Newspaper Page Text
MMN PIWM . -MBr WW1'1 !1HB1 "frt, ;fs"" ?- '- v; ' , m iMinmNuiniiununiM CHEESE All I Kinds PUBLIC LEDGER Roquefort in jars and roll, Limburg, Pimento, Neufchatel, Swiss and Cream. iHl h. m W.i"W""W"ViM1V TMlVrrCD T0VC Leading Retailers rKi,y RKPOiir.iOAN-nm ( MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY, TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1914. ONE COPY ONE CENT. JL71iVJL-,.l JLlVO. m7 W. Second St. M " .PMHMMNMMMMMWaaRNMMMMMMMMWMMMMMMNMMNMMMMMMiMMMMMMMMMIHMiHMM JBT ' T -"T lT -,! .. ... Ui .. ...... . . . . ; ... 1 . . . . t M want.. -" "- - . " " VllrkfXUWS iY&!2 F Wur(i llira -1 ianB EfML K!!y , BaMniiinuiiaBiiiiaaMnkii9in7 SBMS ' . a - l ' $ f 4f m A& S II - 5 l- 1 f s 1 (V s : h f : a $& Sir Lipton's building Shamrock IV. To bent our yncht; but wo Will ninko him think tho jncht he's built, I, Shamrock XXIII. Start this week uith oiio of tho boat resolutions jou can have to got jour reserved seats nt oneo for ono of tho btst lecturers on thu Lyceum platform Adrian Nowons, Monologist, nt High School, Wednesday, March 19, 10c ex on sale at Williams Drug Storo, 10 ox tra. 10 17 itr M i J-StO-alfff. CHAPTER INSPECTION. Thoro will bo a special meeting of Maysville Chapter No. 9. II. A. M. to night at 7 o'clock, whon Companion Hanson L. Peterson, of Cynthinna, Ky., will bo prcsout for tho purpose of in spocting tho work of the Chapter. A largo number of tho membora should be present. WILLIAM II RUKS, II. P. LET UNCLE SAM GIVE YOU THE FACTS Government reports show tho Btearij outtiut of coal during the Inst fnu yn7B hao niHilp thr dpalrrs push (or wider niarkPta, We are Roinp to cp( nmro fcnile your tradp hy pivini vou a crpaler valup (or your monpv Yon will npvpr pot out o' dobt uuIops yon buy w aely. MAYSVILLE COAL CO. Memphis, Tcnn., March 10. Tho river strainer Harry Lee, owned by tho Leo lino, burned hero today. imiNUHiiKusgieuinummiMiiiH : WEATHER FORECAST wl'""' Cabinet Mantels Tho Ladios aro now thinkiug of houso cleaning and Just ooforo you bogin that work cot your improvements made. Wo will suggest a Cabinet Mantel. If you only know liow clioap you could got a Cabinot Mantel there would bo only a fow homes without thorn. Wo guarantoo to soil you a Cabinot Mantol as choap as you can got ono anywhoro in tho State. Here Is -! 7 t One for Pl .OU' Wo havo somo cheaper. Ooino to our ofllco and lot us show you and givo you somo prices. Th& f&ason Lumber o. Cor. Socond and Limestone Sis. Phunn 519. MAYSVILLE, HY. A, A. MoI.Al'OHMN I . N Hkhan. fflllHIHIIUI WALLPAPER!! u H if First atid liust lots now on "tilo. Priffd -f Llumr-nnts of Wailpjiper Pucos 83c per lot tip. t n.nko j'mmui S Good News, Farmers ! Nuw for G irdtns ftiul Tobacco BciIh! Y..U Will Kcol HOES, RAKES, MATTOCKS, SPADES, POST HOLE DIGGERS, POST HOLE AUGERS, POULTRY NETTING, TREE PRUNERS, HEDGE KNIVES. Come in; wo can Here's "lie place to get them anppiv ciir vnry atit MIKE BROWN ? .THE: m m q B B El B a a p m t& K E2 E3 n B a a H 13 R a m m H B K m B B H H H T. KACKLEY & CO. SQUARE DEAL MAN. m Carlonda of new Buyies arriving every day. Come in when the roads yet in shape and wo will J plcaon both your m&tn nnd pncko'-lionlc. BliagllMMliaaBMHgBMMKHBB3Ml fF&f?3l vi "JPfftfs k l I Al1 r. . . UhUVI y-yvwsi 5jL j br If. I A i-A o rs rtrv.vj.u.i.NTiiiK'siiia 3S2 Mrs. Sallio McGco is very ill at lioi homo near Moyslick. ft M Mrs. Samuel Middleman and son La doro aro visiting rclatnos in Cinein nati. Mrs. 1. R. Ward niul Mm. J. K. Ward of Mayslick spent Monday in town shopping. Mr. and Mrs. William Ball and daugh ter, Dora, spent Sunday with Mrs. M. It. Wnrd of Mayslick. Miss Lrota Cl.irk is spending a fow days in Cincinnati attending tho mil linory openings, in the interest of Merz Bros. Miss Anna B. King und sistor, Mrs. J. 0. Kiddor, have