Newspaper Page Text
H , 5 All I Kinds Roquefort in jars and roll, Li m burg, Pimento, Neufchatcl, Swiss and Cream. r. -V . f L,!"i DINGER BROS., Leading Retailers 107 W. Second St. "1 MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1014. ONE COPY ONE CENT. tXALF KKPVUhtOAN-tan 'It V PUBUO hKDaHJt-UM tfMliailllllllllllllHinBnB!3BHHMMaaMHnt at m- . T ' jmnfttift ttn, I aii rucccc FUBL1C fjMJi LELHjJUK &v amatav" W n-i Fonurlous. Ho has a gift of saving that Is 80 intense Ho never tells .i story at His own expense. A YEAR AGO HIGH WATER WAS MENACING US. Today, one year ago, tlio street cars began to transfer on account of the Ohio River flood. So far this year we have had no transferring. Let us hope wo will not even hnvo any kind of a flood. FZMZ. n ir-ti r a isrs'io &Wfal r .i .VI &&& 'A totA MmzkM rfri1. 1 Wv. " &m i.iC'k wmm . m. 1VI 9 .' I 7 tO. JQMtr 'W-. SLyssa i ;iiM' '-.- m MSi BOULEVARD LIGHTS From the 0. & O. Depot to tho L. & N. Depot General Lighting Systoru Discussed in Council. An important meeting of tho city Council wan hold last night. Tho question of street lighting was tho subject investigated. It seemed to be tho concensus of opin ion tq havo a systom of boulnvnrd lights from the C. & O. dopot to tho L. & N. depot, and a reduction in price to all consumers. LET UNCLE SAM GIVE YOU THE FACTS Government reports show the steady outnut ol coal during the last lew ypsTs has made the dealers tmsb for wider marketB, We are going to get more Wade your trade by giviui? vnu a ereater valup lor your mitnev You will never get out o' debt unions you buy w'sely. MAY8VILLE COAL CO. PHONE Ml. Mr. Alexander Martin, a tobacco man, aged 55 years, and formorly of Riploy, died at Huntington. Cabinet Mantels Tho Ladies aro now thinking of houso leaning and just hoforo you begin that work cct your improvements mado. Wo will suggest a Cabinet Mantel. If you only knew how cheap you could got a Cabinet Mantol thoro would bo only a fow homes without them. Wo guarantco to sell you a Oablnot Mantel as cheap ai you can got one anywhere in tho Stato. Here Is d4 n Cf One for Pl AOU W have somo cheap or. Come our offlco and lot us how you and givo you some prices. Fair and Wnrnn'r. rlllllllllllllllllllHHIIIIIIIIIIIIllj t .i :n i 7::..:.., m UXATUCD CnDCPACT i"TiuB)8viiiBai.u ymuhv . "-""" 8 r E 5 Good News, Farmers i & s Nuw for GarcU-118 null Tobacco B.nle! Y.m Will Nood HOBS, RAKES, MATTOCKS, SPADES, POST HOLE DIGGERS, POST HOLE AUGERS, POULTRY NETTING, TREE PRUNERS, HEDGE KNIVES. Hero's 'ho place to get them. Come id; we can 5 Piipplv your I'ViTy want. j MIKE BROWN, I g THE S SQUARE DEAL MAN. The mason Lumber Go. " Cor. Second and Limestone Sts. Phono 519. MAVSViUJE, KV. A. A. M0l.AUGHt.IK. L. N. Behak. WALLPAPER!! Fust and best, lots now ou sale. Prii'fd f Uumnaute of Vailpaper Prices $5c per lot up. to tr.nkn r"in :j. t. kackley & co.g Hi Cn Jnln CictiPlnoo Roonl tn ETnnlno nitrl fltnrimrt S I III nriir"-i "i oi-wncg "uom 'in fc.iiuiii miu vf iiii Mr. Herbert Swartz. aged 23. of Lex ington, and Miss Ethel Mason ltoboraon, aged 21, of Mason County, will bo mar ried today at Mayslick by Rev. L. X Thompson. John J. Lynch, local manager of tho telephono company has been spending a I fow days in Paris, whero ho was called to look after tho Little Rock Exchange, which burnt down a few days ago. WEATHER REPORT Mr. Honry Smart is quito ill at homo in tho West End of tho city. ANOTHER CONTEST his Forest Avonuo Paront-Toacher Associa tion to Givo Spoiling Boe Prizos. TAIR AND COLDER WITH SNOW; THURSDAY CLOUDY. Tho l'orost Aonuo Parent Toucher Association will havo another spoiling bee on Friday ovoniug at 7 o'clock, in tho l'orost Avenue School Building. Prij-os given in grades and to tho High S.