Newspaper Page Text
M- , " TfcTTlTfcTT- M&WLM T T7ITTl-rfc 3 All PUCCCC i W ", KI 11 .11 wmflmmA. I ,H I MtH hf SKinds V1 IJUlOJJJ . W a Roquefort in jars and roll, Limburg, Pimento, Neafchatel, Swiss and Cream. m m. j JLJ A-4JL vy mmmmMmmkEL jiiji. vjixjjj.1; b I 1 ' -- .. ----. . H MHM B , ,! . "V w ft : & The first bird of Spring, Ho tried for to sing; Hut ere her hnd uttered n note, Ho fell from tbo limb Aud a dead bird was him For the music had fria In his throat. Historical war drama (Jem today. Tho man who Is good only ou Sundays) it! going to shovol ns much coal aa the rest of us when the ombalmer gets through with him. ANOTHER ACCIDENT AT MODEL LAUNDRY. Miss Ninny Campbell, an cmployo of tho Modol Laundry had ono of hor hands caught in n manglo Saturday ami several fingers were terribly mashed. Howcor tho doctors say no nones wore broken. Only h few weeks ago, Mrs. Llzzio Nanz, a machine operator nt tho Model caught one of her hands in her machine and lost threo fingers. Sho still suffers agony from her injuries and may jet loso her entire hand. LET UNCLE SAM GIVE YOU THE FACTS Government reports show tho steady outnut ol coal during the last few yeaTa has made the dealers push (or wider markets, We are going to get more wade your trade by giving yon a greater value for your money. You will nver got out ol debt unions you buy w sely. MAYSV1LLE COAL CO. PHONE MS. Tho Ladies nro now thinking of house cloanlng and Just beforo you begin that work got your improvements mads. Wo will suggest a Cabinet Mantel. If you only know how cheap you could get a Cabinet Mantel there would bo only a few homes without thorn. Wo guarantoo to soil you a Oabinot Mantol u cheap as you can get ono anywhoro In tbo State. Here is t n ca One for P .oU We havo some choaper. Come to our offlco and let us show you and give you some prlcos. The Mason Lumber Co. Inc. By tbo ordor of tho prefect of the Paris polico undraped performances will bo prohibited at eafes and music and danco halls. !! t . .,i j ::. WEATHER FORECAST '"XT i Good News, : Farmers!! Cor. Second and Llmestono Sts. Phone 519. IMIYSVILLE, KV. A, A. McLaughlin. L. N. Bkhan. m IS BMH M B Now for Gard('D9 and Tobacco Boils! You Will Neod HOBS, RAKES, MATTOCKS, SPADES, POST HOL1D DIGGERS, POST HOLE AUGERS, POULTRY NETTING, TREE PRUNERS, S HEDGE KNIVES. Here's the place to get them. Come in; we "j supply yniir f vM'y wnnt. MIKE BROWN, 5 1 S S THF can THF SQUARE DEAL MAN. I Carloads of new Buggies arriving every day. Come in when tho roads get in shape and wo will plpnso both your taste nud popko'-hnnk. A SNOW NO. 28 YESTERDAY. Snow fell quite frequently Sunday. But it did not stick. Much thanks! ARMY MANEUVERS Kentucky Militia to Join With Pour Other States. Washington. The militia division of tbo War Department, in arranging for Spring maneuver for various State militia, has ordered that tho militia of Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessee aud Mississippi, constituting tho Tenth di vision, will moot at somo central point for mnneuvers, tho point to bo solectod by Gen. Evans, la charge of the di-vision. Mr. L. Gay Strodo of Lexington, son of Dr. J. T. Strodo of this city, was elected President of tho Middle States Ico Producers Association at tho meet ing in Youngstown, Ohio. MISS ROFF IS CHOSEN. Tho faculty of Transylvania Univer sity has elected Miss Elizabeth Koff, of Mnyslick, Ky., to reprcsont tho grad uating class at tho commencement in Juno. Of tho twenty-fivo students, twelvo girls and thirteen boya who will recoivo their A. B. degree iu Juno, tho following were elocted as tho five hon orary membors who hnd a genoral aver age above ninety: Misses Julia Dale, Loulso Donaldson, Mary Cocke, Eliza beth Koff and J. T. Hazelrlgg-. OUR SPRING LINE IS NOW REAOV Wall Paper Paints, Rugs THE HENDRICKSON PAINf CO. rUNERAL OF