Newspaper Page Text
Everj i»«lr of cenulae P. A P Gloves Is stamped wfttk onr mmmmm MP, h PS'WtSGtovas mewest _ _ _SHADES Uk&fcnfac/w ■■, / Uvu i m!i*j i'.isljstttnfoH- f *i“re’?.. -*o s< j*'jod. For: tv lc r:r CROSBY & HILL, Morristown? - New Jersey -h:. Pa rker WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER PARKER BUILDING MORRISTOWN, N. J. $13=sH0RI=$!4 DELISHTFUL TRIPS cf wo ro five davs duration, are offered by the OLD DOWmOH LINE '? such well.known historic points as Norfolk, Old Point Comfort, Richmond, Washington at the above prices. Favorite route from the North and Ba»t to the Winter Resorts of Virginia and North Carolina. For full information apply to Old Dominion Steamship Co.. Pier 26. North River. New York. II. (• W u.kek. Traffic Mauaget ■J. .! iluowx. Oeu’l Pass’r Agi NEWS OF THE WEEK. HnpiM'filnKN of the Wide World Briefly nnd Tersely Told. Rem* Admiral Thomas F. Phelps, re tired, of Washington is dead. Havana’s death list in December was the smallest in ten years. Governor Allen has signed the bill es tabliskiug jury trials in Porto Rico. Scott Wike. former assistant secretary of the treasury, has died at Quincy, Ills. Hli.iah W. B'aisdell, one of the found ers of the Republican party, has died at Rockford, Ills. St. Louis has announced the comple lion of the $5,000,000 fund for the world's fair in that city. Four people were seriously hurt and a score more bruised and cut in a train wreck at Perth Amboy, N. J. An advance of 10 per cent has been made to machinists in the New York Central shops at Oswego, N. Y. The British steamer Monarch has clear ed from New Orleans for Cape Town with 1.100 horses for the British army. The Crouse block, one of the largest apartment buildings in Syracuse, was damaged by fire t<> the extent of $10,000. Dr. II. II. MeAuley of Chicago claim $100,000 indemnity from Portugal for al leged false imprisonment at Lourenc< Marques. Thomas Nesbitt Carter, a well known member of the New Jersey bar, has died at his home in Newark, N. J., after a brief illness. In the seventh annual contest of the MM memorial debate contest held at Cornell S. S. Lowenthal, ’01, of Rochester prov ed the winner. Stephen Yaii Rensselaer Townsend, a well known New York lawyer, has died at his home in Hempstead, on Long Is land, after several months’ sickness. The board of naval officers which has been considering the establishment of a naval station on the south Atlantic coast recommends a station at Charleston. The United States Naval Academy as sooiatinn has decided to continue the ef forts of the Dewey arch committee to re produce the arch in stone as a monument to the navy. The total value of gifts to Harvard university during the past year is an nouneed to have been $531,510. The in dividual donations have been announce* from time to time. The Richmond Locomotive and Mn chine works has received an order fron the Wabash railroad for 50 locomotives the contract price of which will aggre gate about $050,000. The collections from all sources of th* Havana custom house, Culm, for th month of December, 1000. were $1,114. 305. while for the corresponding month of 1899 they were $1,108,130. The Lakeside inn, a large hotel on the northern shore of Bantam lake, man Litchfield, Conn., has been totally de stroycd by fire. The hotel, which was* practically a new one, was valued at $10. 