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Mgll' Dangerous Kidney Diseases. Celery King has cured me of kidney dis ease. The doctor feared Bright’s disease, and tried many remedies that gave me no help. Celery King has made me as well as ever In my life, and it seems almost as though a miracle had been wrought In my case.—Jen nie O. Reichard, Sprlngtown, Pa. Celery King cures Constipation and Nerve, Stomach, Liver and Kidney diseases. 1 Established 1830. George E. Voorhees, MORRISTOWN. N. J. Hardware and iron Matt. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, FERTILIZERS and SEEDS Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc. .. HOUSE KEEPING GOODS, .. ..LAND AND DRAIN TILE. FARM IMACHINERY. Contractors, Supplies, Etc. NOTICE. JOHN J, CARROLL, who for years has been in the firm of Looney & Car roll, has formed a partnership with his son, WILLIAM J, CARROLL, and are now ready to receive orders for Plumbing, Tinning, Steam and Gas Fitting, at their OFFICE, 41 Mill street. Tele phone 384 1, or at the store of William H. Hibler, South street, city. The Senior member of this partner ship, JOHN J. CARROLL, has been plumbing in this City for twenty-nine years, and his reputation as a plumber is too well known for any furtherflcom ment. 8638 CARTING - - Ashes and Rubbish of All Kinds Removed. Gardens Plowed. Lawns Cleaned Up and Cared For. Carpets Cleaned and Laid. ** Cellars Cleaned and Whitewashed. General lob Work of All Kinds done Prices Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. ■■ Orders may be sent by mall or leftatlmy residence. 81 RIDdEDALB AVENUE. 2672 £ WILLIAM' IRVING. SALESMEN wanted to sell our goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade. We are the largest and only manufacturers In our line in the world. Liberal Balary paid. Ad dress, OAN-DEX Mfg. Co., Savannah, Ga. Quarterly Report of County Collector for Quarter Ending, Novem ber 13, 1900. 1900 RECEIPTS. Aug. 8 Balance.$3,807 70 W. E. Young, old ma terial sold, bridges $ 4 00 S. Leonard, Jr„ Cor oner, Cor. A Post Mortems. 12 00 15 H. W. Hunt, guard ian, lunacy. 39 00 8 Boonton Nat. Bank, bills payable, 6 mo. note. 6,000 00 National Union B’k, bills payable, 5 mo. note. 17,00090 Sept 12 National Union B'k bills payable, 4 mo. note.. 30,000 00 Boonton Nat. Bank, bills payable, 5 mo. note. 3,000 00 Ed. Jacobus, return ed, road repair. 25 00 C. B. Gage, returned, court expense. 12 75 11. M. Sands, guard ian, lunacy. 39 00 J. J. Vreeland. Poor House... 26 00 John Milledge, old mat’l sold, bridges 5 00 18 E. W. Kimball, old mat’l sold, bridges 5 00 Oct. 10 J. C. Carter, old ma terial so id, bridges 16 00 J. J. VIceland, Poor House. 663 65 J. H. Sanders, lines— court expense. 23 00 Sun Insurance Co.— ( 8 H. A J., paid oil l O icles. 15 75 Sun insurance Co.— C. 11. A J., puld on policies. 7 87 Westchester Fire Ins Co., paid on poli cies... 17 81 W. E Selvage,agent, paid on policies.... 31 50 Netherlands Fire Ins \ 0., paid on poli cies. 12 60 Achus & Munch ins. Co. paid on polici s 12 60 K. K. A Canal taxes — Win. a. Hancock, Com pi., lirst in stallment. 4,020 15 N ttional Union It’k, bills payable, 4 mo. 21,000 00“ i 16 Boonton hai. Bank bills payable, 4 mo. 4,000 00 Nov. 5 National Union B’k, bills payable, 3 mo. 7,000 00 Oct. 20 Morris t o. Fire Ins. (JO. C. 11. A J. 7 87 George H. Ross A Co U. II. A.1. 15 75 George H. Ross A Co, C. H. A J. 15 75 24 Tippet A Baker, agts 15 75 1). K Hummer, act 157* Scottish Union Fire Insurance Co. 31 50 27 Win. S. Hancock, Compt. R. R and Canal tax second installment.«... 2,010 07 29 F. S. Smith, Col. 10 per cent. S. A. R. assessment-Moms 205 92 —-$95,306 54 $99 114 24 DISBURSEMENTS. CURRENT KXPKN8ES OfT COUNT*, COURT HOURfS AND JAIL. Ann. 8 00 flO 86 43 32 id_■ Phillips A Day IS 76 Sept. 12 Thomas Malley 26 34 Calhoun Orr 10 00 C. A. Baker, Sheriff 818 60 P. J. Howard 61 60 H. P. Rodermond 17 60 MorrlBtown U. L. Co. 21 06 W. H. Thompson 100 67 David Wllday 24 91 T. B. Pierson 68 19 Morris Aqueduct 65 00 George Green A Sons 26 60 Eugene Carrell 24 00 George E. Voorhees 12 66 Conch A Smith 19 07 Morris Co. Electric Co. 48 36 Sands A Co. 721 00 E. L. Foster 77 00 H. C. Roy 28 00 N, T. AN. J.Tel.Oo. 18 91 Fairchild A Oliver 6 70 D. E. Romalne 2 60 «y