Sv ' f- . -'f " .4 i T''""gfw' IMtfHMIMfc OTTIR. rjI3STE J JTL JL-iJLJLN Jli V VEGETA PUBLIC LEDGER HOMF GROWN m is fresh every day. Call and see our line or phone its. a good selection of the best. S DINGER BROS., f$ffi$ Mim MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY, MONDAY, JUNE 29, 1914. ONE COPY ONE CENT. KAIL Y TOBLIO WDQUB-mt ' s,' V . sk. - pi' ft ". i : S3 JMrrAr Bffew !?JrP (E4Fi?kHv0G "': c II Bk?l J iwi'"' r $ - rl ' V kf M. ) f if' r& mv . l-rri S ha. ' I w. ' ' I jSt Ukf i'r ml. 'j-TFJSmM fcT? -3L $? ooor Sho handed him a lemon, but Ho know sho was a tensor; Anil ho know right away, tlio mutt, Sho wanted him to squeeze hor. Luke. Rev. John A. Colledgc, who tiled at his homo in Summer Side, Ohio, will bo brought to this city for burial tomor row. His funeral will be held In Cov ingt(.i this morning. CATFISH AND TURTLES Charles Davidson's Crow of Painters Mako Haul. Mr. Charles Davidson and his crew of painters took a day off Friday. AMd just to show tho boys what they could do thoy hunted turtles tfnd caught fish They report 20 turtles weighing 1110 pounds and a big catch of eat fish, 2(1 in one net. LET UNCLE SAM GIVE YOU THE FACTS Government reports show the steady output of coal during tho last low years haa made tbe dealers puah (or wider markets, We are going to get more trade your trade by giving you a greater value (or your money. You will never get out of dobt unloss you buy wisely, MAYSVILLE COAL CO. pnoifR i. BUILD YOUR HOUSE NOW! If you are contemplating building a home or a house for an investment, now is the time to place your order. We have .the largest stock of all kinds of build ing material that can be found in Northeastern Kentucky and have large con tracts with the timber men for still greater supply. We contracted this large supply nt a price very near cost of production and we ure in position to give yon the advantage of this good purchase. Place your order now or let us give you an estimate on your requirements; you will then leave your order with Maysville's Foremost Lumber Yard. Wall paper, rugs and paint at HEN-DRIOKSON'S. The Mason Lumber Co. Inc. Cor. Second and Limostono Sts. Phono 519. MAYSVILLE, KY. A, A. McLaughlin. L. N. Dkhan. Summer Prices on m m I s"i BICYCLES Makes Farmers from different sections of tho county Saturday reported water scarce and crops burning up. John Deere's Self-Dump I Sulky Rake 5 The First Consideration Has Been Sim- S plicity and Durability! DURABLE S Axle studs arc inches in diameter, and are j reversible and interchangeable, which doubles their life. S Dump rods are of high carbon steel, of an g inch in diameter. They have four times the durabil- 2 ity of the ordinary dump rod, as they are reversible individually, interchangeable and again reversible. 5 SIMPLICITY We. can rightfully boast that our rake has fewer parts than any rake on the market. Simplicity of construction and proper material, systematically and symmetrically distributed, mean much to users 2 MIKE BROWN, ft THE SQUARE DEAL MAN. m M Tho best picturo over shown in tho city at Beechwood tonight NEAR ACCIDENT horso and buggy belonging to Mrs. .Rains of Forest Avenue left in if a colored lad on Second street of the George II. Frank & Co. me near a serious accident. mobile coming slowly down ired the boy and ho pulled and threw tho horso square the auto. Kesult a brokon set of harios3 and pair of shafts. Horso fortunately was not Injured. PRINTERS DEFEATED JUNIORS ?X.N I4mmk fttorA I An a J ', streot .si; v tho line f . in front ov By the Score of 10 to G Owens and Case Starred at the Bat for tho Printers. Tho Printers played their first gamo of tho season Saturday and easily do- fcated tho AH Stars of tho Junior City League. Errors were very plentiful ou Loth Hides and wore responsible for sev eral of tbo runs made ou both aides. Owens and Caso of the Printers star red at tho bat, each getting four hits out of five times at bat. Other teams have issued challenges to the Printers and other games will bo played nt tho earliest possible time. 