Newspaper Page Text
County Collector’s Quar terly Statement, End ing Nov. 12th, 1901. 1901 RECEIPTS. auk 14 Balance, *6 799 57 Nat C Bank, Bills pbl, note 5 mos 14 000 00 “ Boonton Nat Bank, bills pbl, note 0 nios 600000 “ Peoples’ bank, Dover, bills pbl, note 6 mos 2 0C0 00 Aug 29 Nat U Bank, bills pbl note G mos 4 000 00 Aug 14 OK Davenport, guar Ilian, Pr House acct 10 00 “ .1 W rancher, bags, old mat’l sold 7 00 “» T It Hill, col ass’m’t, Mend. & Ber. HR 1 186 05 AUK 17 M VanHorn, col “ Netcong and Budds Luke 00 i* CH Howell, col, ass* ment Netcong and Budds Bake 1 166 00 Aug 30 H W Hunt, Guardian, lunacy 39 00 Sept 11 O K Davenport, Poor House, account 10 00 a “ 10 00 « •< “ 10 00 Nat U Bank, bill pbl, note 5 mos 19 500 27 Sept 14 Boonton Nat Bank, 8 A Rd. bills pbl, note 5 mos . 4 872 50 “ W H Youngs, col, 9 A Road assessment , account Roxbury 483 26 Sept 30 W 9 Hancock, Compt S A to Schools 24 964 52 Oct 3 W 8 Hancock, Compt RR ft Canal Taxes, 1st installment 4 093 11 Oct 4 E W Kimball, bdge acc’t, old mat’l Bold 2 00 Oct 9 NatU Bank, bills pbl, note 3 mos 15 ooo (JO Oct 14 Boonton Nat Bank, bills pbl, note 3 mos 5 000 00 Oot 31 Nat U Bank, bills pbl, note 3 mos 6 500 00 Oct 9 J C Carter, bdg mat’l 68 28 •< AH Bartley, “ 316 Oct 24 W 8 Hancock, Compt Htt ft Canal Taxes, 2d installment, 2046 55 *118 200 76 DISBU KSEMENT8. CURRENT EXPENSES—COURT EXPENSE. Aug HEP Byram „*4 JBV reeland 250 00 WSHowoll 4 07 Vogt Bros. * “J A E Mills 208 83 Sept 11 D 8 Voorhees 15« » O A Baker 186 00 O A Knight 123 /5 A E Mills 208 33 U A Baker 80 Si ' J B Vreeland 250 00 M G Piei son 9 00 «• «* o 00 Oct 9 J B Vreeland 250 00 A E Mills 208 33 W W Beers 60 00 C A Baker 262 08 C B Gage 3 19 J W Babbitt 110 00 E P Byram 15 00 J -* 2 452 26 COURT HOUSE A JAIL. Aug 14 11 Kilgore 10 40 I* J Howard 12 80 lleadley Sc llomalne 8 78 O A Baker, Sheriff 392 00 Morris Aqueduct 17 75 ■ JKug&OonCo 140 United Elec Co 38 01 „ .. .. 3519 Morristown G B Co 15 52 W H Meslar 10 50 WmTCoghlan 5176 • • “ 30 17 Sept 11 F M Buck 6 00 C A Baker, Sheriff 447 30 Morris Aqueduct Co 18 50 P J Howard 36 00 United Elec Co 28 14 Morristown G B Co 18 65 •• 6 90 Sands & Co 908 75 N Y & N J Tel Co 55 40 .. “ 48 10 . 28 30 Phillips & Day 10 07 N J Eng * Con Co 48 John Denman 62 00 DH O Rov 21 65 Calhoun Orr 10 00 Oct 9 P J Howard 33 75 E S Norris 6 50 Thos Mai ley 82 30 F M Buck 39 00 HJ Mtacl 55 60 O A Baker, Sheriff 380 45 Matthias Plum 12 00 N J Eng & Cou Co 3 31 D P McClellan 129 46 Phillips & Day 9 5o Geo Green & Sou <,80 Morrlst’u Gas Bight Co 1949 W 11 Dutton 67 81 John J Carrol & Son 46 62 P M Hall 54 50 Sands A Co 118 82 Market St Mission 4 00 United Electric Co 41 99 K B Foster 36 00 John Denman ^ 66 00 lsuac Katz 12 00 - *3 658 97 POOR HOUSE. Aug 14 H R Dobbins 89 00 John Babe-ick 12 00 E 8 Smith Ml 00 Cliff old Mills 29 00 M U Pierson 12 00 Johns. Bell 5 00 Mary MoAvoy 1000 John J Fagan 22 05 Job Wright 8 95 James F. Belby 81 10 Bands A Co 84 65 Brown A O’Connell 20 02 E 8 Smith 13 40 Sum l’eer 35 0(1 J R H.mdcrshot. 10 95 J M Jaqui M Co 31 65 J C Layer 78 00 W A Leggett A Co 20 88 ■ J B Blackwell 23 46 WS Corwin 66 75 >■ 80 39 W H Thompson 61 50 J R Hendershot 4 0(1 Sept 11 Frank Dnfford 300 II R Dobbins 13 00 C K Davenport 20 00 J c Layer 97 19 J W. Jaqui M Co 11 26 E S Smith 6 32 •• •• 60 00 Clifford Mills 35 60 Sam Peer 36 no MG Pierson 12 00 Johns Bell 6 60 J R. Riggs 18 00 John Babcock 12 00 GRKiteheli 18 00 , Mary McAvov 10 00 W S Corwin 66 00 Brown A O’Connell 14 61 Job Wright 3 80 D M Merchant 86 54 Samis A Co 18 30 J J Fagan 22 05 Phillips A Day 61 83 Oct 9 John Babcock 1200 Johns Bell 6 00 Anna Whitehead 19 60 Mary McAvoy 10 00 1) P McClellan 8 66 H E Bennett 38 18 J J Fagan 21 50 John Barrett 47 06 J W Jaqui M Co 11 45’ Phillips A Day 8 26 E S Smith 77 40 EC Burnett 36 00 M G Pierson 16 00 Frank llufford 6 00 Stewart Neighbor 12 25 E S Norris 7 60 J 0 Layer 91 4 i Brown A O’Connell 14 16 D M Merchant 102 06 Wm S Corwin 50 75 Sam Foer 36 00 Clifford Mills 33 50 ' KS Smith 60 00 - *2 196 26 CHILDREN’S HOME. Aug 14 R D Foote, Treas 465 00 Sept 11 “ ’’ ’’ 372 00 Oct 9 •• “ “ 466 00 - *1 30200 -LUNACY. Oot 9 N J State Hospital *6 550 80 FREEHOLDERS AND OFFICERS. Aug 14 Dayton Baldwin 24 76 T H Hoagland 42 54 T J Quinlan 36 73 M P Norris 33 00 John M Mills 42 00 J C Carter K go H M Dalrymple 80 00 W N Swackliamer 13 50 K W Kimball 56 56 JWVanDuyne 34 88 John F Post 37 60 WEYou-ig 42 72 EC Mitchell 56 00 JC White 50 00 K A Qaayle 9100 A O Orr 46 0* Tlios Malley 68 33 J B Bowman 38 42 Sidney Mnnson 44 72 WE King 186 66 G A Becker 44 00 J W Fancher 52 60 * AH Bartley 2144 Jos F Melanin 376 00 Sep. 11. H M Dalrymple 1* 00 WROook 8400 “ 84 00 Thomas Malley 5b 33 WE King 180 66 T H Hoagland 28 5t J W Fancher 44 60 —-TTTT J B Bowman 1612 John M