Newspaper Page Text
. m Hi' IHPOKC awn ' - . -' - - - -- ..... - H .. . fc.r . : M-M11M Mynrrrnmrr-nrirrnrrT in nrTT l"p" " " """"i"' it I - - - .' " - - ,"' '' "mk.iv. wSf'-'' Nuns' Convent in Quebec. Ttie lois 17 KhSS - l-''TTffi IbIPI rl,; Jjf Orange and lemon growe rTbout Los WfTfmM Krar & Angcslos suffcrod heavy ydamago by BffiVvffjrftfr - f1Mu -tHKM iMp Tho quicker you acknowledge your storms, entiro groves floating off In tho HRjK-,wt,vv... ..irfS$8W'witf jMEfig. mistake today, tho slowor other folks torrents. rjijj, .iyKi WW'VI' "Karr'' Mziv$tum uJw. ..rlg3i IfftW will be to nccuso you of making ono to- ' J $ffi1L&$ffifif.JJ IhffivrffllBffav'-, W W'U morrow. ARE WOMEN NATURALLY fSSS&WUill MiSiMljMimm V 1 ----------- DESPONDENT7 f$Kllfc? W r THE FOLLOWING LETTER "FROM A nrnmlnpnt wrltnr so fclaims. Worn- iiliifiElSlM TSSy MISBOURI" CARRIES ITS OWN IBfi I rvPT.AWATTnN i i i i.. ino nut At inn MHMHCiiMRyhJM 7 vKmKSLfsaSMaSf. i i-JK - mnntnl (lnhrpsaion mnv loo attributed, to l IMlflHK ftw ImaJffiwiw fl;ipt44 Willow Springs, Mo., Fob. 18, 1914. Morz Bros., Mnysvillc, Ky. Gentlemen: I am enclosing you cbock for $3.12 lu payment for tobacco cotton. I am hav lug an aero of tobacco grown. If my experiment proves that this lnnd will grow tobacco, as I think it will. I am going to brig this ciop to Maysvillo and let the farmers of Mason and adjoin ing counties seo what can bo grown on land which at present its cash value is not more than $12.50 per acre. Yours truly, D. F. THOMAS. Tho writer of the abovo is a former Mnysvillian and is a son of Mr. J. C. Thomas of Forest avenuo. FRAIL, SICKLY CHILD Rostorcd To Hoalth By Vlnol A Lottor To Mothors. Anxious mothers often wonder why their children are so pale, thin and ner vous and have- so little appetite. For tho benefit of such mothors lu this vicinity wo publish tho following: Mrs. M. L. Cassady, of Thoinasvillo, Ga., says: "My llttlo daughter was anaemic, delicnto and nervous, she had no appetite and seemed listless. Wo could not seem to find anything that would holp her until wo wore advised to give nor Vinol. Inside of two weeks after taking it sho showed a marked improvement, both in appetite, vim and looks. I continued giving it to her and words fail to express my gratitudo for what Vinol has done for her." This child's recovery was due to the combined action of tho medicinal ele ments extracted from cods' livers, combined with the blood mnking and strength creating properties of tonic iron contained in Vinol. Vinol will build up and strongthon delicate children, old people, and the Wl. .M.., v ..--.-.,, weak, run-down and debilitated. Wo THE CLASSY SHOW SHOP ! BULLETT'S ORCHESTRA At WAY A FEATCItK , Bargain Prices, 5c ICjc Tho rango of vision of a caterpillar h limited to two-fifths of an inch. ' J Antwerp, one of tho four largest ports u3i j"..- in tho world, is fiftythreo miles Jfrom t tho the soa THE EABTH'S INTERIOR A KEMON FOR SPECULATION. A strictly scientific contribution tr knowlodge, in tho form of a discussion of somo of tho results inciU-ntal to tho triangulatiou work done J.v tho Coast and Goodotic Survey, is i-resented by Grove Karl Gilbort, of f tho United States Geological SurveA', in a bhort naner on tho "Intornrctitiou of Anom- nlies of Gravity," recptly published by tho Geological Survfy as rrt U ot Professional 1'aper S5, After statinc tho aiomalies of zrav ity which are also cxpessed graphically on tho map of the United States accom panying tho paper, llf Gilbert discusses the interpretation of theso anomalies under tho assumption