000. The Rev. John <▼. Fee. the noted abo litionist and founder of Berea college foi the coeducation of races, has died at Be rea, Ky. He was SI years old and had resided at Berea since that city was laid out. Judge Walter S. Merrell, formerly a member of the Connecticut legislature and prominently identified with educa tional interests, is dead, aged 73. H« was a judge of the probate court for 30 years. Joseph Yates Paige, for the past lei years chief clerk of the comptroller *•! the currency, is dead or pneumonia. H* was well known to the hanking inteies: of the country. Mr. Paige was born in Albany in 1850. Mrs. Jennie Racine of Middletown. N Y„ has secured a verdict of si ;.t ;t it against tlit* Hrie railroad in tin* supiem* court at (Josiien for tin* death of her bus band. Tollman Racine, who was killed at a grade crossing. Four hundred miners employed at No. -I colliery of the Kingston Coal company at Pa., have gone on strik* because they claimed tin* company had not lived up to its agreement as to the wages to be paid. 1'ostmasiei Hibbard of Boston has re ceived authority from Washington t* carry into effect his plans for using auto mobiles in t! postal service. Three •>! such vehicles < 1 design suitable for tin work are to be built. Fully 0,000,000 bushels of coal are on the way >-<•** 1 li from Pittsburg, ami h fore tin- pres< nt rise in tin* Ohio is olio; * d *-!.» »' .t • more will probably be -hip ped. V! * licet now on tin* way is made up of 11)7 boats and SI barges. The .shoddy mill of Peel vV Co. at Fish er’s l.i i ami tin* Reading railroad in Her netnio\\ !*. n suburb of Phibnle'nh'a, was •nicely d . t * yeti by lire late \V duosday u;:.:hr. The !• ss i o i mated at ali.uit $4:h 404, 1.11 y * • \ ; > d • y ills'll! an* • . A •' * r *i .. • • : \ i lie -v« 1 1 for many ••••' s as i ' »! o o : lallaway. alias who is now in the ' 1 • . .1.) jail "ii a charge of received w«»rd that he has • ir to an estate of $75,000. • i < „e Henry 1.. Hu minim of M inches r was nominated in the Republican leg islalive caucus to succeed United States Senator William 10. Chandler, whose term of service will expire March .*> next. Tin* nomination was made on the first ballot. William Neufeld has been electrocuted at Sing Sing prison. He robbed and murdered his mother's cousin. Mrs. An nie Krommau, in her apartments at *_!(!(i West Thirty tilth street. New York, on Aug. 7. I SUP. Neufeld met death calmly. An oil gusher has boon struck in north* astern Texas IS miles from Sabine pass. 'The yield is reputed at over 15.000 barrels a day. The well is on a .‘1.N00 acre tract owned by Colonel J. M. (.’ni fty of IMttsluirg, Democratic national committeeman. Silas W. Hurt. New York state civil service commissioner, appointed by Gov ernor Black and reappointed by Gov ernor Roosevelt, has been removed from otlice by Governor Odell. John K. Kraft, an editor ami former mayor of Kingston, was named as his successor. Mililin Marsh. M> years old, has died in Vis home in Wheeling. Mr. Mar.-h was Morn at Sniiihfv !d. Jefferson county. <>.. jini came to Wheeling l!!l year- ay . H< ipcnctl a cigar factory ami introduced the tigar which Inis 'nice become world fa tuous as tlie I'ng st Six children w< re trampled down and killed cud -JO m !.<••*• were injured during a panic at die Twelfth Street Tunic hall, Chicago. The punk was precipitat ed by fills** cries of lire. An entertain ment for children was hi progress, and the hall was filled with MOO little ones. Cornelius L. A’v.nd. Jr., the defaulting note teller of the First National hank of New York city, who pleaded guilty of stealing $000,000 from the bank, has been sentenced by Jed- Thonas in the criminal branch of t Cubed S a:os ciicuir court to lfi years’ imp. isonment. The steamer Amur, fro.n Alaska ports, reports that on Jan. 0 tiro destroyed £50,000 worth of prope ty in Dawson. The principal losers are Ruddy A: Ivil bourn, druggists: Honan a Meat mar ket, Autler’s restaurair, San Francisco Oystoi House, Cribh A- Uog s and Rainier hotel. A new steamship company, tjio l'nu American