W. H. Thompson 63 96 Oct. 10 C. A. Baker, Sheriff 813 96 Headley A Romalne 11 25 Morris Aqueduct 30 00 Market 8treet Mission 2 00 Henry M. Smith 80 Morris Co. Electric Co. 29 68 MorrlBtown G. L. Co. 38 28 Ellis J.. Foster 42 00 S. M. Toms 7 00 L. B. Tompkins 8 10 - $2,892 88 FREEHOLDERS AND OFFICERS. Aug. 8. James C. Carter $ 8 60 Dayton Baldwin 16 .39 William E. Young 88 72 J. J. Vreeland 30 72 F. F. Apgar 36 72 Edwin W. Kimball 42 56 M. H. Spencer 15 44 Eugene Troxell 2b 00 C. K. Whitehead 34 00 H. M. Dalrymple 40 40 Sidney Collins 24 00 G. A. Becker 48 00 M. P. Norris 28 00 J. B. Bowman 22 42 A. H. Bartley 23 44 John H. Milledge 28 96 John b. Post 34 00 A. G. Orr 38 76 T. H. Hoagland 24 64 John W. Kahclier 44 60 w m. W. Swackhamer 27 50 F. E. Everett 58 33 J. C. White 60 00 Wm. E. King 186 66 Thomas Malley 58 33 Sept. 12 J. C. Carter 8 60 Dayton Baldwin 18 38 William E. Yonng 44 72 J. J. Vreeland 42 72 Francis F. Apgar 38 7 2 E. W. Kimball 50 56 M. H. Spencer 16 44 Eugene Troxell 46 00 C. It. Whitehead 40*00 Henry M. Dalrymple 36 00 Gustave A. Becker 40 00 Sidney Collins 16 00 M. 1». Norris 24 00 J. B. Bowman 44 42 A. H. Bartley 29 44 John H. Milledge 50 96 W. R. Cook 66 00 John F Post 34 00 A. G. Orr 42 78 T. H. Hoagland 16 00 John W. Fanclier 60 60 Win. W. Swackhamer 81 50 W. E. King 186 66 Thos. Malley 58 83 J. O. White 56 00 Frank E. Everett 58 33 Oot. 10. James C. Carter 10 60 Dayton Baldwin 18 38 William E. Young 24 72 E. W. Kimball 34 56 Moses H. 8pencer 4144 Chas. R. Whitehead 88 00 J. B. Bowman 16 42 A. H. Bartley 29 44 John H. Milledge 86 96 John F. Post 83 66 A. G. Orr 31 76 Thomas H. Hoagland 26 54 John W. Fancher 44 60 Wm. W. Swackhamer 28 SO Eugene Troxell 28 00 Jacob J. Vreeland 88 72 Francis F. Apgar 40 72 H. M. Dalrymple 27 05 Sidney Collins 20 09 Michael P. Norris 22 00 F. E. Everett 59 33 W. E. King 186 66 Thomas Malley 858 33 G. A. Becker 40 00 J. C. White 60 00 Jos. F. McLean 375 00 -* 8,781 68 COUNTY ALMS HOUSE. Aug.8. M. G. Pierson.* 6 00 D. P. McClellan. 19 08 WIG. Bvram. 11 00 Phillips & Day. 17 41 Thomas Martin. 28 07 H. C. Roy. 9 75 H. L. Pruden. 70 00 Samuel A Smith. 17 00 E 8, Smith. 20 00 John Babcock. 9 00 Giles E. Miller. 84 00 Samuel Peer. 28 00 Bertha C Miller. 15 00 W. 8. Corwin. 86 20 H.D &J F. Tuttle ... 25 80 Wm. A. Leggett & Co.. 19 91 Harry R. Dobbins. 13 00 Sept.l25M. G. Pierson. 12 00 John Babcock. 12 00 D. M Merchant. 55 63 C. W. Ennis & Co. 13 01 Barshal Kenlgar. 9 00 Phillips* Day. 17 81 George Neff. 14 60 John J. Fagan. 17 85 Samuel Peer. 28 00 E. Sims. 13 88 Giles E Miller. 64 40 G. W. Mlnard. 25 83 W. 8. Corwin. 58 15 H. Salmon* Son. 66 46 Bertha C. Miller. 15 00 George W. Frutchey_ 36 79 M. J. Miller. 15 00 Wm. A. Leggett & Co.. 115 88 J. R. Riggs. 19 50 Ellen Delaney. 12 00 Miller Bros. 119 94 G. R. Kitchell. 18 00 Oct.10. Barshal Kenlgar. 12 00 Sands & Co. 81 98 S. C. Layer. 1 78 George Harry. 81 00 Theo. Doreiuus. 15 25 National Meter Co. 9 30 Wm. H. Thompson. 18 22 H. M. Smith. 9 90 D. M. Merohant. 53 14 John J. Fagan. 17 05 Samuel Peer. 30 00 E. 8. Smith. 60 00 John Babcock..... 12 00 M. G. PierBon. 12 00 W. H. Berry. 13 00 Barton & Looker. 5 05 C. F. Hopkins. 2 00 W 8. Corwin. 53 86 Kynor * Looker. 75 03 Wm. A Leggett & (_o., 40 89 John I Konp’s Sons.... 16 00 Robert E. Young. 9 75 E. P. Cooper. 75 00 Harry R Dobbins. 39 00 Ellen Delaney. 10 00 John Barrett. 48 65 H. D.& .1. F. Tuttle. .. 13 50 H. M Brown. 10 06 - *1,950 12 COURT EXPENSES. Ang.8. Tne West Publlsh’g Co. $48 00 Charles Hopper. 41 00 F. E. Cook. 41 00 John H West. 41 00 Mahlon Hller. 41 00 E. P Byram. 83 00 W. S. Washington. 100 00 John B. Vreeland. 250 (XI Sept.l2J. W. Fancher. 2 90 Harris Domb. 12 00 W. W. B era. 54 (10 C. A. Baser, Sheriff_ 94 66 Joseph Lusardl. 15 0(1 Edward Thompson Co.. 52 50 Jo-u B. Vreelaod. 250 00 Alfred E Mills. 375 00 Oct. 10 C A Heed. 51 00 N. C. Toros.. 80 (10 1) S. Voorhees. 488 92 D F. Haley. 96 50 c. A. Baker, Sheriff.... 262 (>8 E P Byram. 30 (JO •John *v. Babbitt. 85 00 J. R. Ev»ns. 3 41 J *hn H. Vreeland. 250 (JO C. M. Phillips.. 51 (XI Clifford Mills . 5 (III Nov 2. Charles Knight. 80 >0 -*3,128 *6 Advkrusino ani> printing. Ang 8, Dover Printing Co. $ * 3»* Eagle Pub. & Print. Co 2i 25 Grover Bros. 72 03 Pierson & Surdam. 39 90 J Frank Llndsley. 