gone down to Cin cinnati to visit tho family of Mr. Cam- mlo Storrott. Mr. G. W. Gelsol is out upon tho streets after a severe illness, and his friends aro glad to sco him once moro in his usual health. Miss Hattio Wood, of Washington, arrived homo Sunday after spending iilno weeks with rejativos in Texas, Oklahoma and St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. W. L. Yollman of Rock Island, 111., with hor mother, Mrs. Martha Tow or, loft Monday afternoon for a six weeks visit through Texas and the southwest. Euchre at Eaglo's Hall tonight. Lunch served after euchre. REPEAL INSURANCE LAW Strong Protest Mado Against Act That Caused Withdrawal of Companies. Trankfort, Ky., March 10. Business men from mnny parts of Kentucky aro bitterly opposed to tho provisions of tho Green-Glenn iusuranco law that caused tho withdrawal of many firo insurance companios from tho Stato duiing tho past week. Thoy request Governor Mc Croary to call a special sossion of the Legislature to ropeal the law. Petitions signed by thousands of business men, oro prcsonted to tho govornor today Colonel Nool Gaines addressed a letter to Hoprosentativo Prank C. Green and Senator Scldon Glenn asking them to stand pat on their bill. Ho advocates tho pnssago of a measuro putting Ken tucky in tho insurance business to tako caro of tho property of insurauco cbm panics that havo withdrawn from tho Stnto. Tho companies declared thoy quit writing now business because- thu provisions of tho law aro too drastic. State or Oiiio, Out or Toledo, I.UCAB OOUNTT. It. Frank J.Uhiintty iimkusoath that bo luenlot partnerof tbedrmof K.J. Cheney A Go, .doing budnestln the oily of Toledo, county and itate iforoiatd, and that laid drmwlll pay the lum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLAUS forenoh and every oaieofOatarrhthatoannot be cured by the tmof Hall'jCatarrhCure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to betoreme and subscribed In my ore lencethlifltb Jayof December, A. D., 1186 (Seal.) A. W Olkaoon, Notnrj I'ulilio Hall'iCaUrrh Cure l taken Internallyandao i dlreotlyon the blood and muonua turfacet of tb lyitem. Send fortnitlmonlalif run. , F. J. OHKNKY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold all DruiiKlt.76r. TakflUII'Kuratlvl'lllforoonitpaHon COST OP LIVING REDUCED I 4 Cans of Geoff Corn Only 25 Cents. 3 Cans at Goad Peas Only 25 Cetn. 3 Can Fancy Tentateea Only 25 Cents. tarihrn IWom Ira tar the CASH Only. Plione 43. QBISBLJcONRAD N S Fur .alH First-Class Rasnl nn Ennina nnil nynprnn. 5 iiaiBiawwiBiMBKmgiB John D11U, 27, was killed by a train at Cynthinna. Notwithstanding about all tho firo insur anco companies havo left Mnyslllo, I wish to inform tho public that I havo several new ones on my list uud I v,ill write all risks put in my hands. HAHRY L. WALSH, 17-2t 20S Court St. INVESTMENTS Good First Mortgago Land Notoa Yielding 6 and 7 Per Cont. FRANK II. CLARKE. First National Bank Building. LAST NUMBER. FRESH FISH DAILY. Presh fish recoived every day during Lent. 23tf WALLACE'S RESTAURANT. In tho Cincinnati district tho Ohio River will riso slowly Monday night and Tuesday. Tho gaugo at Cincinnati Monday registered 28.S feet. Are We Your Druggists? If not, why not? Our methods of dealing squarely with all our trade has brought us many new customers. An you wxjfrr ono nf them? If not, wo Kl-X I nein nnk, why not? PRICES. DRUGS. Tho last number and nlso tho best of this year's lecturo courso will bo given Wednesday night at High School. Don't fail to hear tho lamous moao-i legist, Adrian Newcus. Tho finost UNION courso of all Is being planned for noxt HAND .'car, ho bo on hand to near it announced Vedncsday night. 