Mills 34 00 W E Young 18 72 E C Mitchell 38 00 Dayton Baldwin 28 U0 A G Orr 46 42 JO White 50 00 G A Becker 3100 JasO Carter 6 60 • Sidney Munson 34 76 M P Vorrl- 32 00 J W VanDuyne 22 72 W N Swackhammer 2160 M H Spencer 2311 Eugene Troxell 1110 E W Kimball 44 56 TJ Quinlan 3l 72 A H Bartley 29 14 _ . John F Post 85 60 Oct. 9. E A Quayle 4115 Thornes Malley 358 33 W E King 186 S6 JC White • 60 00 W E Young 16 72 .1 W VanDuyne 10 72 M H Spencer 39 11 W N Swarkhammer 35 60 T 1 Quinlan 54 72 John F post 35 60 A G Orr 46 42 M P Norris 36'0 - E C Mitchell 36 00 Sidney Munson 46 72 John M Mills 34 00 E W Kimball 42 56 T H Hoagland 31 08 J W Fancher 38 60 H M Dairy tuple 1800 W R Cook 30 00 J C Carter 10 80 G A Becker 22 4X> H A Bartley 13 44 J B Bowman 32 62 Dayton Baldwin a CORONERS AND POST MORTEMS. | Aug. 14 J W Fancher 822 30 A H Pierson 8 00 James Hagan 66 98 Samuel Leonard 120 83 J B Griswold 20 00 R L Cook 5 00 N H Adsit 5 60 R L Cook 15 50 Geo H Foster 6 80 Sept. 11. Geo C Kyte 7 30 Geo W Wilkinson 5 00 James Hagan 83 70 Oct. 9. R L Cook 10 80 Geo C Kyte 7 70 F W Flagge 6 60 A W Condict 2(f00 Samnel Leonard 610 James Hagan 9 30 —j— *400 61 INCIDENTALS. Ang, 14. H L Swartz (131 25 J O White 37 25 K 7, White 4 40 C A Baker, Sheriff 200 00 W A Lilian stein 44 00 “ 26 00 Geo Whiteman 7 00 P C Yawger 125 00 Tj Johnson 30 00 J J Mooney 36 00 Sept. 11..)C White 35 00 El A Qnayle 30 00 F W Schmidt 250 00 Wo; Collins 2 00 C H Howell 34 08 T R Hill 35 58 N Y & N J Tel Co 6 54 M Van Horn 14 38 TJ Johnson 1510 W B Gillen 35 U0 H P. Kodermond 7 00 ' M A Budd 0 00 Oct. 9. J C White 37 27 Wm K Salvage I 40 00 M A Budd 5 00 W H Youngs 14 60 .-*1,207 15 ADVERTISING AND PRINTING. Sept. II. J F Lindsley *31 25 3 6(t Dover Printing Co 37 80 Vogt Bros 61 2(i “ 5 05 - 76 26 C L Grubb 31 25 Daily Record 31 25 Vog> Bros 38 50 S L Garrison 36 80 A L Adams 35 50 Oct. 9. Vo>t Bros 74 60 “ 2 75 “ 525 “ 9 00 Eagle Pub. & Ptg Co 31 25 Cce Finch 37 75 Pierson & Surdam 52 (15 Geo T Keech 32 25 J T Scott 31 25 H C Rowell 3126 Church and Home 81 25 .- *724 90 STATIONERY. Ang. 14. W K Muchmore *28 48 “ 55 35 “ 40 66 R F Treweeke 25 91 Consolidated S M Co 25 50 Vogt Bros 11 00 Matthias Plum 20 35 Sept.ll.E S Morris 8 16 Oct. 8. Vo^t Bros 13 50 Matthias Plum 16 75 -*243 64 INDEXING. Aug. 14. David Young *146 67 Sept. 11. “ 10168 Oct. 9. " 126 66 - *375 01 ELECTIONS. Sept. 11. R Robinson *25 00 Oct. 9, Pierson & Surdam 29 25 - *54 26 STREET LIGHTING. Ang. 14. Morristown G L Co *45 83 Sept. 11. " 45 83 Oct. 9. " 45 83 - *137 49 SUPT. CO. SCHOOLS. Sept. 11. W B Matthews *82 29 Oct. 9. J H Aulsart . 12 00 W L R Haven 12 00 A F Stauffer 18 00 - *119 2* *23.091 <W DEBT AND INTEREST. SURPLUS REVENUE. Sept. 11. W L McCue. Cast., *11761 “ “ 85 45 Day ton Baldwin “ 128 10 N L Briggs " 23 868 W H Youngs " 54 20 G M Mutchler “ 22 30 C H Howell “ 76 63 F H Tappen “ 16 61 Heurv Collins “ 127 311 J H Van Boren “ 638 17 M VanHorn '* 76.1* J B Kelsey " 90 63 Tunis K Hill “ 83 03 G E Bardon " 166 53 W H Shtpuian “ 20“ 99 J C McGrath •• 1*181 F S Smith •' 82 3# Geo Earls “ 258 68 Isaac VanNeBS *• 1*2 *4 Wui Willis •* 93 04 W H smith “ 131 wi D LCory •• 164 87 Oct, 9. A P Downs • “ 147 32 E M Searing " 343 50 -*3,597 04 INTEREST AND DISCOUNT. Aug. 14. National Union Bank *349 81 Boonton National Bank P3U0 People’s Bank 58 10 National Union Bank 120 99 Sept. 31. National Union Bank 499 73 Boouton National Bank 127 50 Oct. 9. National Union Bank 226 85 Boonton National Bank 76 67 National Union Bank 96 30 - *1,740 96 RAILROAD AND CANAL TAXES. (1st Installment.) Oct 24. Arlington McFall. Ool. *156 90 H B Andrew “ 155 ni Geo E Poole ’’ 131 49 FH Tappen “ 12 52 Melville VanHorn “ R7 03 Henry Collins “ 53 47 John C McGrath “ 196 75 Geo M Mutchler " 12) 37 C E Tippett “ 49 18 W H Shipman “ 161 16 Win Willis " 367 11 Isaac VanNess " 72 09 I F 8 Smith •• 36 70 CH llowell ’’ 93 63 WH Smith “ 37 93 W. L "McCue. COTT 180 64 IJ. L. Cory, “ 788 49 Geo. W. Earls, •• 16108 W. H Youngs, “ 869 59 A. P. Downs, “ 72 87 G. K. Bardon, “ 89 11 Octal Arlington McFall, Col. 178 45 H. B. Andrew, " 77 50 Geo. E. Poole, " 60 74 Geo. E. Bardon, “ 44 60 F. II. Tappen, •• 6 26 Melville VanHorn, •• 93 51 Henry Colling, “ 26 74 J. O. McUratn, ■' 53 36 Goo. M. Mutchler, “ 60 68 Chas. E. Tippett, “ 24 59 W. H.Shipman, “ 80 58 Win. Willis, “ 183 55 Isaac Van Ness, “ 36 05 F. S. Smith, “ 18 36 C. H. Howell, " 46 31 Wm. H. 8mlth, •• 18 97 Win, L. McCue, “ 90 32 D. L. Cory, “ 394 24 Geo. W. Earls, “ 80 64 Win. II. Youngs, “ 434 79 A. P. Dovn^ “ 36 44 r - *6139 66 *11 477 66 PUBLIC WORKS. BRIDGES. Aug 14 C. F. Mlckens 99 16 Geo. C. Donnell 142 28 O. J. King 5 76 E. 11. Harrington 22 78 Allred Class 5 00 J. H. Lorey 125 00 Theo. Ktnglleb 17 50 B. K.