of imperfect iso static adjustment, rtical hotorogeno ity of the crust, ani' variation of depth of compensation, tki geologic relations return tho monov in evorv case wnoro u npi " us"tu'l"' "5 ". e- -falls. J. C. Pccor, Druggist, Maysvillo. I rKcioncy as laid down by Secretary P. S. Ecema Sufferers! Wo guar-1 Vlouston, w'crc authonred , in appropna anteo our now skin remedy, Saxo. I tions aggrgoating $25,000,000. Pastiine There's a Reason For Aches and Pains Often some unsuspected habit, such as coffee drink ing, is thie rout of the trouble. Theiaverage coffee drinker who suffers from sleep lessness, headache, indigestion, nervousness or heim tnouble usually says, "Coffee doesn't hurt me," until some day Nature hauls him up It's poor business to trade for a few cups of coffee. Tha pure food-drink fn place of coffee, has put many a man sntl woman on tho Road to Wellville. Postum is made of prime wheat and a small portion of molasses. It has a delicious Java like flavour, but none of the drugs, "caffeine" and "tannin" which make coffee a health destroyer. If your own judgment leads to a trial of Postum, for, say ten days, and you begin to sleep soundly, digest food bitter, and your nerves git steady, these signs of returning health will show. 'There's a Reason" for POSTUM Postum now comes In two forms. Renular Postum must be well boiled. 15c and 25c packages. Instant Postum a soluble powder. A teaspoonful, stirred in a cup of hot water, makes g delicious beverage Instantly. 30t and 50c tins. The cost per cup of both kinds Is about the same. " sold; bv Grocers 'everywhere. DESFONDENT7 A prominent writer so Mlaims. Wom en nr0 constituted wlthn dolicato or ganism and in nino cacs out cjt ton montnl depression may loo attributed to an nunormai condition oi tno fimim. which expresses itself I in norvnuanoM, sleeplessness, backaehoyheadachw, caus ing constant misery aud as a result do sjondoncy. Lydla E.'Plnkham's Vego tnblo Compound, a siihplo remedy mndo from roots and herbj. Is tho ono great remedy for this conflltlon. It goes to the root of tho troilblo and overcomes despondency. J . TWELVE CITIES WITH OVER 40,000 NEGRO POPULATION I Tliern nrn twclvfc cities Jn tho United Stntos with tnoni than 40,000 colored, people, according to tno census oi iviv. contains tho lamest Washington, D. tillo Now York is see- wu. ,ii.j t..f i. number, !)4,440, ond, with 01t70B. ,j w",,i"i 'J in anv rfnn locality is in iWSm'tilil nnlTlmoro has 84,749, and Philadelphia 84,439. Tho seven remaining cities cou tiiin the following numbers: Memphis, 52,441; Birrfingham, 52,305; Atlantn, 51.902; Richmond, 40.733) Chicago, 44, 103; St. LoAiis, 43,900; Louisvlllo 40,- Ybrk contains a larger population of nitirrnna ?:."....! F- . .. o T:i..n,i noariy iifU '""'V - - UCMC M QT AY MnRF FKKS IIUI1VJ IllWt - UffWIlM -- tt i aJL rrnma a cinarphiticr Unon Uncle Sfn Turn a Sea chlug Eye Upon Wnalllneton. D. C. How to mako hnrm liv moro oKirs was one of tho mul titude of investigations authoriped in tho agricultural appropriation bill ro portcl Friday. Congressmen will con tiniK to distribute freo seels, tho woather bureau servico will bo oxtonded to tjno Panama canal and Insular pos scsons, more than $200,000 will bo speit studying how to elimluato the wptto and "profits in foodstuffs botwo'en thi nroducor and tho consumer and a . - . ... - ,, i . general reorganization or tno uopart GEM 8. "A Ability to read and write is ono of the requirements for voters in Portugal In tho mattor of oxports tho United " . - -- --,--. .