Steamship company, incor porated in Trenton, with powc to issue >tock to the amount of $5,000,000. is ninarjinx- »•* ^ ... I spring between Xew York and the Phil ippines, China and Japan by way of the Suez canal. I>r. William A. M. Mack, mayor of Elizabeth. X. J.. was found dead in bed :it 1 is home. Death resulted fiom heart disease, from which the mayor had been a sufferer for some years. Mr. Mark was 44 years old. lit* was born in Gh n Gardner, X. J.. and commenced life as a telegraph operator. At the Jamestown (X. Y.) waterworks pumping station eight men wore at work on a scaffolding over a deep reservoir when the framework gave way, and they fell 30 feet into the reservoir, in which was only shallow water. Xearly every one had broken bones and bruises, four being fatal’y injured. Mary Spitzmau and Clara Meyers, serv ants, were burned to death in a fire that gutted the fiflirt floor of the Buckingham apartment house, corner of Allen and Mariner streets. Buffalo. The fire started in the kitchen of the fifth floor, directly below the servants’ room. The property loss is estimated at $85,000. The will of the late Roger Wolcott of Boston has been admitted for probate. An appraisal of the estate shows per sonal prop. : ty valued at $1,509,000 and real estate valued at $130,000. making a total of Si.030.000. The executors are Francis (\ Welsh. Roger Wo! ott and Philip Dexter. Each of the executors has filed a bond of $2,000,000. A statement of the imports and ex ports of the T’nited States issued by the bureau of statistics shows that during December, 1000. the imports of mer chandise amounted to $08.590,000 as against $70,733,843 for the correspond ing month in 1899. The exports of do mestic merchandise during the year are shown to have been $200,180,700 in ex cess of those of the year 1890. Commander John W. Quackenbush. V. S. X.. retired, is dead at his residence in Washington. Commander Quackenbush was born in Xew York and was appoint ed to the navy Sept. 24, 1847. He served on the frigate Cumberland during the I Mexican wai and later saw service in j the Pacific squadron. He was actively employed during the entire period of tin civil war. He was retired in 1809. The coroner’s jury investigating the recent explosion in the building on Warren street in New York city occupied by Tumult A Co., wholesale druggists returned a verdict holding the meinbeis of the company criminally responsible. The membeis of the firm, Thomas S. Main and William G. D. Powers, wen ordered to be produced before the jui> to be admitted in bail of $5,000 each for the action of the grand jury. FOREIGN NOTES OF INTEREST. Johann Faber, founder of the Faber Lead Pencil factory, is dead. The German government has ordered 2,400 tons of sauerkraut in Philadelphia. Mail advices from Antarvinarivo, Mad agascar, report the drowning of 50 mi tiv<*s from the capsizing of a barge. The sum of $30,450 has been awarded by the admiralty court to the owners ot the British steamer Cluden for salving the Bed Star liner Friesland last No vember. M. de Witte, the Russian minister ot finance, will he created a count at tin Russian New Year, according to a dis patch from St. Petersburg, in reeognitn>i of bis services to the empire. Mrs. Mackay has paid 20,000 franc arrears of taxes since ISON, to save fmr. sale by the French government tin (Tiurch of St. Joseph in Paris, the Pas sionist Fathers and chaplains having ap pealed to American and British Catholics for assistance. Latest advices from Samoa state tha the money, amounting to over $41,000 which the governments of Great Britain Germany and tin* I'nitcd States promised to pay the Samoans for the surrender o! tl’.eir arms after the last war is now be ing