*G. W. Stickle 4193 Rockawav H ’ware 8. Co. 47 24 Thomas Graub 81 23 M.8. Burnett 16 00 Andrew Roderer 45 0* H.W.Erwey SW2S Allen A Palmer 5 70 J. O. Harvey *0 00 Wm. C. Weaver 3 78 Thomas Henderson 6 00 H.P. Dufford 2 75 Sutton a Apgar S3 40 Samuel Seadaen 3 75 Boouto% Lumber Oo. 235 90 Geo. O/Estler 20 25 F. F. Bircli 47 60 Geo. B. Smith 50 96 J. E. Hull 900 0. W. Dennis 23 47 C. E. Shelley Ijj 00 Geo. O. Romaine £7 35 K. C. Drake Robt Patrey Chester Iron Co. ‘J99 Lewis P. Wolvertou 1248 Daniel Hicks ***» F. J. Hubbard 60 00 F.F. Birch 78/0 m Geo. A. GUIlg 18 00 Samuol Briggs 69 05 i« “ 9 92 Willi* Decker 30 98 8, AW. Mead 1(536 Isaac Ogden 19 00 A. J Read 5 28 Drake Bostedo Co. 4 20 Warren FMry A M. Co. 29 10 F, F. Birch 45 00 Fred Starkey 6 25 J. E, Smith 8 00 H.E. Vreeland 5 20 Martin Cook 200 00 Martin Blanchard 23 00 C. C. Williams 18 50 Martin Blanchard 51 50 F. F. Birch 44 O'? M. T. Welsh 34 90 N. P. Dufford 3 25 E. P. Dawsou 1031 50 John H. West 4 00 F. M. Roseck 12 50 F. F. Birch 6 40 Thos. Meskill 40 00 Thos. J. Allen 175 00 Horace Baird 30 78 Timothy Griffin 35 00 Fred Klelblock 24 35 F. A N. Miller 18 00 Dickerson A Gill 120 00 Gso. A. Glllig 0 60 John Sharkey 3 50 A. P. Searing 15 10 N. R. Wilcox 6 80 F. F. Birch 138 00 •« •• 36 70 Chas. Bolomey 17 00 Hsnry Salmon A Son 24 83 “ .• “ " 23 09 T. N. Logan 23 40 J. H. Doremus 7 00 E. E. Bott 27 25 F. AN. Miller 35 00 Lyman Young 12 50 J. J. Miller 75 68 W. L. McCuo, Treas. 11 95 John F. Sisco 114 00 J. J. Ball 4 84 F F. Birch 273 00 J.D.Squler 86 00 Kenvil Lumber Co. 2 90 J. H Epler 3 26 M.J. Black 625 J.V. Corbett 213 65 J. R. Riggs >13 00 J. E. Haycock 20 00 E. K. Roberts 49 25 Wm. Hazel 10 00 H. V. Lawrence 5 00 Janie« W bite 85 oo F. F. Birch 45 00 J. W. VanDuyne 3 75 Abe Vreeland 29 00 Geo. B. Smith 58 29 A. J.Tuers 200 00 II. C. Newkirk 48 75 Chas. Hicks 52 88 R. H. Bird 54 00 ftl. S. Trimmer 24 55 J. H. Fancher 25 00 Dan Marlon 14 00 Abe Vreeland 6 00 ' E. II. Stickle 6 68 F. F. Birch 877 89 D H. Burnett 2 50 F. F. Birch v 35 70 “ “ 41 65 J. J. Kennedy 49 64 E. F. Uonnett 10 05 F. F. Birch 23 40 Oct. 9 R. II. Bird 43 00 John McClain 93 06 R. Killgoro 61 45 Frank Gies 6 60 11. It. Stilwell 24 60 A. Hilbert 3100 ILK. Stilwell 7 25 Chas. Bolomey 20 00 Evan Evans 6 50 W.H. Schenck 18 12 F. F. Garrftbrani 88 23 A. J. Read 36 58 W.H. Pierson 36 30 J. E. Meeker 8 00 J H Lorey 5 25 / Thos Pope 13 50 Simpson A Case 21 40 LPWolverton 8 85 Jas II Brant 12 48 E W Elliot 33 14 Daniel Hicks 38 50 Sutton A Apgar 23 45 MT Welsh 1170 Alvin Hoover 2 60 James Anthony 8 68 Jacob Skinner 32 02 F F Birch 17 60 EB Lewis 50 00 M B Carrell 10 00 FAN Miller 80 00 F F Birch 27 50 Smith A Jacobus 9 15 Henry Salmon & Son 60 44 Geo B Smith 80 32 A J Tuers 653 06 C C Williams 1000 A E Zeliff 10 00 Nick Demorest 37 50 Geo W Mead 48 44 James Lorry 136 20 - f7 933 27 HOAD REPAIR*. Aug 14 Alfred Class 101 25 Will Dragoo 197 63 Jacob Baker 26 60 Win Seals 14 51 Chas Hull 136 50 W A Matthews 8 00 VV II Peer 37 25 F W Schmidt 237 20 “ “ 837 28 “ “ 570 40 “ “ 338 95 Thos Mesklll 298 00 “ “ 431 50 Samuel A Smith 97 63 J M Hoffman 49 50 Ii Vanderhoflf 114 00 Sain Scftdden 29 96 Harry Cook 20 00 U H Leonard 37 75 A L Cobb 25 00 E L Frenz 35 75 S J McMullin 147 14 Martin Cook 24 00 Sept 11 Chas Hull 37 50 W H Peer 124 89 John Steelman 24 38 W L Dennis 18 75 Samuel DeMott 12 25 W m Seals 57 25 FNN'Dttvia 35 89 F W Schmidt 1 092 72 “ “ 294 84 “ “ 363 36 “ •• . 531 60 “ 1 443 76 M J Black 61 53 Thos Mesklll 303 00 << «< ()Q Sept.ll Lemuel Sheets, 489 48 Samuel Scudden, 48 28 F N N Davis, 3 25 George Youngs. 26 03 George A . GlUig, 31 50 John B Hulse, 1 95 Allred Class 33 25 Marshall .Mase, 4 50 K VunderbofT, 275 41 George A Drake, 230 0!) Oct. 9, F W Schmidt, 108 38 " " 151 36 “ ” 575 68 William Draggoo, u 00 Jesse Jones 239 80 K Vanderhoflf, 68 60 Lemutl .'■beets, 318 40 F W Schmidt, 001 76 " " 520 56 »» •» SKU UA Wm H Youngs, 1 25 Alfred ( lass. 15 75 .JohoGaynor, 5 85 D L Trimmer, 4 80 Lewis VanDuyne, 8 00 F V. Schmidt, 191 36 W H Peer, 185 08 I) L Trimmer. 84 45 Samuel Scadden, 30 88 Thomas Musk ill, 207 00 John Cunninjrham, 23 65 Miller & Moiitor, 258 50 F W Schmidt. 188 96 Miller & Moiitor, 338 00 -$14,833 55 STATE AID ROADS Aug 14 M J Black, 1,567 08 Lewis DCary, 09 50 *• ** 29 88 Smith & Jenkins, 11100 E C Quimby, 84 00 Hor ce Buird, 81 00 M J Black, 2,924 90 Dickerson & GUI, 4.586 60 Sept 11 Dickerson & Gill, 4.341 82 * J B'ack, 2,879 78 Fdw Howell, 87 50 V M Messenger 159 00 Smith A Jenkins, 68 75 E C Qulmby, 89 00 Horace Baird, 61 50 Oct. 9 Diekersou & Gill, 3,855 82 EC Qulmby, 69 00 Smith A Jenkins, 64 98 Horace Baird. 