10 17 18 M. F WILLIAMS & CO. THE THIRD STREET DRUGSTORE. MADE MADE BEST MADE goldgnjlory "fiLOHWVfiLV I IOO It" POWER & DAULT0N CI0AR CO, - MAKBBS MAYSVILLE. KY. WEATHER REPORT FAIR AND WARMER TODAY AND WEDNESDAY. Th0 Ladioj A hi Society of tho Thhd Mnvt M. E. Church will hold their regular meeting Wcduosday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at the- church. Evory member urged to bo presont. ; MAYO HAS A CHANCE. Cincinnati, (J., March 1C Tho condi tion f John C. C. Mao, of IMmbivillo, Ky., is slightly improved tonight. MR. FITZGERALD NOT IMPROVED. OUR FIRST JOB OF PRINTING. Tho very flrt job of priuting turned out in Tho.I'ublic Lodger 1'rintery under the now deal, was 1,000 tickets for Col. T M. Russell to bo hold at U each for tho opening ball game at Maysville next mouth. STATE WIDE BILL DOOMED. Trankfort, Ky., March 10. Tho fntc of practically all tho progressive legis lation passed at this session of tho Oon oral Assembly rests with tho Senate. Tho anti p.iy, anti-lobby, two and one half cont faro and statewide prohibi tion bills sleep in tho Senate. CELEBRATE THEIR CRYSTAL WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Shuinaker of West Second Street celebrated their fliftccnth wedding anniversary last Sun day. It was tho 15th day of the month, fifteen invited guests and fifteen caudles on tho cako. Socral handsome presents were received. Tho out o'f town guosts wero Mr. Wnl tor Beckett nnd his sistor, Miss Emm.i Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. James Morgau. Beforo tho guests loft they sang "Sihor Threads Among tho Gold.' Mr. Shumnkcr is tho night wntchmau at the cotton factory. Tho departing friends wished tho couplo many happy returns of thoir wedding day. BRUCE EASTON Seriously Injured In a Wreck on Tho L. & N. Early Monday Morning. Atlanta Express train No. 31, on tho Louisville & Nashvillo railroad, which left Cincinnati Sunday night at 8:15, early Monday was wrecked at Conway, Ky., about two miles north of Liv ingstone, Ky. A number of passengers and members of tho train crow wero in jured, but no person killed. Mr. Bruco Easton, express messongcr and a former Maysvlllo man, brother ot Mrs. Agnes Childs, of this city, wok soiiously injured. JOINED HER SAVIOR Miss Ethol M. Eltel Answers The Call of the Master of All Things. Tho death angel visited tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo I Eltel early this morning. Just as tho morning sun ush orod in tho now day tho geutlo spirit of thoir daughter, Miss Ethel M. Eltel, passed to tho realms of ondloss light. Miss Ethol had ouly returned a short timo ago, from Donvor, Colo., whoro sho wont in quest of health. Not securing tho benefits dosirod, sho roturucd homo, accompanied by hor parents, to pass her last dajs iu Maysvillo. Sho was twenty-six years old, aud is survived by hor fathor and mothor. Funeral sorvices at 0 o'clock Thurs day morning at St. Patrick's Chinch. Interment in tho Washington Ccmotcry. Death is sad nt any timo, but in tho passing away of such a sweet young girl, bright, etniablo and industrious, tho light of her-houio and in tho dawn ing of young womanhood, it is iudood doubly hard to boar. (Lexington Herald ) It was said oarly this morning that tho condition of City Auditor John E. rit7gernlil, who is critically ill at his homo, HI North Limestone Stroot, about tho same as roportcd oarlior in tho day. Mr. 1'itgorald is suffering from heart trouble aud is. very low. D. HECHINGER & CO. Thu Biggest and Best Clothing and Shoe Store in Maysvillo. Wo wish to call your attontion to tho magnificent lino of Spring Suitings wo aro displaying in our West Window. Thoy aro tho choico selections of the noted houso of E. H. Van Ingon & Co., tho groatcst woolen houso in tho country. Thoso of you who havo favorod ua with your patronago in our Custom De partment can testify to tho superior skill of our Cutter, Mr. Dan Gottliob. Every garment