-hool pupils. Watch for partic ulars and got you a "elnmpiou" spell ing book ami go to work if you want tho prize. IT DID. NOW I Ycstorday was St. Patrick's Day, the next day it snowed. :ind MEETING: OP THE LADIES' SOCIETY. AID Tho Ladies' Aid Society of tho Sec ond M. E. Church will meet Thursday nftomoou at 2:30 o'clock nt tho homo of Mra. George Means on Eust Front. FRESH FISH DAILY. Fresh fish rocolvod every day during Lent. 23-tf WALLACE'S RESTAURANT. INVESTMENTS Good First Mortgage Land Notos Yloldlng 0 and 7 For Cent. FRANK H. CLARKE. First National Bank Building. Tho Ladies Aid Society of tho Third Stroot M. E. Church will hold their regular meeting Wodnesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at tho church. Every member urged to bo present. LAST NUMBER. Tho last number and also tho best of this year's locturo courso will bo given Wednesday night at High School. Don't fail to hear tho iamous mono legist, Adrian Newous. Tho finest courso of all is being plannod for noxt year, so bo on hand to hear it announced Wednesday nighty 10-17-18 Are We Your Druggists? If not, why not? Our methods of dealing squarely with all ourtrade hae brought us many now customers. An you jwotv one of them? If not, we Kr I flu nil) ask, why not? PRICES. DRUGS. N. F WILLIAMS & CO. THE THIRD STREET DRUGSTORE. UNION MADE HAND MADE BEST MADE golden (Story "OLOHIUO-Lr HOOD" POWER & DAULTON CIQAR CO. HIKED HAYSVILLE. KT. D. HECHINGER & CO. The Biggest and Best Clothing and Shoe Store in Maysville. With the advent of Spring Sunshine and approach of glorious Easter your thoughts naturally wil turn to your Spriag Outfit, itignc here wo waat to say that wa have not overlooked procuring the very latest Spring productions o( the (orem)st Otntom Tailors in the Ltnd. Here you will li 1 1 r,rn a til vrt )f Cm S'ein-Biocu, Vai Fuuioa Co. Michael?, Stern & Co., all of Kochoater, N. Y. Also the Hirah.Wickwiro Ou., of Chicago. As hundreds of you have worn Clothes made by thise Houses, ymcin mtilp to the auUUcttoa y u de-tve m tho style an 1 durability, doe the dtipUy of tbesa Suits i a our B m Vi 1 1 v n i dh t u n iinr orica? . W' balleve our line ol 12 aid $15 Suits will mirethtn favorably compare with Sjits that are sold elsewhere nt from $3 to $5 more "Bh sure and see them." Our Spring Suck of date, Shoes and all manner of Men's Furnishing Goods are all ready for your inspection DON'T FORCET TICKETS ON THE AUTOMOBILE GOOD NIGHT! Frankfort, Ky., March IS. Aftor ono of tho stormiost sessions in its history tho Gcnoral Assombly of Kentucky ad journed slno dlo this morning. ANOTHER ELECTRIC SIGN Tho Harbcson Oarago is swinging a handsome now electric sign to tho breerc. It is a beauty and up to the minute sign. WOMAN'S CLUB MEETS TOMOR ROW MORNING. There will bo a board mooting of the Woman's Club Thursday morning at 10 o'clock in Miss Yancey's office. M every day. and wo will Carloads of now Buggies arriving Como in when the roads iet in shape f! plnasn bnfh vr fastn nnd popkn'-lmok. awl rai Miss Jesslo Kerr is the guest of hor father, Mr. E. II. Kerr and family of Millersburg. Rov. Fathor P. M. Jonos, who has boen ill for tho past ten days is ablo to bo out again. II. L. Tepper, on0 of Gerraantown's hustling business men was a visitor ycs terdny in this city. Missos Corinno Collins and Bollo Hor ton roturnod Saturday from a visit to f riend3 in Maysville. Paris News. Tho many frionds of Mrs. Mary E. Brock will be glad to know that she continues to imprnvo at Wilson Hospital Prof. J. W. Young and -wife wore on routo homo to Mt. Orob, Ohio, from Ger mantown, yesterday. The professor has boen instructing tho Oermantown band. Mrs. Mollio Shopberd and son Em mott, who moved from this city somo time ago to Nowport, havo returned to Maysville and will make this their future home. THE 26th SNOW OP THE SEASON. This morning thero was another lovo ly fall of snow making tho 25th snow of tho season. A small-sized snow blizzard doveloped and March contlnuos to roar. DEATH OF MBS. MARTHA SUNBAOK. Senator W. 0. Bradley of Kentucky celebrates his C7th birthday in Wash ington today. WOMAN MAY DIE As a Result of Reckless Auto Driving of Lucian Luttroll of This City Mrs. Ed Walton in Serious Condition. A sorious accidont occurred yestor day afternoon two miles south of Mays lick on the Maysville pike. Lucian Luttroll, a Mnysvillo saloon ist was driving his auto when he ran over Mrs. Ed Walton, who was walk ing along the piko near her homo. Wo understand one of Mrs. Walton's limbs was broken besides numerous bruises and a scalp wound. Tho accident may result fatally. Wo havo several timos spoken of autos breaking speed rocords. We boliove in overyono's rights