72 00 J li Smith, 221 62 Smith A Jenkins, 144 17 KUw Howell, 15 00 M J Black, 2,621 48 -*24,113 II COURT HOUSE AND JAIL PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT. Aug 14 H P Kodeman, 250 00 W J Leone v, 61 60 Wm T Chughlan, 36 00 Sept 11 H P Kodeman, 513 41 C Evans 382 90 Oct. 9 H P Kodeman, 143 28 Dempsey A Cooney, 257 18 -*1,623 27 POOR HOUSE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT. Aug 14 Edw Howell, 42 00 Oct.9 A A Parks, 700 O' -742 00 $49,164 20 STATE MONEYS. STATE APPROPRIATION. Oct. 12 Davton Baldwin, Oust. 1.164 2# Wm H Youngs, “ 1,080 22 John C McGrath, •• 812 00 A P Downs, •• 997 24 J H VanDorcn, “ 3,735 37 Nathan l, Briggs, “ 1,047 20 W L M Cue. “ 438 20 " " 624 78 W H Smith, “ 754 48 W H Shipman, 1 1,294 57 ft H Tappan, *' 189 31 Geo M Mutehler, “ 101 16 Dorastus L i ory, " 1,|97 82 p|II Howell, C" 814 42 Melville VanHorn. " 464 41) Geo Earls. “ 1,951 98 PS Smith, “ 373 03 Isaac VanNess, “ 482 87 Geo E BarOon, “ 1,274 45 Tunis i( Hill, . " 728 78 Henry Collins, “ 779 09 J It Kelsey. “ 705 79 Wm Willis, “ 934 30 E M Searing, “ 2.651 04 -$24,964 52 RECAPITULATION. RECEIPTS. Aug. 14 Balance, $ 6,799 57 Received from all sources of revenue, 111,401 19 -118,200 76 DISBURSEMENTS. CURRENT EXPENSES. Court Expenses, $2,452 25 Court House and Jail, 3 558 97 Poor House. 2,194 26 Children’s Home, 1.302 00 Lunacy, 6,550 85 Freeholders & Officers 3,768 48 Coroners and Post Mortems, 400 51 Incidentals. 1.207 15 Advertising & Printing, 724 90 Stationery, 243 64 Indexing, 375 01 Elections, 54 25 Street Lighting, 137 49 Supt. County Schools, 119 29 - 23.091 00 DEBT AND INTEREST. Surplus Revenue. 3,597 04 Interest and Discount, 1,740 95 Railroad & Canal Taxes. (1st, Installment). 4.093 11 Railroad & Canal Taxes. (2nd Installment), 2,046 55 -- 11,477 65 PUBLIC WORKS. Bridges, 7,933 27 Road Repair, • 14,833 55 State Aid Roads, 24,113 11 Court House and Jail Permanent Imprv. 1,623 27 Poor-House Perm. Imp, 742 00 - 49,245 20 STATE MONEYS. State Appropriation 24,964 52 108.778 37 Oct. 9 Balance, 9.422 39 118,200 70 JOSEPH F. McLEAN. County Collector. MORRIS & ESSEX DIVISION. D. L. & W. R. R. * Official Schedule. Corrected to Nov. 3,1901. Trains to and from New York. GOING EAST. Leave Ar. Ar. Mor’t, New’k N. Y. X m7 A. M. A. M. 5 17 6 60 7 SO 6 00 7 02 7 30 8 30 7 31 8 00 6 60 7 61 8 20 7 12 8 00 8 30 7 50 8 35 9 00 7 62 8 41 9 10 8 22 .... 9 20 8 36 9 17 9 40 9 12 10 00 10 .30 9 20 10 27 11 00 10 10 11 10 11 40 P. M. 11 05 12 10 12 40 11 47 12 60 l 20 P. M. 12 40 1 89 2 10 1 15 2 20 2 50 2 15 3 12 8 40 *2 66 *3 51 14 20 3 18 4 09 4 40 4 23 6 20 5 60 6 15 6 12 6 40 8 24 7 24 7 66 7 19 8 14 8 40 8 00 8 68 9 26 9 00 9 68 U 26 9 60 10 63 11 25 A.M. til 10 tl2 14 tlS 66 A. M. GOING WEST. Leave Ar. Ar. N. Y. New’k Mor’t A. M. A. M. A. M. 4 30 6 06 6 03 6 00 6 33 7 41 7 10 7 42 8 38 8 10 8 45 9 40 . 8 50 9 30 10 15 9 30 10 18 II 08 10 10 10 48 II 65 P M. 11 10 11 48 12 65 12 00m 12 34 1 27 P. M. tl 20 tl 49 i3 40 266 2*35 8 32 3 30 8 06 4 14 3 20 8 50 4 40 4 00 5 02 4 00 4 31 5 12 4 30 5 03 5 54 4 30 5 05 6 18 6 00 .... 6 12 6 20 6 62 6 49 6 40 6 15 7 15 6 00 6 32 7 28 6 30 7 05 8 12 7 30 8 00 9 11 8 00 8 32 9 30 9 16 9 45 10 39 •10 45 *11 18 *12 22 A. M. A.M. jl2 30 $1 00 §2 00 JSaturday only. tExoept Sunday. ^Except Monday. ‘Except Sunday night. Sunday Trains. GOING EAST. Leave Ar. Ar. Mor’t. New’k N. Y. A. M. A. M. A. M. »'ia 10.09 16'io 10.10 11.10 11 40 P. M. 11.47 12.52 1 25 P. M. 12.40 1.39 2 10 2.15 3 12 3 40 3.1ft 4.11 4 4(1 5.15 ft 12 ft 40 7.19 8.21 8 55 9.'i6 1(109 HMO 9.50 10 53 11 25 GOING WEST. Leave I Ar. Ar. N.Y. |New’k Mor’t. aTm, A M. A. M. 18 .10 I 1 00 8 1 0 4 30 i 6 08 6 08 8<0 ! 8 30 9 40 9 80 j 10 03 11 08 ! p.'m. p.'m. 12 00m I 13 34 1 38 P. M. 1 00 1 32 2 40 2 00 | 2 33 8 39 4 00 i 4 30 5 80 8 30 | 7 05 8 12 8 O) 8 32 9*80 9 15 9 47 10 61 A. M. A. M. 11 30 12 05 1 10 Through service West—No. 103 leaves 8:38 a, ui., runs thron.h to Easton, eonneotlng there with Central Railroad of New Jersey and Lehigh Valley Railway; connects at Denvllle for Boonton Branch; at Dover for Binghamton and intermediate points; at Stan hope fur Sussex Branch; at Washington with the Lackawanna Limited for Buffalo and all points West. Sleeper on this train rnns through to St. Louis. Observation car to Buf falo; dining car to Buffalo. No. 355 leaves 9:40 a. m., runs through to Chester. No. 359 leaves 1:27 p. m., runs through to Chester; connects at Denvllle for Boonton Branch , at Dover for PhllllpBburg and Inter mediate stations. No. 65, 8:04 p. m , stops for passengers going to Scranton and West thereof. Pullman sleeper, and coach on this train runs through to Chicago. Dining car to Blnghampton. No. 405 leaves 4:4(1 p. m., runs through to Easton; connects with Central Railro d of New Jersey and Lehigh Valley Hallway. No. 363 leaves 5:54 p. m.; connects at Ren ville for Boonton Branch; at Dover for Ches ter Branch. No 367 leaves 6:49 p. m., runs through to Newton: connects at Dover with fast train for