours of 12 M. and 5 o’clock P. M., that is to say at 2 o’clock in the afternoon of said day, all tracts or par cels of lands and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Chester, in the Coun ty of Morris and State of New Jersey, bound ed and described as follows: Beginning at a white oak tree standing in the public road leading from Peapack to Ches ter, corner to lands late of Frederick Childs, now Mr. Sharp's and Peter Tiger’s, formerly Wyckoff’s; thence (1) along lands of said Peter Tiger south fifty-two and and a half de grees west twenty chains and sixteen links to stones for a corner: thence (2) north twelve degrees west fourteen cbalnsiand sixty links; thence (3) south fifty-three degrees west fifteen chains and sixteen links to a brick st ump and stones corner to lands late of Conrad Rarlck; thence (4) along lands of said Rarlck north twenty-three degrees west thirty chains and four links to stones corner, to lands late of said Rarlck and Fordham Leek, late of Daniel Leek; thence (5) along lands of said Leek and Peter Brown north fifty-four and a half de grees east thirty-seven chains and sixty-two links to a point in the public road leading from Peapack to Chester: thence (6) in said road sooth eighteen and three quarter degrees east five chains and three links; thence (7) still in said road south eight and three quarter de grees east seven chains and thirty links; thence (8) along Van Duser’s land, now Mellck's, north fifty-three and a half degrees east thirty-three chains and seventy-four links; thence (9) north thirty-three and a half de grees west five chains and ninety-four links; thence (10) along Chandler’s land nori h fifty two and a half degrees east twelve chains and eighty-flve links; thence (11) south fifty-six and a half degrees east nineteen chains and twenty-eight links; thence (12) along lands of Durling south twenty-one degrees west four teen chains and sixty-eight links to a rock; thence (13) south twenty degrees east three chains to stones; thence (14) south thirteen de grees west one chain and seventy-one links to a maple tree; thence (15) south twenty-three and a half degrees west nine chains and nine links to a heap of stones; thence (18) south four degrees east one chain and ninety-links to a chestnut tree; thence (17) south thirteen and a half degrees west two chains and ninety links to an ash tree; thence (18) south thirty six degrees west one chain and forty-eight links to a beach tree; thence (19) south sixteen degrees west two chains and eighty-seven links; thence (20) south forty-six degrees east ninety links; thence (21) south thirty-four de grees west three chains and seventy-two links: thence 022) north fifty-one degrees west seven chains and twenty-seven links; thence (23) along lands of Frederick Childs south forty four and a half degrees west twenty-two chains and eighty-one links to a rock: thence (24) still along said Child’s land, now Sharp’s, south fifty-three and a half degrees west fif teen chains and eighty-eight links to the place of beginning, supposed to contain three hun dred and twenty-three acres of land. Being the same premises conveyed to said William Childs by B. Van 8yckel, master in chancery, bv deed dated June 29, A. D., 1888. EDGAR L. DURLING, Sheriff. Dated March 25,1899. Chronicle and Era. P. F. #18.20 1717 SHERIFF’S SALE. Morris County Circuit Court. The Dalrymple-Hastlnas Company vs. Albert F. Fibiger. Fi. fa. <le bo et ter on contract. Returnable August 9,1898. Richard B. Moriarty, Attorney. BY VIRTUE of the above stated writ of Fieri Facias to me directed and delivered, I have levied upon and shall sell by Public Vendue at the Court House In Morristown, N. J., on Monday, the 1st day of May next, A.D., 1899, between the hours of 12 M. and 5 o’clock P. M., that is to say at 2 o’clock in the afternoon of said day, all the right, title and interest