distributed. An overcrowded steamer plying on Wt st river lost her rudder and was car ried by the current on the rocks non; Canton, sinking in a few minutes. Of 5n passengers on hoard 150 were drowm d through being unable to reach the derk and jump overboard. The Chinese viceroys of the southern provinces are paying American, English and French indemnities for destroyed mission propel t.v. The French have re ceived $275,000 for the burning of Catlio lie missions in the Canton prefecture. Tin* claims are being paid with money raised by special assessments on rich gentry and by the leasing of gambling monopolies. The Nice police have arrested Prince Victor Nakadchidze. a Rus ian, on the charge of p • tting to take the life of the czar on the laticr s supposed approaching visit to Xi o. Prince Xakadchidze, wlm is a nihilist, was condemned to death n Russia as an u< complice in the conspira cy of 1SS0 against the life of the late Czar Alexander 111. lie was also eon vieted in Paris of being illegally in the possession of explosive machines. 4a«‘iit‘i*nl MarUotM, New Yoyk. Jan. 10. FLODH- State and western inactive and I an 1;. atcudy; Minn s. .1 p.i .nis, $fa4.35: winlci straights. -I'm :s. 55; wiiuei extras, $2.5t>a2.'JU. winter patents, 5.i4. Will:AT Sold oft again this morning untie i weak cables, liquidation and continued abxi... of public support; March, 80V:»a80 ll-10c.; May. 8«94a81 1-!<>«'. It YK Steady; state, 53a54c., c. i. f., New York, carlots; No. 2 western, 5"1 f. o. I)., afloat. COHN Fairly active and easy on cables and in sympathy with wheat; May, I39ia43 15-10c. OATS—Dull and easy: track, white, slate, 3D,L a3'je.; trad;, white, western, 3Dja35c. I’OllK Steady; mess, $llal2; family, $14.50a 15.50. l.AHD Easy: prime western steam, 7.75c, III TTEH- Firm; state dairy, I4al!>lijc.; cream ery, lt>a°1c. C'lIKKSF.—Firm; fancy, large, fall made, 1144a ID mc.; fumy, small, fall made, 1194 a 12c. EtitiS -Easier: state and Pennsylvania, llPfca 21c.: western, loss off. I!»l-a20c. Sl’tiAH Haw steady; fair refining. 3"fec.; cen trifugal, i>o lest, 4;tm.: refined steady: crushed, 6.10c.; powdered, 5.70c. MOLASSES steady: New Orleans, 32a40c. ' Hit ?. Steaiiv; domestic, 3”sat>l4< .: Japan, 4aia I 4 s* . TALLOW—Steady; city, 5V»c.\ corn try, 5V*a 6-N. . IIAY Steady; shipping, 77L>a80p ; good to i • v'iee, S5a95c. Kruger Wants to He Hecogiilned. London. .Inn. 17. Mr. Kruger will vNi; America if In' is assured that President Mi Kinley w ill ieceivi him officially a^ presiem of the Transvaal. Itis friend. *lo not want him to undertake an aidit tut* journey in cold weather if it is to be fruitless. John K. Milliolland, repre- ’til ing a group of American pro-Boers, visit ed Mr. Kruger a fortnight ago with \V T. Stead and invited hint to visit Ameri ea. Afterward Mr. Kruger wrote while ilt that his health forbade him to do so. Now that lie has recovered lie is willing to make the trip if satisfied that his visit would tangibly help the Boers. He tells friends he has reason to hope for the czar's moral support. The operation on Mr. Kruger's eyes at Utrecht next week, although slight in itself, will necessitate absolute quiet fur some time. Fatal A ee til cut Avar Cornlnw. Corning. V V.. dan. 17.—John Scott of Bath, aged 7l> and very deaf, was walking along the Lackawanna railroad tracks to the scene of Tuesday night's big wreck when he was struck by a special and cut to pieces. His head was found on the engine pilot after it had run n mite to the station. A. 11. Suker, who was also walking to the wreck, fell in a culvert, cracked his breast twine and was otherwise seriously intored. THE VENEZUELAN BROIL United States Gunboat Hurried to Guan co. THREE BATTLESHIPS HELD READ! I' ii n Hi <• in I \ cl vices Received In Washington Indicate TIint Anphwlt i Trouble1 If Serious—Quest ion of tlie Orinoco Trading* Company. Washington. Jan. 17.