the West: through sleeper to Chicago; sleeper tt Buffalo; passengers can remain In this sleeper until 8 a, in.; dlnin, car to Strouds burg No. 369 leaves 7:28 p. m.. runs through to Hackettstown; connects at Stanhope for New ton No. 871 leaves 9:30 p. m.: connects at Dover with solid vestlbuled train for the West, having through Bleeper to Utica, Oswego, Ithaca and Buffalo. Tickets are sold to 'all points in the United Stales. For information call on D. J. White, Ticket Agent, Morristown, N. J.; Guy Adams. Di vision Passenger Agent, Newark, N. ,1.; T. W. Lee, Genera] Passenger Agent, 26 Exchange Place, New York. T. W. Lkk General Passenger Agent Rockaway. Valley Railway. Leave Morristown, for all stations to White house, D., L. & W. Station, 8.40 a. m.; 5.06 p. m ; Park Place at 8.60 a. m. and 6.1* p. m.; WatnonK Station, 8.10 a. m. and 5.80 p in. Leave Brookslde for Morristown, 7.16 a. m. and 3.80 p. in.; for Whttehonse, 9.60 a. m. and 5.46 p. m. Leave Mendham for Morristown, 7.06 and 3.06 p. m.; for Whltehouse, 10.06 a. m. and 6.56 p. m. Leave WhltehouBetor Morristown, 6.00 a.m. and 1.30 p. m. Arrive at Whltehouse from Morristown, 11.40a. m. and 7.00 p. m. Whippany River Railroad Time table for passenger service In effect March 30.1889. Trains leave Whippany for Morristown, 7.80 a. in ; 5.42 p. m , except Saturday; 6 80 and 9,60 p. m . Saturday only. Trains leave Morristown for Whippany, 6.46 and 8.46a.m.: 5.06 and 9.30 p.m..Saturday onlv AUDITOR’S SALE. Morris County Circuit Court. Irving E. Schwarz1 In Attachment, vs. J Mary A. McIntosh ) On Contract. By virtue of an order made in the above stated cause by the said Court, on the sixteenth day of November A. D., 1901, the subscriber, auditor appointed by the said Court, in the said cause, will sell at public vendue to the highest bidr er, at th Court House in the Town of Morristown. N. J., on MONDAY, THE TWENTY-THIRD DAY OF DECEMBER. A. D., 1901, between the hours of twelve and five o’cloc in the a fcernoon, that is to sav at the hour of tw * o’clock In the afternoon of sai l da*, and make assurance and convey ance f all that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land and nrcm ises, situate in the Town of Morristown in the C- unty of Morris and •state of New Jersey. Being tht same premises\cd to t e said Mary A, McIntosh by John R. Vreeland and wife by deed dated July 9 1896 and re corded in the Morris < ounty Cle k’p office in Book B-15 of Deeds, on page* 64 &c., and it> therein described as follows: Beginning in the middle of Washington -treet.. formerly known as the road leading from the residence of John Mills to the Court House in Morristown, at a corner of a lot thi« day conveyed to SAmuel Luckev bv Marie H Mills et als., aud at the disiance westerly one hundred feet from the southwest con er of the lot now occupied by J bn 8. Johnson and con veyed to him by David Mil Is; thence mnnit g along the westerly line of 8amnel 8 Luckev ‘* lotn rthone hundred and ninety-eight feet to the line of land of John J. Mills; them e running along the lin*- of land of said John J. Mills west thirty feet, more or less, to a Doint from which a line drawn southerly and parallel with the first mentioned line will strike the centre lin of said washl» gton sireet thirty feet from the place of beginning; thence southerly and par llel with the first mentioned line one hundred and ninety eight feet more or less, to the centre of sal Washington street; and thence along the said centre Hue of said Washington street thirty feet, more or less, to the plaoe of begin* ing. Which said lands and premises were seized and attached by Charles A Baker. Sheriff of the Countv of Morris by virtue of a writ of attachment issued in the above stated cause, and will be sold for cash. C FRANKLIN WILSON, Auditor. Dated November 19, A. D., 1901 3153 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that I. Timothy H Daly, or the town of Morristown, will make application to the Board of Excise Com missioners within and for the town of Morris town at their next regular 'Meeting to be held W ednesday evening, December llt.ti, 1901, t.<* have the license granted Oct her 9th last to lohn Wellbank to occut-y and sell at No. 24 Market street and therein to sell by retail b> less measure than one quart, ale malt, spirit ous, vinous, and brewed liqu rs, transferred to me 'or the nnexpired term thereof. Dated November 26, 1901. 3169 TIMOTHY H. DALY. APPLICATION. To the Honorable, the Board of Excise Com mis loners of the Town of Morristown, N. J THE subscriber hereby reques's your honorable body to grant him a license to Hell at wholesale in quantities from one quart to five gallons, any malt, fermented, vfn us and spirhuous liquors, a.