28 80 George T Keech. 31 25 Sept.12 Dover Printing Co. 33 76 A i. Adam-. 31 25 J. Frank Llndsley. 54 00 Grover Bi-os. 32 26 Church and Home. 3125 Eagle Dub. & Print. Co. 31 25 Charles L. Grubb. 31 25 8. L. Garrison. 31 25 William Burd, Jr. 31 25 Oct.10, A. L. Adams. OKI Pierson & Surdam . 41 25 J. Frank Llndsley. I" 5o Madison Eagle. 14 40 George T K ech. 31 26 ' Cos Finch. 32 75 Vogt Bros. 62.0 -- *713 28 IffCinBNTA'IJt. Au*.8. R. Frank Treweeke. $5 nil C. C. Hopper. J6 00 Jonh A Farrel. 7 W U. A. aker. 'her I IT_ 310 011 John F. ltnffey. 15 tin Hept.ia-n A. ttethburn . ;K4 55 Domrlaa Franwell. 8 60 O: N- Huirnrou. J5 BO Fran k E Everet t....... 3) 85 OH IO A. A’ ighrluht. 35 10 K 7,. vvht.e. a 00 > VVm* A 11 <aellHteln.... 8IO 'Vn. alvnat*. 385 "0 •r. K Kent.'. *8 00 1». I n ' Ant. 84 00 i <V .V, ll..»h*„ii. 35 00 -SW8 70 CORONERS AND POST MORTBMR. Aug.8, O. B. Gage.>12 75 J. B. Griswold. 6 00 Samuel Leonard. 186 71 Charles W. Scarborough 5 00 Dr. F. W. Flagge.. 6 8u O. B. Gage. 26 70 Henry B. McCarrcll.... 5 00 Sept.l2James Hagan. 10 50 Samuel Leonard. 47 99 Oct.10. James Hagan. 12 96 Cornelius B. Gage. 6 10 J. W. Fancher. 8 10 H. C. Upohurch. 5 00 F. H. Prout. 80 00 G. C. Connett. 30 00 H. P. McCarrell. 5 00 George C. Kyte. 30 00 Samuel Leonard. 67 87 J. B. Griswold. 5 00 George H. Foster. 6 27 -> 459 59 STATIONERY. Aug,8. F. S. Book. >12 75 George McCracken. 21 20 David Young. 300 00 Sept.12 J. B. Pellett. 18 40 Grover Bros. 148 50 Matthias Plom. 48 12 H. G Emmell. 1 70 Oct.10. George McCracken. 53 30 David Young. 262 57 John Underwood & Co. 8 CO R. Frank Treweeke_ 21 20 - >895 74 ELECTIONS. Aug.8. C. H. Graham.>90 00 Sept. 12 Pierson & Surdam. 19 50 “ ■■ . 78 00 C. H. Graham. 180 U0 C. H. Bennett. 196 20 J. H. Herbert. 144 00 C. H. Graham. 80 10 Pierson & Surdam. 18 05 ,* •• . 6 50 - >761 25 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT COURT HOUSE AND JAIL. Aug,8. Thomas Malley.>186 85 W. H. Ooghlan. 139 73 W. H. Thompson. 626 00 Sept.l2T. B. Pierson. 550 00 Oct.10. John Denman. 191 99 - >1,643 57 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT POOR HOUSE. Aug.8. Fairchild & Oliver. >3 76 STREET LIGHTING, Aug.8. Morristown Gas L’t Co. >45 83 Sept.12 •* '• 45 83 Oct. 10. “ " 45 33 - >137 49 CHILDREN’S HOME. Aug.8. Robert D. Foote, Treas.>490 76 Sept. 12 - “ 398 74 Oct. 10. “ “ 399 69 ->1,289 19 LUNACY. Oct. 10. N. J. State Hospital .... >6,304 68 SUPERINTENDENT COUNTY SCHOOLS. Oct.10. E. H. Baldwin—J. H. Hulsart.>12 00 J. ri. VanDoren—W, L. R. Haven. 18 50 J. J. Savitz. 13 00 Oct 24. Watson B. Matthews ... 45 97 - >84 47 PUBLIC WORKS. BRIDGES. Auk. 8 B (J Gordon $ 1100 S J Palmer 39 68 N H Mase 121 24 William A VanWlnkle 60 80 Martin Blanchard 37 50 S A VI Mead 79 25 A O Roder 223 25 N J Tuers 28 80 NH Mitchell 52 92 Oscar Forsythe 25 00 J A Hoffman 4217 " 28 96 F E Blanchard 27 00 J E Meeker 26 00 “ 10 00 H Valentine 50 00 M K Sharp 77 72 Thomas Malley 59 50 Samuel Blanchard 4 00 David Piekel 3 00 Samuel Sheets 13 95 Simpson Sc Case 2 90 Isaac D. Apgar 61)0 W J Langdln 84 92 LaBa r & .1 ohnson 29 48 R H Bird 29 45 J W Fredericks 42 20 S D Francisco 17 30 John S Woodhull 15 50 Wm. Chamberlain 10 00 George A Gilllg 50 31 MB Carrel 1000 F F Birch # 67 60 Samuel Seadden 11 65 Jacob Trimmer 3 05 E W Blazier 32 55 Richard Vanderhoff 39 35 Boonton Lumber Co 10321 Emmons Decker, Jr 43 68 A C Stevenson 10 50 J E Dixon 10 00 Sept 12 Chris Miller 30 00 Martin Blanchard 36 25 William Hoskings 5 00 W W Decker 15 36 Waller Gairabrant 32 00 W B Woodhull 7 92 A K Talmage 55 00 S F Leek 38 00 S H BenJ imin 30 00 N H Wilcox 18 14 Joseph Lantcrman 52 38 John Epnler 2 50 George Field 10 00 EN Corwin 8 50 A J Tuers 16 46 Joseph E Meeker 5512 D B Crater 15 75 John McClain 65 07 T J Mooney 6315 J D Sanders 4 00 L M Feel 7 00 John Willis 13 00 G H Lunger 7 57 LA Apgar 3 75 A P Searing 14 70 J D Smith 30 00 J D Squire 5 00 EC Drake 1180 Frank Miller 900 Charles W Hicks 176 00 FAN Miller 28120 D H Burnet 16 00 David Lash 6 87 David Hicks 30 00 Mead A Keeler 65 00 FF Birch 102 40 John W Kimble 39 03 David H Wiiday 6 79 John V Corbett 49 75 " 48 51 John A Brian! 