—Force will In employed by the United States if neees sary to prevent illegal expulsion, of tin New York and Bermudez company fron its asphalt concessions in Venezuela. Tlu north Atlantic squadron is held in readi ness to proceed to Venezuelan waters. Officials of the administration do noi conceal their concern over the situation Unofficial though reliable advices wen received here yesterday announcing that the revolution is increasing at Guam co and t ho government is preparing to g< t possession of the arms of the New York and Bermudez company. This information was the cause of * conference yesterday afternoon b tweei. Assistant Secretary of State II II am Commander Cowles, acting chief of tin bureau of navigation. As a result of tin conference the Scorpion was ordered t< leave La Gunyra and proceed at once t< Gnanoco, which is believed to be on the Orinoco river. Decisive Measure* Are Ordered. Lieutenant Commander Sargent, com manding the Scorpion, has been dire-.••c to protect American interests, to lam: men if the situation requires such action but to avoid bloodshed if possible. Minister Loomis will be apprised ot these instructions and will communicate them to the Venezuelan government. lie was instructed yesterday afternoon t< use his good offices to secure the reran to the Orinoco Shipping and Trading company of the two steamers impressed by the Venezuelan government Tuesday for operations against the revolutionists. From the information received it is be lieved by the authorities that the vessels are to be used in the proceedings against the New York and Bermudez company. Mr. Pulido, the Venezuelan charge d’affaires, deeply regrets that the incident has reached the stage of seriousness tlu newspapers report. ‘‘I have heard nothing on the subject from my government.” be said. “With regard to the impressment of the tw«. steamers, I may say that they fly tin Venezuelan flag, and, as the • Unitec States did during the war with Spain the government took possession of then: because an emergency required such ac tion.” ■ niff ichiiii>« liny lie Kent. The emphatic statement is made that the United Slates cannot afford to permit its citizens to lie deprived of their prop erty and rights without due process of law. and if the New York and Bermuda: company is ousted from its concession notwithstanding the assistance which thi Scorpion will lend reparation will be ex acted. The authorities are hopeful that the dr terrained attitude which has been assivn ed will bring the Venezuelan government to its senses and prevent trouble. The battleships Kcarsarge and Massa chusctts are at Pensacola. They will la joined in a few days by the bat'lr h'i Alabama, which is hold at Tompkinsv 1U pending repairs to a piston rod whirl bent during her recent inspection. Tin first two battleships ern reach La Guay ra in five days at the utmost, and oven il there tie no conflict it may be deemed ad visnble to order them to Venezuelan wa tiiz. ——— . Cut Flowers, Potted Plants and Ferns for Talile and Home Decorations. Violets. Carnations Roses—fresh, frag rant and beautiful. Special orders delivered on Christinas Morning. HOLTON, THE FLORIST, Soinit Si.. iMsiown. Tkliitionk No. 138. Horses & Carriages FOR SALE GOOD ROAD HORSES, AND FARM AND BUSINESS HORSES. Also BUGGIES, SURREYS AND OTHER CARRIAGES. ANDREW RILEY. daniel losey "•nuceseor to Charles McCoUuu . NEW LIVERY STABLES KKAh L' S. HiITEI., -AORR'Sr'ivs N First-Class High. Good Horses Reliable Drivers • .'in- H'.irnHUwi for Stated *-*erl<»<l- --pec In' V'aelMtie- ''nr Reoept inns. Wedd ‘rifts or Funeral*- \rr.