of the above named defendant, Albert F. Fibiger, in and to all that tract or parcel of land and premises situate in the Town of Morristown, in the County of Morris and 8tate of New Jersey. Being Lot Number (5ft) fifty-five upon a cer tain map entitled “Map of Building Lots, the Property of James R. Voorhees, Western Ave nue, Morristown. N. J., Mav 10, 1887, George W. Howell, C. E.,’’ and now on file in the Morris County Clerk’s office, said lot being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southeasterly side line of Chestnut street four hundred and forty-three feet and two-tenths of a foot in the northeasterly direction from the outside line of the whole tract, said point being also the corner of Lot No. 56; thence (1) along the same south forty-eight degrees and eighteen minutes east three hundred and twenty-nine feet and sixty-four one-hundredths of a foot to the outside line of the whole tract; thence (2) along the same north forty degrees and eight minutes east fifty feet and nine one hundredths of a foot to a corner of Lot No. 54; thence (3) along the same north forty eight degrees and eighteen minutes west three hundred and twenty-eight and forty-hun dred the feet to the side line of Chestnut street aforesaid; thence (4) along the same south forty-one degrees and thirty-two minutes west fifty feet to the point or place of beginning. Being the same tract of land described In a deed of conveyance from John L. Bickford and wife to the said Albert F. Fibiger bearing date the twenty-ninth day of April, 1892, and recorded In the Morris County Clerk’s office in Book T-14 of Deeds, on pages 235, &c. Dated March 21, 1899. EDGAR L. DURLING, Sheriff. Chronicle and Jersey man. P. F. $10.80 SHERIFF’S SALE. In Chancery op New Jersey. Between Margaret P. Hamilton, complainant, and Sarah Louisa Baldwin and Milton Baldwin, defendants. FI. fa. for sale of mortgaged premises. Returnable to May term, A. D.. 1899. & Meyers, Solicitors. BY virtue of the above stated writ of Fieri Facias in my bands, I shall expose for sale at Public Vendue at the Court House in Mor ristown, N, J., on Monday, the 24th day of April next, 1899, between the hours of 12 M. and 5 o’clock P. M.. that Is to say at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, all the undivided one half Interest owned by the defendants in all the following described tract or parcel of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Mor ris and State of New Jersey, bounded and de scribed as follows- Being the same lot of land that was devised to the said Thomas Tone, since deceased, by the will of his grand father, Thomas Peterson, dated March 12, 1849, and proven November 3,1855, and record ed in the Surrogate's offloe of Morris County in Book G of Wills, page 490, et seq in manner following: Item Second—"I give, devise and bequeath to my grandson, Thomas Tone, that tract or piece of land on the north side of the turnpike road called the Mead and Orchard lot, at a corner of the late Silas Riggs' land; thence northerly in his line to the Morris Canal: thence to the line of Margaret Mills’ land; thence in a line of said Margaret Mills' land to a corner at a fence in a southerly range of the orchard on these premises; thence in a straight line so as to include the orchard, and thence out to the turnpike road, at a pair of bars a small distance east of my man sion house, said to be thirty-five acres, more or less.’’ The foregoing premises containing, however, only twenty-nine acres by actual survey with the courses and distances running (1) north forty-eight degrees ea-t. eleven chains and twenty links; thence (2) south seventy-eight degrees and thiriy minutes east thirteen chains; thence (3) south twenty-seven de grees east ten chains; thence (4) south twenty three degrees west eighteen chains and seven ty-five links; thence (6) north thirty-seven and one-half degrees east thirteen chains and sev enty links to the place of beginning, contain ing twenty-nine acreB, as above stated; being the same premises whereof the said Thomas Tone died seized, leaving the said Martha Tone, his widow, and the said Margaret P. Tone and Sarah Louisa Tone, his two cnlldren, surviving him. Dated March 20, 1899. EDGAR L. DURLING. Sheriff. Ohronlole and Era. P. F. $ $10.60 1704 SHERIFFS SALE. In Chancery of New Jersey. Wherein Gustavus F. 8wift and Edwin C. Swift, partners, trading as Dover Beef Com pany, were complainants, and Frank O. Hedden and Hattie Hedden. his wife, and Alfred L. Hedden and Sarah A. Hedden, his wife, were defendants. Fi. fa. for sale of mortgaged premises. Returnable to May term, A. D.. 1809. Ford D. Smith, Solicitor. BY VIRTUE of the above stated writ of Fieri Facias in my hands. I shall expose for sale at Public Vendue at the Court House in Morristown, N. J., on Monday, the 24th day of April next. A D., 1899, between the hours 12 M. and 5 o’clock P. M., that is to say at 2 o’clock in afternoon of said day. all that tract or parcel of land and premises hereinafter part leu larly described, situate, lying and being in the Township of Randolph, in the County of Mor ris and state of New Jersey, bounded and de scribed as follows, viz: Being the same premises conveyed to said Frank O. Hedden and Alfred L Hedden by deed from Ephraim S. Day and wife dated Jan. 9,1893, and recorded in Morris County records of deeds in Book W-13, on page 448, &c.. and in said deed described as follows: Being the second tract described in a deed from Thomas Hedden to Lewis Briant, deceased, March 13. 1846, and recorded in the Morris County records in Book 1-4, pages 58, &c.. and begins at a heap of stones on the northeasterly side of the road in the line of lands that formerly be longed to Richard Shotwell. being the second corner of land late of Randall Dell, deceased (reference as aforesaid); thence running (1) north fifty-six degrees east ten chains; thence (2) south fifty-one degrees east eleven chains and forty eight links; thence (3) south thirty three degrees west six chains and fifty links; thence (4) sixty-three degrees west fifteen chains and forty-three links to the place of. be ginning and containing ten acres and forty nine one-hundredths of an acre. Dated March 17. 1899 EDGAR L. DURLING, Sheriff. Chronicle and Era. P, F. $9.00 1700 i- - ' SHERIFF’S SALE. New Jersey Supreme Court, Morris County. Frank B. Allen vs. Board of Trustees of Hecond Presbyterian Church of Mendham, New Jersey. Fi fa. de bo et ter on contract. Returnable Mav 7. A D . 1899. Ernest V. A. Belfatto, Attorney, BY virtue of the above stated writ of Fieri Facias in my hands, I shall exnose for sale at Public Vendue at the Court House in Morristown, N. J.. on Monday, the 17th day of April next. A. D., 1899, between the hours of 12 M. and 5 o’clock P.M.. that is to say at 2 o’clock In the afternoon of said day,all that certain house, lot, tract or parcel of land and premises here inafter particularly described, Rituate, lying and being in the Township of Mendham, in the County of Morris and State of New Jer sey, hotted and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at or near an English cherry tree In a line of William W. Forsythe’s land; thence running on a course (1) south thirty one degrees east one chain and 'thirty-two links to another corner of said Forsythe’s land; thence (2) south seventy-two degrees west seven chains and forty-six links to the middle of the public road leading from the Presbyterian Church to the Black Horse Tavern in the village of Mendham; thence along the same (3) north twenty-one degrees and thirty minutes west one chain and fifty five links; thence along a line of land belong ing to Benjamin Coe (4) north seventy-three degrees and forty-five minutes east to the place of beginning, containing one acre and six hundredths of an acre, be the same more or less. The above described lot of land and prem ises are the same that were sold and conveyed to the said Zlba 8 Cramer by Daniel McNiker and Amanda, his wife, by deed dated the fourteenth day of November. A. D., 1846. and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Morris Countv April! 