58 26 FF Birch 80 00 S E Romaine 2 00 J VanWlnkle 22 47 F F Birch 196 80 Wm. A Howell 13 75 James White 45 00 Henry A Wyckoff 11 25 Nelson Trimmer 7 00 It H Bird 14 00 Andrew Itoderer, Jr. 5363 William Pierson 85 55 James Cahi'l so (10 James Donald P 00 Gen. A Gillig 26 05 J W Frost 08 39 Oct. 10 William A VanWinkie IHi 75 •• 7 ’ K) Tlico. Chamberlain 27 05 “ 2.418 Oscar Forsythe 9 5U P. M. White "-.Oil Allen A Palmer 107 37 Frank Glse 5100 H F Meeker 4 50 Phoenix Miller 2 00 Samuel Blanchard 8 61 W H Peer ;I4 95 A M McKinnon 28 00 Sidney Cook 1367 It K A G W Stickle 13 56 Job T Hill 25 63 David Lash 36 25 Dickerson A Gill 102 59 •' 60 6 J W Frost 33 00 C W Hicks 37 08 Thomas D< ton 13011 J E Haycock n 25 Meade A Kiefer 80 50 J J Mauoevlile 17 00 Warren Found A Ma. Co 74 10 J W Bunn 209 14 Wrought Ir n Bridged) 185 00 George B Caskey 82311 ilraki-Bostedo Co 169.1 A B Salmon 22 42 Waller Hiller IM00 FR Crane 19 71 J1 M hrost 131 in Giorge rieigoii him) Mhim,I Hughes 110 ;.1 ■ Andrew Hilbert 25'ISII Charles O. Pel linger 3 25 ' fltri. k Horiilran 10011 J li Higgs a 10 John S Wo idliuil 50 99 6 72 Him mi t, »n Lumber Co. 39 62 John J Conklin, Jr. 83 00 F F Birch liSOO Halsey .1 Si urges 49 mi James Kingdom 772 Daniel W Matthews 4 90 Then. Itlngleib 20 2. Arthur E Thompson 45 40 Henry F Beach 13 75 4 75 Henry H Webb ■ 5 00 James Anthony J3u6 FAN Miller 90 60 Sidney Suable 89 25 FAN Millet 30 00 -*6,3 >4 53 ROAD REPAIRS, Atig. 8 Urn. Fields $ 7 BO W s l). ni» 4 5o Tjle.ynoWr 158 00 »*'VV Sell mutt 148 00 “ 290 2-« “ 106 U ** 353 34 ** 2730 60 ** 331 84 ** 376 56 " ' 101 IV Aug. Munson & (\> (12 40 I2s« 74 •• HA Ml William On 114 53 Tlimnna Megklll 143 14 SHTDuel BcadOeo 33 51 .lobu R Hull 6 00 Col tux A: Steele 6.»* 50 A W Salmon- 60 01 Hlrbard Vanderboff 62 90 Andrew Birmingham 2300 Samuel Scaddcn 8170 Sept 12.1 J Boy 33 5 Ed Freeman I 0 F S Demorest 2103 F W Scbmldt 156 04 •• 18109 “ 755 77 •• 1144 72 “ 355 92 •* 154 56 *• 1155 84 321 28 Patrick Johnson 80 13 Tbeo. N Sbnrpe 1 75 George Tucker 41 04 Aug. Munson A Co. 23 54 “ 49 61 235 50 “ 8 55 “ 57 96 “ 170 46 “ 75 60 “ 25 93 “ 19 25 “ 574 65 “ 144 66 “ 48 43 “ 120 43 " 194 23 “ 428 99 *• 23 23 Geo. Mattox 24 50 E B Earl 18 25 Samuel Scadden 126 19 Oot. 10 E F Frenz 211 14 It Vanderboff 0 20 F WScbmldt 156 50 888 09 “ 034 08 " 713 33 “ 817 04 Aug. Munson & Co. 407 03 “ 5315 “ 306 69 “ 58 71 “ 351 m “ 150 35 Chas. J Miller 136 50 James Kingdom 13 50 -*19.097 99 STATE AID ROADS. Aug. 8 Salmon Bros. 4654 47 Osborne & Marseille Co. 2485 85 John D Smith 254 18 S W Salmon 73 OH Lew Is B Ca rev 84 75 Oeo. H Gunther till 00 Albert Riggs *72 00 Sept. 12 Osberne & MarcellisCo.3988 SO J B & B K Salmon 4208 00 Albert K Riggs 75 00 SW Salmon 54 02 Geo. Gunther 8100 Lewis B Carey 46 00 John D Smith 3701 70 Oct. 10 '• 255 01 Lewis D Carey 28 8o Wm Lantermnn 129 00 S W Salmon 74 25 J B S H K Salmon 6253 65 -$25,971 53 INCOMPLETE ROADS. Aug 8 Aug Munson & Co $ 748 30 Lewis D Carey. 67 01 F W Schmidt, 29 26 Sept 12 •* 780 90 Aug Munson & Co.. 2,00282 Oct 10 F W Sch midt. 1,686 83 103 87 Lewis D Carey, 98 00 " 27 50 Oct 30 Aug Munson & Co, 2,727 06 -$8,271 95 SNOW. Ang 8 William H Ward, 450 DEBT AND INTEREST ACCOUNT. INTEREST AND DISCOUNT. Aug 8 National Union Bank. $430 96 9 Boonton Nat’l Bank, 18120 Sept 12 ” ’* ’’ 75 95 National Union Ban k, 612 58 Oct 12 “ ” ’’ 428 80 17 Boonton Nat’l Bank, HO 00 Nov 8 National Union Bank, 134 96 - $1,914 45 STATE MONEYS. RAILROAD AND CANAL TAXES. First Installment Oct 10 Charles H Bepnet, Col $304 85 Heman B Andiew “ 112 53 George E Poole. “ 173 19 George E Bardon, “ 78 72 Freeman H Tappen, " 12 85 Melville Van Horn, “ 316 79 Henry Collins, ’’ 53 52 John C McGrath, •• 137 82 Geo M Mutcbler, •• 132 18 Chas E Tippett, “ 41 01 Walter H Shipman, “ 144 25 William Willis. ’’ 367 47 Frederick S Smith, “ .'