*n)mndaH<n- for Roardlm k»' ' e Hav. ,,r NTonth DANIEL LOSEv, . ' Proprietor. IT. M. COMPTON, Carpenter tnd Ruilder. JnhhlnK a Soecialtv. Prouipi H»ri Personal at tention iriven to all orders. Residence and *»hous No. 6 HarrLson St. Morristown. N J Telephone 3S4 f. 34til BUSINESS CARDS. PIANOS S££!K»*» i iiinv/u 0N installhents TUNING AND REPAIRING, Orders Received at Runyan’s Bock Store 2543 A. H. RIEHMAN JOHN B. VREELAND Counselor at Law, MASTER AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY Office: Savings Bank Building Morristown. - New Jersey. CHARLES STILWELL, JR., Attorney-at-Law •it* Master in Chancery REAL ESTATE Roou id. Savings Bank Building, Morristown C. F. AXTEi-L, Attorney and Counseller at Law. Morristown Trust Company Building PARK PLACE and MARKET ST. Morristown. N.J. Telephone Call No 81 a Loans negotiated on Approved Real Estate.! 2114 JOHN E. FENNELL! attorney at law SOLICITOR AND MASTER IN CHANCER' NOTARY PUBLIC. Morristown, • New Jersey JOHN M. HAINES JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, NOTARY PUBLIC. U. S. PENSION AGENT, COMMISSIONED. WASHINGTON STREET, m2 MORRISTOWN, N. J. QR.W. G. SHARPE DENTAL SURGEON, Rooms 4 and 5 Cover Crosby & Hlll’sst 're 1 McALPIN BLOCK, MORRISTOWN. N. J OFFICE HOURS. 8 A. M. TO 5 P. M. OR. C. W F. HOLBROOK. DENTIST, SAYBROOK PLACE 2, VEW*RK, - NEW JERSEY DR. JAMES MOSEDALE, Veterinary Surgeon. Member of the Royal College of Veterinar> Surgeons, London, England. Successor to Dr Wm. H. McIntosh Veterinary Surgeon Telephone call 1 gSK * Office 107 Morris Street. Residence 39 King St. 2160_ __ QEORGE W. HOWELL. Civil Engineer and Surveyor, IRON BANK BUILDING. Morristown. New Jersey ROOS & BOORAEM, ARCHITECTS. Philip w Roos, H. Toler Boorakn TRUST COMPANY BUILDING, MORRISTOWN. New I -rk Office, - - 33 Nassau street _mi 4 BENJAMIN J. CRANE, Real Estate and Fire Insurance Conveyancer and Notary Public Trust Co., Bl'd, Morristown, N. J. Telephone Call, 286 F. $. M TOMS. Contractor and Builder, Personal Attention Given to Jobbing. Shop and Reside net) Corner Atno Avenue and Clinton Street Telephone 352 a. 1609 JOHN L BROWN, ■ 5i Morris Street. Practical Hcrsestioer and BiacKsmfffi. Work, ' Cond and Track Horses Shod In t radical and Scientific Manner. Personal Attention Given to All Work. CHARLES R. LINDSLEY, BUILDER. 1 arpeuter work of every description prompt ■■ executed at reasonable (trices. Estimates •truished. Peraonal attention (riven to orders. SHOP: McALhN BUILDING, v»*ar Postofflce. Morristown Residence. 49 Mills Street. Established \ esterday. 18 W.T. COGHLAN. PAINTER WALL PAPER. n Stock and mane to Order. CORNICE POLES. >rsonal Attention! Reasonable Prices: Telephone 258 b. SHELLEY HYGIENE ICE CG, - MANUFACTURERS OF - HYGIENE ICE Frtm DISTILLED MORRIS AQUEDUCT WATER. Free from Specks, Dirt and Sav/=dust The water from which our ice is made is distilled, reboiled and filtered twice. ‘FACTORY, COLE AVE., - TELEPHONE CALL 202. The public is cordially invited to visit the factory and inspect the process of manufacture. 1273 Some Interesting Figures Capital Stock of the Four Great Banks ot the World, Dec. 3*1, 1899 Bank ol England.#86,047,935 Bank of France. 36,050,000 Imperial Bank of Germany 28,560,000 Batik of Russia. 25,714,920 Total.