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THE TWELVE-ACRE STORE HAHNE & CO. Broad, New and Halsey Streets. Newark Two-Acres of Furniture A Prettier Showing Than New \ ork Makes and Prices Much Lower Our Furniture Department represents a vast torest reduced to two acres of beautiful shapes and styles, to make the home pretty and comfortable. Train loads of high grade, medium and ordinary Furniture from the leading designers and manufacturers of the country, exhibited in lines to be applied to Dining-Room, Library Parlor, Bed Chamber and ‘‘Den,’’ for city, mountain, vale and valley and seaside homes. Styles embrace every fad and fancy up to the' pres ent moment; Golden Oak, Mahogany, Weathered Ant werp, Fumed and Early English Oak, Birch, Bird’s-eye Maple and that popular and ever-pleasing 'White Enam al finish, Gold and Vernis-Martin decorations. In bold relief stand out the Louis XV and XVI epochs, Old Colonial periods, Chippendale, Empire, Rococo, Italian, Hepplewhite, L’Art Nouveau, Mission, Dutch and various other special character numbers. NOTE—We show more Furniture samples than others have articles in their entire stocks. Prices you will not dispute with us, for they are indisputably low. Come while the freshness of the elaborate view is on. Select your later supplies and direct us when and where to de liver them. Draperies and Upholsteries A display that is bigger, grander, better and more beautiful than the rest of Newark’s collection combined. IRISH POINT LACE CUKTIANS —This curtain lias become so well known by every housewife there is no need for us to dwell upon its beauty and durability—enough to assure you our assortment, as usual, is the largest and best selected in the city—we are showing them at 3.00, 3 75 . 4 50, 4 98 , 5.75, 6 50 , 7.25, 7.75, 8.50. 9.75 to 17.00 per pair. Swiss, for curtains, dotted, figured striped and bordered, 36 in. wide. Regular 15c yard, special, 7J^c. We will close our entire line of last season’s Irish Point Curtains at one-half price. Designs just as good as this season’s, but they cannot be duplicated. Our designs, per pair. 6 75 to go at 3.38 pair; 7 50 to go at 3.75 pair; 9 00 to go at 4 50 pair; 12 00 to go at 6,00 pair; 15 00 to go at 7.60. 500 PAIRS FLUTED RUFFLE CURTAINS, with either large or small tucks and hems on edge of ruffle. Regular 85c per pair. CQ RUFFLED BOBB1NET SASH CURTAINS, with Renaissance lace insertion and edge, Onr regular 42 per pair. Special, per 1 flC pair. . PORTIERE SPECIAL—A very rare opportunity to secure a bargain. This portiere is a mercerized fabric, deep throwover with heavy fringe, making a very handsome drapery at half price, viz: regular 410 c /A/A curtain, per pair, for. eJ.VJU NOTTINGHAM LACE CUR TAINS—This season’s is the largest showing we have ever made in this most popular curtain, and the prices are, per pair 60c, 90c, 1.10, 1.25, 1 75, 2.50 8 75 to 7.00. Our Great Carpet Store We have always had the biggest Carpet Store in New Jersey, leading the next biggest collection of floor cover ings, with a good fourfold more lines and numbers. Whatever is best we have in stock, not in a sample roll, as elsewhere, but in full lines. Thus we established a prestige that we have sustained year in and year out. Our prices have ever been uniformly fair and low. Exquisite designs, dainty and artistic tones and bright, assertive colors. V display that is positively beyond imitation for worth, excellence, quality, quantity and fair price. Not a few sample rolls as in most other stores, but, full and complete lines without one number missing. Biggest stock in New J ersey. CARPETS Royal Wilton. Axuiiu sters, Wiltons and Wool Velvets. Body and Tapestry Brussels ai»d In grain Carpets. MATTINGS—Japanese. Ohiuese, Fibre and Grass Mattings. LINOLKUVIS—Linoleums, plain, printed and inla d. OIL LOTUS in all the regular widths and qualities. HUGS Largest and most com plete selection of Lugs **f every de scription, both large and am dl sizes. HAHNE & CO. ’ Newark HAHNE & CO. TOUR TO TIIIC PACIFIC COAST AM) GRAND CANYON. Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account > General Conference, Methodist Kpls-, copal Church. On account of the General Con ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to be held at Los Angeles, Cal., beginning May 3, the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company will run a personally-conducted tour to Los Angeles, visiting the Grand Canyon of Arizona en route, at unusually low rates. A special train of the highest grade Pullman equipment will leave New York, Philadelphia, and Pitts burg on Wednesday, April 27, run ning via Chicago and the Santa Fe Route to the Grand Canyon. Sunday will he spent at this wonderful place, and Los Angeles will be readied on the evening of May 2. Round-trip tickets, including transportation, one double berth, and meals on special train going: and transportation only returning on regular trains via direct routes or via San Francisco, will be sold at rate of $106 from New York, $105 from Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, and $100 from Pitts burg. Tickets will be good to return at any time before June 30. Tourists returning via St. Louis may stop off for ton days to visit the World’s Fair, by depositing ticket and paying $1.00 fee. A descriptive itinerary will be sent on application to Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. No Gloss Carriage Paint Made will wear as long as Devoe’s. No others are as heavy bodied, because Devoe’s weigh 3 to 8 ounces more to the pint. Sold by George E. Voor Jiees. Incorporated /larch 3rd, 1874. ....THE.... MORRIS COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Morristown, New Jersey. President—HENRY W. MILLER. Vice-President—AURELIU8 B. HULL Secretary and Treasurer—H. T. HULL. ASSETS, .... $2,642,845 02 LIABILITIES, - - - 2,401,384 94 SURPLUS, - - - 241,460 08 INTEREST is declared and paid in Janu ary and July of each year from the profits of the previous six months’ busi ness. J)EPOSITS made on or before the 3rd day of January, April, July and Oc tober draw Interest from the first day of said months respectively. Correspondence Solicited. $33 TO NORTH PACIFIC COAST. Every day in March and April the Chicago, Milwaukee &.St. Paul Kail way will sell tickets for $33 from Chicago to Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and many other points in the North-, west—good via The Pioneer Limited and St. Paul, or via Omaha and The Overland Service. W.S. HOWELL, den. Eastern Agt. 381 Broadway, New York. THE LACKAWANNA’S LOW RATES. Colonist one-way tickets to Pa cific Coast points, daily until April 29.$50 00 Los Angeles or San Francisco, Cal., and return, April 22 to 30 (Return limit June 30). 67 00 St. Louis World’s Fair excursion tickets, commencing April 25 : Season tickets (Return limit December 15). 34 00 Sixty-day tickets. 28 35 Fifteen-day tickets . 23 25 Season and sixty-day tickets good via Chicago in one direc tion if desired. Coacli excursion, May 11. (Re turn limit 10 days). 18 00 For tickets and full particulars call on or address any Lackawanna Agent, or Guy Adams, Division Passenger Agent, 749 Broad Street, Newark, N.J. 4226 KNIGHTS OF ( OLUMBUS. Reduced Rates to Washington via. Pennsylvania Railroad. For the benefit of those desiring to attend the meeting of the Knights of Columbus, to be held at Washington, D. C., April 13, the Pennsylvania Rail road Company will sell round-trip tickets to Washington from all sta tions on its lines at reduced rates. These tickets will be sold April 11, 12 and 13, and will be good for return pas sage until April 18, inclusive. 