<2 40 Isaac Van Ness, “ 53 45 Jacob WLaiison, “ 9522 Wm. H Smith, “ 5166 Wm L McCue, “ 184 64 D L Cory, “ 714 63 George W Earls, “ 159 20 Wm H Youngs, " 781 95 Archibald P Downs, " 72 87 Second Installment— Oct 27 Cbas H Bennett, “ 152 42 Heman B Andrew, “ 56 27 George F Poole, ’’ 86 59 George E Bardon, “ 39,36 Freeman II Tappen,’’ 6 43 Melville Van Horn, “ 157 89 Henrv Collins, •* 26 76 John C McGrath, " 68 91 Geo M Mutchler, “ 66 07 Cbas E 3 ippett, “ 20 51 W H Shipman, “ 72 12 William Willis. “ 183 73 Frederick s Smith, " 16 20 Isaac Van Ness. “ 26 72 Jacob W Larison, “ 47 61 Wm H Smith. ■’ 25 83 Wm L McCue, “ 92 32 D LCor.v. •• 357 32 George W Earls, “ 79 60 Wm H Youngs. “ 890 97 Archibald I’ Downs, ’’ 36 44 -$6,030 22 SURPLU8 REVENUE. Oct 27 CbnsH Bennett. Col. *354 97 H B Andrew, I ... J H Vun Doren. f 881 “8 Dayton Baldwin, *• 125 38 George E Batdon. “ 164 40 Freeman H Tappen, •* 14 75 Melville Van Horn, “ 76 61 Henry Collins, •* 181 80 John C McGrath, ** 8146 George W Earls, “ 255 28 Chas F. Tippett, “ 94 69 W H Shipman, ’’ ,184 15 William Willis. “ 83 75 Frederick S. Smith, “ 62 33 Isaac Van Ness, “ 88 50 J W Lai Ison. “ 77 09 Wm H Smith, - 129 66 Win L McCue, “ 202 70 D L Cory. “ 168 45 Wm H Youngs, “ 154 88 A P Downs, “ 149 89 Tunis It Hill, “ 82 80 Geo M Mutchler, " 22221 “ “ 24 03 - *3,507 04 RECAPITULATION. RECEIPTS. Aug 8 Balance, * 3.807 70 Rec’d fr’m all sources95,306 54 -*99,114 24 DISBURSEMENTS. CURRENT EXPENSES. Court House & Jail, *2.892 88 Freeholder & Officers 3,781 53 Poor House. 1.936 12 Court Expense. 3.123 96 Advertising & Prlnt'g, 713 28 Incidentals. 989 70 Coroners and Post Mortem. 459 57 Stationery, 893 74 Elections, 761 25 Penn. Imp. C H & ,)„ 1,693 57 Per Imn Poor House, 3 76 Street Ltuhtinp, 137 41) Children’s Home, 1.2 9 19 Lunacy. 6 3114 68 Hupt Co. Schools. 84 47 PUBLIC WORKS, Bridges. *6.324 53 Road Repairs. 19.097 99 State Ald It’ads. 25.971 53 Incomplete Roads, 8,271 95 Snow, 4 so DEBT AND INTEREST. Interest & Discount. *1 914 45 STATE MONEYS. Railroad A Canal fax es. 1st installment, *4,020 15 Railroad & Canal tax es. 2d installment. 2,01007 Surplus revenue, ;1.597 04 -*96 249 51 Nov 14 111 ume. 2.8111 i'4 *99,114 24 Respectfully submitted, JOS. F. Mct.KAN. County Collector. Notce of Settlement NOTICE is her*hk •Jv'en that ihe accounts of the Ml be iber. rim tee urn let the Will of Ernellne Parson, deceased. will be audited and stated by the ^nrroaate. a'hd reported for settlementto the OcuhariH' Court or the'Coun tv of Morris on Friday, the seventh day of December next. Dated October 29rh. 1WY). JOSEPH HIVCHMaV. Trustee'. Ac., ^>33 Morristown X. J. Notice of Settlement. N OTICE Is hereby ntven that the account* of the subscriber T'd-tee under the Will of Lucre la D. Pawn, deceased, will be audited and stated hv the Surrogate and reported for *ettlenient to the Orphans1 Court of the Coun ty of M'.rrK on Friday, the seventh day of December next. Dated October 20th. 1000. tOHKPH HIVOHMAN. „ Trustee, Ac., Morristown, X. J. SHERIFF’S SALE. IN CHANCERY OF NJCW JKR8EY. Between Cord Meyer and Christian M. eyer. Executors of the last will and testa ment of Cord Meyer, deceased, Com l&inants, and Annie P. Lnmsden and Robert O. Lums den her husband, and Foster F. Birch, De fendants. Fi. fa. for sale of mortgaged premises. Returnable to February Term. A. D 1901. Cord Mxykrs Sol'r pro se. By virtue of the above s ated writ of Fieri Facias in my hands, I shall expose for sale at public vendue, at the Court House in Morris town. N. J., on Monday, the 24th day of December next, A. D. 1900, between the honrs of 12 M. and 5 o'clock P. M., that is to say at 2 o’clock in the afternoon of said day: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land and premises, hereinafter particularly de scribed, situate, lying and being in the bor ough of Rockaway, in the county of Morris and Mate of New Jersey. Beginning at a point in the southerly line of Church street, at the second corner of a lot conveyed by Susan E. Beach, Abraham Hal sey, Cornelia V. W Halsey and Mary D. Hal ►ey to Saint Cecilia Church, by deed dated August 0th. 1893. recorded in Morris County Clerk’s office. In Book B-14, page 461, &c.. running thence (1) along «'hurch >treet. on a line fixed by agreement between Sam net B. Halsey and the Ro< kaway Presbyterian Church, recorded in said record of deeds. Book H-7, page 109, <fec.. north fifty-five de grees and forty five minutes east twenty-two feet four and a half inches, to an iron stake; thence (2) still along Church street, north for ty-two degrees and forty-five minutes east fifty-two feet seven and one-half inches to a stake; tnence (3) along the lands of Susan E Beach. Abraham Halsey, Cornelia V. W. Hal sey and Mary D. Halsey south forty-seven de grees and fifteen minutes east one hundred and fifty feet; thence (4) still along the line of lands of the said Susan E. Beach and others (Joint owners) south forty-eight degrees west one hundred and four feet and two inches, to the third corner of the lot belonging to Saint Cecilia Cnurch; thence (5) north thirty four degrees and fifteen minutes west one hundred and fifty feet to the place of beginning, Dated November 21 1900. CHARLES A. BAKER. Sheriff. Chronicle and Era. P. F. 912.60. 