2, 1849, In Liber P. 4, pages 301 and 302. Dated March 13.1899. EDGAR L. DURL1NG. Sheriff. Chronicle and Jerseyman. P. F. 19.00 1690. In Chancery of New Jersey. Between Guy Minton, complainant, and Tnomas B. Catron, et als., defendants. On bill, &c. Willard W. Cutler, Solicitor. BY VIRTUE of a decree of the Court of Chancery of New Jersey in the case above stated, bearing date the twentieth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight huudred and ninety-nine. I shall sell at public vendue, at the Court House In Morris town, on Monday, the first day of May, A. D., eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, at two o’clock in the afternoon, all that tract or par cel of land and premises sitnate, lying and being in Township of Morris, In the County of Morris and State of New Jersey: Beginning at the fifth corner of the lot above mentioned and running thence (1) along the fifth line thereof north twelve degrees east nineteen chains and forty-links to a point in the road leading from the Mount Freedom road to Washington Valley; thence following said road the six next following courses, to wit: (2) South twenty-four degrees and forty-seven minutes west four chains and e'ght links; thence (3) south thirty-two degrees and thir teen minutes west two chains and seventy seven links; thence (4) south forty two degrees and five minutes west six cnains and eight links; thence (6) south thirty-four degrees and three minutes west nine chains and eight links; thence (6) south thirty-nine degrees and thirty-seven minutes west four chains and sixty-six links; thence (7) south forty-three degrees and twenty-seven minutes west nine chains and eighty 11" ks to a point in said road: thence (8) north eighty-seven degrees and fifty eight minutes east fifteen chains and fifty links; thence (9) north nine degrees and thirty-six minutes east nine chains and thirty-five links; thence CIO) south eighty-eight degrees and thirty minutes east eighty links to the begin ning. containing seventeen and twenty-three one hundredths acres; including the estate and interest of Mary D. King, Julia B. Catron and Eliza 8. Bartlett in said premises, to gether with all and singular the heredita ments and appurtenances to the said premises belonging or in anywise appertaining. Dated March 27»h, 1899. JOHN B. VREELAND. Special Master in Chancery of New Jersey, 1719 SHERIFF’S SALE. In Chancery of New Jersey. Between Elizabeth H. Thebaud, complainant, and Timothy L. Parcells, individually, and as administrator of Ella F. Parcells, de ceased. and the heirs, devisees and personal representatives of said Ella F. Parcells, de ceased, defendants. FI. fa for sale of mort Saged premises Returnable to May term, .. D., 1899. Guy Minton, Solicitor. BY VIRTUE of the above stated writ of Fieri Facias in my hands, I shall expose for sale at Public Vendue at the Court House in Morristown, N. J., on Monday, the 8th day of May next, A. D., 1899, between the hours of 13 M. and 5 o'clock P. M., that Is to Bay at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, all that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Morris, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey. Being the same conveyed to Ella F, Parcells by Ellis L. Foster and R. Samantha, his wife, and John V. Wise and Ella H., his wife, by deed dated September 25. 