O, S. LEAOH TODAY. Tho remains of Mr. C. Shultz Leach, who died in Now Orleans Saturday morning, reachod Maysvillo this morn ing nt 9i26 over tho 0. & O., and wore accompanied by his wlfo and their children. A largo number of Maysvillo rela tives and frionds of doceased wero at tho train to meet tho remains which woro take direct to the Maysvillo Cem etory for burial, Rev. Bonn having charge of tho brief service at the grave. COMMISSIONER NAMES RACING DATES IN KENTUCKY. Racing Association. Lex days, from April 24 to Kontucky ington 12 May 7. Churchill Downs, Louisville 12 days, from May n to May 22. juoukius jars, uuuisvjiht h u, from Mav 23 to Juno 0. Latonia Jockoy Club, Latonia 24 davs. from June 8 to July 4, These datos represent a total of 01 racing days, and carries tho racing sea son through July 4. ARMSTEAD'S "Play Ball" The Big Craze A perfect game ol baseball that can be pUyed tho wbole year 'round. Brimful of tx citoment Hnd Interest. Makes nil the nlavs and combination of plays that occur in any pro fessional game played on the hall-Qeld, wuch as balla, strikes, hits, double plays, triple plays, etc. 8o simple that children can play ir as well as grown-ups. Equal to any dollar game and will make a baseball Uu of every member ol the family. 25c Each JOHN E. FITZGERALD City Auditor of Lexington Passes Away After Heart Illness Since Last Soptombor. J.T.Kackley&Co. Throo persons woro burned to death and two aoriously injured iu a firo that followed a gas explosion ut Ardmoro, Okla. ffftSilfffi (Sunday's Lexington Ilcrnld.) Aftor an illness sinco last Scptcmbor, for tho lust five wooks of which ho was forced to romalu away from his duties, City Auditor John E. Fltrgcrald, died Saturday night at I) o'clock, at his homo 431 North Limestone. Death was Juc to angina pectoris. Mr. Fitzgorald was 43 years of age, was born iu Mason County and never married. Ho was tho son of Johanna C. nnd John C. Fitzgorald. Tho father died somo years ago. His mother is among thoso who survivo him. Ho is survived by a brother, W. G. Fitzgerald, secretary of tho Central Construction Company, nnd throo sisters Misses Margaret, Kathcrino and Josophino Fitzgorald, all of this city. Mr. ritrgerald was a member of tho Y. M. I. Lodgo nnd also of tho Knights of Columbus. Ho was an expert ac countant and considered ono of the best iu tho city. S DINGER BROS., feSl" MilMMMlIlM BlWWaWMWi FRESH FISH DAILY. Freak fish received Terr dar d urine Lent. 25-tf WALLACE'S RESTAURANT. INVESTMENTS Qtod First Mortgage Land Noted Yielding 6 and 7 Per Con. FRANK H. CLARKE. First National Bank Building. WRITING PAPER SALE We have some of tho classy writing paper in Btock and a largo supply of the regular style. Aftor you have gotten prices other places coiao and got our prices. We are going to sell some paper if wo have to give it away. M. F. WILLIAMS & CO. TIIESREET UNION MADE HAND MADE BEST MADE golden glory "anoHiouHKT uoutt" POWER & DAULTON CIQAR CO. XAKSBri MAYSVILLE, KT. D. HECHINGER & COS SPRING OPENING We arc now ready to show you the advance assembly of really correct Spring Models for Men, Young Men and Children. We present a distinct variety of handsome and rare fabrics taille urcd into new effects, in short, the most up-to the minute and smartest creations for the coming season. Have you seen the new BALMACAANS? Look in our East Window. Never in years has a garment met with such instant approval. Just the thing to add a snappy touch to your Easter outfit. We are also showing the latest styles in Shoes, Hats and Furnishing Goods, in fact, everything necessary to complete your Easter Toilet. N. B.