4234 price's ||jorse §ale At the Mansion House Stable Saturday. Apr. 16, 1904 1.30 o'clock, sharp 30 HEAD OF FINE HORSES Comprising heavy draught., farm chunlT driving, sp ed and business horses. These horses will be ready for immediate use. Sale rain or shine. ROBERT PRICE Auctioneers. Cbane & Giblen. APPLICATION. To the Honorable, the Board of Excise Commis sioners of the Town of Morristown, N. J. THE subscriber hereby requests your honor able body to grant him a license to k eep an inn or tavern in the house now occupied by him, known as Piper’s Hotel, on Mark r street, in Morristown aforesaid, to endure for the term of one year from the granting thereo . Dated March 81st, 1904. JOHN R. PIPER The foregoing application will be presente to the Board of Excise Commissioners within and for the Town of Morristown, at their next regular meeting, April 18,1904. Dated March 31st, 1904. 4289 JOHN R. PIPER. CENT B WORD COLB1 No advertisements taken for this column for less than 15 cents. LOST—A brown and white Scotch Collie, with a white breast, white paws, and white tip on tail. Answers to the name of “Flora.” Reward. If found return to J. Salmon, King’s road, Madison, N. J. 4139 WANTED—Live agents to sell Dr. W'hite’s Electric Combs patented Jan. 1, ’99. Cure dandruff, hair falling out, sick and nervous headaches, yet cost no more than an ordinary comb. Sells on sight. Agents are wild with success. Send 50c for sample (half price). Write quick. The Dr. White Electric Comb Co., Decatur, 111. 4037 RESTAURANT—German restau rant, including confectionery and ice cream, for sale; good stand: owner going to Europe. 20 Waverly Place, Hall Bldg., opp. dopot, Madison, N. J. KINDERGARTEN Normal Training School 16 Washington Street, East Orange, N. J. I CORA WEBB PEET, Principal Two Years Course. For circulars during the sum mer address Mi$s Cora Webb Peet, \6 Washington street, East Orange, N. J. 3975 KRAUS GRADUATE. LATER DATES mean dearer rates. Don’t put oft Life In surance. Insure to day, while the cost is less. Insure in The Prudential INSURANCE CO. OF AMERICA, h.™ Office, Newark, N. J. John F. Dryden, President. Edgar B. Ward, 2d Vice-president. Lesme D. Ward, Vice-president. Forrest F. Dryden, 3d Vice-President. Edward Gray, Secretary. T. J. CAHILL, Asst. Supt. P. O. 310, Room 42 Babbitt Building MORRISTOWN, N. J. HILL & CARSON MERCHANTS BLOCK MORRISTOWN, N. J. SURE SIGNS 1 SPRING r M1IS store proclaims the advent of spring, as surely as the calendar does. Teeming with attractive goods, our shelves and counters are welcome sights to shoppers. Our aim is to serve you in the ‘ k best way, and every day people are learning that we are making this an Ideal Department Store. The story is only begun when we mention a few lines of merchandise—the better way to find out what our store contains is to come and see. • The Place Where Dress Goods Wants are Supplied The largest and best stock of dress goods we have ever shown, in all grades. VOILES 36 inches wide, all wool; all tlxe fashionable shades 50 cents. MIXED GOODS 38 inches wide, all wool; a large line of colors 50 cents. Embroideries, Laces, Ribbons The attractions in these goods are numerous. Our stock comprises all the new trimming laces, in insertions, appliques, all-over laces and all the other popular goods. This season’s embroideries present an un usually attractive appearance. Our ribbon department appeals to admirers of good ribbons. A large assortment of plain and fancy goods always found here. Opening of New Wash Goods Many charming fabrics are revealed in our wash goods section. The season’s newest pro ductions are found here in a bewildering as sortment. Silk Pongee Natural color with color ed stripes and figures, 27 inches wide, 50c per yd. Dress Ginghams 8c and 10c. Srtiped Seersuck ers 12Ac. Plain Colored Linens, 36 inches wide, 39c per yard. Scotch Zephyr Ginghams in plain colors and small checks, 32 inches wide, 25c. IlMfc 38 inches wide, all wool; all the light shades 65 cents. Curtain Swisses New striped atid dotted cur tain Swisses, at 124c, 15c. 20c, 22c. Embroidered Swiss Door Panelling, 27 inches wide at 15c. 17c. 19c, 22c. Table Linens In a variety of sty les and qualities, at 39c, 59c, 69c, 75c, $1 00. $150. Towels Huck towels at 8c, 10c, 124c, 15c, 25c, 39c, 50c. Turkish towels 124c, 17c, 19c, 25c. Muslin