* the premises now occupied by him. No. 65 Speedwell avenue, tn Morristown aforesaid to endure for the term of one yea from the granting thereof. Dated November 29, 1901. A. W. THEILER. The foregoing application will be presented to the Board of Excise Commissioners within and for the Town of Morristown, aforesaid at their next regular meeting. Wednesday even ing, December II. 19 1. * Dated November 29. 1901. 168 A. W. THEILER. Every Sort of W.OOD TO BURN, INCLUDING Hickory. Oak and Apple. Foi Open Fires, Can be had at current • rices at the Industrial Department of the MARKET STREET MISSION All wood of excellent qnality and in prime condition. PROMPT DELIVERY. ?.77 Telephone No. 427 UNDERTAKING AND FUNERAL FURNISHING. James Cook of Hanover, makes the following announcement, that a dis count of 15 to 20 per cent. will be al lowed on all funeral goods furnished by him from undertakers regular prices. The very best service guaranteed in cluding free telephone service to 5b, Hanover, rubber-tired vehicles, also casket lowering device. Chairs furnish at weddings and parties. No extra charge for distance. 3054 JAMES COOK. JOHN DENMAN has all the IMPROVED APPLIANCES for Odorless Excavating which he is prepared to do in a thorough manner, at Prices much less than those here tofore charged in Morristown Orders lefr at P. Box'No. 384, will re ceive Prompt Attention. TELEPHONE CALL 11 A. CARDS! CARDS! CARDS! Your name In white ink on black cards is the latest thins out. It is showy, attractive, beautiful and up-to-date. Send 18 cents for one dozen cards in various combinations unexcelled by any peuman, or 10 cents for alx cards. No cheap work sent out. Address H. WEISS, Penman. Morristown, N. J The Aetna Life Insurance Company of Hartford, Con necticut. has recently perfect ed and is issuing a new form of policy which makes a sav= j ing of 10 to 20 per cent, as compared with other forms. The Aetna was chartered in I820, has assets of over fifty-six millions and a sur= plus of over seven millions of dollars. It will be advantageous before insuring to write for particulars. B. F. REINMUND, Mgr. for the State of New Jersey. i96 nARKET ST., NEWARK, N. J. Local representatives desired. ■ SHERIFFS SALE In Chancery of New Jersey. Between The Eighth Ward Building and Loan Association complainant, and Caroline W, H ntting, Robert M. Huntting and He ry S Apgar defendants. Fi la tor sale of mort gated premises. Returnable to February Term. A. D , 1902 DeWjtt & Provost, Solicitors. BY virtue of the above state*! writ of Fieri Facias in my hands I shall ex nose for sale at Public Vendue at the Court House in Mor ristown, New Jersey, on MONDAY. THE 30TH DA if OF DECEMBER next, A. D., 1901, between the hours of twelve o'clock noon and tive o'clock in the afternoon, that is to say at two o clock in the after noon of said day. all tract or parcel of lands and premises, situate, lying and being in the l own**hip of Jefferson in the County of Morris and State of >ew Jersey Beginning at a point in the west side of the public road lead ing from Shippenport »o Hurdtown dist«n one hundred and one feet north iwenty-flve degrees east (as the needle pointed in 1874) from a hickory tree standing in said side of said public road, said hickory tree being nearly opposite the dwelling standing upon the premises conveyed by Whimoti S. Hedenberg and wife to Walter J. Knight by deed record ed in Morris Connty Clerk’s » fflce in E 11. of Deeds on Pages 307. &c.. said beginning c orner be*ng also Walter J. KnlghtV northeasterly corner. Thence (1) as the needle pointed 1888 north forty-eight degree* weBt along aid Walter J. Knight'-line five hundred and fif teen feet more or less to low water mark in Lake Hooatcong; thence (3) northeasterly along tne line of low water mark in Lake Ho patcong one hundred and eighry feet more or les * to a heap of stones, being the beginning point named in the deed from Augustus W. Bell to Watson 8. Hedenberg and William P. Condi', recorded in Book U 7. of Deeds for Morris County on Page 65; thence (3) south sixty seven and one-qUHrte degrees east to a point in nigh water mark in Lake Hopatcong being the second corner named in a deed from Edward Luff to Watson 8. Hedenberg re corded in Book W. 8. of Deeds for Morris County on Pages 270; thence (4) along said high wate mark north eighty-one degrees fifteen minntes east two hundr d and twenty fonr feet more or less to n rock; thence (5) sou»b thirty six degrees east along the line of Baldwin and others two hundred and seventy feet more or less to the hereinbefore mentioned road; theuce south thirty-five degrees thirty minntes west along the said road t wo hundred and fifty-nine feet more or less to the place of beginning. Also all the right, title and in teres of the party of the flrBt part In and to the land lying between high