1894, and recorded In the Morris County Clerk's cilice In Book M-14, pages 157, &c., and therein described as fol lows: Beginning at a point in the southerly side line of Fairview avenue, distant one hundred and forty-nine and nine one-hundredths feet from the intersection of Fairview avenue and Searing avenue; thence (1) along the side line of Fairview avenue westerly forty-eight feet; thence (21 at right angles to Fairview avenue southerly one hundred and twenty-eight and twenty-nine one-hundredths feet to line of lands of the Morris Aqueduct Company; thence (8) along said Aqueduct lands easterly forty-eight feet; thence (4) at right angles to said line northerly one hundred and twenty eight and twenty-nine one-hundredths feet to the place of beginning. Being Lot Number Ten on tract of land con veyed to said Foster and Wise by the proprie tors of Morris Aqueduct Company by deed dated January 19. 1889, and recorded in Mor ris County Records of Deeds, Book P-12, pages 297. &o.. and subdivided in building lots by George W. Howell, C. E. EDGAR L. DURUNG, Sheriff. Dated March 81, 1899. Chronicle and Jerseyman, P. F. $10,80 1735 SHERIFF'S SALE. In Chancery or New Jersey. Between the Morris County Savings Bank, complainant, and Edward J. Looney and Agnes A. Looney, his wife; William J. Looney arm Caroline E. Looney, his wife; Simon Lambert, Myer 8. Rosenthal and Charles H Rosenthal, trading, &c., as H. Rosenthal & Sons; the Low Art Tile Com pany; Richard J. Letcher and John S. Nor ton. partners. &c., as Letcher & Norton; Christian Feiganspan; George H. Allen, Frank S. Stevens, Edson Bradley and Augustas 8. Pyatt, trading, &c., as Paris, Allen & Company; Parke, Davis & Com pany; William M. Stoat, Fredeiick G. Spen cer and William V. Stout, partners. &c , as stout. Spencer & Company; theD. M Koeh ler & Sons Company; J. J KarbryO’Ken nedy. trustee. &c.. for Rosario M. Downing, and Rosario M. Downing and the Owl Cigar Company, defendants. Fi. fa for sale of morrgaged premises. Returnable to May term, A. D.. 1899. John B. Vrkeland. Solicitor. BY virtue of the above stated writ of Fieri Facias in my hands, I shall expose for sale at Public Vendne at the Court House in Morristown, N. J., on Monday, the 17th day of April next, A. D,. 1899, between the boars of 12 M. and 5 o’clock P. M., that is to say at 2 o’clock in the afternoon of said day, all those two tracts or parcel* of land and premises herein after particularly described, situate, lying and being in the Town of Morristown, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, bounded and described as fallows The First Lot: Beginning on the south side of Morris street at the most northwesterly cor ner of a triangular lot of land conveyed by William C. Baker and wife to Joseph W. Biatchley by deed dated June 4. 11*80; thence 0> declination of needle seven degrees and nine teen minutes west along said Blatchley's line south twenty six degrees and thirty minutes west one hundred and fifty feet; thence (2> north sixty-two degrees forty-five minutes west thirty-five feet six inches; thence (3) north twentv-seven degrees east one hundred and fifty feet to the southerly side of Morris street; thence (4) along the same south sixty two degrees a<id forty five minutes east thirty five feet three inches to the place of bei inning. Being the same premises conveyed to Ed ward J. Looney and William J Looney by Catherine H. Miller by deed dated June 1, 1891, and recorded in the Morris County Clerk’s office in Book K-13 of Deeds, on pages 69, &c. The Second Lot. Beginning at the westerly corner of a lot conveyed to the said Edward J. Loonev and William J Loonev by Catherine H. Miller and runs thence (1) along the rear line of said lot south sixty-two degrees twen ty-one minutes east thirty five feet and five tenths of & foot to the southerly corner of the same in the Biatchley line; thence (2) along the said Biatchley line south twenty-eight de grees. thirty-two minutes west thirty-four feet and tVirty-three hundredths of a foot to a corner of the