mado in our shop. Look in our West window at tho now Spring Shirts, Shoes and latest creations in Spread Head-goar. You will find only that of which tho most fastidious would approve Shirts from tho Mruhattan, Gotham, and Eclipso Pcoplo; Hats from Stetson and Mundhoim, and Shoes from Nettlcton, Hauan, Walkover and Douglas. Wo havo yet a fow Overcoats loft and to those who contomplato buying wo will sharo them with you at almost half tho original prico. Bottcr come in now boforo tho best aro all gono as you know thoy Invariably go first. Bo suro and got tickets on tho Automobile. Vory truly youra, ID. PIJBOHLIJNTG-Elf c CO. iiBHausEBi $ffiJ2fiCt ia '-JMitr x--TtWTrrgiTptarnH-,rTttr'i TiTtffriftiffi Mrs. P. J. Murphy, Mrs. M. I' Coughlin and Miss Margaret Franklin left for Lexington Sunday on account of tho sorious illness of thoir cousin, Mr. John Pitzgorald, a former rosldont of this city. SAEDIS MILL SOLD. W. R. Briorly has traded a ono-half interest in tho Sardis Roller Mills to R. O. Chambors for 73 acres of land on Bakor's Branch on tho Sardis and Burikn turnpiko road. COUNTY COURT NEWS. On Monday tho invontory and ap praisement of tho personal estate of W. N. Dillon doceased was produced i court, filed and ordered recorded. xi'4iiii4iiiiiidb4i4iiiiidkix-t:-cx 4 i4i4iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii4iiiig ! Styles Unlimited Silk Shirtings 'Im tt with colored stripes woven through and through on .u It J as I f H H3 Silk Crepes. We gauged the style treud correctly iu plncing our silk oidor mouths ago. Const queutly we have a wimiierful color, pattern and price range iu Crepes, one of the scarcest Silks iu the market. 49c to $1.50. In Silk-and-Cotton you will find dainty colored or tinted backgrounds in churmtug' summer frocks. 39c, 49c. flower designs on whito weaves that will make whito grounds. Somo have satin stripes. They will make tho smartest tatlored waists imaginable. Nearly one yard wide, 75c, 98c. Voile Blouses $1.25 One of tho best collections wo ever had at this modrrato price. Every waist fich aud new. Count less little touches stamp these waists as 1914's best styles. Silk Petticoats Poi feet fitting, extremely easy of adjustment. Affords an absolutely smooth appearance without a suggestion of fullness. Black and colors. $2 98 to $4.98. BflDMdMBHllBflUBB 1S52 iBETTIDTT'S 1914 & CORRECTION IN SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. In yostordny'g Lodger iu somo way tho Fust M. E. Church South Sunday School was overlookod. Tho attendance as 88 aud brings tho total for tho day up to 037. FINE BUNCH OF CATTLE. Mr. Thomas A. Keith bought thirty fiv0 head of cattlo from Mr. E. T. Kirk. Tho prico avoragod $100 per head. This is about tho finest bunch of live stock Maysvilo has soon in a long time. GOVERNOR AGAINST EXTRA SESSION. Governor McCreary has boon quoted by somo of his closo friouds as saying that ho would under uo circumstances call an extra session for any purpose HE'S A GOOD LITTLE IRISHMAN, TOO. Mastor William Linn Orr, oldest sou of Foreman J. B. Orr, of Tho Public Ledger Printcry, is receiving congrat ulations and many presents today, hia seventh birthday annivorsary. WE ARE SO BUSY RECEIVING ! New Spring Goods H H M m m m M m That we have no time for ad. writing. Come in and see the Latest Styles in Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Dress Goods, Linens, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Linoleums, Lace Curtains, Ox fords, Etc., Etc. If you haven't seen those 25c Ginghams from England that we are selling at 15c you have missed the greatest values that were ever of fered in Maysville. t ;MbOUR. kEPUTATim jrfpe'wirn tVERYPACW , ' , !-- r ,"-t-!y TSssnm f&t LEADS an& SUCCEEDS M H I H Silks, I 5 nmmmmmmmmm i It t - J. T Jk' Jli- !JP 1 W-' l a, f l., .j?: