Newspaper Page Text
f iHr a wv WW v "T A. ;-V W i fl i rv ,;T MM B All mmmiinmiKiHiHNWHj amaw jLaaa. 1 ' m PUBLIC LEDGER MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1914. ONE COPY ONE CENT. $ This world is just n stage, you see, So stiys tho seer's book. And when wo strive to funny bo Wo often get.tlio hook. Tho loose leaf house at Manchester closed last week. Tho amount of to bacco sold during tho entire season amounted to 1,202,170 pounds. FREE OF DEBT Rector Fiolding of Tho Church of Tho Nativity Makos Wolcomo Announcement-. Tho Church of Tho Nativity, Mays villo 's beautiful, uuiquo and historic Episcopal Church, is now entirely free of debt, and Rector Jnmcs Henry .Field ing is happy down in the innormost ro cesses of his heart, in this tho time of all times when humauity is making its sacrifical vows at the "Lenten sen son." Tho parishioners of tho church have just subscribed over f 1U00, besides near ly $200 for incidentals, thus tho Church of tho Nativity doesn't owo n dollar. u.1 LET UNCLE SAM GIVE YOU THE FACTS Government reports sbowthe steady outi'Ul of coal during the last lew ypaTa has made thp dealers pitch (or wider market?, We are going to net more Wade your tradp by giving vnn a erpafer vnlu 'or your mnnpv. Yon will never cet tt o Hpht unlpea you huy w sely MAYSVILLE COAL CO. H. A. Hughes is tho new rural mail carrier out of Wedonia, succeeding C. D. Campbell, removed. Cabinet Mantels Tho Ladies aro now thinking of houso cleaning and Just boforo you bojiln that worP- act your inprovementa made. Wo will suggest a Cabinet Mantel. If you only knew how choap you could got a Cabinet M.mtol there would bo only a few homes without them. Wo Kuarantco to sell you a Cabinot Mantel as cheap as you can got ono anywhoro In the State. Here is d i n rn One for $1 .oU We have somo cheaper. Conic to our ofllco and let us show you and give you some prices. The WSason lismltm1 Co. ' MAYSVILLE, KV. Rkhan. iHFiiflflHflHBflMrl JvSfeBEBWB " I framed jjf-fWA;. I. If!' ...i. I. , .. Cor. Second and Limestone Sts. Phono 519. A. A. McLaughlin L, N ARMSTEAD'S 5? HilMllliailRaiMBIHMHIIMIMHmilHBBB I WEATHER FORECAST F"''S11''H S I Good News, ! Farmers ! & Now for Girdtns ami Tnlmcd Bi'M Y..u Will Need HOES, RAKES, MATTOCKS, SPADES, POST HOLE DIGGERS, POST HOLE AUGERS, POULTRY NETTING, TREE PRUNERS, HEDGE KNIVES. H n Hero's 'ho p ace to got thorn, pnpplv "iir vi'ry "suit. Com t in; wo can H m m n H MIKE BROWN, 8 THF g SQUARE DEAL MAN.. M (Jarlonds of new Buggies arriving every dny. S Come in when the roads get in shape and wo will " 3 plnasn both V'Mir tastH nnd popki'-bnik. H giiiiRiiMiwBiiBiBaal "Play Ball The Big Cr?z A peifect gnnje of basfball iliHt chi) be pltiyed t tie vvbolo enr 'round. Brimful of ex ritomeut mikI interest Mxkoa rtll tbe plays and cnmbina'iou of plHya that occur in any pro fertional gme played on the hull-field, Mich hi- balis, 8tikes, bite, double plaje, triple playe, etc. Po f impln that children can play i' lie well us grown-ups Equal to any dollar cmo hi d will raufcc a lin-eball (ah of very member tli familv J.T.Kackley&Co. WWvaP maaW rjHfpBrOg j h yjBLBWjLfVAjyy 4aaWaa mBjKmBmBBBti Ji f wa$fyawSaa FRIDAY MARCH 27th. 1014. Friday, March 27th, 1014, has been fixed by tho MnysUllo Tobacco Asso ciation as tho cloning diy for thN sea son's Looso Leaf Tobacco sales. If you liavo any Tobacco loft plcaso get it hero boforo that date. Our relations with both sellers and buyers havo been most pleasant and sat isfactory this season and to each wo return our most sincoro thanks. Wo havo used our best offorts to put tho Tobacco up straight and make ev ory pound sold over our floor bring its full market value; and, the fact that wo havo been ablo to sell about ono third of all the Tobacco sold on this market convinces us thnt our policy of running the HOME as n strictly commission houso nnd carefully sorting nil tho Tobacco is approved by tho peo ple. Such shall continuo to bo our policy, and, on that platform wo respectfully solicit your business of tho future HOME. WAREHOUSE CO. .T. N. Kchoe, 1'rcs. J. W. Fitzgerald, Sec. 10-3t Kinds m g Roquefort in jars and roll, Limburg, Pimento, J , Meufc''atel. Swiss and Cream. I DINGER BROS.. ,"2SfS! BiiiiliiMllliMiniiiHBananmnwwM.w'M? TRESH FISH DAILY. Freih flsh rccoived overy day during I.nit. SJS-tf WALLACE'S RESTAURANT. INVESTMENTS Good First Mortgago Land Notes Yielding 6 and 7 Per Cont. FRANK II. CLARKE. First National Bank Building. Are We Your Druggists? If not, why not? Oar methods of dealing squarely with nil our trade has brought us many new customers Ari you -.p- ono of them? If n t. wo Kr I again ask, uhy not? PRICES. DRUGS. H. F WILLIAMS & (0. T,,E,SorT UNION MADE HAND MADE REST MADE golden lory "oi iiicinv-i.y tiottit" POWER & DAULTON CI0AR CO. MAKIB WAYSVIM.K KT D. HECHINGER & CO. The Biagest and Best Clothing and Shno Store in Maysville. With th" aitvnnt of Sprint; HtinaUine and approach of glorious Eitater your thnunbts naturally wil turn to vour Hpri-n; Outfit Uig v h ir-j ve iinf to iv tint wi ttv-i not overlooked procuring the vtry latent Sprinu; prodiicio h of ttia f imii nt Ouf)Tj r ittors in chi Ltnd. Her" yu win ii 1 1 i 1 i i v i if Ci ) i-8 )3i, The Fnuion O). Mn'hieU, 8tern & Co., nil of KocoHHter, N Y ANi thi H rub, Vickwire On., of rhijiio. Aa huudrnda of you have worn Olnt'iea m ly th-ao H i ise, y m en c-ntify ntu d I'ufuci n u Je-i 3 iu -oe ncyie aud durability. See thd i np' tv f ttiai $iin n mr B - V 1 1 v 1 1 1 i ) t 1 1 a I n- onow . V believe our lii- o' 112 ni $15 Sui'i whI nirathin fivirdbly compare with Suits that are aild eNHQTe t from 3 to $5 in ire "U euro and Ht-e them " Our Sp'ini; 8c ick of rl uu, Sliiea and all rniuuer of Mao'rt Furnishing Qojda are all ready fcr your inepectici DON'T FORGET TICKETS QM THC AUTOMOBILE rnfir CITY MISSION WANTS SHOES AND CLOTHING. OPEN INVITATION TO ATTEND REVIVAL MEETING. Owing to tho entertainment at tlio llifjh Sihool tlio revival senieo at the Third Street M. 11. Church was innde sliort last evening. It was, however, a voiv he ntu ineetiuET. ur. iiunion anu The City Mission will bo ery grate ful for shoes mens, womens and child No s(c ul se-3ion of tho Legislature rons, Tho cou WCathcr has made the until 'ii'tcr the primary demands greater than tho supply. NO DANGER OF FLOOD. Washington. Littlo rain and inrui wcjthcr havo saved tho country from the datiger of great floods, accord iin,' to the present outlook, says tho United States Weather Bureau. I Yesterday was a typical March day with rain, snow and a little bit of ovory much tliinir else- that was unpleasant. Congressman Stanley speaks at Car lislo Saturday in his race for tho Son-ato. n'-H-l-l.j.t.i.i H iii-i-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiii-iliiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiar.' Mr. Anthony Dienor arrived Tuesday evening from St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. W. A. Munzing of Forest avo nuo is visiting her mother, Mrs. Martha Vimout nt Millcrsburg. Mrs. Lunsford Gribblo of Dover was a shopper and spent tho day with rela tives in thin city yesterday. Mrs. Scbultz Wood of Third street is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Twyraan of Jacksonville, Fla. Coviugtou newa in Times-Star. Mrs. Louis Merz and daughter, Miss Jean, who have been spending tho win ter season in New Orleans, returned to their homo iu l'ast Second street yes terday. Mr. Merr, who has boon in Philadelphia during his wife's absonco has also returnod home. 4 ft Mrs. M. B. Gibbons nnd daughter, Miss Eliznbeth, will bo tho guosts of Mr. Pickett and Mrs. Allen this week. Mrs. Gibbons will bu in Maysville sev eral days and then go to southorn Ken tucky nnd Tennosseo on businoss for Christian College, Columbia, Mo. Tho case of Ambrey Pollltt agninst Arthur Day occupied tho court's atten tion during the greater part of tho day. It seems as though a