#178.872,855 Funds held by the Mutual Life Insurance Co. for the payment of it" policies, December 81, 1809. $801,844 537 Or $125,471,682 more than the combined capital of these famous banks The new form < f policy of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, Richard A. McCord >, President, provides: First, the security of $301,844 537 of as-ets; second, pioti <hle investment: third, liberal loans to the insured; extended teini insurance in esse of lapse: automatic paid up insurance without exchange of policy: liberal surrender values: one month’s grace in payment of piemiums For further information apply to STEPHEN C. GRIFFITH, Agent, Trust Co. Building, Morristown, N. J. GEORGE B. RAYMOND, General Agent for New Jersey No. 197 Market Street, Newark, N. J. EYE EASE IS OBTAINED from our scientifically fitted Glasses. Our Double Vision Glasses ar« Perfect Both for Distance aid N8ar by. The Holiday season is at hand and ou: showing of useful CHRISTMAS GIFTS may interest you. A variety of Fancy and Cozy Corner Thermometers, Opera U'asses, Huh Power Reading Glasses, Telescopes, etc, A fine assortment of the season’s NOVELTIES IN STERLINO SILVER. W. FRANKLIN HARTENSTINE. REFRACTING optician, 35 South Street, Morristown, N. J, Formerly with The Spencer Optical Co., New York. .A ,l\ IF MV rT0 LET SIGN Is on .out iH.iiM . t as ijood at rented. a'»d rented t.. '• sponsibl < leasonable tenants It \.>u wish r. tiire a • I can ser'e \mi eqnaib well. I ,. i( larij ...| .mtau.a, and ant in 1 '>• gt vi d largest property owners hereaboutf: which enables me to give my ciienb? the bc6t service it is possible to get. THEODORE A IRS JR, FARRELLY BUILDINfa. MORRISTOWN, N. J Cornish Piano or fc Cornish Organ any where upon the dis tinct understanding that if It is not satis factory to the pur chaser after twelve months’ use, we will take it hack. Could anything be fairer, anything more lib eral than this unique plan of sell ing Cornish Pianos and Organs. This is j the most < r liberal offer r— ever made. It would be im possible for us to uiu.ff' it it it could not# be supported by the ^9 st.ron • evidence of our absolute rellabil- M Ity. W * guarantee « every instrument for twenty-five years, and we back u p each purchase with a personal guarantee endorsed by a bust- fa n oss reputation of jc0 fifty years, and prop- fjflnf> erty worth over a far million dollars. r UK fULI. rA R TK'ULA HS OK THIS Would F am ed Cohn is h Plan, Bend for our Xetv Souvenir Cutnloaue —a wonc or art with ^-=3S=s=CSSL handsome colored Illustrations. We send It absolutely free. Over n Quarter of a iTHIIion Hatiwlied Cuwfomern, A prompt re* spouse to this ad vertisement will secure n special discount from list prices of $lo on nn orirun, n ml $20 on a pinna. With every r.-r nlsh Plano Wo send a Corr.lnh lati-i t I M ii sica 1 Attucii ’ merit \v h 1 c h cor rectly Imitates t lie Harp, Guitar Pan jo.;. i etc. This can only ' be had with the Cornish Plano, t - . ■■.. , ..j tor rererenc*9 ; commit your bank, our bank, any b<i>> CORNISH & COMPANY. k (Established 50 Ye tr* /• Wushlniftoii, N. J. .'V TO CUKE A COED IN ONE OAT. | Take I AXATIVE HromoQuintni Tamexts A1 druggists refund the money if U to cure E. W. Grove 8 signature *• on eae.i boi. 2/>c i77 / And A few of the things it chops. nuunmnu n Uidhs Fun &Clah. IJl; vJUw Bm rm,CW. Each Machine Has THREE Cutters AND CHOPS Coarse, Medinm or Fine. It replaces the Chopping Bowl and ig A Household necessity Which You Wi!5 Use Every Day. *rOt? SALE BY PHILLIPS & DAY General Hardware Dealers, |5 Park Place, Morristown, N. J. Andrew G. Phillips, Telephone Call William E. Day. No. 21. JOHN DENMAN CA8 ALL THE IMPROVED APPLIANCES -FOR ODORLESS EXCAVATING, WHICH HE 18 PREPARED TO •„> rs . THOROCOH MANNER, s'i PRICES MUCH LESS THAN THOSE HERETOFORE CHARGED IN MORRISTOWN Orders left at JAMES P. sULLiVAN & SON’S, corner Market Street and Park Place, or P. O. BOX No. 234. will re ceive Prompt Attention. TELEPHONE OAL), It » jL MINERAL WATERS IN SIPHONS Vichy, Apollo, Carbonates • • and Seltzer. 10 cts. per Siphon or Jl . p,iZ 2-i per I ir-j r ... SOUTH r-T mih:k i« i o'- \ \ |