'Tho score of Saturday's game fol lows: ."innings 12345079 9 ; Prtators 0 20550JO 2-15 ' Juniors' 0 15000000-0 'Uatterins Printers. Dora nnd it, - r r urimes; juniors, aunts, auhuvuu, jvou- lion and Bobb. Tiino 1:20. Umpire Goth, THE SALEM FIRE LOSS WAS 512,000,000. Belief work for tho 18,000 persons made homeless by tho Salem fire is woll under way, and all are being cared for. An iusuranco adjuster Saturday ostl mated that tho loss will bo $12,000, 000 with $10,000,000 worth of insurance, lho poor suffered most in tho fire as tho meaMcr sections of tho city woro destroyed completely. Motorbike Clincher Tires, $15 grade, $10. Pope Bicycle, $10 grade, H $21). Pope Corsair, $LT grade, $'J0. Goodyear unto skid tire, the best we M J we ever sold for $11. Bargains in Clincher tire cuhiugs $1 each. M : J. T. KACKLEY & CO. a Mr. Percy ltollidny of Covington has been visiting his brother, Air. (Ireele; Ilolliday of East Second street. MARRIAGES. Saturday, County Clerk .T. J. Owens, issued the following marriage licenses: Air. .Tesso S. Hnuck, 24, farmer, Clermont, Ky., and Miss Pearl Pickett, Mason County., to be married today by llev. W. W. Hall. Mr. Quintus V. Truesdale, 31, farmer, and Miss Stella FreemaM, 32, both of Lewis County. . ".ludith" will entertain ou at Beechwood tonight. BASE BALLI BASE BALLII Maysville's now manager gave tho fans their iiuacy's worth yesterday in a hotly contested teu-ihuing game. You miss something if you are not a fan. Grow young again and be an enthusi astic supporter of the greatest athletic game on earth. Boot your home team. Let business rest for a few hours play and you will work better. Go to the park and enjoy the game. I WALL PAPLK!: Now is tho time to do your wall papering and S painting. Come in. We can show you just what you need. We have a full line of Wall Papers, Paints, ICnaiuels, Ktc. See our line before bu ing. CRANE & SHAFFR 5 5 PHONE 452. COX BUILDING. S fnillllMIHIIIIIIIIIHIIMWHIimnI BANK OF MAYSLICK Splendid Showing of This Solid State Bank Nearly $100,000 In Deposits Tho Children's J)ay oxcrciscs at tho Third Streot M. E. Church wero fit tr.igly observed last night. It was an excellent program well rendered. The report of tho condition of Tho Bank of Mnyslick, this county, shows that it is the largest fiuanclal concern in Mason County outside of Mnysvillo. It has n surplus fund of $14,000. De posits of $07,822.03, on a capital stock of $17,500 and total assets of $133, 271.28. The fact" that tho Bank of Mnyslick la situated In ono of tho richest agricul tuial sections of tho world, and also, that many of tho wealthiest farmers of Mason county are its officers and di rectors, aro sudlcient reasons to give the public the utmost dcpcndcnco in its stability and integrity. King Willett has at tho foot of Mar ket street every afternoon a boat to carry bathers to tho beach. Can un dress aad dress in the boat. 25c round trip. 20 3t rOLIOE COUR Pollco Judgo Whitakor tho following decisions in Po Saturday: James flasson, drunk and disoVifni 11i r.n , " Charles Yamell, drunk, $0.50. Truman Poe, drunk and disorderly $0.50, suspended. PREVENT EXCESSIVE PERSPIRATION I It is a disease caused by over stimulation of the sweat glands. This condition can be remedied by the use of DE-O-DORA It deodorizes perspiration, is daintily perfumed and pleasan to use. Price 25c a box. M. F. WILLIAMS & CO. TIIESofEG n' D. HECHINGEB & CO. nT :n rA -i.i 01 -. maysvme s pest vioining ana onoe otore. No house in the state better equipped, few as good as we are in seasonable clothing and men's furnishing goods. Whilst it has been and is yet uncomfortably warm, this store is a boon to those who have taken advantage of our light weight wearing apparel. We are daily receiving additions in Palm Beach, linen and white serge suits. "We have made this a white season." Bathing Suits $1 and $1.50. D. KLEOEa;i3SrC3-E!R, &, CO. LIFE INSURANCE DISTRIBUTIONS According to a compilation made by the hiMirance Press, the life r.iNiiranco companies of the United States and Canada distributed $010,550,000 during tho year 1!13. CHAUTAUQUA SEASON TICKETS MUST BE SIGNED. ticket. This provision is made primar ily as a protection to tho owner hi caso tho ticket should bo lost. Anvonn find- Scifou tickets aio non-transferable ing an unsigned season ticket could except within owner's family. The linillil .if cmtin inittiiluiH nf f.....:l.. ....! I. ...... w. .........J .iii-imii-i ui lillllllj HlUSb bo written in ink upon every season place his own name upon it and the management would be compelled to rec ognUo tho validity of same. Don't fail to see ".Judith" at Beechwood tonight. FLEMING HOME BURNED. The home of Sherley Collins near riemiMgsburg was destroyed by fire Pri day with $3,000 loss and $1,000 insurance. JULY REVENUE ASSIGNMENTS AT MAYSVILLE DISTILLERIES. II. E. Poguo Distillery Company, .1. A. Breslin, dny; David Bierley, addi tioual and bottling. J. II. Rogers & Compa'ay, P. W. Hart ing, storekeeper-gauger. Poyutz Brothers Company, II. (I. Hol iday, storekeeper-gauger. SUDDENLY STRICKEN Robert Walker, Prominent Farmer Drops Dead at RectorviUe. EDWARD VARVALL DROWNED Fourtcen-Yoar-Old Boy Meets Sad Fate While Playing In the Ohio River Yesterday Morning. Edward Vnrvall, fourteen-year-old son of Win Vnrvall of Smoky Hollow, was drowned yesterday morning while playag in tho river near Gablo's coal float at tho foot of Short street about 11:45 o'clock. He was wading in tho wator nnd walked into a stop-off, nnd being uuablo to swim, went under. A numbor of boys were at tho dock but did not realize that tho little fel low was drowning until nftor ho hud gono undor for tho third timo. His body was rocovered by .Too Harrison after bavrag boon in the water for about forty minutes. Dr. Brand was called but tho boy was boyond the help of medical assistance whon be arrived somo twenty minutes nftor tho body had been recovered. Coroner Slack being out of town, Squiro Bquor held tho inquest and tho jury returnod a verdict of occidental death by drowning. Tho body was removed to the home of his father 'ta Smoky Hollow. IEECHHUT PEANUT BUTTER IS THE CLEAREST AND MOST WHOLE SOME MAOE.IWE CARRRY IT IN 10c, 15c Hgrov irr. Robert Walker, a prominent far mer of near RectorviUe, dropped dead late Saturday evening in tint field where he -was ntwork. Mr. Walker is survived by three chil dren Mrs. C. .T. Hotmail of this city, Mrs. Amicl Bierloy of tho county, and Mr. Ward Walker of Indianapolis, Ind. The fuucral nnd burial takes place this morning at Mt. GUenil. n " 105 DEGREES Saturday Broke All Records For Many Years Humidity Was Very Prostrating. Saturday took the pennant for sum mer