lino fence- had caused thp difficulty between tho two armors. Thoy could not agree how to settle thoir difference. The jury found for tho plaintiff. PERSONAL ESTATE OF DR. THOB. ' E. PIOKETT. Tho inyontory and appraisement of tho pcraoial estate of Dr. Thomas E. Tickett was produced in the County Court, filet,! and ordered recorded. Forty-six years ago yesterday, March ISth the steamer Magnolia exploded just abovo Cincinnati with frightful loss of life. ANOTHER SHOW STRANDED. Mr. Trout sang a duet, "Saved By 1 Grace." I From now on tho services will all be- gin at 7:30. Come this evening ami join in tho song service which occupies tho first half hour. Friday evening will bo a "Mothers' service. " Tho front pews will be reserved for tho mothers. A committeo of young ladies will wel come thorn at tho door and give to each a suitablo soucnir. This is oxpeeted to be ono of tho best services of the ro vivnl. Don't let nnything keep you nwny from tho remaining services. This op portunity dues not come often. You will bo the loser if you throw away this opportunity. iViillliJ.lJ.lj.j.j.j.j.j.rr. . . . ....... ...... ............. . , ; iiiimillTTTTTTTirtllTITIIXTTTIItTTTITTTT THIRTEEN CUTS Given Negro Woman, Josio Prico, By Pearco Best Another Darkey Now In JalL Oh (Carlislo Advocate.) Thrco young men touring Kentucky with a hypnotic show becamo stranded in this city last Friday, and in orde' 10 return to tneir uomes in uincinnr they pawned their overcoats an7 dress suit. They appenrcd at th phcum on Thursday night &y performance did not make a wero billed to show three ' About five o'clock yesterday after noon a serious cutting affray occurred at tho East End of Crowell alley in tho Fifth Wnrd. Pearco Best, colored, of Mayslick. and Josio Price, ono of M?.vs ..." . '. 1. .!... .1 I.. ..'-. vino 8 noionous husk v uuiut li up. , - f Josio received so,? cuts about tho ' ' aftor tho cuttir,1 of hours sy Field's housr Chief V SMALLPOX AT Lewis County, and Board of Health Shoux idonts of That Plal Coming to This The littlo villago of Fea uouuty, is vory much n smallpox at tho present tl cases aro breaking out ever) aro now botween twenty a live cases at that place. Thoro docs not seem to b a qunrantino on the place, ho tho residents continuo to trav fro, nnd this city scorns to &,' her share of visitations, in fact, ono of tho "gooa citizens" or that piato mauo boasts thnt his family was' infected with a few cases of the disoaso, and he thought ho would bring it to Maysville, in order that' this city might also get a tasto of it. And the diseaso is advanc ing into this county, too, as a son of Thomas Mcfford, who lives about six miles from this city, now has a caso. and he contracted it whilo visiting in Fenris. It is tinio thut tho city nnd county au thorities should look into tho matter, and keep rcsidonts of that placo from coming bore, as they aro a menace to the Hfo and health of this community. "An ounco of prevention is worth n pound of cure." . 5 H 4 t Hi hi 4- Colors and Weaves Unlimited in Hunts Silk Sale We are proud of this collection of modcrato priced Silks. It is safe to siy no town tho slzo of Maysvillo has ever shown so an assoitincut sinco tho vogue of ready-to-wear gar.nents made such Inroads on pioco goods. POPLINS plain figured in two dozen different piecos. 29c to 31.50. CREPES plain and figured, all Silk, also Silk and Cotton, in moro than sixty different pieces. 39c to $1.50. SATIN-FINISHED SILKS In Charmcuso, Messalino, Foulard and other weaves, can bo conservatively estimated In plain and figvred patterns at 75 different pieces. IN ADDITION tho Chiffon Taffetas, the Shirting Silks, tho Jap Silks, tho plain and figured weaves In surah twill easily bring our Silk Stock at a minimum estimate to MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED PIECES. All at modcato prices beginning at 29c. Nothing higher than 51.50 excopt Crepes and Cascadeens at $1.98. And it Is not the sizo of tho rlock that gratifies us so much as Its DESIRABILITY in point of style, quality aud price. iii-ii:ii:$-iiiiii:iJ-' H.H. !? rfH- rfrH- H.H Foreign Inpiration Marks Even Inexpensive Suits Paris has presented countless originalities which American tail ors havo adapted for even inexpensive Suits. Fashion has intro duced now colors, tango, silver-green, copper, bright bluos, with navy and black of courso always correct. Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets aro tho products of designers who havo the knowledge necessary to pioduco corsets suited to women particular about their figuro, health, comfort and appearance. Thin doublo boning gives easy flexibility to tho garment. Doublo lnterllnings provent the bones punching through and toaring tho cloth; tho fabrics aro light and soft, but so strongly woven they will not stretch or shrink. Wo Invito your Inspection of tho styles we carry, or au order by mall will rocoivo prompt attention. Wo further guarantee overy pair of Warner's Rust-proof Corsets not to rust, break or tear. 3 2 T? 3 101-4: nmfmfffri?fm.fff?T:m &X4-1 I r T IlllllllXIIIIIIIIZIIXIIIZIXIIZZIlIIXIZZZZXUZZlJf H WtitWItIWIWWlWlIIHIIIIJMI.tlXXIJ.IJIJIIIItIIlWIIMIIJJWZllJ ,'t -ROM BARBERS' after April UNION. MR. DAVIS NOT IMPROVING. April 1st all Union bar 's will close at S o'clock at night an Saturday night. BARBERS' UNION NO. 703. Juuningham, Prcs. E. Nash, Sec. 19--U Mr. Thomas A. Davis, who is ill at Martinsville, Ind., is not improving as his friends would like. His niece, Mrs. Ida Duley left yesterday for Martins villo to joiti him and her sister, Miss Mollio Edmonds. WELCOME TO OUR CITY. SOIIADLE HENDERSON. Mr. Amos A. McLaughlin and family hao moved into their recently pur chased home in West Riveriew Ter race, formerly tho homo of Mrs. C. B. Pearco, who has moved to Manchester, Ohio. Mr. Fred J. Schadlo, son of Mr. Philip Srhadle and .Miss Lidn E. Henderson, both of the Pleasant Ridgo neighbor hood, woro united iu marriage yesterday at 8 p. in. by Dr. Maurice Waller at his residence in East Third strcot. SBSilSSaDaHIIIHIBHtliaiiaHIIIMIMIIIIIIiniailHaiiaBIIMIIHIIKIIHIHHBBDlIII IF YOUR 'i COST OP LIVING REDUCED ! 4 Cans of Ceed Corn Only 25 Cent's. 3 Cans at Good Peaa Only 35 Ce,.tn. 3 Can ul Fancy Temateea Only ..... 35 Centa Jhaaa PHaea Ara tmr ika CASH Only. Tobacco Sold on the Maysvillo Mar ket Yesterday Sales Close Friday March 27. Following wero tho tobacc6 sales yes terday: Independent Houso, Total sales 5775 Highest prico , $17.75 Lowest price LS0 Home Warehouse. Total sales 14,340 Highest prico $18.00 Lowest prico 2.30 Growors House, Total salos 5,070 Highest prico $10.75 Lowest price 1 00 Special crop 55. A. Thompson, Rob ortson County, prico ranged from $2 to $10.75, avoraged $13.54. Farmors Houso. Total sales 14,475 Highest prico ; $17.03 Lowost price .1 2.00 rai No sales. Amazon House. No sales. 1 WliA fn.ra.l1lj mn.VA .tflll . nlfl.A Zap like lesion on Friday March 27th. J n 8 C at m n a fa a a m COAT or SUIT l- it- r 11 y 8' MhIi it must bu dKVulopcu 111 tlio - t' cs Htid most pluhlo of fnlir cs. On y no, enn tlio various dmpps, graceful 11 10- mill 1 IF c f of tbe breueut day fash inn Ini uiuuoil. Come in aud sno tho mm models we aro showing You'll j'im 'zi ihtiir roul b:auty whuu you sou thum. SUITS $12.50 to $29.00 kJ-k 111 If Ma vV mills SPRING SHOES dOATS. . DRESSES SKIRTS . 4.98 10 4.98 to 2.98 0 25.00 29.00 12.93 ARRIVING Our now stock of Spring SI1003 h arriving and wo havo some splendid models in LOW CUTS to show you. Tho doaigm are of boauiy and style combined with groatost comfort to feet. $2.50 to $5 - .'ifr our, in . r?y iiTfe.s?adzsa I s ", tiwwm tft.J'Kitd tfmtLEADS I Houso S oo?wrh i HI It J M J w-T) a S mawaaimmfiimm mm fflffl C 0 SUCCEEDS ESE .H.n. m aaxm a . 1 MW ttJBT"H uuavv h wiwon W . -- , -J . - - I - - HI iPSff Th6. 4. UBIti'Bl- UUIMKAU J ike seaion Ton Friday March 27th. pWHMMMHHBMVMHNHMPIIflMf MMMMMMMlMMUHMHIMBflMHHBHHN i 1k