-- - States is rapidly overtaking Ureal tint- am aim uurmany. TODAY Open Prom 2 to 5 P. M. 7 tn 10 p.m. Admission Always hpSame 10c suggested by tho map Bbowing tho goo - giaphie distribution of tho anomalies nro next sot forth. Tho speculative nature of this scion - title contribution is well expressed by Mr. Gilbert in tho fow sentences that in- t,li,nn fl, u..inn il sella n-r intornro- tation by nucleal hotorogeneity ksvl4UVV fcmu Wfw ...., ---. 0 --- --j "Tho innor earth is the inalienable playground of the imagination. Once it contained tho forges of blacksmith gods; or it was tho birthplaco of our race, or the home or prison of disem bodied spirits. Later Symmos hollowed from it a vast habitablo empire, con cavo liko tho world of Koresh. Scienco now claims exclusive title but holds it chiefly for speculative purposes; and tho freedom of speculation prnctically rec ognizes but two limitations; Tho innor earth is dense, nnu it is rigid, as to an other properties opinion is untrammoled. "It is my own vlow that the inner with a jerk. health and a clear brain POSTUM mm V i x- Tho Forolan Christian Missionary of the Chriitian Church Is doing a groat ,vork 'n -'apon whoro there nro but 70,- 000 Protestant nnd 62.000 Roman Cath- "Hcs out of a population of 47,000,000. Met of the people . Bh.nt.tat. and Buddhists. By day schools and Sunday Schools conducted by tho missionaries MUST PAY THAT TAX. Washington. Tho commissioner of ernal J Vf " tructions to all tontion to the renuiroment ot tlio law f,,nf f1in mi.n. m incmGS from March 1 to December 31, 1913, bo filed on or beforo March 1, 1U14. Tno instructions ;., i.i 111-.. recites tho nonaltles to bo inillctod on Individuals or corporations failing to wpor I cuso which any olliciai is authomod un- Too Late to Talk Abtut tbn merits of thodift'tjront waruhnuaes. Nimrly every hody knows uhero the mnnnfjerB work bard to pot full value for the tobacco. Try us with what you have left aud see. Growers Warehouse Co., Ino Free Stalls In the Livery Stables. MAYSVILLE, KY. BEAUTIFUL..' Kankin Drew, Zena Kjeffl, Koeo Tipley, und Mry Maurice Q&ME Of CARD SI Hibles printed iu seventy languages aro required for Canadian circulation. Three men were killed when bandit- ..... ncia up a ureal oriuorn jiassungur nm at u.iiiubh, man. One of the Moat EuU'rt.iin,nf ami Complete Pictures Ever Presented in This City, A Bountiful ' part of tho nucleus is not merely hot, but very hot. If tho law of c jiiiptosjion I by prcssuro and tho law of expansion 1 by heat, an we know them at the stir fnco, apply equally to tho nucleus, then tho mean temperature of the earth must W eiiormuus Hi unifi iu uiiuiu '" density so low as o.O. An enormous tomporaturo implies an onormous store of heat." , FEW 8U0H STRUCTURES LEFT. (Flomingsburg Gnette.) Tho ico houso of John P. Darnall, built sovonty-flvo years or so ago, is bo- ing filled with a good quality of ico. Most of the old ico houses havo been abandoned, as it is now ns a rulo cheap- or to buy artificial ico than to put up tho natural. .. ! a . !&.. if- i .'. many are led to accent Christ and his religion. Tho graduates of theso schools beconio enthusiastic Ulinstian workors. Tho members of all tho Christian Churches are asked to give something to help support this great work The regular imo for this foreign offering la in March. dor tho law to accept for falluro to make tho rotums is "sickness or ab son co. That B. B. Bouldin, of Greensboro, N C, will succeed Harvey II. Slussor ns Internal Rcvcnuo Agent at Louis villo is nnnounced. Tho Whereabouts of Mrs. Kmmalino Paukhurst, tho militant sutfrngottc loader, is a mystery to tho London po lice, who nro scoking to arrest hor. Now Telephone 272. L T. ft.lKIIICK, Pre. W W. MrlUVAIX, Tlce-I'rei. .1 C KAINH,!1o..Trmni. Nnd Kinley, Kae I'rico iu 99 VITAGRAPH 1)KaMA TO OIL 420 MILES OF ROAD. An unusual contract, largely becauso of its extent, will bo awarded for Mnry i i i i. . i.. .. i... .aim ru:...