and low wa’er mark in front of the premises above described. Dated Nov. 22, 1901 CHARLES A BAKER. sheriff. Chronicle and Era 3157 P.F. S10 80 SHERIFF’S SALE. In Chancery of New Jersey. Wherein Bridget Cahill is complainant and Abraham J. Bleistift and Jenetta Bleistift, his wife. Karrz Rosanskv and Tillle skv, his wife and Ernest Wolsenberg, nre defendants. Fi. fa. for -ale of mortgaged premises. Returnable to February term, A. D 1902. James H. Neighbour, Solicitor. BY VIRTI'K of the above mated writ of Fieri Facias in my hands, I shall expose for sale at Public Vendue at the Court House in Morristown. N. J.. on MONDAY, THE THIRTIETH DAY OF DECEMBER next, A. D., 1%1, between the hours of 12 M. and 5o'clock P. M., that Is to say at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, all that tract or parcel of lands and premises hereinafter particularly described, situate, h log and being in the Township of Randolph, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, butted and bounded as f< llows; Beginning at a white wood tree in the corner of land of Ell Harris, thence running along his land north two degrees west twelve chains and fifty link- to the land of Philip Till; thence along his land north eighty-eight, degrees east forty-two chains and fifty links to a pile of stones in the land of Richard Guerin; thence along his land south two degrees east seven teeu chains and sixty-four links to the land late of Ezra Halsey; thence along said laud soutn seventy degrees west twenty-four chains and forty-one links to a chestnut tree; thence north seventy one degrees and a quarter west twelve chains and twenty links to a chestnut tree on the west side of the road; thence north seventy-three degrees west eight chain • and ninety nine links to a hickory tree; thence south twenty-five and a half degiees west one chain and sixty-five links; thence north seven ty-nine degrees west four chains; thence north fifty-eight one and a half degrees west three chains aud tweutv-seven links; thence south eighty-nine and a half degrees west two chains and eighty links to lands of Elias rhomoson; thence along his land north die degree east ten chains and forty-seven links to a chestnut tree in the lands of Eli Harris; thence along his land south fifty-nine degrees east twelve chains and twenty-five links to the whitewood tree at the place of beginning, containing one hundred and three and one-half acres of land, being the same premises conveyed to Bridget Cahill, one of the parties of the second part thereto, in the deed bearing date 13tli day of March, 1880, by Thomas Barrett, and the same premises conveyed by the said Bridget Cahill and John Cahill to said parties on the first part, by deed of even date herewith, and this mortgage is given to secure a part of the pur chase money therefor. CHARLES A. BAKER, SherifT. Dated November 25, llMll. Chronicle and Era. P. F.f10.80 316] —■■■.■■■."■"»■" ■■■■■! ■ .■■■■.— GREENWOOD & DeCOSTER Contractors and Builders. Careful Estimates Given on all kinds of Carpenter Work. PROMPT AND PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN ALL ORDERS Shop on Spring Street, near Morris, P. O. Sox 37. Morristown, N. J. Notice to Creditors. Estate of Harry C. Roy. deceased. PURSUANT to the order of the Surrogate of the County of Morris, made on the 19th of Oct., A. D.. one thousand nine hundred and one. notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against, the estate of Hhrry C. Hoy, late of the County of Morris, deceased, to present the same, under oath or affirmation, to the subscribers, on or before the Nine teenth day of July next, being Nine Mouths from the date of said order; and any Creditor neglecting to bring in and exhibit, his, her or their claim, under oath or affirmation, within the time so limited, will be foreveT barred of bis, her or their action therefore against the Executors. Dated the 19th dav of October A. P., 1901. THE MORRISTOWN TRUST COMPANY, LILLIE E. ROY, Executor, 3098 Morristown, N. J. NOTICE TO CREDITORS | Estate of Andrew Bay. deceased. PURSUANT to the order of the Surrogate of the County of Morris, mode on the 9th day of October, A. D., one thousand nine hundred and one, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of Andrew Bay. late of the County of Morris, de ceased. to present the same, under oath or affirmation, to the subscriber, on or before the ninth day of July next, being Nine Months from the date of said order; and any Creditor neglecting to bring In and exhibit, his, her or their claim, urn er • atb or affirmation, within the time so limited, will be forever barred of his, her or their aclluu therefor against the Administrators. Dated the ninth day of October. A. D., 1901. MARY A. BAY. Morristown, N HARRY DAILEY’, Brooalyn, N.Y., 