heat, Mrs. Marsh's Government thormomotor registering tho high fig ures of 105 in tho shade. This record has not been equaled for many years and it was the most pros tratiug day experienced in Mnysvillo this season or any other seasa'a. About the only relief one could get was to sit by tho ico wator and drink und fan, or loop tho loop on tho trolley cart). Sunday was not near so warm, a cool wind bringing relief which was most gratefully enjoyed. FIRE AT DOVER M. A. Thompson's Poultry Houso, Two Horses, 100 Chickens and Other Froperty Burnod. This morning nt 1 o'clock tho poultry houso belonging to Mr. M. A. Thompson, agont of tho O. & O. nt Dover and near tho depot, was entirely consumed by fire, together with threo coops of chickons, his huckster wagon, two horses n'ad other property. The loss will reach about $1,800 with $:t7.ri Insurance. ThU is tho second timo in two years that Mr. Thompson has had his, poultry depot .burned but and the' loss has boon S H 2 H'H HH HH H-a LITTLE SISTER will look very pretty in one of these attractive wash frocks. Sturdy ginghams and percales trimmed in countless different ways. We would like you to examine these little dresses minutely. Notice the careful sewing, the generous cut in each size, the excellent material used, the smart trimming touches. When you calcu late the cost of materials and making you will wonder how the dresses can be sold so cheap. Of course it would be impossible if they were sold at regular prices but in examining our stock we find it larger in some sizes than good merchandis ing justifies so late in the season therefore our entire line in sizes 3, 4, 5 and 6 is reduced from $ 1 .25 to 75c KM ft U Hill 1S52 HXJ3STT IS 11 x K' m 1014 Miss May Thomas of Huntington,! After July first, C. P. Deiterich and THE KANSAS WHEAT CROP THE I Kentucky's wheat crop is less than W. Va., was here yesterday the guest 'Bro. will bo found doing business ns WONDER OF THE WORLD. 15,000,000 bushels. Mr. StaMley Watson of Miss Theo G. CurruM, going down to usual ono gquaro south of their present) Kansas' wheat crop this year is es- who is hero from Kansas City tells us Dovor in tho afternoon to enjoy a vaca- stand in Market streot, opposite tho t limited at 180,000,000 bushels. of tho Sunflower Stato's big wheat crop tion of two weeks with her parents, M. F. Williams drug store, where- they Think of the niagnitudo and bulk of land says ono couuty alono needs 4,000 Mr. and Mis. W. H. Thomas. will bo glad to welcome nil their friends this enormous quantity of grain wlu'a hands just to harvest tho wheat crop. sIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIIIIIIIIHHIII! ! KET OUT and GET UNDER n J July 1st wa muat GET OUT of our Shoe Room. The contract for the handsome Ringgold T .rArra Vnilrlinrr Viaa araa rrr Viqqti laf. "NTrrtT ia trmm nVianna 4-.r Vinir wtr nmrAa TTrif.Vn4-. ""Fit OJWUBO WllUB UCC ,W,jr WWL U. X,W 0 0,Vl WUM-UO U U Kly yLy B0 '" tW. fc J vvon t you let a pair of our oxfords GET UNDER your feet? It is easier to move money S to the bank than no move merchandise, hence the big reductions in our u ., t i ,.,-,... What You Need For the Chautauqua B A Season Ticket $2 m a White Ratine Skirt $1.08 to $3.50 5 A Panama Hat $1.98 xx JAuy aj. vv aia u . . . px.c70 1 A Pair Silk Stockings 98cl A Pair White Oxfords $1.98 to $3 s XmK jBL SBB i L 1 4 In in m -1 M Ft, V liil !(tf fB H r .- aSBnrP, mm.J AND 3Sc WZIS. A . j - j ; t j. ' Ttl."utr''li1a ri" wn" nrohablv .'5S LKStt'XMEBmyt " '.' m .G WmiXk vGOMRAD T1-.1T T... . , fgfrffijft. ,'!' 'w- Wm I B BM I iM-','-li -WBmny