Marsh and Pitney tract; thence (3) along the line of said tract north fifty-six degrees twenty-seven minutes west thirty-six feet and two-tenths of a foot to the extension of the easterly line of Mrs. Agnes Kelly’s lot; thence (4) along the same north twenty-eight degrees east thirty-one feet and eight tenths of a foot to the place of beginning. The first line of the foregoing description is parallel to and one hundred and fifty feet distant from the southerly side line of Morris street. Being the same premises conveyed to Ed ward J. Looney and William J. Looney by Catharine H. Miller by deed dated September 17, 1891, and recorded in the Morris County Clerk’s office in Book M-13 of Deeds, pages 393, &c. Dated March 13.1899. EDGAR L. DURLING, Sheriff. Chronicle and Jerseyman. P. F. (10.20 1687 • Del., Lack. & lest R. R. MORRIS AND ESSEX DIVISION. TO AND FROM NEW YORK. Trains for New York leave Morristown at 6.14, 6.26,6.60 t7.12, tt7.56, t7.67, *8.26, +9 12, 10.10, 11.06, 11.47, a.m., 1.16, *2.63, +3.16, 4.23, 6.22 6.24, 7.01, 8.00, 9.10, 9.60, 10.30 p. m. Leave New York for Morristown 4.16, 6.00, 7.10, 8.60, 10.10, 11.10, 12.00 a. m., *1.20, 2.00 2.30, 3.20, 4.00, 4.30, 6.00. 6.20, 6.40, 6.00, 6.30, 7.30,8.30,9.16,10.45,12 00 m. SUNDAY TRAINS. a. m. a. m. For Washington, 4 30 due Morristown, 6.03 “ “ 7.30. “ ** 9.07 “ Dover, 10.15. “ “ 11.53 p m. p. m. “ " 2.00. *• “ 3.35 ** Morristown, 4 45. “ “ 6 20 Dover, 10.15. “ “ 11.63 KA8T BOUND. a. in. a m. Leave Morristown, 8.30, due New York, 10 10 p. m. “ " 11.06. “ ** 12.40 p. m. M “ 2.15. “ “ 3 60 “ “ 7.15. “ “ 840 “ 9.10. *• “ 10.40 ♦Saturday only. +Express trains: connections made with ac commodation trains making all stops. ++ orristown Express stops at Madison, 8.30, Summit, 8.11, and Newark, 8.36 only. tMorristowu Express; stops at Madison 8.32 only. Rates of commutation from Morristown to New York, $86 per year. Monthly tickets can be procured at any time at the following rates: First month, $8 10; second month. $8.00; third month. $7.95; fourth month, $7 85; fifth month, $7.75; sixth month, $7.65; seventh month, $7 55; eighth month, $7.40; ninth month, $7.20; tenth month, $7.06; eleventh month, $6.86; twelfth month, $6 75. Family Trip Tickets; Fifty single trips to New York, $20. Ten single trips $5.35, GOING WEST. Leave Morristown for Dover, 0,03, 7.41, 8.38 10.15,11.53 a. m.1 1.28, 3,26, 4.41, 5.63, 0.50, 7.32, 10.08 p. m., 1.38 a. m. Train leaving Morristown at 8.38 a. m. con- ; nects at Denvllle with train for Boonton, at Dover with Chester Branch and with main line train for local points between Washington and Binghampton, at Waterloo with Sussex Branch for Andover, Newton, Branchville and Franklin, and at Easton with C. R. R. of N. J. for Bethlehem, Allentown and points in Pennsylvania. Train leaving Morristown 10.15 a. m. con nects at Washington with the Queen City special, leaving New York at 10 a. in. for Scranton, Binghamton, Syracuse. Oswego, Ithaca, Elmira, Bath, Buffalo, and for all points South and West. Train Leaving Morristown at 1.28 p. m. con nects at Denvllle for all points on the Boonton Branch; at Dover with Chester Branch and main line vestibuled train for Scranton, Bing hamton, Owego and Elmira; Buffet parlor cars attached. This train also connects at Waterloo for Newton and points on Sussex Branch; connects at Easton with C. R. R. of N. J. for Bethlehem, Allentown and Points in Pennsylvania connects at Monunka Chunk with P, R. R. for Belvldere, Trenton and Philadelphia. Train leaving Morristown at 4.41 p. m. con nects at Dover with main train for Scranton and with Chester Branch train; at Waterloo with Sussex Branch train for Andover. Newton and Branchville. and at Easton w 1th C. R. R of N. J. for Bethlehem and Allen town. The 0.50 p, m. train connects at Water loo with Sussex Branch train for Newton Train leaving Morristown at 7.82 p. m. con