-ALWAYS GET TICKETS ON THE AUTOMOBILE. Cordially yours, "TCr3k D -"-N Odr UW, The Biggest and Boat Clothing and Shoe Store in Maysvillo. All now designs in Wall Paper and Pugi at HENDRIOKSON'S. SPRINQ IS SCHEDULED TO BEOLN TODAY. Today. March 23rd. is tho rogular period whon Spring is said to bogln. Ifowevor, don't take 'em off, as "Undo" Job Washington, Maysvlllo's old weather prophet, says not to look for Spring "until sho comos. " Now just when may wo expect "Uon- tlo Anuiof" Mr. Edward Schwartz is confined to' Plans for joint maneuvers of tho na- Attorney General Oarnett rcpliod to his homo in Forest avenue with a well-. tional guard and tho regular army woro tho open lottcrs recently given out by developed caso of measles. issued in Washington. Justus Ooebel. Tho prcsont anti-trust statute should Robbers are said to havo obtainod Fatalities in coal mines in tbo United bo retained intact, said former Presl- . $30,000 after forcing open tho vault of States in 1013 woro 2,785, an increase of dent Taft in a lecture in Minneapolis. I a bank at Gallatin, Tcnn. -125 over 1912. 4ii-4iiM.. tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiixJ:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ' THAT SPELLING BEE COST OP LIVING REDUCED I 4 Can Kmmtl Barn Only . . . . 3 Omnm mt thttf 3 9an at fmnmy Tmmmta' thttf MrrflM Mi mirth 9mtf as Cmntm , 38 CnU. Thoroughly Enjoyablo Event Last Fri day at Forest Avonuo Building. Owing to limited spaco in Saturday's Lodgor, only brief mention was made of tho "Spoiling Beo" at tho Forost Avenue School Building Fridny ovening. Tbo talk by Mrs. Ross on tbo noeds of the Parent-Teacher Association was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Mrs. Che nault was the winner of the adult prize. Tho spelling was unusually good which showed they hnd been using thoir spell ing books. The associatiou wishes to thank tho young ladios who so kindly conducted the candy sale PROBABLE MURDER Emanuel Sharp Former Maysvillo Man Found Dead On B. & O. S. W. Tracks at Cincinnati Coroner Investigating. (Sunday's Enqulror.) DovoloDmonts at the inquest in the caso of Emnnuol Sharp, a B. & O. 8. W. Railway brakeman, who was found dy ing Dotwcen too tracas near oiaie ave nue last Wednesday. Caused Coroner Foertmoyor to order a thorough invest igation of tho caso. Testimony was givon by a relative of tho dead man which led tho Coroner to believe that it was possible that Sharp had mot with roui piay. a posi-moriem exnnuniuiuu, which was made yestorday by Dr. Oliver Coo, showed that Sharp's uoath was duo to a subdural hemorrhngo and a fracture of tho cervical vertebrae. It is bolioved that the subdural hemor rhage wan not caused in nn accident. Tho Coroner took charge of Sharp's body yosterday as It was being placed on board 'a C. and O. Railway train for shipment to Maysvillo Ky. It was or dered removed from the depot to the County Morgue, whoro tho post-mortem examination was mauo oy ur, uo. ak anonymous lotter received by a relative in which it wns allegod that a follow workman killed Sharp and placod hif body in front of a train, had boon turn od over to tbo polico Friday by tho fam ilies, but the Coroner bad not been in formed of tho lettor. Carey R. Sharp, of 2003 Eastorn avo nuo, is a brothor of tho dead man. Ti told of receiving tho myBtorloua lettor which namod tho man the writor sail' killed his brother. Coroner Foertmoyo1 then secured possession of tho body anc asked tho city detectivos to assist bin in his investigation. W. O. Farquor, who found tho body testified that it was lying between thr east-bound and tho west-bound trackr about 300 feet 'oast of Stato avonuo. Hi hut was found about eight feet north p' this point, and his lantern four feo east of the placo whoro his hat wa found. Tho members of tbo train cror will bo questioned by Coronor Foort meyer on Monday. As soon as Dr. Coo completed hi pdst-mortom examination of tho bod it was shippod to Maysvillo, whoro i will be burled today. Deceased was buried Sunday In tb MayivUle Cemetery. fi- .Tnliaa Slhkra