2687 NOTICE. NOTICE of Assessment for Improvement of a road or section of road In the town hip of Mendham. county of Morris. The undersigned commissioners, having been duly appointed by order of the Morris Circuit Court, to estimate a> d assess the pe culiar benefits conferred upon the lands and real estate fronting or bordering on that road, or section of road, in the township of Mend ham. in the county of Morris, known as the MendhAm and Bernardsville road, by the im provem mt of raid road or section of road, and said Court having ordered that said Commis sioners should give two v eeks notice by pub lication. once a week, in two newspapers pub lished and circulating lutsald conn y. of the tlmesnd place when and where they will hear any person In Interest who may present 1m self or herself to be publicly heard touching the matter committed to the charge of saU Commissioners; therefore, in accordance with said order nnd the statute In such caf-e mane and provided, me undersigned hereby give notice to all persons in interest to present themselves to be heard in reference to such improvements and assessments on Saturday, the eighth day of December. nine>een hun dred. at ten o’clock In the forenoon, in the Freeholders’ Hoorn in the Court House at Mo-rlstown N. Dated November 2<> 1900. ENOS G. BtfHD, DAVID F. BAKKVfAN. NATHANIEL V, TOMS. Cotumibbl mere'. CHARLES A. RATH BUN Attorney. 2636 VTEW JERSEY SUPREME COURT, i.x Rac hel Ann Meiick, Executrix. Ace., vs. Jacob Flornerfelt. In attachment. On contract. Notice is hereby given that a writ of attach ment won issued out of the New Jersey Hu oiem* Court ou the eleventh day of Septem ber A.D nineteen hundred, against the rlgbrs and credits moneys and eff cts. good- «nd chattels, lands and teneme tsof Jacob Florn erfelt. an absconding debtor, at the suit of Rachel Ann Meiick. Executrix of the Last Will and Testament ? t' William T. Meiick. leceased. for the sura of three thousand (3 000) tollars. returnable on the ninth day of Octo ber A D. nineteen hundred, has been served and duly executed, and whs returned on the twentv-*eventh dav of ^ertember. A. I). nine »een hundred, by tbeSheillT of the Coanty of Morris. Dated September *6. 1900. WILLIAM RIKER, Jr . Clerk, DUNGAN & REGER. Atiorneys. 2636 LOST. Denosit book, No 30 690. The Morris Coun ty Savinas Bank. f»r. Sonth and IleHart streets. Morristown. N. J. Payment stopped. Pleas* return book to the bank. W13 lF Till I is one thing> Horse L IIlLll Fee(1 ia another.— j,0rgG Wjjl X road and work better when fed on Pure X Food. We sell the best Oats, free from X dirt, high-grade Western Hay, baled long • Straw, Meal, Feed and Bran. Wheat and X Cracked Corn for poultry. Oil Meal and « Peat Moss. Special quotations on car ♦ load lots. Trade respectfully solicited. !e. l. durling, Elevator and Hill, 165 and 167 Morris St. Telephone. C7n. Residence 381a. IflMPJC ^IF?E PROOF. MIlU 0 STRONGEST AND HARDEST. WINIKflR ^re® ^rom Acid; Vermin and Best *1 IRUOUn Germ Proof; Strengthens Building*. WALL PLASTER ASBESTOS In the Market! Saves Time, PCAJCilT I LABOR and MONEY. UCmCIl I ■ The DALRYMPLE-HASTINGS CO. Agents. Telepb... Ns. 24. 07 to 69 ELM STREET, ■ RirrUln., Hiw Hn* Comfortable and Stylish Turnouts, Careful and Experienced Drivers, are a feature at my Stable. The Boarding of family, road and bus iness horses a specialty. The stable is under my personal super vision. HENRY W. ARMSTRONG, Stable Junction Bank and Market Streets, Morristown, N. J. Telephone Call No. 217. SHERIFF’S SALE. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. Arthur N. Bruen. Administrator be bonis non with the will annexed of James H. Bruen, deceased, complainant, and John Job and Priscilla his wife, Byron J. Stickle, George W Stickle, Executors of Barnabas K. Stickle, de fendants. FI. fa. for sale of mortgaged premises. Returnable to February Term, A. D. 1801. W. W. Cotlxr. Soi'r. By virtue of the above stated writ of Fieri Facias In my hands. I shall expose for sale at public vendue, at the Court House in Morris town, N. J., on Monday, the 26th day of November next. A. D. 1800, between the hours of 12 M. and 5 o'clock P. M., that is to say at 2 o’clock In the afternoon of said day: All that certain lot. tract or parcel of land and premises hereinafter particularly describ ed, situated, lying and being In the township of Rockaway, In tbe County of Morris and State of New Jersey, bntted and bounded as follows: Beginning at the beginning corner of the whole tract, which said beginning corner is situated In the old Mount Hope road and at or near the southeast corner of a lot of land owned by Mrs. James Morgan, and running thence (1) south twenty-two degrees and t birty minutes east along tbe middle of said Mount Hope road one chain and seventy-four and a half links, to the first corner of a lot of land which George Zlndle and wife conveyed to Daniel Morgan, by deed dated September IP, 18#8, recorded In Morris County Record of Deeds, In Book K-7, pages 130, &<■..; thence (2) north seventy-eight and a half degrees east four chains and six links along the line of the said Daniel Morgan's lot, to the fourth corner thereof and also a point in the line of land of William Wear; thence (3) along the line of the said William Wear’s land, on a course aboat north, one and a hulf degrees west about one ohaln and fifty links, to the lands of Andrew Snyder; thence (4) along the lands of tbe said Andrew Snyder, on a course according to an old survey, Bouth eighty degrees west four chains and elghty-slx links, to the place of beginning, containing twenty-hundredths of an acre of land, be the same more or leBS. Tbe above premises are conveyed subject to the reservation of the mineral right and also tbe right of limestone, which said reservations of the said mineral and limestone have been made and reserved upon the said lands by former grantees, and also the privilege nec s sary for carrying on the business of mining, and also the right of the public to all the road above mentioned for a public thoroughfare. Dated Ootober 20, 1900. CHARLES A, BAKER. Sheriff. Chronicle and Era. P. F. $10.80. *600. SHERIFF S SALE. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. Between Harriet E. Reed, Trustee. &c., under the last will and testament of Benjamin N. Reed, deceased, Complainant, and Charles Anderson. Administrator, &c... of Peter An derson deceased, and individually, Matilda Anderson his wife. Hans Anderson and Karo line H. Anderson his wife. Kristian Anderson and AneC Anderson his wife, Hvend Anderson and Marie Anderson his wife, Jurgen Ander son and Petrea Anderson, Defendants. Fl. fa. for sale of mortgaged premises. Returnable to February Term. A. I) 1901. John B. Vheeland. Hol’r. By virtue of the above stated writ of Fieri Facias in my hands, I shall expose for *ale at public vendue, at the Court House In Morris town, N. J., on Monday, the 24th day of December next, A. D. 1900, between the hours of 12 M. and 5 o’clock P. M., that is to say at 2 o’clock in Hie afternoon of said day: All that certain tiaot or parcel of land and premises, hereinafter particularly described, situate, lying and being in the town of Morris town, in the county of Morris and State of New Jersey. Being lot number sixty-six and the most nor herlv corner of lot number ninety-seven (88 and 97). on a certain tnap filed in the Morris County Clerk’s Office August 24th, J898, enti tled “Map of Building Lots situated on Water street. Morristown, New Jersey, the property of Jam s K. Voorbeee, Esquire.” said lots be ihg more particularly described as follows: Be .inning at a poiut In the southerly side 11 ie of L'ndeo street, distant four hundred feet westerly firom the corner of Liberty street at the|cornec of lot number sixty-five, thence (1) along the same south th»rty-two degrees Jorty minutes west one hundred and seventy nine feet and eleven hundredths of a foot, to a point In the norlherlv side line of Willow ! street, as shown on said man; thence (2)'along the said side line of Willow street nortn eight een degrees nnd thirteen