nects at Dover with main line for Scranton, St. Louis and all points South and West, Train leaving Morristown at 10.08 p. m. con nects at Dover with main line vestibuled train of Pullman coaches and Buffet sleeping cars for Scranton, Binghamton, Syracuse, Oswego, Buffalo and all points South and West. — ..:--- ■-- | Rockaway Valley Railway. Leave Morristown, for all stations to White house, D.. L. & W. Station, 8.40 a. m.; 5.06 p. m.; Park Place at 8.60 a. m. and 6.15 p. m.; Watnong Station, 9.10 a. m. and 5.30 p m. Leave Brookslde for Morristown, 7.15 a. m. and 3.20 p. m.; for Whitehouse, 9.50 a. m. and 5.45 p. m. Leave Mendham for Morristown, 7.06 a. m. and 3.06 p. in.; for Whitehouse, 10.06 a. m. and 5.55 p. m. Leave Whitehouse for Morristown, 0.00 a.m. and 1.30 p. m. Arrive at Whitehouse from Morristown, 11.40 a. m. and 7.00 p. m. Whippany River Railroad. Time table for passenger service in effect March 20, 1899: Trains leave Whippany for Morristown, 7.80 a m.; 5.15 p, m., except Saturday; 6.80 and 9 50 p. m.. Saturday only. Trains leave Morristown for Whippany, 6.45 and 8.45 a. m.; 5 10 p. m.; 9.80 p. m., Saturday only. MAKERS’ SURPLUS SILK STOCK One of Paterson’s biggest silk manufac M tun-re turned us over a surplus stock of Black Moire Velvets in plain and Bayadere effects. In the lot are regular silks selling at $1.00 to $1.50. Extra fine quality, good jet black, guaranteed wearers; all to go at *7 Cat once for. * Ov CORDONEE TAFFETA. dl 1 7 C Satin Stripped Cordonee Taffeta in all the latest combinations and colorings for dress and waist wear. Extra fine quality, our own exclusive designs; good $1.50 value $1.25 BLACK GRENADINE. ^ All Silk Black Brocaded Grenadine in all • v W the latest floral and scroll effects. Made on iron frame and very fine mesh; good $1.25 *7 value on sale for. * C/W NO AGENTS OR BRANCH STORES ANYWHERE—M ATI, ORDERS PA REEITI.I.'V FILLED—FREE DELIVERIES BY OUK OWN WAGONS TO MORRI8TOWN AND VICINITY EVERY TUESDAY. THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. 707 to 721 Broad Street, and 8 Cedar Street, Newark. UNLOHDINE! OF GPfllUG GIPIEHTS. Cal] it an error of judgment, or what you will, the fact remains the same, we bought so much more heavily than we should have done, and, as a result, must resort to desperate measures in order to save ourselves from enormous and irretrievable loss. Thousands of garments must bfr disposed of within the next fortnight, as we are greatly hampered by the overcrowded condition of our big third floor. Such an assortment never before shown in Newark. Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Jack ets, Capes, Suits, Skirts, Reefeis and Dresses. Marvels of daintily tail ored elegance; each one possessing a distinctive charm, an air of grace ful beauty, an indescribable something not found in the ordinary showing hereabouts. Think of accomplishing savings of from 25 to 50 per cent, on the handsomest and most worthy productions, now just in the season’s dawn! mail orders promptly and carefully filled—goods delivered frkb L. Bamberger & Co., Market and Halsey Sts., Newark. N. J. SANITARY PLUMBING I HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Best Grades of Kerosene Oil by Barrel or Gallon. FAIRCHILD & OLIVER, 78 Park Place.••Becker Bulidlnq Longwood Kennels anil Poullrg Tards DAVID L. PIERSON, PROPRIETOR. 4 Personal Attention Given to the Boarding, Training and Nurs- M Ing of Dogs, V Barred Plymouth Rock Eggs For Sale From Selected Fowls. $1.01 for 18. Houdans, $3.00 for 13. W All eggs from selected, prize win ning stock. Address, P. O. Box aa, Morristown, N. J. ESTABLISHED 1873. JOHN D. COLLINS, Contractor and Bdilder, Mason Work Done in all its Branches. Stone, Brick Work and Plastering. All Kinds of Jobbing Promptly Attended To. Residence and Office, No. 25 Miller Street, Morristown. AW* Personal Attention Given to All Work, "WA