-., .. ... .u w."' '' ""l""'"'' .'"'"""" '""" W,11V "' ..,..... .. .-.....j - .. - Melo-Drnnm. AS WE ARE WEARING THE END Of the seas.'ii we would ndviao that you get your tobacco in as e.tuii as p iambic. Too niitrket is atlll etroug and pricea good, especially noticeable xt tue INDEPENDENT WAREHOUSE Where your intemnte are looked after by experienced tobacco people. Our huxinesB up u-til now, which has been merited by our interest in behalf of our customers, has been very satis factory. we wih Hgain to solicit ynu to sell the remainder of i'tir.npih tin a-d we as-ur- you that we will use every i floit in your I'thrtll. The Independent Loose Leaf Tobacco Co. WM. GROPPENBAOHEH, Manager, Formerly of the Farmers Warehouse. NINE-FOOT STAGE In Tho Ohio Has a Gloomy Outlook Says Congressman Who Wants Work Pushed All Along Tho Line. Washington. Itopresentativo A. J. Harchflold, of Pittsburg, a mombor of tho Houso Itivors aud Harbors Commit tee, mado uu attack on tho mothods bo iug used in connection with tho work ou tho niue-foot stage from Pittsburg to Cairo project ou tho Ohio. Discussing tho situation, ho said: "With nearly $a,00l),000 available but lying unoxpeudod in tho treasury, and with tho work lagging in a most uis- couraglug manner, tho fact Is that tho piojeut tor the canalization of tho Ohio is making very poor progress. I doubt t .tn of t'.e idvociite-i nl Uo nine-ion channel realio that during tho last thirty mouths not a lock or dam has been completed. Porhnps they also do not know thnt tho lust two times the government advertised for bids on this work no contractor wanted tno worit. Bv the provisions of tho act of 1910 tho govornmont is committed to tho policy of completing tho utty-iour loclts and dums necessary to carry tho project through within a poriod of twelve years. At tho rato wo aro now going, it will tuko a groat many moro tnan twelve years. "I'rom now on my ouorts win uo ao voted to placing tho eutiro project un dor tho continuing contrnct sys tem, so that tho money will bo appropriated each year lu tho sundry civil blH as it la needed. If this is dono tno largo contracting iinns can um uu two or moro of tho locks nnd dams or tho govornmont might find it foasibla to bring somo or tno mncninory irom tno Panama Caunl and put it in uso on tho Ohio River. I foci certain I will be nblo to huvo Congress adopt this plan In doaling with tho Ohio Instead of doing tho wqrk piecemeal, as It has been dono up to this tinlo. Something must bo douo to hurry tho work along. It is dragging along lu a mannor that makos it doubt ful if it will bo completed within the present generation. This should not bo. Tiioro is plouty of monoy available, aim it roqulros only tho samo businesa-llko troatmont adopted in tha construction of the "Panama Canal to bring the Ohio WASHINGTON THEATER. TONIGHT John McCanD, Eddie Sbnmber and Lucy Loach iu "The Wards of Society" Pathe Drama in Two Parts. "How Ihe Day Was Saved" Bioyraph Comedy. Becauso ho preferred death to facing charges made by sovoral small girls, a wealthy Now York druggist commit ted suicide. UNIQUE PROCESSION. (Oynthiana Democrat.) A parado of ten smallpox sufferers passed through Winchester Monday at ornoon from Rcuick Station on their way to the pesthouse. They carried n smnllpox banner nnd were accompanied by a guard. 