to tho road, but it is n wonder more serious accidents have not occurred on tho streets of Maysvillo aud on our country roads. POSTMASTER KEHOE President Wilson Sent Njme nf Marcus F. Kehoe in For Confirmation By Sen ate Yesterday Big Victory Scored By of Ex Congressman James N. Kehoe, WIij Licked Democratic Op ponents to a Frazzle Postmaster Clarenco MathcAvs of Maysvillo is to bo succeeded by Marcus F. Kchoo as announced several weeks ago. Prosidont Wilson yesterday sent tho namo of Mr. Kohoe to tho Senato for confirmation. Thus tho short but intensly warm con test in tho Democratic ranks of Mays villo and Mason County over the local postmastership is settled aud Mr. Ko hoo's regular appointment for four years will bo mado and ho will likely succeed Postmaster Mathews on April 1st next. Mr. Mathews is a Taft Republican and has tho record for scrvico, having hold tho oflico for over 16 years. He ro tires with tho satisfaction of having served tho pooplo faithfully nnd hns tho confidence and esteem of tho public, tho Democrats as well as that of his own party. M. F. Kehoe, whilo never vory nctivo in Democratic action and councils, nev ertheless, is a man of sterling worth and is a member of tho Kehoe family of Maysville, whoso sons William F. Kchoo and John Dexter Kohoo, of Washington, D. C, former Congressman James N. Kchoo of Maysvillo. and Dr. Henry C. Kehoo of Frankfort, havo onch mado ominent successes in life, all starting out to fight life's batilo poor, but cour ageous and manly boys, and they have won their way by worth, merit and pluck. PROHIBITION DEAD LEGISLATURE ADJOURNS i4444i44-444444444444 SSiii4iii444444444444Txfx. 444444.4i4444444i44444444i44i' H.H t M 2 I I H.H 2 2 2 2 2 32 2 2 2 ! i 2m 2 I 2 M4 2 Colors and Weaves Unlimited in Hunt's Silk Sale Wo aro proud of this collection of moderate priced Silks. It is safo to say no town tho slzo of Maysvillo has over shown so largo an assortment since the voguo of roady-to-wear garments made such inroads on pioco goods. POPLINS plain and flgurod in two dozen different pieces. 29c to $1.50. CBEPES plain and figured, all Silk, also Silk and Cotton, In moro than sixty different pieces. 39c to $1.50. SATIN-FINISHED SILKS in Oharmeuse, Messaline, Foulard and othor weaves, can bo conservatively estimated In plain and flgurod patterns at 75 different pieces. IN ADDITION tho Chiffon Taffetas, tho Shirting Silks, tho Jap Silks, tho plain and figured weaves In surah twill easily bring our Silk Stock at a minimum estimate to MOKE THAN TWO HUNDRED PIECES. All at moderato prices beginning at 20c. Nothing hlghor than $1.50 except Crepes and Cascadeens at $1.08. And it Is not the sizo of tho stock that gratifies us so much as Its DESIRABILITY in point of stylo, quality and price. Foreign Inspiration Marks Even Inexpensive Suits Paris has presented countless originalities which Amorican tail ors havo adapted for even inexpensivo Suits. Fashion has Intro duced now colors, tango, sllver-groeu, copper, bright blues, with navy and black of course always correct. Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets are tho products of designers who have tho knowledge necessary to produco corsets suited to women particular about their figure, health, comfort and appearance. Thin doublo boning gives easy flexibility to the garment. Doublo lnterlinings provent tho bones punching through and tearing tho cloth; tho fabrics aro light and soft, but so strongly woven they will not stretch or shrink. Wo invito your inspection of the styles wo carry, or an order by mail will rccelvo prompt attention. Wo further guarantco every pair of Warner's Bust-proof Corsets not to rust, break or tear. u.H Hffi 1111 1852 H 3 1014 . n -W-I ---.T-r'r-rT-rTTT-rTTTTTTTl.TTTTT-rTTT-rT-rT-rTT'rfTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-rT-rT-r-r'rTT-r-rTT-r'r-rT'r-r'r-rT'r-r'r'r-r'r-rrvT'. U. ( Vtttf TtttttTTTTTT I UTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTri ' W 1 FTTTTTTTTTIT rT-rTTT-r-rTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTT-TVTTTTTT TTTTTTTI V"XTTXTL IL BOTH AMENDMENTS Crecellua Killed aro Resubmitted Olas- siflcatlon of Property for Taxation and Use of Convict Labor on Tho Roads Endorsed. Mrs. Martha Sunback, aged 89 years, passed away at tho homo of Mrs. Etta Dotson, near Mayslick, yesterday after noon. . , , Funeral will take place at 12 o'clock (sun time) Thursday at tho house. Rov. Berkley will conduct tho services. Intormcnt in Mt. Carmcl cometery. Frankfort, Ky., March 18. Tho tax ation amendment to tho constitution won out nt last today, following its vic tory in tho Assembly of lviz ana its defeat through tho carelessness of tho Secrotary of State's office, which failed to advertiso it tho neccessary ninety days, causing tho Court of Appeals to declare it invalid. Tho action of tho Houso In reconsid ering the convict work on roads amend ment inndo certain tho submission of tho same amendments, as were killed i through the decision of the Court of Appeals. That both will be again adopt ed by tho pooplo is predicted by tho officials at tho Capital. Tho two and a half cent faro wins. Tunis Measure Wins Latter Permits Increase in License Fees Fr Saloons in Cities From Present Maximum of $500 COST OP LIVING REDUCED ! 9 Cans b1 seif Cam Only SS Cenia. 3 Dan af Cssrf Faa Only 35 Can fit. 3 Conn at Faney Tamataea Only . , . , . 25 Camta aWTmaam rrtaaa Ara tar 1ka CASH Only. Pht 4. mm. ft OONRAO Frankfort, Ky.. March 17. Tho Webb Stato-wido prohibition bill died in tho Senato tonight, but tho dry pcoplo wo. a victory whon tho Tunis bill undor which it is possible for tho cities of Kentucky to lift tho present ehnrgo for licenses for saloons from $500 to $1,000 or over wns passed In tho Houso, hav ing already passed tho Senato. That tho Governor will sign it seems to be nforegono conclusion. lloproscntatlvo Matt S. Walton, of Loxingtou, frankly explained that the purposo of the mcasuro was to roduce tho number of saloons in Loxington, which was 120 coffee houses. Tho vote on tho bill was 52 to 22. Interost in tho prohibition amend mont was iutonso throughout tho day. Tho dispensary fcaturo of tho measure it is bolioved, caused tho greatest op position to it, outsldo tho forces In tho legislature which .voted with tho liberals pn gouoral principles. Tho groatcst excitement provallod during tho taking of tho vote on the bill which put It to sleep and thoro was breathless sllonco as each membar ropondod to tho roll- Mil. MEETING OF WOMEN S MISSION- EXCELLENT CROP OUTLOOK. ARY SOCIETY. Tbo Woman's Missionary Society of The mild weather in tho early wintor the First M. K. Church South will meot nnd tho lato snows rccontly havo been in connection with the Mite Society favorable, indeed, on tho prcsont grow in tho Sunday School room at 2:30 ing crop of wheat, tho largo acreage o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Tho ro- and present conditions bid fair for a port of tho annual meotlng will bo road, largo ylold tho coming harvest. SQUIRE DRESSEL'S COURT. On tho lGth, Squire Dressol hold his regular court. Ho gave judgment in twelve cases. M. J. Kinney against Boono Becket for civil detainor resulted in a hung jury. Notwithstanding about all tho firo insur ance companies havo loft Maysvillo, I wish to inform tho public that I bavo sovcral new ones on my list nnd I will writo all risks put in my hands. HARRY L. WALSH, 17-2t 03 Court St. UIHMINIIBIIMIIMIBMIHMI if your; ir iuuk I CO AT or SUIT a 9 a m m 1 0?$w I id to bo really stylish it must bo developed in the sufteHt and most pliablo of fabrics. Only bo, can tho various drapes, graceful fluoH and tfftcts of the presout day fash ions bo gained. Gomo in and soe tho many models we are showiug, Yuu'll roalizt) their real beauty when you see them. , SUITS $12.50 to $29.00 COATS 4.98 to ,25.00 DRESSES . . . 4.98 to 29.00 SKIRTS 2.98 10 12.95 SPRING SHOES ARRIVING Our now stock of Spring Shoos have eomo spjondid models in is arriving and we LOW CUTS to show you. Tho dosigns are of boauty combined with greatest comfort to feet. $2.50 to $5 a . ., mm I, if,nup - jTTT " I S kEPUTAnml If rXL j vitai L M amSj3 I mot fs &mz0 and style WO, flu '-mi i . vl v vKS ' - "' 91 HHHMHHHMHIIIH 3hI9 qdm I v.&m waaaaaamaammmaamaaamamamamm 1 . "iw maamaaaaaamaaWaaamaaaaaWaaW ; T&sivm tfiatEADS and SUCCEEDS j m ? i a w vj 4 .! '1 .- ' & i t: 51l3 M ali ,vtf ' 1 : - ..' iu . i ' ..' ' f- ' V K- ' "' ' . ' '