hUi tiTottj la aaa M .u H J J 8 2 TI.U a i i W mil Picturesque Designs in Silk-and-Cotton CREPES Cotton gives durability, fillc supplies sheen and both blend perfectly to assure clinging softness and grace. Such charming shades, sometimes with contrasting color supplied b- rosebuds scattered on tho surface. Again tho monotone is relieved by brocaded figures in self color. Tho fabric is ideal for summer frocks and 39c and 49c Yard. THE EASTER GOWN OR SUIT needs a new petticoat. The attrnctivo spring models havo just arrived. Black and colors cut on tho slender lines tho present silhouette demands. Just enough "frilliness" for feminine grace. $2.98: $3.98. $4.98. GARMENTS FROM MANY SOURCES AVe do not buy Coats and Suits from ono manufacturer but from a dozen, so the style ideas of many houses will bo represented in our stock, thereby assuring variety. No du plicates. If we have an occasional suit or coat of like design, and it is very seldom that we do, tho color is different. Choosing Suit or Coat hero means owning garments your neighbor can't copy. A charming assortment now ready for your inspection make your selection early. A Charming Collection of Cotton Dress Goods Adorable things every woman will like. Such Crepes! Crinkled in a dozen different ways. Plain, striped, embroi dered. Who can't be suited in a crepe stock that embraces a price range from iOc to $i' yard? Ratines in the new loose weave that makes them as com fortable as linen for hot weather. 25c to $1.25 yard. The popularity of faille and poplin in silks finds echo in the cottons. All colors. 25c, 39c. Voiles and rich cloths whose dainty sheerness makes them perennial favorites. White and a charming color array. 25c to 75c. No need to mention linen for our recent sale demonstrated Mason county women's appreciation of high class wash goods. Almost a dozen bolts of linens and crepes at $1 to $i4 a yard. Sold during weather that couldn'fhave been more unpro pitious for summer-wear buying. "ft its 1852 HEXJjnTT s 1914 tlf'flvSlffliS'-m K ' MAYSTILLB, KBNIUOKY, MONDAY, MABOH S3, 1014. OHE COPY OKE OEMT. m dL-t iKLyS Hi Cabinet Mantels Klllli II iM in 1 m 1 MKmWmWmWmWLimk NOTICE mOM BAEBEBS' UNION. ANOTHER CARLOAD OF POULTRY. On and after April 1st all Union har bor shops will close at 8 o'clock at night oiccpt on Saturday night. BARBERS' UNION NO. 703. II. Cunningham, Pros. W. E. Naih, Sec. 19-4t Tho E. L. Manchester Produce Com pany Saturday received a carload of live poultry from Central Kentucky. Tho fowls will bo killed and dressed here and shipped to tho Pittsburgh market. Spocial prepared paint $1.25 per gal lon at HENDRIOKSON'S. POSTMASTER INVITES EEMOVAIi. Tho Courior-Journal yesterday carried an illustrated prtiro write-up and a beau tiful full-length picture of Mrs. Cora Wilson Stewart, Kontucky 'a foremost woman. A petition signed by 500 Georgetown Domocrats has been sent to Congress man Cantnll asking for tho romoval 01 Postmaster Llewellyn Sinclair on tho ground that he does not stay at tho 1 otlico. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIlIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIllliS c a 1 I vL A W M B H .m B H B m wnoie ar Loaa of Mattings, Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums You will be amazed at the quantities we can show you the best lighted Carpet room in Kentucky. We import our mattings direct from Japan and China. We buy carpets direct from the manufacturers and save you the middleman's profits. OUR. kEPUTAim peYrttn tvoanKM I 'TI 1 rtrt nrf MCv4&srr:zZfJ HI. W 1 .m ' 11 ' IIIPW fpii WW !"' ' T&iSTOffl tfvat LEADS SUCCEEDS - .r , Ka 1 4 -$ 4' u ml il 4 t ; i ;M ! ? , "5 s ' mm M . .t 1 -i. i&M s ' l , t. - ' 'v ..fid . .VI "3 i A 1 'H b ..:. ''4 rCi '.v m m M. yz P . -i .,'' S 4 'V , -. t . - JalUffc. .rf it't ".t . t V . :j ' y si r A. aMSIL ft NRAD