8078 Administrators. MORRIS ORPHANS CO U RT. OCTOBER TERM 1901. In the matter of the application of Edward A. Opie, Admi istrator of Beqjamin F. Opie, deceased for a Rule to show cause why there should not be a sa'e of lands to pay debts. Rnle to Show Cause why there should not be a Sale of Lands. Edwahd P Opie, Administrator of Ben jamin F Opie. late of the County of Morris, d* ceased having made and exhibited to this Court, under oath, a just and true account of the personal estate and debt* of said deceased, as far s he has been able to discover the same, by whion it appears that the pers nal e-tate of said deceased is Insufficient to pay all his just debts. and stating that said deceased died seis ed or lands tenements, hereditaments a d real estate, situate In the County of Morris, and praying the aid of the Court in the prem ises. Therefore, it is ordered by the Court, that all persons interested In the lands tene ments, hereditament* and real estate of said deceased, do appear befo e the Judge of this Court, at the Court House in Morriotown, on Friday tlie Seventh dav of February, A. D., 1903. and show cause If anji thev have, whv so mm h of the said lands, tenen ents, heredita ments and real estate » t said deceased should not be sold as will he sufficient to pay his debts, or the residue thereof, as the case may require. Dated November 11th. 1901. A True Copy from th** Minutes. David Young, JOHN B. VREELAND Surrogate. Judge. Ac. 3143 SHERIFFS SALE. In Chancery or New Jersey. Wherein Henry O. Shelley is complainant and Louis Vismara ami Teodolinda V>*maia, his wife. John Morando, John D Guerin and Harriet Guerin, his wife. Angelo J. A Ken nell, his wife. Occar H Habbtit. trading as W. R Babbitt's bon. William T. Coghlan and the* raudell and Godley Company are defendants Fi. fa. for sale of mortgaged premises. *1 Returnable to February term, A D , 1902. alfrid E Mills, bol’r. BY virtue of the above stated wilt of Fieri Facias ia my hand** I shall xpose for pale a» nubile vendue at the Court House in Morris town. N. J., on MONDAY, THE 23rd DAY OF DECEV.BER next. A D., 1901. between the hours of 18 M, and 5 o'clock p. m., that i* to say at 8 o’clock in the afte rnoon <f sa d day, all those tracts or parcels of lands and premises situate, lying and being In tne town of Morristown, in the County of Morris a d State of New Jersey. The First Lot—Beginning »t u point in the southeasterly side line of Mechanic s'reet at the most northerly corner of the lot ‘ escribed in a de- d from Charles H. Mulford and wife to Patrick Goin. dated December 6 1899, recorded in the Morris County Clerk's office, in Book U 12 of Deeds, pages 692 e e ; thence (O in a southeasterly direction sling the line of the said Goln’s lot, a dlst nee of f.ntv-eight feet and six inches to the most easterly corner; thence (2) north aeveuty-“ne degrees and thir ty minutes east, sixty-six fee* and ten inches; thence (3) in a northwesterly direction at right angles to Mechanic street eighty-six feet and six inches to the sal t southeasterly side line of Mechanic 8 reet; thence (4) atone *he same south, thirty seveu degrees west, forty feet to the place of beginning Being the same i remises conveyed to Louis Vismara by Henry M. Dairy tuple and J. Frank Llndsley by deed dated March 9, 1893, and re corded In the Morris Countv Clerk’s office in Book X 13 of Deed- on page - 609 &c. The Second Lot—Beginning at a point in the southeasterly she li e of Mechanic street as now established at a point therein at the most westerly corner of a lot sold bv Chas. H. Mol ford and wife to Louis Vismara by deed dated August 29, 1890. and recorded in the Morris County Clerk’s office in Kook B 13 of Deeds pages 524 &c ; thence running (I) along the most southwesterly side line of said Vismara lot south, fifty three degrees east, one hundred and sixty feet more or less to the outside line of the whole tract of which this is a part, being also the rear line of the Phillips Phoenix tract; thence (3) along the said P- oenix line south, seventy-one degrees aud thirty min utes west, a distance of twentx -seven feet and four tenths of a foot; thence (3) north, forty eight and three quarters degrees west, one hundred and forty four feet and three-tenths of a foot more or less to t he <aid southeasterly side line of Mechanic street as now established; thence (4) along the i-ame north, thirty-seven degrees cast,twenty-two feet and five-tenths of a foot more or less to the place of beginning. Being tne same premises conveyed to Louts Vismara by Thomas Richards and wife by deed dated April 30. 1892 and recorded in tb» Morris Countv Clerk’s office in Book P-13 of Deeds pages 513 «fco. Dated Nov. 13,1901. CHARLES A. BAKER, Sheriff, Chronicle and Jersey man. P.F. 912.00. 3141