Underwear When in our store, stop at the muslin underwear counter. We carry Men’s Wear Special attention is given to the selection of stock for our Men’s Fur nishing Department. All the latest styles are to he found here in men’s and hoys’ clothing, neckwear, shirts, collars, etc. Saifs from $6 to $14. Trousers from $2 to $4.50. Fancy Vests from $1 to $3. Medium weight Underwear, 25c and 50c. Light weight Wool Un derwear. $l. Balbriggan Underwear, 25c, 80c, 50c. All the leading makes Union Overalls. FOR BOVS We carry a good line of Boys’ Suits, including Norfolk suits, reefer suits and Buster Brown suits from $1.50 $4.50. Of interest to Housekeepers House cleaning always calls foi new furnishings. See our matt ings, oil cloths etc. before buying. 4 China Matting, per yard Japanese Matting, per Oil Cloth, per square l5c, 20c, 25c, 29e. yard 25c. yard, 25c and 35c. Grass Matting, per yard Grass Matting, with car- Linoleums, per square 35c. net finish, per yd, 29c. yard, 50c and 60c. Oiled Opaque Window Shades, with fringe, 25c. Without fringe 19c. Ladies’ Suits, Jackets and Skirts In an extensive assortment. We carry a complete line of all the newest styles in Ladies’ Tailor made Clothing. TAILOR-MADE SUITS Ladies’ Suits of plain and fancy cloth; light, medium and dark colors; a variety of styles at prices ranging from $5.98 to $25. LADIES’ SPRING JACKETS The new, stylish covert cloth jackets; all the latest styles, with large sleeves, ranging from $3.98 to $18-50. WALKING SKIRTS Almost any style of skirt you may want will be found here. Light and dark colors; plain colors and mixtures; made plain or fancy $2 50& $10 Silk Mulls plain white, 20c. 30c. 35c. 30c. Black Mercerized Petticoats. We are showing a large assort ment of black petticoats of merceriz ed materials in the most desirable styles, all nicely trimmed at, $1.00, $1.25, $1.75, $2.00, $2 50, $300 Cambric Wrappers Light, medium and dark colored cambric wrappers in a number of styles at, 59c, 75c, $1.00. Corsets All the leading makes of corsets such as "VV. B.” “R & G” - Nemo” "Thompson' etc. All the correct models and newest shapes, 50c, to $3.50 per pair. The specially attractive features of our corset stocks are the variety of new models shown at $1.00. an attractive line of dainty, well made garments that are sure to give satisfaction. NIGHT GOWNS A large assortment of plain and fancy trimmed gowns in both high neck and long sleeve and low: neck and short sleeve styles, at 50c, 69c, 75c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.98. LONG SKIRTS Lace and insertion, and embroidery trimmed! skirts, at 50c, 59c, 1.00, 1.50, 2.25, 3.98. DRAWERS Plain and trimmed drawers, at 25c, 29c, 39c, 50c, 75c, 1.00. CORSET COVERS Plain corset covers, 10c. Fanoy corset covers, trimmed with tucks and lace, at 25c, ‘29c, 35c. 39c, 50c, 75c, 1.00. Gloves, Collars, Veilings, Ruching, Belts GLOVES-An excellent quality of Kid Gloves in white and all the popular shades 82c. Our celebrated Royal Kid Gloves in black, white and leading shades, $1. Black Suede Gloves, $1.50. COLLARS—Lovers of fancy Stock collars will find much to please them in this department. A be wildering assortment of all kinds of Stocks in lace, embroidery, silk and wash materials, at all prices from 19c to $2.50. NECK RUCHINGS—In plain white or black, also black and white mixed, at 15c, 17c 19c, 25c, 85c, 39c per yard VEILINGS—New Veilings in black, gray and browns, from 20c to 49c per yard BEL'i S— All the newest styles in Belts from 25c to $1.50 Ladies’ Knit Underwear A full line of seasonable Underwear in me dium and light weights, long and short sleeves. Vests, medium weight, long sleeves, at 25c & 50c Sleeveless Lisle Vests, at 25ef 39c ,50c Long Sleeve Ribbed Corset Covers, 25c and 50c Ribbed Knee Pants, 25c and 29c A full line of Children’s Goods. Hosiery Ladies’ fast black regular made Hose, plain at 10c, 15c, 19c, 25c, 39c, 50c Fancy Lace Hose, at 25c and 50c Boys’ Heavy Ribbed Hose, at 12*c, 15c, 19c 25c