8100 Upward. 1U0. , The reader! ot thu caper will be pleated to Ua'nthaUhereli ai least onedHadeddlieaie that lolenrc hat beti able to cure In all Iti itaKes.and tbatu Catarrh, llall'i GatarrnOure lith" onlj potttlvcoure nowknown to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dlieaie,requif,i a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarr -ireli taken internally, acting directly upon no blood and raucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of tho disease, and Rlvlni Ihepatlentstrengtb by hulldlng up theoonstltu tton nnd assisting nature in doing its work. Thr proprietors have so mnoh faith In Its nuratlvi powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars ic any oase that it falls to cure. Send forllat of tes timonials. Address F. J. CHENEY A CO. .Toledo, O. Soldby allDruKirlsti 75o. TaVenall'd'amllvPlllufnrnnnitltiRtlon. Dr. TAULBEE SPECIALIST IN Eye, Ear, Nose, Throatandcirger.y OFFICtS Suite 14 First national Bank Building. I Special Two-Reel Peature Today, "THE OPEN DOOR;9 Powerful! Pathetic! Interesting! PATHE WEEKLY No. 6 Of Current Events. Ing eight scctioiijj. of State highway, about -120 miles, requiring about 1,225, 000 gallons of oil. The State Iloads Commission, O. K. Wellor, chairman, m .,..' Kiiii.i;,,,, noit;,, ,iii t,,r. -, -,-- MISS ANNA BELLE WARD WILL SING AFTERNOON and EVENING. River project to a successful completion within a reasouablo time. "For two and a half years wo have had high wator in tho Ohio most ot the timo and it has been impossible to mako headway. Two dams in an un completed stato havo been swept nwav by Hoods, making tho labor put upon them a comploto loss. Contractors nro wary of bidding upon theso locks and dams becauso tho bod of tho river is upon what is known as Tronton rock nnd it is dangorous us an engineering proposition. I realize that theso and other factors nro responsible for delays aud for tho fact that nearly $0,000,000 appropriated for tho project has pot been used ami is to be reapproprintod in the bill now beforo Congress. Therefore, wo must fiud a way to remedy theso con ditions." FARMER SAFE BORROWER Rural Crodit System Groatly Needed, Congressional Commlttoo Is Told. Washington. Tho American farmer is not squandering his money on frills and furbelows. Dr. John T. Coultor told tho Joint Congressional Rural Cred Its Committee "Tho farmers of this country ncod a rural crodit systom," said Dr. Coultor. "They will not run to extravagance if monoy is mado cheapor for them. Tho American farmers borrow monoy, uccording to my investigations, for good and useful purposes." ROBERT'S REPORT Shows There Was $1,806,010,167 In Na tion at Oloso of Yoar. Washington. There was $1,800,019, 157 in gold coin and bullion in tho Unit ed States at tho close of tho last fiscal year. A report by Goorgo E. Roberts, Dl rcstor of tho mint, says of this amount nbout $1,250,000,000 was In tho posses sion of tho Government and the rest iu banks, Tho stock of gold reportod by tho banks and treasuries of tho world, Mr. Roborts said, is greater by $240,000,000, than in tho procoding yoar. although tha production of gold 1a tho last Jvo yoars haslet boeugrsat. i-TSL-ETsr .a.:r.:e3 New "Limestone" Tablets, "O. K." Wo guarantee samo as required Contain 72 leaves. Permanently pleaBure to write on M. Lovel's Specials! Just Received, a Big Bbipment ot VERY FANCY NEW CROP SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES. . The Last Bbipment of FANCY GREENUP COUNTY SORGHUM Now here. Can get no more this ecaei.rj, TWO CARS VERY FANCY WHITE TABLE POTATOES From the beat potato growing district in Michigan. Have contracted for several cars of extra selected Northern Bted Karly Rose, Early Ohio, Early Red Triumph and other varieties suitsble to our soil and climate, all of which will be here in time tor early planting. FOR THE LENTEN SEASON Which is close at hand I have direct from DoBtou a big supply of Fancy Mackerel in barrclB and buckets; oIho Codfish, White Fish, fcc. Perfection Flour, which haH no superior Htiywhere, always in stock. Coffees, both green and roasted, of the bitnest grades. My stock is tho best, prices low est. Finest Teas that can be bought Both Coffees and Teas ore bought directly from the importers for spot cash. CANNED GOODr My stock is unusually large and being bought directly from the cannerB at as low prices 48 any jobber can buy eucb goods I am in position to meet the prices of any mo and at same time give customers the very best that can be packed. Finest and freshest Seal Hbipped Baltimore Oysters a specialty. Fruits and Vegetables always in stoek. My aim shall continue to be to give my cus tomers the very best at most reasonable prices. Country Produco, such as Butter, Eggs, Poultry, &c, surh as my city trade requires, bought at cash prices, and don't forget tbat I wholesale as well as retail, R. B. 10VEL, We Again Call Attention to Our Line of Royal EASY CHAIRS 'ipQsSfiBlfl rPfii McILVAIN, HUMPHREYS & KNOX, Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Furniture Dealers. 207 Sulton Street. Phone 250. Maysville, Ky. 1IIIMI Bill "Ain' you afraid 5 when Uie market's oft?" Mie "No, I'm goin' o iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii MOTHER KILLS GIEL WHO OOEE TO MOVIES. Ifome. Tho movies aud tho tango wcro indirectly responsible for tho rnfir dor of n girl by her mother at Tivoli. Tlio mother bad forbidden her soven-tcen-yoar-old daughter from seeing a film of tho tango becauso of tho ban We Will Give Tickets To those i,o call and "PAY THEIR AflCOUNIn " lielc-t given who each dollar paid; uls tickuid given with each cash purchase ot $1 on the elegant diamond ring aud ladies' gold watch. P. J. MURPHY, IMIIIIi' Good Prices Satisfy Sellers! "Of course thoy do." The1 Ccntnil Warehouse una Sales Munagers and Auctiouoar who by rsaaon of long jeara of experience know bow to get Good Prices. Satisfaction necessarily follows'. To nil tboso who have sold tobacco with us wo will say we hopo to sell again, and we ask those who have never sold with us to give ue a trial. Wo believe we enn satisfy YOU. PPNTDAI WAREHor LCIi 1 HAL comp' MAYSVILLE, KY. 1 JPJffigiflWfy 1 r kerb by the Oity Public Schools. bound and perforated. It's a ' this grade of paper. C. RUSSELL CO. . THE LEADING GROCER, 4 Wholesale and Retail. mum; oo. , "Push the button and rest." The kind that the whole family will appreciate and enjoy. -r to take your tobacker down the AMAZON." placed on tho danco by tho Roman Cath olic Church. Tho daughter dofiod tha mother and attended tho show. Her mother met tho girl when sho was ro-' turning homo and beat hor furiously with a stick. Tho girl's skull was in jured and her collarhono broken and sho died two days afterward, mother has been arrested. Tho - THE JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. m s t.1 3 2 jM .' & t-vl M I J f g2 TaoH A .,., ' " X . -w-. r " ' '.'f'.JT " i " V 'l . I .k.n mmHmimM' V-, ' i, .ar . . i. '., tt i r'HN .i f