minutes west sixty four fe« t and forty four hundredths of a foot, to a corner of Grove street, as laid down on said man; tnence (J) along the same north thirty-two degrees and forty minuter east one hui dr d and fifty-five feet amt three hun dredths of a foot, to the corner of Linden j street aforesaid, as shown on said map; thence j (4) along the same south tbRty-nlne degrees east fif y two feet and sixty-five hundredths! of a foot. 10 the corner of lot number 85, the oolnt or place of beginning. Dated November 20, 1900. CHARLES A. BAKER. Sheriff. Chronicle and Jersey man. P. F. 1.2 80 2683 IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. To Jessie Whitmore : BY virtue of an order of the Court of Ohan Miryof New Jersey, made on the day of lue date hereof. In a cause wherein Joseph 6. Whitmore Is petitioner and you are defendant, you are required to appear and answer to the peuoner s petition on or before the twentieth day of December next, or that In defanlt thereof such decree be made against yon as the Chancellor shail think equitable and just. , The said petition Is died against you for a fn»?»?.hrom *we boI1d °* matrimony entered Into with you by said peUtloner. and that Is why you are made defendant in this cause. Dated October 19th. A. D. 1901) CHARLES 8TILWELL. Jr.. r, n ... Solicitor of Petitioner. P. O. Address. Savings Bank Building, ^_Morristown. N. J. 1M9 Del, Lack. & lest & R. MORRIS AND ESSEX DIVISION. GOING BABT. 1 Leave Ar. Ar. Mor’t, New’k N. Y. A. M. A. M. A. M. 5 17 8 88 7 (10 6 00 7 02 7 80 8 28 7 32 8 00 8 60 7 47 * 20 7 12 8 02 8 80 7 52 8 85 9 00 7 64 8 41 9 10 8 26 9 20 8 35 9 17 9 40 t8 38 9 22 9 50 9 12 10 00 10 80 10 10 11 10 .11 40 11 06 12 10 12 40 11 47 12 60 P. M. 1 20 12 40 1 89 2 10 1 15 2 20 2 50 2 15 8 12 8 40 •2 65 8 51 4 20 3 15 4 09 4 40 4 23 5 20 5 60 5 15 6 12 8 40 8 24 7 24 7 66 7 19 8 14 8 40 8 00 8 68 9 25 9 10 9 68 10 26 9 50 10 53 11 25 11 10 12 14 12 45 12 02 12 68 1 40 GOING WEST. Leave Ar. Ar. N. Y. New’k Mor’t. X m7 A. m7 Xm7 30 6 06 C 03 8 00 6 38 T 41 7 10 7 42 8 38 8 10 8 46 9 46 8 60 9 20 10 It 9 80 10 03 11 88 10 10 10 43 11 63 U 10 11 43 13 ft 12 00' 12 34 1 37 *12 30 12 67 1 39 •1 20 1 49 2 32 2 00 3 30 8 36 2 30 8 08 4 11 8 20 3 50 4 40 4 00 5 03 4 00 4 31 5 12 4 30 ! 6 03 5 54 4 30 ; 6 06 6 18 5 no ; a 19 5 20 1 5 53 « 48 5 40 ! 6 16 7 16 « 00 8 32 7 28 # 30 [ 7 05 8 1| 7 30 8 00 9 11 8 00 8 32 9 88 9 15 9 45 10 61 10 45 I 11 18 13 22 12 80 I 1 00 8 00 • Monday only, t Saturday only. GOING WEST, Leave Morristown for Dover. 8.08. 7 41 8 38 10 15 11.83 a. m. 1.87, 1 39. 3,26, 4.40, 5 541 6.49,' 7.28 9.80 p. m., 8.00 a. m. Ratjw of commutation rrom Morristown to New York, 37 60 per month. Family Trip tickets; Fifty single tripe to New York. 320. Ten single trips 36.35. SUNDAY TWAINS. GOING EAST. Leave Ar. [ Ar. Mor’t. New'k N Y. A. M. A. M. ' A. M. 8 10 9 15 i » 40 9 12 10 09 ! 10 40 10 10 11 10 | 11 40 11 47 12 52 I 1 25 P. M 12 40 1 39 2 10 2 15 3 12 3 40 3 15 4 09 4 40 5 15 6 12 8 40 7 19 8 14 8 4(1 8 00 9 08 9 40 9 10 10 (9 10 40 9 50 10 63 11 25 12 02 12 53 1 40 GOING WEST. ~ Leave Ar. I Ar. N. Y. New’k Mor’t. A. M. i A.M. i A.M. * 31) 5 08 6 08 8 00 8 88 | 9 40 9 30 10 OB 11 OB 11 80 12 08 1 16 F*. M. 12 00 12 34 1 36 1 00 1 32 2 40 3 00 3 33 3 30 4 00 4 30 8 30 « 00 fl 32 7 37 8 30 7 05 8 12 8 00 8 32 9 80 » 15 9 47 10 51 II So 12 06 1 10 M'NDAv Trains from Morristown to Dovkh-3.00, 8.03 940 h. ni 1.38. 3.39, 630 9 30 p ill. Rockaway Valley Railway. Iteave Morristown, for all stations to Whlte liouse, D.. L. & W. Station, 8.40 a. tn.; 5.06 d m ; Park Plat e at 8.50 a. in. and 5,1* t. m.; tVainomt Station, 9.10 a. m. and 6.30 p in. Leave Brookelde for Morristown. 7.15 and 3.30 p. tn.: for Whltehonse. 9.60 a. m. %nd 6.46 p. tu. Leave Mendham for MorrlBtown, 7.06 a. m. and 3.05 p. m : for Whltehouse. 10.06 a. m. and p m. Leave Whltehonse for Morristown, 6.00 a.m end 1.80 p. m. Arrive at Whltehonse from Morristown. 11.40a. m. and 7.00o. in. Whippany River Railroad. Time table for passenger service In effect March A*, lowi Trains leave Whippany for Morristown. 7.90 a m.; 5.45 p. m.( except Satnrday: 6.30 and 8ft0t>. m Satnrday only. Trains leave Morristown for Whippany. 6.46 and 8 45 a. m : 5.05 p. m.; 8.30 p. m., Saturday only.